by James C. Sherlock

Updated Feb. 23 at 2:15 pm

In an ongoing series of reports, Ray Locker, enterprise and investigative editor of the Checks and Balances Project, has exposed a story with far-reaching implications.

Norfolk Circuit Court Chief Judge Mary Jane Hall sat in judgment on a case, Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r,  in which Sentara was an included defendant.  

It appears from that reporting that she could have recused herself for two reasons:

  • prior to her appointment to the bench Judge Hall not only had represented Sentara for years in another COPN case; but also
  • the judge’s co-attorney on that previous COPN case, Jamie B. Martin of Williams Mullin, was Sentara’s attorney in Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r.

From Mr. Locker’s first article:

The Virginia Canons of Judicial Conduct says this about judicial impartiality:

“(1) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned”

Further under Canon 2,

“The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would create in reasonable minds a perception that the judge’s ability to carry out judicial responsibilities with integrity and impartiality is impaired.”

My own additional research into published Norfolk Circuit Court opinions shows that Judge Hall sat in judgment on cases in that court involving Sentara as well as on Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r.  This case was filed in Chesapeake Circuit Court.

The Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, who is charged with overseeing judicial conduct, assigned the case to Judge Hall

Chief Justice Lemons of the Virginia Supreme Court asked Judge Hall to sit by designation in Chesapeake in place of the judges of the First Judicial Circuit (Chesapeake) and hear the case. She accepted. He made the appointment on July 31, 2018.

There would be three possible reasons to import a judge:

  1. Chief Justice Lemons assessed that there were no judges on the Chesapeake Circuit with the experience to hear a COPN case; or
  2. he assessed that the Chesapeake Circuit judges were conflicted or could have been considered so; or
  3. The Chesapeake Circuit had more cases than judges at that point.

There is no indication in the record of why Judge Hall was imported in this case.

Chesapeake Hospital Authority d/b/a Chesapeake General Hospital v. State Health Commissioner, et al. (Sentara)

I am not an attorney, but I am going to try my hand at this as a reporter.

In 2019 Judge Hall heard  Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r in Chesapeake Circuit CourtThat case pitted Chesapeake Regional Medical Center (plaintiff) against both the Health Commissioner and Sentara.

The plaintiff contended that the Health Commissioner had improperly ruled against the plaintiff in a COPN decision. Sentara had been made party to the process within the Virginia Department of Health and in that process successfully challenged a VDH COPN staff recommendation in favor of Chesapeake.  Thus Chesapeake’s attorneys made Sentara a defendant in the Circuit Court case.

Sentara was represented by Ms. Martin. The Health Commissioner was represented by Sean J. Murphy, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General of Virginia. 

Judge Hall found for the defendants.

The case was appealed to the Virginia Court of Appeals and Judge Hall was upheld.

What is to be done?

So we are left with the following:

  • Mr. Locker has a great deal of experience and an excellent reputation as an investigative reporter and editor. His articles provide links to the evidence;
  • Chief Justice Lemons has a superb reputation.  To the point in this issue, he was awarded the prestigious 2019 American Inns of Court Lewis F. Powell Award for Professionalism and Ethics that was presented by Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Neil Gorsuch in October of 2019.  I find nothing in his professional history that would suggest he would have played his role in selecting Judge Hall for this case had he known of her conflict;
  • Judge Hall’s presence on the bench, absent conflicts of interests, would have made a great deal of sense in Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r given her background in COPN law and regulation;
  • Judge Hall, from the court opinion records, has heard at least three Sentara cases;
  • Mr. Locker reports that Judge Hall worked on a lengthy COPN case representing Sentara before becoming a judge;
  • He also reports that Ms. Martin, the attorney for Sentara, worked on that same Sentara COPN case with Judge Hall before she became a judge;
  • There is no record that Ms. Martin, an officer of the court, made opposing counsel aware, as reported by Mr. Locker, of either the judge’s previous representation of Sentara or her own previous professional relationship with the judge in support of Sentara.
  • Ms. Martin is an excellent and very experienced COPN attorney. I have read a transcript of her work in an adjudication hearing that preceded the Commissioner’s decision that was the subject of the case;
  • Sentara’s Chief Legal Officer who hired Ms. Martin may not have known about any potential conflicts with the Circuit Court trial judge in Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r.;
  • There is no indication that the Court of Appeals, the CRMC attorneys or Assistant AG Murphy representing the Commissioner knew anything of potential conflicts;

The risk/reward for these seeming violations simply does not compute to the advantage of any risk taker.  The potential conflict of interests proved to Mr. Locker and me to be readily available on the web and would have been there for any of the attorneys to find.

Simply stated, taking career and legal risks like the ones indicated in the reporting seem crazy. There must be some explanation. I reached out to the parties and received no response.

An attorney with a health care practice in Norfolk who is good at her job is pretty much assured to have worked for Sentara, which is headquartered there. When she ascends the bench, however, she needs to follow the rules.

The presence as lead attorney for Sentara in Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r of the judge’s previous co-attorney representing Sentara, however, pretty much breaks the tie if there was one.

