Did Mandated Vaxes at UVa Reduce COVID Transmission?

by James A. Bacon

Well, well, well. The indefatigable Walter Smith has obtained new data from the University of Virginia through the Freedom of Information Act that put the efficacy of the university’s mandated COVID vaccinations in a new light.

Recall that the university “disenrolled” 238 students for declining to get double vaccinated or qualifying for rare medical and religious exemptions. UVa announced last August, just before the beginning of the 2021-22 academic year, that 96.6% of UVa students were “vaccinated against COVID-19,” including 97.1% living on the Grounds, 92% of the academic division staff, and 96% of the teaching and research faculty.

The Ryan administration justified the mandate on two grounds: that the vaccines would (1) “prevent infection” and (2) prevent hospitalizations and other serious outcomes. UVa’s director of hospital epidemiology, Dr. Costi Sifri, acknowledged at the time to UVA Today that “breakthrough cases – vaccinated people contracting and getting sick from the delta variant – would make news, but were not a reason to panic.”

Back in June I called into question the efficacy of the vaccines in halting transmission of the virus by citing the large number of reported COVID-19 cases. However, the data I cited did not enable me to compare the infection rates of the vaccinated with those of the unvaccinated. The data revealed to Smith allow us to do that.

Source: University of Virginia FOIA office

Let me present the highlights for you:

New UVA cases by vaccination status:
Total number of unvaxed/partially vaxed COVID cases: 77
Unvaxed/partially vaxed percentage of all cases: 2.5%

Total number of fully vaxed/boosted COVID cases: 3,024
Fully vaxed/boosted percentage of all cases 97.5%

Based on this data, one could conclude that the mandatory vaccinations did very little if anything to prevent the spread of the virus. It might have reduced the number of hospitalizations and other severe cases — we don’t actually know those numbers because UVa does not report them and Walter did not ask for them — but there is no difference between the the rate at which vaccinated and unvaccinated Wahoos got infected.

Walter thinks the statistics show negative efficacy for the vaccines. According to UVa’s COVID dashboard, positive cases may be understated due to home testing and “discontinuance of prevalence testing on Grounds.” But until April 28, the unvaccinated kids were required to be tested weekly, which means any infections were highly likely to be detected, while the vaxed kids did not have to be tested, which means their infections might have been under-reported. Even so, the unvaxed kids tested positive at a 10% rate while the vaxed tested at a 12.5% rate. Says Walter: “This indicates negative efficacy to me.”

Perhaps Walter should file a FOIA request asking UVa for any analysis it has performed to see how well its COVID policies worked out. Surely, after disenrolling 238 students, the top UVa brass would have been interested to know if its draconian action proved justified.

Or not. Sometimes, people don’t want answers.

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34 responses to “Did Mandated Vaxes at UVa Reduce COVID Transmission?”

  1. CJBova Avatar

    And VDH is still paying the UVa Biocomplexity Institute for model updates. What purpose have they served? Anyone asking that yet?
    “Projecting future cases precisely is impossible and unnecessary.
    Even without perfect projections, we can confidently draw conclusions:
    • Case rates have rebounded slightly while hospitalizations approach all time lows
    • VA 7-day mean daily case rate increased to 11/100K from 9/100K
    • US has increased slightly to 10/100K (from 9/100K)
    • VA hospital occupancy (rolling 7 day mean of 166) is at lowest level since 1 week last July and then back till April 1st 2020”

    “Projecting future cases precisely is impossible and unnecessary.
    Even without perfect projections, we can confidently draw conclusions:
    • Case rates remain high but are slowly declining, hospitalizations have started to decline
    • VA 7-day mean daily case rate down to 29/100K from 34/100K
    • US has flattened, only slightly up to 30/100K from 29/100K
    • VA hospital occupancy (rolling 7 day mean of 544) has declined slightly after a couple weeks in a plateau.”



    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The data are meaningless without the timeframe. The Delta and Omicron strains are almost different diseases, with Omicron having evolved to evade the vaccines. That outcome was predictable, of course, but doesn’t mean the vaccines were useless or even counterproductive during the earlier waves. Also meaningless without the data on serious infections needing hospitalizations.

      I had a mild case of COVID. A few weeks later I’m at death’s door with a failed valve, a pre-existing condition that I knew about and which I knew meant I needed to get vaccinated. Cause and effect? No proof but safe to assume the disease sparked the crisis weeks later. Get the damn shots, morons.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The data are meaningless without the timeframe. The original wild virus, Delta and Omicron strains are almost different diseases, with Omicron having evolved to evade the vaccines. That outcome was predictable, of course, but doesn’t mean the vaccines were useless or even counterproductive during the earlier waves. Also meaningless without the data on serious infections needing hospitalizations. That has always been the key metric.

