A Great First Inning: Reformers 6, Utilities 0

by Steve Haner

Six bills which reverse 15 years of Dominion Energy Virginia legislative dominance advanced out of a House of Delegates subcommittee today, setting up the strongest challenge to the utility’s profits and power in decades.

Most in one form or another restore authority to the State Corporation Commission to use its own discretion in reviewing the company’s earnings, profits, and accounting decisions in a rate case due to begin in April. It will be the first such review since 2015 and will cover four years of company operations, 2017 through 2020. 

Preliminary data from the SCC has estimated the utility earned hundreds of millions of dollars in excess profits over those four years. Some or all of that might be returned in the form of customer refunds, but the more important risk to the company is that its base rates could be reduced. That could be the big win for consumers in future years.

As someone who has followed these issues since 2006 and written about them on Bacon’s Rebellion since 2018, five of the bills receive my endorsement (for what that is worth.) The sixth is one I would like to agree with, but I cannot deem it a clear win for Dominion’s customers.

Most of the bills were endorsed with 6-4 votes and now will be heard by the full Labor and Commerce Committee. The subcommittee split largely followed the pattern seen in donations from Dominion or from Clean Virginia, as reported previously. But two legislators who had received Dominion campaign support in 2020 voted for these proposals, Del. Lamont Bagby, D-Henrico, and Del. Lee Ware, R-Powhatan.

The bills were supported by a coalition of environmental groups, the Virginia Poverty Law Center, and the Office of the Attorney General (with one exception.) Dominion was joined in opposition by the other major utility, Appalachian Power Company. No representative of any major business group or industrial consumer spoke up either way.

Three lawyers who really understand the issues did most of the talking and probably the drafting: Meade Browder from the Office of the Attorney General, former assistant attorney general and now private practitioner William Reisinger, and William Cleveland of the Southern Environmental Law Center.  A University of Richmond professor, Joel Eisen, joined in.

Here are the bills moving on to the full committee:

House Bill 2020, Del. Jerrauld “Jay” Jones, D-Norfolk. This is the most extensive of the proposals, removing several roadblocks to SCC authority by changing the word “shall” to “may” in numerous places. A similar bill sponsored by Ware was incorporated into this. Both Ware and Jones had similar efforts last year.

House Bill 1914, Del. Dan Helmer, D-Fairfax. This reverses the most obnoxious element of a 2013 Dominion bill, which gave the utility total control over how to time the payment of certain one-time costs, such as closing a power plant. The 2013 bill was passed just before the 2013 rate case, and the utility piled up those charges on one year of its books, allowing it to argue it had not made excess profits. The SCC had to agree, preventing refunds.

The utilities’ control over this accounting gimmick was extended in the 2018 Grid Transformation and Security Act (known here on Bacon’s Rebellion as the Ratepayer Bill Transformation Act.)

House Bill 2049, Del. Jeffrey Bourne, D-Richmond. This deals with another aspect of the 2018 Ratepayer Bill Transformation Act, the Customer Credit Reinvestment Offset (CCRO). That creative accounting allowed the utility to spend excess profits on various capital projects, at its own discretion, once again wiping excess profits off of its books in the rate case. Why? Again, to prevent customer refunds or a cut in its rates.

Richmond law professor Eisen pointed out no other utility has been allowed to do this. This bill, should it pass, really blows a hole in the utility’s accounting strategy going into the 2021 rate case.

House Bill 2160, Del. Kathy Tran, D-Fairfax. This bill reverses a provision in the 2007 legislation that ended Virginia’s move toward deregulation and competition. Since then, the law has allowed utilities to keep a portion of their excess profits, lowering the funds available for refunds (or for CCRO’s, for that matter.) In the 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015 rate cases the so called “return on equity collar” worked in the utility’s favor and will again in 2021 if not repealed.

On behalf of the utility, former legislator and now lobbyist John Rust claimed the point of the collar was to avoid worrying about the utility earning “a dollar too much or a dollar too little.” Tran told the subcommittee that in fact hundreds of millions of dollars were involved. A similar bill has already been defeated in a Senate subcommittee, however.

House Bill 1984, Del. Sally Hudson, D-Charlottesville. This is just a policy declaration, expressing the General Assembly’s desire for the SCC to function in a manner consistent with traditional balanced regulatory process. This has not been the case in Virginia in a long, long time.

The other bill, with more complicated implications, is House Bill 2048, also from Richmond’s Delegate Bourne. It was noteworthy that Browder of the Office of Attorney General spoke up to take no position on this, having endorsed the others. This bill reverses another 2007 provision that protects the utilities from competition. If they offer what they consider a 100% renewable energy option, approved by the SCC, other providers are locked out under current law.

The problem here is both Dominion and APCo are far down this road, with approved renewable tariffs now, questionable as they are. Opening the gates to allow major electricity users to flee to other providers likely will impose additional costs of those who cannot or choose not to depart. This has been another frequent topic on Bacon’s Rebellion.  Unwinding the current situation without significant cost shifting will not be easy.

Even more cost shifting will result from another provision of Bourne’s bill, which requires Dominion and APCo to develop a special discounted rate for 100% renewable power for low-income customers, at least 10 percent below any rate offered to other residential users.

The one subcommittee Democrat who had been consistently voting against reform, Del. Steve Heretick, D-Portsmouth, joined in the 7-3 endorsement of this bill.

The best argument mounted against all these bills is that their interaction is probably not well understood, and if the General Assembly is going to do this more work on integrating them may be required. But it was a meeting that showed the utility could be put on the run, at least for a morning.

