Race, Injustice, the Northam Administration, and the Viral Inferno at Canterbury Rehabilitation

Canterbury Rehabilitation nursing home. Latest count: 49 dead.

by James A. Bacon

Virginia news outlets have published a spate of articles in recent days about the elevated rate of COVID-19 infection and mortality among African-Americans. Typical was this story in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, which highlighted the fact that in the City of Richmond, black people comprise less than half the city’s population but more than 60% of COVID-19 diagnoses. The “news” article offered this editorial commentary on the discrepancy:

The contrast lays bare inequities that local government and public health officials say they’re working to address and comes the same day as Virginia’s U.S. senators, Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, urged the federal government to collect and report demographic data on the virus. …

The cascading damage of the COVID-19 pandemic has been especially cruel for low-income communities of color, where people are less likely to have access to quality health care and more likely to suffer from weakened immune systems and other health conditions that make complications from the disease more likely.

You know the drill: The problem is systemic racial injustice as opposed to incompetence and maladministration. Remarkably, no one in Virginia’s media or political establishment has drawn the connection between the high mortality rate for African-Americans in Virginia and the devastating plight of patients at Canterbury Rehabilitation, where by last count 49 mostly poor, elderly, African-American Medicaid patients have died. Nor has anyone, other than James Sherlock writing on this blog, laid responsibility squarely at the feet of the Northam administration and the Virginia Department of Health.

Warner and Kaine are all over the issue of racial disparity in the abstract. “It’s deeply troubling that the coronavirus is disproportionately impacting communities of color,” they wrote in their joint statement. “It’s imperative that we get data to help us understand the scope of this crisis and take action to reduce racial disparities.”

The two senators also joined their colleagues in sending a letter to Vice President Mike Pence regarding racial health disparities among COVID-19 patients. The letter highlights racial disparities in the mortality rate of the virus, calls for disaggregated racial data in COVID-19 case reporting, asks the administration for more information about its outreach to minority communities, and requests that COVID-19 vaccine and drug trials include diverse participants.

When it comes to concrete evidence of malfeasance and neglect in their home state — no added statistics required — they have had nothing to say.

But Sherlock does.

In a discrimination complaint filed under the Americans with Disabilities Act, he writes:

Canterbury Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Richmond is the site of the nation’s deadliest outbreak of COVID-19. The patients are nearly all Medicaid recipients. The majority are African-American. …  Evidence unearthed from government records suggests that [the Virginia Department of Health] is directly responsible for failing to ensure that Canterbury was properly staffed with RNs at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak. States are uniquely charged with inspection and oversight of nursing homes by and for the federal government.

What could possibly account for the blind spot on the part of the media and Virginia’s esteemed U.S. senators? Perhaps the fact that responsibility for nursing home deaths cannot be blamed on President Trump. Responsibility for regulatory failure rests with the Northam administration. It is understandable that, as a Democrat, Northam gets a pass from his fellow Democratic Party politicians. It is less understandable that Virginia media has largely downplayed the administration’s culpability for Canterbury’s viral inferno.

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102 responses to “Race, Injustice, the Northam Administration, and the Viral Inferno at Canterbury Rehabilitation”

  1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Peter, the journalist says:
    “No one has yet teased this out.”

    Yes, and Jim S. is the tooth fairy.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed, for the record i think jim sherlock’s reporting on DOH has been first rate. What bugs me is how conservatives complain about too much regulation in normal times but the shoe is on the other foot during emergencies

  3. djrippert Avatar

    With all due respect Jim – Virginia’s press is hopeless but where are the state’s Republicans? The Democrats have certainly not refrained from criticizing Trump while the crisis is ongoing. Where are Virginia’s Republican politicians asking Northam the hard questions our press won’t ask? Why aren’t they writing Op-Ed pieces, going on talk radio and local newscasts demanding answers from the Northam Administration. Why aren’t they pressing Saslaw and Filler-Corn for answers as to why their party’s administration is failing so badly? (There’s no real point in hounding Northam who was a lame duck the day he was inaugurated).

    It seems like the Republican politicians in Virginia are now entirely fops and dandies of the plantation elite happy to abide by The Virginia Way as they go extinct as a political party.

    1. Good question. Where ARE the Virginia Republicans? Dems at the national level have weaponized COVID-19 against Trump. I don’t advocate the same kind of “resistance” at the state level, in fact I would depore it. But as the loyal opposition, Republicans certainly should be asking the tough questions.

      1. RPV is too busy with copied and pasted press releases:


        The Virginia GOP is dead. It will never rise again. What people on this blog don’t seem to realize is that Virginia’s on the same trajectory as California. An increasingly well-educated white population with large amounts of ethnic minority voters combined with a state Republican Party taken over by inept ideologues. The people in charge of the Virginia GOP will never adapt to this electorate. I don’t necessarily think it’s healthy, but I also think there’s waaaaaaay too much “lib hatred” and “the voters are dumb” on this blog. Don’t blame the D’s for you shooting yourself in the head.

        The VA GOP’s decline is due to “moderate” or “thoughtful” conservatives/libertarians sitting on the sidelines. They allowed the party to be taken over by one of the most ideologically extreme groups of people in the state. Seriously…have you been to a local GOP committee meeting in the last 5 years? No, talking to elected Republicans (who almost all have nothing to do with the formal party any longer) doesn’t count. I’m talking the “grass roots” local committees. You would be shocked at just how extreme the party is. And, no, it’s not just the rural areas. It’s just as true in Hampton Roads/Richmond/NoVa. The party’s truly in the hands of socially inept oddballs.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          uh oh… I don’t think you can say that kind of thing here in BR without some demerits and a ceremonial whipping….. stand back!

        2. idiocracy Avatar

          Virginia on the same trajectory as California?

          Hardly. California is an economic powerhouse.

          Virginia is a tick on the ass of the Federal Government.

        3. idiocracy Avatar

          It doesn’t help that Virginia Republicans are largely incompetent. Three examples:

          1)2016 RPV convention in Harrisonburg. This was a complete dumpster fire with the way the votes were collected and counted. I’d been to other conventions in the past and this was by far the worst. Never again.

          2)Getting a postcard for the Republican candidate for the local HOD election…two days AFTER the election. Apparently the concept of allowing time for mailing isn’t one that they understand.

          3)Getting a call about the Republican candidate for Congress…in the district I moved out of 3 years ago. There are these things called voter registration records that might be used to find out who CURRENTLY lives in a given district.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Steve –

        I find that editorial amazing, and more so given that it was published Apr 19, 2020. Northam for Biden VP?. Virginia’s thriving economy? What are they smoking in Roanoke?

