Side Effects? What Side Effects?

by Walter Smith

Have you noticed that pharmacy ads on TV close with a long list of side effects and warn you to ask your doctor if BigPharma XYZ is right for you? How come there is no similar warning for COVID shots?

You must be an anti-vaxxer, I imagine you are thinking right now. A conspiracy theorist! A government hater! No, I am a sentient human being with a brain, and a finely attuned lie detector from being a lawyer for large companies for more than 30 years.

Some people are making a big deal out of the fact that the FDA has given the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccination its full approval, not just an authorization for emergency use. It’s approved, they say. Hopefully more people will get the jab now.

But consider: the treatment got the thumbs up after less than a year when “vaccines” historically have taken ten to 15 years to gain approval. If anyone believes the government is inefficient, it is me… But a 1,500% improvement? Color me skeptical.

The FDA press release announcing the Pfizer-BioNTech approval aroused my suspicions. The tip-off: you have to get to paragraphs 13 and 14 to read about myocarditis, pericarditis and the ongoing studies conducted to ensure that “safety concerns continue [are] identified and evaluated in a timely manner.”

Seeing this casual dismissal of myocarditis prompted me to read the actual FDA “approval” letter. It was very heavy on bureaucratese, but pages 4 to 11 list a number of post-marketing studies of various risks.

Then I looked at the Summary Basis report for the approval. Page 23 mentions “pharmacovigilance” and has this reassuring verbiage :

Although some cases of vaccine associated myocarditis/pericarditis required intensive care support, available data from short-term follow up suggest that most individuals have had resolution of symptoms with conservative management. Information is not yet available about potential long-term sequelae and outcomes in affected individuals. A mechanism of action by which the vaccine could cause myocarditis and pericarditis has not been established.

The report goes on to explain how it did a best case/worst case analysis to justify approval. Those numbers now seem suspect – highly suspect. The post-vaccination studies cited as the basis for FDA approval had lasted only four to six months. While the FDA press release touts 91% effectiveness, Israel’s results, based on longer periods of time, show a marked loss of effectiveness. Effectiveness now is certainly nowhere near 91%, and the FDA is already approving “booster” shots. The vote to approve was 17 yes, four no, and one abstention. I’d like to shake the hands (after sanitizing  them!) of the four scientists brave enough to vote as the real science indicated.

As if this weren’t enough (and I know for some of you it will never be), I then read the prescribing information. If you read page 1 and the footnote on page 1 of the prescribing information, you may be able to decipher that Pfizer’s Comirnitay vaccine has won approval, but Pfizer-BioNTech’s identical product is still EUA for children under 15.

On page 4 the FDA contradicts itself by saying that two doses three weeks apart “prevent” COVID, while the next sentence says the duration of protection is unknown. The rest of pages 4 and 5 have a long list of side effects and some wishy-washy language on reporting.

Why is this language at the top of page 6 – “Under the EUA, it is your choice to receive or not receive the vaccine. Should you decide not to receive it, it will not change your standard medical care.”

Why does page 7 mention a Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program?

Finally, please note the explanation on page 8 for the declaration of any EUA. First you need a public health emergency. Are we really in a public health emergency? Can the head of HHS just declare it? Is there any limit to that authority? (I’m asking for a friend.) Then you need no adequate, approved, available alternatives. Perhaps this explains why the FDA ignores the abundant evidence of the effectiveness of the Ivermectin (here, here and here) and HCQ protocols. But see, once the HHS declares the emergency, the FDA just needs to say HCQ and Ivermectin aren’t “approved,” and FDA can then move onto EUA when the product “may be effective” and the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks. So far, the known benefits are not as advertised and the known and unknown risks are greater than we have been told. The EUAs never should have been granted.

Look, if you want the shot, get the shot. If your personal health characteristics make COVID a risk for you, get the shot. But, for the University of Virginia to refuse to turn over FOIA-requested documents supporting its decisions or to hold a truly open public meeting, for the VDH to hide behind Attorney General Mark Herring’s spurious opinion, for vaccine supporters to demean anybody asking questions about legitimate concerns that vary by person (and belong to that person or the parents) is tyrannical and dishonest. If you wish to be trusted, act trustworthy – not like you have something to hide.

