A Disastrous Week for UVa

Open letter from Bert Ellis, president of The Jefferson Council, to members of the University of Virginia community.

Last week will go down as one of the worst weeks in the history of UVA.

The Honor Code is Effectively Dead

By a margin of over 4 to 1, UVA students voted in a referendum to permanently change the Honor System to eliminate expulsion as the sanction for an honor offense in favor of a two-semester leave of absence… the equivalent of a time out.

A 3rd year law student (who’s next stop on his path to save the world is to study global affairs at Beijing’s Tsinghau University) led this effort. In his view, the Honor System is inherently racist because more people of color or more international students are found guilty of honor offenses than their exact percentage of the UVA student population.

He argued, “we can no longer support a sanction that is historically allowed and could prospectively allow the most severe outcome to fall disproportionately on some communities more than others.”

However, as the voting margin suggests, he was not alone.

The following editorial by a UVA student likely reflects the view of honor by the current student body:


He ridicules the community of trust, calls honor an “abstract, arbitrary concept” that “should not and cannot be tolerated” and says lying, cheating or stealing is “in actuality a crisis of mental health and student wellness.”

He concludes “eliminating the Honor Committee would promote equity in our community.”

As you can see, the battle cry to kill the Honor Code was “equity.”

The Board of Visitors Failed    

“The Board approves the policies and budget of the University and is entrusted with the preservation of the University’s many traditions, including the Honor System.”

It is a very sad fact that neither incoming UVA students nor incoming members of the faculty have had a proper orientation to the UVA Honor System since the hiring of Teresa Sullivan as our President.

No student, other than those of us that graduated many years ago, understands the value of a community of trust and therefore no one understands the responsibilities necessary to maintain such.  The Honor System has been weakened year after year by this total abdication of responsibility by the Board and successive administrations.

Nonetheless, in spite of their joint acquiescence to the demise of the Honor System with President Ryan, our BOV also decided to extend Ryan’s employment agreement for UVA for another 3 years.   It was no coincidence that this motion to extend his contract was passed unanimously by the BOV on the very same day the students voted to eviscerate the Honor System.  The only ray of hope for us that care about our University is the new BOV members that Governor Youngkin can and will appoint starting this June.  New BOV members can change this.

The New McCarthyism Has Reappeared on The Grounds… Open Dialogue is Not Tolerated

Joel Gardner has explained how the administration’s focus on “diversity, equity and inclusion” has not only stifled free speech but may be, at least in part, unconstitutional:


Lest you think Joel exaggerates, please note the following opinion piece in the NYTimes by a current 4th year UVA student:


She writes, “Our universities cannot change our social interactions. But they can foster appreciation for ideological diversity in academic environments. Universities must do more than make public statements supporting free expression. We need a campus culture that prioritizes ideological diversity and strong policies that protect expression in the classroom.”

She says it is unreasonable to expect the students to change the current culture on their own.  In other words, the students need adult leadership from the administration to promote a culture of civility and intellectual diversity.  They are not getting it.

This is what we at the Jefferson Council are fighting for – a revival of honor and the community of trust, free speech, diversity of thought.  

The students need and deserve our help.  Please join our cause.   Go to www.theJeffersoncouncil.com to learn more and register to be a member. 

Furthermore, The Jefferson Council is sponsoring a dinner at Alumni Hall on April 5th to discuss all that is happening at UVA and all that we are doing now and can do in the future.   Professor Ken Elzinga and Attorney General Jason Miyares will speak.  Please go to the website (www.thejeffersoncouncil.com) and sign up to attend.  Space is limited to 200 persons so act now and register.  

Bert Ellis
The Jefferson Council

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30 responses to “A Disastrous Week for UVa”

  1. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Would you hire the 3rd year law student or the firm the student works for because the student believes “honor [is] an ‘abstract, arbitrary concept’ that ‘should not and cannot be tolerated’ and [the student] says lying, cheating or stealing is ‘in actuality a crisis of mental health and student wellness’”?

