Documenting Cville’s Left-Wing Radicalism

Counter protesters tussle with Charlottesville police in July 2017 Klan rally, a run-up to the tragic August United-the-Right protest. Photo credit: CNN

The primary purpose of the Heaphy report on the Aug. 11-12 United the Right rally was to evaluate the actions of Charlottesville city officials and whether the violence could have been prevented. But the document provides a treasure trove of raw material to help pundits and commentators understand the larger context of the confrontation between far-right and far-left forces and the events that led up to it. While those offended by the report have subjected it to nitpicking criticisms and minor errors of fact, the findings have held up remarkably well since its release.

Material in the report lends itself to at least two useful lines of inquiry that have gone largely unexplored: (1) to illuminate the size and scope of the left-wing radical community in Charlottesville, and (2) to show how the anti-Trump narrative of the national media, which gave the incident inordinate attention, skewed perceptions of what happened.

Before I delve into the data, let me make a disclaimer so my intentions are not misconstrued, as they inevitably will be. I am not defending the statements of President Trump regarding the rally, such as the proposition that there were “good people” on both sides, nor am I drawing a “moral equivalence” between Nazis, Klansmen and white supremacists on the one side and radical leftist anarchists on the other. My purpose is to correct a misperception perpetuated by the national media in its zeal to condemn Trump by downplaying the contribution of left-wing anarchists to the violence of that day. While there has been a growing recognition by some left-of-center observers (mostly moderate liberals) that Antifa and other radical leftists are prone to violence, the mainstream broadcast media continues to soft-peddle that reality.

Conservatives don’t refer to Charlottesville as the People’s Republic of Charlottesville without reason. The city has emerged as Virginia’s center of radical left-wing activity. Other parts of Virginia are just as “blue,” as in Democratic leaning. The vote totals in Arlington and Alexandria, for example are just as lopsided as they are in Charlottsville, but voters there are more “establishment” liberals dedicated to maintaining the power and authority of the federal government, not overthrowing it. Many Charlottesville radicals are dedicated to the proposition that all government is illegitimate.

Back in April, I observed that Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Tom Perriello was Virginia’s “radical chic” candidate. Perriello’s campaign was funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, global activist organization Avaaz, and a coterie of wealthy Albemarle County gentry such as author John Grisham, musician Dave Mathews, yoga instructor Lilly Bechtel, and reproductive-rights advocate Sonjia Smith.

“Never in all my years as an observer of Virginia politics have I seen such large contributions bubble forth from the People’s Republic,” I observed at the time. “Whether this gusher of campaign contributions portends an inflection point in Virginia politics, I don’t know. But it is remarkable.”

While the Albemarle gentry funds left-wing candidates and causes, Charlottesville provides numerous foot soldiers of the Left. The Heaphy report provides a window into activist groups that burbled up from the grassroots during the controversy over the removal of Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue in a series of confrontations with local white-rights provocateur Jason Kessler. A faith-based organization called Congregate Charlottesville organized training sessions on nonviolent civil disobedience. Other anti-racist groups, writes Heaphy, “prepared to disrupt [a May 14 event] and hinder law enforcement response to specific threats.” Among the radical anti-racist groups active at the time were Antifa, Solidarity Charlottesville, Black Lives Matter, and SURJ (Showing up for Racial Justice) .

As Kessler organized a series of rallies highlighting his white-rights issues, Leftist groups mobilized to push back against his white-nationalist agenda. May rallies and counter rallies elevated the Lee statue controversy from a local issue to part of an ongoing national debate over Confederate statues. Against this backdrop, a KKK group from North Carolina organized a rally in defense of the Lee statue on July 8.

Charlottesville police intelligence indicated that numerous radical groups were organizing a counter-protest and engaged in extensive planning to handle the event. On the day of the July 8 rally, it was clear that the counter-protesters were well organized.

Lieutenant O’Donnell characterized Antifa as “very organized” and “totally coordinated.” He spoke with a “street medic” who revealed that she had protested at Standing Rock, South Dakota for eight months before arriving in Charlottesville. At 2:15 p.m., Antifa was spotted wearing gas masks, padded clothing, and body armor. Captain Shifflett recalled being surprised at the planning by some counter-protesters who brought organized medics, used walkie-talkies to share information, and wore helmets, full body pads, gas masks, and shields. CPD Lieutenant Dwayne Jones observed counter-protesters actively monitoring scanners and other devices to track the movements and communications of the police.

