The Petersen Death Star Strikes Again

Letter from state Senator J. Chapman Petersen, D-Fairfax, to Scott Braband, superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools. — JAB

On Friday evening, February 4th, in my capacity as a parent, I received the attached press release from Fairfax County Public Schools which announced the ruling of the Arlington County Circuit Court on the Governor’s Executive Order No. 2 regarding “parental option” for any child masking policies.

The press release begins by lauding the Court’s ruling as an “immediate action to protect the health of the community and also reaffirms the constitutional rights of the school boards.” It then states that FCPS will indefinitely continue its policy of Forced Masking for” all students, staff and visitors, a regulation which is overwhelmingly supported by our staff and families” which “has been a critical safety measure during the pandemic, especially during the most recent surge.”

No evidence is cited for any of these statements, which are clearly opinions – not facts. Since FCPS has circulated its opinions via a public forum, I will respond in kind on the two key presumptions:

I. “Forced Masking of Children Saves Lives”

Ever since the General Assembly required FCPS to re-open in the spring of 2021, the students and staff of FCPS have been forced to wear masks, regardless of their health, vaccination status or whether the community was experiencing a “surge.” To the best of my knowledge, no scientific basis has ever been offered for Forced Masking; rather parents are asked to assume that this policy “saves lives.”

After a year, the data on student masking is easily found and it is overwhelming: the forced masking of school children has no correlation with community health.

Let us examine the data points. First of all, there are major states around the United States (e.g. Ohio, Florida and Texas) which have had no mask mandate for at least the past year, when vaccinations became widely available. There is no meaningful discrepancy between the health outcomes of their children and those living in states like New York and California — or jurisdictions like Fairfax County – which have strictly masked children. According to CDC data, numbers regarding child health in these states are functionally equal; an outcome which reflects the fact that the COVID19 pandemic, over two years, has had no statistical impact on child mortality rates.

The residual question is whether the Forced Masking of Children is beneficial to others, i.e. family members who may have compromised immune systems. Again, the data shows the opposite: that masking has no meaningful impact on community transmission. In a comprehensively researched article published January 26th in The Atlantic magazine, the authors who are infectious disease specialists concluded that “no real-world data indicate that these masks decrease transmissions in school settings.”

Numerous other studies by impartial media sources confirm these same findings, including publications from left-leaning sources as Bloomberg News, The Washington Post and The New York Times.3 Indeed, it has become hard, if not impossible, to find a respected medical researcher who still defends Forced Masking of Children as a public safety measure.

II. “Forced Masking of Children is Popular”

In the absence of compelling scientific evidence, the fall-back argument from FCPS and other pro-mask advocates has been that Forced Masking of Children is “popular” with staff and parents and, therefore, it should be kept in place for as long as possible, regardless of whether anyone objects.

In my years as a parent, I have been asked to take multiple surveys by FCPS over issues such as “community racism” or “bullying.” To date, I have not been asked to take a survey on Forced Masking (or “universal masking” as it’s more euphemistically called). Therefore, I am skeptical of this statement, especially since I’ve been contacted by so many FCPS parents and staff in the past few weeks who want to speak out against Forced Child Masking but are afraid of the consequences.

More critically, the decision to wear a mask in public — when there is so little correlation with public health — makes it de facto a political decision. In other words, by wearing a mask in a public setting, the wearer is able to communicate a political message, e.g. “I Care About Others” or “I Voted for Biden” or even “I’m Vaccinated.” The ability to communicate a political message is the essence of our First Amendment, but coercing others into adopting that statement, especially a student in a public school, is the exact opposite.

For this reason, your argument that “Forced Masking is Popular” is the very reason why this policy must end. You are forcing children to make a political statement that they (and their parents) may not believe. That violates the First Amendment.

Ill. Where Do We Go from Here?

For the past two years, we have seen the lives of our children disrupted and destroyed by a pandemic that posed little, or no, threat to them physically. Too many decisions involving children have been dictated by political expediency. As a parent, I’ve had enough.

In 2021, the General Assembly solved the issue of school closures by ordering schools to reopen for in­person learning five days a week via the passage of SB 1303. We stepped in because school districts were failing to do the right thing for children. This is not just my opinion – it is reflected in the fact that Virginia public schools, such as FCPS, had a record loss of enrollment in 2021, which has continued into the current year. Something is not right.

In the coming days, I will ask the Governor to either send down special legislation or amend existing legislation so as to end the Forced Masking of Children.

We will pass that with a bipartisan majority and this sad episode will finally end.
Of course, FCPS is free to end the Forced Masking policy on its own accord. If it does so, I am confident there will the same public health impact as when we (i) re-opened schools, (ii) permitted school sports, and (iii) did away with the “six foot” rule inside school buildings.

