Out of Many, Weakness

The Stonewall Jackson Shrine, recently renamed the Stonewall Jackson death site.

by Donald Smith

John Hay, Abraham Lincoln’s press secretary, wrote that Stonewall Jackson’s temperament and personality reminded him of John Brown. Hay didn’t mean that as a complement. But he did have a point. Jackson was an eccentric. At times he looked silly — sucking a lemon, wearing a beaten uniform, losing control of his VMI classroom, holding his arm up in the air so his blood would flow properly.

For all his quirks, Jackson was one of America’s great battlefield generals. He was also a man of character. He was devoted to the Virginia Military institute where he taught. And in creating a Sunday school for Black slaves, he defied the disapproval of the community. His legacy matters — at VMI and beyond.

The cities of Richmond and Charlottesville have pulled down statues to Jackson, Lee and many other Confederate figures. Progressives and SJWs are still celebrating in their parents’ basements. I find that less distressing than Jackson’s treatment at the hands of VMI.

Strong majorities in Charlottesville and Richmond to take down the Confederate statues. A city should reflect the views of the people who live there. If elected representatives vote to remove the statues, that is their right. Their home, their rules. The fact is, Charlottesville isn’t Chancellorsville; the city played no prominent role in the Civil War. Richmond did, but its modern-day citizens want to distance themselves from the city’s Confederate past.

But Charlottesville is a freak show. We all know it. Anyone who’s watched city council members in action knows it. So, when Charlottesville pulls down statues, no one expects any better of them.

VMI is different. We expect the military academy to be a serious, mature place. Its purpose is to develop leaders. A majority of graduates go on to serve in our armed forces. The world expects America’s armed forces to take the lead and carry the heavy burdens.

We should hold VMI to a higher standard than other colleges and universities. And VMI’s treatment of Jackson’s legacy falls far short of that standard.

The Barnes & Thornburg investigation did not show that the majority of VMI’s cadet corps or alumni felt burdened or harmed by the symbology of Jackson on Main Post, or strongly wanted that symbology to be removed.  (The faculty and progressives in the General Assembly seemed to be the most offended by it.) Yet, following the directives of the Board of Visitors, VMI is in the process of cleansing the Main Post of Jackson memorials.

If Stonewall Jackson’s sins were so egregious that we must extinguish any acknowledgment of his greatness, what does that mean when we apply the same criteria to other American notables? Washington owned slaves and did not use his influence to force the colonies to abandon slavery. Jefferson owned slaves and most historians now accept that he sexually abused one of them. If Jackson’s statue, or his name on an arch, can’t be tolerated, then how can we accept memorials to Washington and Jefferson?

Or Lincoln, who was willing to readmit Confederate states into the Union as slave states, as late as the end of 1862?

Woke activists are “litigating people in the past, using the moral framework of today,” Ayaan Hirsi Ali told Congressman Dan Crenshaw on his podcast. If the precedent of VMI is that, from here on out, any great but flawed figure from the past must be canceled from public view, where will that leave us?

The motto of the United States is E plurubus unum (Out of many, one). The idea is that many different people from many different backgrounds will come together and produce a stronger nation.

But if we suppress parts of our checkered past, we risk becoming a nation that has a bland history and culture. We might as well adopt a new national motto: E plurubus infirmatatem (Out of Many, Weakness). 

That’s why I find the treatment of Jackson’s statue at VMI more troubling than the fate of Lee and Jackson statues in Charlottesville. VMI’s leaders know better. — or they should. America’s history, though conflicted, is a rich one. We should not dilute it in the name of inclusion. Our ancestors were good people, who did not struggle, suffer and die so that their descendants could wallow in hyper-sensitivity. They were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

If we follow VMI’s lead and erase any signs of our heritage that someone might find upsetting, we will bequeath our children a bland, brittle nation.

Donald Smith, a University of Virginia graduate, was born and raised in Richmond.

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25 responses to “Out of Many, Weakness”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    I suppose Mount Vernon will eventually be renamed “George Washington’s Death Site”, and Monticello will become know as “Thomas Jefferson’s Death Site”…

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I imagine similarly they will want to rename the monuments. They will have to go back and edit all the Bones TV shows or place a disclaimer that the name “Jeffersonian” while fictitious may trigger some.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Martha Washington was a birthing person once, but in the marriage prior to George. Daniel Parke Custis.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        What will they rename Arlington House?

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    I would posit that people who believe the statues should come down including Jacksons are also people of character and no more SJW and “woke” that those who want to leave the statues up are racist butt-holes… just my opinion.

