Orwellian Aspirations, a False Alumni Association Narrative, and Adult Supervision at UVa

by James C. Sherlock

Sometimes things come together that confirm one’s worst fears but improve hope for the future simultaneously. Such a turning point happened with me not long after UVa’s alumni magazine, Virginia (Winter Edition 2020), arrived at my house earlier this month.  

The first story in the magazine was a piece written by Richard Gard (Col ’81), alumni association vice president for communications and editor of Virginia. It was titled “BOV Blesses Racial Equity Plan — More Diversity, Less Confederacy.” Catchy.

It purported to update alumni on “Audacious Future: Commitment Required,” the report of the University’s racial equity task force, and the Board of Visitors’ specifically partial and entirely unfunded endorsement of that report.

The members of that task force were:

  • Kevin McDonald, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Partnerships 
  • Ian H. Solomon, Dean of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
  • Barbara Brown Wilson, Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning and co-founder and Faculty Director of UVA’s Equity Center

All three were smiling in the pictures that accompanied the article. Hard to say why.

The article started out unpromisingly when Mr. Gard quoted UVa’s President James Ryan offering his take on the proper context with which to view Thomas Jefferson.  

Mr. Jefferson was apparently unavailable to offer context on Mr. Ryan.

I found the rest of the article, beyond the obligatory paragraphs on re-landscaping and renaming of buildings, to be disingenuous at best.  

He left out the scary parts.

Mr. Gard attempted to create a “narrative” that simultaneously:

  1. Acknowledged some but not the worst of the recommendations listed in the task force report; 
  2. Attempted to calm alumni by telling them “nothing to see here” — no funding was appropriated to fund the recommendations; and
  3. Assumed that readers had never read either the report of the task force or the statement of the Board of Visitors.  

He first reviewed goals with which nearly everyone agrees — trying to create a more diverse faculty and student body while maintaining quality standards and avoiding quotas. The price to do that with faculty, since every institution of higher education and corporation is trying to do the same thing simultaneously, means joining a nationwide bidding war and the report acknowledges that. 

To increase the numbers of qualified minority student applicants means greatly improving Virginia’s schools in heavily minority school districts, and the task force stepped up to recommend K-12 charter schools as one part of the solution.  Mr. Gard did not report a reaction from Virginia’s School of Education and Human Development, which appears opposed to charter schools.

The fatal flaw of Mr. Gard’s article, however, is that it utterly ignored the most radical element of the task force wish list — the profoundly Orwellian Racial Equity Scorecard.  

“Develop a scorecard of institutional racial equity goals that are posted publicly, reviewed annually, and used in leadership performance evaluations. .. We recommend that UVA adopt an equity scorecard at an aggregate level that draws upon scorecards within each school and major operational/ administrative division, including the Medical Center.”

“The Equity Scorecard would be coupled with regular assessments of processes and programs across all racial equity initiatives and across the life cycle of faculty, staff, and students in their relationships with the University. These qualitative and quantitative assessments would specifically engage in review on the basis of an analysis of equity impact.”

“To implement the Equity Scorecard will require an investment in data infrastructure, visualization, and analysis.  The Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, in partnership with the Office for Institutional Research and Assessment, the Vice President for Student Affairs, University Human Resources, the Provost’s Office, and other networks and offices at UVA can assemble the data necessary to evaluate the equity indicators on an annual and longitudinal basis.

“The following table summarizes an example student lifecycle indicator set across multiple dimensions of inclusive excellence.”

Intrusive does not begin to describe this menu of collection requirements. I’m not even sure collecting and storing some of the listed data is legal. “Sexual orientation”? “Gender Identity”? Cumulative debt? What the heck are “Learning Outcomes Assessments?

And what is to be done with “Sense of Belonging,” “Perceptions of Being Valued,” and some of the rest? How are they scored?

What are the necessary data and tools for monitoring faculty and staff? Social media and email monitoring, CCTV cameras in classrooms and lounges, secret reports on a helpline, recording devices in offices? What? The task force did not say.

But it endorsed and attached as Appendix C to their report a study by the Center for Strategic Diversity Leadership & Social Innovation LLC.  Neither the cost of the study nor the costs of its recommendations were revealed.

That appendix calls for an increase of the FTEs in the division of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Community Partnerships (could not make that up) from 19 FTE to something in the vicinity of 157 FTE positions as well as ten times as many diversity units and three times as many leaders at the Assistant VP level or above. Constant monitoring of everyone who sets foot on the Grounds, even after they graduate, is a lot of work.

So the task force has recommended the establishment, staffing, funding and equipping of University of Virginia thought police.     