        1. djrippert Avatar

          Whatever they are smoking it’s illegal in Virginia. Northam as the Vice Presidential nominee would all but guarantee a Trump victory. Can you imagine how often that yearbook page with the blackface, the klan robes and “Coonman” would show up in Republican ads?

          The editorial was pretty good but Northam on the Democratic ticket? I can’t see it.

        2. idiocracy Avatar

          Virginia does, in fact, have a thriving economy.

          Compared to Ethiopia.

      2. djrippert Avatar

        That was interesting. But you know what was more interesting? Chap Petersen’s OpEd piece in the same newspaper from the prior day. It seems Chap is beefing with Northam on somewhat tyrannical behavior and the need to reopen.


        Could Chapman see an opening into the governor’s mansion in 2021?

        Let’s hope so.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          It’s a pity Chap Peterson is not Virginia’s governor today. Perhaps he’s too decent and moderate a man to win Virginia’s Governorship today.

          1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            “That’s ridiculous.”


            Lets try this exercise in reading again. This time do the task calmly with sensibilities open, cleared and receptive to new thought.

            So armed, lets try reading 1st sentence again:

            “It’s a pity Chap Peterson is not Virginia’s governor today.”

            This time please take your time, note the meaning and the shading of each word, how they rub up against and interact with each other, creating new meanings and possibilities, unique to the whole sentence.

            Now, lets try reading 2nd sentence again.

            “Perhaps he’s too decent and moderate a man to win Virginia’s Governorship today.”

            Again, this go round take your time, note meaning and shading of each word, how they interact each with others in sentence, to create more unique thought patterns.

            Now, armed with a clear mind, enhanced awareness, and understanding, step back and read calmly, thoughtfully the 1st sentence and 2nd sentence together. Be sure to zoom back now, think and feel big.

            “It’s a pity Chap Peterson is not Virginia’s governor today. Perhaps he’s too decent and moderate a man to win Virginia’s Governorship today.”

            Here note the vast expansion and scope of new unique meanings within the whole paragraph encompassing whole new worlds to grasp, as all the words and sentences are now taken all together to shade, inflect, and refract each other and the whole in nearly endless complexities of nuance and subtleties as if in echo chambers in shimming halls of mirrors.

            This experience is called literacy. So armed now with literacy, how do my comments differ from yours? Do your comments prove beyond any doubt, the rightness and wisdom of my comments?

            Now go back and reread Chap Peterson’s orginally commentary. Do you see it, and him in a different, more intelligent light?

        2. That’s ridiculous. He got destroyed in the D primary for Lieutenant Governor in 2005…the party has gone much further left in the last 15 years. If he ran in a D primary for Governor, he wouldn’t get 10%.

    2. idiocracy Avatar

      The Republicans are too “genteel” to criticize a man like Northam.

      The good old boy network transcends across party lines.

  4. djrippert Avatar

    With all due respect Jim – Virginia’s press is hopeless but where are the state’s Republicans? The Democrats have certainly not refrained from criticizing Trump while the crisis is ongoing. Where are Virginia’s Republican politicians asking Northam the hard questions our press won’t ask? Why aren’t they writing Op-Ed pieces, going on talk radio and local newscasts demanding answers from the Northam Administration. Why aren’t they pressing Saslaw and Filler-Corn for answers as to why their party’s administration is failing so badly? (There’s no real point in hounding Northam who was a lame duck the day he was inaugurated).

    It seems like the Republican politicians in Virginia are now entirely fops and dandies of the plantation elite happy to abide by The Virginia Way as they go extinct as a political party.

    1. Good question. Where ARE the Virginia Republicans? Dems at the national level have weaponized COVID-19 against Trump. I don’t advocate the same kind of “resistance” at the state level, in fact I would depore it. But as the loyal opposition, Republicans certainly should be asking the tough questions.

      1. RPV is too busy with copied and pasted press releases:


        The Virginia GOP is dead. It will never rise again. What people on this blog don’t seem to realize is that Virginia’s on the same trajectory as California. An increasingly well-educated white population with large amounts of ethnic minority voters combined with a state Republican Party taken over by inept ideologues. The people in charge of the Virginia GOP will never adapt to this electorate. I don’t necessarily think it’s healthy, but I also think there’s waaaaaaay too much “lib hatred” and “the voters are dumb” on this blog. Don’t blame the D’s for you shooting yourself in the head.

        The VA GOP’s decline is due to “moderate” or “thoughtful” conservatives/libertarians sitting on the sidelines. They allowed the party to be taken over by one of the most ideologically extreme groups of people in the state. Seriously…have you been to a local GOP committee meeting in the last 5 years? No, talking to elected Republicans (who almost all have nothing to do with the formal party any longer) doesn’t count. I’m talking the “grass roots” local committees. You would be shocked at just how extreme the party is. And, no, it’s not just the rural areas. It’s just as true in Hampton Roads/Richmond/NoVa. The party’s truly in the hands of socially inept oddballs.

        1. idiocracy Avatar

          Virginia on the same trajectory as California?

          Hardly. California is an economic powerhouse.

          Virginia is a tick on the ass of the Federal Government.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Steve –

        I find that editorial amazing, and more so given that it was published Apr 19, 2020. Northam for Biden VP?. Virginia’s thriving economy? What are they smoking in Roanoke?

        1. djrippert Avatar

          Whatever they are smoking it’s illegal in Virginia. Northam as the Vice Presidential nominee would all but guarantee a Trump victory. Can you imagine how often that yearbook page with the blackface, the klan robes and “Coonman” would show up in Republican ads?

          The editorial was pretty good but Northam on the Democratic ticket? I can’t see it.

        2. idiocracy Avatar

          Virginia does, in fact, have a thriving economy.

          Compared to Ethiopia.

    2. idiocracy Avatar

      The Republicans are too “genteel” to criticize a man like Northam.

      The good old boy network transcends across party lines.

  5. sherlockj Avatar

    I do not object to collecting race and ethnicity information from toe tags, but I do resent the lack of class and co-morbidity information. I personally believe this is a class issue. How will we know if poor, high school dropout African American people had different mortality rates from wealthy, college educated African Americans? How will we know if poor white people with comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, heart conditions and such had the same or different mortality rates as poor people of color with the same conditions? The way that data are being collected we will not.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Or fact that many more males die of this than females. Skin color seems to rule our world in America today on all issues and fronts, a nation of skin color bigots.