I confess my belief that natural immunity provides better protection than a vaccine concocted from the manipulation of spike protein. I believe the natural immunity will be fuller and longer lasting. This is not craziness. It used to be accepted by many doctors and individuals B.C. (Before COVID). I also admit what I don’t know.

That’s a lot more honesty about COVID than anything else you’ve read in the last year and a half.

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64 responses to “Side Effects? What Side Effects?”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Because there have been no ads?

    1. A sharp-minded wise-a$$ can say more in 5 words than a condescending bloviator can say in seven paragraphs…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I’d say ‘Thanks’, but knowing smarta$$es as we do, the fact that you said ‘5 words’ didn’t escape me.

        1. Yeah, well…


  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Here Walt. Since you seem to believe the conspiracy crap. Just tell me how the vaccine approval differs from, oh say, this one…

    1. But the off label use of an animal dewormer makes perfect sense.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    As to the question of how anti-vaxer Conservatives would continue their efforts to undermine the Covid vaccine after full FDA approval, I give you Exhibit A…

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      The notion that all “anti-vaxxers” are of a particular political ideology is just plain wrong and lazy. However, that’s par for the course when it comes to you.

  4. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    Amen! Ph.D’s are the most hesitant group according to a medRxiv research conducted by Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh that was just published in July. But this is old news and just confirmation of what was already know. Other skeptical groups include high level government officials, and affluent, educated women. Hmmmm, interesting categories. Maybe it’s because these people have researched the science for themselves and understand that the government is not our friend and has never looked out for our welfare. In fact, our government has a pretty ugly past record of experimenting on us. Then you have the pharmaceutical industry, who has been sued quadrillions criminally and civilly for breaches of trust, running the show. And, yes, our Administrative State is run by the industries that our government is supposed to protect us from – the proverbial “fox guards the hen house.” Which, by the way, is a violation of the Constitution. Another brainchild of the Progressives that has been an utter failure, and the checks put in place (power of the purse and the comment periods) are wholly inadequate. The pharmaceutical industry runs the FDA and the CDC. What’s amazing to me is you have all these people mocking anyone who uses their brain and does their own research all the while they puppet what the mainstream media says and does zero research for themselves. What is true is that the covid vaccines have caused more deaths and injuries than all vaccines in the past 30 years. And when you have people telling you not to take the vaccine – Dr. Yeadon, a former VP of Pfizer; Dr. Malone, the inventor of mRNA; Americas Frontline Doctors, and many other groups who are not welcome to state their opinions on mainstream media – it’s really easy to have further confirmation that something nefarious is going on. Especially since you have a 99.9x% of surviving this. There’s tons of information – including doing the math for yourself instead of listening to talking heads – that shows there’s more injuries from the shot than from recovery of covid. This is ridiculous SARS-Cov-1 was in 2003. This is round 2.

    All the while our government is not only failing to protect our borders, but is aiding and abetting in the collapse of our borders, our country will eventually collapse due to the overrun borders – 21-year high – in addition to the numerous flights of people flown in every night, and the large number of flights of 90% Afghan men being flown in. We are being invaded at an unprecedented level, as is Europe. Why are the majority men? and military-aged men? Look up MonkeyWerxUS on Youtube. Then the superabundance of printing money which will lead to hyperinflation. I see the writing on the wall: it’s the coming of the Biblical fall of Ephraim and Manasseh. And people are supportive of a genocide jab.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The usual display of non-brilliance by the usual group of useful idiots…
    Were you guys this gung-ho for violating everybody’s right to make their own medical decisions when it was Operation Warp Speed and the Evil Orange Man was president?
    Or were you doing like CommieLa and saying you wouldn’t trust it?
    See, unlike you, I actually think for myself. If Orange Man had been sworn in, I would still want to know more and I would still object to a mandate.
    Let me guess…you believe “my body, my choice” for a woman to kill her baby? And you believe it is racist to require VoterID? But not a vaccine passport? And we can actually show “disparate impact” in Black and Hispanic vaccine hesitancy, so you all are scientifically RACISTS. I can prove it with statistics!

    Meanwhile, back to Covid, I notice no one addressed: natural immunity; breakthrough infections; effectiveness of Ivermectin; dubious necessity of EUA; while calling me an anti-vaxer conspiracy theorist while I encouraged people at risk to get the shot.
    Very substantive. You clearly were the debate champs at your elementary schools.

