A Pulse Oximeter for Every Virginia Home?

by Verhaal Kenner

Imagine you have mild or modest COVID-19 symptoms and are told to stay at home. How would you know if the infection had gotten worse and you needed to head to the hospital?

Doctors have been seeing what some are calling “happy hypoxics” -– individuals “appearing comfortable” with modest symptoms but suffering from greatly reduced blood oxygen saturation/lung function. Hypoxia is a is a “bright line” symptom requiring further evaluation. Even if most such hypoxia cases improve on their own, with COVID-19, it can transition rapidly to needing intubation and ventilation. Early intervention can often allow hospitals to treat hypoxia outside of the ICU with much simpler, non-invasive CPAP or BiPAP ventilators, the same class of devices used for sleep apnea.

In an April 24 Medscape article, “COVID-19: Home Pulse Oximeters Could be a Game Changer…” an ER doctor in New York points out, “Everyone is coming in too late,” and goes on to explain that the pulse oximeter is a key tool for assessing the severity of the COVID infection. The pulse oximeter is a small, fairly inexpensive, over-the-counter device that shines light through a fingertip to measure blood oxygen saturation (SpO2). Another doctor commented, “Relying on subjective telephone follow-ups consults to assess COVID outpatients can be falsely reassuring without pulse oximetry.  And higher risk patients should have readings taken somehow.”

Exactly. So, the question needs to be asked, why can’t outpatients with COVID-19 be shown how to use -– and if necessary be loaned –- a $30 pulse oximeter? If outpatients can monitor their condition and if it worsens immediately seek advice or treatment, they can potentially preempt the need for intubation. The device also measures pulse rate; consistently high pulse is another symptom of pneumonia.

On April 6th, the Virginia Department of Health, updated its guidance to Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) to include daily screening for respiratory symptoms with a pulse oximeter.

If pulse oximeters are such a valuable tool, why haven’t Virginia doctors and public health officials been advocating for them all along? Obviously, there would not be nearly enough devices in the current supply channels for every household to buy one. And a recent CNN story explained that for most people, other symptoms will show up first, so it is not an ideal early detection tool. Doctors also worry that while pulse oximeters are easy to use, they can give false low readings because of something as simple as fingernail polish or even cold hands. So, there is a real risk of unnecessarily panicked citizens calling physicians or heading to an ER. Yet, having used a pulse oximeter, getting good, consistent readings is mostly a matter of simple training and level-headed use.

The value of pulse oximeters for COVID-19 patients has been actively debated since the beginning of the pandemic in January, as sales for the devices have repeatedly spiked and shelves at pharmacies have been cleaned out. (The devies are readily available on Amazon, but the prices have generally bumped up.) The consistent medical advice has been, “most people don’t need them.” That’s true. But fortunately, the guidance now is that monitoring their condition with a pulse oximeter is a reasonable precaution for COVID-19 patients.

A key part of making monitoring for hypoxia possible during an economic shut-down would be for public policy, insurers, and health care providers to ensure that the devices are made available and explained to individuals who have clear symptoms but are quarantining at home. At $30-$40 apiece, avoiding even one patient being intubated with an extended ICU stay could perhaps easily offset the cost of thousands of oximeters. Across the span of the pandemic, such monitoring would save lives, and potentially preempt tens of millions in health care costs.

Verhaal Kenner is the pseudonym of a Richmond-area resident whose career includes several years in consumer and implantable medical device development.

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10 responses to “A Pulse Oximeter for Every Virginia Home?”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Hmmm. Another company stock to consider buying…who makes them? A doc on WRVA this morning had yet another suggestion, that all of us have devices to measure the humidity of indoor air. Extremely dry indoor air is like fuel on the viral fire, so shoot for 55%. Another reason to wonder, why are we supposed to stay inside? Maybe the people on the beaches are not nuts?

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Amazon has got you covered and then some:

    Stuhrling Original

    My guess is that most or all of them are made in China and other Asian/Indian countries.

    And yes, the same pipeline supply chain problem – these will become the next toilet paper type problem.

    But why not have testing locations that do swab, temperature AND Pulse Oximeters perhaps at each pharmacy…. ?

    Our problem is that we have a cacophony of voices now with respect to what to do….or not…….. just look at the food-fight going on with what types of tests!

  3. We bought a good one just a few months ago from Amazon for $25, for my elderly mother, but she did not want it. I can’t give a cost comparison because the one we bought is now out of stock. Looks like prices have increased.

    Pre-COVID, my wife’s finger shows 100% O2 and mine is more like 95-97%. Which caused us to wonder what is normal.

    1. Ours is Innovo brand, which had a good rating.

    2. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      Like ten times…

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Like a lot of these devices, one measurement of one thing alone is not sufficient for a diagnosis… that’s where years of Medical training come into the equation.

  5. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    I’m building a beefy first aid kit. This device, a blood pressure cuff, and an O2 concentrator are a must as far as I’m concerned.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      No AED?

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Figuring time to rescue in hours, so no.

  6. “For most people, other symptoms will show up first, so it is not an ideal early detection tool” — this may be true, but an oximeter is an invaluable tool to tell you “get to the hospital” if you are staying home with a “mild” case and then suddenly things deteriorate.

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