In Defense of Teresa Sullivan

Jim Bacon defends Teresa Sullivan? What's next, earthshakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions?
Jim Bacon defends Teresa Sullivan. What’s next, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions?

by James A. Bacon

Things have come to a strange pass when I find myself defending University of Virginia President Teresa Sullivan. In past posts, I have been highly critical of her performance. But, while I think there are legitimate grounds for criticizing her, some attacks just go too far. A recent case in point is an op-ed published by Del. David I. Ramadan, R-Loudoun, in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

In arguing that it’s time for Sullivan to “go” — presumably to resign — he lays upon her the full responsibility of every sin real and alleged that has been hurled against UVa in the two or three years, from the supposed “epidemic of rape” to ABC agents’ use of excessive force to subdue a black student who’d been drinking near the university grounds.

Perhaps there is rough justice at work here. Citing two documents — an American Association of Universities (AAU) “campus climate” survey and an Office of Civil Rights report on UVa’s response to sexual assaults — Ramadan paints a picture of UVa where one in four women say they they have been sexually assaulted during the past academic year and the university has acted insufficiently to eliminate the “hostile environment” toward women. That’s especially rich because Sullivan, through words and actions, contributed to that perception. In so doing, she helped perpetuate the atmosphere of hysteria that threatens to consume her. But blaming her for failing to address the supposed rape epidemic is manifestly unfair.

Ramadan wrote:

At the University of Virginia [the number of rape, assault or sexual misconduct] was 23.8 percent, with 13.4 percent of undergraduate women saying they had been assaulted during the past academic year alone. In plain English, it means that almost 2,000 daughters — daughters who wanted only a decent education — may have suffered unspeakably.

And also:

The disturbing report issued by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) tells a sickening story of gang rape and multiple accusation against the same accused perpetrators, says the university failed “to eliminate a hostile environment” and, worse still, didn’t act to protect the safety of the broader university community.

Let’s make something clear: The two documents Ramadan cites are highly politicized, created to advance the Obama administration’s “war on women” narrative. A sincere, well-meaning, liberal woman, Sullivan is collateral damage.

Let’s talk first about the AAU survey. The survey was conducted in a wave of orchestrated hype to advance the narrative that an “epidemic of rape” is sweeping through American universities. There is indeed an epidemic of sexual misbehavior, much of it revolving around the excessive use of drugs and alcohol, but the study methodology and conclusions were designed to create the impression that thousands of young women are being subjected to violent rape on campus. There is a problem with rape on campus — and any rape is too many — but the problem is not nearly as severe as portrayed.

The first thing you need to know about the survey is that it was based upon a response rate of 26.4% — one quarter of the student body.  The study never accounts for the possibility that the sample might have been biased by the fact that students (especially women) who had experienced sexual assault were far more likely to participate in order to make their voices felt, or that the highly vocal and well organized anti-rape movement on campus likewise might have spurred like-minded people to take part. I would argue that the highly emotional atmosphere of UVa in the wake of the Rolling Stone gang rape allegations skewed the participation rate. This is confirmed by the fact that the 26.4% response rate at UVa was significantly higher than the 19.3% average response rate for the other 27 institutions of higher education  included in the survey.

Now, let’s dig into the number of self-reported victims of sexual assault. Ramadan correctly quotes the AAU study as saying that 23.8 percent of female undergraduates reportedly experienced some kind of “sexual assault” since entering UVa. But that includes a wide range of offenses.


The percentage of undergraduate women who described themselves as victims of rape (forced to have sex by physical force or the threat of force) was only 3.0%. Of course, that’s way too many — the only permissible percentage is zero — but it’s a far, far cry from one in eight! The overwhelming majority of these “sexual assaults” constituted unwanted sex that occurred as a result of “incapacitation” — the parties were inebriated — or of unwanted groping. I condemn both, but they are a very different matter than violent rape.

Please note that these numbers refer to undergraduate women. The rate of such incidents for female graduate students is about one-third the rate for undergraduates. The percentage for married graduate females was even lower — pretty close to the incidence for society at large, I would wager. In other words, the epidemic of rape/regret sex/unwanted groping is overwhelmingly an undergraduate phenomenon, not a phenomenon afflicted female students randomly across campus. Why would that be? Could it have something to do with the culture of hook-ups and drunken sex that is much more prevalent among undergrads than graduate students? If that’s the case, it changes the complexion of the problem.

