A Never Again Trumper’s Take on Haley’s Event

Nikki Haley thanks Virginia campaign chair Susan Allen for her introduction this afternoon.

By Steve Haner

We’ve already voted, but my wife and I were in the Henrico County crowd today to hear Nikki Haley make her case for support in Tuesday’s Virginia GOP primary. Early voting continues through Saturday, but if you wait until Tuesday and come to Henrico’s Maybeury Elementary, I’ll be there asking which ballot you want. Identify yourself as a reader and I may sneak you two….

Remember, it is an open primary. No party registration is required, a fact that clearly irritates former President Donald Trump. He whined about it on WRVA this morning as he was interviewed by adoring host John Reid. But isn’t the point picking a candidate who can win in the general election, not just a party primary? Independents decide elections.

Here is Richmond’s NBC 12’s story, including Haley’s full speech. I had to search on the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s website to find this story on today, but later saw it also had speech excerpts posted.

The ballroom the campaign used was well-chosen and packed, perhaps 400 supporters (and 50 press). Considering it was 1 p.m. on a work/school day with little notice, it was a strong turnout. And she has a good stump speech. She doesn’t get the crowd roaring like the other guy. But it was a very cogent, powerful argument, focused on issues and electability, equally targeting President Joe Biden and Trump.

She made lots of mentions of her husband since the Motormouth in Chief chose to mock her husband’s National Guard deployment. Being from a service family, that was a huge turnoff for me, just as was his insult eight years ago to John McCain. Deep down, Trump thinks those in the military are chumps  Nobody in his family ever wasted time on that endeavor.

I like how Haley addresses the abortion issue. It is now a state issue, she said, and we have to let the states go in the direction their voters want. But there should be no punishment for women who make that choice, no punishment for doctors who do abortions or who refuse them, no restrictions on contraception; and both her children were conceived with fertilization treatments, so she won’t be restricting that either. I can see that message working in November.

She correctly pointed out that the Senate probably will never have the 60 votes for a firm federal policy either way, pro or con. I appreciated her line about how we need to stop demonizing the other side and start humanizing the issue, but the partisans on both sides of this issue won’t lose their bile. Hate is addictive.

Is she on an impossible mission? Trump is afraid of Haley’s potential strength in parts of Virginia. He should be. Right after Haley announced she was coming to Richmond, the Trump campaign quickly arranged a visit for him Saturday night. Being Saturday at the Convention Center, he’ll have a great crowd, and the Antifa mob on the street will play right into his messaging. But we know who they want to see the Republicans nominate so they can win easier.

And to further steal Haley’s spotlight, Trump called into John Reid’s WRVA morning show today. That segment not being enough, a campaign staffer then got another crack at the mike for 20 minutes or so in the next hour. For an incumbent who has received more press coverage than any candidate in history, his numbers so far show real weakness, LBJ in 1968 level weakness.

Reid is giving Haley airtime tomorrow in the 8 a.m. segment.

The assumption that all Haley’s voters will end up pulling the lever for Trump in November is wishful thinking. I will not. I will not vote for Biden, who is wrong on just about every major policy and is not fit to do the job anymore due to age. If there is a third choice who is not a liberal, that person I will consider. Joe Manchin had my attention, the anti-vax fanatic Robert Kennedy does not.

The reasons for disliking Trump are numerous, but I will say this about him. He tells you what he will do and then does it, whether you like the idea or not. If he is talking about massive new tariffs and a wave of protectionism in a second term, expect it. If he is saying he will ignore the coming crisis in Medicare and Social Security and just punt again, expect that too. Past results are an indication of future performance. Ukraine will be toast (and to be fair, so will Gaza).

Which brings us to January 6. Somebody send this on to John Reid, who just doesn’t understand why so many of us are Never Again Trumpers. What Trump did on January 6, 2021 (and he remains proud and unrepentant) he will do again in a heartbeat if he thinks it will work. Had Vice President Pence and Speaker Pelosi died that day, all Trump would have cared about is that the certification votes were prevented. He set the whole thing up and cheered it on until it clearly had failed.

Then he told the mob to go home, and it did. Like a switch flipping. He was in charge. Period. He will do it again if given a chance. Past results are an indication – perhaps a guarantee – of future performance. He will have pardoned his loyal troops, and they will be standing by their Truth Social accounts. They need to stay in jail, and in my perfect world, the Antifa mobsters would still be serving their 2020 terms in the next cells.

So no, not with my vote he won’t. Nor will he get my money to pay his fines and lawyers, which I consider the actual reason he is running. See you Tuesday. Wear a “Banned Permanently” shirt if you have one. I couldn’t get one today.

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155 responses to “A Never Again Trumper’s Take on Haley’s Event”

  1. LesGabriel Avatar

    “But we know who they want to see the Republicans nominate so they can win easier.” Is the “they” in this sentence referring to Antifa? And does the “who” refer to Trump? I think this sentence is saying (correct me if I am wrong) is that Antifa wants to see Trump as the nominee so that Republicans don’t win. I rarely take political advice from Antifa and I don’t think anyone else should in this case either.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Hey, they follow orders just like the Jan 6 crowd.
      I think a stronger case can be made that the Biden team has orchestrated the lawfare cases, which I agree are mostly bogus, for that reason — to make Trump stronger with his base and more likely the nominee. Polling six months out is pretty useless, but the strong public disdain for both of them and common wish both would just go away is clear. I think any other Democrat crushes Trump, and any other Republican demolishes Biden. We’re in a doom loop.

      1. LesGabriel Avatar

        Whose orders were the Jan 6 crowd following. If they were from Trump, I think we would have known that by now. Were they from some independent group(s)? Again, if there was any semblance of an organized effort, it would have hit the news by now. I guess my interpretation of the sentence in question must have been correct, since the author did not take the opportunity to correct me.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          That is the trial that Trump reealllly doesn’t want happening. And I think the Supreme Court is going to make it clear he must stand trial on those charges.

          The indictment:

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And Cannon just opened her trial to witness and jury intimidation.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And Cannon just opened her trial to witness and jury intimidation.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “If they were from Trump, I think we would have known that by now”

          We do and they were…

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

    Gen. Dwight D Eisenhower’s Farewell Address


    I might take Haley over Trump but it would be close.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Having read “American Prometheus” about Oppenheimer, I saw that speech in a new light. I think Ike was thinking in part of that kangaroo court.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Nice of Obama to declassify the hearings transcripts, eh?

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Both are terribly flawed candidates, however, Haley has no path to the nominee and on top of that she’s an identify politics warhawk, who seems to have issues with Jodies.

  3. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Looking forward to the greatest president in the last two centuries win his third election.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Lemme see, VP twice, POTUS twice. That makes four national elections.

      Hold yer breath… no, really.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Lemme see, VP twice, POTUS twice. That makes four national elections.

      Hold yer breath… no, really.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          It is much easier just to keep the little pill bottle in your pocket or purse along with your change. When the label wears off you know it’s getting old and it’s time to order a refill.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I note you carefully avoid the first wave of Virginia presidents…. 🙂

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The first ones executed after a coup are those who were bought to accomplish the coup. They’ve proved their loyalty can be bought.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Donald Trump on the border crisis:

    “People are pouring over. It’s sort of known as Steak Mountain. Steak Hill. Snake. Snakes…a lot of snakes…rattlesnakes…”


    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And this is the man who the Supreme Court would make King?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Trump is also dragging his right leg, his right side of his mouth is slightly immobile and his right eye doesn’t track with his left eye…. hmmmm…. maybe that explains his inability to speak coherently.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Republicans won’t notice.