If that judge can sit in judgment of her old client whose lead attorney was her old partner on a case representing that same client, there are no rules.

She should have recused herself.

The Supreme Court of Virginia exercises oversight over the conduct of  judges and attorneys. That body can figure it out.

As an aside, I suspect the Chief Justice Lemons is not amused.

Note:  Late response from the Supreme Court of Virginia

from Kristi S. Wright
Director of Legislative and Public Relations
Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia
100 N. Ninth Street, Third Floor
Richmond, VA 23219

“As you may be aware, decisions to recuse are generally within a judge’s discretion and parties’ concerns regarding a judge presiding over a case may be raised by the parties at the trial court level or on appeal. The Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission is charged with investigating complaints about judicial misconduct.”

Response from the State Supreme Court

A response to my Feb 22 inquiry on Feb 23 at 11:41 AM from the Judicial Court Manager of the Norfolk Circuit Court provides the information that the referenced case was filed in Chesapeake Circuit Court, not Norfolk Circuit Court. Chief Justice Lemons of the Supreme Court asked Judge Hall to sit by designation in Chesapeake and hear the case.   The appropriate changes have been made to the essay.

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24 responses to “Sentara and the Judge”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I assume that COPN is fairly specialized. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in the small world of COPN law, it is not surprising that the judge, the lawyer for the defendants and the defendants themselves would be involved in web of past connections. The legal community in a jurisdiction is a relatively small one.

    On its face, it would seem that Judge Hall should have recused herself. But there are other considerations: she had been on the bench for 12 years, long enough to shake loose any potential disposition toward her former client and co-attorney; she might have been the judge with the most experience in representing COPN cases and therefore the one with the best understanding of the law.

    The fact that the Court of Appeals upheld her ruling in the case is strong evidence that her decision was the correct one.

    If the attorney for the hospital feels strongly that she was biased because of her prior associations, he can submit a complaint to the Judicial Inquiry and Review Committee, which has jurisdiction over such matters.

    1. Your points are all quite valid.

      I am a strong proponent of rooting out judicial bias and misconduct, but I’m not sure I see it here.

      1. sherlockj Avatar

        See my extended remarks at the end of the column.

    2. sherlockj Avatar

      Dick, I responded to your comment by extending my remarks in the column.

      “An attorney with a health care practice in Norfolk who is good at her job is pretty much assured to have worked for Sentara, which is headquartered there. When she ascends the bench, however, she needs to follow the rules.

      The presence as lead attorney for Sentara in Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r of the judge’s previous co-attorney representing Sentara, however, pretty much breaks the tie if there was one.

      She should have recused herself.”

  2. I found this in Locker’s first article:

    “A review of Virginia court records and public biographies of Hall show she represented Sentara in a long-running case that ended in 2000 over the company’s unsuccessful attempt to open a liver-transplant facility. Hall then worked for the Richmond law firm McCandlish, Kaine and Grant. Hall became a judge in 2009.”

    I didn’t see it in your article, Sherlock. The Judge has been on the bench for 12 years and has not represented Sentara in 21.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      I referred readers to Ray’s articles and did not feel the need to restate them any more than I did.

      There is no statute of limitations on conflicts of interests. It doesn’t matter if it was 100 years according to Virginia law.

      Doesn’t it bother you a little bit that one of the judge’s old COPN case partners from private practice was arguing a case for the same client in front of her?

      I said at the summation that I could not figure this out. I still can’t.

  3. I found this in Locker’s first article:

    “A review of Virginia court records and public biographies of Hall show she represented Sentara in a long-running case that ended in 2000 over the company’s unsuccessful attempt to open a liver-transplant facility. Hall then worked for the Richmond law firm McCandlish, Kaine and Grant. Hall became a judge in 2009.”

    I didn’t see it in your article, Sherlock. The Judge has been on the bench for 12 years and has not represented Sentara in 21.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      I referred readers to Ray’s articles and did not feel the need to restate them any more than I did.

      There is no statute of limitations on conflicts of interests. It doesn’t matter if it was 100 years according to Virginia law.

      Doesn’t it bother you a little bit that one of the judge’s old COPN case partners from private practice was arguing a case for the same client in front of her?

      I said at the summation that I could not figure this out. I still can’t.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I assume that COPN is fairly specialized. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in the small world of COPN law, it is not surprising that the judge, the lawyer for the defendants and the defendants themselves would be involved in web of past connections. The legal community in a jurisdiction is a relatively small one.

    On its face, it would seem that Judge Hall should have recused herself. But there are other considerations: she had been on the bench for 12 years, long enough to shake loose any potential disposition toward her former client and co-attorney; she might have been the judge with the most experience in representing COPN cases and therefore the one with the best understanding of the law.

    The fact that the Court of Appeals upheld her ruling in the case is strong evidence that her decision was the correct one.

    If the attorney for the hospital feels strongly that she was biased because of her prior associations, he can submit a complaint to the Judicial Inquiry and Review Committee, which has jurisdiction over such matters.

