Navy helicopter overflies UVa Disharoon Park as team stands at attention for national anthem. Photos By Sanjay Suchak,

by James C. Sherlock

Kerry Daugherty’s column this morning was heart-wrenching for anyone who cares at all about kids’ educations.  The Norfolk School Board voted 6-1…

to begin teaching gender ideology, masturbation, sexual identity, homosexuality, abortion and lesbianism in middle and high schools.

To kids who cannot read or perform mathematics at grade level.

Now we get a look at what awaits any kid who escapes Norfolk public schools with sufficient skills and diversity credits to get accepted into the University of Virginia (UVa).

They will be welcomed by a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) bureaucracy so large, powerful and widely distributed that a DEI factotum will:

  • review and grade their application in the recruitment process;
  • exercise authority over the curriculum and faculty;
  • monitor their progress; and
  • interview each candidate for graduate school and meet with each annually to assess political views.

If I just told you how this works as above, you would think I was making it up.

So I will quote from UVa’s website.

The Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Community Partnership is a direct report to the President of the university.

His Division for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion contains a Chief of Staff, an Assistant Vice President, an Administrative Assistant to the Vice President, a Senior Director, two Directors, a University-Community Liaison, a Program Manager, a Researcher and two Assistants.

Then there is of course a DEI Committee on the Faculty Senate Executive Council with a chair and nine other members.

The Student Council. Without question.

The University Threat Assessment Team.  Tragically.

There are 13 schools in the Academic Division of the University. (The UVa Health and Medicine Division has its own DEI system not discussed here.)

We will drill down into only one of them for a picture of the penetration of DEI oversight that permeates down into the classroom.

The College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is the largest of those 13 schools.

The Deans Office Leadership and Staff.

  • Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Associate Director for Community Development & Recruitment

Directors of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DDEI)

Current directors are listed, by department, below.

American Studies: Lisa Goff
Anthropology: Lise Dobrin
Art: Dorothy Wong
Astronomy: Ilse Cleeves
Biology: Masashi Kawasaki
Blandy Experimental Farm: Kyle Haynes
Chemistry: Rebecca Pompano
Classics: Sara Myers
Drama: Katelyn Hale Wood
East Asian Lang, Lit & Cultures: Tomomi Sato
Economics: John McLaren
English/Creative Writing: Marlon Ross
Environmental Sciences: Matt Reidenbach
French Lit/Gen Linguistics: Claire Lyu
History: Debbie Kang
Mathematics: Ben Hayes
Media Studies: Aynne Kokas
Mid East & S. Asian Lang & Cultures: Robert Hueckstedt
Monroe Hall: Karlin Luedtke
Music: Michael Puri
Philosophy: Elizabeth Barnes
Physics: Dinko Pocanic
Politics: Justin Kirkland
Psychology: Noelle Hurd and Bethany Teachman
Religious Studies: Natasha Heller
Sociology: Terry Sullivan (note: President Emeritus)
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese: Fernando Opere
Statistics: Dan Spitzner
Woodson IAAS: Lisa Shutt

[Note: Good to know that at Blandy Farm, with a faculty of four, one of them is a DDEI.]

Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations [of DDEIs]

Directors of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DDEIs) will advance, promote, and cultivate diverse, inclusive, and equitable departments. Collectively the DDEIs will constitute a community of advocates and partners. Working with the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, they will assist in implementing best practices and serve as a point of contact in their department/program for issues relating to diversity, inclusion, and equity. Such issues include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Hiring and retention of faculty (and, where applicable, postdoctoral scholars);
  2. Graduate student recruitment, retention, and curriculum;
  3. Undergraduate student recruitment, retention, and curriculum;
  4. Staff hiring, treatment, and retention; and
  5. Cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable departmental climate.

What does the DDEI do?

All DDEIs:

  • Attend at least 2 DDEI meetings each semester.
  • Meet individually with the AD for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion once per semester.
  • Provide updates and present information during their departmental faculty meetings when appropriate, and at least once a semester.
  • In departments and programs with graduate programs: Meet with prospective graduate students during recruitment visits, and all enrolled graduate students at least once a year.
  • Participate as an external member in the chair/director search process.
  • Participate in the faculty search and hiring process. At a minimum: join the AD for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the search launch meeting with HR and the search chair, review the position description prior to posting, assist with the outreach to diverse candidates, provide feedback regarding the search process (including but not limited to rubric and criteria for long and shortlists of candidates), and meets with candidates during interviews.