    2. I, too, deplore the way that everything comes down to race.

      Interestingly, race may be a factor in ways that progressives don’t appreciate. Magic Johnson made a remarkable statement on CNN and in USA Today indicating in the early stages of the epidemic, many blacks thought COVID-19 was a white thing, that it didn’t affect blacks — just as many blacks thought about HIV. An early insouciance toward the disease might have played a role in its spread. (Although clearly other factors predominated in a place like Canterbury Rehab.)

      Also, the WSJ published an article by a self-described dark-skinned Indian (from the Indian sub-continent), who explored the relationship between skin color, melanin, and the body’s ability to use sunlight to manufacture Vitamin D, which may play a role in the body’s immunological response to the virus. Just as whites are maladapted to the tropics because their lack of melanin makes them more prone to skin cancer, perhaps dark-skinned people are maladapted to temperate climes because their surfeit of melanin makes them unable to produce enough Vitamin D. Just a thought.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Completely right, Jim. Just like women have very different health profiles from men from birth to death in America. And white lower and middle class male health is declining at an alarming rate, the statistics astound amid this land of plenty. Where are all the social justice and equity warriors on this “race” issue? No where to be found. Are they racists themselves?

      2. djrippert Avatar

        Black people in Virginia are more likely to live in higher density areas. My guess is that this is not only true across the state but within localities as well. What are the most densely populated neighborhoods in the City of Richmond? What is the racial composition of those neighborhoods?

        One could credibly argue that blacks tend to live in higher density neighborhoods because they are less affluent and low cost / subsidized housing in cities tends to be small dwellings packed closely together.

        Poor whites tend to live in rural areas and small towns that have not borne the brunt of COVID-19.

        A lot of factors seem to contribute to COVID-19 susceptibility, spread and lethality. Population density and the amount of low population land between high population cities seems to be an area that requires further study.

        The more I look at the COVID-19 heat map the more it looks like a rock was dropped into a pond over New York City and the ripples are moving north and south along the I95 corridor. If so, NoVa may not be out of hot water. But Virginia might have a low density geographic firewall between NoVa and Fredricksburg or Fredricksburg and Richmond.

        Should Virginia quarantine NoVa by restricting southbound travel out of NoVa?

  6. sherlockj Avatar

    I do not object to collecting race and ethnicity information from toe tags, but I do resent the lack of class and co-morbidity information. I personally believe this is a class issue. How will we know if poor, high school dropout African American people had different mortality rates from wealthy, college educated African Americans? How will we know if poor white people with comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, heart conditions and such had the same or different mortality rates as poor people of color with the same conditions? The way that data are being collected we will not.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Or fact that many more males die of this than females. Skin color seems to rule our world in America today on all issues and fronts, a nation of skin color bigots.

    2. I, too, deplore the way that everything comes down to race.

      Interestingly, race may be a factor in ways that progressives don’t appreciate. Magic Johnson made a remarkable statement on CNN and in USA Today indicating in the early stages of the epidemic, many blacks thought COVID-19 was a white thing, that it didn’t affect blacks — just as many blacks thought about HIV. An early insouciance toward the disease might have played a role in its spread. (Although clearly other factors predominated in a place like Canterbury Rehab.)

      Also, the WSJ published an article by a self-described dark-skinned Indian (from the Indian sub-continent), who explored the relationship between skin color, melanin, and the body’s ability to use sunlight to manufacture Vitamin D, which may play a role in the body’s immunological response to the virus. Just as whites are maladapted to the tropics because their lack of melanin makes them more prone to skin cancer, perhaps dark-skinned people are maladapted to temperate climes because their surfeit of melanin makes them unable to produce enough Vitamin D. Just a thought.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Completely right, Jim. Just like women have very different health profiles from men from birth to death in America. And white lower and middle class male health is declining at an alarming rate, the statistics astound amid this land of plenty. Where are all the social justice and equity warriors on this “race” issue? No where to be found. Are they racists themselves?

      2. djrippert Avatar

        Black people in Virginia are more likely to live in higher density areas. My guess is that this is not only true across the state but within localities as well. What are the most densely populated neighborhoods in the City of Richmond? What is the racial composition of those neighborhoods?

        One could credibly argue that blacks tend to live in higher density neighborhoods because they are less affluent and low cost / subsidized housing in cities tends to be small dwellings packed closely together.

        Poor whites tend to live in rural areas and small towns that have not borne the brunt of COVID-19.

        A lot of factors seem to contribute to COVID-19 susceptibility, spread and lethality. Population density and the amount of low population land between high population cities seems to be an area that requires further study.

        The more I look at the COVID-19 heat map the more it looks like a rock was dropped into a pond over New York City and the ripples are moving north and south along the I95 corridor. If so, NoVa may not be out of hot water. But Virginia might have a low density geographic firewall between NoVa and Fredricksburg or Fredricksburg and Richmond.

        Should Virginia quarantine NoVa by restricting southbound travel out of NoVa?

  7. warrenhollowbooks Avatar

    You will probably find that all the people wanting racial and demographic data collected for COVID-19 are exactly the SAME people who were aghast that the marriage license asked the applicant’s race.
    One day you ask for someone’s racial information and it is a throwback to Jim Crow . . . the next day you do it and you are a good progressive

  8. warrenhollowbooks Avatar

    You will probably find that all the people wanting racial and demographic data collected for COVID-19 are exactly the SAME people who were aghast that the marriage license asked the applicant’s race.
    One day you ask for someone’s racial information and it is a throwback to Jim Crow . . . the next day you do it and you are a good progressive

  9. sherlockj Avatar

    Officials should get education status if it is filled out. Otherwise the death certificate does not provide class information or information on co-morbidities.
    Virginia Administrative Code
    Title 12. Health
    Agency 5. Department of Health
    Chapter 550. Board of Health Regulations Governing Vital Records
    12VAC5-550-110. Death Certificate Items.
    The certificate of death to be used shall be the Certificate of Death, Commonwealth of Virginia, and shall contain the following items: full name of decedent; place of death; usual residence; date of death; sex; hispanic origin, if any, and race; education; date of birth; age; birthplace; citizenship; usual occupation and industry; veteran status; social security number or control number issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles; father’s name; mother’s maiden name; marital status and name of spouse, if married or widowed; informant’s name and relationship to decedent; medical certification of cause of death; autopsy; if female, was there a pregnancy during past three months; and supplementary data concerning death due to external causes; certification of attending physician or medical examiner, including title, address, and date signed; disposition of the body; signature of funeral service licensee; name and address of funeral home; date received by registrar; registrar’s signature; registration area and certificate numbers; and state file number.

