A Naval Officer Prepares to Repel Boarders

Lt. Ron DeSantis

by James C. Sherlock

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced he has put $8 million in his new budget to transport illegal immigrants to other states and D.C.

He listed Delaware and Martha’s Vineyard as potential destinations.

This of course will be Florida’s response to the Biden administration flying 70 planeloads of illegals into the state in the middle of the night.

BTW, do we know if Virginia got any of those flights? We really don’t know how many of these flights from the border, just like the flights from Afghanistan, landed and disgorged their passengers in Virginia.  Therefore we have no idea what the impact is and will be.  We don’t know that because Northam does not want to know or tell us.

Gov. DeSantis did and is speaking up about what he will do about it.

Excuse the schadenfreude, but it will be huge fun seeing dark blue Delaware and Massachusetts put state troopers on their borders to block entry of buses full of illegal immigrants.

I can’t wait.

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59 responses to “A Naval Officer Prepares to Repel Boarders”

  1. Don’t hold your breathe as this will most likely never happen. It has the sound of a publicity stunt as he ramps up his next campaign.

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      If it’s a publicity stunt…it’s working. I can’t wait to see the buses with “Bound for the Hamptons!” signs on them, heading up I95.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Awesome. I need better, more promising news feeds over the omicron virus and poor Kentucky. Kentucky is just depressing.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Is BR now becoming a supporter of the DeSantis for President movement? These were routine flights moving unaccompanied children to more permanent shelters. They also took place during the Trump administration. DeSantis is just posturing. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/17/politics/desantis-florida-republicans-routine-migrant-flights-immigration/index.html

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You’re no fun, Dick. Routine flights without notice a 2 AM?

      You have to admit that the video of Delaware state troopers at the border to turn back illegal immigrants would be popcorn-worthy.

    2. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      There is nothing routine about the flood of illegal aliens across our border, which became a flood when the Democrats opened up the spigot this past January. Are you laying down a smokescreen, behind which LaRaza can bring in reinforcements?

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I am on record as favoring open immigration, subject only to health status and criminal backgrounds. That is how my ancestors got here. How about yours?

        1. I’m betting that your ancestors came to the U.S. before the implementation of the modern U.S. welfare state, and I’m also betting they were expected to assimilate.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            My Pennsylvania German ancestors came here in the 1720s. I have multiple wills from several generations later that were completely in German so there goes the old “ assimilation” myth.

          2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Some people say that folks from Southside Virginia still have not assimilated. And those people from Southwest Virginia: to some ears theirs is still a foreign language. Have you ever heard Virgil Goode speak?

            More to the point: immigrants are assimilating today, especially the children of immigrants, which is always the case. (When I moved to this house, an elderly lady who lived across the street still spoke Italian). Assimilation would occur more rapidly if many did not have to fear ICE swooping in to deport them.

          3. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Can’t have assimilation if they are allowed to continue using their own language in official documents. Wonder how they read highway signs?

          4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Still waiting for your answers to the follow up questions on your “open immigration” position.

          5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Sorry, I got a call from my grandson and then had to run errands. See below.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Dick, “open immigration”.

          Follow up questions. Do you have:
          – a population limit in mind: 500 million? A billion? Two billion?
          – Federal, state and local budget limits?
          – School limits?
          – Hospital limits?
          – Any limits?
          – What do you mean by health status? an executive physical? Genome tracing?

          1. Paul Sweet Avatar

            The first settlers in America had to work their fannies off to have a chance to stay alive, and a lot of them didn’t last very long. At Ellis Island immigration officials would send back anyone with health problems that might make them a burden on society. Legal immigrants are also screened nowadays, although not as thoroughly.

            I agree that immigration quotas are too low, but totally open borders with welfare benefits to everybody who shows up aren’t sustainable.

          2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            1. No population limit
            2. No budget limits
            3. Schools and hospitals—we have the capacity
            4. The only limits:
            a. no one with a history of violence admitted
            b. no one with a serious communicable disease, i.e. COVID, TB, etc. admitted
            c. those admitted would have to get standard vaccinations, such as measles, smallpox, COVID
            d. Those admitted would have to go through current process to be granted citizenship
            e. Anyone admitted who was convicted of a violent crime before attaining citizenship would be deported

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Thank you.