In other words, there will be no negative health effect and, again, Virginians will be wondering (like we . did after the reopening of schools) how we ever allowed an unscientific and inhumane policy to last as long as this one did.

Thank you.


February 4, 2022

Dear FCPS Staff and Families,

Just a short time ago, a judge in Arlington Circuit Court agreed to a temporary injunction requested by FCPS and six other Northern Virginia school districts, that takes immediate action to protect the health of our community and also reaffirms the constitutional right in the Commonwealth of Virginia of school boards to make policy decisions for their districts.

A final hearing will be held at a future date. In the meantime, Fairfax County Public Schools will continue our mask requirement for all students, staff, and visitors, a regulation that is overwhelmingly supported by our staff and families. Read our statement on today’s decision.

Universal mask wearing has been a critical safety measure throughout the pandemic, especially during this most recent surge. We are committed to providing all students safe and in-person instruction. We believe that in order to do so, masks and our other layered prevention strategies must remain in place for now. As a reminder, all students are required to wear a face covering while indoors on school property or during FCPS-provided transportation, unless they have an exemption.

We are working with health experts to determine a safe and effective plan to scale back when it is appropriate to do so. FCPS will continue, as it has since this pandemic began, to prioritize the health and safety of all students and staff.
Some of you will be relieved by today’s decision and others will be frustrated. We understand. We ask everyone to treat each other with kindness, respect school procedures, and work together to safely move forward.

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61 responses to “The Petersen Death Star Strikes Again”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Wow! I love bow ties. Petersen has a lot of guts.

  2. Wow, talk about a mic drop

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Thanks for including the actual letter, but did you misquote it? They neither say it is popular, nor saves lives. Other than that, nice job setting up false positions and knocking them down.

    1. Reading comprehension Nancy “a regulation that is overwhelmingly supported by our staff and families”, overwhelmingly supported equals popular (intended for or suited to the taste, understanding, or means of the general public rather than specialists or intellectuals).

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Popular — liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group.
        “she was one of the most popular girls in the school”

        Supported is not the same as liked, admired, or enjoyed.

        Example: But there was broad support for new green taxes on consumers and businesses. — Times, Sunday Times

        One can assume taxes are popular then, eh?

        1. Funny thing about the English language, one word has multiple meanings, I guess you simply choose which one best fits your argument and ignore the others.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Meaning numero uno.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Interesting that a Democratic legislator is teaching the Republican Governor how to govern.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Hard to reconcile Petersons “beliefs” with the realities all around us. The Olympics – everyone is wearing masks. Airlines – everyone wears masks. Hospitals and Doctor’s offices, everyone wears masks. When I give blood, they require masks. AARP tax services requires masks.

    All of these organizations are wrong about the “science”?

    and yes Nancy has correctly pointed out the misquoting and mischaracterization in this but par for the course here these days.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, they are wrong. In the case of the Olympics, the problem there is that China’s strategy has prevent it from developing immunity in its population, and its vaccine sucks, so while the athletes are incredibly safe now (being young and strong), the Chinese people are vulnerable.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Asia has been wearing masks as a matter of compliance. Asian cultures are heavily based on Confucius, which requires absolute obedience toward the state. You can see the same pattern in Asian Americans. This isn’t racist, this is based on cultural patterns.

        Interestingly China developed an mrna vaccine arcov but failed to deploy it.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        and hospitals and airlines are wrong also?

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        Ya’ll continue to portray masks in an all or nothing fashion as opposed to the reality that they are not 100% effective but that does not mean they are 0% effective. It’s really an ignorant way of dealing with realities that involve risks. On the ant-mask planet – a seat belt is “worthless’ because clearly people die even if they wear them so it’s “wrong” to mandate them… that kind of “logic”…..

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “More critically, the decision to wear a mask in public — when there is so little correlation with public health — makes it de facto a political decision. In other words, by wearing a mask in a public setting, the wearer is able to communicate a political message, e.g. “I Care About Others” or “I Voted for Biden” or even “I’m Vaccinated.””

    Conversely, not wearing a mask says, “I’m stupid.”

    So, because you weren’t asked, it can’t have overwhelming support?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      that claim totally ignores the reality of public health experts are saying and recommending about masking and inserts a personal and political opinion.

      It’s like these folks live on a different planet from the one where we do have public health experts who are indeed issuing guidance and everyone from professional sports, the Olympics, airlines, and other corporate and government and NGOs are requiring masks.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Yes, planet Earth. What planet are you on?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I live on a planet where we are still losing 2500 Americans a day to Covid… you…?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll Stephen Haner • a few seconds ago
            I live on a planet where we are still losing 2500 Americans a day to Covid… you…?”

