by James C. Sherlock

Democrats in Virginia and nationally plan to ride abortion to victory in elections as far as the eye can see.

The herald of this strategy was a piece in New York Magazine by Rebecca Traister.  It was titled, unsubtly, “Abortion Wins Elections.”

She is probably right, if her positions are presented in a softened way.

She is right if progressives can set the terms of the debate and avoid the hard questions which the press will try feverishly to help them bury.

But I hand it to her. She is straightforward. She advocates boundless abortions. In that she is probably making the wrong bet.

In the progressive vision:

  • There are no fathers, no husbands in the brave new world. Reproductive choice does not apply to men;
  • Babies don’t exist until the moment of birth. Some would like the opportunity to take a look after birth — about which Dr. Northam spoke — before deciding;
  • They insist on tax money — from everyone — paying the bills.

The far right counters the left’s list of demands with its own. No abortions ever, under any circumstances.

I suspect Virginians are unprepared to go to either extreme. But there are questions directly applicable to Virginia politics.

  • Will abortion drive education and parents rights from the front of Virginia voters’ minds?
  • Will killing — sorry — terminating babies prove more important to voters than how the survivors are raised and educated?

In either case, it will be about children.

Who don’t get a vote.

The absolutist left. In a 9,300 word article on babies, Ms. Traister somehow never used the words “father,” “husband,” or “adoption.”

I would say she had to work at it, but I don’t think that is true.

She wrote:

Spending time with Michigan’s newly elected governing majority is a little like landing on a planet where no white men are in charge.

Good to know.

No limits:

Now that it (Roe) is gone, those mourning its demise can strive to build a more expansive, less vulnerable model dependent not on legally precarious notions of privacy, and not tied to gestational age in a way that permits restriction, and not as exposed to limitations that hurt the poor most.

Abortion, as described by Ms. Traister, is free of physical and emotional risk, free of regret — and free of fathers.

The article’s reference to children cites how expensive they are. The reference to family is dismissive about how conservatives campaign on family values.

But I never doubt the ability of modern progressives to set the agenda for the entire Democratic party and silence doubters.

The absolutist right. I also never discount the ability of some Republicans, amplified by the progressive media, to tar the entire party with their own dogma.

The far right is as absolutist on abortion as the far left.

  • It does not want the abortifacient mifepristone (morning after pill) sold in Virginia pharmacies. That is a flat out loser;
  • It wants no abortions ever, even in the cases of rape, incest or life of the mother. Another loser;
  • Governor Youngkin has said he will sign a 15- or 20-week ban that preserves those exceptions if it reaches his desk. That makes him anathema to some in his own party who accept no abortion at all. That is their right, but they should learn to love being beaten at the ballot box.

The fall elections.

I am sure neither extreme on abortion reflects the views of the majority of Virginia voters.

In the fall, only the views of the left will be softened by the dominant media, but most Virginians have come to understand and discount that.

Voters will be left to consider the actual positions offered by actual candidates, not the cartoon characters and slogans favored by the press and opponents on both sides.

In many cases, voters will have to choose the least offensive position rather than one they support.

Then they can determine whether abortion is their own dominant issue.

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171 responses to “A Killer Strategy”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    I keep saying, we need to swing to middle ground. There rationally should be more in the middle than on either end given the bell curve theory. But alas, those on the far left and far right are very, very loud. Screws up the theory.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Methinks that the theological principle of life at fertilization precludes any middle or compromise including IVF and medications. The 15/20 week bright line of the Gov is actually less since most women are unaware of pregnancy for up to 6 or more weeks. The court cases to follow that criterion will plague the system forever. Bell curve or any other curve theory will not satisfy the absolutists.

      1. Mr. McCarthy – You have used common law as a reference point for other discussions. I find it interesting that you don’t mention it with respect to abortion.

        As a matter of common law in England and the United States, abortion was illegal anytime after quickening—when the movements of the fetus could first be felt by the woman.

        Abortion on demand right up until birth is the position of the Democratic party. That’s at odds with our history, and what is practiced elsewhere in the world.,be%20felt%20by%20the%20woman.

        1. VaNavVet Avatar

          That is not the position of the Democratic party and never will be. Facts are stubborn things!

          1. “Facts are stubborn things!”

            Indeed they are.

            H. R. 26

            To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.

            Only one Democrat, Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX), joined Republicans to support this legislation. See for yourself.


          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            Even when they are being twisted to fit an existing narrative!

          3. California Abortion Laws

            There is no strict cut-off date as to when a pregnancy may be terminated. But absent special circumstances, abortion services cannot be performed once the fetus becomes viable.


            Special circumstances limit late-term abortions to those where the life or “health” of the mother would be potentially in jeopardy. That vague guideline permits even emotional health to be justification.

          4. Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 would outlaw:

            “A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health.”

            Add to that a clear understanding of how “health” is to be interpreted.

            The World Health Organization advises that countries permitting abortion on health grounds should interpret “health” to mean “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”


            Did you catch that? Even “social well being” is justification for a late-term abortion.

            I was not overstating the case.

          5. VaNavVet Avatar

            Since when does the WHO determine policy in the US? We need to have trust in the medical judgment of health care providers. Representatives submit all kinds of bills that go nowhere. Did this bill pass Congress? So now MTG represents the entire GOP.

          6. The U.S. is a leading member of the World Health Organization.

            “On his first day in office, Biden retracts US withdrawal from WHO”


          7. That is not the position of the Democratic party and never will be. Facts are stubborn things!

            Will you be kind enough provide the actual democrat party position on abortion – pardon me “women’s reproductive rights”?

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      There are some issues where there is no middle ground.

      The First Amendment comes to mind.

      There is middle ground on abortion, however. I think the Governor’s position comes close to it.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Middle schmiddle. Off year elections are won by the intensity level that drives turnout, and on abortion, the intensity level that drives turnout is with those who favor unfettered, all but unregulated abortion up to the very last minute (and beyond, if they are kept comfortable….) Overturning Roe (not “Rowe”) changed everything. Now the complaints that Republicans will ban in outright if given a chance have total credibility. The moderate Dems (they exist) will shut up and let the wave carry them to victory.

        1. VaNavVet Avatar

          You give your fellow Virginia voters so little credit. Who would really believe that they are merely led around by their noses.

        2. joelrubin Avatar

          So the Ds favor unfettered access to abortion, which is untrue, but the Rs don’t want unfettered access to guns whose only purpose is to kill innocent Americans, including nine year olds in Christian schools. Is that untrue too? Let’s see how the state legislature and Governor in Tennessee respond.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Not what I said, Joel. I said the most intense voting bloc are those in favor of largely unfettered abortion, and they outnumber the intense voters on the other side.

      2. VaNavVet Avatar

        Common ground on the First Amendment means private entities can do as they like and you can’t shout “fire” in a crowded theater. Then there is also “hate” speech in the middle.

