Roving Bands of Whites Steal COVID Shots?

Shocking News: People afraid of death will drive to get vaccines!

by Steve Haner

Call out the militia!  Roving bands of white people are rushing to Danville to steal COVID vaccines from more deserving blacks and Latinos!  That’s the big news according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, although it lacks the courage to write that headline directly.

The story dominates the print front page and the on-line paper, complete with a map (above) showing the distances these despicable Privilege Recipients are willing to drive to avoid hospitalization or death from a disease which everybody who reads the paper knows is only truly dangerous for People of Color. 

The health agency tried to control the chaos, prompted by posts that indicated on-site workers were encouraging people in line to invite friends and family who were above the age of 18. On Wednesday night, the state asked people to stop driving to these clinics without an appointment or invitation.

Before the announcement, information had spread by word of mouth and across the internet, contributing to the confusion and ambiguity among people clamoring for a shot….

But successfully baking equitable distribution into vaccination policies has loomed over Virginia’s rollout as the state scrambles to disrupt a system that has historically left out communities in low-income and rural areas.

Do we know the ages, race or ethnicity of those who drove down? No.  We might be surprised.  Do we know whether any had dangerous medical risks? No.  There is no story here and the implied outrage is just silly.  Shots in arms equals success.  Period.   

I got my first shot four weeks ago today because an on-site volunteer at the Arthur Ashe Center (a known liberal Democrat) called me as a friend and said they would have excess, and if I got in before 4 p.m. I could get my first shot.  Many of us coming in that final half-hour were notified by friends in the room.  All appeared to be 65 or older.

While speaking to others outside, it became clear some were there just on the off-chance and had tried before. It was also clear that all the staff of the Richmond SPCA had been invited for vaccines, including the 20-something in line ahead of me.  (He also showed up the same day as me for shot number two last week and we chatted again.)

Was I offended by his getting a shot? No. The idea is to vaccinate as many people as possible in the shortest possible time.  We are now in month four of the vaccine effort.  We’ve moved on from the aged, incarcerated and nursing home residents who clearly belonged as highest priority along with medical staff.

I am sick of the racial messaging that has overwhelmed my hometown newspaper, with one reporter in particular nothing short of obsessed by the topic.  I dismissed her as a serious source on any of this long ago, when I spotted a shameless bit of data bait and switch she used to maintain her preferred narrative in contradiction of actual facts.

That story had appeared a week before I got the phoned invitation to come get a shot:

“While the virus’s death toll has begun to trend downward, Black Virginians are dying from COVID-19 at 1.2 times the rate of white residents when adjusted for population, according to the COVID Tracking Project. Latinos are being infected at more than double the rate of whites. In October, the rate was five times higher than whites.”

Notice she compares death rates black versus white and then compares infection rates Latino versus white.  An honest report would have mentioned that the Latino population seems to be having the lowest case fatality rate of the three, by a huge margin.  That would not have supported the pointed narrative of the story and headline, however, so must be ignored.

As of today, go to the state data and divide the number of cases (by race) by the number of deaths (by race) and the highest case fatality rate is among white Virginians, 26 deaths per 1,000 recorded cases as opposed to 23 among blacks and 8 among Latinos. I bet you had no idea.

All of the numbers are largely bogus, of course, because there are wide gaps in racial reporting, which is of any value only if one accepts there is any biological reality to race, beyond culture.  There is not.  What determines COVID fatality most often is age and pre-existing vulnerabilities, not skin color or national origin.

The numbers are also bogus because the recorded cases are only a fraction of all the people who have been infected sufficient to trigger immune responses.  The most common estimate now is only one in four infections are reported, which would indicate Virginia has had about 2.5 million people infected to the point they triggered an immune response. Racial breakdowns on the unknown cases are unknowable.

But lies, media myths and political considerations are driving the state’s vaccine distribution, with reporters such as her using a cattle prod. A specific government policy to vaccinate fewer of a particular group, or to restrict access to eager recipients,  means some people will wait longer unnecessarily, including some who may still have advanced age or pre-existing vulnerability.