  10. sherlockj Avatar

    Officials should get education status if it is filled out. Otherwise the death certificate does not provide class information or information on co-morbidities.
    Virginia Administrative Code
    Title 12. Health
    Agency 5. Department of Health
    Chapter 550. Board of Health Regulations Governing Vital Records
    12VAC5-550-110. Death Certificate Items.
    The certificate of death to be used shall be the Certificate of Death, Commonwealth of Virginia, and shall contain the following items: full name of decedent; place of death; usual residence; date of death; sex; hispanic origin, if any, and race; education; date of birth; age; birthplace; citizenship; usual occupation and industry; veteran status; social security number or control number issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles; father’s name; mother’s maiden name; marital status and name of spouse, if married or widowed; informant’s name and relationship to decedent; medical certification of cause of death; autopsy; if female, was there a pregnancy during past three months; and supplementary data concerning death due to external causes; certification of attending physician or medical examiner, including title, address, and date signed; disposition of the body; signature of funeral service licensee; name and address of funeral home; date received by registrar; registrar’s signature; registration area and certificate numbers; and state file number.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    Geeze – is this about that horrible failing of the Northam administration or something else?

    Good luck, BTW, on getting the Trump CMS folks to explain how the regulations got weakened and then bad stuff happened and somehow it’s all on VDH/Northam.

    This narrative is going nowhere except in the echo chamber – as usual.

    Ya’ll need to find something that will outrage Dems and NoVa if you really want to have an impact.

    Average Virginians are not going to buy it.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    Geeze – is this about that horrible failing of the Northam administration or something else?

    Good luck, BTW, on getting the Trump CMS folks to explain how the regulations got weakened and then bad stuff happened and somehow it’s all on VDH/Northam.

    This narrative is going nowhere except in the echo chamber – as usual.

    Ya’ll need to find something that will outrage Dems and NoVa if you really want to have an impact.

    Average Virginians are not going to buy it.

  13. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    This reminds me of the guy in a balloon over France, looking down at a strange town, “Where am I?” he shouts down to woman is the town square.

    “Your in a balloon,” floats up the faint reply.

    That’s government today, knows everything, most typically understands nothing. More and more real skill needed and practical in the real world are lost and forgotten, as real experience withers, and most everything true comes to government and citizens as a huge surprise.

    A 2019 federal study finds that an estimated 43 million adults in the USA — about one in 6 — are illiterate. These adults are challenged by children’s picture books, and are unable to read info on pill bottle. 21 percent read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates are functionally illiterate, can’t read well enough to manage daily living and perform tasks required by many jobs.

    Meanwhile back in the day:

    “As you can see, about 80% of men and 50% of women were literate in New England around the time of America’s founding. Scholars have noted that the percentages were probably lower in the South at the time. …”

    In ever more places, the competence of today’s citizens, irrespective of number of years in public classrooms, is in a free fall.

    In short, the more we claim to know in America, the less we understand. The reasons are complex. But we’ve largely forgotten how to teach, and we specialize now in false information twisted out of shape in delivery, or achievement is inflated to point that it has no meaning. These death certificates illustrate point.

    See; https://nces.ed.gov/naal/estimates/index.aspx

  14. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    This reminds me of the guy in a balloon over France, looking down at a strange town, “Where am I?” he shouts down to woman is the town square.

    “Your in a balloon,” floats up the faint reply.

    That’s government today, knows everything, most typically understands nothing. More and more real skill needed and practical in the real world are lost and forgotten, as real experience withers, and most everything true comes to government and citizens as a huge surprise.

    A 2019 federal study finds that an estimated 43 million adults in the USA — about one in 6 — are illiterate. These adults are challenged by children’s picture books, and are unable to read info on pill bottle. 21 percent read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates are functionally illiterate, can’t read well enough to manage daily living and perform tasks required by many jobs.

    Meanwhile back in the day:

    “As you can see, about 80% of men and 50% of women were literate in New England around the time of America’s founding. Scholars have noted that the percentages were probably lower in the South at the time. …”

    In ever more places, the competence of today’s citizens, irrespective of number of years in public classrooms, is in a free fall.

    In short, the more we claim to know in America, the less we understand. The reasons are complex. But we’ve largely forgotten how to teach, and we specialize now in false information twisted out of shape in delivery, or achievement is inflated to point that it has no meaning. These death certificates illustrate point.

    See; https://nces.ed.gov/naal/estimates/index.aspx

  15. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    When it comes tot he reality of Donald Trump or race inequities, you are like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. You close your eyes and click your heels and pretend they are not there. Also, while I agree the governor’s performance in the pandemic is worthy of review, there’s a definite element of “Gotcha” on this blog. His supposed errors are magnified while those of Trump or the private sector are pretty much ignored. Coverage here and in other media outlets has noted that the owners of Canterbury Rehab were remiss months before the pandemic judging from its ratings. Management changed. Then it turned into perhaps the deadliest epicenter in this country.No one has yet teased this out. It seems like the same old Virginia song. No or little regulation of the private sector and then howls of angst when things go wrong. Same has been true of environmental factors for decades.Remember Kepone?

  16. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    When it comes tot he reality of Donald Trump or race inequities, you are like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. You close your eyes and click your heels and pretend they are not there. Also, while I agree the governor’s performance in the pandemic is worthy of review, there’s a definite element of “Gotcha” on this blog. His supposed errors are magnified while those of Trump or the private sector are pretty much ignored. Coverage here and in other media outlets has noted that the owners of Canterbury Rehab were remiss months before the pandemic judging from its ratings. Management changed. Then it turned into perhaps the deadliest epicenter in this country.No one has yet teased this out. It seems like the same old Virginia song. No or little regulation of the private sector and then howls of angst when things go wrong. Same has been true of environmental factors for decades.Remember Kepone?

  17. LarrytheG Avatar

    Northam for VP? Good LORD! What ARE they smoking in Roanoke!

    cheese and crackers!

    Northam is not exactly s media personality – no matter whether he is a “good” or “bad” Governor.

    Who in the world thinks he’s a “threat” to become VP?

    Lord O’Mighty.

  18. LarrytheG Avatar

    Northam for VP? Good LORD! What ARE they smoking in Roanoke!

    cheese and crackers!

    Northam is not exactly s media personality – no matter whether he is a “good” or “bad” Governor.

    Who in the world thinks he’s a “threat” to become VP?

    Lord O’Mighty.

