A COVID Swan Song

Confirmed Virginia COVID-19 cases. Source: Virginia Department of Health

by Scott Lingamfelter

Pandemics are not new. They have been around as long as the human race has been and will be in the future. Before COVID arrived on our shores from China, the 1919 Flu Pandemic originated in the trenches of World War I and spread rapidly, picking up the name Spanish Flu, a misnomer since it cropped up in several places. It ultimately killed 17 to 50 million people and possibly as many as 100 million. It was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. By comparison, COVID-19 has killed 5,826,463 globally, or two-thirds the population of New York City, far less that the 1919 villain. Nevertheless, COVID has had an enormously outsized impact on our nation and the world. Beyond deaths, it has disrupted economies, lives, education, and indeed freedom. It was in a sense — despite the occurrence of the 1919 pandemic — a Black Swan Event. 

Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote about this phenomenon in his 2001 book Fooled by Randomness. A Black Swan occurrence has three dimensions. First, it’s unpredictable, 1919 notwithstanding. Yet COVID’s unpredictability had more to do with the way it was unleashed than the fact that it materialized. Second, a Black Swan event has severe and widespread consequences. COVID surely has. Third, following a Black Swan occurrence, people—in hindsight—tend to rationalize the event as having been predictable. What should have been quite predictable is that gross incompetence and irresponsibility by so-called civilized nations who engineer deadly viruses — as China did — will yield devastating results. Let’s hope we learned something from that.

Predictable or not, however, COVID has imperiled many things, but chiefly our freedom. When the book is ultimately written about the COVID pandemic, there will be a lengthy itemization of gross missteps. On that list will be how governments destroyed their economies by overreacting and not focusing on the correct strategies to address the pandemic. Among those was an abject failure to focus on the most vulnerable populations, the elderly and those with co-morbidities or otherwise physically compromised, many arising from unhealthy lifestyles. This was evident in Europe almost immediately before the pandemic swept onto our shores. Conversely, it was noted almost from the beginning that children were in a very low-risk category, something European nations observed with much relief. Yet here in the U.S. and in other places, blanket policies were put in place that were unwise, treating everyone as if they needed to be quarantined or isolated. That would have been wise for clearly defined vulnerable populations, like the elderly and the ill.

Instead, American politicians imposed sweeping mandates that intruded on both public and private entities. In essence, the COVID Black Swan hatched a flock of black cygnets in the form of draconian policies that strangled our economy, destroyed small businesses, ruined lives, and upended the education of millions of American children. It will be very hard to resolve.

But the most devasting hatchling was the one that threatened our basic freedoms. That was a Black Swan few of us saw coming. Who would have imagined that governors would become near dictators through executive orders while legislatures remained impotent and apparently unwilling to oppose those measures, even those that science did not support? The mask hysteria, wholescale closing of businesses and schools, and vaccine mandates were and are completely unjustified.

Even the arrival of those governmental black swans could have been foreseen by those versed in history. The Greek historian Thucydides wrote about a pandemic that befell Athens when it was at war with Sparta. Athenians, retreating inside the walls of the city for protection, found themselves in tight quarters. A flu broke out and countless of their number died. Beyond illness, Thucydides also noted the onset of despair which he called the “most terrible feature of the sickness.” Depression and fear were common. Sound familiar?

A fear has been stoked in America by politicians who have used the pandemic to expand their power to control us, suspend our liberties, spend our money recklessly, and threaten our way of life. In a sense, their lust for power has contributed to the dissipation of our social order. That debasement threatens the freedoms we enjoy from our Constitution, our free enterprise system, and our fundamental adherence to the nature of family units as the central organizing institution in our society.

Want proof? The election of Conservative Glenn Youngkin as Governor of Virginia placed parental rights above governmental heavy-handedness and the denial of freedom.

North of us lies Canada whose citizens have surrounded the nation’s capital demanding that the government respect their freedom. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resorted to imposing emergency powers to end the protest, ostensibly to combat terrorism. He would do well to call Governor Youngkin for correct advice. Otherwise, his Black Swan may become his swan song.