Focus Areas
Each DDEI selects one or two focus areas from the following list for their department or program each year in consultation with their department and the AD for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • Faculty (and, where applicable, postdoc) hiring and retention.
  • Graduate student recruitment, retention, and curriculum.
  • Undergraduate student recruitment, retention, and curriculum.
  • Staff hiring, treatment, and retention.
  • Cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable departmental climate.
  • Other activities that the DDEI determines are critical for their department’s role in advancing, promoting, and cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment. DDEI compensation- $2500 allocated to their research budgets per year of tenure.

Bottom line.

As for the photo, I just liked it.

But I told you I could not make up the DEI smothering of both opportunity and freedoms within the University. You just saw that I did not.

But the good news is that none can dispute now what it is they do.

Starting from the top and working down through what we have reviewed here we see 55 DEI positions.

And we only drilled down into one of the 13 schools in the Academic Division. We did not even try to assess the DEI structure of the UVa Health and Medicine Division.

Please note that not only is state money used to help pay and support them, but they retire on state pensions.

But dollar cost is not, to me, the biggest issue. The biggest is the structural assault on individual speech and freedoms.

In the Academic Division, the DEI bureaucracies down to the individual school through to school department level have authority over:

  • faculty and staff recruitment, hiring, promotion and retention;
  • graduate student recruitment, retention and curricula;
  • undergraduate recruitment, retention and curricula;
  • other activities at their sole determination.

In the past some have chafed when I called out as political commissariats the DEI program at UVa and at other state institutions of higher learning .

How about now?

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124 responses to “Read It and Weep – DEI at UVa”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Does help explain the tuition increases.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      As does a hundred different things.

      They house a number of students in lodging built 300 years ago, their precious Lawn. Can’t imagine the cost of liability insurance on those.

      Cost of pencils and chalk.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    This is going to take strong heart worm medicine to fix.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Remember, heart worm medicine in those infested with adult heart worms is often fatal to the infestee. The dead worms clog up the arteries as they decay. For the meds to work right ‘ya gotta get the worms when they’re larvae. UVa has a full blown infestation, although I would hesitate to call it “adult”.

  3. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    “The biggest is the structural assault on individual speech and freedoms.” What and what now? This is a non-sequitur. Nothing you’ve cited can lead the reader to this conclusion.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Reading between the lines … “In departments and programs with graduate programs: Meet with prospective graduate students during recruitment visits, and all enrolled graduate students at least once a year.”

      What do you think would happen during these mandatory annual meetings if a graduate student said, “I really don’t believe in this DEI nonsense.”?

      Why should graduate school applicants and enrolled grad students be required to meet with a DEI rep?

      It does sound a bit like the Communist Party using their “political officers” to make sure everybody is loyal to the party.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        I don’t buy it. You’re speculating about the intent and content of the meetings (just as Sherlock is more broadly about DEI). And your point about communism is way off. There was only one party allowed in communist states; that’s not the case here.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          No, see, yes it is. Dissent is strongly discouraged at the least. Getting tarred as a racist is career suicide. Doesn’t have to be at all true. You can’t wash it off.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            I think you’re confusing two things…one’s ability to dissent, which I have yet to see is in actual jeopardy at the school, and one’s ability to be free of the consequences of that dissent, which isn’t guaranteed in any situation. Mind you if people are being unfairly labeled, that would be terrible. Are there instances that you’re aware of?

          2. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            I think you’re confusing two things…one’s ability to dissent, which I have yet to see is in actual jeopardy at the school, and one’s ability to be free of the consequences of that dissent, which isn’t guaranteed in any situation. Mind you if people are being unfairly labeled, that would be terrible. Are there instances that you’re aware of?

          3. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Citing yourself now?

          4. vicnicholls Avatar

            If the Capt proved his point, it doesn’t matter who wrote it, facts = facts.

          5. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Facts presented by whom? And did you notice that the subject of that article was not actually tarred as a racist…it was Sherlock speculating that he might be.