    Whether or not one thinks expulsion is too severe, the idea that an honor system is evil and should be discarded is simply inconsistent with a system of law and fair human dealings. It’s also totally racist to assume blacks, for example, have any less concept of, and commitment to, honor as white people.

    It similar to the rule governing attorney conduct that requires the lawyer to disclose any known precedent that contradicts one’s argument. Honorable lawyers do this. They generally distinguish the precedent and otherwise pound it to hell, but they disclose it. Some bad lawyers don’t.

    This UVA student is not morally qualified to practice law.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      The said Law Student might find himself in front of the Bar defending his ability to remain in good standing if he has been found to “lie, cheat or steal” regardless if it was as a result a mental health crisis.

    2. I completely agree with you about “not morally qualified.” I thought the same thing of those lawyers, indeed entire law firms, that raced to file what they knew were frivolous challenges to the 2020 election results (until many of their clients rebelled). “Morally qualified” should not be a relative term, but we have made it so.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        Every lawyer takes cases and represents people that they don’t really like and make arguments that they don’t fully believe in. But a lawyer should not take a position that has no basis in fact or law as it is or that could reasonably be adopted by a court.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    More wh🚑

  3. 4 to 1 is a pretty overwhelming majority. Just because this law student espouses a view that many BR readers may not agree with, it’s clear the student body thinks the honor system is an untenable mess.

    One major issue I’ve heard from students is the decision to go to trial can be career-ending. If you go to trial and lose, you are expelled. That risk, in and of itself, prevents students who feel they are innocent from going to trial. They cop a plea so to speak because they aren’t willing to risk losing. Does anyone really think that’s how the system should work?

    Lastly, calling a year suspension a “time out” is not a credible statement. It’s actually ridiculous.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It has been known to be career-ending for the faculty too. My ex-wife took two before the W&M HC for cheating and was advised that she might need a lawyer. The young adults had theirs.

      She also quit adjunct teaching after that.

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Sad. She must have had more backbone than today’s faculties.

        I’m not so proud to disclose I’m a class of ’49 alum, or even being a grad from VT where I transferred after a change of majors.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I always managed to handle cheating, twice in 23 years, with a failing grade on the test/assignment. About my 3rd year teaching, one of my first students came to me and reported that an entire class (not mine) was involved in cheating on many assignments. I went with her to her professor; he did nothing.

          What I hated most was her disillusionment. She was an older student, 28 or so, newly divorced, yet another disillusionment, and the only thing I could offer was that “she had done the right thing.” I was pleased to hear that 10 years later she was a project manager with a major government contractor. She’s got to be retired by now.

    2. tmtfairfax Avatar

      Don’t you think that, generally before, charges are levied against a student, there is some significant evidence of a violation? Perhaps, the remedy is for the University to pay any student’s attorney’s fees if there isn’t sufficient evidence to warrant prosecution. The evaluation could be made by a neutral third party.

      Perhaps, there should be some consequences not as severe as expulsion. But do even today’s woke students want to live in a world without honor or consequences? Sooner or later, karma bites us all.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “The evaluation could be made by a neutral third party.”

        Isn’t that the job of the Honor Council? But, ours is a litigious society, and they can always sue.


        1. tmtfairfax Avatar

          No, the Honor Council makes the decision but if they rule in favor of the student, there could be a separate review by the 3rd party to see whether the student was set up.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Let me tell you something. Sudents cheat. They’re not set up.

            My best cheating case involved 8 seniors who BOUGHT the solutions on line. Well, one bought it, the others copied. They changed sentences, and variables. They added discussion. The problem? Every one of the MSWord documents had the same properties including creation date and time and the author’s name — a student at UofM Baltimore. I contacted the book author in Israel and turned over copies (with my student’s names removed). Selling solutions to problems in books is a violation of copyright. Never heard back.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Let me tell you something. Sudents cheat. They’re not set up. If other students did set him up, then sue those students. The school is an innocent party. In fact, another victim.