          If it indicates a Fetterman, I’d love to be a fly on the wall when the Kochs call Nikki…

          “Uh, perhaps we were a bit hasty when we pulled funding last week. We’ve decided to reinstate.”

          “Sure, no hard feelings. Just add a zero or two.”

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The Republicans saw Donny as a useful tool, but had they taken a shop class, they’d know that using a dull tool causes injury when it kicks back.

    3. Maybe we can ask St. Patrick for help, but I hear he’s busy this time of year.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I knew addicts in my life. The excuses…

    “He’s” not alone. And Jan 6 will fall on Jan 3 in 2025. Can you imagine if a Republican held House, led by Guest Speaker Johnson, refuses to swear in a Democrat majority? Then a refusal to certify a Biden win will be a cakewalk.

    The plan? The End Run. Nothing has changed. The defense is lined up just like last time. No new guardrails.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Why this wasn’t the end of him, I just can’t fathom. Says a lot about his supporters.


    1. DJRippert Avatar


      Do you know who that is?

      His name is Curtis C Dunn.

      He’s the truck driver that ran into Biden’s first wife and their three kids after Mrs. Biden ran a stop sign.

      Biden repeatedly, publicly claimed Mr. Dunn was drunk.

      He was not drunk. He had nothing to drink.

      Curtis Dunn died in 1999.

      Biden never publicly apologized for his defamatory remarks.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Again, its not as if Trump hides his bad behavior. He has no filter at all. And he has gotten away with it for decades, long before politics. Positive reinforcement even.

      And did I not say, DJ, that Biden too needs to just fade away? That he too is flawed excuses Trump? No. But I can understand continued anger over a crash that killed one’s spouse. You are no lightweight, DJ, and that you don’t see what Trump truly is worries me.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Again, its not as if Trump hides his bad behavior. He has no filter at all. And he has gotten away with it for decades, long before politics. Positive reinforcement even.

      And did I not say, DJ, that Biden too needs to just fade away? That he too is flawed excuses Trump? No. But I can understand continued anger over a crash that killed one’s spouse. You are no lightweight, DJ, and that you don’t see what Trump truly is worries me.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The MAGAs don’t need supporters, just cowardly silence.

    5. DJRippert Avatar


      Do you know who that is?

      His name is Curtis C Dunn.

      He’s the truck driver that ran into Biden’s first wife and their three kids after Mrs. Biden ran a stop sign.

      Biden repeatedly, publicly claimed Mr. Dunn was drunk.

      He was not drunk. He had nothing to drink.

      Curtis Dunn died in 1999.

      Biden never publicly apologized for his defamatory remarks.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        His name is Serge F. Kovaleski.

        She did not “run the stop sign”

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Now-retired Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the investigation as chief deputy attorney general, told Politico, “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.”

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            She stopped, just chose to leave too soon. It’s still a failure to yield, but she came to a stop. He was coming down a hill (hauling 30,000 pounds of bananas?) on her left.

            I’d be curious to know the orientation of the Sun relative to her left.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            I think the point is that the accident was not the truck driver’s fault.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And no less tragic.

          4. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Tragic yes, but not the result of a truck driver being under the influence.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That’s still questionable…
            “No definitive evidence exists to prove or rule out whether the other driver had been drinking, and belief that drinking had contributed to the crash was reportedly prevalent among the local community and not something Biden simply made up on his own.”


            “ Biden called [Dunn’s daughter Pam Hamill], she told me. “He apologized for hurting my family in any way,” she said. “So we accepted that — and kind of end of story from there.” She sounded tired, and tired of talking about this.

            Maybe [Biden] was merely passing along rumors he had heard from investigators and others. A now-dead emergency worker who was on the scene that day suggested as much …

            Or maybe Biden was engaging in what grief expert Rob Zucker described to me as “a retelling of the horror.” It’s something people sometimes do, he said, tweaking facts, shifting blame, if nothing else to make the grief more “palatable.”

            “It’s a common challenge bereaved parents in particular struggle with after a sudden, violent death. I think the fact that he has this way of sometimes understanding the story is really an expression of the challenge for any person to go forward in their lives,” Zucker added.”

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That’s still questionable…
            “No definitive evidence exists to prove or rule out whether the other driver had been drinking, and belief that drinking had contributed to the crash was reportedly prevalent among the local community and not something Biden simply made up on his own.”


            “ Biden called [Dunn’s daughter Pam Hamill], she told me. “He apologized for hurting my family in any way,” she said. “So we accepted that — and kind of end of story from there.” She sounded tired, and tired of talking about this.

            Maybe [Biden] was merely passing along rumors he had heard from investigators and others. A now-dead emergency worker who was on the scene that day suggested as much …

            Or maybe Biden was engaging in what grief expert Rob Zucker described to me as “a retelling of the horror.” It’s something people sometimes do, he said, tweaking facts, shifting blame, if nothing else to make the grief more “palatable.”

            “It’s a common challenge bereaved parents in particular struggle with after a sudden, violent death. I think the fact that he has this way of sometimes understanding the story is really an expression of the challenge for any person to go forward in their lives,” Zucker added.”

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That’s still questionable…
            “No definitive evidence exists to prove or rule out whether the other driver had been drinking, and belief that drinking had contributed to the crash was reportedly prevalent among the local community and not something Biden simply made up on his own.”


            “ Biden called [Dunn’s daughter Pam Hamill], she told me. “He apologized for hurting my family in any way,” she said. “So we accepted that — and kind of end of story from there.” She sounded tired, and tired of talking about this.

            Maybe [Biden] was merely passing along rumors he had heard from investigators and others. A now-dead emergency worker who was on the scene that day suggested as much …

            Or maybe Biden was engaging in what grief expert Rob Zucker described to me as “a retelling of the horror.” It’s something people sometimes do, he said, tweaking facts, shifting blame, if nothing else to make the grief more “palatable.”

            “It’s a common challenge bereaved parents in particular struggle with after a sudden, violent death. I think the fact that he has this way of sometimes understanding the story is really an expression of the challenge for any person to go forward in their lives,” Zucker added.”

          8. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Nancy, the accident was investigated. Even back in 1972 double fatal crashes got a good deal of attention from the police. If there is ANY evidence available please cite it. Note: rumors, speculation, and anonymous “leaks” are not evidence of anything. However, your willingness to engage in such speculation may be evidence of … something!

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            150’ of skid mark in a 35MPH zone.

            But read the Snope’s link. If it was an investigation, it weren’t much. Neither of the two on-scene police cars had their breathalyzer. No BAC test was conducted at the hospital even though the EMTs and police indicated that the driver was (understandably perhaps) incoherent.

          10. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Nancy, the truck driver was not charged with any offense in a crash that took two lives. This is a very strong indication that he was in no way at fault. You, like President Biden, can engage in slanderous speculation, if you choose. By your standard it would be just as fair to speculate that the late Mrs. Biden was drinking.