    Also, why hasn’t the FDA and the plethora of scientists investigated whether the shot hurts natural immunity? Seems a fair question before requiring people who survived it (and most do, particularly kids) to get jabbed with an experimental therapy.

    And for you brain trust Libs out there…Do you know that Dr. Robert Malone, the guy who invented using mRNA therapeutically, has called for a pause on vaccinating young adults and below until more is known? That getting EVERYBODY vaxed is actually a risk to the human race? (By making everyone “immune” in the same way, you could make everyone vulnerable in the same way. Different people are different – diversity is our strength! At least genetically – think of inbreeding). But remember, I am a conspiracy theorist idiot Conservative for the crime of asking questions…

    It’s a good thing none of you have power. Your totalitarian slip is showing…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Darwin laughs. People die. Sadly, they kill more than just themselves. This now was about 90% preventable. If Hommer and Smith live through this the unfairness of the universe will be proved again.

      1. with their tin foil hats still on

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Still staring at the VDH data on vaccinated v. unvaccinated. The protective value remains quite strong. But as Virginia approaches case counts as high as the winter, and other states set new records, more and more vaccinated people will also end up in the hospital and dead.

          When this sinks in with them, their fury at the unvaccinated will know no bounds. Fury. And BTW it is not just white conservatives keeping this disease alive. The lowest vaccination rate is among Virginia’s black citizens, still following VP Harris’s advice from last year (which you applauded at the time, Larry.)

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        OK. Covid has truly caused madness. Mr. Haner is normally a sane, reasonable person. But in Covid, he joins Nancy in wishing death on people who disagree with him. Seriously? It’s not funny.
        And you are really THAT CERTAIN you are correct? The old (Hippocrates) medical concept of “first, do no harm” should be thrown out?
        Let’s see how many points have not been rebutted
        1. You cannot mandate an EUA product under federal law.
        2. There is no VA statute requiring Covid vax.
        3. All medical systems in the US have language requiring informed consent. Most explicitly say that includes the right to refuse. (A trend has been under Covid to be ambiguous and just talk about consent. But consent does mean consent.) People have the right to refuse medical treatment to choose to die. I did not make this up. It is the law.
        4. Prior to Covid, all doctors accepted natural immunity from surviving an infection as equivalent to vaccination (if not better – think chicken pox).
        5. Mandating vaccination of an experimental product without willing, enthusiastic, informed consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Code. I’m sorry if that offends. The VA colleges have blackmailed the students, who are almost all not at risk. And then failed to pay out the blackmail! Sorry, that I care about the student experience.
        6. Covid is not as deadly as originally feared, and I mean feared! We now know how to treat it and who is at risk, but the FDA sends out scare stories on Ivermectin (around since 1987) and HCQ (around since 1950?) and scares people about “off label” use so it can continue to promote getting a vaccine most people don’t need. And while approving of many off label uses discovered by real practicing doctors. Even UVA has noted that Pepcid seems to have some positive effect… (shhh, don’t tell anyone, we need to keep everybody terrified for our power) Of course, when you take a dose intended for a horse because you can’t get it, bad stuff happens. If you eat a pound of apple seeds you may die from cyanide. The early, aggressive use of Ivermectin and HCQ to prevent getting to a cytokine storm works. Meanwhile, because of the FDA, the regular advice when diagnosed with Covid is go home and rest and call us if you get worse. This is criminal and immoral.
        7. Mark Herring’s opinion is wrong. (By the way, did you know his “opinion” on absentee ballots coming in late and without a postmark was overturned? He is a political hack, and a stupid one at that. He called for the resignation of Coonman Blackface and then had it revealed he did blackface himself as Kurtis Blow. (But at least I like Kurtis Blow)).
        8. There is a problem looking at a snapshot, like a balance sheet, and not looking at the income statement, particularly while the income period is still going on. A balance sheet is a point in time. The snapshot VDH cases, hospitalizations and deaths are meaningless without an understanding of what is going on. You need to look at the income statement of operations. Are we having excess deaths? How many of the unvaccinated dead were at death’s door anyway? So far I know of 3 people who died, precipitated by Covid. Not from Covid. I also know of 2 healthy people who died after the jab. I don’t KNOW the jab killed them, but Ockham’s Razor says that is most likely until shown otherwise. So let’s get through the usual 2 year cycle of a new flu strain and see what we can tell. And I suspect it will take years from vaccinating and revaccinating and bogus death certificates and all the other political influence on the process. Meanwhile, I can assure you the lockdown strategy will be proven to be a medical and economic and social failure. It already has – people are divided over getting a shot and people wish death on those who disagree? Unfathomable. Prior to the panic of Covid, NO ONE CARED. But keep looking at that while we spend ourselves bankrupt and are humiliated by Muslims from the Middle Ages… The good people are in charge! Experts!
        9. The censorship and demeaning of questions and other medical news only encourages distrust (besides being morally wrong). Do you know Alex Berenson has four strikes from Twitter and each one of those strikes has been due to something that is now proven true? When did Silicon Valley become the arbiter of truth?
        10. The mandates cannot survive Roe v Wade my body my choice analysis. Either admit it or let people put restrictions on abortion (which is what the law should have been until the Supreme Court invented this “right.” It will be one day the Dred Scott/ Buck v Bell abhorrence as we discover more and more about the “clump of cells.” If you want to make it legal, pass a law State by State. Still wouldn’t be “right,” but at least it would be legal…

