Wokeness As Social Disease: Charlottesville Schools Edition

by James A. Bacon

If you have any doubt that wokeness is the primary force responsible for collapsing discipline in Virginia public schools, eroding teacher morale, deteriorating learning conditions, and the educational impairment of tens of thousands of students, consider this story from Charlottesville.

After incessant student brawls this school year, 27 teachers at Charlottesville High School called a walk-out, effectively closing school for the day. Following an emergency meeting of the School Board, Chair James Bryant announced that classes would be cancelled Monday and Tuesday while students, teachers and staff planned a “reset.” Summarizes the Daily Progress:

That “reset” will be addressing a high school culture that many say has gotten out of control, with students roaming the halls during class time, instigating fights, disobeying administrators and even letting intruders into the school with the sole purpose of perpetrating violence.

The purpose of the “reset,” according to Bryant, is for staff to “return to our core purpose — offering a safe learning environment in which our students will grow and thrive.”

One staffer told the Daily Progress:

There has been a fight a week since the beginning of the year, often involving a roving band of students who refuse to attend class during the school day.

“Those 30 kids set the tone for the rest of the 1,400 kids in the school,” said the staffer who asked to remain anonymous as to not be reprimanded by the school. That staffer argued the disobedience can be traced to a lack of consequences for breaking rules.

“It’d be like if we had a speed limit that was 35 and everybody was going 60 but nobody ever got pulled over,” the staffer said. “Then they started seeing what else they could do.”

The Thursday brawls were so serious that administrators had to summon police to quell them.

If School Board Chair Bryant’s statement is any indication, the “reset” will be ineffectual. His words suggest no willingness to reexamine core assumptions responsible for the degeneration of discipline:

“The Board asks families to reinforce the expectation that students will attend class on time and will participate in all learning activities; in short, the student will be ready to learn. In summary, we want every child to succeed, but we can’t accomplish more for any of our students than the children want for themselves.”

News flash: Students from families most likely to respond positively to the call to attend class on time and “participate in learning activities” are not part of the problem! These students are collateral damage from a small group of undisciplined, violence-prone students who most likely have minimal parental supervision and whom administrators have been handcuffed by woke ideology from disciplining.

Disciplinary policies informed by social justice principles are a catastrophic failure. In the Woke World of Charlottesville Public Schools, any disparity in racial statistics is attributable to systemic racism. Thus, if African-American students are disproportionately likely to be disciplined for breaking the rules — an issue not addressed by school authorities or the Daily Progress — the answer is doubling down on the fight against systemic racism…. not cracking down on the kids causing the problems.

Adults have relinquished authority. Chronic misbehavers have learned that there are no negative consequences. Until negative consequences are implemented, any effort to restore order is a losing endeavor. As always, the kids who come to school motivated to learn are the big losers.

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90 responses to “Wokeness As Social Disease: Charlottesville Schools Edition”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    well, as usual, we got to this point out of the blue:

    ” Disciplinary policies informed by social justice principles are a catastrophic failure. In the Woke World of Charlottesville Public Schools, any disparity in racial statistics is attributable to systemic racism. Thus, if African-American students are disproportionately likely to be disciplined for breaking the rules — an issue not addressed by school authorities or the Daily Progress — the answer is doubling down on the fight against systemic racism…. not cracking down on the kids causing the problems.”

    how did we get here?

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Don’t tell Larry…Ima gonna guess there will be a really high correlation with no sperm donor Dad in the home, maybe some metal issues and maybe some drug issues…
      But remember as the Covidistas incessantly reminded us – correlation does not equal causation (and now we will hide all the data that proves you crazies were right)!
      Save our democracy!

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        if only single-parent was the solution! Other countries also have single parent homes , right?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Yes…Johanna Angusdottir is a single mother in Iceland, and Iceland does not have the same level of disfunction…good one Lar. Keep denying the obvious largest part of the problem!