            Yet all those lives being lost to COVID are the individuals this is speaking about. Nor will the masks that 90% of the population wear stop them from contracting COVID if there were to come in contact with it.

            Science escapes you as always, stick to money laundering.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I think it is time for you to make a statement for the record here. Some people on these boards know who I am (not necessarily you). Are you accusing me of money laundering? Me personally that is and not some person you think I may or may not be. The actual person posting as Eric the Half a Troll – and again, there are people in the community who definitively know exactly who I am and associate me with this persona so my reputation is at stake here. I think it is important for you to make such a claim explicit if that is your position. Otherwise, you need to retract the implication. For the record, I will be capturing your response.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll • 21 minutes ago
            I think it is time for you to make a statement for the record here. Some people on these boards know who I am (not necessarily you). Are you accusing me of money laundering? Me personally that is and not some person you think I may or may not be. The actual person posting as Eric the Half a Troll – and again, there are people in the community who definitively know exactly who I am and associate me with this persona so my reputation is at stake here. I think it is important for you to make such a claim explicit if that is your position. Otherwise, you need to retract the implication. For the record, I will be capturing your response.”

            Here’s a tip, you defame people on the daily on here and elsewhere. When you get any sort of pushback and or insults directed back at you in response you whine like a little child.

            I highly doubt I could do anything to “hinder” your reputation, but if I could. I’d say you don’t have a very good reputation to being with.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Answer the question. Are you accusing me (as defined above) of money laundering?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            this is why I’ve blocked him. He regularly engages in ad hominems and worse…

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            A big difference between an ad hominem and claiming a person is laundering money. I could care less about the former, I take the latter very seriously.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            he made false accusations also – it was a “package’ of stuff that he engages in.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll • 11 minutes ago
            Answer the question.”

            I did.

            You’re also in no position to demand anything of anyone.

            How about we play a game, called open your comment history. I think your moral indignation will disappear very quickly.

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You did not answer my question. If you do not retract your explicit implication that I am laundering money both above and on earlier messages I have captured, I will consider your silence to be my confirmation. I take such public claims that I am violating any laws very seriously. This is your final opportunity to retract your claim in no uncertain terms.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll 6 minutes ago
            You did not answer my question. If you do not retract your explicit implication that I am laundering money both above and on earlier messages I have captured, I will consider your silence to be my confirmation. I take such public claims that I am violating any laws very seriously. This is your final opportunity to retract your claim in no uncertain terms.”

            It’s not reasonable to assume that I was implying anything more than an insult (which is in-kind behavior with you as can be seen by any comment I make benign or pointed), as I could not prove for against it anything I stated.

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Claiming that a person is engaging in money laundering is not an insult. I will take your acknowledgment that you have no basis for this claim as your retraction.

          12. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll 4 minutes ago
            Claiming that a person is engaging in money laundering is not an insult. I will take your acknowledgment that you have no basis for this claim as your retraction.”

            Then it be so. I will temper my statements and be more civil forward, can I expect the same from you?

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I have no issue with any incivility, tbh. This crossed a different line. That being said and by way of recognizing your intent here I will step back and attempt a more civil tone. I’ll start by ceasing my blanket downvote policy and undo my most recent votes.

          14. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

            Hi Marty

          15. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

            I assume you mean sanitizing pennies to help stop the spread of covid. I can envision Half Wit doing that, as it doesn’t require math or science

          16. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            His planet doesn’t have Americans, just Republicans.

          17. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Right and all the masks didn’t prevent any of it. Its a microscopic virus, you idiot. You see what the Chinese Olympics personnel were wearing. 🙂

          18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “You idiot”… nice there Haner. You have no idea how many deaths masks did or did not prevent. Further, you (should) know that the working premise of masking does not entail filtering the microscopic virus but restraining exhaled droplets of liquid that contain the virus.

          19. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll Stephen Haner • 15 minutes ago
            “You idiot”… nice there Haner. You have no idea how many deaths masks did or did not prevent. Further, you (should) know that the working premise of masking does not entail filtering the microscopic virus but restraining exhaled droplets of liquid that contain the virus.”

            Burden of Proof fallacy.

          20. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Give me your name and I’ll treat you with more respect.

          21. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That will never happen, he can’t defame people with his real name and get away with it.

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            You can email Haner and he’ll then know who you are… but from experience, I can tell you it won’t change his name-calling… not a bit… 😉

          23. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Interesting that you set condition on treating people with respect. Give me your email if you are truly interested in my name. I suspect you are not.