  2. joelrubin Avatar

    What if the left agrees to stricter limits on abortion if the right agrees to a ban on all assault weapons? Right now it seems the right accepts the deaths of children…one school shooting a week so far in this country this collateral damage in the larger quest to ensure continuing profits from AR-15 sales for manufacturers and dealers.

    1. ‘Assault weapons’ have never been used in any mass shooting or other crime… but that’s a debate we’ve had many time before.. please use the correct terminology.

      As we know abortion is a ‘reproductive right’ action which actually counters ‘reproduction’.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Assault weapon equal militant style semi-automatic weapon with pistol grip, large capacity magazine, and generally shorter barrel. Such weapons have been used often in mass shootings. See Las Vegas.

        1. Assault weapon equal militant style semi-automatic weapon with pistol grip, large capacity magazine, and generally shorter barrel.

          No they don’t.

        2. You are describing a semi-automatic firearm… not an assault weapon – which has a very specific characteristic. Calling a duck a goose does not make a duck a goose.

          No military [I assume that’s what you meant to write] issues semi-automatic rifles/carbines to its soldiers these days.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            If one is claiming that a rifle has to be fully automatic to be an assault rifle, there are a large number of state laws that would disagree with you. Assault weapons are defined by appearance. One can take an AR-15, replace the plastic with wood loose the pistol grip, along with the flash suppressor and comply with the law in almost all states.

          2. One can take an AR-15, replace the plastic with wood loose the pistol grip, along with the flash suppressor and comply with the law in almost all states.

            That is not true.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            But, but but, dontchya know it’s the PLASTIC that makes it an assault rifle.

            We were warned about the future of plastics in “The Graduate”. Little did we know then they would become the defining characteristic of “assault weapons” to some people. Maybe we should ban all plastics, especially those plastics with bayonet lugs or evil flash suppressors. Double ban plastic bayonet lugs and flash hiders.

            Triple ban plastic bolt locking lugs. Oh, nevermind, it’s already been done. Maybe add trans to the prohibited categories on 4473s and in airport baggage claim areas. But those forms of plasticity are favorably regarded. Yet in some cases plastic is regarded as a pleasurable substitute for “wood” wink wink, nudge nudge. This is all so confusing.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Assault weapons are defined by appearance”

            No, no they aren’t. The are described by function, which is how they have been regulated since 1986.

            “One can take an AR-15, replace the plastic with wood loose the pistol grip, along with the flash suppressor and comply with the law in almost all states”

            You might want to stop discussing a topic that you clearly you have zero idea of what you’re talking about.

            You also disproved your own statement.

          5. Teddy007 Avatar

            From the federal assault weapons ban passed in 1994


            Definition of assault weapon

            Under the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, the definition of “semi-automatic assault weapon” (“SAW”) (commonly shortened to “assault weapon”) included specific semi-automatic firearm models by name, and other semi-automatic firearms that possessed two or more from a set certain features
            A semi-automatic pistol formerly classified as an assault weapon under federal law.
            Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and has two or more of the following:

            Folding or telescoping stock
            Pistol grip
            Bayonet mount
            Flash hider or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one
            Grenade launcher

            Semi-automatic pistols with detachable magazines and two or more of the following:

            Magazine that attaches outside the pistol grip
            Threaded barrel to attach barrel extender, flash suppressor, handgrip, or suppressor
            Barrel shroud safety feature that prevents burns to the operator
            A manufactured weight of 50 ounces (1.41kg) or more when the pistol is unloaded
            A semi-automatic version of a fully automatic firearm.

            Semi-automatic shotguns with two or more of the following:

            Folding or telescoping stock
            Pistol grip
            A fixed magazine capacity in excess of 5 rounds
            Detachable magazine.

            Look it up instead of resorting to insults.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The Federal Assault Weapons Ban 1994 did nothing.

            It made arbitrary rules based upon visual characteristics vs function. It also didn’t apply to already owned firearms, they were grandfathered.

            Oh and just for your edification, a SAW is a squad automatic weapon, it’s manufactured by FN and is a Military Firearm.

            “Grenade launcher”

            Destructive Device, regulated by 1934 NFA.

            A Bayonet mount is a lug and doesn’t make anything more lethal.

            “Flash hider or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one”

            Muzzles devices do making something an assault weapon, oh and Suppressors are again regulated by the 1934 NFA.

            If you want me to insult you, quoting Wikipedia isn’t going to get you answers, it’ll just making you appear as idiotic are you already did. You have zero clue what you’re talking about and I pray to the almighty you don’t own a firearm, because you aren’t qualified to.

          7. Teddy007 Avatar

            Once again try a link instead of the insults. And denying that the assault weapon definition does not include semi-automatic wepaons has been shown to be wrong. Not one is just playing word games to try to make up for not using cites.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            1) Learn what an insult is, calling you uneducated is not one.

            2) Citing wikipedia isn’t good enough for a college term paper, so it’s even less valid here.

            3). An “Assault Weapon” is an arbitrary term developed by politicians to dupe uneducated folks (i.e you).

            The only word games are in your head.

          9. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Try rereading your posts a few of which have glaring grammatical errors. Labeling another as uneducated is non-responsive.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Says the person who’s post contains a grammatical error. Comment stands, as per usual your lack of education abounds there Jimmy.

          11. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            That should be “whose”, Mr. Education.

          12. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I know, it was done on purpose to prove my point. Jimmy , thanks for playing.

          13. Lefty665 Avatar

            Be chastened Matt, Jimmy knows a thing or two about “mere screeds”.

          14. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Frick and Frack double team to complete a single thought. Perhaps an unedited collection of your BR articles (there are some, no?) and comments could be published as a PhD thesis demonstrating inanity. Youse two is a hoot.

          15. Lefty665 Avatar

            And “youse” knows a thing or two about inanity too. Together with mere screeds they have earned you several Jim McCarthy silly walk awards.

            Had a buddy I’d bar hop with long ago. One barmistress called us Frick and Frack. We got along well with her. The beer to bill ratio was good, as were her tips.

          16. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Luckily for us, science tells us Jimmy is exactly who we think he is.


            I’m not sure how my typo’s and grammatical errors undermined my arguments, but what can you really say outside of it’s just Jimmy.

          17. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Recall your attempt interpreting my “tunneling” metaphor of a few weeks past. So, you proved the point that I’m educated by misspelling as bait? LOL. You were not playing. Far too sophisticated in light of the multiple comments you’ve posted that are mere screeds.

          18. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Nope, just that you’re unable to help yourself.

            I didn’t “interpret” anything, you made a misstatement and doubled down.

            Also, spelling and grammar do not educated make, that’s your first mistake.

            If anyone values your opinion or words, they’re most sorely disappointed, because they aren’t worth the pixels.