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            not just Iceland Walter. You need to move on realities IMO. We have two-parent kids
            who are out of control also… simplistic answers are not it.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Please block me so I don’T have to waste time with you. I think Troll has done it, and it is so freeing. A brick wall has better comprehension than you. Tell us your solution, oh, brilliant one. Besides denying the main component is the broken family structure encouraged by brilliant CommieDem policies.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            “MY” solution is to deal with reality and not cling to simplistic ideas like some do. Broken families
            are certainly a problem also EVEN when both parents are in the house. We see it all the time. We
            have BOTH parents show up and act like clowns at school board meetings and wonder why their
            kid is that way also.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Sounds like a “both sides” argument Larry. Yes, bad kids can happen in the best of circumstances. Even within the same family. But, as usual, you refuse to acknowledge the biggest chunk, the most well known, because you don’t want to admit that Daniel Patrick Moynihan was correct years ago warning about the dangers of liberal “compassion” which made things worse. And then when everybody sees how things are worse, the answer from CommieDems is “more compassion.”
            If you actually cared about the poor and “marginalized” for anything other than voting farms, you would quit with your “compassion.” But you don’t.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you know what the divorce rate is Walter?

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yes, Larry. Very high. Another gift of the “progressives.” No fault divorce has been a huge societal failure. Wanna keep digging?

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            so divorce is the fault of “progressives”? geeze Walter… but you do agree that divorce is as bad as single parent without marriage?

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Divorce is bad, but single parent, sperm donor “father” is worse.
            No fault divorce is an “improvement” from your buddies on the Left, which all seem to lessen social stability, sort of like the culture of death of abortion at all costs…

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            you know…. just because the couple stays together does not necessarily mean better outcomes anyhow.
            I don’t have data but willing to bet that the school behavior issue is not really correlated to the marital status of the parent(s). There are plenty of two-couple BAD parents that should never had had kids
            in the first place and conversely some pretty good single parents who do a good job especially the
            ones that have good educations and good jobs.

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You don’T need data or facts. And you won’t acknowledge the truth no matter how many times it is pounded into your head.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            The simple truth is that parents who have poor education and often as a result have low paying jobs or are not employed, do live in poverty and are not so good at parenting sometimes… has nothing to do with race or culture and really nothing to do with marriage per se. Both urban and rural and all races have this in common.

            Marriage in poverty circumstances is little better.

            You ain’t gonna change the marriage thing anyhow… and railing about it does nothing towards a path forward IMO.

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            OK, Larry. So don’t say the truth because it won’t work. Got it. You know I didn’t say anything about race, but since you brought it up, which is all you mindless parrots know how to do in your lemming-like repetition of what your (America-hating, liberty-denying) “party” tells you to do – the single parent, fatherlessness problem affects all races, and blacks far worse because it is far higher. The fact that proportionately far more crimes are committed by blacks is an outgrowth, a natural result of, your stupid (and the rest of your CommieLibs) refusal to acknowledge it. IF you actually cared about the people you like to use as voting props, you would want to see it addressed. But, you gotta do you – Larry want a cracker? Awwwk!

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter , I don’t think you’d know the “truth” if it bit you in the rump. You’ve got “beliefs” and not much more IMO. Talk about “polly” and “crackers” … you sound like most of the hard-right folks that I’ve
            heard. It’s like some kind of disease!

            re: “…
            the single parent, fatherlessness problem affects all races, and blacks far worse because it is far higher. The fact that proportionately far more crimes are committed by blacks is an outgrowth,

            the common thread is a lack of an education and poverty and being a woman who bears the child
            and the guy is gone… not a racial thing at all… except many more blacks are poorly education and
            live in poverty.

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Wow. Lot of facts there, Larry. Still waiting for how you fix things. I know a really easy way to fix a lot… undo all of the liberal “improvements.” I don’t want America to be Venezuela. Everywhere you guys take control becomes a hellhole…but it is in no way because of your policies, it is because troglodytes don’t agree with “enlightened” “noble” us (the baby killers).
            Sorry, ain’t buyin’.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            There ARE fixes Walter but they are not silver bullets to fix everything right this minute which I
            realize is a real downer for you.

            You also seem to forget that many of the schools are in conservative areas with many of the same rules and laws ….

            Actually, what your propose WILL make us like Venezuela in my view.

            It’s not “liberals” that make 3rd world countries hell holes.. it’s dictators like you seem to like.

            Fact is most of the countries with the best Education systems are LIBERAL Democracies!

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Name facts Larry, instead of your silly protestations. Which liberal democracies have great education systems? Which dictators do I support who have created the hellholes?
            Seriously, you are such a rabid, blind partisan that you are a joke.
            Here is a test to see if you are capable of telling the truth. I am pretty sure you will flunk.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, you can easily consult the rank list of best education systems by country and decide which
            ones are “liberal” and which ones are “dictators”. You advocate policies for this country like
            we see in 3rd world countries – an authoritarian type govt, right? truth? yeah buddy!