          6. vicnicholls Avatar

            Doesn’t matter who presents it. Yes. I believe he did prove his point.

          7. WayneS Avatar

            Right. Exercising one’s freedom of speech can have consequences. What do you think the consequences should be for a person who reacts to an anti-Semitic remark by saying: “Jews have the right to life, safety, and freedom from scapegoating and fear.”?

          8. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Well, for one I support that statement and have said as much publicly, and I’ve never suffered any consequences for it, although maybe antisemites don’t like me much. But what are you getting at? Do you have evidence that that is not so at UVa?

          9. WayneS Avatar

            The woman who said it was fired from her job after complaints were filed with her employer about that comment.

            Her “crime”? Her remark did not also include similar language about Palestinians.

          10. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            That’s bad. Did it happen at UVa?

          11. WayneS Avatar

            No. I said it was not college-DEI-related in my comment.

          12. WayneS Avatar

            No. I said it was not college-DEI-related in my comment.

          13. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Ah, got it.

          14. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That thing which may make you exceptional does, by its very existence, make you lonely.

          15. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That thing which may make you exceptional does, by its very existence, make you lonely.

      2. WayneS Avatar

        Why should graduate school applicants and enrolled grad students be required to meet with a DEI rep?

        That is a good question.

        It could be as simple as “Well, now we’ve got all these DEI people hanging around and we have to give them something to do or we can’t justify their positions, or as malignant as “We need to monitor every student ot make sure no one questions the established ideology of this school”.

        I think it would be interesting to hear/read an explanation of this policy by one of the school’s many DEI administrators.

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    More evidence of the progress toward extinction of UVA. Worse, only ten (perhaps one or two more) of the DDEIs are male. Yesterday, Sherlock demonstrated the Amazon-like female leadership at UVA. Chester A. Riley would proclaim, “What a revoltin’ development this is.” The replacement theory threatens male survival.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You have brought a big shovel.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Izzat your best shot? Or it takes a big shovel to dig through the hysteria.

  5. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Thomas Jefferson wants his statue covered again.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable departmental climate.”

    I can see why such bothers Conservatives. No one likes it when tables get turned…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      First rule of holes.

      I hope that you, McCarthy and Purdy keep digging.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        Yes, if there’s anything I’ve learned is that Sherlock always comes with the full facts…

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          UVA published the full facts on the web. I just quoted them. Read it and weep with the rest of us. Or keep digging.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            I did. Not compelling, which is apparently your specialty;-).

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You are at least 20 feet down now.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Way more than that. First Circle, with all the interesting folks.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        We get it, Sherlock. You are offended by the very concept of diversity, equity, and inclusion and UVa has apparently embraced it throughout their structure even to the point of identifying champions from existing staff within each department. It must give you chills at night to think of the leg-ups being offered these days.

  7. emjak Avatar

    The more that UVa invests in DEI positions, the less it invests in educational positions. Seems like UVa is treating DEI ideology as more important than educational excellence. Bears an eerie resemblance to the nomenklatura described by Djilas in “The New Class.”

    1. M. Purdy Avatar
      M. Purdy

      The more that UVa invests in [athletics], the less it invests in educational positions. Seems like UVa is treating [X] as more important than educational excellence.

      The more that UVa invests in [recruiting first-generation students], the less it invests in educational positions. Seems like UVa is treating [X] as more important than educational excellence.

      The more that UVa invests in [mental health], the less it invests in educational positions. Seems like UVa is treating [X] as more important than educational excellence.

      The more that UVa invests in [public service], the less it invests in educational positions. Seems like UVa is treating [X] as more important than educational excellence.

      The more that UVa invests in [historical preservation], the less it invests in educational positions. Seems like UVa is treating [X] as more important than educational excellence.

      The more that UVa invests in [facilities], the less it invests in educational positions. Seems like UVa is treating [X] as more important than educational excellence.

      Reductive argument, you catch my drift.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Keep digging.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar
          M. Purdy

          It’s very satisfying to undress your arguments while you insist they’re not undressed.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            My “arguments” are direct quotations from the University itself. Your argument is with them.