  19. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Peter, the journalist says:
    “No one has yet teased this out.”

    Yes, and Jim S. is the tooth fairy.

  20. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed. No one has really reported even the name
    Of the previous owner. The reporting has been of the health department’s failings.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      That is the big story here, Peter. The government’s responsibility to protect it’s most vulnerable citizens, that is the prime responsibility of the state governments, and has been from the beginning, that is why state government’s set up and run police, license hospitals and nursing homes, write most criminal laws, and courts that handle the overwhelming majority of cases involving safety of citizens. These are prime obligations of states from get go.

    2. sherlockj Avatar

      The previous owner was Lexington Court LLC. When the October inspection was done, Lexington Court was the owner. When the 1st quarter staffing numbers were posted on March 30, 2020, they reflected staffing under the current ownership. https://www.baconsrebellion.com/why-was-canterbury-short-of-staff/
      Both the 2019 inspection and the 2020 staffing report showed major staffing shortfalls at that facility. The Canterbury tragedy happened with major RN shortfalls. It was not an outlier. Currently more than half of Virginia’s nursing homes are rated by Medicare as understaffed. States requested from and were granted by the federal government years ago authority and responsibilities for the oversight of nursing homes. Each state is paid by the federal government to do it.
      VDH inspectors seem in my extensive review of their reports to do a good job. It is what is done with their inspection reports and the quarterly staffing reports that appears to be the problem. The only common element here is the Virginia Department of Health. It indicates to me at best a profound lack of interest of senior management of VDH in nursing home oversight. That is why I requested an audit by CMS of VDH nursing home oversight program management and an investigation by the Justice Department Civil Rights Division of possible Americans with Disabilities Act Title II violations.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        I of course cannot speak with any first hand knowledge about Canterbury, or any other nursing home in Virginia.

        That said, I have had a great deal of experience with elder care of family over three generations, much of it in Virginia. This include long periods home care by relatives, and live in nursing care starting in early 1950s, which was much more common then that now. What I saw then was far better than much of the typical nursing home care that I witnesses later, including nursing care in very expensive elder care homes, ranging up to nearly $500,000 a year for an elder couple 2000 and 2010. The difference no matter the era was always in who cared for the elders, why, and how, was there love or not, did the “staff” really truly care, or not.

        In larger homes, this typically depended on the leadership within the nursing home, who they hired, how they inspired, and how dedicated that leadership was. Thus, for example, the best nursing home, I frequented was in the 1970s in the Roanoke area run by the Church of the Brethren, as I recall. These were people of modest means, but with what I can only describe as a fierce ethic of care, and devotion to the elderly, the vulnerable. This I suspect grew out of the local community itself. You felt it the moment you walked in the door, and it stayed with you long after every visit. I was in my late twenties at the time, and I remember it vividly, what I saw in so many of the faces, including the great uncle then 101, who lived to 103, The home had an usually large proportion of elders in their late 80s, 90s, and several over 100. Because back then, the ethic was so strong that families took care of their elders, often at home, and so many women did that as a matter of course, whither married with children or not, this care in homes was more the natural norm there in that place and time. We found much later that you could find such today, angels we call them, with that same ethic and devotion, for care at home. Indeed, so unhappy were we with the very expensive homes, we opted for that twice, at far less cost, this was round the clock care. And I have no doubt that the real secret to elder care, is the spirit of the leaders in homes and who they hire, and how they supervise and lead. Indeed in many case, the angels need no leadership at all.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          I suspect nursing care is much like teaching kids. You will succeed in a one room schoolhouse, or a one room home, if those in charge of the home or school deeply care about those kids or elders who are placed into their care, and are empowered to practice the craft. It is really as plain and simple as that, and yet we’ve lost most of it. And so we largely fail, no matter the cost. Why? The elderly are today’s forgotten generation, by and large, most everywhere now.

          And you can see that neglect of modern society right off, walking into far too many nursing homes today.

  21. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed. No one has really reported even the name
    Of the previous owner. The reporting has been of the health department’s failings.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      That is the big story here, Peter. The government’s responsibility to protect it’s most vulnerable citizens, that is the prime responsibility of the state governments, and has been from the beginning, that is why state government’s set up and run police, license hospitals and nursing homes, write most criminal laws, and courts that handle the overwhelming majority of cases involving safety of citizens. These are prime obligations of states from get go.

    2. sherlockj Avatar

      The previous owner was Lexington Court LLC. When the October inspection was done, Lexington Court was the owner. When the 1st quarter staffing numbers were posted on March 30, 2020, they reflected staffing under the current ownership. https://www.baconsrebellion.com/why-was-canterbury-short-of-staff/
      Both the 2019 inspection and the 2020 staffing report showed major staffing shortfalls at that facility. The Canterbury tragedy happened with major RN shortfalls. It was not an outlier. Currently more than half of Virginia’s nursing homes are rated by Medicare as understaffed. States requested from and were granted by the federal government years ago authority and responsibilities for the oversight of nursing homes. Each state is paid by the federal government to do it.
      VDH inspectors seem in my extensive review of their reports to do a good job. It is what is done with their inspection reports and the quarterly staffing reports that appears to be the problem. The only common element here is the Virginia Department of Health. It indicates to me at best a profound lack of interest of senior management of VDH in nursing home oversight. That is why I requested an audit by CMS of VDH nursing home oversight program management and an investigation by the Justice Department Civil Rights Division of possible Americans with Disabilities Act Title II violations.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        I of course cannot speak with any first hand knowledge about Canterbury, or any other nursing home in Virginia.

        That said, I have had a great deal of experience with elder care of family over three generations, much of it in Virginia. This include long periods home care by relatives, and live in nursing care starting in early 1950s, which was much more common then that now. What I saw then was far better than much of the typical nursing home care that I witnesses later, including nursing care in very expensive elder care homes, ranging up to nearly $500,000 a year for an elder couple 2000 and 2010. The difference no matter the era was always in who cared for the elders, why, and how, was there love or not, did the “staff” really truly care, or not.

