Remembering Tim Kaine’s Caribbean Vacation

by D.R. RippertRolexes in Paradise.

 Ask most people about former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and the first thing you’re likely to hear is, “You mean Governor Rolex?” or some other reference to his trial and conviction on bribery charges. The fact that the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously overturned the conviction doesn’t matter. McDonnell’s once promising political career was left in ruins by the Obama Administration’s DoJ and a conflicted trial judge who erroneously instructed the jury on the definition of “official acts.” In McDonnell v. the United States the U.S. Supreme Court rules that “official acts” within the context of federal bribery statutes do not include such things as merely setting up meetings, calling another public official or hosting an event. The U.S. Supreme Court never ruled as to whether an “official act” would be the appointment of a gift donor to a prestigious state position because McDonnell never did that. Governor Tim Kaine, however, did.

The Virginia Way. First things first, the Old Dominion has mastered the art of legalized corruption. Politicians can pocket extravagant gifts from favor seekers, campaign contributions are unlimited and can be spent on virtually anything, the list goes on. So it was certainly legal for former Governor Kaine to accept  $160,000 worth of gifts during his single four year term. He took $5,500 in free clothes from a now bankrupt menswear company. A global pharmaceuticals company paid $12,000 for him to attend a meeting in Aspen. He even got over $45,000 in travel and lodging from Obama for America to help campaign for Obama while still pretending to be Virginia’s Governor. However, there was one gift in particular that should have landed him in the same hot water as McDonnell … a Caribbean vacation on a private island.

Warm your bones in the Sun, Tim my boy. After a long campaign Tim Kaine won the governorship in 2005 and was looking for a bit of a rest before assuming office. He didn’t have to look far. One of Kaine’s benefactors, Charlottesville tech investor James B Murray Jr, had just the solution – his home on the private island of Mustique. Mustique is owned by a company that, in turn, is owned by the home owners of Mustique. Frequented by Princess Margaret, Tommy Hilfiger, Mick Jagger and David Bowie Mustique was the perfect getaway for the Kaine family. And best of all, it wasn’t going to cost them anything to stay there. Off they went.

Tim has an appointment to keep, err … make. So far this story about former Governor Kaine is pretty tame by Virginia standards. Kaine won the election, the world is his oyster, gift givers are lining up to bless the “king” with tokens of their endearment and affection. Business as usual in America’s most corrupt state. But on April 10, 2006 in one of his first acts as governor Tim Kaine decides to re-appoint James B Murray Jr (of Mustique fame) to the Board of the Virginia Commission on Higher Education. This commission reviews potential appointees to the governing bodies of Virginia’s public higher education institutions. One can only imagine how socially popular these commissioners must be among the hoi palloi of Virginia’s horsey set as they vie for a seat on this or that board of visitors. Today, James B Murray Jr is the Vice Rector of the University of Virginia and helpfully told the Cavalier Daily, “It might be desirable if the process were entirely apolitical, but it is highly politicized and always has been.” My translation? Send the Kaine family on a nice vacay and you get appointed to play kingmaker.

Militarizing the DoJ. Nobody accused Gov Bob McDonnell of appointing donor Jonnie Williams to anything. What he was accused of doing was unanimously rejected as an “official act” in the context of federal bribery statutes by the U.S. Supreme Court. Gov Kaine took a lovely gift and then quickly re-appointed the gift-giver to a prestigious state board. Isn’t that more of an “official act” than anything McDonnell did? So, why the disparate treatment? The answer has become increasingly clear in recent months as the Obama Administration’s use of various federal agencies for partisan political purposes has come to light. The IRS, The DoJ, The FBI, even the FISA Court – all tools of political persecution in hands of an unscrupulous president. Did anybody do anything illegal? Maybe, maybe not. But does it seem right that one governor has his political career destroyed for seemingly less of an offense than the prior governor / U.S. Senator /  Vice Presidential candidate committed? Let’s hope somebody asks Tim Kaine that question as the U.S. Senate race unfolds.

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34 responses to “Remembering Tim Kaine’s Caribbean Vacation”

  1. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

    In my experience, problems can come from either a D or R administration. It is particularly risky to accept federal grants. Even work recognized as excellent can be called into question and an organization can spend years and tens of thousands of dollars defending its work after a politicized fed decides to question things. It depends upon where you sit and who questions as to whether most consider actions politicized. There tend to be folks within both parties who seek to destroy others to make their mark. None of this helps anyone.

