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Fulminations about Yuppy Scum and Idiot Technology

This is me right now — without the muscles.

OK, I’m really ticked off, my wife is out of the house, and I have no one to vent to. So, I will air my wrath online.

First thing that happened: I was picking up some branches out of Countryside Lane at the intersection with River Road. (No, I’m not much of a Good Samaritan, but I am president of the Home Owners Association, so I feel obligated to do such things.) As I was getting back into my car, I saw a guy come out of nowhere and ram into the River Road/Countryside Lane Street sign, knocking it half over. Just knocked it right over. The dude sat there, seemingly wondering what to do. When I approached to inspect the damage, he started backing up, as if to leave. When I started jogging closer to get a look at his license plate, he took off down River Road like a bat out of hell.

The dirt bag was driving what seemed to be a fairly expensive, black, two-door car. (I have no ability to recognize the model of the car he was driving.) He was white, well groomed and seemed to be in his 30s. Pardon my stereotype, but he looked like egg-sucking Yuppy scum!! I’d love to take a hammer to his Volvo or Beemer, or whatever it was!

Then, when I got home: I got a push message from Apple on my PC to download an iTunes software update. I complied. Everything seemed normal. But when I tried to add a playlist to my iPhone, nothing worked. I tried everything I could imagine, then finally gave up and called Geek support. My tech guy was baffled at first, but then discovered that the hundreds of songs that I had downloaded onto my PC previously were now marked by iTunes as needing to be downloaded again! What the %#$@??? Now I’ve got to download all my songs again? Thanks Apple!

This gets back to one of my favorite themes. Yeah, technology is capable of doing all sorts of amazing things. But the more complex it gets, the more FUBAR it gets. Besides the iTunes incident, I continually get menus popping up on my PC and laptop from Apple, Microsoft, WordPress and others asking me to fill out user names and passwords for stupid reasons, and NOTHING WORKS, even though I know my username and password are correct! As a consequence, I’m driven to create new user names and passwords, some of which I manage to keep track of, and some of which I don’t. It’s all a colossal pain! So, while technology makes my life better in some ways, it is also driving me to the brink of madness!

I need a drink. Thank God for bourbon.

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