  3. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    “Strong majorities in Charlottesville and Richmond to take down the Confederate statues.”

    In the case of Richmond based on a vote of those legally entitled to vote? Or on what nationally recognized poll?

    Or maybe it was just woke opinionism from RTD (aka, Richmond Times Disgrace)?

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “For all his quirks, Jackson was one of America’s great battlefield generals.”

    If by “America” you mean USA, this is simply untrue.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      I am almost certain the author used the word “America” on purpose.

      Jackson did serve, and lead on the battlefield, in the U.S. Army during the war with Mexico, albeit not as a General.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I suspect you are correct. I think it worthwhile pointing out that he was no US General when he performed the actions for which he is most often remembered and for which many wish to bestow honors on him – quite the contrary.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          There is nothing to “suspect” it’s historical fact that Jackson was a Brevet Major in the United State Army during the Mexican-American War. Where he rose to prominence at the Battle of Chapultepec.

          The same can be said of many other Officers who served on either side of the Civil War.

          However, that’s a nice deflection you’ve used (as your standard behavior).

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I was referring to Wayne’s first sentence, Sparky…

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I doubt it, but nice attempt to cover your lack of historical knowledge.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Hey, Slick, you do know it was me who pointed out to begin with that Jackson was not a US General as the author stated… you get that… right? Maybe English really is your second language… sheesh!!

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll • 19 hours ago • edited
            “For all his quirks, Jackson was one of America’s great battlefield generals.”

            If by “America” you mean USA, this is simply untrue.”

            No, that’s not what you comment implied. Thanks for playing though.

            I’m rather certain you weren’t aware that Jackson along with a good number of the Generals on either side of the Civil War were West Point Grads and severed in the Mexican-American War. I can say that with confidence because you haven’t a grasp on history.

            Again, perhaps you should refrain from discussing others command of the English language with the regularity of the typos and f’up you have.

            I probably speak more languages than you do though, but that’s because you’re a bigot.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Just more of you projecting your own capabilities (or lack thereof) onto my comments. Standard MO – but thanks for confirming where your lack of reading comprehension originates. Answers a lot of questions we all have had.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Oh goodness now you’re drumming up “projection” without a clear understanding of the term. You certainly run the gambits of fallacies and terms used by internet trolls (thus I really think you should change your moniker to full troll).

            “Answers a lot of questions we all have had.”

            Hum who is this “we” speak of? Do you suffer from Schizophrenia or do you have a mouse in your pocket.

            “projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else”

            That’s the definition of Projection, since it’s clear you didn’t know it.

            “: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices”

            That’s the definition of a bigot for your edification as well.

            Since you’re intolerant to anyone beyond yourself it’s aptly used in referring to you.

            I wouldn’t accuse others of reading comprehension issues when you source things that don’t validate your conclusion.

            Dunning-Kruger much?

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else”

            Thank you for proving my point.

            But, golly aren’t you busy this morning, Slick! You planning on taking an early weekend this week or something…??

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That’s humorous, but not applicable.

            “But, golly aren’t you busy this morning, Slick! You planning on taking an early weekend this week or something…??”

            Welp, must have hit a nerve.

            It’s okay, everyone knows you’re a bigot.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          ” I think it worthwhile pointing out that he was no US General when he performed the actions for which he is most often remembered”

          I don’t think there is anyone posting to this blog who is not already very much aware of that fact.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Yes, inaccuracies, mischaracterizations, and intentional misstatements do seem to be the norm for BR contributors.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep. have to agree. beyond that – those who want to take the statues down are woke , sjw, and other pejoratives from the get go and the defenders are “good” folk.

            about as lopsided as it can be – most posts start off with pejoratives that then beget name calling and worse in the threads.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll WayneS • 3 hours ago
            Yes, inaccuracies, mischaracterizations, and intentional misstatements do seem to be the norm for BR contributors.”

            That’s hilarious coming from you.

            When do we get your article about any number of the numerous lies you’ve uttered in the comment section?

      2. Donald Smith Avatar
        Donald Smith

        “I am almost certain the author used the word ‘America’ on purpose.”

        You can be completely certain.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Thanks. Since I know so few things for certain it is nice to be able to add one to the list.


  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Mr. Smith it is called low hanging fruit. Jackson and all of his rebellious friends. They knew we would not defend them this time around. And now they are moving up the tree to the next level. And they have succeeded. George Rogers Clark, Lewis and Clark and Company. Next are the statuary to Henry, Madison, Jefferson, Monroe, Marshall, and yes Washington. Will we defend those statues and history? I am tearfully afraid that the answer will be no.

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