    Your story may be true but telling it this way at this time certainly makes you appear to have a political ax to grind. I’d have preferred another approach and think most folks I know would as well. This is the kind of piece that fuels partisan fires and has led to the poor environment in which we now struggle. Do we really need to stir stories from over a decade ago? Can’t we stop reliving the McDonnell issues? If the intent of this was to bring about change in the Virginia Way, it’d be one thing, but digging up such old stories in campaign season with no intent to create change just reinforces the problems and increases the distance between people.

    1. I react to Don’s piece differently than you. Kaine might have been a secondary target of Don’s piece, but the primary target was the Obama administration and its politicization of the Justice Department. The OIG’s report gives us some insight into how bias infected the investigations into the Clinton email scandal (a joke) and the Trump campaign (inventing collusion that never occurred). Those were not one-offs. A case can be made that the prosecution of Don Blankenship after the Upper Big Branch mine explosion was political, just as the McDonnell prosecution was political, the non-prosecution of Lois Lerner was political, and the deep-sixing of Fast and Furious was political.

      Obama has described his administration as “scandal free,” and he gets away with it thanks to the world’s most compliant media establishment. Vladimir Putin gets more pushback from Russian media than Obama gets from U.S. media.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      I have an ax to grind against the Obama Administration more than Tim Kaine. However, Tim Kaine is part of the Clinton – Obama political axis. Does Senate candidate Tim Kaine believe that the Obama Administration’s use of the IRS to squelch conservative groups is OK? Does Tim Kaine believe that unmasking Trump campaign people with a FISA warrant obtained with dubious evidence is OK? Does Tim Kaine think it was OK for Eric Holder to persecute Bob McDonnell when the Bush Administration could have easily done the same thing to him?

      Kaine wants to be re-elected to the US Senate. Does he think he should vote to remove President Trump from office regardless of whether there are legitimate charges leveled against him?

      Kaine has been consorting with the most dangerous abusers of federal power in decades. Is he one of them?

  2. CrazyJD Avatar

    VA con adv,
    Let me see if I correctly understand your post. Would Kumbaya be the sum and substance? Or would it be the Rodney King school of thought? “Can’t we all just get along”? Have you thought that maybe in this particular instance it’s too late for that? Do I understand you to say that when the shoe is on the other foot, we shouldn’t be saying anything? Nothing to see here, move along? “Digging up old stories” is what campaigns are about. Fueling partisan fires are what campaigns are all about. Why would this not come up during campaign season? Because it “won’t do anybody any good”? Surely you jest.

    Jim is much more charitable in his response to your post than I am willing to be. I understand that dead-but-not-gone Saul would probably approve of your post, and I hate to be harsh (well…no I don’t. That would make me exactly what I’m about to accuse you of) , but yours is one of the more disingenuous posts to fall on this blog in some time. It’s very essence makes for an “increase in the distance between people”. It attempts a moral equivalency which is far from the case, since only recently did Republicans finally figure out that maybe they should be playing by the same Alinsky rule book that the D’s play by. It attempts to diminish a very real wrong by saying “let’s move on” and forget about it. In fact, there’s an organization incorporating that phrase in its name that attempts to do the same thing. Sorry, VA Con Adv, I ain’t buyin’

    1. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

      And I ain’t buyin’ your perspective, but it’s your right to have it. You are certainly reading different things into what I attempted to say than what I intended as the focus. Disingenuous is a strange classification of my attempt.

      I would rather see campaigns that deal with issues and fair processes than digging up past junk and trying to make one side appear to be morally upright and the other the opposiste. I’m tired of the attack ads that do nothing to address issues that matter and are going to actually be the things we elect folks to deal with on our behalf. Call me what you will, but I seek a different way of doing things as I view the current situation dysfunctional and pushing people away from participation. It works for the inside crowd but not for a real democracy. I want to reengage people not push them away.

      1. Vaconsumeradvocate, I, too, am tired of attack ads, especially those that distort or take out of context something that a candidate said. I, too, agree that we should be focusing on real issues. However, I regard the impartial administration of justice as a real issue. You can disagree with Don’s take on Kaine, McDonnell and the Obama administration… but it’s a real issue.