        In larger homes, this typically depended on the leadership within the nursing home, who they hired, how they inspired, and how dedicated that leadership was. Thus, for example, the best nursing home, I frequented was in the 1970s in the Roanoke area run by the Church of the Brethren, as I recall. These were people of modest means, but with what I can only describe as a fierce ethic of care, and devotion to the elderly, the vulnerable. This I suspect grew out of the local community itself. You felt it the moment you walked in the door, and it stayed with you long after every visit. I was in my late twenties at the time, and I remember it vividly, what I saw in so many of the faces, including the great uncle then 101, who lived to 103, The home had an usually large proportion of elders in their late 80s, 90s, and several over 100. Because back then, the ethic was so strong that families took care of their elders, often at home, and so many women did that as a matter of course, whither married with children or not, this care in homes was more the natural norm there in that place and time. We found much later that you could find such today, angels we call them, with that same ethic and devotion, for care at home. Indeed, so unhappy were we with the very expensive homes, we opted for that twice, at far less cost, this was round the clock care. And I have no doubt that the real secret to elder care, is the spirit of the leaders in homes and who they hire, and how they supervise and lead. Indeed in many case, the angels need no leadership at all.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          I suspect nursing care is much like teaching kids. You will succeed in a one room schoolhouse, or a one room home, if those in charge of the home or school deeply care about those kids or elders who are placed into their care, and are empowered to practice the craft. It is really as plain and simple as that, and yet we’ve lost most of it. And so we largely fail, no matter the cost. Why? The elderly are today’s forgotten generation, by and large, most everywhere now.

          And you can see that neglect of modern society right off, walking into far too many nursing homes today.

  22. LarrytheG Avatar

    EDITORIAL: In governor’s office, Virginia’s doctor is in

    THE late Stephen Hawking said Winston Churchill was “the right man at the right time for the right job.”

    This brings us to Virginia’s current governor, Ralph Northam. No, Northam is not Winston Churchill. He is, in many ways, the anti-Churchill, calm and thoughtful, not given to rash pronouncements.

    However, the war in which we are now engaged, against an enemy so small we can only see its effects, could have as devastating an impact as a world war. And Ralph Northam is, for Virginia, the right man at the right time for the right job.

    And then came COVID-19. Suddenly, the best possible person to have at the state’s helm seems to be an unassuming, well-informed doctor who calmly tells us hard truths, who doesn’t use the pandemic to self-aggrandize, who doesn’t try to lay the blame on others.

    He said recently that someone with a life-threatening brain tumor doesn’t want to be told that everything’s OK.

    “People,” Northam said, “want the truth.”

    Other governors have gotten more media attention, partly because Northam is not a self-promoter. He’s not bad in front of a camera, but he doesn’t crave it.

    When he does speak, though, he tells Virginians what they probably don’t want to hear but know they must if we are to get through this. He was one of the first governors to cancel the school year. His June 10 stay-at-home order seemed excessive to some at the time, but seems sensible, even conservative, now.

    His quiet, professional demeanor at his news conferences is what is needed. Northam has built what is a rare commodity in this post-truth world. He has built trust. In a recent poll done by Virginia Commonwealth University, 76 percent of Virginians said the governor is handling the crisis well.

    He spends long days meeting with everyone from medical professionals to business groups to teachers. He seeks (and heeds) advice from public health experts. He is said to take guidance from several experts before making decisions about issues like re-opening schools and businesses.

    GOP State Sen. Richard Stuart maybe said it best: “It’s probably a good thing to have a doctor in there right now.”

    WOW! I guess the folks at FLS must be smoking something also, eh?

  23. LarrytheG Avatar

    EDITORIAL: In governor’s office, Virginia’s doctor is in

    THE late Stephen Hawking said Winston Churchill was “the right man at the right time for the right job.”

    This brings us to Virginia’s current governor, Ralph Northam. No, Northam is not Winston Churchill. He is, in many ways, the anti-Churchill, calm and thoughtful, not given to rash pronouncements.

    However, the war in which we are now engaged, against an enemy so small we can only see its effects, could have as devastating an impact as a world war. And Ralph Northam is, for Virginia, the right man at the right time for the right job.

    And then came COVID-19. Suddenly, the best possible person to have at the state’s helm seems to be an unassuming, well-informed doctor who calmly tells us hard truths, who doesn’t use the pandemic to self-aggrandize, who doesn’t try to lay the blame on others.

    He said recently that someone with a life-threatening brain tumor doesn’t want to be told that everything’s OK.

    “People,” Northam said, “want the truth.”

    Other governors have gotten more media attention, partly because Northam is not a self-promoter. He’s not bad in front of a camera, but he doesn’t crave it.

    When he does speak, though, he tells Virginians what they probably don’t want to hear but know they must if we are to get through this. He was one of the first governors to cancel the school year. His June 10 stay-at-home order seemed excessive to some at the time, but seems sensible, even conservative, now.

    His quiet, professional demeanor at his news conferences is what is needed. Northam has built what is a rare commodity in this post-truth world. He has built trust. In a recent poll done by Virginia Commonwealth University, 76 percent of Virginians said the governor is handling the crisis well.

    He spends long days meeting with everyone from medical professionals to business groups to teachers. He seeks (and heeds) advice from public health experts. He is said to take guidance from several experts before making decisions about issues like re-opening schools and businesses.

    GOP State Sen. Richard Stuart maybe said it best: “It’s probably a good thing to have a doctor in there right now.”

    WOW! I guess the folks at FLS must be smoking something also, eh?

  24. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    “He is, in many ways, the anti-Churchill, calm and thoughtful, not given to rash pronouncements.”

    “Then, once baby is born, we set it over to the side, before deciding what to do with it.”

  25. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    “He is, in many ways, the anti-Churchill, calm and thoughtful, not given to rash pronouncements.”

    “Then, once baby is born, we set it over to the side, before deciding what to do with it.”

  26. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed, for the record i think jim sherlock’s reporting on DOH has been first rate. What bugs me is how conservatives complain about too much regulation in normal times but the shoe is on the other foot during emergencies

  27. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    It seems like we are returning to the pre 1940 era for our senior citizens. I believe 1940 was the first year of the Social Security payout. Our society did so many good things for seniors in the last 80 years. But now this virus has revealed the true underbelly for our seniors and they need our help.

  28. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    It seems like we are returning to the pre 1940 era for our senior citizens. I believe 1940 was the first year of the Social Security payout. Our society did so many good things for seniors in the last 80 years. But now this virus has revealed the true underbelly for our seniors and they need our help.

  29. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I agree that Canterbury or any nursing home that habitually failed to meet staffing standards should have its license revoked. However, the commentary on this blog has said that (1) Canterbury was not meeting those standards and (2) Canterbury had a lot of patients contract COVID-19 and, tragically, a lot of those patients died. It is implied that there is a relationship between those two factors. I am not sure that there is a connection. If Canterbury had had a few more RNs, would the virus have not taken hold? Would there have been fewer deaths? It seems to me that the primary causal factors was the early guidance that only those with symptoms should be tested and the practice of Canterbury of housing more than one patient in a room. By the time the testing guidance had been modified, it was too late. They found lots of patients positive with the virus but who had not shown any symptoms. Those patients were busy spreading it around to their roommates and others.