            You’re also a mind reader that’s cute.

            PS: Oh and you’re still missing that comma.

          19. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Hmmnn!! Doubling down is not your forte? Multiple comments to insist justifying characterizing someone as uneducated? Dissembling to rationalize use of an incorrect pronoun was intended? Spelling and grammar are not some criteria of education? I’ll grant your stuff is often slick similar to some of Sherlock’s blather. But slick is all it is never even rating clever. Like your buddy Lefty, it’s beer talk in a bar unfit for adult, serious discussion of issues. Characterizing others as “know nothings” to bolster your “educated” opinions is a huge tell that you know how thin your words are and that you are looking in a mirror. You know it and the more you comment others will get the picture.

          20. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            The 2A folk seem prepared to surrender their lives upon a definition in order to ignore the dead children.

          21. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Emotional appeal by someone who in a word is uneducated.

          22. Teddy007 Avatar

            From the california law on assault rifles:

            12276.1 (a) Notwithstanding Section 12276, “assault weapon” shall also mean any of the following:
            A semiautomatic, center fire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
            A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon.
            A thumbhole stock.
            A folding or telescoping stock.
            A grenade launcher or flare launcher.
            A flash suppressor.
            A forward pistol grip.

          23. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Again, cosmetic features do not make something an “assault weapon”.

          24. Teddy007 Avatar

            From the State of New York Law : An assault weapon is defined as a semi-automatic pistol or rifle that uses a detachable magazine or a semi-automatic shotgun, and which has at least one other characteristic listed in the Penal Law, or a revolving, cylinder shotgun.

          25. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If it has a detachable magazine under NY SAFE it’s illegal. The manufacturers merely accommodate and move on.

            It has zero impact on if that firearm is an “assault weapon”. An M1 Granad has no detachable magazine and is semi-automatic with a wood stock, it was the primary firearm carried by infantry in WWII.

          26. And it is significantly more deadly than an AR-15…

          27. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Especially when you are firing black tips.

          28. Bob X from Texas Avatar
            Bob X from Texas

            Pistol grips make an ordinary rifle into a super death machine.
            Adjustable shoulder stocks increase the range of an ordinary rifle from 50 feet to 10 miles.
            Standard capacity rifle magazine hold 30 rounds. High capacity rifle magazines hold 50 bullet clips.

        3. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Assault weapon equal militant style semi-automatic weapon with pistol grip, large capacity magazine, and generally shorter barrel. Such weapons have been used often in mass shootings. See Las Vegas.”

          SBR’s are regulated by the 1934 NFA and require a tax stamp just like a select fire firearm bub. They aren’t used in Mass Shootings.

        4. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Great work confronting the 2A absolutists. Whether its abortion or 2A, absolutism, the BR patriots will define the daylights outta any challenge.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’m an “absolutist”? News to me, but if you didn’t have strawmen and silly walks, you’d have nothing at all.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Silly walks are his specialty. Straw men and made up stuff are subsets of silly walks.

          3. Opposing a ban on the most popular civilian rifle in U.S. history does not a “2A absolutist” make…

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The same could be said for abortion rights advocates, no…?

          5. Sure. But I’m already in the middle on abortion.

            While I am personally against abortion for reasons of my own, I think the law should be aimed at keeping early-term abortions “safe, legal and rare” which is the position previously taken by the democrat party.

            I also support a hard ban on abortion after the point at which the baby is viable outside the womb.

            As far as I am concerned, anyone who will argue that a baby which is capable of surviving outside its mother’s womb is not a human being is positively ghoulish, and should not be taken seriously on any issue regarding human life.

            Of course, I am not republican, so…

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Hard ban including rape, incest, life of mother? What about fetus with severe defects that could not survive long post-birth (see Northam’s actual comments, for example)? These are, by far, most of the third term abortions that are performed these days. With those sort of exclusions in place, I believe most support such regulation.

          7. Point taken.

            I think 99.9% of rape, incest, and life of mother issues can be handled well before the baby is viable outside the womb.

            For the remaining 0.10%, though, I would be willing to soften my ban, with adequate regulation to make sure the exception is not abused.

        5. Assault weapon equal militant style semi-automatic weapon with pistol grip, large capacity magazine, and generally shorter barrel.

          The AR-15 was introduced to the civilian market in 1963 as a sporting firearm. The military did not adopt the M-16 (essentially a select-fire version of the AR-15) until 1967.

          Thus, the AR-15 is not based on a military weapon, the M-16 military weapon is based on a civilian weapon.

          See for yourself. Here is one of Colt’s first advertisements for the AR-15:

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            And the price was right, $189.50, although they were bigger dollars back then.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            But who funded the design and testing of the weapon? The military.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Wrong again.

          4. But who funded the design and testing of the weapon? The military.

            Nope. When Armalite took Eugene Stoner’s design to the military they had to compete against other manufacturers, just like everyone else. The military may have funded additional development of the M-16 after it was chosen, but the original design was privately funded.

            While Armalite had previously sold the AR-7 to the Airforce for use in pilots’ survival kits, the design of that was also originally privately funded.

            By the way, the AR-7 is a neat little rifle. It is semi-automatic, chambered in .22 LR and has a 7-round detachable magazine. It can easily be broken down without tools, and all components stored in the buttstock, which will float.

            I so not think the Air Force still uses it, but Henry Rifles sells it today as the AR-7 U.S. Survival Rifle. It’s a fun little “plinking” rifle and is surprisingly accurate given that the barrel and receiver are so easily separated.

            It’s probably banned in New York and California though.


          5. But who funded the design and testing of the weapon? The military.

            Nope. When Armalite took Eugene Stoner’s design to the military they had to compete against other manufacturers, just like everyone else. The military may have funded additional development of the M-16 after it was chosen, but the original design was privately funded.

            While Armalite had previously sold the AR-7 to the Airforce in 1959 for use in pilots’ survival kits, the design of that was also originally privately funded.

            By the way, the AR-7 is a neat little rifle. It is semi-automatic, chambered in .22 LR and has a 7-round detachable magazine. It can easily be broken down without tools, and all components stored in the buttstock, which will float.

            I so not think the Air Force still uses it, but Henry Rifles sells it today as the AR-7 U.S. Survival Rifle. It’s a fun little “plinking” rifle and is surprisingly accurate given that the barrel and receiver are so easily separated.

            It’s probably banned in New York and California though.


            CORRECTION: The AR-7 is still in use by the U.S. military as well as other countries’ armed forces.

            CORRECTION 2: The AR-7 in its basic form is not [currently] banned in either NY or CA, but it appears to be on CA’s ‘radar’.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That’s not how Federally funded programs work, especially not how military firearm contracts work.

            We just had a procurement won by SIG that illustrates the process. You should start your reading there.