        There are many more anomalies, but…All of you DO NOT KNOW what you profess. I don’t know why it is so scary to you that some people disagree, for a whole lot of reasons, that you would wish them death.
        By the way…how come the White House staff has not been mandated to be vaxed?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “4. Prior to Covid, all doctors accepted natural immunity from surviving an infection as equivalent to vaccination (if not better – think chicken pox).”

          Actually, the chicken pox immunity obtained through vaccination is considered at least equivalent (if not better) than “natural immunity” and (here’s the kicker) children do not have to fall ill (1 in 1000 children will develop serious brain or lung illness from chickenpox) or get scarred to obtain that immunity… sound familiar…?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Which is why people get vaccinated. Are you incapable of understanding the difference?
            What is the risk of dying from Covid?
            At least 3 of my 5 children have had it. No big deal. One has not had it. One got vaxed. One got vaxed after having it against her will.
            Wife and I have not gotten it despite much exposure. Could it be different people are different? Could it be wise not to vaccinate everybody if they don’t need it? Meanwhile, get through this, study it, understand it, and let’s come to a real consensus, rather than totalitarians imposing their WISHES/ their BELIEFS on others who have legitimate questions. Why don’t I require all people not to get the shot? Then think of all the old people we could kill and how much money we can save. Don’t the old have a duty to die to save the money? They are imposing on the young. That is where this medical authoritarianism is leading, and, oh, by the way, Zeke Emanuel is a death panel proponent.
            Meanwhile, everybody accepts long established vaccines. Most people get them. Some still don’t. And the world didn’t end…
            It’s not your decision to make.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “What is the risk of dying from Covid?”

            About the same as chickenpox….🤷‍♂️

            “It’s not your decision to make”

            No, but it is the decision of those in charge of public health to make.

            Meanwhile, anti-vaxer Conservatives such as you continue their anti-vaccine campaign regardless of the public health impacts. You are to blame for any fully preventable Covid surges to come.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, it is not. We have a thing called a legislature. Watch Schoolhouse Rock. I didn’t vote for Dr. Fauci. I didn’t vote for the bureaucracy to make rules. Particularly when they are wrong. Masks? Shields? Stay inside out of the sun? Everything they did has been wrong.
            Subject your stupid beliefs to debate. If you are so sure you’re right, why are you censoring people with different opinions?
            YOU DON”T KNOW. Can you admit that? Are you man enough to admit it?
            Or do you believe our illustrious leaders are never wrong? You thought that during Trump’s time, amirite? But now that we have a moral government of experts, how are they doing? How come they don’t require the White House staff to get vaxed? Or am I evil to ask? Does that need to be suppressed so you and the others refusing to ask questions and blindly trusting people who don’t deserve trust can pretend to be superior while they screw everything up? Good job in Afghanistan sport. Great job at the border. A bunch of buffoons on January 6 (and who knows how many FBI agent provacateurs) is an insurrection, but a summer of wanton destruction is mostly peaceful protesting.
            See, I am peacefully protesting right now – they are wrong. And I am expressing my opinion. And I admit it is an opinion. But I also know what I am being told is fact is not fact. Deal with it. Still waiting for something besides conservative, conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxer…

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “We have a thing called a legislature.”