          4. May I request that all foreign criminals who break into our country be given a sponsor to support them until they become legal? Any liberal volunteers willing to ‘Walk the Walk’?

        3. James Kiser Avatar
          James Kiser

          Think you better check your history it was pretty tough at times getting through especially if you had an illness.

        4. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          This probably comes as no surprise, but my ancestors on Mom’s side were here long enough to fight for the Confederacy. I’m presuming they were descended from those poor Scots-Irish that rich Virginia planters (the FFV types) pushed into the Shenandoah Valley in the 1700s. Dad’s side are Scots and Irish who landed in New York in the late 1800s. I’m confident that, as Jim said below, they didn’t come for the generous welfare benefits.

          My wife’s ancestors appear to have been tied up with the IRA, during the time of the Troubles. I asked for some details on what prompted them to emigrate to the U.S…and was told to never ask again.

          You may support open immigration, but a vast majority of Americans do not. DeSantis is simply offering to send the flood of illegal immigrants to those parts of the country that want open immigration.

          How many illegal border crossers have you offered to put up in your house? Have you convinced your neighbors (or Jeff Bezos) to pay higher property taxes, to fund the benefits these extra immigrants will consume? Or, have you convinced your neighbors to accept larger class sizes in the public schools, to accommodate the influx of students…many of whom will have poor-to-no English language skills? Or longer wait times in the ER at the local public hospital.

          Now, if an American community says “we are willing to accept 100 illegal immigrants, AND we’ve made provisions for them to get schooling, housing and jobs,” then that’s one thing. But when activist groups drop illegals off in the middle of a town, and expect the residents to pick up the tab, that’s something else entirely.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Well, the GOP is pro-child as long as they are not 1.) born, 2.) trans, and/or 3.) undocumented. So it goes right with the BR way.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Yet you spend so much time here. Masochism is treatable.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I am here as contrast, Mr. Sherlock…. and for the entertainment value….

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            No you’re here as a troll who has never made a coherent or correct statement. Contrast requires you to be correct, you never are.

    4. Matt Adams Avatar

      Are you anything more than a partisan hack? You’re recent comments seem to indicate not.

  4. tmtfairfax Avatar

    My distant cousin Barack Obama has an estate of almost 30 acres in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Given his political and social views, I would expect him to take on quite a number of illegal immigrants. That would be a good example for other members of the uber-rich of how to walk one’s talk. It might also assuage his conscience for the exception from environmental rules he was given for his Hawaii estate.

    1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      You beat me to the punch, sir! I have been to Martha’s Vineyard, and I can say with all sincerity that the “swells” there would go to DEFCON V before they would allow one “person of color” to settle among them. DeSantis has a droll sense of humor.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Don’t worry. It will all be underwater soon enough thanks to the Climate Catastrophe. The Vineyard and Florida both! Of course this was just a cheap publicity announcement and Sherlock a shill for repeating it. Nativist xenophobia got Trump elected, didn’t it?

        1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

          Hillary got Trump elected.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Agreed. Nobody else could have done it better. Four years later Sleepy Joe beats him and they still can’t figure it out.

          2. Paul Sweet Avatar

            It’s simple. More people actually voted for Trump than for Biden, but when you add in the votes cast for Biden that were actually against Trump that’s how Biden beat him.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Do we know if Virginia got any of those flights, Steve?

    2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      I forgot to ask if you descend on the Edwin Conway Line. That is my line. Obama’s white grandmother is my 9th cousin. Obama is my 9th cousin, twice removed.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        The former president and I share DNA from Mareen “the Emigrant” Duvall who came to Maryland from France as an indentured servant, got connected with the Calverts, which turned into huge landholdings and slaveholdings as well. However, not every descendant got the money. In fact, from what I’ve read, Marsh Mareen Duvall, my 4th great grandfather and an officer in the American Army during the Revolution, wound up in front of a receiver as he was broke. My 3rd great grandfather was a humble block maker at the Washington Navy Yard. I’d guess Obama’s line didn’t have the money either. I wonder how the President made all of his.