        6. VaNavVet Avatar

          Let them keep their long guns whatever they want to call them and put some reasonable restriction on the sale of this caliber ammunition.

          1. I’ll just load my own – after I use up the +/- 10,000 rounds I already have.

            But I do not commit crimes with my firearms, so no one has anything to worry about from me.

          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            The high velocity .223 or 5.56mm round virtually explodes upon impact and literally tears the human body apart greatly reducing a doctor’s chance of saving a life. These rounds are no good for hunting and are used for killing. I own several firearms but gave up the pointless killing of small animals as a teenager. Only a conspiracy theorist needs 10K rounds on hand. There should be restrictions on the buying of excessively large quantities of this ammunition. Modest amounts for target practice would pose no danger and licenses could be available for larger purchases.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “The high velocity .223 or 5.56mm round virtually explodes upon impact and literally tears the human body apart greatly reducing a doctor’s chance of saving a life.”

            Oh boy, well in the scheme of things

            1) .223 & 5.56 NATO while similar, don’t go firing a 5.56 NATO out of a rifle chambered for .223, you’re going to overpressure that badboy and it’ll blow up.

            2) The velocity at which the round travels is based upon, bullet weight, charge, barrel length and range.

            3) That has nothing to do with how it behaves upon impact. That would be Newton’s Second Law, F=MA.

            4) It doesn’t tear anything about, it acts just like any other rifle round in use today.

            5) “These rounds are no good for hunting and are used for killing”

            Nope, they are used for hunting, all the time.

            6) “I own several firearms but gave up the pointless killing of small animals as a teenager. ”

            A chilling statement, given the complete and total inaccuracies you used above.

            7) “Only a conspiracy theorist needs 10K rounds on hand. ”

            You don’t get to determine what is reasonable for any other person, I thought that was the mantra, has it changed?

            8) “There should be restrictions on the buying of excessively large quantities of this ammunition.”

            If someone would like to spend their money on ammunition and they have no committed a crime, who are you to say otherwise.

            9) “Modest amounts for target practice would pose no danger and licenses could be available for larger purchases.”

            Oh look, someone wants a registry. Sure makes it easy to come round people up when you don’t like them anymore.

          4. VaNavVet Avatar

            Don’t worry as you are not a small animal. LOL
            Hunting as in for food and these rounds do too much damage to the animal. It might work to just kill the prey with no regard to any further use of the specimen.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Don’t worry as you are not a small animal. LOL”

            So now you’re just whimsically throw around threats?

            “Hunting as in for food and these rounds do too much damage to the animal.”

            No, no they don’t. They do the same damage as any other rifle round does to an animal, they aren’t magical, they don’t “tumble” mid air. If your round is “tumbling” mid air, it’s going keyholing because it’s not stabilized, because either the barrel is to short or a host of other issues.

            You’re talking out of your 4th point of contact and clearly have zero understanding of ballistics.

          6. VaNavVet Avatar

            Hey just sharing what doctors and law enforcement officers are saying. So take it or leave it. No threat intended or made as just a joke.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Hey just sharing what doctors and law enforcement officers are saying. ”

            Oh look an appeal to authority.

            Merely repeating the incorrect information provided by someone else doesn’t make it true.

            A .223/5.56 act in the same manner as 30-06 or .308, which are used to hunt all forms of game. Those rounds are significantly more powerful as damage is based upon force imparted upon the object the round strikes.

            Newton’s second law F=MA and Energy Ke = 1/2mv^2.

          8. VaNavVet Avatar

            You can view the demonstrations online of 9 mm vs .223. BTW the FBI was very interested in someone who claimed to have amassed 10,000 rounds of ammunition.

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “You can view the demonstrations online of 9 mm vs .223. BTW the FBI was very interested in someone who claimed to have amassed 10,000 rounds of ammunition.”

            A 9mm isn’t a rifle round, a pcc yes, a rifle no. A 5.56/.223 is a rifle round. The only comparison would be a 5.7 fired from a pistol, stop comparing apples and oranges.

            So you’re saying that you flagged a poster on here for saying they have 10,000 rounds?

            That in and of itself should get you banned, they committed no crime, it’s none of the FBI’s business how many rounds someone has, unless they commit a crime or acquire those rounds or firearms illegal.

            For your statement you will be flagged and I will lobby you get banned.

          10. CJBova Avatar

            What’s the point of flagging someone if you’re going to repeat what he said?

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So they are unable to edit their comment and say they did nothing wrong.

          12. VaNavVet Avatar

            Look at the date of the post!

    2. Teddy007 Avatar

      The Democrats should trade a carbon tax for immigration reform to include increase border security, interior security, and a reduction in the number of legal immigrants. Make increasing immigration contingent on meeting very ambitious carbon emission reduction goals.

      1. Why should anyone have to trade anything for border security?

        Securing our borders is a fundamental responsibility of our federal government. Taxing carbon is not.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          Written by someone who needs to understand politics. The Republicans need the Democrats to get 60 votes in the Senate and to keep the funding in the budget since it will not be on automatic. Thus, trade a carbon tax (fall on the rich with their large homes and private jets) and will also fall on discretionary spending such as vacations or entertainment. A carbon tax would also spur more innovation in the energy sector and would be cheaper than subsidies.

          1. I did not ask why border security would be traded for a carbon tax, I asked why it should have to be traded.

            Your response illustrates the utter depravity of the democrat party, with its willingness to leverage national security needs against political wants.
            Of course, I doubt more than a dozen members of congress of either party know what their constitutional responsibilities really are, anyway.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            I never understand people who think they are being clever by intentionally understanding something. If the Republicans are serious about border security, then the Republicans need the votes of at least 10 Democrats. That is a huge ask inpolitics and will require a huge costs. A carbon tax for border security, interior security, and reduction in immigration a good trade. It also links environmentalism with reducing immigration,
            The alternative is the Democrats never voting for border security and the Republicans requiring 60 seats in the Senate (that has not occur in almost 100 years) to pass border security.
            No Republican can act pure on the Constitution.

          3. Good thing I’m not a republican, then, isn’t it?

          4. Teddy007 Avatar

            Once again, intentionally misunderstand someone to try to make a point is never a good look.

          5. I never understand people who think they are being clever by intentionally [mis]understanding something.

            You need to take a hard look in the mirror on that one, my friend. You are regularly guilty of engaging in that same past time.

            In fact, I know you know the difference between ‘should’ and ‘would’, so you’ve already engaged in intentional misunderstanding in this thread.

          6. I never understand people who think they are being clever by intentionally [mis]understanding something.

            You need to take a hard look in the mirror on that one, my friend. You are regularly guilty of engaging in that same past time.

            In fact, I know you know the difference between ‘should’ and ‘would’, so you’ve already engaged in intentional misunderstanding in this thread.

