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VDOE to Take Over Child Care

by James C. Sherlock

We have joined in a lot of discussions about the Board of Education and the Virginia Department of Education.

I think it time that readers contemplate the vastly expanded role of both that happens on July 1 of this year.

From that date, the Board of Education will be setting policy and the VDOE will exercise oversight over all early childhood care and education programs.

The opening description


In response to Governor Northam’s Executive Directive Four and the advocacy efforts of hundreds of stakeholders, Virginia is building a unified early childhood system under the VDOE. This call for unification was formalized through legislation signed by Governor Northam in July 2020, directing Virginia to:

  • Move oversight for all early childhood care and education programs to the VDOE,
  • Establish a new Early Childhood Advisory Committee, and
  • Create a Uniform Measurement and Improvement System.

Transition Oversight of Child Care and Family Day Homes

Effective July 1, 2021, the Board of Education will be responsible for setting policy priorities for early childhood care and accountability, to be carried out by the VDOE. This creates a single point of accountability for school readiness in the Commonwealth.

VDOE will assume oversight of child care licensing and monitoring and the Child Care Subsidy Program as of July 1. All existing policies and regulations will transfer to VDOE as-is.

Read the rest at your leisure at the linked website.

Now that its control is about to extend from birth for children put in child care, does that change any minds as to whether the Board of Education should be elected?

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