          24. LarrytheG Avatar

            Haner likes to engage in insults and name calling also from time to time. He’s a “senior” … you know… but the devil is still in him!

          25. Let’s go Brandon! Thanks for the ‘crushing’ of C-19!!!!!!

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          the one where you go to the hospital and they have a sign saying “masks are mandatory”… and you/ I know you have medical issues. What’s YOUR experience with medical care?

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          well… er.. the planet that has Public Health Experts in the USA and other countries …. that the ignorati insist are wrong…

      2. tmtfairfax Avatar

        So why are Oregon, New Jersey, Connecticut and Delaware eliminating their mask mandates in schools? And the “school mask” studies relied upon by the CDC failed to account for differences in vaccination rates. How is that good science? If you want to measure the effect one variable in an experiment, you need to adjust for other variables that could also effect the result.

        At this stage, it’s all about control and virtue signaling. And Senator Petersen exposed this. I’ve known the Senator for quite a few years. He hasn’t given up the habit of thinking. I think his father taught at GMU too.

        What fries my butt is that my taxes go to pay hundreds of unnecessary and fairly worthless FCPS staff members instead of teachers.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          the mask rules are worldwide TMT – is that power, control and virtue-signaling worldwide.

          You guys blithely ignore the realities and focus on the one or two things you wish to believe while ignoring and rejecting public health experts and the CDC.

          Even now, the CDC is warning that community-spread is still very high.

          The states that bailed basically got moved by the politics – they’re NOT citing new guidance from public health experts because it’s not there.

          The anti folks have insisted to make it about politics… and have succeeded.

          The funny thing is that some of you guys who claim to be anti-mask – actually still do wear them – and I know you do if you go to doctors or give blood or fly on a plain – you still wear them.

          1. tmtfairfax Avatar

            Answer my question about Oregon, New Jersey, Connecticut and Delaware. Then answer my question about the studies that the CDC relied upon that failed to adjust for vaccination levels.

  7. Asra Nomani publishes Petersen’s letter in her Substack newsletter here, with her comments:

  8. Here’s a little treat for all you covid data-junkies out there. There is a lot of information presented here – it’s easy to get lost in all the data and spend a few hours studying graphs and tables:

    Someone else may have posted a ink to this site at some point, but if they did I missed it.

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    If he feels so strongly about this, why didn’t Chap Petersen introduce such legislation himself, instead of calling on the Governor to send down a bill?

    Also, it is likely an empty threat. Any such bill may have bi-partisan support, but to become effective before July 1, it would need a 4/5 vote in each house. That would mean he could not lose more than 8 Democratic votes in the Senate. As James Sherlock has pointed out, the 2021 legislation expires in Aug. 2022, anyway.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      It is hard to believe that Senator Petersen could be so misinformed or simply be unwilling to listen to both sides of the issue. It was the NOVA county health directors that issued the statement calling for the continuing of school mask mandates in the immediate future. I would put my money with them over Petersen on any public health issue.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        Chap Petersen is not a Delegate anymore. He won election to the state senate quite a few years ago. And what about Oregon, New Jersey, Connecticut and Delaware eliminating mask mandates for school children?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          those states followed mask guidance for months – and only of late are relaxing them because they think the virus is receding fast despite what the data shows. They’ve been encouraged by the politics… which, in turn, are, IMHO driven by willful ignorance of the guidance given by public health experts.

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          As I have stated each county / district should be able to determine the appropriate date for lifting any masking mandates. This should be done in consultation with the county health directors, the teachers, and the parents and should be reviewable if local circumstances change. A clear rationale and data should be set forth for these decisions and they should not be made based on political whims.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        yes.. and so.. Peterson has joined the ranks of the purposely uninformed and believe what they want to believe, no matter the facts or guidance from experts in the field.

        I think he is ‘showboating” for gullible conservative support… but that would be uber hypocritical, no?

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          There would be no reason for Petersen to “showboat” for conservative support. He has always seemed to me to be sincere in the positions he takes.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Looks like he amended a bill to give parents an explicit opt out on mask mandates and it has passed the Senate. Can’t say I like the legislature over riding local school boards but this is far better than the Gov trying to do it via EO.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Looks like simple majority may be all that is needed:

  10. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The two safest places to be over the past two years have been schools and colleges. Period. It has nothing to do with masks. You don’t have to go past the VDH’s own outbreak tracking. Six (6!) total deaths in K-12 outbreaks, 1 in college outbreaks, and those might not have been students!

    When Phil Murphy in NJ is smarter than just about every Virginia Democrat other than Chap, they might want to reevaluate. Murphy almost lost an election and learned something. VA Dems DID lose an election and learned nothing. One more whooping in two years…

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