The Charlottesville police created a corridor for the estimated 40 to 60 Klansmen to walk to the protest zone at Justice Park and managed to keep the them separated from the counter-protesters. The Klansmen gave a few speeches as an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 counter protesters tried to drown them out with noise and pelted them with apples, tomatoes, oranges, and water bottles. Around 4:30, the Klansmen left the park and headed back to their cars parked in the JDR Court garage.

At this point the counter-protesters grew more threatening. As the Klan entered the parking garage, the CPD Command Center issued an order to hold the Klan inside because counter-protesters were blocking the door. Police instructed the Klan to stay in their vehicles. Amanda Barker, a participant in the Klan rally, described the situation as “terrifying” because the Klan were “trapped inside the garage” and could hear the counter-protesters outside.

Police instructed the Klan to line up their cars and prepare to quickly exit the garage. With an increasing number of counter-protesters gathering outside of the garage door and blocking the Klan’s exit, Lieutenant Joe Hatter told the Command Center “this is serious” and requested permission to declare an unlawful assembly. Police Chief Al Thomas acceded to the request. Hatter organized Charlottesville, Albemarle and Virginia State police into a line in front of the parking garage and used a bullhorn to announce that the gathering had been declared an unlawful assembly.

With police clearing a path and a police car leading the caravan, the Klan exited the parking garage. Counter-protesters confronted the cars and hit them with weapons. When the Klansmen reached the U.S. 250 Bypass, they immediately left the city. States the Heaphy report:

The crowd turned hostile to law enforcement. The counter-protesters taunted the police for helping the Klan. As one participant said, the “police became the enemy” to many in the crowd.” Some crowd members chanted “Cops and Klan go hand in hand!”

A large group of counter-protesters moved toward an alley next to the JDR Court where the CPD SWAT team and its armored Bearcat vehicle were staged. Counter-protesters approached the Bearcat, prompting Lieutenant Upman to call for assistance from VSP. CPD SWAT officers established a perimeter around the Bearcat and Lieutenant Upman commanded the crowd to disperse from the area. VSP SWAT responded to Lieutenant Upman’s call for help, moving into the alley and keeping the crowd away from the Bearcat.

Major Pleasants then ordered CPD SWAT to move to the Levy Opera House parking lot. CPD officers and counter-protesters were also gathered on an outdoor ramp near the JDR Court. A female counter-protester kicked CPD Officer Eric Thomas in the groin, provoking Officer Thomas to arrest her for assaulting an officer. In an attempt to disrupt the arrest, two counter-protesters linked arms with the arrestee and fell to the ground. Officer Thomas
ordered the group to separate and warned them several times that he planned to deploy OC spray. After the three individuals repeatedly refused to cooperate, Officer Thomas sprayed the arrestee and the two linked counter-protesters with OC spray. Officer Thomas then arrested the female counter-protester and one of the people who had interfered with his arrest. …

The intermingling and clashes of CPD, VSP, and counter-protesters along High Street and near the JDR Court prompted Major Pleasants to declare a second unlawful assembly. He used a bullhorn to announce the unlawful assembly and order the crowd to disperse. The crowd failed to disperse, despite repeated commands. Major Pleasants told us that counterprotesters continued to engage law enforcement personnel, who struggled to maintain control.

Amidst confusing circumstances, police released tear gas to disperse the crowd. In all, law enforcement authorities arrested 22 counter-protesters. While physical violence in this confrontation was minimal, the threat of violence emanated entirely from leftist activists — highly relevant background for anyone assessing responsibility for the subsequent clashes between Left and Right in the larger United the Right rally.

Which brings us to a question: How did the national media cover the May rally? How did they frame the issue? Of the four articles of national news outlets I reviewed — NPR, the New York Times, CNN, and Time magazine — three were reasonably balanced and accurate, reporting the threatening behavior of the counter protesters and the necessity for the police to declare an unlawful assembly. Only Time neglected to mention the low-grade violence. However, little was made of the disorderly conduct of the counter-protesters, and the coverage made little impact upon popular opinion. Speaking for myself, I was barely aware that the protests had occurred at all.

Nevertheless, the evidence was readily available to anyone seeking to understand the much bigger, much more violent United the Right rally of Aug. 11 and 12. The coverage of that event by national media emphasized the Alt-Right origins of the violence — understandably so in the case of the car that plowed into a group of counter-protesters and killed a young woman — and downplayed the Left’s contribution. Many people were outraged by the suggestion in my blog post, “It Takes Two to Tango,” that both the Left and the Right came spoiling for a fight. In light of the Heaphy report, I feel totally vindicated.

