A New Form of Sexual Identity Enters the Lexicon: Gender Fluid

Scott Smith, whose daughter was raped in a Loudoun County school, is shown here being escorted out of a Loudoun County school board meeting. He was subsequently charged with two misdemeanors and sentenced to 10 days in jail, all suspended.

by James A. Bacon

Loudoun Now has confirmed key details of the Daily Wire expose describing the ordeal of plumber Scott Smith and his family after his daughter was sexually assaulted in a high school bathroom by a boy dressed in a skirt.

Yesterday I refrained from going ballistic on this story, which was based on the reporting of a single, conservative news outlet. The account of a girl being assaulted by a transgender student given admittance to the girls’ restroom fit the conservative anti-transgender narrative so perfectly — the incident is exactly what conservatives have predicted — that I wanted to see reporting from another source before passing judgment. Other conservative publications have jumped into the fray, but we now have confirmation from the home-town paper.

One telling detail in the Loudoun County account warrants greater attention. According to Smith, who professes to be largely apolitical and not part of the conservative protest crowd packing school board meetings, the youth who raped his daughter identified as “gender fluid.”

In the LGBQT lexicon, gender fluid refers to a person who does not identify as having a fixed gender.

If you have a sexually predatory nature, gender-fluid is the way to go. One day, you’re hanging out in the lunchroom as a guy. The next day, you’re wearing a skirt, identifying as a girl, and you gain admittance to the girl’s bathroom. Then, whoopee, you shift back to identifying as a male when you want to sodomize someone!

The people who pretend that “gender fluid” is a real thing are absolute idiots — as in Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s formulation of Intellectuals Yet Idiots (IYI). Only someone totally bereft of common sense could rationalize a system where such lunacy can be taken seriously.

There are persistent rumors, which Loudoun school authorities have not denied, that the youth was transferred to a different school where he assaulted another female student. Talk about creating a “hostile environment” for females!

When you’re an IYI, you’re too blinded by ideology to conceive of the possibility that when you create a new set of rules that transgress safeguards based on centuries of common sense, people will exploit them. Cheats, predators and free-riders exist in every society. When you throw out all the old rules, you give them license.

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50 responses to “A New Form of Sexual Identity Enters the Lexicon: Gender Fluid”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The Sheriff’s Office confirmed that a two-month investigation was conducted of the alleged assault and a case remains pending in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, although no details were shared.”

    I will remind you, JAB, that this is the only concrete piece of information we have so far. Nothing else.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Lots of rumor and innuendo, no facts.

      Gender fluid? K-Y?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I heard he was a Muslim, too… (word to the wise…)

  2. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    Gender Fluid = Ready, willing, and able to RAPE people anywhere on the gender scale.

  3. Dawn Keplinger Avatar
    Dawn Keplinger

    Thank you for the wise counsel given here…you are the voice of reason in a state that’s increasingly crazier by the day…the principal and the SB tried to cover up the rape! And so he went on to do it again. No wonder the dad was SO UPSET. Any sane parent would be! Now what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong…may God help us to get some sanity back and protect our youngsters as they grow up…

  4. Samwise Gamgee Avatar
    Samwise Gamgee

    Forcible sodomy.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    It wasn’t a middle school but Stone Bridge High School. An academic and athletic powerhouse in Loudoun. It is so sad to see LCPS descend from a great school system into a far left petri dish.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Those rumors are reported by WTOP as fact. The student charged in the May incident at Stone Bridge was charged last week for another incident at Broad Run HS. The kid even had a ankle bracelet. How does this happen?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well THIS…
      The sheriff’s office was contacted “within minutes of receiving the initial report on May 28,” Wayde Byard, public information officer for Loudoun County Public Schools, said in a statement.

      makes that earlier “cover up” story approach retraction territory.

      AND THIS…
      The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office said a 15-year-old boy from Ashburn forced the victim into an empty classroom and “held her against her will and inappropriately touched her.”

      Well, given this kid is into forcing his victims into empty rooms, perhaps the bathroom was just another “room of convenience.”

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Or maybe it means the skirt-wearing child has a mental disorder, i.e. gender dysphoria?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Is there any — ANY — documentation of that? And, uh, blogs don’t count.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but, but, Blogs are the NEW “news”!

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hey! I heard this AM that there’s 1.5 jobs for every worker in the US. Hell, that ain’t a surprise. For the last 20 years, most workers had to work 1.5 jobs just to transfer wealth to the top 0.1%.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive


    According to the WTOP link from JWW,
    The young suspect is charged with felony sexual assault counts in connection with the May 28 incident at Stone Bridge High School. While the juvenile complaint details the allegations, nothing in the charges indicates how the teen ended up in the girl’s bathroom.

    Perhaps your first impression that this scenario is a Conservative dream is correct.

    Should’ve kept it dry. And, by “it” I mean your powder.

    1. So you are a rape denier? All in service of the narrative…
      Let’s say it was a boy identifying as a boy who raped the girl in a classroom. The father deserved to be assaulted and battered? And the Loudoun County School Board was transparent?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Who was it that supposedly “assaulted and battered” the father…??

        1. The police. On video. No mostly peaceful protesting for you…says the School Board Nazi…

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So you are against the police now…?! Maybe you want to defund them….

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            well, all parents get a “get out of jail card” for free…….

          3. No, I’m against the unnecessary use of force by police. Literally acting like Brown Shirts because a parent was mad at the Almighty School Board…
            Unlike you and Larry and Nancy the people on the right think police should be treated with respect and should not unfairly use physical force against any and all citizens.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” police should be treated with respect and should not unfairly use physical force against any and all citizens.”

            ah.. that’s a mouthful……..