            They have already spoken on this issue. The “bureaucracy” already has authority to do what they are doing in this case. There is no need for further action from the legislature.

            “Still waiting for something besides conservative, conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxer…”

            The shoe fits… so…

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Where is the Statute?
            The general grant of authority to the BOV?
            Then why did they pass a vax statute in 1986?
            But since you are a stickler for the law, can we get the FBI to show the same zeal for the mostly peaceful protesters as it does for the insurrectionists? Can we get the election board to disqualify McAwful like it did Freitas (not political…just stewards of the law!)? How about the failure to enforce immigration law? Or to ignore Hunter’s crimes? Is there a list available for which laws we can break, which we have to obey, when we can just make it up? Or could it be your STUPID explanation of everything is whether it is D or R? I think it is…

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “They have already spoken on this issue. The “bureaucracy” already has authority to do what they are doing in this case. There is no need for further action from the legislature.”

            They do not, what you’re clinging to was Judicial precedent, which doesn’t say anything that you’re concluding it does.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        not in the progressive house for sure. Is he a conservative? Or has Haner become a CINO?


        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Oh, it is neither conservative nor libertarian to spread nonsense and encourage people to make totally stupid medical decisions. Make your own decision, sure, but don’t try to persuade others. Don’t evangelize death. I don’t know where this is coming from. The Hommers of the world have always been around and she was posting this anti-vax crap before COVID, but the Jim Bacons (and Reid on WRVA) never struck me as interested in killing their neighbors for a ratings boost or some clicks like she is.

          Yet we’ve all seen the snippet where Trump got booed boosting the shots.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but they bring in all this other stuff like personal liberty, etc that sure sounds Conservative…

            and She speaks of Ron Johnson, clearly a GOP conservative.

            So, at least some of what they are saying seems to walk and talk some Conservative values and zero progressive values… as far as I can tell.

            do you disown them as any part of Conservatism?

            I’m pretty sure when they vote, it won’t be who I vote for!

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Sadly, your team of total idiots is the other choice, with our first prez who ENTERED office with Alzheimer’s….Where is their or your messaging into the black community? Do you hold them in similar contempt? Probably killing more of them than white conservatives. But, no, consistency ain’t your thing. (And look at them smart Asians and Hispanics with their much higher vax rates!)

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What’s Reagan have to do with this? “I can’t recall.” It was yesterday, Ronnie.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Progressive messaging to minorities ?

            Yes. Lots of messaging to encourage/urge AND to try to convince them that misinformation/disinformation is actually being promulgated by Conservatives like Ron Johnson and Ron Paul and others who are clearly conservatives spreading FUD like we see here in BR.


            I think these folks are “with” Conservatives on many issues , no?

            Yet you don’t claim them – and I understand why…

            and some of them reject you as a CINO… true?

          5. Deborah Hommer Avatar
            Deborah Hommer

            So what do you think of the Green Zones that the CDC wants to set up to put “high risk” people in basically “concentration camps”?

            “For this reason, the shielding approach suggests physically separating high-risk individuals from the general population to prioritize the use of the limited available resources and avoid implementing long-term containment measures among the general population.”

            Look under the table “Community acceptance and involvement in the design and implementation.”

            Are you going to assist in helping residents get established in these places? For something you are more likely to die from the vaccine than this minor cold-flu. Hello, wake up! Then go look how Australia has fallen and they are under totalitarian extreme lockdown.

            The CDC is now counting those who have not gotten the shot within the past 2 weeks are unvaccinated. You are officially unvaccinated unless you received the jab within 2 weeks.


      4. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Darwin’s premise is often misstated, this is one of those times. He described mutation as a means to self-preserve. It would encompass those who were infected and recovered from the virus, not those who did not.

  6. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    And let’s be clear about what the approved vaccine” really means:
    Newsflash: Pfizer committed fraud once again:

    Article by Megan Redshaw, Aug 27, 2021:

    The FDA’s ‘Bait and Switch’ with Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine.