Among all female victims of non-consensual sex, 70.1% said they had been drinking alcohol prior to the incident, 5.0% had been taking drugs; 27.3% said they had passed out. Only 13.0% reported being physically injured. And 71.2% of those who did not contact either university or police authorities said that they “did not think it was serious enough to report,” and 27.2% said they “did not want to get the person in trouble.” (Oh, and another 13% said the incident did not occur even while attending school!) As for the non-consensual touching, 79.1% said they did not think it was serious enough to report.

If I were a parent, I’d be very worried about my daughter getting sucked into a drunken, party hook-up environment where bad things happen. But if my daughter steered clear of that environment, I wouldn’t worry at all. For whatever other faults she may have as university president, Teresa Sullivan did not create the drunken, party hook-up culture nor can she expected to eradicate it within two years.

The Office of Civil Rights report cited by Ramadan looked into how UVa handled complaints and reports of sexual harassment, including sexual violence, in order to “determine if the University has responded promptly and equitably.” The OCR found that UVa did not respond promptly and equitably to “some complaints” in the 2008-2009 through the 2011-2012 academic years, nor to two complaints filed in 2013 and 2014. Remember, Sullivan did not arrive until August 2010.

Since then, the report notes, the University had, among other efforts:

created and filled a dedicated Title IX Coordinator position; expanded investigative capacity in the Office of the Dean of Students to develop, evaluate, implement, and assess evidence-based prevention strategies that seek to reduce sexual assault, gender-based violence and “high-risk activities in student organizations”; reviewed and enhanced training and prevention programs for students and employees, including alcohol education programming and other student outreach efforts; secured funding to hire additional mental health counselors; and developed a Title IX website to provide a central resource for Title IX resources and educational materials.

The report goes on and on in that vein, then concludes: “These important efforts are commendable and speak to a University commitment to embrace the Title IX responsibilities and promote a safe learning environment.”

Ramadan didn’t mention that part.

I can’t imagine where he is coming from. Has he whole-heartedly embraced the Obama administration’s Title IX agenda to restructure U.S. higher ed in its campaign against the “epidemic of rape?” Does he really believe that Sullivan insufficiently towed the line? For a Republican legislator, his accusations are just bizarre.

I’m not a big fan of Teresa Sullivan, but Ramadan’s charges don’t stand up.  The “epidemic of rape” (wildly exaggerated as it is) did not blossom on her watch. She has made strenuous efforts (sometimes misguided, as when she shut down the fraternity tarred by the Rolling Stone article) to change the campus culture. If she’s guilty of anything, it’s her unwillingness or inability to stand up to the Obama administration’s regulatory over-reach. But that’s a story for another blog post.

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15 responses to “In Defense of Teresa Sullivan”

  1. It will be interesting to see how many posters agree with you on this one.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    I read the article and dismissed like I do many these days which often seem to target individuals for their “liberal” sins and are obviously partisan … and …. really offer no substantiative policy alternatives.

    When I see something intelligent and substantiative from the complainers.. I usually give them due consideration.

    Unfortunately -with many these days – leadership is a lost art.

  3. Ask me simply to choose between Ms. Sullivan and Helen Dragas these days and I might have to give you a long pause. There is so much wrong with higher education today, and mismanaged oversight can’t all be laid at the feet of the feds’ bureaucracy (see e.g.

    I agree with you, “If she’s guilty of anything, it’s her unwillingness or inability to stand up to the Obama administration’s regulatory over-reach.” I also agree, “whatever other faults she may have as university president, Teresa Sullivan did not create the drunken, party hook-up culture.” But that is indeed faint praise — especially for a President of the University of Virginia.

    All that said, there is even less cause to praise the politics of Loudoun County and the other gerrymandered “safe Republican” outer ‘burbs of Virginia these days.

  4. Sullivan finds herself in a spot she’s largely created for herself. She has used regulators to her advantage (SACS review). I suspect she hedged that OCR would find sufficient evidence of campus culture unfavorable to certain groups that preceded her administration, with a rather average number of blemishes under her watch. And no question, issues of campus culture are not unique to UVA nor did they begin in 2010. But Sullivan has been @ UVA for 5 years, not five months.