        1. djrippert Avatar

          I think Vaconsumeradvocate was referencing CrazyJD’s comment with his response (above). I want Tim Kaine to renounce the weaponization of the Federal Government as exemplified by the Obama Administration. As a US Senator he has the authority to pass laws preventing this weaponization. I’d like to hear him agree to do that. Instead of addressing the real issues this is what Tim Kaine had to say…

          “My opponent likes to praise and encourage white supremacists, those who organize hate-filled rallies like the tragedy in Charlottesville and perpetrate online filth and anti-Semitism,” Kaine said. “This week the American press was filled with stories about his bizarre connections to spreaders of hate. And Israeli newspapers were filled with articles about his ties to notorious anti-Semites. Is this who Virginia is in 2018? Is this what the Senate needs?”

          “We have a president right now who is tearing apart families who are coming to seek refuge in this country,” Kaine said. “On the night before Father’s Day, that’s what this nation has come to with this president. … Is there any doubt that if these children had light skin and were speaking English that they wouldn’t be loaded into cells and rooms in a windowless Walmart in the hundreds and the thousands on the southern border of this country?”

          He’s a professional liar. His diatribe about “windowless WalMarts” ignores how his fearless leader Barack Obama treated illegal immigrants, which can be seen right here ….

          Where were Tim Kaine’s cries of outrage during the Obama Administration?

          1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            It’s was precisely Tim’s Kaine’s comments such as those you quote above, that caused me to comment on this blog several month’s ago that there is no living professional politician in Virginia today who I respect less than Tim Kaine. These are the quotes of a demagogue, one of the worst and most vicious sorts because Mr. Kaine knows better.

            Tim’s Kaine’s conduct represents what is wrong with our leaders today, how they are intentionally going about destroying trust among our people, their ability to work together, and our governments ability to function in ways that solve real, pressing problems.

            Why are they doing this? To win elections for themselves, as our expense.

          2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            Correction to above:

            Why is Tim Kaine doing this? To win an election for himself, and aggregate power in his hands, at our and our nation’s expense.

  3. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    All fatal wounds in politics are self-inflicted, and that applies to Governor McDonnell. Have to disagree, Jim, but I read a weak political slam at Kaine, lacking any evidence of a conscious quid pro quo arrangement with a donor. The DOJ had sufficient grounds to bring the McDonnell matter to trial, and a jury convicted him. If DJ or anybody else has similar evidence involving Kaine and Murray, produce it.

    Virginia had a wide open, anything goes attitude toward gifts but it was all too legal.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      There is no need to show a quid pro quo under the Honest Services Act. There was no demonstrated quid pro quo against Governor McDonnell. The Bush Administration didn’t need a quid pro quo against Kaine. All they had to contend was that Kaine’s actions deprived the people of Virginia of his honest services as governor. It’s a bullshit law and has been for years. Long before the McDonnell case the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia criticized the statute, stating that the clause was so poorly defined that it could be the basis for prosecuting “a mayor for using the prestige of his office to get a table at a restaurant without a reservation”.

      Against that backdrop Obama and Holder knew the charges wouldn’t hold up. But an honest prosecution was never part of their plan. This was a hatchet job, plain and simple. The same kind of hatchet job the Bush Administration could have easily pulled on Tim Kaine. But the Bush Administration didn’t weaponize the DoD while the Obama Administration did.

      Tim Kaine has been the beneficiary of an administration that refused to weaponize federal law enforcement agencies, namely the Bush Administration. He has also been deeply involved with political leaders who have proven time and time again they have no problem using federal law enforcement for political gain.

      As far as I’m concerned Kaine is a slippery eel in a worm’s clothing. He wants to be re-elected US Senator from Virginia. Does he reject politically motivate prosecutions against the other party’s elected officials using bullshit laws that everybody knew were bullshit or not? Does he acknowledge that the McDonnell prosecution was inappropriate? Does he understand that his reputation is intact because the Bush Administration had enough ethical fiber to pass by the temptation to ruin his career in the same way Obama’s DoJ ruined McDonnell’s?

    2. djrippert Avatar

      FYI –

      Here is a good article …

      Here’s a key quote … “The government argued it did not need to show Mr. McDonnell had accepted any particular gift in trade for a specific favor, only that he had been available to help Mr. Williams over time.”

      You don’t think the Bush DoJ could have shown that Kaine was available to help Mr. Murray over time? Seriously?

  4. djrippert Avatar

    I was a lot more comfortable with Tim Kaine until he decided it would be a good idea to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate. That decision associated him with a a group of deep swamp dwellers who are only too happy to use the organs of the federal government to persecute their political opponents.

    In 1937, Bruce Bliven, editor of the New Republic, sagely remarked that if or when Fascism ever makes any headway in America, it will probably be known as “Anti-Fascism.”