    Here’s a copy of the letter Sen. Ron Johnson sent to the FDA calling them out for fully approving Pfizer’s “Comirnaty” vaccine, which doesn’t exist, while giving people a vaccine under EUA.

    The other day I mentioned on my social media how the FDA did a ‘bait and switch’ with the “full approval” of Pfizer’s vaccine. Essentially the FDA fully approved Pfizer’s “Comirnaty” vaccine, and buried in the fine print of the approval were two critical facts that affect whether the vaccine can be mandated and whether Pfizer can be held responsible for harm caused by its product.

    First, the FDA said the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the EUA should remain unlicensed but can be used “interchangeably” [page 2, footnote 8] with the newly licensed Comirnaty product.

    Second, the FDA pointed out that the licensed Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine and the existing EUA Pfizer vaccine are “legally distinct,” but said their differences do not “impact safety or effectiveness.”

    However, there is a huge difference between products approved under EUA and those the FDA has fully licensed.

    EUA products are experimental under U.S. law. Both the Nuremberg Code and federal regulations provide that no one can force a human being to participate in this experiment.

    Under 21 U.S. Code Sec.360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III), “authorization for medical products for use in emergencies,” it is unlawful to deny someone a job or an education because they refuse to be an experimental subject. Instead, potential recipients have an absolute right to refuse EUA vaccines.

    U.S. laws, however, permit employers and schools to require students and workers to take LICENSED vaccines.

    Essentially, the “Comirnaty” vaccine doesn’t exist, but this is what they issued the approval for in an effort to both shield Pfizer from liability and manipulate people into getting vaccinated with a vaccine they think is fully approved. However, in doing so, this means that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is still experimental — which also means you have the right to opt out.

    This is why you’re seeing calls for people to “immediately” get vaccinated. They will likely be vaccinated with an unlicensed and experimental product with no recourse if they experience an adverse event.

    Here is a copy of the letter Sen. Ron Johnson wrote to the FDA about their little ‘bait and switch’ with the Pfizer vaccine. Educate as many people as you can and print off a copy of the letter if you find it necessary in fighting back against vaccine mandate

    Senator Johnson’s letter:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Comirnaty” is simply the registered brand name of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine. I’m sure Johnson knows this but, being a Conservative, is very comfortable with making false claims.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    This is disinformation by question.

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Back when I was a teenager, everyone who had a passport had a small yellow pad from the World Health Organization attesting to vaccinations. Many countries wanted to see it when you arrived. I don’t recall any big outcries about it but I don’t know why it was dropped.
    As for testing of COVID vaccines, once again, I don’t understand the point of this post. The pandemic has killed more than 600,000 Americans — more than WWII and Vietnam. It is an emergency. When vaccines, however quickly introduced, came out, the infection and death rates dropped dramatically. Now we have the D version.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I was just a kid, but have since read a book or two about the polio vaccine. It actually did have a bad rollout, with some kind of quality control issue, but once that was dealt with there was not this political Armageddon over its disbursal. I remember the sugar cube. Actually took it at school. Salk et. al. were hailed as saviors. (Watch this trigger Hommer again….) This is a hangover from a year ago when it became so political on both sides. Imagine if the Trump and Biden teams had said, on this we send the same messages….but Nooooooo. And then there is social media, where stupidity is rewarded.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’m not sure the vaccine iitslelf was ever political for the left.

        It was not the vaccine they distrusted, nor the CDC or FDA. What they were afraid of was Trump corrupting the process by firing CDC/FDA and others who he disagreed with.

        Over the years and decades, before Trump, most progressives embraced almost all vaccines because they did trust the CDC and FDA because in prior administrations they were independent – like the FBI and the FED and the courts – all institutions that Trump demonstrated he would take over and rule if he could.

        Some think folks reacted to Trump because he talked “bad”. No – he clearly was going to take over as many agencies as he could and make them do what he wanted – crystal clear.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          There is an old saying about never getting a second chance to make a first impression, and you just repeated all the crap that persuaded the idiots on your side to distrust this vaccine. You won the election. Hooray. You share the guilt for the now preventable deaths.

          “I’m not sure the vaccine iitslelf was ever political for the left.” Hilarious. This is why every regular reader sees through you.