    Her response
    is exactly what UVA has gotten from her since her employment began: a crafted, reflexive response from a manager.

    With the double hit of finding that UVA suffered worse than average results in OCR survey, we get, once again, the rundown of boxes checked by the Chief Bureaucrat There is nothing here that hasn’t been done at most other schools, and there isn’t evidence to prove that any of these measures actually work.

    What I, and apparently Ramadan, bemoan, is the pattern of ass-covering, deflection, and absence of leadership (not Management but rather Leadership) which now feels like having a president who doesn’t really care as much as she should about this institution. I’ve wondered if, privately, she doesn’t take a little pleasure in seeing this school, with its politically incorrect good-old-boy network and Sybartic history, suffer these black eyes over and over. I think that she will be glad to be gone, but won’t leave early—job is too good to give up, and there’s nothing waiting for her on the other side.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    ” I agree with you, “If she’s guilty of anything, it’s her unwillingness or inability to stand up to the Obama administration’s regulatory over-reach.”


    any other University heads who “stood up”.. in Va or elsewhere?

    why hold her to any different standard?

    this stuff kills me….

  6. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Either Obama’s world is real or it’s not. If it’s real, Sullivan and all other college presidents must be held accountable for their performance under such standard. If there are rapes and other sexual assaults happening at UVA (or any other college) as reported by the OCR, Sullivan and other affected presidents must be fired.

    If, on the other hand, the OCR data is not correct, one would expect the UVA president and board of visitors to be in an attack mode against OCR. It must be one way or the other.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think anytime we approach something as “all are guilty” or “all are innocent” – we’re into some kind of realm that is not real.

      I think there are some widespread and longstanding issues that were left to fester until it was considered no longer accepting as a status quo.

      but we can’t find the middle – a compromise approach that moves us to a better place – it’s become, like so many other things – gotten portrayed as one side or the other – and “compromise” means “unacceptable” to those with strongly-held views – on both sides.

      I’m still not understanding why more IRE is directed at Sullivan .. I cannot name even one other University or College President in Va who is being held in such low repute for the same “sins”.

      Likewise – if it were Obama alone who was trying to push something that few others supported and most University/College Presidents opposed outright – I cannot see it standing as is – either.

      It just comes across as more than a few who do not care for Sullivan , for a variety of reasons… and really similar dynamics for the POTUS.

      it’s like folks already don’t care for either – and this just becomes one more reason to dislike.

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        How does one compromise facts? If the OCR data are correct, UVA is a very dangerous place for female students. If so, why should we tolerate the UVA president who has allowed such a situation to develop? If OCR is not correct, why should UVA be trashed? It’s either A or B.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          is the OCR 100% correct with no in-between? Is the “fix” only 100% of what the OCR would like?

          is it ONLY UVA or is it EVERY University and College – all with exactly the same issues?

          what I object to is the 100% all or nothing perspective.

          Is it possible that UVA has some things totally wrong and other things largely right ?

          It’s not A or B – unless that’s the only way one wants to think about it.

          that’s what I mean about compromise and proportionality.

          is it absolute and total condemnation or absolute and total righteousness?

    2. Yes, yes — If we are talking about “Rape” here, either it happened or it didn’t. Treating forcible rape as an inevitable risk of going away to college and its occurance a mere statistic for evaluation through bureaucratic reports, unworthy of prosecution, is simply inhumane and de-humanizing. On the other hand, treating college-dating angst and gradations of consensual sex as instances of the crime of “rape” is simply wrong under our legal system and those so accused are entitled to be adjudicated with due process and exonerated. The University cannot be allowed to leave our young people caught in the middle, with recourse only to the University’s own impenetrable bureaucracies, leaked allegations, secret tribunals, and arbitrary remedies. If that is what the feds’ bureaucracy is demanding, then the University, specifically Sullivan, has an obligation not to comply, but to speak out and fight back.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” If that is what the feds’ bureaucracy is demanding, then the University, specifically Sullivan, has an obligation not to comply, but to speak out and fight back.”