          2. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            No, your “arguments” are inferences based on those direct quotations, which have little to no evidence behind them.

      2. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        That is a fair response. So the University, as all institutions, should be doing an analysis of whether all these programs are worth it.

        What is the cost/benefit of Athletics to use your first example? Certain institutions have in fact cut athletics accordingly, but if they do, what is the consequence of attracting smart students who want to participate in athletics (the case with many non revenue sports) alumni, community and donor relations, the effect on donations to the University, etc.

        So what is the cost/benefit of a DEI bureaucracy that was created overnight, how does this affect drawing in the best and brightest students, and of course, actual diversity? As Sherlock pointed out, how does this affect free speech, what exactly are they doing? This is on top of an already established EEOC department, not to mention regular human resources and student Affairs departments.

        How many should there be, 5, 50, 100, 500?

        Its insane.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar
          M. Purdy

          Totally fair post. So let DEI stand or fall on its own merits or lack thereof. Not wild inferences, like Sherlock makes, based on statements on websites, nor as Bacon has tried to do, obliquely trying yo pin DEI for tuition increases and gouging out-of-state students. Challenge the program itself, and let the Uni respond.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      The DDEI are not new staff but come out of existing staff in each department.

      1. Cathis398 Avatar

        correct. it’s just one of many assigned duties and probably represents a few hours each semester.

      2. WayneS Avatar

        All of them?

        And, do these existing staff receive increased compensation for assuming their new DEI duties?

        And, who, if anyone, assumes the duties these existing staff must be relieved of so that they may adequately perform their new DEI duties?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          As I said below, I don’t have time to do all of Sherlock’s research for him. I posted the web page of the first DDEI on his list below. This is the second:

          No mention of DDEI position. Existing staff in the department. Sure looks that is what they did.

          1. WayneS Avatar


        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          The chair of the department for which I taught was a revolving position. The only compensation received was a reduction by one of the number of classes of obligatory teaching, from 5 to 4.

          The chair was rarely sought. More times than not, the appointment was a penalty for not attending the department meeting during which selection was made.

          The trouble with the Captain’s story is that he is the one who is obliged to report on whether these positions are full time paid, part time, volunteer, or punitive before claiming they create a burden.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Read it again. The burden I have opposed is on First Amendment rights. But nice try at deflection.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Citizens United, money is speech, and vice versa too, I suppose.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You provided no evidence that 1st amendment rights are being violated.

      3. Cathis398 Avatar

        correct. it’s just one of many assigned duties and probably represents a few hours each semester.

  8. Monica Wright Avatar
    Monica Wright

    No sir. This vote was heartening and reflects EXACTLY what I said previously. Your culture wars are UNWANTED and UNWELCOME in this area (and other leading VA communities) by parents who care about academic rigour AND are sure to lead to electoral defeat. Parents of teens don’t care about your/their parents’ TV-fueled neuroses. They care about the actual education of their kids, their mental health and welfare, and their relationships with us as parents.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Monica, dear, UVa has not only said the quiet part out loud, it has written it down and published it on the web.

      If the dogma is so widely accepted, why do they need to deploy thought police to enforce it?

      Asking for a friend.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Monica, dear? Condescending much?

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Just plantation politeness.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, UVa wasn’t coed when certain persons attended. Does foster a sense of patriarchy.

          Now, the majority of the student body is female.

          Hmmmm, is UVa undergoing transgender surgery?

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            UVA is undergoing male replacement treatment causing emotional distress to some.

      2. Monica Wright Avatar
        Monica Wright

        Fact-based. ACTUAL PARENTS OF CURRENT TEENS have other needs/priorities.

      3. Monica Wright Avatar
        Monica Wright

        LOTS! It’s my trademark.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          This conversation is not as I remember it originally. A post or two is missing. No doubt the result of censorship.

          There WAS a post by someone calling you “Monica my Dear”. That’s why the question mark on my post.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Monica, dear, UVa has not only said the quiet part out loud, it has written it down and published it on the web.

      If the dogma is so widely accepted, why do they need to deploy thought police to enforce it?

      Asking for a friend.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Tell your friend that the UVA thought police are as equally fictional as your screed.