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You are demented Larry.
            Name any dictator I support.
            Name any policy I support that is dictatorial.
            Easy to cast around mindless, programmed blatherings.
            Let’s try truth. What is a dictatorial policy? Name some.
            Now, name your great education systems that are liberal democracies. It is even possible there are some, but this is a trick question because it will trap you.

            Here is one of your problems, Larry. You will never acknowledge the truth if someone you disagree with says it.
            Let’s try a little test to see if you are capable of acknowledging truth.
            How many sexes are there?
            Is cheating in elections bad?

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            I thought you admired OrangeMan. No? And you’d support how he would govern? right? And he has
            often spoke admiringly of Dictators and indicates he will govern similarly.

            Most of the developed countries in the world are “liberal” democracies and have excellent education systems. The idea that “liberals” fail education is totally wrongheaded if you look at these other
            countries. If we did what you advocate, we’d likely end up like 3rd world countries.

            You’d outlaw single parents? You sound like it. You’d make religion part of govt?

            There are two sexes but there are many different genders, it’s just not the simplistic black and white you desire. Cheating is elections is bad and it’s even worse when you incite insurrections over lost elections and your folks are brought up on charges and some already pleading guilty for claiming widespread
            fraud and attempting to interfere with voting.

          20. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So let’s try again Larry.
            Besides you just saying Trump is a dictator, how is he a dictator? What were/are his dictatorial policies? Name them.
            Name your countries, name them. Our education system already is at 3rd world level because of teacher unions/lack of choice/ one size fits all/ SEL/CRT, etc. We are not getting anywhere near what is spent as value in return. So name your exemplars. (You don’t know any. You’re just doing your usual blathering)

            There are 2 sexes. There are not many genders. There are 3 – masculine, feminine, neuter. It is black and white. Billions of cells the same way seems beyond “chance.” (Just wondering…when did this type of confusion prevail, and where?)

            So cheating in elections is bad, but you couldn’t stop there, could you? Or is it an admission that Dems cheat, but Trump cheated worse? So let’s have an honest look at elections, Larry. Not an illegal committee. You know the released tapes will look bad, right? What will you do then? Or is it only permissible to look into Pubbies allegedly cheating, but not Dems? Hey, RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA was real, right?
            Which is more dictatorial – ignoring the BLM riots all across the country and barely prosecuting any or prosecuting really peaceful people walking through the Capitol and putting them in jail until tried? How about trying to jail the leading opposition candidate? Your party is evil. Full of liars and authoritarians who have no problem abusing their power (and killing babies, but that is a different story…see evil).

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            Pretty clear he likes dictators and has said outright what he will do to rule. Ask the folks who worked for him.

            We’re NOT 3rd world by any stretch of the imagination … we’re just not in the top and it’s primarily
            because of the low scores of the economically disadvantaged. If you take out those scores, we’d
            score higher. These other countries that do better have less inequity with regard to economically
            disadvantaged. In this country, you’re doomed if your neighborhood is poor.

            Russia russia? Didn’t some folks get convicted of being foreign agents?

            BLM riots ignored? yet another fairytale … and tell me what happened when MLK got
            assassinated? riots?

            the folks that are evil are your team IMO. They don’t want a Democracy. They want an authrotarian
            leader who will tear down Democracy itself. He’s clearly said this… over and over.. just about
            every rally… and the burn-it-all-down folks are his base.

          22. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Still waiting for facts. Still seeing sidestepping questions. Everything is based on economics, huh? So, as the richest country in the world, we should be the smartest, right? Other countries don’t have “inequality?” What “causes” inequality? Does human agency matter? You are “doomed” if your neighborhood is poor? That is beyond stupid. Geography is destiny! Says Larry, Genius emperor of all, whose opinions would create Utopia. I’m glad you didn’t tell me that growing up in Warsaw Virginia…I might have just accepted my inevitable failure. Why don’t you take money out of your pocket to address the inequality? Do you have more than the average?
            If we only had unicorns and Santa Claus, Larry World would be beautiful…except for the evil people who voted for Trump!
            You know the Pilgrims failed with socialism, right (probably not – ruins the spoon fed narrative).
            You are too old to fall for the stupidity. And even worse, you aren’t part of the Nomenklatura. I could respect you if you were in on the grift, but as it is, when you are the first to quit clapping for “Dear Leader,” you will be carted off.

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            Plenty of facts but some folks rely on beliefs no matter what. Yep.