    it’s no more “demanding” than any other thing they try to institute.

    it all depends on two things:

    1. – how many actually push back – if the push-back is wide and deep – and in agreement as to what they oppose – even the Feds re-think

    2. – the wide/deep opposition has a compromise alternative that they support as a group.

    we have too many issues these days where the opposition is not focused – it’s shotgun… and more important – there are no alternatives supported by groups as opposed to individual “ideas”.

    in other words, they don’t like the proposal but they can’t really agree on what they really disagree on – as a group – nor can they get together – as a group – and push for a middle-ground, compromise alternative.

    we don’t SEEK compromise solutions anymore. We personalize and demonize with no intention at all of trying to find middle ground.

    there is nothing for the administration to actually try to gravitate towards – because the intent of the opposition is not to fix it anyhow but to defy and rebel…

    it’s become part and parcel of our politics these days.

    A new POTUS is not going to change this… there’s just going to be a replacement punch-dummy.

    Not once in reading comments on this – have I actually seen something along the lines of ” this is what we should be doing instead”.


  8. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Now, at long last, we have received our long awaited reports by our Federal Government on the sexual activities of our boy and girl students at UVA. And also our Federal Government has now reported on UVA’s response to the sexual activities of its girl and boy students in and around UVA.

    Thankfully too, these reports are all inclusive.

    Thus, for example, they include within their findings and judgements full reports on the various and sundry activities of all our students at UVA. This includes reports on girl and boy students who engage in lesbian, homo, and transsexual activities, and also boys and girls found to engage in sexual activities of an in-flux or indeterminate nature, whether induced by covert or overt drugs, alcohol, seduction, or power exchange, whether by reason of a hostile environments, such as patriarchal oppression, or otherwise.

    Thankfully all these above activities now also receive the full investigation by our Federal Government that they deserve. Hence too this Federal report demands our full attention and follow on action.

    Remember too that this report carries the full weight and authority of the Government of the United States. Indeed, on January 22 2014, this report was expressly mandated by the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

    On that day in the East Room of the White House, the President “renewed his call for action to end rape and sexual assault on college campuses.”

    “… so today” said President Obama, “we’re taking another important step with a focus on our college campuses. It is estimated that 1 in 5 women on college campuses has been sexually assaulted during their time there — 1 in 5. These young women worked so hard just to get into college (…) only to be assaulted … (It’s a) nightmare for them and their families, it’s an affront to everything they’ve worked so hard to achieve. It’s totally unacceptable.”

    President Obama then delegated the full authority of his Office to investigate these sexual activities and pursue remedies in these matters of student sexual activities on college campuses, including at the Grounds at UVA, in the following Federal officials and agencies:

    a) The Office of the Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden, and b) The office of the President’s White House Chief of Staff Valarie,

    These officials and agencies, jointly and severally, were delegated the authority to coordinate all cabinets and agencies of the Federal Government in its war against the ongoing War on Women in the United States, and the President mandated that they do so.

    As Vice President Biden, assuming his profound responsibilities that fateful January 22nd day in 2014, said at the time:

    “Freedom from sexual assault is a basic human right … No matter what she’s wearing, no matter whether she’s in a bar, in a dormitory, in the back seat of a car, on a street, drunk or sober, no man has a right to go beyond the word “No”. And if she can’t consent, it also means no. That too makes it a crime. (We know) we have to stop blaming victims for these crimes. My father used to say that the greatest abuse of all was the abuse of power and the cardinal sin … (there was) for a man to raise his hand to a woman. That’s the cardinal sin … Men have to take more responsibility …”

    The President of the United States there in the East Room of the White House then drove home the Vice Presidents Call to Arms, declaring:

    “We’ve seen progress …but we cannot stop there … today, I will sign a presidential memorandum creating the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. We’re going to work with colleges and universities and educational institutions of all kinds across America to help them come up with better ways to prevent and respond to sexual assault on their campuses and help them put those ideas into practice … None of this will be easy … It (takes) a fundamental change in our culture, a shift in our attitudes … about sexual violence, how we value the lives and dignity of our wives, sisters, daughters and sons. … We’ve got to keep teaching young men in particular to show women the respect they deserve, to recognize sexual violence and be outraged by it …I want every young man in America to feel some strong peer pressure on how they behave and treat women … — whether they’re in junior high or high school or college or beyond — and understand what’s expected of them, … to realize that sexual assault is simply unacceptable … to summon the bravery to stand up and say so despite the social pressure to keep quiet or to go along that can be very intense …”

