A Curmudgeon Counts His Blessings on Memorial Day

by James A. Bacon

It’s Memorial Day, and I should be choosing an uplifting and patriotic image like an American flag to accompany this post. But I’m feeling more than ordinarily cranky this morning, so I’m using this image of an old man shouting at birds and the rain. That’s me, alright.

Set aside my irritability for a moment. I am profoundly grateful to the thousands of Americans who gave their lives or lost their limbs in wars to win independence, end secession, conquer fascism, contain communism, fight tyrants and terrorists, and make the world a better place. Their sacrifices have given me the gift of freedom, comfort and prosperity.

I think of my mother’s cousin Mark, long deceased, whom I remember as a taciturn man who never got married and lived with his mother and uncle until his dying day. He was severely wounded at Iwo Jima when a Japanese artillery shell destroyed the halftrack he was riding in. He was the only soldier to survive. He never cared to talk about his experience.

I think of my childhood best friend’s father who witnessed terrible things fighting the Germans somewhere in eastern France… and never cared to talk about them. I think of my own father who was undergoing basic training when Emperor Hirohito agreed to Japan’s surrender, and I am thankful that the nuclear bomb spared him from participating in an inevitably sanguinary invasion of the Japanese homeland.

I don’t need a Memorial Day to remember the sacrifices of men like Mark and my friend’s father. Almost every day — literally, almost every day — I think about those who died for our nation. Almost every day, I contemplate the blessings they made possible for me and all other Americans. And how we fall short.

I am acutely aware that I have never been called upon to give up much of anything — other than taxes — for my country. I didn’t volunteer to serve in Vietnam when I turned 18, and the draft was winding down. I pursued a fulfilling career in writing and journalism. Now I have reached a phase of life at which I can enjoy retirement, traveling with my wife, spending time with grandchildren, and writing novels that few will ever read.

But that would be self-indulgent at a juncture in history when our society is falling apart and forces of nihilism are assaulting the way of life that I cherish and wish for my children and grandchildren.

I will never have to make the kind of life-altering or life-ending sacrifices that so many Americans have. But Memorial Day is a reminder to relinquish at least a little of my ease and comfort to use the one skill that I possess — writing — in defense of the liberties and way of life that so many have died for.  And today I redouble my commitment to do so.

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73 responses to “A Curmudgeon Counts His Blessings on Memorial Day”

  1. Tom Blau Avatar
    Tom Blau

    Perfectly said.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Our society is not “falling apart” and no one is assaulting your way of life. Enjoy your retirement and travels and visits with your family and reflect on those who are not so blessed.

    1. Carter Melton Avatar
      Carter Melton

      That’s only your opinion…not a fact.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        More grounded in reality than the author’s…

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Please, Troll, in all of your brilliance, tell us why society is not falling apart. Or are you one of the 1% elite able to insulate yourself from all the failures of the policies imposed by our so-called, and undeserved, “elites?”
          More crime = Good.
          More illegitimacy = Good.
          More people on food stamps = Good.
          More inflation = Good.
          Worse schools, but more unionized teachers = Good.
          Less births = Good.
          More “kids” (college grads) living at home with parents = Good.
          More debt burdened on younger generation = Good.
          More military age undocumented illegal alien men = Good.
          And – best for last – More baby killing = DOUBLE PLUS GOOD.

          Hail Molech!

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            If your rants were grounded in facts, you would be more credible. Let’s examine two of your claims, for example:
            More people on food stamps:
            Food stamp participation peaked in 2013 with 47.6 million, or 18.8% of the population on them.
            Even during the pandemic, with eligibility rules expanded, fewer people participated, 43 million, 13% of population. In 2023, 42.4 million participated. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/07/19/what-the-data-says-about-food-stamps-in-the-u-s/

            More inflation: Economists have labeled the period between Jan. 1965 through Dec. 1982 as the “Great Inflation” . From Jan. 1965, the percentage change from a year ago began to rise until it peaked at 15% in March 1980. Remember Gerald Ford’s WIN (Whip Inflation Now) buttons? https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/great-inflation

            Even limiting the scope to recent years, your claim is false. The inflation rate in 2021 was 7.0 percent; 2022, 6.5 percent; 2023, 3.4 percent; 2024 so far, 3.4 percent. Compared to 44 or 45 years ago, recent inflation rates seem low. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/#google_vignette

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh…gonna argue historically, and not with reference to the evil Orange Man…
            So all time high in 2013…who was President (the current guy running the automaton in charge currently)?
            Inflation peaked during…Jimmy Carter, who Biden has now removed from worst
            Seems like my facts are facts.

