Police Bias in Traffic Stops? Still No Proof.

Senator Don Scott, Jr., D-Portsmouth. Photo credit: Richmond Times-Dispatch

by James A. Bacon

The Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) has published a new report that finds that Black and Hispanic drivers in Virginia are more likely to be stopped than Whites, and they are more likely to be searched and arrested.

However, the report also says there isn’t enough data to draw definitive conclusions about bias in policing. “This analysis does not allow us to determine the extent to which these disparities may or may not be due to bias-based profiling or to other factors that can vary depending on race or ethnicity,” it states.

Veteran reporter David Ress makes that caveat very clear in the third paragraph of his story in the Richmond Times-Dispatch today, but he then goes on to highlight quotes by House Minority Leader Don Scott Jr., D-Portsmouth, Delegate Jeff Bourne, D-Richmond, and Senator Mamie Locke, D-Hampton, blaming racism.

“Obviously, bias is still a factor. It’s disingenuous not to arrive at that conclusion,” said Scott. “This is a historical and empirical truth. The data today validates the lived experiences of Black and brown Virginians.”

“We know that our commonwealth and our country have a history of racially biased policing, and we can’t eliminate that as a cause for these discrepancies,” said Bourne. “As legislators, our next step needs to be interpreting this data and working to address the reasons why police are making racially disproportionate stops.”

Said Locke: “I’m a little bit baffled as to why they don’t understand the reason behind the data.” The disparities can’t be explained as reflecting anything but drivers’ race or ethnicity, she said.

Crying racism has become the reflexive response to every statistical disparity between racial/ethnic groups in every field and endeavor. Perhaps racism, either overt or unconscious, actually is a factor in the differing traffic-stop rates. I don’t rule out the possibility. But it is reckless and inflammatory in our racially polarized society to jump to such a default explanation without considering other explanations.

Racial/ethnic groups vary significantly by age, for example. Older drivers (at least those under 80 or so) are widely acknowledged to be safer drivers. More affluent, better-educated people also tend to be better drivers. Racial/ethnic groups vary by age, socioeconomic status and education. If African American drivers skew younger, poorer, and less educated — which they do — that could go a long way toward explaining the disparities in being pulled over for traffic offenses. Racial/ethnic populations also vary by behavior, with risk factors ranging from driving under the influence to wearing seat belts, from speeding to fleeing the police in cars. 

The report notes, for example, that drivers in the high-risk age group of 15 to 34 comprise 47.9% of White drivers stopped but 55.0% of Black and 57.6% of Hispanic drivers. Scott, Bourne and Locke indicate no awareness of such nuances. The media accords them the privilege of alleging bias without proof. For them, the racism is presumed.

The data

Here is the raw data comparing the race/ethnicity of drivers stopped by state and local police in Virginia.

A couple of points stand out here. True enough, the percentage of Blacks stopped exceeds their percentage of the driver-age population by 30.8% to 19.5%. But does the alleged bias extend to “brown” people, as Scott alleges? Well, Hispanics are only marginally over-represented in traffic stops — 9.5% of the stops compared to 8.9% of the population.

And how about “Asians,” a diverse group that includes both light-skinned East Asians and darker-skinned South Asians? Asians are dramatically under-represented. If systemic racial bias is at work, how come Asians are so rarely stopped for traffic violations? Is the bias of Virginia cops carefully calibrated so they are most likely to stop dark-skinned African Americans, less inclined to stop brown-skilled Hispanics, and even less likely to stop dark-skinned Asians? Or is it possible for a variety of reasons related to average age, income, education level and sub-culture, that Asians are just better drivers than everybody else — just as they are better students, earn higher incomes, and suffer from fewer social pathologies?

The DJCS report also shows the percentage of drivers by race/ethnicity whose cars are searched during a traffic stop. The number is higher for Blacks and Hispanics than it is for Whites, but significantly lower for Asians and American Indians.

However, an unknown factor is the extent to which Blacks might be more likely to be searched because police are more active in high-crime neighborhoods where they are more actively looking for lawbreakers.