      I had a mild case of COVID. A few weeks later I’m at death’s door with a failed valve, a pre-existing condition that I knew about and which I knew meant I needed to get vaccinated. Cause and effect? No proof but safe to assume the disease sparked the crisis weeks later. Get the damn shots.

      As to the modeling issues, works the same with the climate crowd. Stock market. Etc. All models are wrong, some models are useful.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Perhaps the vaccine would’ve been more effective at curbing transmission if instead of pushing ahead with the second dose or boosters. The developed nations would’ve provided it to the less developed world. Which is where the variants mutated themselves into the beasts that we see today.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The current variant is even more wildly virulent.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    God I hope your retirement accounts are professionally managed. I had to explain this to Captain Sherman when he first pointed out last year that there were more hospitalization of vaccinated than unvaccinated.


    See the comments.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      This is why you and I didn’t go to UVA in the ’70s and sought a better education. 🙂

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Got it too. 😉

        Maybe it’s because TJ was just a fellow alum, and thus not so big a deal on campus.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        That and the very thin envelope that came from UVa in the mail I imagine.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      This is why you and I didn’t go to UVA in the ’70s and sought a better education. 🙂

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    A recent look at mask mandates in three California counties draws the efficacy of masks to stop the spread as well.


    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The mask only buys time. Different types of masks buy different amounts of time.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Math Problem… your population is 20,000. Your vaccination rate is 99%. The hospitalization rate among the vaccinated is 1%.

    The disease runs rampant!

    What hospitalization rate among the unvaccinated is needed to have more unvaccinated people in the hospital than vaccinated?

    1. WayneS Avatar

      1% of 200 is two people.

      The hospitalization rate among unvaxxed when 2 out of 19,800 are hospitalized is 0.0101%.

      If 3 unvaxxed people are hospitalized the rate is 0.0152%.

      So, the answer to your question is: 0.0152%

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Nope try again. Remember, there are 19,800 vaccinated persons but only 200 unvaccinated persons. With a 1% hospitalization rate among the vaccinated, what hospitalization rate is needed among the unvaccinated?

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Sorry, I worked it backwards – reversed vaxxed & unvaxxxed- I should have read your question closer.

          1% of 19,800 vaxxed is 198 people.
          199 out of 200 people is 99.5%.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          Sorry, I worked it backwards – reversed vaxxed & unvaxxxed- I should have read your question more closely.

          1% of 19,800 vaxxed is 198 people.
          199 out of 200 people is 99.5%.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Okay, right. Sorry if I was unclear.

            The point being that with such hugely different size populations (vaxxed to unvaxxed) even with just a 1% hospitalization rate, the expectation is there will be way more vaxxed persons hospitalized than unvaxxed.

            The conclusions drawn from the article’s data are unsubstantiated.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            The conclusions drawn from the article’s data are unsubstantiated.


            And you were perfectly clear. I, on the other hand, have apparently lost some of my reading comprehension abilities.

            Maybe it’s the culmination of all those head injuries… 😉

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, you’ve lost an eye. I would like some temporary loss at times. What’s the status of pot in this state anymore?

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I might. But, I can name 3 or so around here who do.

          5. WayneS Avatar

            Just for pain management, man, just for pain management…


            Seriously, though, not until after I retire.
            Then I may choose to occasionally imbibe.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, no brain cell left unturned! I figure I should get to it before Alzheimer’s does.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Why do people lose all sanity to look at numbers objectively when it comes to Covid?
    It’s not just numbers. It is also law.
    I was always right that the EUA covid vaccine could not be mandated. It is what the law says. I was always right that mandating the injection of a experimental medical product without informed, willing consent violated the Nuremberg Code. I was always right that AG Herring’s opinion was on its face invalid. I don’t care if political operatives at the Courts ignored the law. They did.
    Except to the extent the covid “vaccine” might be dangerous, I don’t care if anybody gets the shot, shot, shot, repeat as necessary.
    I do care that my daughter, who had already had Covid, twice I believe (the original and a version when in South America) was mandated to get a shot I did not believe she needed. The UVA students were coerced. Work hard to get in, pay your money, then be blackmailed to continue. With an experimental medical product? Is Jim Ryan a biologist? An epidemiologist? Whitt Clement? The BOV? Any of them great moralists? (Virtue signalers, yes) Why does no one have a problem with blackmailing the students?