            Meanwhile, you left out all the other societal breakdown stuff…

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Because your frame of reference is society, I assumed that you had a larger perspective than the last four years. As for your other societal breakdown “indicators”, you provided no evidence of any of them (they must not have taught you at UVa to document your claims). After I quickly disproved two of them, I assumed that othes were also false, but I did not want to spend time on any of the others.

            By the way, while I share your viewpoint on abortion, even on that indicator, you are wrong. The number of abortions is down significantly from the 1980’s. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/25/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-us/

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I will be 67 in July. You believe society is better? I don’t. There is more societal disfunction. We have more unhappy people and greater wealth. Illegitimacy is a social good? We know so much of so many other factors – like crime and other “bad” outcomes arise out of not having a father in the home. On abortion it is not the numbers – it is the Democrat celebration – promotion – encouragement – callous disregard for human life that can only be termed evil. So I put those things as societal breakdown and it is accelerating. Lawfare? Ridiculous courts in DC and NYC finding liability as political get evenism? How about the government involved in censoring and lying about it? You wonder why people distrust the government? Because the government gives reason to! Hillary Clinton breaks the law and gets a pass. Hunter breaks the law and gets a pass with the FBI and Secret Service helping and only gets any accountability because one Judge did the right thing (while many have refused to). Joe Biden gets a pass. Gag orders on defendants? Our social fabric is not just crumbling – it is being torn apart. All the college kids supporting Hamas? Moral relativism is a failure.

          5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I agree that it is better to have two-parent homes. I will go you one better–it would be better if one parent stayed at home rather than having both parents working and the kids parked in day care.

            I am dismayed at the Democrats’ making the ability to get an abortion such a high priority and a positive one at that.

            But society is not breaking down. Older generations (I’m 76) often look around them and think the world is going to hell in a handbasket. My father thought that about my generation–long hair, hippies, demonstrators, etc. The demonstrations today pale in comparison with the demonstrations and riots of the 60s–Watts, Selma, the riots after Martin Luther King was shot, Chicago, Kent State, sit-ins at Berkely, occupation of buildings at Columbia University, etc. Despite all that violence, society in this country persevered.

            The only event in modern times that would qualify as threatening society was the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6. Of course, many of those that bemoan the present condition don’t consider that event as threatening society.

            The items you cited are things you disapprove of. They are not indicators of the breakdown in society. If you want to see society breaking down, look at Mexico and Haiti, where armed gangs and drug cartels control the country or large parts of it.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            See – I knew you weren’t totally crazy. But we disagree and this isn’t the older generation thinking the younger generation is going to end society. We are losing what used to bind us as Americans. I will say it was the Supreme Court ridiculous Madelyn Murray O’Hair ruling that evolved into all Christian influence being removed from school and 60 years later it shows. Everybody knew to say “Sticks and stones” or “it’s a free country” but now we need safe spaces and speech must be censored, and private companies, under fear of regulation buckle under to do things once distinctly thought un-American. We tolerate lying. We tolerate lawfare. We tolerate political lawsuits and ridiculous verdicts against our political “enemies.” We celebrate abortion. We campaign on more abortion. We campaign on lawfare. We took the guardrails off and it shows. I am hopeful the younger generation is waking up. They have been screwed over, badly. We need another Great Awakening. Government is not the answer. And you have committed Leftist heresy to agree with Harrison Butker! One humorous saying about our elites, observing that they do seem to subscribe to stable unions for their households is to “Preach what you practice.” I see us heading to a total breakdown absent some kind of revival.

          7. DJRippert Avatar

            “I agree that it is better to have two-parent homes. I will go you one better–it would be better if one parent stayed at home rather than having both parents working and the kids parked in day care.”

            Do you kick for the Chiefs?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            It would be better to not have kids if you cannot care for them and bring them up to be a benefit to society.