Bottom line: Charlottesville is a hotbed of left-wing radicalism without parallel anywhere else Virginia. That reality has not fully penetrated the popular consciousness.

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20 responses to “Documenting Cville’s Left-Wing Radicalism”

  1. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Who the hell cares if Charlottesville is a “hotbed of left-wing radicalism” which is debatable? What is not debatable is how badly, the city and state handled the demonstration. If have covered a couple of Klan rallies in my time and security was much, much stricter than at Charlottesville. (see link below, sorry about the paywall).

    The fact is that a bunch of racist, anti-Semitic white nationalists chose Charlottesville precisely because they wanted the media impact it would give them. If it wrong for people of the left to protest them? Suppose Germans had protested the brown-shirts? Wouldn’t that have saved millions? Of course, some old white guys were probably bemoaning the leftists.

    Why doesn’t Jim drive over the Lynchburg, a “hotbed” of hard right religious nationalism? He might be happier there.

    1. Peter, are you really so uninterested in the political economy of Virginia?

  2. djrippert Avatar

    How I see it:

    1. The proximate cause of the trouble was the racists from the far right.
    2. The racists from the far right had a right to protest.
    3. The far left came looking for a fight.
    4. State and local government absolutely botched the management of the situation.
    5. Main Stream Media willfully misrepresented what actually happened in Charlottesville.

    If Terry McAuliffe can’t handle a small scale protest in Charlottesville he has no basis to run for president or any other higher office.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    What does this have to do with “the political economy of Virginia?”

    1. Charlottesville is the epicenter of the radical left in Virginia and the radical-chic left in Virginia. It’s emerging as a political force in a way it never was before.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    what a bunch of hooey!!! Tell me who the “terrible” Antifas ” and their leftist supporters threatens”? Racists and white Supremacists?

    Who else?

    what a load of smelly right wing BS !!!!

    and Jim just can’t stop sniffing it!!! UGH!

  5. Andrew Roesell Avatar
    Andrew Roesell

    Dear Larry,

    Thuggery is wrong from the Left as well as the Right. So, is “Uncle Joe” Stalin to be excused in his “generous” vision of making a “social omelette,” but who, “unfortunately.” had to “break a few [million] eggs” to do it? But actually, wouldn’t it have been better, for Russia and the world, if the Whites had defeated the Reds in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution? Somehow, only Rightwing crimes get remembered and deplored, but not the Left’s? Why is that? The Left hates all violence, except its own. It has “revolutionary truth” and “revolutionary justice.”



    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Who else have they threatened other that racist and their ilk?

      Do they go around setting up “protests” against other things in other towns?

      I just don’t see that kind of “thuggery” myself…

      where do you see “left wing” “violence” except in response to right wing “protests”?

      Look what happened in Boston… and how much have we heard the right complain about that?

      not so much, eh?

      1. I just don’t see that kind of “thuggery” myself…

        where do you see “left wing” “violence” except in response to right wing “protests”?>/i>

        Do we conclude from this statement that you believe that left wing violence against the right wingers is justified and cannot be termed thuggery?

  6. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Agreed. The far left is just as dangerous as anybody on the far right, and they proved in Charlottesville they are just as attached to violence. You saw it again in Richmond, where their target was the police (long after the ragtag Confederates had fled). People like Larry and Peter worry me, because they don’t understand they are saying the ends justify the means. I think violence as a political tactic from anybody should concern us all.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Opposed to any/all violence Steve but the current narrative about the left looking for violence is just idiotic right wing deflection.

      WHERE have you see the left show up on their own to initiate violence?

      Did they have a regular habit of doing that in Charlottesville in the past ? in Richmond?

      Where ?

      The thing that worries me about people like Steve is they buy this foolishness being spouted by the right basically to excuse the KKK and claim “both sides do it”.. and yes.. that’s EXACTLY what Jim did even though he claimed he was not…

      We DID HAVE .. REAL left wing violence in the sixties.. but since then much of what the right is talking about is code for blacks protesting what they feel is unfair treatment towards them…

      the white folks who showed up to protest in Charlottesville, who were they? MOST of them were people who did live there and were outraged the KKK chose to come there to cause trouble and yes.. they came to show their anger. But my guess is that 99% of them don’t make a habit of driving around and setting up protests in other cities in Virginia.. much less go to those cities to incite violence.

      The whole narrative is a bunch of Grade A hooey.