The task force failed to recommend specific uniforms and insignia. Perhaps a contest?  

This was a proposal worthy of Xi Jinping. Mr. Gard failed to report it.

By doing so, he totally misled the alumni readership as to the radical, existential threat to the University from the portion of the university’s racial equity movement represented by President Ryan’s hand-picked task force. 

Yes, existential. Who would attend or work at such a school?

So, give a shout out to Mr. McDonald, Dean Solomon and Ms. Wilson next time you see them. They are dystopian futurists of major accomplishment. Seriously, what would make an American even dream up such a nightmare unless he or she is Steven King or George Orwell?

The good news is that the Board of Visitors treated the report with the seriousness it deserved. It recognized and accepted as aspirational some of the recommendations, not including Equity Scorecard, and funded none of them.  

Adults one, Marxists zero.

Mr. Gard’s alumni association compensation package is around $200,000 a year. We also compensate his #2, the Alumni Association Director of Communications, almost $150,000 annually to be, among her other duties, managing editor for Virginia Magazine. Let’s say, with payroll taxes and benefits, north of $400,000 for the pair.

Perhaps Lily E. West (Darden ’12), the brand new president and CEO of the UVA Alumni Association, can reconsider her communications needs and spend some of that money for minority scholarships, as the University task force has recommended, and kill two birds with one stone.   

Or perhaps that is a micro-aggression.

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44 responses to “Orwellian Aspirations, a False Alumni Association Narrative, and Adult Supervision at UVa”

  1. There is no UVa Alumni Association. There is a marketing arm of the University called that.

  2. There is no UVa Alumni Association. There is a marketing arm of the University called that.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Management scorecards have a bane for years. I went through them at Media General and thought they were ridiculous

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Management scorecards have a bane for years. I went through them at Media General and thought they were ridiculous

  5. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    C’mon, Captain, there have to be jobs for highly educated people who cannot actually DO anything useful….What could be a more useless career than with a university alumni association? Or Diversity Bureau? When this bureaucratic wet dream collapses, something even more complicated and useless and expensive will appear.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      I just sent this to the new Alumni Assn. CEO, Steve. She just received her permanent appointment this week, but has been Acting CEO for awhile. Hard to say what her reaction will be.

      1. djrippert Avatar

        How much does she make? My youngest graduates from high school in 3 1/2 years. Sounds like a great job for me. I’m an alumnus. Sorry, what other qualifications are there?

        1. sherlockj Avatar

          The Alumni Assn, Form 990 shows in 2018 the CEO compensation package was $425,000. Sweet deal.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      Stop it! When I finally and fully “retire” I want one of those jobs. Live in The Hook, eat at The White Spot and pick up $200,000 for various gym and country club memberships. Sounds like a plan to me.

      1. If only the U Diner was still around, you could still follow a 2:00 am Gus Burger at the Spot with an original Grillswith at the U Diner, effectively combatting the ill effects of a hangover the next morning.

        1. Problem is Edith is long gone!!

  6. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    C’mon, Captain, there have to be jobs for highly educated people who cannot actually DO anything useful….What could be a more useless career than with a university alumni association? Or Diversity Bureau? When this bureaucratic wet dream collapses, something even more complicated and useless and expensive will appear.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      I just sent this to the new Alumni Assn. CEO, Steve. She just received her permanent appointment this week, but has been Acting CEO for awhile. Hard to say what her reaction will be.

      1. djrippert Avatar

        How much does she make? My youngest graduates from high school in 3 1/2 years. Sounds like a great job for me. I’m an alumnus. Sorry, what other qualifications are there?

        1. sherlockj Avatar

          The Alumni Assn, Form 990 shows in 2018 the CEO compensation package was $425,000. Sweet deal.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      Stop it! When I finally and fully “retire” I want one of those jobs. Live in The Hook, eat at The White Spot and pick up $200,000 for various gym and country club memberships. Sounds like a plan to me.

      1. If only the U Diner was still around, you could still follow a 2:00 am Gus Burger at the Spot with an original Grillswith at the U Diner, effectively combatting the ill effects of a hangover the next morning.

        1. Problem is Edith is long gone!!

  7. As Wahoo notes above, the UVa alumni association has been co-opted as a propaganda arm of the university administration. Once upon a time, it functioned independently. As I’ve heard the story, the co-opting began when the alumni association began cooperating closely with university advancement in fund raising. Fund raising rules all.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      Alumni Association Fund raising dropped by 20% between 2016 and 2018. Not a good trend. 2018 is the last year I have seen records. You and I and DJ should start a competitor.

