
The Bacon’s Rebellion blog tracks public policy issues in Virginia.

We don’t do politics — just policy. Moreover, this is not a partisan blog. We entertain a broad spectrum of views. Our regular and semi-regular contributors include:

    • James A. Bacon, publisher. (View profileView posts.) You can contact him at jabacon[at]
    • Carol J. Bova. Carol is a writer who lives in Mathews County. She moderates the comments section of the blog. (View profile.) (View posts.)
    • Stephen D. Haner. A former newspaper reporter, political operative, state employee, and lobbyist, Steve brings diverse perspectives to the blog. (View profile. View posts.)
    • Richard W. Hall-Sizemore. A former lobbyist and budget analyst for Virginia’s Department of Planning and Budget, Dick is now retired. (View posts.)
    • Don Rippert. Don has recently retired as a senior executive with a Fortune 500 company. He lives in Northern Virginia. (View profileView posts.)
    • James C. Sherlock. A Virginia Beach resident, retired Navy Captain, and certified enterprise architect, Jim writes about the business of healthcare in Virginia. (View posts.)
    • Janice Stewart. A Richmond-area resident, Janice proof reads Bacon’s Rebellion blog posts.

Bacon’s Rebellion also partners with Kerry Dougherty, a former Washington Post and Virginian-Pilot writer, who publishes the “Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited” blog.

Contributors Welcome

If you would like to contribute a column, please contact Publisher Jim Bacon at jabacon[at] to see if your topic would be suitable. (Insert “@” for “[at]”.)

Blog Rules and Etiquette

We request, though we don’t require, readers to use their real names when they comment. For those unwilling to reveal their real name, we ask that they use a consistent pseudonym so others can more easily track who is saying what.

We have managed, so far, to avoid posting elaborate rules for participating in this blog. We simply urge contributors and commenters to maintain a collegial atmosphere. Direct all the fire and fury you want at another person’s argument, but do not engage in ad hominem attacks. The publisher reserves the right to delete any comments that violate this basic rule. Additionally, blog contributors have the right to delete any comments on their own posts only that they feel detracts from the quality of the dialogue.


We welcome contributions, either payable through Paypal or by check.

Contact Publisher Jim Bacon at jabacon[at] or call (804) 873-1543.