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Not being charged is not the same as properly investigated. Please, just vote for Trump.

          12. Lefty665 Avatar

            I’m sure there is no truth to the rumors that she was a lush.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          “At approximately 2:30 p.m., Neilia was driving westbound on rural Valley Road in Hockessin, the three children accompanying her in the family station wagon. She pulled the car past a stop sign and directly into the path of a tractor-trailer, headed full-steam along Route 7 to Pennsylvania.”


          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            She “pulled the car”? Wow, strong woman!

            So she stopped, and like many of us do, then pulled up past the sign. I do the same every time I leave my neighborhood. The stop sign is back far enough that there is no view to the left at the stop sign. You then need to pull up into the crosswalk to have a view past the trees. That’s if anyone bothers to actually stop at the stop sign and not just go straight to the crosswalk — like most of my neighbors do.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            Like the guy the other day who stopped where he couldn’t see me, then pulled forward right into my path. Almost t-boned him.

            Since this is an intersection I pass through almost every day, I’m gonna see if I can get PWC to enforce their ordinance about vegetation at intersections. My previous experience has been that PWC and VDOT point fingers at each other, with each one saying they can’t do anything because it’s the other’s job.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Threaten to withhold PPT. When I was in college a friend lived on a city line. The road had potholes you could get lost in. Both cities claimed the road belonged to the other city. Both cities sent PPT bills. The neighbors banned together and called the local newspaper.

            Problem solved.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator “fully accepts the Dunn family’s word that these rumors were false.”

        Do tell me how this situation excuses Trump’s actions?

        1. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          Eric, it is, sadly, shaping up to be a Trump/Biden rematch. Both are hugely flawed and flagrant liars. What would you say is Biden’s greatest achievement as President?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            by not doing what Trump was doing, like abandoning NATO and Europe and buddying up with dictators like Putin and others , and fostering insurrection in his own country.

    6. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Again, its not as if Trump hides his bad behavior. He has no filter at all. And he has gotten away with it for decades, long before politics. Positive reinforcement even.

      And did I not say, DJ, that Biden too needs to just fade away? That he too is flawed excuses Trump? No. But I can understand continued anger over a crash that killed one’s spouse. You are no lightweight, DJ, and that you don’t see what Trump truly is worries me.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “He has no filter at all.”

        My 96 year old mother has lost her filter. She would never do anything like this. That is because she is a decent person at heart. Trump has no decency and this is the evidence.

        I know I am preaching to the choir in this case, Haner.

      2. Marty Chapman Avatar
        Marty Chapman

        Here is the Trump paradox at least for me. He sins but he is also massively sinned against.

  8. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I have voted 3 times in elections with Trump on the ballot, against him in the first primary and for him twice. I will vote for Haley next week. But will hold judgement at the general election. I don’t like Trump but will never vote for dishonest and polarized Democrats like Biden and Harris, thank you very much and save your anger.

    If there is a great 3rd party candidate I would consider them. But I totally reject the banter Trump would be a dictator. A lot of people who he would put in his administration are highly competent and we would not be voting just for a President, but an administration. So will wait and see, it’s an eternity between now and November.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “But I totally reject the banter Trump would be a dictator…”

      Well, yes, you surely can not trust Trump to be honest to be sure… but he did say it…

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        In jest.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          That would be easier to accept if he hadn’t already demonstrated his philosophy that the checks and balances in our system of government do not apply to him. Case in point is his argument that he is due complete and absolute immunity for any action he took when he was president. That is something a dictator believes.

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Joe Biden:
            “Tens of millions of people in debt were literally about to be canceled in debts. But my MAGA Republican friends in the Congress, elected officials and special interests stepped in and sued us. And the Supreme Court blocked it. But that didn’t stop me.”

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “On the day the court released its decision, Biden announced his Plan B: to work through required regulatory channels to achieve broad-based debt cancellation using authorities granted in the Higher Education Act. Uniquely for the Higher Education Act, this involves a slow and iterative process called negotiated rulemaking”

            Perfectly constitutional and not at all dictatorial.

          3. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Your opinion. My opinion is Biden is doing everything he can to bypass the checks and balances you outlined in your earlier post to be of importance (which by the way I do agree with the importance of).

            Democrats push the limits as far as they can, and frequently cross the line, then scream “dictator” when Trump or Republican’s do similar things. It is sickening and hard to swallow, why do you think Trump won in 2016, and almost did in 2020? A large percentage of people are fed up.

            Getting back to the purpose of this article, if Trump is in fact the nominee, I will take a very hard look at voting for him, even though I do not like what he says or does many time’s.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            What Biden is doing is perfectly legal and constitutional. It is in no way comparable to claiming presidential immunity for any crime he commits while in office. There is a very real difference here which is par for the course with Trump. I appreciate your opinion though. Thank you for sharing.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            What Biden is doing is perfectly legal and constitutional. It is in no way comparable to claiming presidential immunity for any crime he commits while in office. There is a very real difference here which is par for the course with Trump. I appreciate your opinion though. Thank you for sharing.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Randy, are you paying attention to Biden’s attempt to get changes to immigration laws in Congress? Trying to get aid for Ukraine , again, through Congress?

            Have you heard Biden threatening to jail those who disagrees with or give pardons to people convicted of crimes ?

          7. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Of course I’m paying attention to immigration. Biden and his administration created the mess and are pretending it’s Republicans fault which is an absolute lie. The theatrics will continue till election. If Democrats were serious about reform they would be engaging the House leadership, which did pass a bill, right now to compromise. But are they?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Updated 9:53 PM EST, July 25, 2023
            “WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Tuesday blocked a rule that allows immigration authorities to deny asylum to migrants who arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border without first applying online or seeking protection in a country they passed through. But the judge delayed his ruling from taking effect immediately to give President Joe Biden’s administration time to appeal.

            The order from U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar of the Northern District of California takes away a key enforcement tool set in place by the Biden administration as coronavirus-based restrictions on asylum expired in May. The new rule imposes severe limitations on migrants seeking asylum but includes room for exceptions and does not apply to children traveling alone.

            “The Rule — which has been in effect for two months — cannot remain in place,” Tigar wrote in an order that will not take effect for two weeks.”


          9. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Nuts, a California judge? Biden created the mess and everyone seriously following this knows it, which is why I would not throw away a vote if it does become between Biden and Trump, which has yet to be determined. One election at a time my friend.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            If it is a lie, why did Biden propose changes in asylum to Congress and the Senate worked on a compromise and approved it and sent it to the House and Trump said not to pass it? Biden wants to change the asylum process and pay for more border patrol and judges through the law with Congress approval and Trump promises to break the law and do it his way without Congress.

          11. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Eric, the checks and balances are in no way dependent on what a President believes, We have a Congress, courts, a written Constitution, and ultimately a right to keep and bear arms.

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The Conservatives in Congress will never unseat Trump for anything. That is a fact and has been clearly demonstrated. Because of this, the legislative check is no longer effective. Trump stacked the highest court in the land thereby eliminating that check. You really want to get to the point where armed rebellion is the only option? This is what Republicans have given us.