  5. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    DeSantis can put them on trains bound for Richmond and D.C. If memory serves, the Richmond public school system’s population is dropping. Well, DeSantis is simply trying to help!

    I’m reliably told that, now that all the Confederate statues are gone from Richmond, the city plans to reimagine itself. They can replace Lee’s statue on Monument Avenue with one to…Miguel Hidalgo Costilla! Richmond can become a vibrant center for the burgeoning (and more GOP friendly) Hispanic-American community!

  6. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

    That is a great photo of DeSantis that accompanies the article. I see he is wearing a Bronze Star. Yet one more reason to proudly cast my vote for him, when the opportunity outside of Florida presents itself.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      John Kerry was awarded a Silver Star and a Bronze Star in a real war. I assume that led you to vote for him.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        He said that the Bronze star is “yet one more reason” to vote for him.

        Not the only reason.

        “Reading is Fundamental”.

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        You mean the ones he threw away and then pretended to be a war hero?
        How did his fellow crewmen feel about him?
        Was there suspicion of his three wounds which qualified him to leave valid?
        Swift Boat Veterans for Truth…
        Remember his Congressional testimony?
        He is a pompous horse’s rear. That he went to prep school with Mr. Integrity Bob Mueller doesn’t help…or that he is a kept man hypocrite with Heinz wealth, the huge yacht he licensed in a tax advantageous State, flying private while complaining about greenhouse gases, but I digress…
        I don’t like him!

        1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

          He’s an opportunist who descended on Mrs. Heinz and her hundreds of millions before poor Sen. Heinz was cold in the grave. And, getting back to his military career, I wonder how long this pretentious self-serving “hero” would have lasted in the Army.

        2. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          If memory serves, his fellow officers didn’t think much of him…but the sailors who served under him, on the same Swift Boat, were his strongest defenders.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            It was a long time ago… As I remember, after the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth came out, a few sailors said, “oh, no. JF’inK was a great guy” and then the SBVfT guys found other sailors to say he was a fake, pompous you know what, but that was enough for the media to declare the story not true and move on…Sound familiar?
            Tony Bobulinski got memory holed. Biden on tape doing a quid pro quo for Ukraine loan guarantee…nothing to see here! We just weren’t as tuned into the shaping of “the narrative”…

      3. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

        He threw his medals away. A “real” war??? What do you mean by that? Are there wars that are not “real”? P.S. What uniform have you worn, other than the Good Humor Man?

        1. So we are to presume that you did actually wear the uniform of our great country? Please share a bit about your service with us.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            The proper vernacular is DD-214 or didn’t happen. Which ironically is something you’ve been dodging for a good month now.

      4. Donald Smith Avatar
        Donald Smith

        Okay Dick, what in your opinion don’t count as “real” wars? You’ve just placed your record as saying that some conflicts America has fought in don’t deserve to be considered “real.” Which ones?

        How should we treat the dead, wounded and veterans of “less-than-real” wars differently than those of “real” ones?

        What is the dividing line between a “real” war and a “less than real” one? A certain casualty count?

      5. Will you please be kind enough to explain how U.S. involvement in Vietnam was a “real war” but U.S. involvement in Iraq was not a “real war”.

        I can find no record of Congress declaring war before, during, or after either action.

  7. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    He could also, if they object to him shipping them out of State, ship them to the $25 million oceanfront compound Nancy P just bought…

  8. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The proof that it is brilliant is that the Libs are steamed. Just like the “I did that” gas pump stickers and the “Let’s Go Brandon” cheers. The Left had a monopoly on ridicule for many years. Now that it is being given back, and the media can’t suppress it, they can’t handle it. But seriously, why the flights in the middle of the night and why not to places like Queen Nancy’s San Fran estate or to Chatauqua or Greenwich or “the Vinyaaaaahd” and all the other places the liberal swells live… They don’t love people. They hate people and they especially hate people who won’t submit. Why else is killing babies a religious rite for them?