            The inequity comes from people that have poor education and live in poverty. It happens and when
            you live in poverty, the neighborhood you can afford to live in affects the school your kids can
            attend. If you check the SOLs for a place like Henrico – you’ll see quite a few low performing schools,
            most of them near to the poor sections of Richmond. Such schools do not attract the best
            veteran teachers… they usually get newbies and they get squashed and more newbies replace them.
            The kids don’t do well and the grow up undereducated and poor and the cycle repeats.

            lots of talk from you on stupid and evil.. lotta projection there, guy and yep, you’ll vote for the dictator.

          24. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – let’s try dealing with facts.
            First, what is a dictator? What actions does a dictator do?
            Second, why do certain schools in Henrico do poorly? Which schools? Besides just saying they are poor, could there be any other reasons? Do any in the cr@ppy schools do well? What do those students do differently? If there are no students who pass at grade level, are the students stupid, are the parents totally disengaged, are the teachers that bad? Can we figure out why? Should we even have that school? I know the answers, having nothing to do with race per se, but heavily affecting one race worst of all.
            Third, name the liberal democracies with great education systems. It’s a trap question, and you still won’t acknowledge the truth. 2+2 = 4. There are 2 sexes. Cheating in elections is bad. Murder of human beings is bad. Since I have said it, you have to oppose it.

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            If you need to know what a dictator is, I can see why you get confused about orangeman! You can do
            a VDOE build-a-table to see the Henrico schools… Some are very good and some are not good at all. Some do pass grade level, some don’t. They’re not stupid but they are economically disadvantaged.
            race is affected by the percentage of poverty. Kids in poverty don’t do well at school.

            You can look up PISA scores to see the top ranked countries… Very few are 3rd world dictatorships.

            Cheating AFTER elections by claiming
            widespread fraud and related lies that get you indicted … is “cheating” also. And when you plead guility to the charges, you are admitting you lied and cheated…

          26. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Try again Larry.
            State what behavior makes a dictator. Not just the usual Orange Man Bad. What are the characteristics of a dictator? What actions define a dictator? Quit blathering and tell all of us who are so stupid for disagreeing with you what actions we should be on the lookout for so we can recognize the danger.
            Now watch this – watch how people admit something – poverty is a factor. It is not THE factor. How do some people leave hellhole schools with something resembling education? You seem strangely incurious.
            No. Tell me the liberal democracies with first class education systems. Again, oh great one, just tell us your opinion of those countries. You have no problem going IMO all the time. Why the caution now?
            Let’s go back to cheating. Again, watch how it is done. All cheating is wrong. See? While we are on a roll…is lying wrong? Is doctoring tape wrong? Doctoring emails? How about this one – another trick question – do prosecutors only abuse their powers and withhold evidence against blacks?
            My question is are you willingly deceived or evil or truly without any common sense to see what is happening before your eyes?

          27. LarrytheG Avatar

            Organgeman is a wannabe – an authoritarian who openly admires world dictators like Kim Jong Un, Putin, and similar. Many economically disadvantaged kids grow up with poor educations and worse job prospects. Most of worlds developed countries have good education systems. Proven fact as a matter of fact. Interfering with elections by motivating insurrections and telling lies about voting machines and ballot county will get you indicted and convinced and that kind of cheating is clearly bad and clearly
            deserves punishment. Folks on Organgemans wagon seem to be willingly deceived, admire strongmen/authoritarian types and justify illegal and wrong behavior because they can’t distinguish
            between right and wrong IMO of course.

          28. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – you suffer TDS very badly.
            Answer the questions.
            Let’s try one a little easier for you – I still want the answers to the other ones, but let’s see – is cheating in elections bad only when Republicans do it? That shouldn’t be too hard. A 1 word answer. By the way, you would make a horrible witness in a trial.

          29. LarrytheG Avatar

            cheating is bad – period but lying about the elections, spurring insurrections and saying voting machines are wrong and interfering with precincts and elections officials to the point where you are charged with a crime and convicted is a whole worse kind of “wrong”. And people who see all of this and still support it are in a special category of clueless and a danger to others, IMO.