  9. Jim Loving Avatar

    Thanks Steve. I will be voting for Nikki on Tuesday in Alexandria (I grew up in Henrico) so she may be the GOP nominee, who I will voting against, regardless of who gets the nomination. This election is very important. Democracy is indeed on the ballot. You can read more here: http://tinyurl.com/2x4n5b9x

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Would you stop hocking links to your own work, that’s called a circular reference.

  10. Kaedwon Avatar

    You just don’t get it, do you? Nikki Haley will never be president. She will never get the GOP nomination. She is a neocon warmonger who enthusiastically supports the ongoing genocide in Palestine. She is, in short, Lindsay Graham in a dress.
    There are two choices in November, unfortunately. One is the guy we have, who is clearly the most corrupt and incompetent president in history, and who the media is still carrying water for. The other is the guy you have visceral contempt for. That’s the pathetic state of politics today.
    Those are the choices. Nikki Haley isn’t one of them.

  11. Freda Joy Rosso Avatar
    Freda Joy Rosso

    Sorry I didn’t see you at the rally on Thursday. I would have come over and introduced myself. I’m all in with Haley for however long she stays in. I am of like mind, I will not vote for Trump in Nov. I will vote my conscience and probably write her name in. I am a lifelong Republican. I consider myself a Reagan Republican. I sensed the same happy warrior attitude that I saw in Reagan. Haley was a good Governor, she understands how to prioritize, what government can do and what government can’t and shouldn’t do. She’s not perfect but she’s a good politician and a good candidate. I pray Virginias get out and vote on Tuesday and provide Haley with a win. We can send a message that VA is still the birthplace of American democracy.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    So is just j6 the sole reason for never Trumper?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As I said, I had multiple concerns, but much about the first term was highly positive in my opinion (not yours I’m sure!). He had a strong team around him. But his reaction to the election, his turning on many of those loyal public servants who just couldn’t drink the Kool Aid Giuliani was peddling, tells me he won’t have the same team in a second term. McConnell got him the judges and tax bill then he trashed McConnell, for example, and insulted his wife.

      Attacking the Capitol to disrupt the lawful vote count was a gigantic final straw. He did it. He did it on purpose. He knew there would be violence. He cannot be allowed a chance to do it again.

      Virginia is not in play anyway. Hey, he can win no question and then I pray my fears are groundless.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        The J6 “riot” was a fiasco. People need to be held accountable.

        But who the hell starts an insurrection against the government without guns?

        John Brown didn’t go to Harper’s Ferry because it is picturesque.

        He went because there was an armory there and he wanted the guns.

        Now, THAT was an insurrection.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “But who the hell starts an insurrection against the government without guns?”

          Nobody said he was a competent insurrectionist. Next time they won’t make the same mistake.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            There WERE guns brought to the DC area:

            ” Some of the startling revelations of the recent blockbuster Jan. 6 House committee hearing came in snippets of police radio traffic captured during President Donald Trump’s rally on the Ellipse and from Trump’s purported response to being told there were armed protesters just outside a secured area.

            Sign up for Fact Checker, our weekly review of what’s true, false or in-between in politics.
            The chatter included reports of a man with an AR-15 in a tree on Constitution Avenue who was accompanied by two men with pistols on their hips. Another officer radioed, “I’ve got three men walking down the street in fatigues carrying AR-15s, copy, at 14th and Independence.”

            The recordings aired during the June 28 hearing in which former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Trump reportedly “was angry that we weren’t letting people through the [metal detectors] with weapons.”

            The full picture of how many among the crowd were armed before the riot occurred is unclear, but court records, trial testimony and accounts from police officers and rioters have supplied growing evidence that multiple people brought firearms to Washington for Jan. 6, 2021. Six men were arrested that day for having guns in the vicinity of the U.S. Capitol, and a seventh who arrived after the riot ended was arrested the following day. Despite some instances in which alerts about people with guns turned out to be false alarms, accounts from police officers and rioters indicate that many firearms were spotted on Jan. 6 but were not seized as law enforcement focused more on defending the Capitol than on arresting gun-law violators.

            A spokesperson for the U.S. Park Police said the agency investigated “a report of an individual on the Washington Monument grounds in a tree possibly armed with a pistol. USPP officers contacted the individual and it was determined the individual was unarmed.” A spokesman for the D.C. police said there was no indication that any arrests were made or weapons confiscated on the basis of the people cited in radio transmissions played by the committee.

            Follow Election 2024

            At 15th Street and Independence Avenue the morning of Jan. 6, 2021, a Washington Post reporter watched as a group from Broward County, Fla., was stopped by D.C. police because people in the group were carrying large assault rifles. They said the guns were not loaded and were “just a symbol” of their Second Amendment rights. They were briefly detained but released once the guns were handed over to police. Some in the crowd protested that “you can’t suspend a constitutional amendment,” but the interaction occurred before the Capitol was breached and did not turn violent. It is unclear whether the group the reporter encountered was the same reported on the hearing’s radio transmissions or why the men were not arrested when D.C. law prohibits the open carrying of guns.

            Federal authorities have said that officers were confiscating weapons illegally brought into the District starting Jan. 5 and encountered people brandishing gun parts in an intimidating manner. The latter category included two men stopped the morning of Jan. 6 who wore slings attached to machine gun barrels while walking along the Mall. The men were not charged because the barrels alone were not firearms, authorities said. It is unclear whether they were part of the group seen by a Post reporter.”


            DJ and other Trump supporter purposely are blind to to the facts what happened.

      2. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        I agree with alot of what you say except that because most of his first term was highly positive, I have hope that he would do well in a second term and surround himself with good competent people. Due to J6 commission being a partisan hit piece with no opportunity for cross, I am not willing to conclude Trump himself caused the riots.

        But as I said in an earlier post, there is a huge campaign coming up, so we will see. Just as many do not think Biden will actually run for the second term, Trump is not yet the nominee, so I will not rush to judgement.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Never Trump! Unless he’s the nominee.

    BTW, Brits now have boots on the ground in Ukraine, ostensibly for training with newly delivered missile system.

  14. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I wondered why Trump was coming to Virginia in the weekend before the primary. I would have thought there were other states where he could better spend his time. He must be worried that enough independents and Democrats will vote in the election to significantly eat into his margin over Haley.

    You will have the luxury in the fall to vote for a third party candidate or not vote at all, knowing that Biden will almost certainly carry Virginia. Republican Never Trumpers in other states will not have that luxury. In our system, third-party Presidential candidates have no chance to win, but they can cause great damage. They can influence the election to the extent that the candidate with the most popular votes does not win. It happened in 2000 and in 2016. It could happen again this year.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “I wondered why Trump was coming to Virginia in the weekend before the primary. I would have thought there were other [sic] statew where he could better spend his time. He must be worried that enough independents and Democrats will vote in the election to significantly eat into his margin over Haley.”

      Attitude like that is how SoS Clinton lost the election in 2016. Whatever your opinion of Trump the smart play is to show up and court voters, going to echo chambers does nothing.

      “It happened in 2000 and in 2016.”

      3rd Party candidates had zero impact in 2000 (Nader drew 3%) and 2016 (5.7% combined for Johnson, Stein and McMullin). The reason SoS Clinton lost was because she was a poor candidate who only visited echo chambers, disregarding the manner in which we elect the President. They did however have an impact in 1992 (Perot 18.9%).