          7. Teddy007 Avatar

            Actually, the big difference, from a regulatory point of view, is should and shall.

          8. Again?

            I was not referring to regulations. But now that you mention it, in regulations, ‘must’ is often superior to ‘shall’

          9. Teddy007 Avatar

            No, it is not. And I have never seen must in a regulation as compared to shall.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Many believe it is. But based on your response, sounds like another “No!” to compromise.

          1. Anyone who believes our borders are secure is engaging in magical thinking.

            I am willing to compromise on “wants” – I am not willing compromise on issues as essential as national security.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Many believe that climate change is a much greater existential threat than illegal immigration and are not willing to compromise based on what they perceive as your “wants”.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Many believe that climate change is a much greater existential threat than illegal immigration and are not willing to compromise based on what they perceive as your “wants”.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Who exactly is looking for a reduction in the number of legal immigrants? Nobody I know.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar


          In fact, per 2019 polling from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Republicans are not only less likely to support increasing legal immigration but also more likely to support reducing legal immigration. Almost half of Republicans (47 percent) said legal immigration should be decreased, compared with just 16 percent of Democrats.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Based on the comments below, sounds like a hard “No!” from the Right.

  3. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Everyone likes to use the term “transparency”. Let’s be transparent about abortion and show it in living color to all those who are on the fence. Informed choice is the best choice.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Yes sir. The pictures. Show them. If you can stomach that, step forward at once.

  4. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    If babies had guns they wouldn’t let liberals abort them.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Transiter might be right about abortion winning elections. But the left has forgotten an important part of the equation. They will abort their future voters. Add in that the birth rate for red states vs. blue states and you will have a reduced voting block in 20 years. Not a promising future for team blue.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      A kid born into a Republican leaning family can easily become a Democrat. Not many people born into Democratic Party voting families become conservative. In addition, the high birth rates are due to Hispanic families who vote over 65% for Democrats.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        The voting patterns for Hispanics are changing. As for the other part there is a famous Winston Churchill quote that provides an answer. We shall find out, I think sooner than 20 years.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          A quote that Churchill never said. And people generally keep voting the way they voted in the past. As the change in Hispanic voting has only happened in a couple of Texas counties where the number one employer is the federal government. If one looks at California, there has been no change shift toward the Republicans.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Your nervous. Team blue is in trouble.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            Team blue received 7 million more votes than the Team Red. In addition, 20-somethings are age group that votes the most heavily for Democrats. With every election, the percentage of the voters that are non-Hispanic white decreases. Either the Republicans find a way to appeal to Hispanic or the Democrats, believing that demographics is destiny and that blacks should have veto power over policy and governance, screw up enough to alienate Hispanic voters. Also, Asian voters swung from being majority Republican to majority Democratic due to the screw up of GW Bush and Trump.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            The 20 somethings don’t want kids, they want money and an easy life. Not worried about them. Lost generation like the WWI vets. Screw up? What do you call the man who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania?

      2. In addition, the high birth rates are due to Hispanic families who vote over 65% for Democrats.

        For now.

        1. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          Truth. In the future it will be all poor women, all the time. Race being a non-issue. I’m wondering why OP isn’t wrestling with the concomitant impact on maternal mortality. Maybe that’s a non-issue? But dead women don’t have babies and health care pros don’t want to practice in places where saving womens’ lives/best practice is secondary to ideology.

    2. Monica Wright Avatar
      Monica Wright

      Those kids in red states aren’t being born to conservative voters. The highest birth rates are among poor, minority women who would like to have more options.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Can you prove that? What I saw is different.

        1. Monica Wright Avatar
          Monica Wright

          The older the mother, the more financially stable the household. The majority of young births are happening in poor states and poor counties to poor people who usually don’t vote.

          Both education and income are correlated with more liberal and consistent voting patterns. The people most able to birth and raise/financially-support well-adjusted kids are not having them.

          Consistent voters are older, whiter and more conservative than the public writ large and, while that is beginning to change, y’all aint seen nothing yet.

          When you overlay these maps re: birth rates with abortion restrictions and maternity care deserts, the pattern is clear. We’re birthing a very young, very brown, very poor tidal wave who will not see things the way those currently in power do in part because of their very different medical experiences and traumas.

          Controlling female fertility through abortion restrictions and medical neglect kills/maims women and hurts kids.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Yes the pattern is clear. And father time will prove who is right.

          2. Monica Wright Avatar
            Monica Wright

            Do you find it dismaying that we’re using policy to inspire/compel births within populations that are not self-supporting? I can’t imagine that this will end well, especially when we’re awash in guns. Why focus on getting an education when youth will be able to seize what they want with guns? How much money will it take to rehab the subpar education these kids will get in poor/underfunded communities? I think we’re all going to pay for this market intervention. I will probably live to see the fallout and I am not encouraged.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Oh boy. Hold fast.

          4. Monica Wright Avatar
            Monica Wright

            Still holding. No thoughts?

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Some would like the opportunity to take a look after birth — about which Dr. Northam spoke — before deciding;”

    If you are going to throw around thinly veiled falsehoods straight off in your piece, you really can’t expect anyone to take the piece seriously.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Thinly veiled falsehoods?

      Repeat a lie like that enough and it may make you feel better, Eric, but it won’t change the fact of the interview in which Northam said just that.

      It was one of Northam’s med school classmates who, after reading that interview, published the blackface pictures that nearly, and likely should have, resulted in his resignation.

      So deny all you wish. The truth is documented.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        The truth is indeed well documented and it demonstrates that what you claim is not what he was discussing. This has been well demonstrated right here on this very blog multiple times and yet the falsehood persists.

  7. Teddy007 Avatar

    No restrictions for the first 15 weeks with more stringent restrictions after that increases with the number of weeks. Very simple.

    Since the vast majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester, the Democratic position is in reality, that position. The Republicans not only want to ban abortion but want to ban many forms of birth control along with IVF.

    The reason the Republicans do not care after the child is born is that banning abortion is about punishing women for having sex with the wrong man.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock


      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        If one interactions with a militant pro-lifer and asked them why they want to punish a woman for a contraception failure, they inevitably will call the woman a slut and say that she is getting what she deserves. See Todd Akin (RIP).

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          That is your private nightmare, not reality in any broad sense.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            When one claims that people like Todd Akin (legitimate rape) and Rush Limbaugh (calling women sluts for wanting birth control to be included in corporate health plans) then reality is on my side.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Since the vast majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester, the Democratic position is in reality, that position.”

      That is a false statement, the law that took this back to the SCOTUS was 15 weeks.

      All you’re repeating is talking points, devoid of any factual thought. Much like the rest of your comment.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Mississippi current has banned all abortions. See However, emergency contraception is still legal.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          The case (Dobbs) that triggered the SCOTUS, was 15 weeks and the reason it went to the Court was because it was challenged by those you are saying are okay with 15 weeks. You can’t have it both ways.