            But there are LOTS of single-parents who DO care for their kids and DO bring them up right – especially if they are well-employed and economically secure.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hit him with government cheese, Walt. Remember that one?

            Well, it’s still around. If you’re over 60, as of 2022 you’re entitled to a 32-oz block of cheese food monthly.

          10. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I was going to ask you how I go about getting my block and then I re-read your comment more closely. Cheese food? No thanks.

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, Velveeta. Just say no. Wonder the street value if you cut it?

          12. WayneS Avatar

            Cheese food? That’s too bad.

            The last time I ate government cheese (about 40 years ago) it was real cheese, not a cheese-food-product. And it actually wasn’t bad – sort of a “mildest cheddar” flavor.

          13. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That was when the Cheeseheads in Wisconsin chose to set the world record for cheese production and discovered that, “Yes, Madison, there is a law of supply and demand.”

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            so they are cheese-food heads?

          15. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Cheese whiz kids.

          16. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Crime is down, poverty is down, inflation is down… your fears are simply unfounded…

          17. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Facts Troll. The rate of inflation may be down, but the prices have been going continually up, and faster under SlowJoe. Crime is not down. Proosecutions are down. Convictions are down. The reporting of the stats is suspect. Have you checked carjackings lately? How come Walgreens and other type stores are closing?
            But I left out a few others for you
            More Lying = Good
            More Infidelity = Good
            More Trans = Good
            More Young Adults on SSRIs = Good
            Yep, no signs whatsoever of any societal breakdown…

          18. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            What is your basis for saying that lying and infidelity are “more” ? Obviously, since Trump. lying is more tolerated than before, but if your scale of reference is “society” in gerneral, you need some evidence.

          19. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You can’t be that partisan. Trump? He started the lies? Politicians have lied for a long time. We used to have some journalists who cared to disclose that and hold people accountable. They dropped that role and became PR agents for the Dem party. Did JFK ever lie? Did his sycophants cover up diddling young pretty things – Fiddle and Faddle? Was Woodrow Wilson’s disability covered up? FDR’s? Why did Bill Clinton’s friends call him “Slick Willie?” “That depends on what the meaning of “is” is.” Or “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” More recently we have Adam Schiff on air constantly, repeated breathlessly and endlessly, about Donald Trump and Russia – totally false. To his shame, also blathered by Mark Warner for a while before he apparently came to his senses. I think Trump’s “lies” are typically what used to be called gilding the lily – basically, he tells you what he intends and does it. Hold Joe Biden to the same standard. You’d run out of ink. He is a lifetime fabulist and tells new whoppers every week with limited, controlled appearances – he’s Irish, he’s Puerto Rican, he’sJewish, he’s a legal scholar, Beau died in combat, Hunter’s laptop is fake, he has no business dealings, on and on.
            You think marital fidelity is up during your lifetime? You can’t take judicial notice? You actually believe that people are lying less? People who do not believe in “truth” or the “Truth” (Code for Jesus) but “my truth?” There is no “my truth.”

          20. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I did not say Trump had started the lies. He has just taken lying to another level

          21. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            That’s TDS speaking. Apply the same standards to all people. At USNA commencement, Joe told another big whopper – he was going there until he found out that Staubach was going to be the QB, not Joe. And he was going to go to the HBCU Delaware State, and he was on Syracuse Law Review (76th out of 85) and he got a standing O in first year Law for BSing for 10 minutes when he hadn’t read the material…and on and on. How about every politician who claims he “created” jobs? I’m sorry – I don’t trust what any one of them says. I watch what they do.

          22. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            A level beyond LBJ? Clinton?

          23. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Absolutely! It is not even close. But notice how low your standards have gone. You once impeached Clinton for lying about have sex with a woman. Your candidate literally paid off a porn star to keep her quiet and then committed fraud to hide it and you are like “meh…”

          24. LarrytheG Avatar

            If lying was the least of it………..

          25. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Eric, I have noticed how unhinged you have become. Please refrain from commenting on my posts and I will do likewise.

          26. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You can block me if you like. There is nothing I have written that can be considered “unhinged” and I resent the personal attack on my integrity.