  9. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    They should build section 8 housing next to Hussein’s place and Grandpa Gropes.

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    As Bacon’s Rebellion becomes so bogged down in high partisanship and culture wars, I feel I have to double check sources because a lot of what is being put out there as Gospel is actually bullshit.
    That seems to be the case with the idea that Biden is sending 70 daily secret night flights loaded with undocumented immigrants to Florida. I went back through the Web and could only find TWO sources for this — DeSantis and The Washington Examiner, a paper controlled by the extreme conservative Anschutz. Fox noted it, quoting the Examiner story. A few other sources such as Politifact, said the story is false.

    It is also on the tacky side to trot DeSantis out in his Navy whites, but these days tackiness is the in thing at BR.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Actually, Peter, thanks for the research, but Jen Psaki admitted to the flights in October. I personally watched the press conference.

      “White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday confirmed reporting by the New York Post (https://nypost.com/2021/10/18/biden-secretly-flying-underage-migrants-into-ny-in-dead-of-night/) that the Biden administration has been quietly flying underage illegal immigrants from the border to New York in the dead of night.”

      “During a press briefing, a reporter asked why the administration is “flying thousands of migrants from the border to Florida and New York in the middle of the night.”

      “Well I’m not sure it’s in the middle of the night but let me tell you what’s happening here. It is our —” Psaki said, before the reporter interrupted with various “very early” morning times that flights have taken place.

      “Here we are talking about early flights, earlier than you might like to take a flight,” Psaki said. “It is our legal responsibility to safely care for unaccompanied children until they can be swiftly unified with a parent or a vetted sponsor and that’s something we take seriously.”

      “She said the administration has a “moral obligation” to carry out the reunification process and noted that the Office of Refugee Resettlement has been facilitating travel for children in its custody to their families or sponsors across the country in recent weeks.”

      “While Psaki emphasized that the administration is legally obligated to care for children, the Post report indicates that some of the migrants appeared to be men in their 20’s.”

      “Psaki confirmed the New York Post’s reporting that unaccompanied children were flown into Westchester County Airport and said they were “en route to their final destination to be reunified with their parents or vetted sponsor.”

      “She added that the unaccompanied minors can be seen traveling through several states as part of the reunification process, not just New York and Florida”.

      A later report https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/more-migrant-children-being-flown-to-ny-but-what-happens-to-them-after-they-arrive/3336641/ wrote that 2500 children had been “moved to Queens and Long Island alone, with 50 being housed at a facility in Syosset”.

      So much for the only sources being “DeSantis and The Washington Examiner”. You need a new browser.

      As for my being “tacky to trot out Gov. DeSantis in his Navy whites” – it goes to the headline, “repel boarders”, get it?

      This was meant to be a light story for a Sunday morning.

      It has turned dark, exposing the very thin hides and secular religious zeal of some readers.

      Pretty much everything does.

      1. Donald Smith Avatar
        Donald Smith

        Jim, Pete is yelping loudly. I think your rock hit him. 🙂

  11. Is there a Go Fund Me account to help?

  12. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I admit I missed Psaki. Not sure I trust the New York Post other than the horoscopes. This begs a couple of points. What is so wrong if the Biden Administration is flying unaccompanied undocumented immigrant kids so they can be with their parents or other sponsor? What else are they supposed to do with them? How would you address this problem? Send them into tent cities a la Trump? Speaking of the Donald, why do you think it is so amusing to joke about sending these children to Martha’s Vineyard or Delaware? How about Mar a Lago or one of Trump’s several rich golf resorts? Has Trump slipped down your memory hole? Remember him?

    1. Watch what little video there is of the planes off-loading these criminal foreigners — they are not kids.

    2. “How about Mar a Lago or one of Trump’s several rich golf resorts?”

      That works for me.

  13. Ruckweiler Avatar

    Lieutenant, issue pistols and cutlasses to repel boarders and send the Marines into the rigging! Whether he does it or not the idea is that the marker is down against the so-called administration in DC.

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