Scott Lingamfelter, a former member of the House of Delegates, lives in Northern Virginia. He is author of “Desert Redleg: Artillery Warfare in the First Gulf War.”

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24 responses to “A COVID Swan Song”

  1. The whole article is about stoking fear of the government, of science, of the rule of law, and of the pillars of democracy. Approaching one million fellow Americans dead as a consequence of Covid and no doubt that this number will continue to grow well into the future. As featured, in The Atlantic, deaths from Covid will more resemble those from smoking than from the flu.

  2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    The strategy is clear – misinformation and fear the government. What percentage of the US population can possibly be attracted to bad actors, harassment, trolls, and an overall tone of griping, distrust, and disgust? Because that is all they got.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      that is all they got from the govt.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Right on cue …

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yep. worse than that. More than a few of these folks would be just fine with an autocrat taking over the govt ….

        2. vicnicholls Avatar

          With the trolls like you.

    2. killerhertz Avatar

      Why should we not fear the government? I see little left that’s redeemable.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Give it some more time — it takes more than a year to clean up what the last President destroyed.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          I don’t feel bad for you.

  3. thank you! So much truth here!

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    There were similar governmental mask mandates in 1919 and had there been a vaccine it would have been mandated as well. You know what would NOT have happened in 1919? A major political party in the US would not have launched a disinformation campaign designed to undermine that vaccine costing many, many lives all to erode public confidence the government for political gain. They were true Americans unlike the anti-vaxxers of today.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Alas, there were anti-vaxxers even then.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Dumbing down of America is best accomplished by dumbing down its information sources. Mission Accomplished, James.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “And you get an up-vote! And you get an up-vote! And YOU get an up-vote! And I get an up-vote!”

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    To the author: Thank you. Enjoyed it. Made my day.

  8. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Being protected from a ravishing, unpredictable virus may, in fact, impinge upon the absolute freedom to become infected. At the same time, advocating for the absolute right to be free to place others in jeopardy is equally unacceptable. One may offer intellectual criticism of imaginary Black Swans, but that must be understood in terms of life and death, nor some critique of public policy. Nice try, but no Teddy bear.

  9. LesGabriel Avatar

    My old friend, Scott–wise and truthful s always.

    1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      And still lost to Elizabeth Guzman.

      1. LesGabriel Avatar

        But still a better person.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Today, Russia will invade a region in which it created an insurgency in 2014, an ongoing conflict that has resulted in 14,000 dead.

    And you moan of masks, and vaccines at the mere cost of 900,000. Perspective.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    Ah yes, the standard Conservative mythical fairly tale view of COVID.

    Almost in the same breadth – the author converts ” Pandemics are not new. They have been around as long as the human race has been and will be in the future.” to a “Black Swan event.

    It’s a highly contagious disease (like highly contagious diseases we’ve seen before) and this one would have easily killed millions
    more if we had not taken measures to try to slow it – like we have in prior outbreaks like Polio and Smallpox. The wacadoodles NOW characterize such measures as ‘restrictions on Freedom”. Gawd save us from these cretins who are not only blind to history but want to re-write it as the fault of government and science.

    What the pandemic taught us really was just how foolish and truly idiotic some people really are – willing to die for it actually and take others with them – and call it “freedom” as they do their best to contract it and spread it to others, all the while damning government and science.

    Here’s what we REALLY learned. That if we get another one like this, the same thing will likely happen because of the same idiots who cannot seem to discern the fact that pandemics REALLY are NOT black swan events! They DO happen and we know this because up until this point, most all of us would get a half-dozen or more vaccine shots to mitigate them.

    What we should really fear is what happens if we get another highly contagious disease and the same neanderthals respond with their “freedom” again.

    It’s a highly infectious disease that will spread readily through human populations unless we take necessary public health measures. That’s a simple reality that some seem oblivious to.

    I note right here in BR, those who have wore a mask and got the shots – then turn around and line up with the “don’t take our freedom” folks. And I’m betting the same folks will get a 4th booster if/when science and government recommend it.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      We should because they will.

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