M. Norman Oliver M.D., Virginia Health Commissioner

by James C. Sherlock

We finally made it to where we were inevitably headed.

From Becker’s Hospital Review four hours ago:

“States ranked by percentage of COVID-19 vaccines administered: Jan. 25″

“… As of 6 a.m. EST Jan. 24, a total of 41,411,550 vaccine doses have been distributed in the U.S., and 21,848,655 have been administered, or 52.76 percent…”

“Below are the states ranked by the percentage of COVID-19 vaccines they’ve administered of those that have been distributed to them.”

  1. North Dakota
    Doses distributed to state: 86,750
    Doses administered: 73,175
    Percentage of distributed vaccines that have been administered: 84.35
  2. West Virginia
    Doses distributed to state: 243,100
    Doses administered: 202,883
    Percentage of distributed vaccines that have been administered: 83.46 …

50. Virginia
Doses distributed to state: 1,069,725
Doses administered: 451,668
Percentage of distributed vaccines that have been administered: 42.22

Dead last. Pretty much where we ranked in COVID testing last year. Virginia won’t reach 51st only because there is no 51st.

Accountability? None so far. Will the Governor please tell us why Virginia’s Health Commissioner still has his job? Will someone ask him that question in his next press conference?

It seems good time to go back and re-read my essay from this morning on fixing Virginia government.

— Jim Sherlock

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26 responses to “We Finally Made It”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    What, no District of Columbia data? Bet we ARE 51st….and many rankings include Puerto Rico, so we could be 52nd….They’ll be states soon, right, with the votes of our congressional delegations in favor?

    1. djrippert Avatar

      DC has administered 68.5% of the doses it has received. Virginia is at 42.2%. The national average is 52%. So, yes … we are far behind DC. Puerto Rico has administered 220,000 of the 270,000 doses it has received for a percentage of 81.4% – just under double the effectiveness in Virginia.

      The depths of Northam’s incompetence are sometimes hard to fathom.


      1. sherlockj Avatar

        All I ask here is that he provide fundamental accountability.

        He must be totally embarrassed by the repeated failures of his VDH, but he apparently has not decided that consistent failures in crucial and deadly matters warrant a change in leadership.

        If a naval officer runs his ship aground, he is relieved. Dr. Oliver has run an entire fleet aground. We are running out of ships.

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          This is the point where two weeks ago I’d point to a couple of countervailing positive data points, things Virginia has not screwed up. I’m past that. I’m growing furious.

        2. djrippert Avatar

          As Northam is providing fundamental accountability perhaps he can provide an update on our status as “worst in nation” for speed of review of unemployment forms. In early December we were processing unemployment checks from July 1. Any word from the governor on whether he has cracked that nut?

          There is widespread incompetence in Richmond.


          1. idiocracy Avatar

            Apparently, a healthy dose of the Dunning-Kruger effect is part of the “Virginia Way”.

        3. You’d think Northam would be embarrassed by Virginia’s No. 50 ranking, but unless the Washington Post, Richmond Times-Dispatch or Virginian-Pilot makes a big issue of it, I don’t think it will register.

  2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Orangeman Bad…. did it work this time Dr. Governor?

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Orangeman Bad…. did it work this time Dr. Governor?

  4. But the new state diversity officer is ensuring equity in the incompetent (in) action

  5. But the new state diversity officer is ensuring equity in the incompetent (in) action

  6. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    Can you fix the link to the source article?

  7. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    Can you fix the link to the source article?

  8. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    Seems like once you get past the first five or so, none of them are doing very well in terms of distributing what they have.

    Fwiw, if you look at the data in terms of % of population vaccinated, we jump to…. 45th…. (womp, womp)

    That data ranges from 13% to 5%.

    Oh to be in Alaska!!

  9. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    Seems like once you get past the first five or so, none of them are doing very well in terms of distributing what they have.

    Fwiw, if you look at the data in terms of % of population vaccinated, we jump to…. 45th…. (womp, womp)

    That data ranges from 13% to 5%.

    Oh to be in Alaska!!

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    If the data is real, I’ll not defend VDH nor Northam but I’m still thinking Virginia is holding back the second dose because we’ve had a significant number of people who have reported here in BR that could not get appointments and yet, the data says we’re not giving shots so what are we doing, “hoarding” the vaccine until it expires and is thrown out?

    Now, THAT , would be a SCANDAL and Virginians would rightly be after coonmans scalp!

    Well.. except…that if that were true, WaPo and Va Mercury would, no doubt, “hide” it, right?

    oh well….

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      In your dreams, literally.

  11. From the McLean Patch Newspaper, Friday January 22, 2021, https://patch.com/virginia/burke/fairfax-supervisors-vaccination-wait-due-limit-doses (I quoted more extensively in a comment on this morning’s Vaccine Switcheroo post):
    “[S]upervisors look to the state government to provide more doses so the health department can work through the wait list. On Wednesday, Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay sent a letter to Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam saying the Fairfax Health District has the resources to administer more vaccines and is ready for more doses.
    “Right now our biggest frustration is not knowing how and when we’re going to get the next doses,” said [Springfield District Supervisor Pat] Herrity.”

  12. Looks like concentrating on a KKK outfit apology tour for three years has ramifications.

  13. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Why VW did so well? They developed their own distribution plan. The other 49 went with the Trump CDC plan.

    But, why would they do that? Two reasons: 1) the Fed plan used CVS and Walgreens as the inoculators, and 2) the distributor in the Fed plan was McKesson and two others. So, practicality and morality.

    Practicality — WV doesn’t have many big chain pharmacies. So… they contracted with their many independents.
    Morality — WV was suing McKesson and the other two for knowily oversupplying oxycodone to WV, 10 pills per day per person.

    So, what’s the takeaway? One huge success, 49 mehs. One go-it-alone, 49 Trump CDC plans.

    Correlation and causality.

  14. […] As of yesterday, Virginia was dead last in administration the vaccines it has already received.  Number fifty out of fifty states.  Or, number 52 out of 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico.  This miserable performance obviously […]

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