          27. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You can block me if you like. There is nothing I have written that can be considered “unhinged” and I resent the personal attack on my integrity.

          28. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            What is your basis for saying that the reporting of crime data is suspect, other than it is not going in the direction you think it went?

          29. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I’ll leave you alone after this – but I don’t believe you can honestly say, removing partisanship, that the moral state of our country is better than when you grew up. Even on the lie du jour – systemic racism – we made great progress and were making progress until the Marxists came in and inflamed society to make it worse, cynically, for power.

            Trusting government statistics? I don’t. And even more when Ds are in charge. I had an adjustable rate mortgage when GWHB was in charge and it should have dropped on adjustment date. It didn’t. The Board that set the rate adjusted the rate the day after the measurement date. This made the amount in debt of the FHLB less. The inflation formula keeps changing. Recently coffee was taken out of the basket – and surely not because it has spiked significantly. The jobs reports have been adjusted down by something like 500,000 over a year from initial reports. “Safe and effective”? They knew there were serious defects! Hunter’s laptop? They knew it was real. The FBI knew it was real. In December 2019, while evil Orange Man was President. While evil Orange Man was still President, the FBI and intelligence community “pre-bunked” the laptop. THEN 51 “intelligence experts” came out and said it had all the earmarks of a Russian disinfo trick. The Covid daily death fear? Everything was being coded to a Covid death when it was a death with Covid, not a death FROM Covid. And hospitals got more money for coding as Covid deaths!
            So, when you have Soros prosecutors who don’t charge for crimes, when police are scared to do their jobs, when entire neighborhoods lose all stores because of thefts, when an actor was just killed in California while confronting 3 hoods trying to steal the catalytic converter from his car, while the murder of mostly blacks by mostly blacks (but still disproportionate as to blacks murdering whites) in Dem hellhole cities is ignored and not blared everywhere. So, is it possible that people reporting the statistics are using tricks to produce favorable results? How come the current “rate” of inflation is less than what people are seeing in the grocery store? Is that just a coincidence, or could it be intentional to make people think things aren’t as bad as they are?
            I read the CDC “studies” that UVA relied on for mandating a shot, not needed by the kids, in violation of the Nuremberg Code. I was a history major, but do have an MBA, so I can do accounting and stats and have some familiarity with interpreting “science” due to lots of incredible medical treatments – I could see the humongous, gaping loopholes in the manufactured CDC studies.
            And all those observations support societal breakdown, crime being up.
            By the way, besides the abortion “morality” being celebrated, the mandated shots of an experimental medical product in violation of the Nuremberg Code was a crime against humanity. There needs to be accountability for that.

          30. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Ummm… unless you are hoping for deflation, prices will always go up. You aren’t hoping for deflation are you, Walt? Crime is very much down. Your denialism does not change that fact.

            These are certainly not “facts”: “more lying”, “more infidelity” “more trans”. And why do you think it is a bad thing that more young adults are seeking treatment for emotional or mental conditions? That is a sign of an improving society.

          31. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Where is your crime is down stat?
            From the Feds? The ones who spend all their time doing the Dem agenda like throwing people singing hymns in jail for years at an abortion clinic and all the J6ers, while ignoring crime elsewhere? Why do stores have to close? Are carjackings up? Are subways safe? Show me your so-called proof, and I’ll tell you the holes in it. One way departments do things like that is to not report the crime…
            “getting help” – how about “not needing help” – that would be better. And the inflation rate is up over the Trump term and up hugely during O’Biden III regime.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Actually, grounded in his many comments and posts from “On the Road” with Bacon and Eggs.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      When almost 25% of Americans wish their state would secede from the country, I think it’s fair to say that things are falling apart.


      However, things have been worse.

      The stagflation and long gas lines of the Carter era come to mind.

      I imagine the Great Depression was pretty bad too.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Such self-deprecation is so modest!! The Grek Stoics regarded this behavior as virtue-signaling, a despicable quality when articulated by wokesters. But it may be that the glove fits.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Wow. Can’t turn it off for one day, can you?
      Someone I suspect you think does not exist said something like – Judge not, lest you be judged. For the measure you give will be the measure you get.