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Unlike you and Larry and Nancy the people on the right think police should be treated with respect and should not unfairly use physical force against any and all White citizens.”

            Fixed it for you…

          6. LarrytheG Avatar


      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There is nothing to indicate that this boy gender anything. Now, did he rape and or grope/molest? Well, there’s two separate charges. Odds are not good for him.

        BTW, one of the usual contributors tells me you’re LGBTQ.

        (It’s on his FB page, so it must be true.)

        1. Wow, now you hate LGBTQ people? Dude…get a life. So much hate…

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Wow. I didn’t think about it that way. I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate you being lumped in with them.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I suppose these kinds of kids would never be allowed in private schools or if found out, kicked out? Or would there be lawsuits against the private schools for discrimination?

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No Title IX in private schools…

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            then that’s maybe where we are headed.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Does that make him a rapist-in-waiting then…🤷‍♂️

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sadly, all women should treat us all as if we were until they’re sure we aren’t.

            Hmm, maybe that’s the approach people of color should use when considering whites — as if we are all capable of white supremacy until they are sure we’re not.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            for bathrooms , yes. still chewing on the other.

          3. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            I live in Baltimore. We have the 2nd highest murder rate per capita (St. Louis is #1) in the US. The murders are virtually 100% black on black crimes. Should I assume “all blacks are murderers until I’m sure they’re not?”

            I think not, but this is the same flawed logic Nancy Naive deploys. However, flawed logic is a two-way street.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Black on black is not related to race but to poverty where some resort to criminal economic activities to make a living.

            It’s true in many other poverty-stricken countries, where crime and murders are also rampant.

            Our problem sometimes is we see problems in terms of race rather than other factors.

            Or in the case of transgender – not what to do about restrooms in general for all public places, not just schools.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You already do.

  8. Haig Ferguson Avatar
    Haig Ferguson

    Suggest some civil lawsuits? Hit the admin individuals in the pocketbook.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      You mean hit the taxpayers for the failure of “leadership”?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        This is really not that big a problem per se. Many places already have converted their single-person bathrooms to uni-sex.

        Big changes for schools and anywhere than has multi- stall/urinals but why not add some single-person unisex bathrooms and I’m betting more than a few will start using them.

        The issue is not going to go away so we do need to deal with it. Change is hard, but necessary sometimes.

  9. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I plan to be gender fluid and change my gender identity based on bathroom line length. But anytime I need to drop a some kids off at the pool I will be female (but not a birthing person).
    I can’t wait to leave the women’s room fragrant at Lululemon and Starbucks.
    I also plan on having my driver’s license changed to reflect my new identity. This may come in handy when the purge comes at work.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I dunno. Sounds like a cheesy thing to do.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Might be a bad plan for the women’s room at a lot of places… 😉

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Especially if you’re a clean freak. Sheesh. Helicopters hover.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          In public facilities, do NOT touch ANY surface if you can help it. I am NOT a “clean freak” by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve seen “enough” to convince me it’s a bad plan to touch such surfaces!

          I am told that women do NOT sit on the seat – they “hover”…..

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            which, of course, doesn’t help…
            “We Aim To Please. You Aim, Too, Please”

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            “aim” is a serious issue in some of the facilities I have visited….

            and have been told – that ” ricochets ” can real.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    In the WHOLE history of schools in the US, no girl was ever raped in a bathroom. He MUST’VE use some sort of transgender ruse…

  11. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    I am the father of 3 lovely daughters. I cannot imagine the rage Mr. Smith must have felt at that School Board meeting. AG Merrick Garland has they hypocrisy and effrontery to call parents like him “domestic terrorists,” while presiding over an open door border policy allowing coyotes and drug gangs to roam free in America.

    It is impossible to rationally justify policies and edicts from the Biden Administration and London County School Board. The parents are right to fight back. Keep fighting and take back your schools.

    Elect Glenn Youngkin who unlike Terry McAuliffe understands school boards are public servants who are responsible to parents. When the boards implement policies that are detrimental to your children and refuse to change, replace them. I would offer overlooking then covering up the sexual assault of your daughter qualifies as a reason. The fact that some posting on this page fail to understand this and even make tasteless jokes is beyond unconscionable.

    God bless Mr. Scott for fighting for his daughter. I hope she is recovering. He is a hero, not a domestic terrorist, for doing so. I would have done the same thing.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’d be upset and enraged also if I had a daughter who got raped but rapes happen in all kinds of places and venues and conflating it with this issue is in my mind, politicizing it.

      We have to solve this issue. We cannot ignore it or go back to not acknowledging it.

      For instance, if other public facilities end up also doing this and someone is raped – what can we or should we do about it?

      We visited Mesa Verde a couple of years back, and I’m sure you are wondering why I bring this up.

      It turns out that the Campground at Mesa Verde has one central show/bathroom complex for the entire campground.

      And there is no men or women’s ‘rooms”, there are only individual unisex bathrooms – each with it’s own door and lock.

      And I wonder if this might be a better solution for the schools and other public facilities.

      Then , people can be whatever they want to be without all the fear and loathing – and rapes will still happen no doubt like they have all along.

  12. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Interesting story heard it on the WTOP news, but not the whole story. Virginia seems to have a generic cover-up mentality to protect officials, but the officials say the reason is to protect the privacy of citizens. To me this mentality was apparent in the COVID coverage as well.

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