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Ed Gillespie: a Leader with Imaginative Ideas and Meaningful Solutions

William J. Howell

by William J. Howell

The June 13th Virginia Primary is quickly approaching and it is time to choose a Republican who can offer the kind of responsible, conservative solutions our Commonwealth needs and deserves.

Fortunately, we have a candidate in Ed Gillespie who is wholly committed to ideas and policies based on principles of limited, effective government. He will lead Virginia with humility and fortitude, and will work closely with the Republican-led General Assembly to govern.

I have known Ed and Cathy Gillespie for a more than a decade, and I have always been impressed. He was an aide to House Majority Leader Dick Armey, the primary author of the Contract with America, and served as a state and national party leader. He is well versed in policy details and is an authentic and genuine communicator.

But what impresses me the most today is his laser-like focus on policy. Never have I seen a candidate so focused on substantive issues and real solutions. To date, Ed has released four policy plans, including a plan to provide meaningful tax relief in a responsible way, a 15-point ethics plan to increase confidence in government, a real reform plan to make state government work better, and a path toward regulatory relief that will tear down barriers to entry for job creators. His imaginative ideas and pragmatic approach to government is what Virginia needs to get back on track.

Our economy struggled during the McAuliffe-Northam Administration. Our growth rate was stagnant at two percent or below for five straight years and Virginians from every walk of life took hits. We need a governor who will work with our General Assembly and act in a collaborative manner to enact change. Ed will do that, as is evident from the support he enjoys from over two-thirds of the Republican members of the House of Delegates and Senate of Virginia.

As I think back on my time as Speaker of the House of Delegates, I am reminded of the countless conversations I’ve enjoyed with hard-working Virginians about our great Commonwealth. There were good times and bad but through it all, the honor I felt in being given the opportunity to serve never diminished.

I also had the opportunity to watch and work with many gubernatorial candidates – some went on to be successful at the polls and at the Capitol, others saw different results. Few have impressed me in the way Ed Gillespie has in his run for governor this year. Ed is a man of character and ideas.

As we come upon the time of year in Virginia where it is time to make a choice about our candidates for governor, I encourage you to join me in voting for the man I am confident will lead with focus and in the same tradition of our most effective governors.

Ed often says he isn’t running to be something rather he is running to do something. He’s earned my vote and my confidence.

William J. Howell, R-Stafford, is Speaker of the House.

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