Here is the summary of traffic stop outcomes — citations, warnings, arrests, and no-enforcement actions.

The racial/ethnic disparities in outcomes are negligible. Actually, Black drivers are marginally less likely to be issued a citation or summons than Whites, and more likely to get away with a warning. Although Blacks are somewhat more likely to be arrested in a stop — possibly due to heightened policing in high-crime neighborhoods — they are also more likely to be let off with no enforcement action of any kind.

The caveats

The DJCS takes great pains to emphasize that the report findings should be interpreted with caution.

Although this analysis identified disparities in traffic stop rates related to race/ethnicity, it does not allow us to determine or measure specific reasons for those disparities …. Other factors include differences in locations where police focus their patrol activities, differences in underlying regional populations, differences in driving patterns among individuals, and the lack of a scientifically established baseline for determining the number of drivers in each racial/ethnic group who are on the road and subject to being stopped while driving.

The analysis of racial disparity is a complex field with many potential contributing factors…. But data on these factors are now unavailable to DCJS. Factors like the race of the officer performing the stop, agencies policies and community priorities driving enforcement patterns, and police report narratives outlining legal justifications for stop, search, and arrest can all inform stop patterns but are not captured in the current Community Policing Act data….

Any disparities identified herein should not be construed as proof of biased policing or of accounting for unmeasured factors which may contribute to disparities identified in this report.

Behavioral explanations

An alternative explanation to systemic bias in policing is that the behavior of different sub-populations varies. It so happens that the Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA) explored some of these differences in a June 2021 study of fatal automobile accidents, “An Analysis of Traffic Fatalities by Race and Ethnicity.”

As it turns out, the hands-down worst drivers in the country as measured by fatal traffic deaths are American Indians — they are twice as likely to die in traffic accidents than Blacks, almost three times as likely as Whites, and nearly 10 times as likely as Asians. (I suspect that there is wide variability among different Indian tribes — the data indicates that Virginia Indians are as safe or safer drivers than other Virginia motorists.)

Fatal accidents invariably involve one type of traffic violation or another. The reason it is useful to look at them is that accidents almost always occur before the police get involved, hence disparities in frequency can safely be attributed to  drivers, not police bias.

A major contributor to fatal accidents is speeding. American Indians had the highest rate of fatalities due to this cause — 42.8 per 100,000 population. The Black rate for speeding-related deaths was 20.1. per 100,000 compared to 13.9 for Whites, 13.8 for Hispanics and 3.8 for Asians. Speeding is one of the most common reasons for police to stop motorists. If Blacks are more likely to drive at excess speeds, it stands to reason they are pulled more frequently.

Although the number of such deaths is much smaller, Blacks are more likely to die in incidents involving police pursuit — 1.6 deaths per 100,000 compared to 0.4 deaths for Whites and 0.1 deaths for Asians.

Another behavioral difference is that Whites are slightly more likely than Blacks to experience fatal accidents during the day — 29.3 per 100,000 compared to 25.2 — but Blacks are almost twice as likely to suffer fatal accidents at night — a difference of 40.4 per 100,000 compared to 23.3. I can’t say if the daytime/nighttime difference in fatal accidents has any bearing on traffic stops. It would if police patrol more actively at night, but that point has not been demonstrated. The GSHA speculates that the  disparity might be attributable to differences in night-time street lighting. Whatever the truth of the matter, it indicates how extraneous factors unrelated to policing can have a bearing on traffic outcomes.

There is one set of data, however, that bears looking into: geographic variations in traffic stops. The disproportion of traffic stops is by far the highest in rural western Virginia, where the population and law enforcement authorities are predominantly White. I’m not saying this disparity does indicate bias. But it’s worth taking a closer look.

In the grand scheme of things, though, the absolute number of Blacks being stopped in Western Virginia is likely very low compared to the major population centers where most Blacks live. So, this data, though it looks dramatic when displayed on a map, may have little affect on the overall statistics.

In sum, the issues here are far more complex than Scott, Bourne and Locke seem willing to acknowledge for quotation in the newspaper.