          That was based upon Mississippi Code 41-41-191 (2018)

          What your citing was enacted in 2022.

          Again, the next time you want to have a discussion, do so with all the facts. Not talking points.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            Actually, Mississippi had a trigger law ready to do despite the voters in Mississippi voting in 2011 to reject a life begins at conception law. And the point of Dobbs was not to defend the 15 week law but to just get an abortion case in front of the Supreme Court so that Alito and others could overturn Roe and allow the legislatures to ban abortion if they want. The point of any election is voting for a Republican means voting to ban abortion and punish women for having a contraception failure.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “And the point of Dobbs was not to defend the 15 week law but to just get an abortion case in front of the Supreme Court so that Alito and others could overturn Roe and allow the legislatures to ban abortion if they want. ”

            False, but it’s very clear no matter how many facts are presented to you, you just keep parroting partisan talking points.

            ‘The point of any election is voting for a Republican means voting to ban abortion and punish women for having a contraception failure.”

            Hyperbole from a partisan poster.

          3. Teddy007 Avatar

            From wiki: The case concerned the constitutionality of a 2018 Mississippi state law that banned most abortion operations after the first 15 weeks of pregnancy. The Mississippi law was based on a model by a Christian legal organization, Alliance Defending Freedom, with the specific intent to provoke a legal battle leading to the overturning of Roe.

            If one is going to claim facts, then one needs to provide cites instead of insults.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Again, you’re citing wikipedia and reading minds.

          5. Teddy007 Avatar

            If the Republicans control the Virginia Senate, Youngkin would have already signed a 6-week ban on abortion and could be trying to ban all abortions.

          6. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            If what you say is true, why don’t Democrats jump on his offer to get legislation passed to put the ban at 15 to 20 weeks?

    3. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      There are many Republicans who believe in choice up to limits, unrestricted up to 15 to 20 weeks as put out by Youngkin is a good rule of thumb, but of course everyone is going to have an opinion. There are many Republicans who could care less who anyone sleeps with. So while you may be right about a certain group of hardliners (as Sherlock depicted), I categorically disagree with what you outlined as “a Republican position”.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Virtually all of the deep red states have banned abortion and have/are trying to outlaw emergency contraception. It is just a matter of time until some state passes a law that says life begin at conception along with bans on IUDs and IVF.

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          About 10 States, give or take, ban abortion….right? Several others after 6 weeks.

          Regardless, I stand by what I said, there are many Republicans who disagree with either of these positions. Its just hard to get them elected in deep red states, just as it is nearly impossible to get a pro life Democrat elected.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            There are almost no elected Republicans how have taken any position other than life begins at conception which means no abortion, no emergency contraception, no IUD, and no IVF. Trying to play word games is not a good look.

  8. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    I wrote a column about abortion and a gun debate broke out. Perhaps there is a political lesson in that. What I wrote about the politics of abortions is true about guns. The absolutists on both sides take up all the oxygen.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Henny Youngman would have used that one!

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Abortion is to those on the left as firearms are to those who are on the right. The difference being one is explicitly defined in oh founding documents the other is not. Therefore, it is left unto the States for determination, unless an amendment is passed.

      If people don’t like how are Constitution is written, there is a process for correcting it, use it or drive in.

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Conservative Republicans recognize Youngkin’s proposal for what it is: a sham. According to the CDC, in 2020, more than 97 percent of abortions in Virginia were performed within the 15-week time frame. Youngkin’s proposal would have prevented less than three percent of the total abortions in Virginia during that year. During his campaign, he has said that he was open to 20 weeks, which would have prevented less than one percent.

    I am on record as opposing abortion, except in the case of limited medical reasons. I am likely one of those rare Democrats who will acknowledge that opinion.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      So what is the motivation for punishing women for contraception failures or denying them emergency contraception?

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Exactly. Three percent or one percent. That should define the parameters of the debate.

      Progressives, and I do not consider you one Dick, will not even talk about the facts of Gov. Youngkin’s position or the middle way it offers.

      Gov. Youngkin’s position requires me to compromise my own long-held position on abortion.

      Progressives, who run your party, will use scary videos to tar Republicans as fans of back alley abortions. Those adds are already being filmed.

      The far right, which tries to define the Republican party, will counter with equally extreme ads.

      We are both sorry for that.

    3. “I am on record as opposing abortion, except in the case of limited medical reasons. I am likely one of those rare Democrats who will acknowledge that opinion.”

      Indeed. I thought people like you were extinct.

      But on very late-term abortions, I beleive you miss the point. It’s not the number of these abortions that matter. What is at issue is the obvious killing of a viable human life.

      When a baby is capable of living independent of the mother, we don’t need just a “conversation.” We need respect for human life.

      It’s against the law to kill an infant child. Should we abolish those laws just because it happens rarely? Obviously not.

      It’s not numbers driving this. Purposefully killing a human being is wrong, and the law should reflect that.

      It would be nice of there was a clear line, agreed to by all, to differentiate between what is a part of the mother, and what is a human. There isn’t.

      Most Americans reject both conception and passage through the birth canal as the point when humanity starts. Our laws should reflect that.

  10. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    After 90 c0mments, hopefully all the partisan discussion on things related to abortion and, mostly, things that are not about abortion have been aired.

    But in that I am an optimist unscarred by precedent.

    I can’t wait until I actually write, as I intend to, about:
    – suicide among transgender persons,
    – suicide by cop among transgender persons,
    – homicide by transgender persons,
    – the refusal by parents of transgender young people to report their suicidal/homicidal children to police,
    – the opposition to red flag laws by some on the right,
    – why the right thinks they need, rather than want, semiautomatic rifles;
    – a request that I intend to make to UVa Hospital medical scientists review what transgender hormones do to people, etc.

    Heads will explode on the right and the left.

    Which will signal that I have it about right.

  11. I’d like to see Rebecca Traister’s answer to the question: Whatever happened to “safe, legal, and rare”, used to be the democrat party’s position on abortion, as touted by Hillary Clinton herself?

  12. I’d like to see Rebecca Traister’s answer to the question: Whatever happened to “safe, legal, and rare”, used to be the democrat party’s position on abortion, as touted by Hillary Clinton herself?

      1. That’s a good trend. I hope it continues.

        But what does it have to do with her demanding the “right” to an abortion right up to the moment of delivery? That hardly sounds like someone who wants abortions to be rare.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Why not? I could want them to be rare. it allowed when needed. Those are not mutually exclusive concepts.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      That is the crux of the issue indeed. As noted by the author, Youngkin has indicated he’d sign a 15-20 week ban. That 15 week mark is inline with the vast majority of Europe. However, given the pushback seen here in the States even about the Roe definition of 24 weeks or viability, despite statements otherwise. I highly doubt that would be acceptable to the small (but loud) majority on the parties far left wing.