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        In 2000, Nader got 97,488 votes in Florida. Bush won the state by about 500 votes. In, New Hampshire, Nader got 4 percent of the vote. In Florida, if only half of the Nader voters had voted for Gore, he would have won the election. In New Hampshire, that 4% would have been enough to give Gore the majority and the state’s electoral votes and the election.

        I agree that Hilary Clinton ran a terrible campaign. But, Stein got over 50,000 votes in Michigan and over 30,000 votes in Wisconsin. If only a portion (half in Michigan’s case) of those voters had voted for Clinton instead, she would have won.

        In 1992, the candidate with the most popular votes won, despite the presence of a third-partu candidate.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “In 2000, Nader got 97,488 votes in Florida. Bush won the state by about 500 votes. In, New Hampshire, Nader got 4 percent of the vote. In Florida, if only half of the Nader voters had voted for Gore, he would have won the election. In New Hampshire, that 4% would have been enough to give Gore the majority and the state’s electoral votes and the election.”

          Minus the fact that you cannot say that those votes would’ve been casted for Gore if Nader had not run. Zero impact, because you are basing it on “if’s”.

          “I agree that Hilary Clinton ran a terrible campaign. But, Stein got over 50,000 votes in Michigan and over 30,000 votes in Wisconsin. If only a portion (half in Michigan’s case) of those voters had voted for Clinton instead, she would have won.”

          Again, you’re making assumptions as facts, they are not the same.

          “In 1992, the candidate with the most popular votes won, despite the presence of a [sic] third-partu candidate.”

          Well there in lies the problem, you believe that POTUS’s are elected via popular votes. Umm they aren’t, oh and Clinton didn’t win the popular vote, he won plurality. Winning the popular vote requires over 50% bud.

          Your argument, which is fallacious as the day is long is that 3rd parties impacted ’00 and ’16 because “mmaa popular vote” but didn’t in 1992 because “mmaa popular vote”. You can argue it one time one way and reverse it when you like, that’s not logic. It’s partisan bull excrement, which is your SOP.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          If only a portion (half in Michigan’s case) of those voters had voted for Clinton instead, she would have won.

          The nation and the world owes an undying debt of gratitude to those 3rd party voters in Michigan (although Robbie Mook’s contribution should not be undervalued). They saved us from a fate worse than death (or Trump, although that was not insignificant).

          I’ve voted Indy 3 times, ’96, ’16 and “20 because I could not stand the alternatives. In ’00 and ’12 I let myself get stampeded into lesser evildom, and vowed I would never succumb to that again. So far I have not.

          It is looking like a lot of America is gravitating to my position this year. Perhaps that will make a difference to the country, and maybe even in Virginia.

        3. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          That is one State. There was also a Libertarian and Reform party candidate, they did not collectively get 97,000 votes, but they did get votes, and clearly would not have voted for Gore. If you are going to do this evaluation, then it should be done at all close States.

          Popular votes nationwide should never drive an election result, and I have no faith in widespread mail in votes without good controls. Don’t just ask someone like me, see what the voters themselves said:


  15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Gregg Abbott (who Trump reportedly has on his VP short list):

    “The only thing that we’re not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border because, of course, the Biden administration would charge us with murder”

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Time for a Bacons Rebellion Community Note.

      Here was the question Abbot was asked: “But for the people who don’t live in border states, explain the hierarchy and the process. Like what can be done like right up to the line, where maybe they would come and say, ‘Governor, you’re breaking the law, we got to arrest you for trying to enforce the law at the border.’ Like what is the maximum amount of pressure that you as governor can implement to protect the border?”

      Do better, Eric.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Really, DJ? The question is really not relevant in this case as he could have easily just said “…because that would be murder.” or nothing at all after the word “border”. By saying it the way he says it, strongly implies that he believes it would be justified and should be legal to shoot immigrants crossing the border…. which is exactly the bill being pushed by Trumpians in Arizona, btw.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          The question is very relevant. Just providing the answer is very much taking his comments out of context.

          He was asked how far he could go before being told he was breaking the law.

          You tried a hit piece on Abbot and it didn’t work.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            He cited Biden as the reason he is not shooting migrants. You defend him. Trump likes him as his VP and Arizona Republicans are all in. It is where Republicans want to go – anti-immigrant nationalism run amok.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            And who is surprised this is happening now:

            “2 men shot at Spotsylvania Co. Sheetz in apparent hate crime, authorities say

            Two Hispanic men were critically wounded in a Wednesday night shooting at a Sheetz in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, in what authorities said appeared to be a hate crime.

            Douglas Wayne Cornett, 57, of Caroline County, Virginia, has been arrested and charged with aggravated malicious wounding and firearms violations. Cornett is white and, preliminarily, the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office said the shooting “appears to be hate/bias related.”

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        So the question…is abbot violating the asylum laws?

  16. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Steve, I’m troubled by your comment that you won’t be voting for either Trump or Biden. Neither is a good candidate but one will win. So, isn’t better that we get the lesser of two evils?

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      There is no “better” in getting the evil of two lessers. America needs to just say no to the senile dementia/giggling twit and pathological narcissist tickets the major parties are grinding towards vomiting up this year. Pretending one is somehow “better” than the other is most charitably delusional. Would you prefer to be boiled in oil or burned at the stake?

      There are now more Indys than either Repubs or Dems. We are in the drivers seat! This year it is time to do something meaningful with that plurality. Meaningful means a new generation and someone with some integrity, not a mealy mouthed wuss who is focused on not offending either major party’s base while appealing to a mythical inchoate middle.

      Casey Stengel framed the question when he asked “Can’t anybody here play this game?” It applies to politics every bit as much as baseball.

      Come on America, you’ve tried everything else this millennium, namely Gore, Duhbya, Kerry, McCain, Obama, Mittens, Clinton, Trump and Biden. Now do the right thing.

      In the rehab business when we were trying to help a person with a severe disability master a task the prompt when they got it wrong was “Try another way”. America…

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        I don’t think anyone has the power when the following is common place.


        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Nihilism is not the answer, it is abnegation.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I have zero faith in either samise, but we are merely just a long for the ride. The bureaucratic engine will pick their winner, regardless of our choice.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Populism prevailed over the bosses in 1932 and gave us around 40 years of people oriented rule. It could happen again, but not out of either the current Repubs or Dems.

            The Dems kicked populism to the curb nearly 50 years ago and it has never been a comfortable fit with the fat cat Repubs.

      2. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        Instead of a stream of snarky comments, some of which I agree with, spell out a solution that doesn’t have a high probability of electing Trump and the candidate who can pull it off.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          I resent the “snarky” label. I presented a pretty straight observation of both the hideous candidates and a potential solution.

          Since you did not pick up on the solution part, I will repeat it. The solution is Indys who are fed up with both parties and are now a larger group of voters than either Dems or Repubs. They need to consolidate around a transformational populist candidate that is not Trump. The US now resembles the end of the Soviet Union with a succession of aging apparatchiks bumbling through office until they got to transformational Gorbachev to regain functionality.

          If the Dems do not come to their senses and get shed of the senile dementia/giggling twit ticket it seems highly likely this year we will again elect Trump as president. That is so even if Trump is convicted of some of what he’s charged with, both nonsense and legitimately. Eugene Debs got his highest vote total ever campaigning from prison. Trump could well beat Biden from a cell.