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      This article and ALL the comments it has generated illustrate the power of Bacon’s Rebellion’s to state a worthy news story and dissect its various aspects, including the viewpoints of many informed and thoughtful readers, and in so doing help all readers to discern the consequences that may follow in trail with this story, all done with intelligence and clarity that benefit all readers.

      The value of these kinds of discussion is multiplied by times over, by the unfortunate reality that such discourse grows rarer by the day in this nation.

  5. When it comes to Kaine versus McDonnell, you make a good case for calling out the DOJ for politically-motivated moral relativism. Unfortunately, it now comes to deciding between the incumbent and Corey Stewart to represent the Commonwealth in the U.S. Senate for the next 6 years — and there is no practical alternative to choosing one of them.

    IMHO that choice is not a close call, either on moral or political grounds, even taking at face value the blemishes you have identified regarding Mr. Kaine’s record of gift acceptance and the fact of his consorting with Mrs. Clinton. I for one will do anything I can lawfully to ensure that Mr. Stewart is not elected.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I’ll decide closer to the election but I voted for Freitas in the Republican primary. My feeling is that the GOP running a weak candidate shouldn’t result in Kaine getting a free walk from explaining himself and his positions as the race goes on.

      1. That’s fair. Freitas here also. But I’m still reacting to the GOP leadership that accused Gillespie et al of not running an extreme enough race to win. Well, now, let’s see if CS actually can do any better than Gillespie with his Trumped-up message. Let’s get this test case over with. IMO, the more decisive the voter rejection of CS the clearer the message to the VA GOP for the future and rebuilding becomes possible. But if CS somehow does beat expectations against Kaine, especially if he does better Statewide than Gillespie — well, we’ll all learn something about the role of moderation in Virginia politics today.

  6. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Agreed. All the more reason to be sorry the GOP lacks a credible candidate to run against Kaine. But it does.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I am an equal opportunity critic of bad candidates. I’ll have something out on Stewart as soon as I can figure out what that cartoon character really thinks.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    Sounds like DJ is in favor of kicking Kaine and putting in Stewart if I did not know better. 😉

    Is there a factual/reputable report that shows that Obama ordered DOJ and FBI to do bad stuff or is this more of the FOX News/GOP zealots “reporting”?

    Besides the Roylex … it has been reliably reported that the entire McDonnell family essentially looted the Gov Mansion, i.e. they stole equipment and food and threatened staff to keep quiet about it. When it was found out by others , they blamed it on the head Chef – who then retaliated…

    I tend to AGREE on slippery aspect of the quid-pro-quo/honest services mess but the McDonnells were no innocent victims…

    1. djrippert Avatar

      McDonnell was a typical gift grabber under Virginia’s legalized corruption standards but so was Kaine. The difference is that the federal government ruined one politician’s life and did nothing to the other. As for Stewart – I’ll guess he gets between 30 – 35% of the vote in a blowout for Kaine. That’s the problem with a two party system in a society where journalism is dead. If the opposing party doesn’t field a strong candidate against the incumbent than the incumbent doesn’t have to explain anything to anyone to get re-elected.

    2. “Two party system in a society where journalism is dead.” Yes. That’s the future; that’s the challenge.

      1. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

        It isn’t just that journalism is dead but that the average person doesn’t have any good way to vet every source and no longer knows whose information to trust, if any. Many are tuning out because they don’t have the time and energy to sort things out. During the Bush years environmental groups were attacked using some of the same strategies the Obama administration used on conservative groups. Instead of accepting it as the way things are, we need to rid our system of such abuses.

  8. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    It is patently obvious from the recent DOJ IG report – what is included and what is missing – that the FBI pulled its punches in favor of Hilary, anti-Trump bias was rampant, and equally obvious from other stories that some in the intelligence establishment worked pretty hard on her behalf – perhaps with good reason to fear that the Russians were working hard to compromise people around Trump. Then they laid the groundwork for this current probes, perhaps with bogus evidence.
    Trump’s affinity for Putin was high on my list of reasons for not voting for him and remains a huge concern. We’ll just have to wait and see what Mueller has found, but some around Trump were obviously sleazy.

    Did Obama order any of this? Presidents don’t need to order underlings to do this stuff. Nixon didn’t order the break in. Reagan didn’t design Iran-Contra and was betrayed by North et. al. “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?” What we have seen recently we have seen for centuries, and it actually takes a conscious and clear message from the top to prevent such outrageous abuses of power. Without that the lesser instincts of human nature take over – as they apparently did with McDonnell when a sugar daddy appeared willing to shower the family with goodies in the vain hope (intentionally kept alive, it appears to me) of an eventual payback.