          Smith, I do not wish death on you (Hommer, well, I’m thinking….) but if you are not taking these shots you have a gun in your mouth. You are playing Russian Roulette with the magazine half full. It will be unfair if you survive when those who are listening to you do not, or worse if they spread it widely. I doubt your conscience is even triggered by any of this. Shame.

          I have been skeptical of the masks and many of the other mitigations, often lacking much proof, but the data on these vaccines are as strong as it gets. You are openly advising people to put on a blindfold and walk on the freeway.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” “I’m not sure the vaccine iitslelf was ever political for the left.” Hilarious. This is why every regular reader sees through you.”

            Nice try but it’s don’t hang true.

            Can you tell me BEFORE covid when the left was politically opposed to vaccines?

            For that matter, MOST CONSERVATIVES were not either!

            Yes, there were some anti-vaxxer wackadoodles but generally not associated with Conservatism nor liberals..

            so what changed so that you’ve got the flock of folks who say they are Conservatives who are now “anti-vaxxers” ?

            What liberals opposed was not the Covid vaccine but the idiocy of a fool who tended toward totalitarianism at the same time touting totally ignorant ideas about COVID. The last thing we needed was for him to start firing CDC/FDA folks who did not hew to his idiocy.

            Liberals trust science, the CDC and FDA even if they are not perfect and do make mistakes.

            Conservatives apparently do not and are actually willing to follow some fool like Trump instead.

            Haner says he’s not with those folks but clearly he’s in the same tent with these folks when it comes to politics and who to vote for – and not – and as a result – who would indeed politically interfere with agencies like the CDC and FDA.

            You only have to look to folks like Ron Johnson, Ron Paul, DeSantis and Abbot to see how that works. None of them have any trouble what-so-ever – rejecting science and doing what they think instead, and we know who votes for them.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            That’s fairer, but no I am not killing people and I don’t feel shame for trying to stop societal madness. I don’t get why all reason is lost over Covid. If you want the shot, get the shot. I object to the mandate aspect and I particularly object over the kids and I even more object to the kids who have been previously infected and shook it off with no problem (those are all I know).
            I don’t believe one size fits all. People are different. There are many legitimate concerns – why are people’s concerns so easily ignored by the mandaters? Aren’t the VAERS deaths just from the Covid vax at something like more than the last 20 years?
            I see this leading to vaccine passports – but no VoterID! Why so many violations of past norms?
            Most people choose to get vaccinated. Those who don’t may or may not have good reasons. Life has risks. But they are in a better position with their doctors to make that decision. Try persuasion.
            And, I stand by the time period of results is too short to say anything definitively. We are already seeing that with the call for boosters. And we don’t know the long term effects. Again, if you fit the risk profile or want it, get the shot, but you mandaters should respect that people know their own medical history better than you.
            (And the reason they have religious exemptions everywhere is constitutional…but no one wants to acknowledge that either)

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I think my yellow vaccination card is in the safe deposit box. I’ve been meaning to go through the box but last year the bank put in a “call 24 hours ahead” policy with Covid and I haven’t been back since.

      I thought that card was just a military thing?

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      The reserved all those yellow cards for the Military, where they loose them and you get triple vaccinated for all sorts of things.

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Yep-, I remember the polio sugar cube. I think it was 1962 or 63. My dad had retired from the Navy and I was 9 or 10 years old. For some reason he decided to practice medicine in West Virginia. The county medical society was assisting in distributing the cubes. I helped. It was in a tiny coal town so poor that the local school’s walls were half open to snow.

  10. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    You vaccinated people are putting us unvaccinated people at risk according to “A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating to the COVID vaccine rollout.

    The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

    While moderating the symptoms of infection, the jab allows vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill at first, potentially transforming them into presymptomatic superspreaders.”

    1. This comment, like nearly everything else you post, is a lie or incorrect. If you actually took the time to read your “research” rather than copy/paste from websites and articles, you might find the actual truth. Talk about sheeple.

      Here’s a link to that article.

      And from the Abstract:
      “Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020.”

      The comparison is viral loads from Delta vs original 2020. No one was vaccinated in early 2020. The article is about the increased danger of the Delta variant. It does not compare viral loads from Delta between currently vaccinated and currently unvaccinated individuals.