          Having either Trump or Biden again as president is most prominent in my closet of anxieties, and the prospects of a real populist picking up the pieces this year are slim. No one has stuck their head up. I personally like Sherrod Brown and Tulsi Gabbard. They’re going nowhere this year, and Brown is also too old.

          The Dems kicked New Deal populism to the curb 50 years ago in favor of elitism and identity politics. The fat cat Repubs never wanted populists and did a good job spiking populist Bryan in 1896. Trump picked up the populist mantle by default, but is profoundly flawed. Those are the sources of the Never Trump chaos in today’s Repub party and Dems rage at their former constituents/base.

          The “lesser evil” twaddle is a rationalization that allows people to live comfortably with themselves after having voted for candidates who ranged from inadequate to hideous. The list of candidates from the current millennium is a group of profound lessers, and some of them evil to boot. It it does not get much better extended back into the 20th century.

          Deceive yourself if it makes you feel better, but after being stampeded into “lesser evil” voting in ’12 I promised myself I would never let that happen again. So far I have not. I can also feel good about being part of a growing Indy movement that rejects Repub/Dem hegemony and offers a path to a better future.

          There is no opportunity to get better until you accept that there is a problem. “Lesser evil” allows folks to repress that insight.

          1. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            If you think that there is enough time between now and November to stand up a new party, get it on 50 ballots and have a candidate who is more interested in supporting the Constitution then his/her self interest, you are being delusional.
            I agree that the two parties need reforming and a serious third party could provide the right incentive.
            But in this year 2024, open eyes suggest that our choice is limited to either Biden or Trump.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            I was clear that I do not think the prospects for Indys are high this year. In the longer term I do think that is a way forward out of the current mess, if we survive that long. Currently it seems we are stuck in geriatric land like the Soviet Union somewhere between Brezhnev and Gorbachev.

            There is a faint hope that the delegates to the conventions will rise up and overthrow the party bosses, but I’m not holding my breath. There is also some hope that someone will prevail upon Biden to spend his remaining days on the beach or that all the cheezeburgers, fries and stress will catch up with Trump. I’m not holding my breath there either.

            We agree that we will likely get either Biden or Trump, and that scares the hell out of me. Where we disagree is that either of them is an acceptable alternative (lesser evil) or that we should rationalize debasing ourselves and our electoral institutions by encouraging either one of them with our votes.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hillary Clinton wouldl be POTUS if not for 3rd parties, no?

          4. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            Hillary Clinton would have been president except for James Comey and perhaps 3rd parties. If you are correct, you have made my point.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            “How third-party votes sunk Clinton, what they mean for Trump”

            “Increased support for third-party candidates occurred in every state, though with differences in magnitude.

            In very pro-Trump states like Mississippi, Louisiana and West Virginia, the increase was muted, since there were fewer defections from Trump and Clinton in those states.

            Many conservative and pragmatic Republicans found Trump vulgar, narcissistic, intellectually lazy and unqualified to be president, but they couldn’t force themselves to vote for Clinton.

            On the other hand, some Democrats saw Clinton as insufficiently progressive and untrustworthy, and there was no way they could vote for her.”


          6. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            You have made my point. Thank you.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Hillary Clinton would have been president except for James Comey and perhaps 3rd parties. If you are correct, you have made my point.”

            That is the revisionist history and not even close to accurate.

          8. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            That is a matter of opinion. How about it was third parties and Coney?

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            No, it’s a matter of facts. Indicating otherwise, is just buying into her talking points. It was nothing, she was a flawed candidate, whose only qualification was it was “her turn”. Comey’s in decision swayed zero voters and 3rd parties took a total of 2% of the vote.

            She failed to understand the electoral college and only engaged in echo chambers ( zero point to campaign in NY and CA, she already had those votes) and made numerous gaffees such as “unredeemable deplorables”. Similar to FPOTUS Obama’s ” bitter clinger” comment, however she lacked the charisma to make up for it.

            Cambridge Analytica used actual data to win the election, by using again FPOTUS Obama’s ground work. Targeted use of funds to maximize results, it’s math, learn it use it.

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Clinton and Mook refused to have her set foot in Michigan, despite Bernie’s 20 point trouncing of Hillary in the primary. Debbie Dingell’s pleas and Bill’s after being there on the ground were ignored because Hillary and Mookie were sure Michigan was in the bag and those political fossils did not understand modern politics.

            Hillary instead went to New Mexico to try to run up the Electoral College vote. She won that battle but lost the war. That gambit came under the heading of Hillary and Mook committing political malfeasance. It wasn’t Comey or 3rd parties peeing in the pool, it was Hillary and Mook taking a dump.

            There are so many people to thank for Hillary’s loss it is hard to name them all. However, she has done a pretty good job of enumerating them in subsequent years. Curiously her own name never shows up in her lists of who to blame.

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Standard politician response, never their fault. I simply can’t understand why people repeat her talking points without looking at the hard numbers. Trump didn’t cheat, he paid for a service that FPOTUS Obama used and it worked (shocked). Instead of doing that again, they use services or Craig Calloways and ballot harvest with the advent of no cause absentee or mail in ballots.

          12. Lefty665 Avatar

            Incidental note, it was in the Dem primaries of ’08 where Hillary utterly failed to understand convention delegate allocation.

            She sailed along fat dumb and happy that she was winning the primaries, and apparently thinking that convention delegates were awarded like electoral college electors, winner in a state takes all (except for Nebraska or some small state that often allocates its 3 electors 2 and 1).

            What her campaign failed to understand was that Obama was piling up delegates with his string of 2nd place finishes. When he started winning primaries and adding those delegates to his existing pile his lead quickly became insurmountable. The Clinton campaign was shocked “But we won all these primaries.”

            You can imagine folks in the Obama campaign chortling to each other, “They’re clueless about delegates.” Followed by “Keep your traps shut. Anyone who spills the beans and wakes them up will swim with the fishes.”

            Like you said, it’s pretty simple math. 🙂 Another number, Hillary dropped a cool Billion dollars in losing to Trump. Their burn rate was remarkable.

          13. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            Yes, she was a flawed candidate running against a flawed candidate but what is the basis for your assertion that Comey had no effect? Nate Silver’s Five Thirty Eight which is well regarded for its analysis concludes otherwise. Look it up.

          14. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nate Silver’s Five Thirty Eight which is well regarded for its analysis concludes otherwise. Look it up.”

            I’m shocked that a DNC operative would arrive at a conclusion that the DNC nomiee was parroting, shocked it tell you. Also, mind you that Silver hasn’t made a correct “analysis” since 2008. Also, clearly you’re telling me to read something, you yourself haven’t even read.

            “The impact of Comey’s letter is comparatively easy to quantify, by contrast. At a maximum, it might have shifted the race by 3 or 4 percentage points toward Donald Trump, swinging Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Florida to him, perhaps along with North Carolina and Arizona. At a minimum, its impact might have been only a percentage point or so. Still, because Clinton lost Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by less than 1 point, the letter was probably enough to change the outcome of the Electoral College.


            Can you tell me which mathmatic or probabilities function returns, ” probably” as it’s determination? Speculation, based upon bull excrement and excuses is. It math.