But there are no signs anybody is being excluded, and great efforts are being made to make this convenient. What I don’t see that would make sense is off-hours events to get second or third shift workers.  I still think the commercial pharmacies, stand alone and in retailers, are being under-used, and maybe they give shots at 2 a.m.  Somebody needs to.

The crowds at Arthur Ashe on both days I was there wouldn’t meet the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s desired demographic criteria, and my daughter saw the same as a vaccinator at the raceway one day.  They reflected what the state statistics show.  Both locations are close to lower income housing areas and served by public transit, so who got there reflects who wanted to get there.  As did the clinic in Danville.

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11 responses to “Roving Bands of Whites Steal COVID Shots?”

  1. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

    Middle-aged white female loved one dutifully signed up on the VDH for a vaccine, and was notified a few days prior of an appointment in Danville (I presume the VHD sign-up qualifies the person for priority, then allocates any excess for those who signed-up.) Danville is certain not convenient (to say the least), but above nonetheless responsibly went. She did not break in line or get favors from someone working there.

    Why is it that Danville has so many excess shots?

    Perhaps the thinking is Danville is a poor city and the Bureaucracy thought setting up a mass vaccination center would be more convenient for the poorer people living nearby.

    For people with a means (which is most people), they can make it happen if they want to. For those without means, they may not be able to get across town. Then, there plenty of folks that could be there but can’t be bothered to, and those that quite frankly don’t have a clue what they are supposed to do to get the shot even if they want it and can get on a bus to get to the site.

    Are the Bureaucrats discovering the reality of serving the public? Or, does this mean the Health Department is Systemically Bias?

    Maybe the census department should have been deployed to go knock door to door to inform and identify who needs the shot and needs help getting it. Is failure to make that level of effort Systematic Bias? Or, is there some level of personal responsibility people have to take? Where do you draw the line?

    See, they should have left the logistics up to the retailers, pharmacies and doctors offices. It would have been more efficient, and the Purveyors of Political Discord could have continued to besmirch businesses for their seemingly systemic bias, rather than allow the Health Department to discover that reality of serving the public is hard.

  2. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

    Middle-aged white female loved one dutifully signed up on the VDH for a vaccine, and was notified a few days prior of an appointment in Danville (I presume the VHD sign-up qualifies the person for priority, then allocates any excess for those who signed-up.) Danville is certain not convenient (to say the least), but above nonetheless responsibly went. She did not break in line or get favors from someone working there.

    Why is it that Danville has so many excess shots?

    Perhaps the thinking is Danville is a poor city and the Bureaucracy thought setting up a mass vaccination center would be more convenient for the poorer people living nearby.

    For people with a means (which is most people), they can make it happen if they want to. For those without means, they may not be able to get across town. Then, there plenty of folks that could be there but can’t be bothered to, and those that quite frankly don’t have a clue what they are supposed to do to get the shot even if they want it and can get on a bus to get to the site.

    Are the Bureaucrats discovering the reality of serving the public? Or, does this mean the Health Department is Systemically Bias?

    Maybe the census department should have been deployed to go knock door to door to inform and identify who needs the shot and needs help getting it. Is failure to make that level of effort Systematic Bias? Or, is there some level of personal responsibility people have to take? Where do you draw the line?

    See, they should have left the logistics up to the retailers, pharmacies and doctors offices. It would have been more efficient, and the Purveyors of Political Discord could have continued to besmirch businesses for their seemingly systemic bias, rather than allow the Health Department to discover that reality of serving the public is hard.

  3. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    My sister, 75, was called by the VDH to attend this Danville clinic. She can’t drive or ride more than 20 min due to her health. She lives in South Hill. I called VDH. They didn’t have anything closer. They took her off that list. She was called again for Danville. Same call, same answer. In the meantime, I started using the CVS strategy. She has now had her first vaccine. She is not computer literate, cell phone literate, and has fuzzy thinking due to health. If I wouldn’t have registered her for VDH or CVS, it wouldn’t have happened.

    Poor people of any color may not be able to get to Danville for a vaccine. Think about who lives in Southill, Boydton, Brunswick? They are not rich people with nice cars nor are they mostly white. Schedule somewhere they can get to!