          30. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            If only you had stopped at “period.” No “but…”
            Is denying about cheating, such as ballot harvesting, fake ballots, hiding the count, false registrations, lying? Is that lying bad? Is that cheating bad? You know about the false registrations covered up in Michigan right? GBI Strategies, which got $ millions from the Dem party, and Dana Nessel has hidden, while prosecuting the “alternate” electors? Is that good or bad? You know a liberal Fed judge has ordered a trial on the machines in Georgia from a case initiated prior to 2020, not by Trump? If the machines are so perfect, why the resistance to proving it? You watched 2000 Mules, right?
            Come on, Larry – you know cheating benefits Dems – they have perfected it and done it for a long time – LBJ in the 1948 primary and JFK in 1960 are acknowledged. Walking around money?
            When you apply the same standards to people you agree with as those you disagree with, then maybe something you say might be worth considering as possibly true, until then…

          31. LarrytheG Avatar

            Some of that might happen but it’s rare and not at all widespread such that it benefits one candidates
            across many precincts. No system is perfect and without some individuals who are corrupt. But it’s very very difficult to do it with so many others also involved in the counting.

            From there, you guys get onto conspiracy theories which is not reality.

            And from the conspiracy theories, you justify insurrection and interfering with elections illegally.

            Tell me how and why FOX news admitted they lied and you guys believed it and now still believe it!

            Tell me now people have been indicted for fraud , pled guility and others going to trial.

            You simply seem to believe in conspiracy theories AND support the things that Trump did that were corrupt and illegal.

          32. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How do you know cheating isn’t widespread if you won’t look? You just assert it, and say it’s the “big lie,” to shut off any discussion. There is cheating. And enough to change elections. But RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA! Have you noticed wherever there is mail in voting, the counting goes on and on and on…until the Democrat wins? Curious… How come France with 54 million and Argentina with 30 million can have a paper ballot election and know the results within hours…Really really strange…
            Fox News settled, for reasons not explainable to me. They had a winning first amendment case.

            And back to a question you didn’t answer, are the only prosecutors who cheat prosecuting black defendants? No coercion? No overcharging? Oh, and about that “insurrection” – how come Nancy Pelosi refused to set up a legal Congressional Committee? Allow the National Guard offered? How come the defendants railroaded, over-charged and kangarooed haven’t been provided exculpatory evidence? Speedy trials? Have been kept locked up? This guy committed suicide he was so despondent of the railroading – here is a video of his crime – too bad that was never made available to him or any Judge so far – https://behindtheblack.com/behind-the-black/points-of-information/jan-6th-tapes-prove-biden-prosecutors-knowingly-falsified-the-charges-that-caused-matthew-perna-to-kill-himself/ – but your beloved banana republic DOJ was gracious enough to drop the felony charge after he committed suicide, because it was totally not overcharging for extortion purposes. Horrible, evil people. Destroying the country and liberty to “save our democracy.”

          33. You can get there by blocking him can’t you? I can testify that seeing “Content unavailable” instead of Larry’s posts is a quality of life issue.

          34. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I was just going to ask who Larry is talking to…

          35. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes, Walter… no stinkin facts or data, just the “truth” according to Walter!

    2. Turbocohen Avatar

      You cant hold an unaccountable school board accountable..

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        not just the school board, the other adults also.

        1. Turbocohen Avatar

          Starts with the board.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    “Those 30 kids set the tone for the rest of the 1,400 kids in the school,”

    Here we have a great case for reparations. The school board should reimburse 1,370 students the $16,000 per pupil spent on their education. The other 30 kids could benefit from C’ville school board sending them to Fork Union or Randolph Macon for a highly structured learning environment. That would be mighty satisfuctual to all involved.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Actually I don’t disagree. The ones that can’t behave need to go to schools that are designed to deal with them.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        The drill sgt at RMA is dynamite. He would have those kids straighten out in no time at all. Done the right way by the book too. Amazing what one tough fair-minded leader with authority can do.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I don’t disagree. I don’t think the public schools on their own can fix this. They’re driven by
          top-down legal rules and are essentially frozen on what they can do and it will drive away
          teachers and encourage those that can to go to private schools and support voucher schools.

          1. Turbocohen Avatar

            Vouchers would be great. But job #1 is to have an effective school board.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Good-bye Rosalynn. Rest..

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Roll on, Roll on, sweet moments roll on…
      and let the poor pilgrim go home.

  4. Turbocohen Avatar

    Time for a disruptive student blotter with the parents names and faces on them. And above that put photos of EVERY progressive member of the school board along with their email and phone number. Require the school board to attend counseling with the worst students and their parents, as in parent(S) with an s…

  5. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    The teacher walkout, over the failure of school administrators to provide a safe environment in which kids can learn and teachers can teach is the most positive education news story I’ve read in years. It’s time for teachers to take their classrooms back from useless administrators. The teachers should stay out of the classroom until the school’s administrators are shown the door and a new team focused on school discipline is in place.