    1. Your points are all quite valid.

      I am a strong proponent of rooting out judicial bias and misconduct, but I’m not sure I see it here.

      1. sherlockj Avatar

        See my extended remarks at the end of the column.

    2. sherlockj Avatar

      Dick, I responded to your comment by extending my remarks in the column.

      “An attorney with a health care practice in Norfolk who is good at her job is pretty much assured to have worked for Sentara, which is headquartered there. When she ascends the bench, however, she needs to follow the rules.

      The presence as lead attorney for Sentara in Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r of the judge’s previous co-attorney representing Sentara, however, pretty much breaks the tie if there was one.

      She should have recused herself.”

  5. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I work in a small very specialized field and it can be quite hard to avoid issues that could be construed at face-value to be a conflict of interest.
    I also think Mr. Hall-Sizemore has this right.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      See my extended comments at the end of the column.

      If none of the other Norfolk Circuit sitting judges were qualified to hear this case, a doubtful proposition, they should have brought one over from the Virginia Beach Circuit.

  6. sherlockj Avatar

    See my extended comments at the end of the column.

    If none of the other Norfolk Circuit sitting judges were qualified to hear this case, a doubtful proposition, they should have brought one over from the Virginia Beach Circuit.

  7. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I work in a small very specialized field and it can be quite hard to avoid issues that could be construed at face-value to be a conflict of interest.
    I also think Mr. Hall-Sizemore has this right.

  8. djrippert Avatar

    “The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would create in reasonable minds a perception that the judge’s ability to carry out judicial responsibilities with integrity and impartiality is impaired.”

    It certainly creates a perception of impaired impartiality in my mind.

    Virginia is one of only two states which allows the legislature to elect judges without any recommendations from a merit-based commission. The other is South Carolina. Virginia is one of only four states which have no restrictions on campaign contributions to legislators.

    Pay off the legislators and they elect friendly judges. It’s The Virginia Way.

    Everything in this state is rigged.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      To your point, from Ray Locker’s reporting:

      “The Virginia State Bar gave Judge Hall a 9-7 “qualified” recommendation in 2014 for a seat on the Virginia Supreme Court. Most of the other applications had unanimous approval or moved with 15-1 votes. Before Hall became a judge, she was an attorney with the firm Kaufman & Canoles, whose partners have multiple connections with Sentara and its non-profit foundation.”

  9. djrippert Avatar

    “The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would create in reasonable minds a perception that the judge’s ability to carry out judicial responsibilities with integrity and impartiality is impaired.”

    It certainly creates a perception of impaired impartiality in my mind.

    Virginia is one of only two states which allows the legislature to elect judges without any recommendations from a merit-based commission. The other is South Carolina. Virginia is one of only four states which have no restrictions on campaign contributions to legislators.

    Pay off the legislators and they elect friendly judges. It’s The Virginia Way.

    Everything in this state is rigged.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      To your point, from Ray Locker’s reporting:

      “The Virginia State Bar gave Judge Hall a 9-7 “qualified” recommendation in 2014 for a seat on the Virginia Supreme Court. Most of the other applications had unanimous approval or moved with 15-1 votes. Before Hall became a judge, she was an attorney with the firm Kaufman & Canoles, whose partners have multiple connections with Sentara and its non-profit foundation.”

  10. sherlockj Avatar

    Readers, please note that further responses for my requests for comments have resulted in extensive revisions to this post.

    None of them changed the facts of the potential conflicts of interests of Judge Mary Jane Hall or Sentara attorney Jamie B. Martin in Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r.

    The fact that the Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court was involved in the selection of Judge Hall for this case suggests that he too had a right and an expectation that Judge Hall would have told him of her potential conflict.

    That fact potentially complicates any ruling by the State Supreme Court on any ethics violations by the judge and the attorney or any petition for a new trial or reversal of the Circuit Court and Appeals Court findings, but does not materially change the issues as reported here.

    It is still a mess and still makes no sense.

  11. sherlockj Avatar

    Readers, please note that further responses for my requests for comments have resulted in extensive revisions to this post.

    None of them changed the facts of the potential conflicts of interests of Judge Mary Jane Hall or Sentara attorney Jamie B. Martin in Chesapeake Hosp. Auth. v. State Health Comm’r.

    The fact that the Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court was involved in the selection of Judge Hall for this case suggests that he too had a right and an expectation that Judge Hall would have told him of her potential conflict.

    That fact potentially complicates any ruling by the State Supreme Court on any ethics violations by the judge and the attorney or any petition for a new trial or reversal of the Circuit Court and Appeals Court findings, but does not materially change the issues as reported here.

    It is still a mess and still makes no sense.

  12. […] first reported by James C. Sherlock in Bacon’s Rebellion, Judge Hall was assigned the CRMC-Sentara case on July 31, 2018, by Virginia Supreme Court Chief Justice Donald Lemons in place  of judges on the […]

  13. […] Sentara can get Judge Hall back to sit on the bench on this case.  It is, after all, filed in Chesapeake where she handled […]

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