      May also have been something about casting the first stone…

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        May I respectfully request that you re-read my comment before engaging in the casting of stones by unknown individuals? Take a class in snark and/or humor along with one in humility.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Humility is a great quality.
          Humor is generally good when understood to be humor.

  4. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Jim, this is very well said and I hope reflects the views of most readers.
    I believe that we are at a crossroads with one road leading to renewal and the other to a continuing decline in real support for the Constitution.

  5. Rafaelo Avatar

    Those who sacrificed to end secession — other than Jefferson’s secession from Great Britain you mean? And Texas’s secession from Mexico. We’ll ignore West Virginia’s secession from Virginia, that hardly counts in terms of life and limb. I am rooting for California to secede, sooner the better.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Yeah, the sacrifices were to end slavery but in TJC world you can’t say that…?

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Yeah, the sacrifices were to end slavery but in TJC world you can’t say that…?

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Of course the underlying issue was slavery and the war thankfully ended it.

        But the war did not start with the Union invading the South to end slavery. It was the South who seceded, took Federal forts and fired the first shot.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          unfortunately, it did not end Jim Crow, which continue for another century..

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            But that era has been over for decades too

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            not the effects of it, Randy…. it has damaged that population of people for decades… and they
            are still trying to recover.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, fortunately no candidates for office ever used a term like “suckers and losers” or ever questioned why anyone would fight a war with a “what’s in it for them”. Fortunately that never happened.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yup. Have noticed the folks who support Trump here don’t talk about that much, especially on memorial day…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        An inconvenient truth

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          was it a lie to say “suckers and losers” or was it the truth?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            To him?

          2. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Trump denied saying it, yet it’s brought up all the time, why is that? My view is it was either not said, or similar to the “there were fine people on both sides” comment which was twisted to serve a purpose.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            In both cases, Trump had ample opportunity to set the record straight… he didn’t. He’s had
            ample opportunity to show respect for veterans, he has not. He has had ample opportunity
            to distance himself from the alt right and Q anon and he has not.

          4. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Totally wrong and I’m not going to waste any more time on this. Now or in the future. What I find totally disgusting is how this thread, which was a Memorial Day posting, morphed yet again into a rant about Trump or twisted views of conservatives .

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            It was NOT a true Memorial Day posting. Dick’s was and people followed, This one was more
            of the same conservative rants – “But that would be self-indulgent at a juncture in history when our society is falling apart and forces of nihilism are assaulting the way of life that I cherish and wish for my children and grandchildren.” … and as such it did engender the responses as it usually does when
            he chooses to spout off the usual conservative rants.

            Look at Dicks post. It did NOT go off on a rant and talk about how the world is falling apart and all that rot. Compare most of Dick’s blog posts with JABs (and others) to see the difference. Dicks are not perfect and he does show his own biases at times but he does not go on rants and use bomb-throwing words, to essentially incite like-minded responses. It starts with the author’s narrative.

            You make a rant and you’re gonna engender similar responses IMO.

            “Our society is not “falling apart” and no one is assaulting your way of life. Enjoy your retirement and travels and visits with your family and reflect on those who are not so blessed.”

            and then the personal attacks come….

            ” Please, Troll, in all of your brilliance, tell us why society is not falling apart.”

            And did not hear any complaints from you at that point about the language.

            can’t have it both ways, Randy

          6. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            I didn’t make any of those posts you cite above. If you scroll to the bottom I did in fact post about Memorial Day, responding to Jim. Jim’s posting was about Memorial Day, I found it to be an excellent article.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            I didn’t find this part “excellent” but more of the same narrative he continually asserts:

            “But that would be self-indulgent at a juncture in history when our society is falling apart and forces of nihilism are assaulting the way of life that I cherish and wish for my children and grandchildren.”

            Society is not falling apart at all . We have people all over the world who want to give up on their own country and come to this country because of it’s opportunities, access to higher ed, medical care, law & order, and efforts by many to welcome them.

            We have one of the highest GDP per capita in the world. The best health care. The best higher Ed. the best national road system. The best electric grid. On and on, we have so many things to be grateful for IMO.

            We do have issues, I agree but I do have faith in our ability to deal with them – far more than many/most other countries do. Some of them are real messes compared to ours.

          8. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Ok here is my final comment about this and I will move on and give you the last word if you want.