    1. Turbocohen Avatar

      Failed administrators failing to support teachers is the expected outcome of a progressive school board that cannot critique its own failings.

    2. Thomas Carter Avatar
      Thomas Carter

      The answer is consequences commensurate with the behavior – no exceptions.

      1. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
        Ronnie Chappell

        It’s a shame Armstrong administrators needed to address this problem in this way. However, trying to keep dealers from selling or distributing drugs on school grounds is an important goal. My guess is that the school keep Narcan on campus given how common Fentanyl has become. Perhaps they would have taken steps to keep roving, violent gangs out of their halls and classrooms.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          but not a problem that teachers can fix, you’d need administrators, right?

          1. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
            Ronnie Chappell

            Teachers, working with supportive administrators are part of the solution. Doesn’t get done without them.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right. I think you need the folks that do operate the schools in addition to the teachers.

            The idea that administrators are a “problem” to me is like saying the workers who maintain the schools , plumbing , electricity, etc are a “problem” because they can’t fix everything that is broke!

            A major cost of schools is not just the teachers and not the administrators either.. it’s the maintenance and operation, food service, transportation, security, etc.

            In many communities, the schools are the biggest employers.

          3. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
            Ronnie Chappell

            Administrators define/create the culture in the schools they lead. They define the boundaries for teachers and students. For teachers, it’s whether they can discipline students and have their decisions supported. For students, its making clear what’s allowed and what isn’t, what will get you disciplined, suspended or expelled. Bad administrators are a problem. It’s why I’m so encouraged by the teacher walkout.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            I won’t totally disagree with you and part of the reason why is some teachers who post here that pretty much confirm it. But overall, at MOST schools, we only hear about the bad ones here and then someone will say something ignorant like it’s ALL schools… Most administrators, good, bad and ugly are driven largely by rules, regulations and laws, they have no control over. If they go too far over the line, they
            can be fired or sued…. The chronic absentee problem is largely associated with students that come from disadvantageous circumstances, who basically failed at getting decent grades in K-6 and NOW can’t
            really learn effectively and they know they are at dead ends.. and so making trouble is what they do.

            I support stricter actions against them. I support altlernative schools, separate schools with tougher
            discipline for the ones that can’t or won’t behave in a conventional school.

            But I’m not buying the Conservatives unending rants about it.. it’s just culture war foolishness IMO.

    3. Turbocohen Avatar

      Failed administrators failing to support teachers is the expected outcome of a progressive school board that cannot critique its own failings. C’ville fails to teach effective social and emotional coping skills in school that are needed by some kids in order to compensate for failed parenting, such as self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills.

      It wont happen, but, if a conservative board ran C’ville schools, you would have an honor code, student code of conduct and not see so much of this violent bullshit.

  6. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    When bad behavior is not punished you encourage more bad behavior. Do they not teach this to prospective teachers anymore?

    1. Seems it’s not a classroom problem, it’s in the halls. That makes it an administration failure. Things got so bad that the teachers have called attention to it by walking out. They’re part of the solution, not the problem.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Such behavior cannot be just “in the halls”.

        1. From the reporting:

          “That “reset” will be addressing a high school culture that many say has gotten out of control, with students roaming the halls during class time, instigating fights, disobeying administrators and
          even letting intruders into the school with the sole purpose of perpetrating violence.”
          and “There has been a fight a week since the beginning of the year, often involving a roving band of students who refuse to attend class during the school day.”

          The reporting references the halls, although it does not explicitly exclude the possibility of violence in class rooms. The reporting indicates a failure of the administration to control the school environment, and that teachers walked out because they could not get support that permitted an in class learning environment for the 1,400 or so kids who were not roaming, fighting and letting others into the building.

          It is unlikely that the teachers walked out in protest of their own disinterest in maintaining an environment conducive to learning in their classrooms. It is doubtful to attribute characteristics to an entire group, but we do know that 27 of the teachers were fed up to the point they walked out in protest. That seems to have gotten the school board’s attention.

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Jim’s artwork choice is interesting on several levels, but I’ll focus on the presence of a badged law officer in that illustration. Nothing I’ve read on what has been going on at that high school makes reference to school resource officers either way, present, absent, or about to be welcomed back. Might be a thought….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You mean the “lack of diversity”?