            It’s common sense, people who were already going to vote for SoS Clinton were going to vote regardless, people who weren’t were already not going to vote regardless. That’s the nature of the extreme polarization of our current political climate. It had zero impact on the independents


            If you somehow magically believe that if Comey swayed votes in areas that SoS Clinton didn’t even bother to campaign, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

          15. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            I provide two other sources that say otherwise–https://election.princeton.edu/articles/the-comey-effect and https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2017/1/11/14215930/comey-email-election-clinton-campaign.
            Are you attempting to have a discussion or an outlet for sarcasm?

          16. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Linking to more DNC talking points don’t make your statements of their anymore true.

            Attacking me also does nothing to validate your claims. My devliver of facts via tongue and cheek has nothing to do with this discussion, do better.

            Also, for your edification. I think Trump is a pompous individual, however he’s a flawed individual with solid stances and policies. Sos Clinton was a flawed individual with flawed stances and policies.

          17. Lefty665 Avatar

            We have many people to thank for saving our country and the world from Hillary Clinton. As grating as it is, a tip of the hat to Comey, although he utterly failed his duty to recommend her prosecution for violations of sections 793 e and f of the Espionage Act.

            Don’t forget Virginia’s own Robbie Mook’s contributions to defeating Hillary, as well as her own, and the fewer than 100k voters in the swing states that swung that election. There are plenty of thanks to go around for all who contributed to avoiding that evil.

          18. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            And, you think that our world is better for having Trump and all of his evil?

          19. Lefty665 Avatar

            I was clear that I do not think the prospects for Indys are high this year. In the longer term I do think that is a way forward out of the current mess, if we survive that long. Currently it seems we are stuck in geriatric land like the Soviet Union somewhere between Brezhnev and Gorbachev.

            There is a faint hope that the delegates to the conventions will rise up and overthrow the party bosses, but I’m not holding my breath. There is also some hope that someone will prevail upon Biden to spend his remaining days on the beach or that all the cheezeburgers, fries and stress will catch up with Trump. I’m not holding my breath there either.

            We agree that we will likely get either Biden or Trump, and that scares the hell out of me. Where we disagree is that either of them is an acceptable alternative (lesser evil) or that we should rationalize debasing ourselves and our electoral institutions by encouraging either one of them with our votes.

          20. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            The primary system was expanded to get rid of control by party bosses.
            I do not care for Biden’s policies but am not willing to blindly accept the media characterization. He has always been someone whose mouth ran before his brain was engaged.
            Where we seriously disagree is that we debase ourselves by giving either our vote. Like it or not, those are the choices and so the lesser of evils is better. If you are willing to risk Trump being elected by you and others staying home, you and the rest qualify as usefu XXXXXX, no I won’t say it but you get my point.

          21. Lefty665 Avatar

            You are right, Biden was dumb long before he was demented.

            For awhile it was jarring to look at video of Biden as VP compared to campaign ’20. The decline was dramatic. Today we can compare him now to campaign ’20 and the decline since ’20 is equally jarring. It took my Dad about 7 years to devolve from supremely competent to mush. Biden’s decline shockingly parallels Dad’s.

            It ain’t “media characterizations” it is simply paying attention and believing your own eyes and ears. Or you could believe the special prosecutor’s informed opinion that Biden was not chargeable for willfully violating the Espionage Act because he was demented. Old Joe was so out of it he didn’t know he had done anything wrong. Congress has subpoenaed the tapes/videos of Biden’s depositions with Hur and discussions with his biographer. Perhaps we will all get to see/hear exactly what Hur based his opinion on.

            I do not bear Biden ill will, and I believe it is elder abuse to prop him up for another term. Let him go bask on the beach for the remainder of his days. Just keep him on the north end of town so he doesn’t disturb the rest of us drifting away our days.

            What is truly evil is the danger to our country and the world of electing a demented old coot as President. The potential horrendous consequences for our country and the world cannot be overstated. Obama was right, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f things up”, and that was when Joe had something that passed for a brain.

            You may be able to live with yourself by voting for that and rationalizing it with the delusion that dementia is somehow the “lesser evil”. Evil is evil. I cannot and will not abdicate my vote and disgrace myself and my country by voting for evil.

            The arguments against Trump are equally profound. His pathological narcissism is a danger to our country and the world. I cannot vote for that evil any more than demented old Joe’s version.

            “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” has been variously attributed. What is worse is for good men to aid and abet evil by voting for it.

            Doing something by working to replace or reform our political parties is at least trying to improve our lot rather than doing nothing while rationalizing rewarding evil. It allows me to face myself in the mirror and not look away in shame.

            Your misstatement of my voting participation is offensive. Staying home may be an option for you, but it is not for me.

            I value my franchise and my obligation as a citizen to participate in electing those who govern us. I have voted in every presidential election and almost every state and local election and primary since I came of age starting in 1968. ’96, ’16 and ’20 have been 3rd party votes.

            I also put my money where my mouth is. While not a big contributor, the total is well into 5 figures. My first contribution was to Eugene McCarthy when he held a rally at the Mosque while he was running LBJ out of the race. I have voted, worked and ponied up for change for more than half a century.

            You can put your “usefu XXXXX” stuff where the sun don’t shine right along with your “lesser evil” twaddle. I trust you get my point too.

        2. killerhertz Avatar

          national divorce

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Because he has the luxury of abstaining. The insane electoral college pretty much makes any arbitrary Virginian’s vote moot. Once again, some 5 podunk States will determine the outcome.

      “Feel good” cannot have been the Founder’s intention, but damn them, that’s what they stuck 95% of our citizens with.

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        A handful of states will determine the outcome because of gerrymandering. That needs to change so that we have more competitive races at the state level and districts that don’t lock in incumbents.
        You malign the Founding Fathers who would not want the system to work as it does.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          The presidential election is not subject to gerrymandering – unless, that is, you want to call the whole electoral college system one big gerrymander. The only federal body subject to gerrymandering is the House.

          1. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            That is true of the popular vote but not necessarily true of the electoral college vote because if the race ended up with neither getting 270, the decision would go to the House where the republican states could out vote the democratic states given the current make up. See–https://www.thedynamic.org/post/gerrymandering-and-its-effect-on-the-2020-presidential-election

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Yep… absolutely agree with this. If the Dems take back the House, that should negate that potential as well.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Yep… absolutely agree with this. If the Dems take back the House, that should negate that potential as well.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I don’t malign them, at least not too badly, nobody had done what they were trying. They wrote the User’s Guide. Now, lifetime appointments for the SCOTUS? Madison thought about nuts elected President, but missed lifetime appointments?

          Ending political gerrymandering would be a big step in the right direction, but popular vote would cure gerrymandering for the Presidency just like it fixed(?) the Senate.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Interesting that the States cannot determine if someone can be taken off the ballot but they CAN gerrymander as much as they wish without SCOTUS intervening.

            The whole area of the SCOTUS intervening in States issues sometimes and not others comes across pretty arbitrary to me.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            C’mon guys, you both can do better.

            The compromise that brought us a bicameral Congress and the Electoral College is why we have a country. The Constitution would not have been ratified without it or something like it that balanced large and populous states with small and less populous states.

            Gerrymandering has nothing to do with why a handful of states will likely determine the outcome of the election this year. The election outcome will have everything to do with states that are closely divided, not either strong Dem or Repub.