  8. As Wahoo notes above, the UVa alumni association has been co-opted as a propaganda arm of the university administration. Once upon a time, it functioned independently. As I’ve heard the story, the co-opting began when the alumni association began cooperating closely with university advancement in fund raising. Fund raising rules all.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      Alumni Association Fund raising dropped by 20% between 2016 and 2018. Not a good trend. 2018 is the last year I have seen records. You and I and DJ should start a competitor.

  9. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Jim Bacon above says:

    “As Wahoo notes above, the UVa alumni association has been co-opted as a propaganda arm of the university administration. Once upon a time, it functioned independently. As I’ve heard the story, the co-opting began when the alumni association began cooperating closely with university advancement in fund raising. Fund raising rules all.”

    Then, of course, there is the undeniable reality that the faculty at UVA has been working hard to destroy Western Civilization and its culture over the past decade and, in so doing, has been actively working to pit groups of Virginians against other Virginians in an expanding circle of hate and grievance that now begins at K-12 schools throughout the state.

    Where does this evil come from? Why can’t UVA heal? Why does this abyss of hate, distrust, dysfunction and dishonestly at UVA only widen?

    Here, answering this question, we can start with today’s fatally flawed design of UVA. How the institution over the past decade has been rebuilt from the ground up to fail in its mission of educating grounded and competent graduates, and instead now creates chaos, grievance, anger and gross dysfunction and dishonestly among all involved in UVA instead.

    In this regard, for starters, see my earlier comment on BR, namely:

    “… The root and irreconcilable problem with UVA began to become exposed in the spring of 2012. Teresa Sullivan then made clear her ambition to convert UVA into a vertically integrated Research University. (See my BR article Sullivan’s Risky Bet on STEM dated April 5, 2015).

    This radically changed UVA from an elite public university with a strong undergraduate reputation into a profit seeking graduate research institution designed to reward those running the institution at the hugely increased expense of the undergraduate students, their parents, and taxpayers generally.

    And, along the way, the undergraduate courses of the great majority of those who foot the bill at UVA were gutted to pay bills incurred by others, and/or were converted into critical race and power theory for political activists, and identity group grievance sessions for budding racists.

    This conversion of UVA’s undergraduate curriculum into indoctrination sessions for budding leftist political activists set about destroying the humanities. This destroying includes history, literature, and social and political sciences and the like at UVA, while it injected toxic poison into generations of students, that now is hard at work destroying Western Civilization, America, and Virginia along with it.

    All this is plain to see all around us.

    Witness the hysteria at Charlottesville over bogus rape epidemics promoted at UVA for years, pitting boys against girls, while slandering white fraternity members.

    Witness UVA’s inflaming of race riots in Charlottesville in spring and summer of 2017 involving the active participation of faculty at UVA.

    Witness the hijacking of UVA’s Curry School of teacher education to poison K-12 education throughout the state with bogus science like critical race theory, spreading hate, shame, guilt and confusion among children in Virginia’s k-12 classrooms.

    Hence, UVA increasingly has been converting its first class undergraduate college into a second class undergraduate and graduate school focused on research by students who lack the learning and experience to perform it, yet done for the benefit of their tenured masters.

    The result is a 2nd class research university roiled with hysteria among students and with grievance and rent and seeking among administrators and faculty. (For background see my article Toxic Brew: Relativism and Globalism dated Nov. 17, 2017, and my article The Higher-Ed Cost Crisis as Research Cost Crisis, dated Feb. 15, 2018.”

    In short, UVA, a formerly great university, has been turned upside down at enormous public expense, financially, socially, and civically. The recent explosion of vulgarity on the Lawn is only a small part of the problem for a university whose original charter has been destroyed, and replaced by a schizophrenic monster with two missions:

    A/ One half Venture a capital research and development firm designed and built to enrich those who run “the university,” and,

    B/ the other half a leftist research and development arm of radical ideologies political action groups that are designed and built to empower the ideologues who run UVA to gain for them ever more wealth, status, and control of the political, social, and cultural life of Virginia and the nation.

    This is plain to see all around us now. UVA poisons its students at the undergraduate, graduate and professional level (be it law, medicine, science, STEM or teacher education or what was know as the humanities) and spreads this poison out into America. And this new and perverted mission of UVA requires the dishonestly of those running the institution in order to keep its corrupted mission functioning on behalf of those running the institution and their crony allies.

  10. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Jim Bacon above says:

    “As Wahoo notes above, the UVa alumni association has been co-opted as a propaganda arm of the university administration. Once upon a time, it functioned independently. As I’ve heard the story, the co-opting began when the alumni association began cooperating closely with university advancement in fund raising. Fund raising rules all.”

