A Pedophile By Any Other Name

by Kerry Dougherty

Remember Allyn Walker, the ODU assistant professor who was indignant last fall because pedophiles get such a bad rap?

We wrote several posts about Walker, who prefers we use the much more pleasant euphemism “minor-attracted person” to describe perverts who are sexually attracted to children.

If you thought Walker was alone in this sort of twisted thinking, you were wrong.

Get a load of Miranda Galbreath, a licensed professional counselor who works with prisoners for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

Cruz is right. This is not OK. It will never be OK.

In a longer version of this video Galbreath uses the same inane line that Walker did when claiming that just because someone is attracted to kids doesn’t mean they’ve acted on those urges.

YET, I would add. They haven’t acted yet. Or they simply haven’t been caught.

And every single person who’s raped a kid thought about it first.

Worse, there is a small, but militant movement in the country determined to treat pedophilia as just another harmless wrinkle in human sexuality. Some of us are attracted to the opposite sex, some to the same sex and some to little kids, Galbreath claims.

Oh please.

Homosexuals and heterosexuals do not want to hurt children. Blurring the line between the behaviors of consenting adults and a mental illness that results in lusting after children is a repulsive attempt at moral equivalency.

Those of us who believe that being sexually aroused by children is sick and that children should be protected from such freaks are being “judgmental” says Galbreath. We’re vilifying these fine folks, she says.

So be it.

How long until the correct term for someone who’s sexually attracted to children — pedophile — is labeled “hate speech”?

It’s coming. Just wait.

Bear in mind that as an employee of the Pennslvania Department of Corrections, according to her LinkedIn profile, Galbreath is presumably paid with tax dollars. That means hard-working, normal Pennsylvanians are paying her salary to counsel prisoners.

They ought to be outraged and perhaps they are by now. Galbreath posted this video on July 24th. It’s just beginning to go viral. Last I checked it had 855,000 views.

The woke left refuses to leave American children alone.

Normal Americans need to wake up and protect the most innocent members of society from these deviants and perverts.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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21 responses to “A Pedophile By Any Other Name”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “In a longer version of this video Galbreath uses the same inane line that Walker did when claiming that just because someone is attracted to kids doesn’t mean they’ve acted on those urges.”


    “Blurring the line between the behaviors of consenting adults and a mental illness…”

    So the pedophile is mentally ill but has not allowed their illness to cause them to act on their impulses. Why should Kerry seek to preemptively vilify such a person…? Should we prosecute every paranoid schizophrenic because they MIGHT become violent in the future…??

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Nobody is talking about prosecuting anyone for their thoughts. The real question is whether Miranda Galbreath sees pedophilia as a mental illness. If she does, I see nothing wrong with using the term “pedophile” to describe that mental illness. And, if pedophilia is a mental illness then people exhibiting that illness ought to be treated for it whether or not they have acted upon their urges.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        So should everyone who is exhibiting any symptoms of mental illness but is managing it without “treatment” be forced into treatment? Terms for the mentally ill have changed over time especially when negative connotations are involved. Not mental illness but an example of shifting terminology due to this reason might be the term “mongolism” which today would be considered reprehensible (rightly).


        “The real question is whether Miranda Galbreath sees pedophilia as a mental illness.”

        Actually, the real issue is that Kerry DOES see pedophilia as a mental illness and still has no problem vilifying people for their thoughts. Right after labelling them as mentally ill she says: “We’re vilifying these fine folks, she says. So be it.”

        1. I think when it comes to pedophiles, knowing their status is preferable to not. Do we just leave them around children unsupervised if they admit to these attractions but refuse treatment? What if they’re a teacher, child care provider, or otherwise supervising kids alone?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I see a lot of civil liberty slippery slopes here… but, perhaps (as with other mental illnesses) if you remove the stigma and the punitive actions for the affliction, more would self-identify and could be better managed in terms of risks.

            Let’s say, though, that being clinically depressed leads to a much higher risk of becoming a mass shooter… do we then create a high risk list of everyone who has shown symptoms and put them on some kind of forced treatment and watch list…??

          2. An apples and oranges comparison.

            Pedophiles are, by definition, sexually attracted to children.

            An attraction to mass murder is not part of the definition of clinical depression.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


    2. Yes, the pop-ups are individualized, based upon your viewing habits. They are mirrors into your own soul!

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      I get pop-ups for fishing lures. Maybe the ad networks know something about you. BTW – Is your real name Robert Kraft or Deshaun Watson?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I typed “MESSAGE”, I swear…!!

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Is the mass not in Latin anymore?

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Since it’s on Tik-Tok it could be a ChiCom scam….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Ve haf vays of makink you Tok!

    2. Sadly, it does not appear to be a scam. At any rate, the ABC news affiliate in Erie, PA, has reported on her:


      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Seems like her website would be the opportune place for Chris Hansen to hang out.

  4. This… …person… …said pedophiles might be “the most vilified population of folks among our culture”. And [he/she/it/they] said it like its a bad thing.

    And what “culture” is she talking about, anyway? I know she’s not talking about my culture, because my culture knows how to deal with pedophiles, and it doesn’t include normalizing them.

    But, sadly enough, the pedophile lobby is not new. There is an organization called NAMBLA skulking around our there somewhere. I will not dignify their existence by writing their full name, but those a**holes have been around for at least a few decades.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      If you say MAP enough times, it will become believed and legitimate.

      1. That’s their plan.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Sometimes they move them to another church.

      I would tell my pedophile jokes, but Disqus bots may have a learning algorithm and I don’t want to waste them here.

  5. Merchantseamen Avatar

    Sad that all the touchy, feely, libs on here come to the defense of a twisted obsession for children. Changing the name does not change the obsession. So will you take the same stance if something happens to your child or grandchild?

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