    Jim Bacon is actually far less of a skeptic than me. I haven’t discussed Covid with him. I think he more wonders why natural immunity has been ignored.

    But let’s just examine the numbers of the UVA population and see if we can gather any insight. Quit calling me an anti-vaxer you ignorant critics! I had polycythemia vera for 25 years, which morphed into leukemia and required first beating the leukemia, then getting a bone marrow transplant and I am still here. I don’t think I am exaggerating to say I understand medical matters better than 99% of the general populace, nor, being legally trained, that I can decipher the footnotes and qualifications of studies better than the average bear.

    Spring 2022, 97% vaxed, UVA had 1300 more Covid cases vs Spring 2021 when there was no vax requirement. That is a fact. Is it a crime to ask why? Isn’t it in fact SCIENCE! to ask why?

    I will give UVA slight props here. At the conclusion of 2021, I asked UVA, JMU, Tech and VCU for the vaxed/unvaxed breakdown. UVA, the supposed leading intellectual institution in the Commonwealth, did not track it! VCU had the breakdown for hospital employees. Tech had decent student info, but it was a little incomplete – Tech started tracking a week or two into the semester. JMU had the best info. Incidentally, Tech and JMU were very good about responding to my FOIA request, promptly. Generally, the info showed about 60% of the cases were of the vaxed. “Breakthrough.” Breakthrough implies to me it was supposed to be an exception. Remember “safe and effective.” Based on what I was seeing, I was having severe doubts about the “and effective.” Again, wondering what that was indicating… isn’t that SCIENCE!? For the crime of asking questions about the mandated Covid “vaccine,” am I a vaccine denier, or are you name callers SCIENCE!-deniers? Was the mandated vax a good policy or not? How can one determine other than by looking at the data?

    So, I followed the UVA Covid tracker on an almost daily basis towards the end of March. I would update the Covid tracker after 4 pm daily, and look at the new numbers. When we got past May 22, 2022 (to match the 1/1/2021-5/22/2021 period UVA had for Spring 2021), I filed a new FOIA request for vaxed/unvaxed breakdown at JMU, Tech and UVA. I did not ask VCU as it had provided hospital info. I expected UVA would intentionally continue in ignorance. Tech and JMU actually went to great lengths to explain that they did not track that info for Spring 2022 – JMU CALLED me, and Tech explained in an email. So I really did not expect anything from UVA and was really pleasantly surprised that UVA provided the info.

    The UVA Covid tracker (which has turned off the daily case count and now refers people to the CDC) said the case count was low – due to at home testing and due to stopping of “prevalence” testing. Now remember that UVA (and the other schools) required the unvaxed to be tested weekly (because they were trying to make it so unpleasant that the kids would get the vax, because they had no respect for student rights). I have received info on the testing costs at UVA – I believe it was $21 million through December 2021 – I would have to find the info in the myriad requests I have made. Anyway, the point would be that the unvaxed kids were tested at a much higher rate than the vaxed and only 10% of that universe tested positive for Covid. UVA’s student body is 25,000. 3% unvaxed = 750. 75 unvaxed cases. I exclude the 2 cases partial as neither here nor there. That leaves 3024 fully vaxed cases out of 24,250 students. Roughly 1 in 8 for the vaxed vs 1 in 10 for the unvaxed, who were tested more frequently.
    What does it indicate and why?
    But I was REALLY surprised, pleasantly, that UVA gathered that info after not doing it in the first semester.
    Anyway, like Jim quoted me, I think it indicates negative efficacy. Anecdotally, my daughter did get Covid, again, after 3 vaxes, and natural immunity. Everybody in my family who is unvaxed had Covid once. My twice vaxed daughter and her hubby have had Covid once post vax.
    Is it a crime to wonder, does the repeated vaxing of the mRNA make one more susceptible? Does that make me an anti-vaxer or somebody looking for an answer in the name of SCIENCE!? How about, is it a crime to wonder if vaxing healthy kids who arguably did not need the Covid vax (absent extreme extenuating circumstances) caused the virus to mutate more quickly to get around the “vaccine?” If so, was the universal vaxing strategy wise? If the vaccine is not “and effective,” why are we continuing to mandate it? How come the US is the only country recommending infant vaccine for something less deadly to kids than flu? Is it POSSIBLE, asking for a friend, that we are witnessing regulatory capture of our bureaucratic scientists who are supposed to be neutral public servants? Remove your political lens and ask how well is the Center for DISEASE CONTROL doing at controlling disease? Why was the Center for DISEASE CONTROL funding gain of function research…in Wuhan China?
    These are fair questions.
    So, rather than call me names, please consider the UVA data and tell me what conclusion you would draw from it. I already told everybody I thought it was illegal and immoral, and that would not have changed even if the policy was effective. But now I look and draw the conclusion that it was an expensive failure, and a real travesty to the disenrolled and to the poor treatment of the unvaxed. Please explain rationally how my conclusion would be unfair. You know, in the name of SCIENCE!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      No. It’s just numbers.