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17 responses to “A Great First Inning: Reformers 6, Utilities 0”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Excellent summary but I’m noticing that First Inning stuff.

    Any GOP support?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Ware on all of them. Not Kilgore, O’Quinn or Marshall.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner


        And there is the 11-3 roadblock in Senate Commerce and Labor. Later Monday in that meeting Sen. McClellan had a bill on the “earnings collar” and customer rebates. Down it went. Only 3 D’s supported it, against 8 D’s and 3 R’s. One D MIA.

  2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Just a boring old utility company, and darkness falls upon the house again.

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Since excess Dominion rates/ profits would have disproportionately affected economically disadvantaged Virginians and thus overwhelmingly Black and brown Virginians why isn’t Dr Governor and the Woke Posse approaching this as an Equity and White Supremecy issue?
    Dominion should be brought down for their implicit bias and the “right” to run a state-supported monopoly should be granted to BIPOCs…. just like the proposals for Casinos and Marijuana Dispensaries. Then BIPOCs could manage Virginia’s energy so that they won’t have any impacts to their health.
    The Woke Posse is really missing out on an opportunity.

  4. djrippert Avatar

    “The problem here is both Dominion and APCo are far down this road, with approved renewable tariffs now, questionable as they are. Opening the gates to allow major electricity users to flee to other providers likely will impose additional costs of those who cannot or choose not to depart.”

    Competition does not increase prices, at least not over the mid to long term. I remember all these arguments from the telecommunications sector. First with AT&T and then with the Regional Bell Operating Companies. They were broken up, prices fell. Now the government has allowed an oligopoly to re-form in wireless and the consumers are paying the price.

    Distributed electrical generation is not a natural monopoly in the way that some would argue that nuclear power based generation might be a so-called natural monopoly.

    The hell with Dominion. It’s time for Virginia to join the 16 states and DC that enjoy the benefits of deregulated energy markets. The old saw that “deregulation doesn’t work in Virginia” may be true given our lack of campaign contribution limits, The Virginia Way, etc. However, Texas is very deregulated and the Lone Star state is economically growing like a weed.

    Deregulation of electricity in Virginia should be a core conservative / libertarian plank.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s actually a bit of a COPN argument.

      1. – Dominion has infrastructure investment costs in the grid that are essentially being paid off over time If “competition” causes the price of electricity to drop below what Dominion would be recovering over time. That infrastructure has to be paid for by rate-payers as part of their costs.

      2. – If the are multiple players , then who is responsible for grid reliability? Now if you answer PJM, then I’d ask – is that government or free market?

    2. Yes I agree: let’s join the 16 + DC , but I do not expect to see that to happen. I am doomed to live my life in both NJ and Va. under the “Democrats running the Utilities” model. At least its not coal-based like it used to be, is the only good thing.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and “full libertarian mode” for the electric grid? 😉

  5. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    To expand on what Dj said… the only way the Republican party survives is to drop the conservative B.S. and go full speed into libertarian mode. Almost no one wants to hear the moral majority Christian coalition message anymore so drop it. It has been a slow but effective means of suicide for the Republicans.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Hallelujah! Republicans need to drop the morality play, stick to bedrock issues and watch the Dems split along socialist / communist vs centrist factions.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      The GOP has more problems that just “christian” these days. Lies and misinformation has become an integral strategy with their believers.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Democrats on the other hand always tell the truth and happily change their positions when presented with overwhelming facts….Larry, the breakdown is totally across the board. Which makes it far more concerning.

        DJ, had things been structured differently years ago, you’d be right. But because of all the huge capital costs piled on captive ratepayers, the departure of huge users or a huge block of small users does impose cost shifting problems. To fix is is a major overhaul, which I’m not against, mind you. But this bill doesn’t do that.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          No, there are always lies in elections especially between two candidates.

          What is going on now is lies and misinformation on a much bigger scale so that polls show that 70% of the GOP thinks the election was stolen and we have Q-anon believers elected to Congress and Congressmen who are deniers of Climate Change, believers of child molesters in a Pizza shop, etc , etc.

          On and on – and no you don’t see this scope and scale on the Dem side…

          The GOP believes that a good part of their base is dumb as a stump and can be convinced of issues by using PR type messaging similar to what the tobacco companies did to impugn science and convince people that cigarettes were safe. Now with Climate. It works. People will believe a “smart” internet blogger with a “degree” over most of the worlds scientists with PHDs and decades of scientific work – it’s all “wrong” and consensus means they are engaging in a massive conspiracy to lie to people about the Climate…

          In other words, it worked initial with cigarettes then it went to Climate and now it’s going to elections and things like school shooting incidents were ‘staged’, etc. These people believe this and they vote and guess which party they vote for?

        2. djrippert Avatar

          I understand. Much like the deep piles of coal ash languishing in pits besides estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay our misguided regulations have piled up and now are difficult to remove. At some point our vaunted General Assembly has to start the process of “digging out” from under the decades (centuries?) of bad decisions that have been made.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Just remember – pollution is politics. The elected and the regulators follow what the voters chose in elections.

            Blaming a regulator who would lose his/her job if they went beyond the law is misguided.

            Take a look at what happened to the EPA the last 4 years.

  6. Bill O'Keefe Avatar
    Bill O’Keefe

    Great summary. It would be best if they could be integrated but not at the expense of restoring SCC authority. Dominion has shown that once it wins it will increase its appetite for more freedom to do as it wants.
    These bills plus renewed deregulation is the way to go.

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