      Just stop.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I tried following up on her links first time around but it became painfully apparent that when we hear about disinformation and misinformation being spread – this was it.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      One speaker, Christina Parks, is a science teacher for a Grand Rapids-based Christian homeschool organization with a postdoctoral degree in cellular and molecular biology from the University of Michigan.

      Amid other false claims Parks made about COVID-19 vaccinations, she referred to mask-wearing as a “biochemical nightmare” and “metabolic nightmare” that exacerbates inflammatory diseases and increases risk of cancer, diabetes and more — none of which is scientifically accurate.

      Parks also argued that the COVID-19 vaccine should not be taken because it does not guarantee against transmission or breakthrough cases. The goal of vaccines is to prevent individuals from getting the virus or becoming seriously ill — which the COVID-19 vaccines are doing.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    FWIW, the people who took the greatest risk with Operation Warp Speed were the 30,000, or so, Phase III participants who normally would have followed Phase II and had the benefit of the go/no-go analysis from that phase.

    FWIW2 Steve, the idiot progressives became idiot progressives only after The Grate One intimidated that he was going to get involved in the FDA process with one of his usual stupid off-the-cuff remarks.

    1. It’s nice to see you recognize it as one of his “usual stupid off-the-cuff remarks” instead of pretending it was part of some elaborate plan to become dictator of the world.

      Nice description, by the way. It fits him well.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        In the 3.5 years before the election, he endeavored to be Crap Game — the wheeler-dealer character from Kelly’s Heroes. Only in the last 3 months did he really try a sloppy coup.

        1. Come on man! That’s not true. It was stupid and off the cuff from start to finish.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I respect you too much to haggle.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          He did both and really all the things, soup-to-nuts you’d expect from some 3rd world tin pot dictator.

          Look at how many top level folks he fired because they would not do what he wanted and this idiot fires top level officials at 3am on Twitter.

          We really did dodge a bullet when he got the boot and even then he and his fellow idiots are talking “coup”.

  12. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    Listen to this news report where Pfizer is bullying governments:

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    The side effects HAVE been reported. To this point, the evidence shows side-effects no worse than past vaccines, in fact, lesser and we have what, over 300 million people in the US and several billion worldwide, who have gotten at least one shot.

    How many people are normally tested in the prior conventional testing? Nowhere near that number and in fact, that’s the point of the longer trials, to start small numbers and add more and more groups. With the EUA, we went straight to millions and if there were actual major side effects, we would have seen them by now.

    Want to question the EUA or the CDC/FDA authority to do that? Oh I’m quite sure there are some Conservative types who would sue.

    The CDC has indeed documented the side effects:

    and reported adverse reactions:,COVID%2D19%20vaccine.

    The question is why is it that it seems to be mostly Conservatives and anti-vaxxers that make this an issue to start with?

    What’s the point?

    These vaccines are clearly safe and effective, yet the naysayers and boo birds continue because it’s apparently what they do.

  14. And true immunity from having been infected doesn’t count because it’s FREE.

  15. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    C’mon James. Don’t allow the spread of Covid vaccine misinformation. Let’s get back to red baiting CRT or something useful.

  16. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    One unifying thought for the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Unless your name is Enoch or Elijah nobody is getting out alive!

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Because of age you are closer to that lane than me! I volunteer to be a ornery pallbearer.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          “ornery” . yes! 😉

          but I’m not taking THAT “express lane” so you may have to wait a bit.

          I can tell from when you post these days that you have a regular job now!


          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Rolling strong Mr. Larry. You be sure and stick around for a while. Express lane is probably a toll lane.

  17. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    I hope you haven’t been vaccinated. You haven’t, have you?

  18. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Pfizer doesn’t need no stinking TV ads for mandated shots. I did not vote for Trump, but I noted that the vaccine triumph was only made public just after the 2020 elections. Follow the money.

  19. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    Merely because someone doesn’t want to get the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t make them an “anti-vaxxer”. If they refuse all vaccines you’d have a case, but that would be the only instances where the term would be applicable.

    Medical decisions are personal choices, should you get the vaccine. If you don’t have any of the pre-existing conditions that would result in a possible bad outcome from it, yes. However, mandates are wrong and Jacobson should be laid to rest.

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