    And in concluding those particular remarks, the President had a special message for college and university presidents, making clear that:

    “My hope and intention is that every college president who has not personally been thinking about this (sexual violence in his college) is going to hear about this report and is going to go out and figure out who is in charge on their campus of responding properly, what are the best practices, and (ask): are we doing everything that we should be doing. If you’re not doing that right now, I want the students at your school to ask (you) what (you) are doing. “Perhaps most important,” President Obama concluded, “we need to keep saying to (anyone) who has ever been assaulted, you are not alone … We have your back. I’ve got your back.”

    (Apparently UVA President Sullivan got the message. “Hoos Got your Back” soon became the moniker of UVA’s assault on the War Against Women, joining her at the hip with President Obama in fighting that war.)

    In any event, the Presidents Chief of Staff Valerie Jarrett then announced that as part of President Obama’s “unprecedented national effort to address alarming rates of sexual assault on college campuses, President Obama has issued a Presidential Memorandum today to establish the “White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault.” … The statistics around sexual assault in this country are nothing short of jarring.”

    The Presidents Memorandum drove home this point, stating:

    “The President directs the Vice Presidents Office and White House Council on Women and Girls to lead an interagency effort to end campus rape and sexual assault and coordinate all Federal enforcement efforts to “help” institutions meet their obligations under Federal law. To achieve this mission, the President established The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault … co-chaired by Office of Vice President and the White House Council on Women and Girls. Other members included Attorney General, Secretary of Interior, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Education; Director of Office of Science and Technology Policy; Director of Domestic Policy Council; Cabinet Secretary; and other agencies as Co Chairs designate …”

    The President’s Memorandum also stated that:

    “Nearly 1 in 5 women – or nearly 22 million – have been raped in their lifetimes. Nearly 98% of the perpetrators are male … Young people are especially at risk: College students are particularly vulnerable: 1 in 5 women has been sexually assaulted while in college .… The dynamics of college life appear to fuel the problem. Many victims are abused while they’re drunk, under influence of drugs, passed out, or otherwise incapacitated. Most college victims are assaulted by someone they know. Parties are often the sites of these crimes. Campus assailants are often serial offenders: one study found that of the men who admitted to committing rape or attempted rape, 63% said they committed an average of six rapes each.”

    The Presidents Memorandum went on to say:

    “College sexual assault survivors suffer from high levels of mental health problems (like depression and PTSD) and drug and alcohol abuse. Reporting rates are particularly low. Many offenders are neither arrested nor prosecuted by the Criminal Justice System. A number of factors may contribute to low arrest rates. Police biases (e.g., believing that many victims falsely claim rape to get attention, or that only those who’ve been physically injured are telling the truth) persist, and may account for some officers’ unwillingness to make an arrest. Also, trauma can leave a victim’s memory and verbal skills impaired. Without trauma-sensitive interviewing techniques, a women’s initial account can sometimes seem fragmented. Even when arrests are made, prosecutors are often reluctant to take on rape and sexual assault cases.”

    The President’s Memorandum went on to say:

    “We must increase Arrest, Prosecution and Conviction Rates. Across all demographics, rapists and sex offenders are too often not made to pay for their crimes, and remain free to assault again. Arrest rates are low and meritorious cases are still being dropped – many times because law enforcement officers and prosecutors are not fully trained on the nature of these crimes or how best to investigate and prosecute them. Many new and promising interviewing, investigative and prosecution protocols are being developed, with cutting-edge science about victim trauma informing the enterprise. We need to further develop these best practices and help get them out to the field. We can also help local jurisdictions move rape kits off the shelves and into crime labs for testing – so more rapists are identified through DNA and brought to justice.”

    And so on January 22, 2014, the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, and various White House and Cabinet inter agency Task Forces (both ongoing and then formed) reaffirmed and expanded their massive ongoing efforts to investigate, report on, and take action against then current epidemic of sexual violence in Higher Education.