    It is easy for us, who were not there, do not have access to all the facts, and do not have medical training to criticize and assign blame. There will be plenty of time for that later. For example, did it occur to anyone that one factor could be Virginia’s low Medicaid reimbursement rates that led the Canterbury administration to house several patients in one room?

    1. Dick, you make a fair point: We cannot assume that fewer RNs was the proximate cause of the virus getting loose. Better to describe it as a plausible hypothesis warranting follow-up investigation.

      As for your point about Medicaid reimbursement rates…. that’s another way in which state policy (not administrative neglect) might have played a role. The state saves money through lower reimbursement rates. But lower reimbursements make it more difficult for nursing homes to hire qualified personnel.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      “It is easy for us, who were not there, do not have access to all the facts, and do not have medical training to criticize and assign blame. There will be plenty of time for that later.”

      Only later never comes. McAuliffe botched the necessary civil protections in Charlottesville leading to a catastrophe. As usual, his apologists first blamed Trump (somehow) but then insisted that there would be a later analysis. There was a later analysis and McAuliffe and the mayor of Charlottesville were clearly culpable for not adequately protecting our citizens. However, the review took so long that by the time it was published people had moved on.

      Now there are rumors that McAuliffe wants to run for governor again.

      Sorry, Dick – silently waiting for a government sponsored inquiry only ensures that the guilty will walk free.

      The time to press for answers is now – while people still have the matter fresh in mind and while there may be time to avoid the next COVID-19 Canterbury.

      On November 17, 2017, Bijan C. Ghaisar, a 25-year-old American, was fatally shot by US Park Police after a vehicular chase that followed a traffic collision along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Northern Virginia. Ghaisar was unarmed and died ten days later in a hospital.

      Two and a half years later and no answers. Coverup by delay. An all too common technique of modern day government.

    3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Back in the 1980s in Minnesota, my grandmother was in a nursing home and had a roommate. She paid her own way too with Social Security, the proceeds from the sale of her 800-sq.ft. home and her share of my step-grandfather’s fireman’s pension. She was darn near broke when she died but paid her own way.

      It’s too easy to complain that taxpayers don’t give enough. People who think more should gift money to the Commonwealth.

  30. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I agree that Canterbury or any nursing home that habitually failed to meet staffing standards should have its license revoked. However, the commentary on this blog has said that (1) Canterbury was not meeting those standards and (2) Canterbury had a lot of patients contract COVID-19 and, tragically, a lot of those patients died. It is implied that there is a relationship between those two factors. I am not sure that there is a connection. If Canterbury had had a few more RNs, would the virus have not taken hold? Would there have been fewer deaths? It seems to me that the primary causal factors was the early guidance that only those with symptoms should be tested and the practice of Canterbury of housing more than one patient in a room. By the time the testing guidance had been modified, it was too late. They found lots of patients positive with the virus but who had not shown any symptoms. Those patients were busy spreading it around to their roommates and others.

    It is easy for us, who were not there, do not have access to all the facts, and do not have medical training to criticize and assign blame. There will be plenty of time for that later. For example, did it occur to anyone that one factor could be Virginia’s low Medicaid reimbursement rates that led the Canterbury administration to house several patients in one room?

    1. Dick, you make a fair point: We cannot assume that fewer RNs was the proximate cause of the virus getting loose. Better to describe it as a plausible hypothesis warranting follow-up investigation.

      As for your point about Medicaid reimbursement rates…. that’s another way in which state policy (not administrative neglect) might have played a role. The state saves money through lower reimbursement rates. But lower reimbursements make it more difficult for nursing homes to hire qualified personnel.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      “It is easy for us, who were not there, do not have access to all the facts, and do not have medical training to criticize and assign blame. There will be plenty of time for that later.”

      Only later never comes. McAuliffe botched the necessary civil protections in Charlottesville leading to a catastrophe. As usual, his apologists first blamed Trump (somehow) but then insisted that there would be a later analysis. There was a later analysis and McAuliffe and the mayor of Charlottesville were clearly culpable for not adequately protecting our citizens. However, the review took so long that by the time it was published people had moved on.

      Now there are rumors that McAuliffe wants to run for governor again.

      Sorry, Dick – silently waiting for a government sponsored inquiry only ensures that the guilty will walk free.

      The time to press for answers is now – while people still have the matter fresh in mind and while there may be time to avoid the next COVID-19 Canterbury.

      On November 17, 2017, Bijan C. Ghaisar, a 25-year-old American, was fatally shot by US Park Police after a vehicular chase that followed a traffic collision along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Northern Virginia. Ghaisar was unarmed and died ten days later in a hospital.

      Two and a half years later and no answers. Coverup by delay. An all too common technique of modern day government.

    3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Back in the 1980s in Minnesota, my grandmother was in a nursing home and had a roommate. She paid her own way too with Social Security, the proceeds from the sale of her 800-sq.ft. home and her share of my step-grandfather’s fireman’s pension. She was darn near broke when she died but paid her own way.

      It’s too easy to complain that taxpayers don’t give enough. People who think more should gift money to the Commonwealth.

  31. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Dick. Bravo. The turkeys will cone home to roost on denying Medicaud expansion. You get what you pay for.

  32. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Dick. Bravo. The turkeys will cone home to roost on denying Medicaud expansion. You get what you pay for.

  33. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” It is easy for us, who were not there and do not have access to all the facts, to criticize and assign blame. There will be plenty of time for that later. For example, did it occur to anyone that one factor could be Virginia’s low Medicaid reimbursement rates that led the Canterbury administration to house several patients in one room?”

    I think it is interesting how the positions on regulations change depending on the circumstance.

    The GOP and Conservatives, in general, make the anti-regulations arugment every chance they get, indeed in the case of nursing homes, the GOP has been actively in the process of loosening them -until now – and now, they want to blame Northam for the results of what happens when regulations are loosened.

    Equal parts of hypocrisy and disingenuous

    Ditto with Medicaid – how many times on these pages has Bacon and company RAILED against the costs of Medicaid? And now… it’s the “inadequate” reimbursements that causes the staffing issues.

    Which is it? Are you advocating higher taxes for higher medicaid reimbursement or what? Oh wait, here comes the waste and bloated bureaucracy and corrupt legislators argument.

    This is funny!