      2. Monica Wright Avatar
        Monica Wright

        It’s OK. anyone under *death* and female is a ‘dear’ to James.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hmmm, an article on spending on DDEI causing a loss of faculties?

    Is that irony?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      The “Read it — and weep” title reminds me of the closing stanza of “Don’t cry for me, Argentina.” Wild days of DDEI.

  10. vicnicholls Avatar

    Capt. I was one of those who spoke (and was quoted) against that Norfolk disaster. I’ve compiled some stats that I’ve sent to them. Maybe another visit is in order …

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Good article. The author provides some compelling examples for his argument that DEI at colleges (and elsewhere) is anti-Semitic.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The article must be read with care. To his credit, the author, editor of the Washington Examiner, in citing a Heritage Foundation informal survey, notes its report is “careful to note that criticism of Israel isn’t necessarily anti-Semetic.” The survey found of 741 tweets, “about Israel, 96% were critical of the Jewish state.” Inferentially, such criticism may be attributed to anti-Semitism but opposition to or criticism of a nation’s policies or politics is not the equivalent of racial animosity. The same is true for Arab and Islamic nations. Having worked at NY’s City University for two decades, the population of the city and its college populations have experienced dramatic racial and ethnic changes from its heyday in its earlier years.

        1. Tom B Avatar

          “The article must be read with care.”

          All articles must be read with care. It’s a shame the Steele Dossier wasn’t read with care by the left, DOJ and media. It’s also a shame that the next Dossier attacking conservatives will not be read with care by the left, DOJ and media.

  11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Starting from the top and working down through what we have reviewed here we see 55 DEI positions.

    And we only drilled down into one of the 13 schools in the Academic Division. We did not even try to assess the DEI structure of the UVa Health and Medicine Division.

    Please note that not only is state money used to help pay and support them, but they retire on state pensions.”

    The web page of the first DDEI staff cited in Sherlock’s list:

    No mention of her DDEI position… seems like she’s got a day job…. bet the rest are the same… no time to do Sherlock’s research for him though… have a nice day, all.

  12. Cathis398 Avatar

    one point of order: the DDEIs, at least the ones I’m familiar with, refer to committee appointments of ordinary faculty members. they aren’t jobs and the person isn’t paid directly for the DEI work (they just get the same salary they already get as faculty), and like the many other committee appointments faculty members have, represent an extremely small commitment of time (literally maybe 20 or 30 hours a semester, if that). I would not count them as “DEI employees.” Every faculty member typically has several committee appointments at any given time. it’s an ordinary part of faculty service. even committee appointments with much heavier time/work commitments (such as serving on promotion and tenure committees, or serving on faculty senate) do not count as “being an employee of” the committee. so if you are trying to get an accurate tally of DEI employees at UVa, I don’t think they can be counted, unless you find out something different about the position than that.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Thank you for the explanation.

      By the way, although the DDEIs do not receive a bump in pay when assigned to the committee, they do receive a small amount of compensation.

      From UVA’s “Information for Directors of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion”: DDEI compensation – $2500 allocated to their research budgets per year of tenure.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You don’t get it. I do not care if they suppress speech for free. It is a violation of the First Amendment in a government institution.

      1. Cathis398 Avatar

        this post is one in a series that draw attention to the size of the DEI bureaucracy at UVa (something I agree with you about, for what it’s worth).

        Even here, you write that “we see 55 DEI positions,” prominently including the DDEI positions.

        The point of talking about money is to point out that most folks will hear “DEI positions” and think you mean employees whose job is only or primarily to deal with DEI.

        My point and that of several others here is that for the DDEIs you mention here and to whom you devote a lot of space, those aren’t really “positions” as ordinary people understand that term. They aren’t jobs. These aren’t administrators whose only or primary job is DEI. These are faculty members with a committee assignment to which they probably commit 20-30 hours per semester, if that much.

        I’m not taking issue with anything else you say, except to point out that these are not UVa employees who are mainly devoted to DEI. They just aren’t. If you are trying to count up the size of the DEI infrastructure at UVa–an activity which again I endorse and am glad you are doing–I’m not even sure these people should be counted at all. On an annual basis, I’d guess that each one of them probably spends less than 2% of their time on DEI. Even if you add all of them together, I’d expect them to be the equivalent of at most 1 or 2 employees.