    If the goal is get EVERYONE vaccinated, then get it done. Stop making this more difficult by adding in race, age, job skill, etc. As NIKE says, just do it.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Another strategy that just seems to be starting is home delivery, but that needs to be a big push, too. A local rescue squad could build a list and get a bunch of shots around.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    This is going on in many places and other states.

    You’d think the folks giving the shots would make sure the folks getting them were supposed to…

    No big surprise. We always have these kinds of folks in and among us.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      It….doesn’t……matter. Shots in arms is all that matters. Since anybody can spread this to you, you want everybody you might bump into vaccinated. The race obsession is politics, not science or medicine. Yes, initially, it made sense to go to medical personnel, the aged and those stuck in confined places. But four months in, just open it to all.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Just checking out VA’s status as reported by Johns Hopkins. We’ve dropped down into the 30s in terms of percent totally vaccinated. Most states have passed us. I blame this race-obsessed narrative as the bureaucrats avoid the most effective means of distribution in order to maintain the illusion of control. Incompetence kills.

  6. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

    Middle-aged white female loved one dutifully signed up on the VDH for a vaccine, and was notified a few days prior of an appointment in Danville (I presume the VHD sign-up qualifies the person for priority, then allocates any excess for those who signed-up.) Danville is certain not convenient (to say the least), but above nonetheless responsibly went. She did not break in line or get favors from someone working there.

    Why is it that Danville has so many excess shots?

    Perhaps the thinking is Danville is a poor city and the Bureaucracy thought setting up a mass vaccination center would be more convenient for the poorer people living nearby.

    For people with a means (which is most people), they can make it happen even if they have to drive across the state. For those without means, they may not be able to get across town. Then, there plenty of folks that could be there but can’t be bothered to, and those that quite frankly don’t have a clue what they are supposed to do to get the shot even if they want it and can get on a bus to get to the site.

    Are the Bureaucrats discovering the reality of serving the public? Or, does this mean the Health Department is Systemically Bias?

    Maybe the census department should have been deployed to go knock door to door to inform and identify who needs the shot and needs help getting it. Is failure to make that level of effort Systematic Bias? Or, is there some level of personal responsibility people have to take? Where do you draw the line?

    See, they should have left the logistics up to the retailers, pharmacies and doctors offices. It would have been more efficient, and the Purveyors of Political Discord could have continued to besmirch businesses for their seemingly systemic bias, rather than allow the Health Department to discover that reality of serving the public is hard.

  7. Sense&Nonsense Avatar

    This opinion piece goes from talking about how a reporter cherry picks stats to highlight racial disparities to cherry picking its own stats to sow doubt that there are disparities: “As of today, go to the state data and divide the number of cases (by race) by the number of deaths (by race) and the highest case fatality rate is among white Virginians, 26 deaths per 1,000 recorded cases as opposed to 23 among blacks and 8 among Latinos. I bet you had no idea.”

    Divide cases by population, you get a different result. Divide deaths by population, you get a different result yet again. Don’t complain about others cherry picking stats and then do so yourself, just so you can justify shoving an issue under the rug. Maybe there is an issue of racial access to the vaccine, maybe there isn’t. Maybe structural problems around race is leading to a higher death rates of black populations, or maybe not. But incomplete data is not a justification to dismiss a potential problem entirely. You yourself say the data is incomplete: “racial breakdowns on the unknown cases are unknowable,” yet you seem certain enough in your position to proclaim the racial disparity issues with Covid are “lies, media myths.” If it’s a lie or media myth, you didn’t prove that. Without complete data, it is at most a speculation, but at least one that is based on more evidence than you have provided here.

    Data points are always pieces to a puzzle. Don’t scramble the pieces and say that the puzzle can’t be solved.

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I have been trained to give Epipen shots to kids. The certificate is good until 2029. I have injected at least a dozen kids in my 27 year teaching career. Please just mail me the vaccine and the needle. I am pretty certain I can do it myself. Can’t be harder than the 1776 cc air cooled engine I am assembling from scratch in the garage.

  9. […] with the largest percentage of vulnerable population and greatest COVID-19 impact.” (See Steve Haner on March 26.) I sent a FOIA request to VDEM for a copy of the equity […]

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