            My best cheating case involved 8 seniors who BOUGHT the solutions on line. Well, one bought it, the others copied. They changed sentences, and variables. They added discussion. The problem? Every one of the MSWord documents had the same properties including creation date and time and the author’s name — a student at UofM Baltimore. I contacted the book author in Israel and turned over copies (with my student’s names removed). Selling solutions to problems in books is a violation of copyright. Never heard back.

          3. tmtfairfax Avatar

            If one student goes after another student, not much you can do about it unless you have evidence that it’s false. But I heard a fear that the University and its employees could set up a totally false situation to nail a student. If so, there should be a remedy.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes, and of course, this “student” would naturally be a very right wing, Trucker Carlson fan. Stick with Battacharyya. The guy will prove out to be a nutsack. I want schools — especially medical schools — to weed out nutsacks. Would you like the names of some schools that didn’t? Or the murders they let loose? Or both?

  4. Sounds like UVA will be graduating future lawyers akin to the infamous South Carolina lawyer, Alex Murdaugh. The value of a UVA diploma will mirror a sheepskin from VCU down the road.

    1. StarboardLift Avatar

      Doesn’t it already? UVA Law accepted Ted Kennedy after he was tossed by Harvard for cheating.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    21 January 2017 to 20 January 2021 — the fish rots from the head.

  6. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    I come here for the VMI “coverage,” but I stay for the UVa fatalism…record high applications, record high endowment ($14BB), high rankings across the board, and the most successful athletic run in school history…but clearly extending the president responsible for much of the foregoing, and students deciding (for themselves and overwhelmingly) that aspects of the honor system don’t reflect the best values of UVa, are cause rending of garments and gnashing of teeth. Let’s all take a deeeeeeep breath…

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      So, if the purpose of UVA is to have money and a high USNews ranking and good sports teams, maybe that is “success.” If it is to teach, to educate, to turn out young men and women of character with an ability to think independently… maybe they are failing. It is a Leftist indoctrination machine. Free speech is not practiced. How do you get to a faculty 94% Democrat?
      And, foreseeing the stupid snark that it is smart people who are qualified to be professors, thanks for the Marxism and inflation, $5 gas and a potential war. But no mean tweets! And you care so much about the poor and marginalized as you drive your government subsidized TESLA and talk about micro-aggressions in the faculty lounge.
      Also, the BOV extension was political, just like moving the booster up to January 14 from Feb 1. They are hacks, who have failed to do their required duties. If they were a Board of a public company, they would be sued for malfeasance.

    2. StarboardLift Avatar

      Its mission is to provide a good (not superlative) education to Virginia residents at an affordable cost. That has been sublimated to other considerations.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    There really is only one way to replace the Honor Code. A contract with specific monetary penalty clauses, and if a student violates the contract, just file a breach of contract lawsuit.

  8. “By a margin of over 4 to 1, UVA students voted in a referendum to permanently change the Honor System ” I’m sorry to see this result, and not at all surprised.

    What does surprise me is Mr. Ellis’ statement: ” The only ray of hope for us that care about our University is the new BOV members that Governor Youngkin can and will appoint starting this June. New BOV members can change this.” No, unfortunately. The Honor System never was, and never can be, imposed from above. It was created by the student body; it has been a spontaneous expression of what the overwhelming preponderance of students believe and value and want for themselves. And, by a margin of 4-1, they have now told the alumni what they believe, value, want for themselves, today. It would be disastrous all around for the BOV to try by fiat to thwart that new consensus.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      There is always a nuclear option applied top down, and I would like to see it used more often, especially in high profile misconduct cases. The university can revoke the degree. “University of Pennsylvania, if you are listening… twice impeached….”

    2. tmtfairfax Avatar

      The remedy is to stop hiring UVA grads. I know of a few pretty big law firms that rarely hire Ivy League law school grads anymore because they are off the charts. There are plenty of other smart people. How about looking at recent grads from Virginia’s HBCUs?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Two birds, one stone.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Ooooh, but expect a rant from Karen in defense of her VBSB “hot mic and facebook” rant on ESL student. Youngkin drops the hot potato…e

  10. Merchantseamen Avatar

    I don’t know enough about this so…… No comment.

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