        Being a DDEI is nothing at all like being a member of the staff of a DEI office at the Dean or Provost (or other administrative) level. If UVa responds again by telling you that you are overcounting DEI employees, at least with regard to the DDEIs, I think they are right.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          They do show the extent to which DIE has been integrated into the structure of UVa. It is pervasive.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I agree with this. UVa has pretty clearly adopted the DEI concept into their operations. Many see that as a positive change.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Many also see it as a perversion.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Yet you provide no evidence that 1st amendment rights are being violated.

    3. WayneS Avatar

      Thank you for the explanation.

      By the way, although the DDEIs do not receive a bump in pay when assigned to the committee, they do receive a small amount of compensation.

      From UVA’s “Information for Directors of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion”: DDEI compensation – $2500 allocated to their research budgets per year of tenure.

      1. Cathis398 Avatar

        that is remarkable and does lend more credence to this site’s concern about the amount of resources devoted to DEI. i don’t work at UVa, and maybe things there are different, but in my experience compensation for committee work is pretty unusual.

        fwiw, at the places I am more directly familiar with, department-level DEI work is uncompensated, like most everything else

        1. WayneS Avatar

          In reality, though, the school-wide total increase in research funds resulting from the policy almost certainly amounts to a verysmall percentage of UVA’s overall budget.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          In reality, though, the school-wide total increase in research funds resulting from the policy almost certainly amounts to a very small percentage of UVA’s overall budget.

          1. Cathis398 Avatar

            it’s true, and yet, $2500 in research funds (worth almost twice that in pre-tax dollars) is much more money than many professors see for most things.

            at my place, professors must actively compete for a maximum per year of $500 in one case, and $1000 in another (so maybe $1500 total if the stars happen to align, which they rarely do), for money to cover travel to professional conferences or to do research. no other funds for this required professional work are made available. $2500 would be a godsend. and i expect something similar is true at many of the non-UVa colleges in the state.

            so at that individual level, i’d be very curious to learn what other committee appointments at UVa come with compensation attached. I’d be very surprised if it happens often.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            …so at that individual level, i’d be very curious to learn what other committee appointments at UVa come with compensation attached.

            That would be a good thing to know.

  13. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    all of this talk of the dollar cost of DEI by the left is an attempt to deflect from the systematic violation of free speech rights. Look how hard they work to change the subject. It speaks to panic.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      In a prior post DEI staff were listed as deans, asst deans, admins, etc. Those positions seem separate from the DDEIs discussed in this post, and their cost around $10M a year. What is the relationship/overlap with what looks like the rank and file of DEI enforcement, the DDEIs discussed in this post?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        They are. There are 13 more full time associate Deans for DEI in the Academic Division alone. And they’re assistants in the Dean’s offices. The left prefers not to talk about that.

        I will address the subject of administrative bloat specifically in an upcoming article. Then you will see the preposterous costs in dollars and time wasting in living color.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Thx, I inferred they were two different populations, and that the focus in the comments of this post about DDEI staff non-cost was a red herring.

          Just because additional duties are assigned to existing staff does not mean they are free. Opportunity cost, what else could have been done with that time, is real.

          While it is a separate organization it seems likely the medical side of UVa is as overrun with DIE as the academic.

          An overview of the scope, cost and how the DIE infestation has metastasized at UVa will be interesting.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Where is your evidence in this piece that 1st amendment rights are being violated?

  14. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    McCarthyism, authoritarianism, civil rights violations are GOOD when done by Leftists…cuz they care, AND are enlightened.
    Now shut up peasants!

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Downvoted by…McCarthy!
      Shut up peasants!
      He and his Fellow Travelers are enlightened and know what is best for YOU.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Leftists are congenitally not capable of Kevin and Joseph Raymond McCarthyism. Eugene knew what is good for us and best for you. The downvote was essential to clarify the issue.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          And a silent admission by you that you are good with violating political “enemies’” civil rights…by any means necessary!