    Not one Virginian in 100 is going to buy this narrative because at it’s core it’s fundamentally dishonest.

  34. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” It is easy for us, who were not there and do not have access to all the facts, to criticize and assign blame. There will be plenty of time for that later. For example, did it occur to anyone that one factor could be Virginia’s low Medicaid reimbursement rates that led the Canterbury administration to house several patients in one room?”

    I think it is interesting how the positions on regulations change depending on the circumstance.

    The GOP and Conservatives, in general, make the anti-regulations arugment every chance they get, indeed in the case of nursing homes, the GOP has been actively in the process of loosening them -until now – and now, they want to blame Northam for the results of what happens when regulations are loosened.

    Equal parts of hypocrisy and disingenuous

    Ditto with Medicaid – how many times on these pages has Bacon and company RAILED against the costs of Medicaid? And now… it’s the “inadequate” reimbursements that causes the staffing issues.

    Which is it? Are you advocating higher taxes for higher medicaid reimbursement or what? Oh wait, here comes the waste and bloated bureaucracy and corrupt legislators argument.

    This is funny!

    Not one Virginian in 100 is going to buy this narrative because at it’s core it’s fundamentally dishonest.

  35. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    “Not one Virginian in 100 is going to buy this narrative because at it’s core it’s fundamentally dishonest.”


    Have you ever gotten anything right on this blog. If so what?

    Have you ever gotten anything wrong on this blog? If so, what?

    And is Jim S.’s reporting here on BR “at it’s core it’s fundamentally dishonest.” If so how?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      geeze Reed, is blather all you got boy?

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        And Larry again is off to the races here there everywhere.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          just trying to keep up with the blather-butts here!

        2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          No, you csn’t answer the questions I asked you, so you simply insult the questioner (me), projecting your “blather” onto me, and then you jump to your next target in this case Bacon, with more “blather”.

          So answer the three questions.

          Meanwhile, back to some facts (hints for you), found in intervening 30 seconds on net:

          “Many of the North Carolina nursing homes known to have had COVID-19 outbreaks have something else in common: They apparently don’t have enough staff to do the necessary work.

          A new NC Health News analysis of federal data found histories of short staffing at more than three-quarters of the 19 North Carolina nursing homes identified in public records and media accounts as having COVID-19 outbreaks.

          In recent days, a dominant image of the national pandemic has become that of already vulnerable older people contracting the disease in nursing homes, some of them the sites of dozens of deaths. Asked about the relationship between insufficient employee presence and COVID outbreaks, both state and federal regulators said April 16 that moves are underway that will lead to more attention and resources devoted to staffing up.

          “Publicly reporting the data and ratings on staffing levels can serve as an incentive for providers to improve their performance, and we will continue to monitor the reporting and its relationship to facility outcomes,” a spokesperson for the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which regulates nursing homes, said via email. “If state surveyors identify harm or potential harm as a result of insufficient staffing, they should cite it as noncompliance. If the noncompliance meets CMS criteria for enforcement remedies, the facility will be subject to sanctions and could potentially be terminated from the Medicare program. ….”

          For more facts, see:


          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Reed – I don’t answer your questions guy… I don’t read most of your stuff because it’s just off the wall in my view… and if
            returned the favor, it would be just hunky dory!


            The ugly truth on nursing homes is that they do cost tax money and too many don’t want to pay higher taxes to support them so then we argue about how the “fails” work and who is responsible.

            It’s Kabuki Theatre for numbskulls.

          2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            Yet, more insults from Larry the G.

      2. sherlockj Avatar

        Larry, I have made the final, unalterable assessment that you are a waste of my time and that of the rest of the serious essayists and commenters here. I wish you well.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Lord… is this like the 3rd time you have bid adieu. Maybe third time is the charm! Happy Days to you!

  36. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    “Not one Virginian in 100 is going to buy this narrative because at it’s core it’s fundamentally dishonest.”


    Have you ever gotten anything right on this blog. If so what?

    Have you ever gotten anything wrong on this blog? If so, what?

    And is Jim S.’s reporting here on BR “at it’s core it’s fundamentally dishonest.” If so how?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      geeze Reed, is blather all you got boy?

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        And Larry again is off to the races here there everywhere.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          just trying to keep up with the blather-butts here!

        2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          No, you csn’t answer the questions I asked you, so you simply insult the questioner (me), projecting your “blather” onto me, and then you jump to your next target in this case Bacon, with more “blather”.

          So answer the three questions.

          Meanwhile, back to some facts (hints for you), found in intervening 30 seconds on net:

          “Many of the North Carolina nursing homes known to have had COVID-19 outbreaks have something else in common: They apparently don’t have enough staff to do the necessary work.

          A new NC Health News analysis of federal data found histories of short staffing at more than three-quarters of the 19 North Carolina nursing homes identified in public records and media accounts as having COVID-19 outbreaks.

          In recent days, a dominant image of the national pandemic has become that of already vulnerable older people contracting the disease in nursing homes, some of them the sites of dozens of deaths. Asked about the relationship between insufficient employee presence and COVID outbreaks, both state and federal regulators said April 16 that moves are underway that will lead to more attention and resources devoted to staffing up.

          “Publicly reporting the data and ratings on staffing levels can serve as an incentive for providers to improve their performance, and we will continue to monitor the reporting and its relationship to facility outcomes,” a spokesperson for the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which regulates nursing homes, said via email. “If state surveyors identify harm or potential harm as a result of insufficient staffing, they should cite it as noncompliance. If the noncompliance meets CMS criteria for enforcement remedies, the facility will be subject to sanctions and could potentially be terminated from the Medicare program. ….”

          For more facts, see:


          1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            Yet, more insults from Larry the G.

      2. sherlockj Avatar

        Larry, I have made the final, unalterable assessment that you are a waste of my time and that of the rest of the serious essayists and commenters here. I wish you well.

  37. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    One in five Virginians is over age 65. This number is only going to expand in the years ahead. We have to figure out how to unclog the plumbing and serve the interests of our seniors. In particular in our rural communities.


  38. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    One in five Virginians is over age 65. This number is only going to expand in the years ahead. We have to figure out how to unclog the plumbing and serve the interests of our seniors. In particular in our rural communities.


  39. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim s. Do you gave any idea who Lexington Court llc is? Do we know why they sold out to marquis? I’ll try to check but i have a paying gig today

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      I’ll contact you by email

  40. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim s. Do you gave any idea who Lexington Court llc is? Do we know why they sold out to marquis? I’ll try to check but i have a paying gig today

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      I’ll contact you by email

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