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A Pathetic Half-Time

By Peter Galuszka

It’s so-called halftime at the Virginia General Assembly, and with conservative Republicans holding sway and many serious problems facing the Commonwealth, here’s what we’ve come up with so far:

Meanwhile, more pressing matters await, such as a budget. It seems that Gov. Robert F. McDonnell’s plan to put the screws to education and use part of its General Fund payments to boost transportation isn’t getting very far.

Ditto the conservative schemes to stick it to our lazy and inept public school teachers. They want to upend the status quo with new plans to subject teachers with tougher new performance appraisals. Mind you, there has been no solid evidence or public outcry that this is needed. Rather some of the right-wing think tanks decided it should be an issue. One reason could be that some teachers are organized into, God forbid, labor unions. It also has racist overtones since it seems aimed at minority teachers in minority and low-income areas.

The anti-teacher movement seems to have been orchestrated months before the legislative session. Read six months of some of the postings on this blog and you will see that somewhere, someone has decided that public school teachers are a major, major problem. Maybe you didn’t notice yourself, but you read it here first!

The big irony is that McDonnell has worked so hard to recast himself from social to moderate conservative so he can more easily pursue national political ambitions. As much as he spins the GA session as progress, it clearly ain’t. The agenda is being controlled by the likes of Bob Marshall and other wingnuts.

As for me, I blame the Democrats, especially national party boss and former governor Tim Kaine. They let the hard righters get a slender majority in the last election and now there’s hell to pay. Ironically, however, the one who might end up paying the most will be Bob McDonnell.

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