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Good grief! Have you no honor?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Nice try on quoting Welch, but you are the one censoring. I was replying to your original Kevin and Eugene McCarthy…not all the others.
            DEI remains unConstitutional and unAmerican and divisive and counterproductive and is Gramscian Marxism. I’ll keep saying it because it is true.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Hahaha,“Leftists are congenitally not capable of… McCarthyism” Can you say “Trump Russia Collusion” ?

          It’s another Jim McCarthy silly walk. Way to go!

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Clearly he doesn’t know the definition of the term, just add it to the litany of items he misuses on a daily basis to sound “intelligent”.

            “The term has since become a byname for defamation of character or reputation by means of widely publicized indiscriminate allegations, especially on the basis of unsubstantiated charges.”

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            He just makes stuff up to fit the way he fancies he would like things to be. It is much the way DiFi has her world arranged.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            In my wildest imagination, I could not originate an individual so persistently and consistently attached to stale commentary.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You should find a mirror, because you just described every single one of your comments.

            You’re Walt Kowalski without the redeeming qualities and backbone to have served.

          5. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            And when your comments fall short of credibility and rationality, you attack others along with you pen pal buddy.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “James McCarthy Matt Adams
            11 minutes ago
            And when your comments fall short of credibility and rationality, you attack others along with you pen pal buddy.”

            Yeah, big swing and miss there bud. You just described your entire commenting habits.

            PS: you don’t determine “credibility”.

          7. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Echoes many of the comments on BR. Clearly, as one member of the vast McCarthy tribe, I am intimately familiar with the more well-known ones, including Jack McCarthy, long time announcer of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on NYC television. Apologies for the affront to your reading. I’ll try to tone down the three syllable words.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Congratulations for having the 384th most common surname in the Americas.

            I could careless about the your name dropping, it has zero impact.

            How cute, you’re trying to question my intelligence.

          9. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Visited the McCarthy Castle in Cork Ireland. Proud of the name despite it is so common. Must drop the name to assure more of the renown.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Cool story, irrelevant just like you.

          11. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Trump collusion with Russia NOT disproved by Durham report. How’s that? Or every leftist with whom you disagree is evoking McCarthyism. Y’all can’t lose with those choices. Walk, click your heels and you’ll be in Kansas.

          12. Lefty665 Avatar

            “Trump collusion with Russia NOT disproved by Durham report. How’s that”

            Wow, Jim McCarthy silly walks break ground into delusion. Congrats at making it up out of whole cloth. You’ve never been better.

          13. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Hey, Scholar, read the book and write a report for BR. Persuade all that your walk is the sole walk of credibility

          14. Lefty665 Avatar

            Nah, don’t need to. All you need to do is read the Mueller Report and the Durham Report. They tell all and your delusions will be dispelled by actual investigators and real lawyers.

            Or, you can cling to your made up fantasies and delusions. They will earn you more of the coveted Jim McCarthy silly walks awards. Your choice.

          15. Lefty665 Avatar

            Nah, I don’t need to write it up for BR. All you need to do is read the Mueller Report and the Durham Report. They tell all and your delusions will be dispelled by actual investigators and real lawyers.

            Or, you can cling to your made up fantasies. They will earn you more of the coveted Jim McCarthy Silly Walks awards. Your choice.



            In total about 700 pages. No Trump-Russia “collusion”, but a surprising amount from Hillary who used campaign contributions hidden as “legal fees” to pay for Russian disinformation peddled as the ‘dossier’ among other things.

        3. Tom B Avatar

          Those who wish ot know the true history of McCarthy should read:
          Blacklisted by History by M Stanton Evans. Evans had access to the FBI Verona files and the KGB files when writing it. Also a good read is his: Stalins Secret Agents, which grew from the same research.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        A down vote by McCarthy is a point of pride. If you don’t get one you’re not doing it right.

  15. Kurt Eberly Avatar
    Kurt Eberly

    Does the UVA football team use DEI policy in recruiting? If the goal is to be last in the ACC then it would be the best approach. If it is not used then can the DEI administration explain why? In the meantime, they can also try to resolve the contradiction of diversity and equity.

  16. Turbocohen Avatar

    Death to Tyrants

  17. Warmac9999 Avatar

    If you want a good example of the destructive aspects of DEI look at Disney. Nobody needs to go to Disney World and nobody needs to go to UVA.

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