Before drawing firm conclusions, the authors of the GSHA report recommend collecting more data:

  • the time of day that traffic stops are made;
  • collecting more definitive data on race/ethnicity, age, and gender of drivers;
  • results of searches for contraband;
  • stops in which an officer could observe the driver’s race/ethnicity and those in which they could not;
  • race/ethnicity of the officers making the stop;
  • and more.

I agree with the GSHA recommendations. We want to get to the truth of the matter. It’s wrong to sweep evidence of racism under the rug; we want to identify it and correct it where it exists. Likewise, it is wrong to unfairly accuse police of systemic bias, which contributes to poor police morale and burdens Black citizens with a fear that may have no basis in reality. Let’s find out if bias exists, where it exists and how acute it is rather than indulge in blanket accusations.

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31 responses to “Police Bias in Traffic Stops? Still No Proof.”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Once again I am angered and frustrated to find clear evidence of structural and systemic racism favoring Asians. With 7.5% of the driving age population but only 2.4% of the police traffic stops, it is once again clear that modern society favors Asians.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think Asians maybe don’t drive as much, eh? Is that taken into account?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Why do you think Asians don’t drive as much?

  2. Also – of those cars searched — how many came back with some want/warrant after the stopping LEO called in the license plate… oh yeah, forgot about that facet of the traffic stop.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Do you know… or just assuming here…?

  3. Richard Smith Avatar
    Richard Smith

    You guys are data driven crazy…
    How about a simple straight forward analysis…
    For whatever reason blacks are more prone to committing driving offenses, and therefore, get stopped more often…

  4. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Biden wants to get even with those Asians by holding them to a higher standard to get into colleges and universities through Affirmative Action. That’s what it is. It’s setting different entrance standards based on a person’s racial or ethnic background. Biden is a racist.

  5. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    JAB, good analytical start to discussion. Are low-crime areas (white) which are not heavily patrolled suggest that traffic offenses are at a greater rate than those in high crime, heavily patrolled areas? Perhaps, more data can be secured from anonymous interviews with police and sheriffs inquiring about the reasons for stops and searches. The present data are suggestive of some dissonance in stops and searches. In olden times, it was evident that bias played a role in the hiring/employment of non-whites and admission to colleges and home sales. The fact that some data exists at all is testimony to concerns in this regard.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      “The present data are suggestive of some dissonance in stops and searches.”

      Only if you assume that only equity is correct and any other data is evidence of racism. Perhaps behavior differs, or results from concentration of policing in areas with dissonant levels of crime that resonates with levels of arrests for crimes and traffic stops.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Low crime areas complain and cities respond. When I moved into my neighborhood, the main road in and out was having problems with through traffic and speeding.

      The police responded immediately with several weeks of radar traps, issuing 100s of tickets. Alas, only people doing over 35 convicted since traffic judges like that “9 over” before convicting even in residential areas. (Virginia sucks at this. In Texas every school zone has radar cops and they ticket like crazy)

      However, because of a large percentage of tickets written over 40, engineering put in roundabouts and topes. You can lie down on that road and take a nap now.

      Speaking of radar, even the handhelds take pictures. A cohort was pulled in DC for speeding. When he protested, the cop showed him a picture with the speed and plate number on it. “That isn’t my car. That’s a Lexus.” “Oops, sorry.”

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        And occasionally a very very long “nap”.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “… or to other factors that can vary depending on race or ethnicity…”

    …like the presence or absence of tinted windows….

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Keep in mind JAB’s title “no proof.” There is, in fact, some evidence but not necessarily beyond a reasonable doubt. How much proof is required for the civilian authority to be concerned?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I would assume something significantly less than the “preponderance of the evidence” lest should it rise to that level it could prove costly.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Or inspection stickers, Getting your car inspected is racist, so white of you.