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      We have a dust up in Spotsylvania where the Sheriff wants some of the elementary resource officers to “double-up” at the high schools that have been having similar problems.

      The answer that some folks want but don’t want to come out directly and say it – is to just permanently expell the ones that will not behave.

      That’s what they would do in a private school – behave or get out.

      I don’t think it is “woke” that is the problem. The problem is that society at large has gotten out of hand and young folks see it and emulate it.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        Back in my day expulsion was in the Code of Behavior for Prince William County Public Schools. I guess they don’t expel students anymore?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think they do but only after the other sanctions. We have an “alternative” school in Spotsy
          for kids that have been booted from their regular school. If they don’t do that school, they
          can get booted. But now days, it’s considered a drop dead last resort .


          Pretty sure that many districts have such a thing… but not a lot of data to show it.

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Oh yeah. A great number of the knuckleheads at Stonewall Jackson HS simply disappeared by the 11th grade. This is circa 1986-88. No chance of that happening now. My last 5 years at Briar Woods in Loudoun was a nightmare. The school nemesis could not be dealt with thanks to the higher ups. The guys above the principal. Unbelievable what a handful could get away with. And the handful knew they had a full house and everybody else had a pair of twos.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            I guess you’re 5 or 6 years older than I am. I found Osbourn Park to be much less of a zoo than Marsteller, which I attribute to the students being older AND Osbourn Park’s student body coming from different neighborhoods. (As you may know, back then Marsteller students went on to high school at either Stonewall Jackson or Osbourn Park). No idea what goes in in schools today and I’m glad you’re around here to let us know.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I never saw half of my Marsteller friends again when the split to high school came. The Stonewall ruffians were all my neighbors in Haymarket, Catharpin, and Gainesville. Something was in the water out there. I’ll give that principal credit. He did clean things up one way or another. It was a near all white school too. The kids that were bounced needed to go. No one shed a tear over their empty chair.

  8. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    It helps to understand if you know that the University of Virginia’s School of Education provides student teachers and proudly mentors Charlottesville schools. As examples: https://charlottesvilleschools.org/4162_4 or https://education.virginia.edu/research-initiatives/research-centers-labs/youth-nex/youth-advisory-council

    Perhaps this “center” can help. https://education.virginia.edu/research-initiatives/research-centers-labs/center-race-and-public-education-south


  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Thus, if African-American students are disproportionately likely to be disciplined for breaking the rules — an issue not addressed by school authorities or the Daily Progress — the answer is doubling down on the fight against systemic racism…. not cracking down on the kids causing the problems.”

    I don’t see any reference to the race of any of the “kids causing the problems” in any of the quoted material. Did you make that leap for a reason?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Here. Hope it helps. Only shows percentage not the actual number of students.

      1. Black students were 100% of both long term suspensions and expulsions. As you note they’re percentages, the numbers could be 1 for all we can tell from the graphs. However, there were no other long term suspensions or expulsions. Almost 80% of the short term suspensions were also black kids.

        The student body is 29% black, so black kids are disciplined for bad behavior at a rate far exceeding their proportion of the school population. All other racial categories were disciplined at rates lower to far lower than their percentage of the school population.

        That does not tell us anything about the race of the 30 or so students who are currently the problem, but it gives us a pretty good idea who at least 8 out of 10 are likely to be. Perhaps more information will come out of the “reset”.

        Note, the principal resigned earlier this month, his last day is Tuesday the 21st. He was principal for a little over a year. The school board may have identified a source of the problems and 27 of the faculty have put a fine point on them. BR is coming late to this party. Seems likely it would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at the “reset” Monday and Tuesday. It may be a far more structured environment when the kids come back after Thanksgiving.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Noticed that also. That seems to be a feature of JAB’s commentary on race sometimes, not a bug.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Let’s talk about threats of violence FROM Congressmen. Can’t imagine picking a fight with the head of the teamsters. The TEAMSTERS! They eat their own and bury the remains in Giant Stadium end zones. The guy is from Boston with an Irish last name. Yeah, pick a fight with him.

    Remember how Republicans said Clinton’s sexual antics would influence our children? Can imagine how all these “tough guys” in Congress will influence them.

    Macho, macho man…

  11. Be interesting to know if the 30 or so students roaming the halls and fighting are among the 86% of students C’ville considers “gifted”. Perhaps their gifts are cutting class and fighting. Or perhaps if they are removed the percentage of gifted students will go up to something like 90%.