    2. Clarity77 Avatar

      Excellent rundown of the data. Jim Ryan addressed our alumni reunion on June 4th and of course claimed success as to “no known hospitalizations amongst students.” The fact that the student age group in the general population has virtually no hospitalization risk was of course not mentioned.
      As to the stated goal of the UVA vaccine mandate to stop transmissibility he made no mention, to no one’s surprise, of the abject failure of that goal.
      I had asked him 2 days after he imposed the mandate, who he relied on in the medical community for advice on COVID. He replied a neurologist and an internist. I would have thought an epidemiologist or at the very least a virologist.
      But oh well Bill Petri, UVA’s director of epidemiology was vaccinated and still tested positive as well as the clown Fauci who was quadruple vaxxed and super boosted.
      The SCIENCE is always clear if you do not have an underlying narrative to promote.
      So looking worldwide as to the approach taken by various countries it becomes readily clear that countries like India and in Africa who could not afford the vaccine but historically had used therapeutics had a much better outcome than heavily vaxxed UK, Israel and the U.S.
      Therapeutics are the proven strategy. Not vaccines! And yet the CDC and FDA are now doubling down on vaccinating our youngest who are not vulnerable to COVID.
      The FDA and CDC have abdicated responsibility as to protecting the American public in deference to Big Pharma. Both agencies need to totally disbanded and Nuremberg 2.0 must be implemented with Fauci going first!

      One final point that must be made is it would be instructive to do followup studies of the near and long term effects of the UVA vaccine mandate on the UVA population, both student and non-student, who were subjected to that what can now be concluded stupid as crap COVID strategy.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Thanks for reading my treatise AND for making me not the only conspiracy theorist anti-vaxer on BR. Good to have company (and we’re right!)…

        1. Clarity77 Avatar

          Walter, I would like to express my absolute appreciation for your thorough, clear, exhaustive research and elucidation of the truth as to all issues UVA that have been written about on this fine forum. You do not spin. You dig up the facts and so armed if you and I are to be labelled with all the leftist smears then so be it. In all this we are confident truth will win and sure enough just in the last week we are seeing increasing cracks in the leftist woke propaganda. We are winning and will continue to win as long as we stand firmly on the facts. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

    3. killerhertz Avatar

      Too many gave into the fear porn and abandoned all rational thought.

      There were so many red flags in this pandemic from the origins to the virus, new mrna “vaccine” used on a novel virus at the height of a pandemic (never done before), insisting on vaccinating children, to unblinding of the placebo group, that made it clear to me this had nothing to do with safety.

      Keep funding government schools and we’ll keep getting useful idiots.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Based on this data, one could conclude that the mandatory vaccinations did very little if anything to prevent the spread of the virus.”

    At a very low % of the population, the unvaxxed could have simply experienced the same low transmission rate that the rest of the population experienced. In other words, the UVA policy worked well across the board.

    You do know that there are actual scientific studies on the efficacy of the vaccines at reducing Covid transmission, right…??

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I got bit during the height of the New Year’s ’22 Omicron wave, but the data on the VDH and CDC websites indicated even then that being vaccinated greatly enhanced protection. Not perfect and I’m proof, but still useful. The low level of hospitalizations and deaths now are also signs that the vaccine regime has made a difference.

      I remain convinced this is a weapon, a crude one that escaped the lab. I am beginning to suspect the Chinese are desperate to prevent infection of their own people, including harsh lockdowns, because they know or suspect the initial disease is just phase one. Do all you can to avoid a case. If there is a long-term bad outcome, it is more important for the younger folks to protect themselves.

      Maybe Bacon and Smith need to read up on Jefferson’s acceptance of vaccination in his day. He could persuade them.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The greatest evidence of an intelligent alien lifeform is that they manage to avoid our efforts to detect them, and they have not tried to contact us.

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