            Presidential votes are counted on a statewide basis. That is only gerrymandering if you consider our state boundaries as gerrymandered.

            The ’16 election was decided by fewer than 100k total votes spread across several swing states. The ’20 vote was even closer, fewer than 50k total votes across a couple of more states than in ’16.

            Those same states appear still to be closely divided. The outcome likely will be decided by what is most reviled by voters, senile dementia/giggling twit or pathological narcissism. Is this a great country or what?

            Changing from legislative votes to statewide general election for Senators was likely an improvement. It did not change how Senators are allocated, two per state to balance large and populous states with small and less populous states. Rhode Island and New York, Idaho and California, all still have two Senators each.

            Our electoral system is as our Founding Fathers designed it, and for the reasons that they envisioned. Gerrymandering can affect how House and state/local legislative seats are divvied up between Repubs and Dems, and is deplorable as we all agree. It ain’t why our Presidential elections are close or the Senate has partisan majorities and minorities.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Don’t mean it can’t be better.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Here’s my improvement. It’s the ultimate implementation of Citizens United.

            1) One man, one vote.
            2) It is legal to buy votes at or above a minimum per vote price to be established by a National Auction.
            3) Any taxpayer, or fully taxable organization, can participate in the auction. Money raised by organizations is taxed as income. (Gotta stop the churches from cheating)
            4) Since the government deems votes to be priceless, no seller is subject to gains taxes.

            So, each voter is guaranteed a minimum price, say $100. If you want to sell your vote, you register as a buyable vote, but you don’t have to sell unless the bid goes above your reserve. The auction begins at $101. The auction winner MUST buy at least one vote, selected at random to avoid buying your spouse’s vote. The money WILL change hands.

            We’ll still wind up with an oligarchy, but it will be a benevolent oligarchy.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            so the rich, like Trump and Koch, etc, can just buy the election and the people who sell their votes don’t really care about the outcome?

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They’d have to bid against, say, Soros and ilk. And to guarantee, they’d have to buy a lot of votes. There will still be a voting block that doesn’t sell and they can be spoilers.

            It’s America at its best — pure capitalism.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Good thing you were not around to be a Founding Father! 😉

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Larry, every four year the GDP jumps by a huge amount! It’s win-win-win.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            and we end up like a 3rd world country… great!

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Walking around money on steroids.

            Since it is all profits to voters the IRS will get its bite too documented on the 1099VB (vote buy) generated by the auction house. This might raise enough tax revenue to pay off the national debt. 🙂

            Fixing the economy right alongside “fixing” the vote, and all for fun and profit. As you say, pure capitalism at work. It’s as ‘Murican as mom, apple pie and foreign aid mostly recycling to domestic defense contractors and campaign contributions.

    3. Lefty665 Avatar


      Each new poll shows Biden losing to Trump by larger margins, and 80+ percent of the country thinks Biden’s too old.

      If you cared about your party or the good of the country, or if you really fear Trump you’d be working to replace the senile dementia/giggling twit ticket with witting candidates instead of clinging to “lesser evil” blather. It’s a free country, you can do as you please. Have a nice day.

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        That’s all well and good but how do you propose to do that? The same sources as the polls also say that it’s Biden vs Trump and that a third party candidate might do more to help Trump than Biden. So, given that reality, the lesser of evils seems the most clear eyed.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          “Clear eyed”, a wonderful euphemism for denial. Very clever.

          I proposed above that if you cared about your party or country or beating Trump you would work to replace the senile dementia/giggling twit ticket with witting politicians.

          You’d rather prattle on about “lesser evil” than actually lifting a finger to do anything constructive. What did Washington call people like that? Sunshine patriots I believe it was.
          Correction, it was Thomas Paine with Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots.

          1. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            Instead of snarky comments, please spell out how that can be accomplished before the conventions and the election.
            Otherwise you are just blathering without an answer. If you can’t answer my question, don’t bother to reply.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            You’re the one who is cuddled up to senile dementia/giggling twit, not me.

            I personally am working on Indy power. Dunno how that will play out this year, but it sure has potential to reform our two party stranglehold on dysfunction.

            The first thing you can do is to drop that “lesser evil” twaddle. That can happen quickly.

            Follow that with working to get senile dementia Joe to retire to the beach and giggling twit Kamala to just go away. But the first thing you have to do is acknowledge that there is a problem. We have met the enemy and it is them.

            The next step is identifying replacements, and that may be hard. It’s a pretty barren field, the Dems have not done a good job of building a bench. That’s been an inside party complaint since the ’90s.

            Here’s a hint, the answer ain’t Gavin “The Joker” Newsom (can’t unsee that resemblance). Californians are fleeing California. The reset of the country has no more lust for Californication than it has for 4 more years of senile dementia/giggling twit.

            The good news for you is that there are a lot of Dems who are past ready to jump the senile dementia/giggling twit ship. I’d suggest you saddle up with them and don’t be shy about proclaiming the President has no brain. Axlerod and Carville would be good places to start. They are both very bright and experienced in presidential politics.

            The other good news for you is that Trump is not beating generic Dems as badly as he is beating senile dementia/giggling twit.

            Change is possible, but it won’t be easy. It starts, as always, with honestly acknowledging the problem.

            That you’re even asking the question gives me hope you’re rehab ready. Go for it, the country may benefit from your and other concerned Dem efforts. Continued denial of the obvious is a dead end and a guaranteed 4 more years of Trump.

          3. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            You seem to think that I am suffering some sort of political dementia by your condescending remarks.
            Instead, I think that you need to be part of the real world not fantasy land. The probability of your dream coming true this year, short of some medical event with Biden, is slim and none.
            Efforts to form a third party are well funded but even No Labels doesn’t seem able to pull it off this year. So, the reality is either Biden or Trump and calling the choice the lesser of two evils is not cuddling up or twaddle!

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Hello Wm, you ok? Are you out there? Hello test 1, 2 ,3.

            I answered your question, but not even a thumbs up from you for me being responsive and having positive Dem advice?

            If you don’t want Trump as President the handwriting is on the wall, Dems have to change candidates. Bleating “lesser evil” is just peeing into the wind.

  17. LarrytheG Avatar

    So, how many Never-Trumpers base their view on J6 and if J6 never happened, they’d vote for Trump? Is it only J6 at issue for most Never Trumpers?

    1. Freda Joy Rosso Avatar
      Freda Joy Rosso

      I think the death spiral of Trump’s behavior after the 2020 loss did it for me. His behavior has always been detestable to me and he lost any modicum of restraint after the loss. J6 is just a piece of the puzzle that showed how far he could sink. I voted for him in 2020 because I thought he had some decent people around him. I don’t think good people will be on his team going forward. I could name a long list of respectable people that have humiliated themselves for Trump (Mike Huckabee would be at the top of the list). I’m not interested in “I told you so” post election. All I can say is I can’t cast a vote for either Biden or Trump in good conscience. We all lose if either gets elected. I will be voting but I will probably write in a candidate or vote 3rd party.

  18. LarrytheG Avatar

    For the Never-Trumpers, are your actions intended to not have Trump elected or to just say if he does get elected, it’s not your fault?

  19. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Tonight Trump said: “And Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word…”

    He doesn’t even know what decade it is.

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