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    You can no longer be stopped for a busted tail light or a dragging muffler. I thought that change was supposed to stop this problem?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Maybe it did. Maybe just deep mitigation.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Mitigation. If you look up the definition it sounds just like a product description for Prep H.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I always thought Alka-Seltzer got lucky. Imagine if Preparation-H had gotten to the jingle first…

          Plop, plop, fizz, fizz…

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Look at the referenced study and compare the most recent data to prior years. The differences are pretty dramatic and demonstrate how effective the law has been. For instance:

      “Black drivers who were stopped were searched at higher rates than White drivers. 2.8% of stopped Black drivers had a search of their person or vehicle conducted, compared to 2.1% of White drivers.

      In 2021, 5.2% of stopped Black drivers had a search of their person, a passenger, or vehicle conducted, compared to 3.1% of White drivers.”

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Yes indeed. If you don’t enforce the law you end up with fewer infractions. Maybe the busted tail light exhaust law should be repealed out right.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Um… the data I cited has nothing to do with charges or infractions, it was about searches after a stop and how fewer blacks are being subject to searches than before. Still disproportionately higher than whites but better.

          Why is it so very hard for Conservatives to believe that police discriminate against blacks?

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Um… the data I cited has nothing to do with charges or infractions, it was about searches after a stop and how fewer blacks are being subject to searches than before. Still disproportionately higher than whites but better.

          Why is it so very hard for Conservatives to believe that police discriminate against blacks?

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    For the sake of argument, let’s assume more data and analysis is done AND it basically concludes that there IS some bias.

    What would JAB recommend actually be done?

    Seems like at that point – we’d be looking into what police were actually looking at in making their decisions ….

    So taillights and similar are out. What else?

    or are we going to go back to the idea that black folks just simply are more inclined to break laws as a race?

  9. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    As a former LEO I can tell you that it is very hard to identify the race sex age of a driver at night until you stop them and shine a flashlight on them. Most traffic stops are for poor driving, broken equipment, or speeding.. I suggest someone breakout the statistics on nighttime traffic stops.
    Also, courteous drivers often get off with a warning.
    Obnoxious drivers always get a ticket.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think the point about nighttime driving may have some merit but it also depends WHERE the cops are patrolling at night if different from day.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    It’s been a two-step thing for some time, perhaps now is changing a bit.

    First step, find something about the car that justifies a stop. Second step, find some kind of drug or other contraband.

    take them into the criminal justice system by setting bond, poor legal representation, so they end up being held in jail until trial.. Lose their car. Lose their job. Without the ability to keep their job, drift into other ways to make a living that are problematic especially with regard to the law. Basically ruin their lives AND impose their issues and needs on taxpayers.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      If it happens there, it happens here…

      BTW, the money is what they’re after… if you defund them, they’ll just steal it.

      “A 40-year-old Hispanic carpenter from New Jersey was stopped on Interstate 95 in Virginia for having tinted windows. Police said he appeared nervous and consented to a search. They took $18,000 that he said was meant to buy a used car. He had to hire a lawyer to get back his money.

      Mandrel Stuart, a 35-year-old African American owner of a small barbecue restaurant in Staunton, Va., was stunned when police took $17,550 from him during a stop in 2012 for a minor traffic infraction on Interstate 66 in Fairfax. He rejected a settlement with the government for half of his money and demanded a jury trial. He eventually got his money back but lost his business because he didn’t have the cash to pay his overhead.”

      Wonder how much money is stolen by the police in these traffic stops?

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The issue of asset forfeiture is whole other can of worms. The law has been tightened in Virginia in recent years, but there are still areas in which people arrested or detained can get screwed, even if ultimately found not guilty or even guilty of a minor offense. The federal asset forfeiture provisions are even more open to abuse by law enforcement.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes, I applaud Virginia requiring criminal charges and convictions as a condition of forfeiture, but I’m equally sure there are loopholes. There always is.

          PDs are not immune to corruption, just prosecution. It is impossible to read the events of Hampton PD’s Bluewater Cigarette sting, which resulted in ZERO arrests or prosecutions, but did supply expensive SUVs for certain officers and not come to the conclusion that HPD was running a criminal enterprise.

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