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A Birds-Eye View of a Medical Practice

By Peter Galuszka

Reforming health care is perhaps the most important issue confronting Virginia and the country today and also one of the most contentious.

One hears opinions and solutions of every ilk anywhere — on blogs like this one, television, newspapers and private conversations. One important turn came when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld most of  the Patient Protection and Affordability Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

But the controversial law still fails to address the vast majority of the issues confronting health care, such as the strange oligarchy of faceless bureaucrats at Medicare and their counterparts at for-profit commercial insurers setting prices in a way that completely takes the consumer out of the equation. The “fee for service” system encourages doctors to order uneeded tests while the demanding paperwork for the gatekeepers forces them to see more and more patients.

For a birds-eye view, I spent a day with a Richmond-area family practioner for Style Weekly. My photographer and I signed privacy agreements and were allowed to sit on a number of sessions with patients and Dr. Rick Gergoudis, of Commonwealth Primary Care. The highly-regarded doctor was very hospitable and let us take the story where we wished. The article shows a number of unresolved questions:

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