    This investigation most particularly included UVA given that UVA was then under Federal investigation for the Universities own acts, omissions, and malfeasance on the Grounds of UVA. This included UVA’s failures that would proved highly embarrassing to the President and his Department of Education’s efforts in fighting the War on Women in America.

    And, now our Federal government reports to us member of the UVA family that nearly one quarter of all our UVA students, the overwhelming majority of them young undergraduate girls, have been subjected to sexual abuse, and that most if not all of our girl undergraduates living on Mr. Jefferson’s Grounds are forced to live in a “Hostile sexual Environment”.

    Who is responsible for this? What should be done about it? And why?

    To be continued.

  9. LarrytheG Avatar

    we have this problem. we not only do not want changes – we claim the fault to be something else!

    It’s not how the Colleges treat accusations of rape or this Administrations “over-the-top” proposals – – nope. It’s the drunken, hook-up culture that is the “fault”. as if the real problem is the drunken hook up culture and not how we deal with accusations of rape – even ones that don’t have anything to do with drunken hook-ups.. It’s those drunken hook-ups that are the real problem!

    it’s like Alice in Wonderland…. my head explodes!

    Clearly if we could get rid of the drunken hook-up culture – we’d not have this pesky “rape” problem to begin with and we’d then be able kill the excuse for the administration to poke it nose into these things to start with!


  10. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    This matter of the sexual mess ongoing at the University of Virginia as charged by President Obama’s Department of Education, all this mess reminded me of this fall’s UVA edition of “Virginia, The UVA Magazine”.

    In particular I was reminded of a series of articles I’d recently read in UVA’s flagship magazine. The title to these articles is quite striking. The title take up two Full Pages of the magazine – pages 17 and 18. Here are the words.


    This title blares. But apparently its words are not enough. Below those words across two pages I found in still bold font the title further explained:

    “We were founded as the revolutionary solution to a pressing problem – how do we continually advance knowledge and lead society forward. For nearly 200 years we have answered this call by breaking boundaries, birthing new disciplines and shattering old way of thinking. Undaunted, we continue to forge ahead, tackling complex issues in the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world. For here, we are not afraid to follow truth, no matter where it leads.”

    Thus recalling how UVA views itself today – Its Noble Causes so Nobly and Fearlessly pursued. Its Damn the Consequences, Seek the Truth Ethos! Its Courageous work on behalf of the Entire World – considering all this, my thoughts drifted back to December of 2014.

    And most particularly to that Fraternity House at UVA facing Mad Bowl in December of 2014. How it was no nobly and courageously trashed and abused that night by UVA students and UVA faculty.

    And in particular the reaction of the President of UVA to that outrage.

    And how President Sullivan reacted to all those other outrages, ill founded accusations, and public and private events held at the University of Virginia that collectively flung abuse and hate against those particular members of the UVA community, those fellow students, boys and young men, who happened to live in a fraternity just down the street from Mr. Jefferson’s Rotunda, and President Sullivan’s grand mansion on the hill.

    So I went searching for President Sullivan’s words of support.

    Here is what I found:

    “I write you today in solidarity. I write you in great sorrow, great rage, but most importantly, with great determination. Meaningful change is necessary, and we can lead that change for all universities. We can demand that incidents like those described in Rolling Stone never happen and that if they do, the responsible are held accountable to the law. This will require institutional change, cultural change, and legislative change, and it will not be easy. We are making those changes.”

    How could UVA’s search for the truth (said to be so noble, undaunted, and courageous in its pursuit of the truth) then march off in the totally wrong direction?

    And, in so doing, why did UVA harm and abuse members of its own community, students its was legally and honor bound to treat fairly and protect?

    And why did UVA engage in this activity so persistently for so long?

    Indeed is UVA still engaging in that activity, so fierce is its determination to avoid the truth, and avoid its telling the truth and escape its obligation to admit to the truth, at all costs?

    In short, is UVA now doing the precise opposite of what it claims to do –
    hiding the truth instead of seeking it out and publishing it to the world.”

    Perhaps some partial answers can be found in UVA magazine.

    To be continued.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’d be curious to know how UVA “experience” with this compares to other Universities and Colleges in Va.

    Why is this a UVA-only concern?

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