  9. LarrytheG Avatar

    I am not in 24/7 access during our trip but a quick check of WSJ on it :

    ” A long-awaited watchdog report provided a sweeping and detailed rebuke of actions taken by former FBI Director James Comey to publicize details about the politically charged investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, but found no evidence that the probe was affected by bias or other political considerations.

    The 500-page report also faulted Obama-era Justice Department leaders for not taking a firmer hand with Mr. Comey, and slammed multiple FBI employees involved in the investigation for sending politically charged text messages, saying the texts “cast a cloud” over the investigation and its credibility.”

    This does not sound like Nixon/Reagan or some sort of POTUS-driven conspiracy at all… it basically seems to say that some agents had some political bias (not good) but that in the end – the FBI/DOJ were NOT compromised.

    On the email issue Clinton was wrong to do a private server, no question, but I do note that others, including Bush used private servers and that many, many more public officials right now today- use “public” servers for email and text on separate non-govt personal accounts and those public server accounts – like Gmail are NOT secure and not protected by government grade security features. Some of the most damming stuff came from WikiLeaks which got that info from Clinton staffers using Gmail and other public server accounts

    I probably need to read more – about it but it appears to me that not a whole
    lot beyond what the WSJ reported happened in the committee hearings.

    But other folks need to realize that many, many public officials are now using back-channel email/text accounts that are not govt accounts AND they ARE sending/receiving classified info on those accounts also. It’s all about key words and phrases that are “classified” and the folks using them don’t even
    realize they are. If anyone did a scan of most DOD unclassified servers – they’d find a lot of classified info because people working on classified projects but using unclassified servers for their administrative work – inadvertently use common-used words and phrases in their work in their communications..

    It’s just very, very difficult to be on two separate computer systems – one classified and one unclassified and forget on the unclass machine to not use
    phrases and words you use all the time in your actual work – and that’s on official govt machines.. to say nothing about what is said on folks own private emails and texts on public servers like Gmail and Yahoo.

    If DOJ was going to “charge” someone for this – they’d be charging hundreds, probably thousands of workers for committing that wrong… If you’re going to go after Clinton for it – you’d have to also go after all those other folks who SENT TO HER – info that was classified. Half of the State Dept would have been charged.. and probably as many in DOD.

    People don’t understand this or don’t want to but the reality is – it’s near impossible to work on classified projects…then go to an unclassified machine to do reports and other communications without using those sensitive phrases and words.

    1. It basically seems to say that some agents had some political bias (not good) but that in the end – the FBI/DOJ were NOT compromised.

      Your interpretation is incorrect. The OIG report did not conclude that the investigations were NOT compromised. That’s how the MSM spun the story, but as usual the MSM is as mendacious as Trump, who spun the report as an exoneration of him, which it wasn’t. Rather, the OIG stated that he found no evidence that the investigators’s bias had a direct effect on decisions made in the conduct of the investigation — a far weaker conclusion. In other words, the OIG found no documents in which senior FBI officials said, “Yeah, we’re going to frame Trump and nail him to the wall.”

      The country is in sad shape indeed when the president lies and misrepresents the facts, his opponents lie and misrepresent the facts, and the media, posing as gatekeepers of the truth, also lie and misrepresent the facts.

      1. djrippert Avatar

        True. Only I tell the unabridged truth. Henceforth I shall use the pen name Donald J Truthteller.

        1. “And the truth shall set ye free!” To Jim’s point, even if “the OIG report did not conclude that the investigations were NOT compromised,” Comey’s pronouncements were anything but helpful to HC. [Lots of double negatives there.]

      2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        I have woken up the past two mornings to find The Mainstream News flooded with stories of immigrant children undergoing horrors at the US Mexico border, as well as the usual 18 month long drumbeat of Trump Russia collusion and Clinton E-Mails that now has given rise to an Independent Counsel and the DOJ’s Inspector General’s report.

        This unrelenting manufacture of often wildly inaccurate and cherry picked news is far too often based on internally generated illusion built from unsubstantiated leaks and rumors, garbage that is twisted in its fabrication and its delivery, garbage that far too often especially tailored to achieve the particular political objectives of so called “reporters.”