      In my personal opinion and that alone, I am not for abortion. However, that decision is between you and whatever entity that you pray or don’t pray to. The only caveat is that there has to be a threshold where it is no longer acceptable, unless noted exceptions.

      On that point, the notion that a mother is in the 2nd or 3rd trimester and requires an abortion is pure an unadulterated poppycock, you’re beyond viability at that point.

      You can also spot the individuals rationalizing their beliefs, they use the terms like Zygote, Fetus and Clump of Cells. Is just an exercise in dehumanization, it has been used in conflicts for centuries to avoid the idea you’re taking a human life.

      1. Monica Wright Avatar
        Monica Wright

        Women who terminate pregnancies in the 2nd or 3rd trimesters are often ‘girls’ under 18 who don’t know they’re pregnant, women who lack the means to obtain the procedure earlier/are poor, and those who desperately want their babies but discover the fetus has a condition incompatible with their/the child’s life. Pregnant women can’t even get an appt. with a gyno to confirm pregnancy until 8-10 weeks and conservative policies are contributing to even more maternity deserts. Anatomy scans and amniocentesis don’t occur until 16-20 weeks. Results take 1-2 weeks. If you’ve BEEN pregnant, you know this. Have you been pregnant or supported a woman by attending each and every appointment to find out what’s common and how to effectively advocate for the pregnant woman/girl? You sound very confident/authoritative and yet I cannot think of a single woman who’s more than two degrees of separation away from a scenario that would lay waste to this assertion “the notion that a mother is in the 2nd or 3rd trimester and requires an abortion is pure an unadulterated poppycock.”

      2. Monica Wright Avatar
        Monica Wright

        Women who terminate pregnancies in the 2nd or 3rd trimesters are often ‘girls’ under 18 who don’t know they’re pregnant, women who lack the means to obtain the procedure earlier/are poor, and those who desperately want their babies but discover the fetus has a condition incompatible with their/the child’s life. Pregnant women can’t even get an appt. with a gyno to confirm pregnancy until 8-10 weeks and conservative policies are contributing to even more maternity deserts. Anatomy scans and amniocentesis don’t occur until 16-20 weeks. Results take 1-2 weeks. If you’ve BEEN pregnant, you know this. Have you been pregnant or supported a woman by attending each and every appointment to find out what’s common and how to effectively advocate for the pregnant woman/girl? You sound very confident/authoritative and yet I cannot think of a single woman who’s more than two degrees of separation away from a scenario that would lay waste to this assertion “the notion that a mother is in the 2nd or 3rd trimester and requires an abortion is pure an unadulterated poppycock.”

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          That’s is in a word false. There is no statistically data to back your statement. Everything following that is an excuse to not have any restrictions on abortion, that is unacceptable.

          PS:. Anatomy scans occur at 13 weeks to determine if the child has developmental issues.

          Yes, for both my children every single visit.

          1. Monica Wright Avatar
            Monica Wright

            I’m not sure if you know this or not but most women are not scanned at 12-14 weeks (despite that being best practice) because providers don’t have appointments available and are scarce in most of America’s counties: Pregnancy is usually only confirmed by in-office blood test at 10-12 weeks (according to LMP…last menstrual period…which isn’t LATE until 5+ weeks).

            Consider, pls. that women can be ‘late’ and/or bleed for a variety of common reasons including amenorrhea, PCOS, uterine fibroids and trauma so even home testing may be delayed.

            If you live in an area with a decent number of providers, you’re fortunate. I assume you’ve had robust discussions with multiple women, then, about their pregnancy experiences? My *actual* experience with pregnancy, that of my sibling and friends too, doesn’t match the picture you paint…at all.,the%20sex%20of%20the%20fetus.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So instead of admitting your error, it’s well it doesn’t happen. News flash two kids two completely separate health networks conducted the exact same scan at the exact same time. It’s also the scan where you can determine sex.

            Neither of your links back your statements, I’m sorry but it’s just not factual.


            Why do I need robust discussions when I have facts and you do not.

            You want unfettered abortion ok demand without restrictions, that cannot happen. Abortion is not birth control, it is the last resort.

          3. Monica Wright Avatar
            Monica Wright

            What error? According to your own link “Abortions at or after 21 weeks are uncommon, and represent 1% of all abortions in the US.
            Typically, these procedures cost well over $1,000, excluding the cost of travel and lost wages. They normally require treatment over multiple days, and are only performed by a subset of all abortion providers.
            Reasons individuals seek abortions later in pregnancy include medical concerns such as fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment, as well as barriers to care that cause delays in obtaining an abortion.”

            Abortion needs to be available to SAVE WOMENS’ LIVES, especially in places where access to care is severely limited. Your own link demonstrates that 99% (pre-SCOTUS bomb) occurred as soon as women and girls confirmed the pregnancy and that the procedure is ridiculously expensive and less accessible to poor women and girls who can’t travel. Women are suffering immensely under the thumb of conservative governance. If you think women aren’t talking to, advocating for, and working to beat back conservative hegemony on this issue…think again.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That link goes against everything that you said, but you fail to admit that.

            “Abortion needs to be available to SAVE WOMENS’ LIVES, especially in places where access to care is severely limited.”


            Planned Parenthood gets plenty of donations and funding to provide care to all.

            “Women are suffering immensely under the thumb of conservative governance. If you think women aren’t talking to, advocating for, and working to beat back conservative hegemony on this issue…think again.”

            Hyperbole on heaps, you’re in a minority. Unfettered abortion is not the pulse of the nation and you overestimate your numbers.

            15 weeks again, is good enough for Europe, it’s good enough hear. You didn’t want that, heck you didn’t even want to follow Roe.

          5. Monica Wright Avatar
            Monica Wright

            Planned Parenthood does not provide the kind of complex abortion services needed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester and it does not operate nationwide. Europe affords women UNIVERSAL access to care. We don’t. Again, do you know the experiences of many women? Because this is basic, basic stuff. This isn’t about ‘unfettered’ abortion. 1% isn’t ‘unfettered’ or ‘on-demand’. It’s medically necessary healthcare to save the life and preserve the fertility and bodily function of women and girls. You seem to think saving womens’ lives is only about medical complications while I factor in domestic abuse, stalking, and financial control. What seems abundantly clear to me is that uninformed men are advocating a ‘killer strategy’ designed to muzzle women and girls who birth children. I am, in fact, squarely in the majority on this issue:

            You represent a group of people who believe taking the children of poor women and girls and giving them to wealthy people is good. I don’t. You believe in punishing women and girls for contraceptive failures and rape. I don’t. I’m no longer in my reproductive years but am parenting/mentoring those who are. It gives me chills to read the words of those who would remove all agency from these young women and girls and leave them subject to might makes right thinking.