            To go back to your comment above, the fight IMO was picked by Eric. JAB wrote a 9 paragraph Memorial Day post and then he, and you later, chose to hone in on one sentence you don’t like and dwell on it, totally ruining (yes ruining!) the entire purpose of the article. You like to scream about personal attacks, yet ignore Eric’s following sentence after Carter Mellons post.

            “More grounded in reality than the author”

            In my view that is what started the back and forth, and left an entire excellent article fuming about one sentence.

            Yes, I agree these types of distractions can go both ways and can be started by anyone, including me.

            I for one will try not to dwell on singular sentences or comments I don’t like and focus on the topic of the article, which is what our hosts want from the comment section.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            the “distractions” are not accidental .or incidental… the are on purpose and don’t need to be there at all if the purpose is to truly honor folks on Memorial Day IMO like Dick did without inserting partisan opinion about other stuff.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Randy, he put that part in there on purpose in a blog that invites comment.

            And people notice what was put in and comment on it.

            Some folks did not find it “excellent” but more grievance and complaint in the middle of something that was entitled to be about Memorial Day.

            What is the complaint?

            He made his point and others responded on point.

  7. I never fully understood why my uncle was such a hard man, having fought in Sicily and Italy, until I saw SAVING PRIVATE RYAN…… then losing three team mates in Afghanistan …. now it makes complete sense … God bless our fallen and their families, as well as those who did come home.

  8. Hunter Avatar

    Very well said. Thank you for the reminder.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I received a Defense Counterintelligence & Security Agency Cleared for Industry newsletter with this link included. It’s interesting from the PoV of a failed intelligence program and not designed for anyone to flag on. I assume the actual interview is not in English and that’s why it is not linked.

    We know the NSA uses similar techniques since, well, Snowden.


  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Just to be the gun laws provocateur…

    Prince King [a name not a slogan] of Azusa is suspected of breaking windows and car windshields and narrowly missing people with ball bearings shot from a slingshot, Azusa Police said in a statement on 23 May.

    Dozens of people had reported being “victimised” by the unknown person, who police referred to as a “serial slingshot shooter,” over the course of nine to 10 years.

    No injuries have been reported.

    King was arrested after ball bearings and a slingshot were found during a search of his home in the city – which is 25 miles (40km) from Los Angeles.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Just to be the gun laws provocateur…

    Prince King [a name not a slogan] of Azusa is suspected of breaking windows and car windshields and narrowly missing people with ball bearings shot from a slingshot, Azusa Police said in a statement on 23 May.

    Dozens of people had reported being “victimised” by the unknown person, who police referred to as a “serial slingshot shooter,” over the course of nine to 10 years.

    No injuries have been reported.

    King was arrested after ball bearings and a slingshot were found during a search of his home in the city – which is 25 miles (40km) from Los Angeles.

  12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    And here is the Republican candidate’s Memorial Day message in which he:

    – ignored fallen troops
    – condemned perceived foes as “human scum”
    – aired petty grievances

    What Conservatives think is “patriotic” these days… smh… If JAB’s way of life is being assaulted, this is the Assaulter-in-Chief… (actually that title works on several levels, I suppose…)


    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      hear that kind of talk here in BR also…. coincidence?

    2. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Yes he ranted, I wish he didn’t, but in another post he did honor the fallen dead. It just wasn’t widely covered by MSM.


  13. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    Thank you Jim for a great well said post. Thank you also for continuing to host this site. Many commentators are regulars who come with varying perspectives, and while some of the postings drive me nuts, I do enjoy coming here and reading them to give me added perspective. I definitely learn from it.

    I too did not serve for various reasons, Vietnam was over right before I would have been old enough, but it never was on my radar to enlist. But I have an enormous amount of respect and admiration for those that serve in the military, police, firefighters and EMT, to name a few.

    I did have two family members serve in wars, one I never knew, because he was wounded in the civil war fighting for the Union. But my father in law was in the Europe and was attached to a medical unit that went into two concentration camps. He never talked about it much, but he did tell us in detail the horrors he saw. He later was assigned to go to the Pacific and thought they were all going to their deaths, but then the bombs dropped.

    Like you, I think of them often.

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