        Over time that is now often counted in months and years, this garbage is often heaped upon an ever enlarging heap of earlier garbage, a mess of distortion and fabrication that recreates its own separate reality in the minds of most all readers of the mainstream media. Hence, for example, their great surprise that Hilary lost the last election. The garage there that had piled up over years ruined most all political forecasting models, as well as the voters right to know the truth before casting their vote.

        The simple fact is that today’s MSM new’s typically rises to propaganda and polemic that is disguised as news, whether the subject be politics, culture, education, science transportation, law, economics, or whatever subject those in power, or those wanting more power, have a particular interest in or need for. Often the “news” is designed to inflame the emotions of the public by distorting facts and history to target particular political adversaries, and to create scapegoats so as to deflect the readers chances for real understanding of facts that are necessary to solve real problems.

        Using this system over time, the public ingests illusions built on illusions that polarizes popular opinion – separating citizen from citizen, group from group, community from community – so as to render thoughtful discussion, understanding, and workable solution impossible. All to0 often this dissimulation not only delays, it thwarts workable compromise, and creates chronic problems instead, allowing some political and special interests to milk a series of false crises over decades, even generations.

        This in turn poisons our culture and trust between citizens. Groups are afraid to reach reasonable compromise. They rightly fear that their reasonable compromise will be abused and taken unfair advantage of by the other side once it gains the power to ignore or rewrite laws by fiat, or use absurd interpretation and regulation to gain their original objective, no matter how unlawful their conduct. Suddenly words loses all meaning.

        How does all of this corruption work? Why is it often so successful. To start to know what is really going on here, I recommend that you read the October 2017 study titled: “Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation.”

        This fine 76 page study was written by Timur Kuran (then Professor of Economics and King Faisal Professor of Islamic Thought and Culture at University of Southern California) and by Cass R. Sunstein (Karl N. Llewellyn Distinguished Service Professor, Law School and Department of Political Science at the University of Chicago). The Law School at the University of Chicago published it. The study can be found at:


        1. djrippert Avatar

          Here’s one for you Reed …

          If this is fake news than the Daily Caller is getting pretty damn good at fake news. It appears that the Obama Administration was doing the same thing as the Trump Administration and there are pictures to prove it. Two wrongs don’t make a right but where were Rachael Maddow’s tears when this was going on in the Obama Administration?

  10. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    And don’t forget the WaPo editorial board broke company policy when Kaine was Governor by pressuring a reporter not to write anything negative about Kaine. The reporter told me that on a phone conversation where we were discussing Tysons issues. It’s been quite a while since I read Dante’s Inferno (as a high school senior), but there is a special place in Hell for MSM journalists.

    1. This is a serious question: for all the MSM’s problems, what is the alternative — Agenda-driven journalists? — No journalists? — Vote on a hunch?

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        Acbar – the MSM journalists are agenda-driven. I have no problem with showing photos of the situation on the border but why aren’t they showing pictures of Obama’s camps? I’d also like to see a journalist ask the question: What’s the difference between what is going on at the border and how the police handle children with someone being arrested? When there is no relative or regular caregiver present, children are taken into protective services? I don’t necessarily support automatically separating kids and parents of illegal immigrants but a real journalist would ask the question. Are some politicians seeking better treatment for the children of illegal immigrants than the children of lawful residents?

        Another question that real journalists would ask is: If Central Americans seeking asylum and a better life in the U.S. or to reunite with relatives (neither of which is grounds for asylum) why didn’t they seek asylum in Mexico? By not making the claim until they reach the United States, they have proven their goal is not asylum.

        Why can’t journalists act ethically? Why can’t they act in a nonpartisan way. Those of us who are active in community affairs regularly put our politics aside and deal with the issue at hand. We work the same with Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Why can’t journalists do the same? Remember back to high school when you learned about journalism. At least I was taught a good journalist doesn’t take sides or let her/his biases into the reporting. Why don’t journalists want to be professionals?

      2. djrippert Avatar

        The alternative is “grass root” journalism. Economics and a failure to change killed unbiased journalism in America. Papers like the Washington Star provided a counterpoint to the Washington Post. Now the Star is gone and the Post is the private property of a biased billionaire. The antidote is a series of small localized news and opinion blogs. They would have to remain small and cheap to operate while being financed through electronic advertising and online sales of various products. Paywalls will kill them.
        They would need to pay “stringers” for articles about local news in the different areas they cover. None of this will create the next William Randolph Hearst or Rupert Murdoch. It will be a labor of love run by people who willing to work for little personal compensation based on a desire to see the truth told in America again.

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