            You are NOT in the majority.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Planned Parenthood can provide referrals, as they do for a number of other services.

            Planned Parenthood, is most certainly nationwide.

            “For more than a century, Planned Parenthood® has been one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education. Planned Parenthood health centers provide millions of people with contraception, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), lifesaving cancer screenings, and safe, legal abortion. With a presence in all 50 states as well as Washington, D.C., Planned Parenthood has 49 affiliates, which operate more than 600 health centers. Globally, Planned Parenthood supports local partners in nine focus countries, reaching nearly 2 million individuals with sexual and reproductive health information and services. Women, men, and young people from every community and income level view Planned Parenthood as their first-choice provider of care.”

            “Europe affords women UNIVERSAL access to care”

            Well, they don’t but it also has nothing to do with Abortion. In Europe they operate using a hybrid model.

            ” This isn’t about ‘unfettered’ abortion. 1% isn’t ‘unfettered’ or ‘on-demand’.”

            Yes, yes it is. You are advocating for abortion being used as birth control. 15 weeks unless the noted exception is reasonable, that is well into the 2nd trimester.

            “It’s medically necessary healthcare to save the life and preserve the fertility and bodily function of women and girls. ”

            After 24 weeks your statement is factually false, actually it’s a little bit earlier than that but when Roe decided it was not.

            “You seem to think saving womens’ lives is only about medical complications while I factor in domestic abuse, stalking, and financial control. What seems abundantly clear to me is that uninformed men are advocating a ‘killer strategy’ designed to muzzle women and girls who birth children. I am, in fact, squarely in the majority on this issue:”

            Strawman and no, no you’re not and your citation doesn’t prove your statement. It also doesn’t say anything about mine. Which is why it’s a strawman.


            “You represent a group of people who believe taking the children of poor women and girls and giving them to wealthy people is good. I don’t. ”

            No, no it don’t. You won’t find that anywhere in what I wrote, so that is an additional strawman.

            “You believe in punishing women and girls for contraceptive failures and rape.”

            Again, no, no I don’t and you won’t find that anywhere in my statements. As a matter of fact, that’s an utterly disgusting lie.

            Again, your citation is not relevant.

            “You are NOT in the majority.”

            Yes, yes I am. However, you’d have to be able to read to understand that. Given you’ve misquoted me a litany of times on what I’ve said, so I can understand how reading studies and polls would be hard for you.

          7. Monica Wright Avatar
            Monica Wright

            You’re arguing points/positions that weren’t argued/taken. It’s pointless to respond as a result. I appreciate the link you included. It validates everything I said and then some. Abortion/pregnancy termination is HEALTHCARE (period) for women and girls, from ectopic treatment to rape/incest, cancer care, fetal abnormalities, HELLP and placental abruption. It is not available everywhere. American women are on to the game/shtick that tries to separate ‘good’ girls/women/reasons from ‘bad’ girls/women/reasons that are fundamentally none of your business. The willingness to require us to lay down our lives (in classrooms and everywhere else it seems) to salve male egos is endemic. Pregnancy complications and needs don’t discriminate among us. People do.

            To be completely honest, I blame women for shielding the men in their lives from the realities and complexities of childbirth. Too many men assume since it’s a ‘natural’ occurrence that it’s without significant risk. Risks that fall short of death still impair major life-functions and are dangerous. Men are largely ignorant about that. They deserve to be better informed/more knowledgeable than they are.


          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            But I’m not and no, no it doesn’t.

            Abortion is not Healthcare, it is the last resort.

            All those things you listed have nothing to do with my statement, which is again why you’re arguing using Strawman. Clearly you don’t know what that is either.

            “American women are on to the game/shtick that tries to separate ‘good’ girls/women/reasons from ‘bad’ girls/women/reasons that are fundamentally none of your business. ”

            This is the most absurd statement, I’ve ever seen and again is a strawman.

            “The willingness to require us to lay down our lives (in classrooms and everywhere else it seems) to salve male egos is endemic. ”

            Continued strawman.

            “Pregnancy complications and needs don’t discriminate among us. People do.”


            “To be completely honest, I blame women for shielding the men in their lives from the realities and complexities of childbirth. ”

            That is again a completely and utterly absurd statement, not only am I a father, I’m the Husband of a NICU Nurse.

            “Too many men assume since it’s a ‘natural’ occurrence that it’s without significant risk”


            “Risks that fall short of death still impair major life-functions and are dangerous. Men are largely ignorant about that. They deserve to be better informed/more knowledgeable than they are.”

            Another Strawman

            You’re tirade is old tired and short on facts. None of what you said pertains to anything that I’ve communicated, period. End of story.

            Your article has nothing to do with my statements, which again makes them strawmen.

            Here, I’ll define what a strawman is since you don’t seem to understand it nor do you even attempt to address what I write, instead generate some bogyman and display your inability to read at a critical level.

            ‘an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument.”

            If you’re going to respond to comments, you could at least have the common denency to respond to what the posters says, not make something up.

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            None of those has anything to do with my argument, they are all strawmen.

            You keep misrepresenting my statements or moving to a different argument.

            So either respond to my actual arguments or stop responding.

          10. Monica Wright Avatar
            Monica Wright

            I don’t know what your argument is. perhaps if you clearly stated one, I could more easily respond. I’m fairly certain most of your claims are addressed here:

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You don’t say? Well perhaps instead of introducing strawmen and false information, you could’ve taken the time to read what I wrote (clearly didn’t occur).

            I know what your link says, because I’m the one who posted previously, when you either ignored it, or didn’t process what was contained in it.

            The next time you comment, read before you write, it’ll save face.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          None of what you just wrote is true, nor is validated by data. Is is purely your opinion, not rooted in fact.

          “Pregnant women can’t even get an appt. with a gyno to confirm pregnancy until 8-10 weeks and conservative policies are contributing to even more maternity deserts.”

          Opinion, not fact.

          “Anatomy scans and amniocentesis don’t occur until 16-20 weeks.”

          That is completely and totally untrue, antomoy scans take place at 13 weeks and again around 20 weeks. Amniocentesis only occurs if there is cause, which would’ve been provided by the 13 week scan.

          24 weeks is viability, there is no medical reason to have an abortion for the life of the mother at that point, is and was my point. You don’t seem to understand that nor have you scoured anything that would state otherwise.

          Again, NT scans occur at 13 weeks, period end of story. If 15 weeks is good enough for Europe, it’s good enough here. You’re in the minority who views abortion as birth control.

          I say that as a father of 3, two live and one miscarried.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    A quick view from the road: What would you get if you took 10 putt-putt courses and The Mall of America and expanded them to 25000 acres?

    Hilton Head SC.

    The island is best viewed from the Goodyear blimp on the Golf Channel. No redeeming value.

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