    The first job of government is to maintain public safety so honest people can go about their lives peacefully. C’ville failed that fundamental duty with Unite the Right and it seems has not learned anything from that debacle.

    It is good to see that the teachers have said enough, we cannot stand any more of this. Perhaps that will get the administration and school board’s attention and encourage them to retake control of the school so the other 1,400 kids have the opportunity to learn.

    If that does not happen, I would encourage the teachers to just say no and decline to show up until the administration and school board wake up from woke, come to their senses and fix the problem. Despite the name it is not actually a school if kids don’t have the opportunity to learn.

  12. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
    Joe Jeeva Abbate

    I would suggest the model of the current Republican Party supporting a traitor (by definition in the U.S. Constitution) leading a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol that killed police and civilians is more of an inspiration for violence in our society. I agree with Bob X from Texas that “when bad behavior is not punished you encourage more bad behavior”. It’s clearly time for all traitors in the Republican Party or violent militia members, Nazis, and racists to be decried by the supposedly patriotic Americans, citizens of our democracy, and supporters of law and order. We should all decry the direction the Republican Party has taken in supporting a lying traitor as its political leader. It’s time for all those who committed treason to receive the appropriate punishment via our justice system. We were all witnesses to the lie from Trump and the attack on the U.S. Capitol. If you expect many moderates or rational voters to consider the Republican Party, you should work to elect honest moderate conservatives instead of traitors. Good luck with that.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I too detest Donald Trump. Not sure what that has to do with Charlottesville schools, but I am glad you got it off your chest.

      1. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
        Joe Jeeva Abbate

        Yes, James…I did need to get that off my chest, thank you. I found it interesting that after the VA Republicans Party was surprisingly hammered in the last election, that few conservatives in this forum could see the dissatisfaction among VA voters with a party supporting a lying traitor who lead a violent and murderous attack on our Capitol. As recently as August 2023, 69% of Republicans believed Trump’s lie about his getting beat in the last presidential election. If we want our students, children and citizens to behave civilly without violence, we should demonstrate that in our chosen leadership and in our justice system.

    2. Turbocohen Avatar

      What does Trump have to do with BLM rioting and DEI?

      1. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
        Joe Jeeva Abbate

        “When bad behavior is not punished you encourage more bad behavior.” Trump has committed treason, and he should be punished for it. If students are violent, they should be punished accordingly.

  13. There may be hope for Charlottesville. The principal resigned earlier this month to spend more time with his family. Part of his background, according to articles on his hiring in August of 2022, was with restorative justice. His resignation implies that the school board understands that he was ineffective at dealing with an out of control school.

    The 27 teachers who walked out in protest that inspired the ‘reset’ clearly have had enough wokeness and apparently acted to highlight the necessity for change in the operating philosophy of the school even as the principal was on the way out the door.

    The outcome of the ‘reset’ and closure of the school until after the Thanksgiving holiday creates the opportunity for change and for the school system to retake control of the school. Will there be a new sheriff in town or will it be just deputy Dei promoted with more of the same? Will the teachers who walked out quietly accept more of the same if that is what the school board proposes?

    We should stay tuned, Change may be happening in Charlottesville.

  14. Looks like some progress in C’ville schools. They’ve named an interim principal at Charlottesville High School (CHS) through the end of the year, Kenny Leatherwood. He has a long history in C’ville schools, including as principal at CHS. C’ville has used him extensively to fill in administrative vacancies since he retired a decade ago. He is likely made of sterner stuff than the guy who resigned.


    On the other hand, the community meeting held by Charlottesville United for Public Education started by prohibiting anyone from commenting on returning School Resource Officers (SROs) to schools. They were removed in 2020 following protests over “police brutality”. In their place City Schools employed “care and safety assistants”. I guess they report to somebody who reports to somebody who then calls the cops when things get completely out of hand. Wokeness lives in C’ville.

    Reporting of the meeting indicated that the students roaming the halls during class and fighting are black. Also that the current problems have grown out of student behavioral issues following return from Covid that have worsened rather than abated. Some reprimands to students have been issued.


    We’ll know next week if there’s a new sheriff in town and things shape up at CHS or if it’s all just a song and dance to get past the moment.

    ps, Long ago when I was in high school if you were caught in the hall during class time without a hall pass your butt was promptly sitting in the office about to be disciplined. The first rule of education is that schools cannot teach kids who are not in class. Crowds roaming the halls during class time are prima facie evidence of school administration failure.

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