    2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      The ends justify the means. Many on the left engage strongly believe this.

      Let’s take a clear example – Bill and Hillary Clinton. It’s clear that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator, if not an actual rapist, See Juanita Broddrick. And Hillary Clinton engaged in attacks on the women who accused her husband. This happened even later though her presidential website contained a statement that women should be believed in case of alleged sexual abuse.

      Yet, the left, including many professional women, not only ignored the allegations, but also engaged in conduct similar to Hillary’s. Every time I’ve raised this issue with some Democratic friends, they come unglued, arguing it never happened. Yet the same people, friends and the left generally, have come down hard on others alleged of committing similar acts. Bottom line, many on the left like the Clintons’ policies and are willing to close their eyes to the Clintons’ conduct even as they rip others for similar behavior. The ends justify the means.

      And look at the MSM. America’s S*** Newspaper devote countless resources to George Allen’s stupid remark Maccaca. They also nailed the dirt bag Senate candidate from Alabama. Yet despite ample evidence floating around before the 1992 election season, the Clintons’ conduct was not investigated and reported. Any comparable effort in investigating and reporting would have likely ensured the 1992 Democratic candidate for the presidency would not have been Bill Clinton. But the MSM saw a Democrat who had a good chance to win in 1992 and, as such, played cover-up instead of journalism. The end justifies the means.

  7. Andrew Roesell Avatar
    Andrew Roesell

    Dear Larry,

    The Antifa have attacked Trump campaign rallies and threatened Conservative speakers on campuses. They are thugs and should be treated the same as violent Klansmen and NeoNazis.



  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Well gee, Steve Haner,

    People like me worry me too., Former reporters who have turned lobbyists. Where is your soul? What gives you the right to question me? Newport News Shipbuilding?

  9. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Peter – I didn’t “question” you, certainly didn’t attack you. I just said you and Larry have a tendency to forgive the Violent Left because you think its okay based on their victims. You think WHO they are fighting with makes it okay, and I take the position of a pox on both their houses. Trump famously said there were good people on both sides, and I do not think anybody who stands with Nazi’s and the Klan is a good person. My position is there were at least some BAD people on both sides, and I’m sticking with it because the evidence at the time – and this new report – back that up.

    You just can’t resist the ad hominem attack, it is the only real arrow in your quiver. I’m pretty damn proud of my 20 years as a lobbyist, and my work as a reporter was excellent prep. I am insanely proud of working for the company named, which BTW will no longer be my client after this month.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’m not going to further personalize this but the idea that there is an “other side” and that now Charlottesville is becoming the beating-heart center of the radical left – is comical.

    I guarantee you that just about any town in Va that has a college that the KKK or similar went to – to demonstrate – a good number of folks who live there and/or go to school there would show up to hassle the KKK and encourage them to leave.

    Characterizing this as a “movement” of the violent radical left is silly.

    Is there a radical violent left? Yep… but in this State and in this country – it’s mostly a figment of the furtive minds of some who “fear” …. apparently not the KKK itself… but “trouble” when the KKK shows up.

    I’m just trying to think what any REAL “violent radical left movement” would actually advocate for – in Virginia.. Any ideas?

    I just don’t think showing up to oppose a KKK rally counts as a “violent radical left movement” no matter how many times those on the right blather it.

    1. I just don’t think showing up to oppose a KKK rally counts as a “violent radical left movement” no matter how many times those on the right blather it.

      Larry, you’re in total denial — and totally illogical.

      The vast majority of people who attended the counter demonstration were perfectly peaceful, law-abiding folk. I’m not saying they are radical leftists. Some were friends of mine. But their presence does not preclude the possibility that some of the counter protesters were radical leftists. Some radicals came from outside the city and outside the state. But many were home-grown leftists, as the Heaphy report amply documents.

  11. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Larry, I never said I accepted Jim’s premise about C-ville. Sure it is a college town dominated by one party, meaning that the competition becomes the two wings of that one party. And the local council has foolishly allowed its meetings to become a regular circus for anybody who wants to spout. I have always said most of the counter-protesters Aug 12 were peaceful and the violent subset did not represent them. I hope you don’t want them to represent you. But absent that violent subset and absent the police incompetence, a more peaceful outcome was likely.

  12. DLunsford Avatar

    Oh C’ville; sleepy little yahoo-town, totally unprepared for the Brown Shirts and Junior Bolshevik Leagues. If only the August rally would have been ignored like the one in October no one would have noticed. See:

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