    Then, of course, there is the undeniable reality that the faculty at UVA has been working hard to destroy Western Civilization and its culture over the past decade and, in so doing, has been actively working to pit groups of Virginians against other Virginians in an expanding circle of hate and grievance that now begins at K-12 schools throughout the state.

    Where does this evil come from? Why can’t UVA heal? Why does this abyss of hate, distrust, dysfunction and dishonestly at UVA only widen?

    Here, answering this question, we can start with today’s fatally flawed design of UVA. How the institution over the past decade has been rebuilt from the ground up to fail in its mission of educating grounded and competent graduates, and instead now creates chaos, grievance, anger and gross dysfunction and dishonestly among all involved in UVA instead.

    In this regard, for starters, see my earlier comment on BR, namely:

    “… The root and irreconcilable problem with UVA began to become exposed in the spring of 2012. Teresa Sullivan then made clear her ambition to convert UVA into a vertically integrated Research University. (See my BR article Sullivan’s Risky Bet on STEM dated April 5, 2015).

    This radically changed UVA from an elite public university with a strong undergraduate reputation into a profit seeking graduate research institution designed to reward those running the institution at the hugely increased expense of the undergraduate students, their parents, and taxpayers generally.

    And, along the way, the undergraduate courses of the great majority of those who foot the bill at UVA were gutted to pay bills incurred by others, and/or were converted into critical race and power theory for political activists, and identity group grievance sessions for budding racists.

    This conversion of UVA’s undergraduate curriculum into indoctrination sessions for budding leftist political activists set about destroying the humanities. This destroying includes history, literature, and social and political sciences and the like at UVA, while it injected toxic poison into generations of students, that now is hard at work destroying Western Civilization, America, and Virginia along with it.

    All this is plain to see all around us.

    Witness the hysteria at Charlottesville over bogus rape epidemics promoted at UVA for years, pitting boys against girls, while slandering white fraternity members.

    Witness UVA’s inflaming of race riots in Charlottesville in spring and summer of 2017 involving the active participation of faculty at UVA.

    Witness the hijacking of UVA’s Curry School of teacher education to poison K-12 education throughout the state with bogus science like critical race theory, spreading hate, shame, guilt and confusion among children in Virginia’s k-12 classrooms.

    Hence, UVA increasingly has been converting its first class undergraduate college into a second class undergraduate and graduate school focused on research by students who lack the learning and experience to perform it, yet done for the benefit of their tenured masters.

    The result is a 2nd class research university roiled with hysteria among students and with grievance and rent and seeking among administrators and faculty. (For background see my article Toxic Brew: Relativism and Globalism dated Nov. 17, 2017, and my article The Higher-Ed Cost Crisis as Research Cost Crisis, dated Feb. 15, 2018.”

    In short, UVA, a formerly great university, has been turned upside down at enormous public expense, financially, socially, and civically. The recent explosion of vulgarity on the Lawn is only a small part of the problem for a university whose original charter has been destroyed, and replaced by a schizophrenic monster with two missions:

    A/ One half Venture a capital research and development firm designed and built to enrich those who run “the university,” and,

    B/ the other half a leftist research and development arm of radical ideologies political action groups that are designed and built to empower the ideologues who run UVA to gain for them ever more wealth, status, and control of the political, social, and cultural life of Virginia and the nation.

    This is plain to see all around us now. UVA poisons its students at the undergraduate, graduate and professional level (be it law, medicine, science, STEM or teacher education or what was know as the humanities) and spreads this poison out into America. And this new and perverted mission of UVA requires the dishonestly of those running the institution in order to keep its corrupted mission functioning on behalf of those running the institution and their crony allies.

  11. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Just keep supporting the sportsballs and wearing your gear- go team!
    Alumni supporting what used to be their academic institution is truly asinine. It’s not your school any more old white men… they want your money yet despise you.
    But you send money, support the sportsball, and they laugh… Suckers.
    The “F#ck UVA” flag speaks volumes about who that university has chosen to embrace… and it ain’t you Wypipo… just send us your privileged money.

  12. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Just keep supporting the sportsballs and wearing your gear- go team!
    Alumni supporting what used to be their academic institution is truly asinine. It’s not your school any more old white men… they want your money yet despise you.
    But you send money, support the sportsball, and they laugh… Suckers.
    The “F#ck UVA” flag speaks volumes about who that university has chosen to embrace… and it ain’t you Wypipo… just send us your privileged money.

  13. carson760 Avatar

    This is a really intellectually lazy argument. The gist of which appears to come down to- “I don’t understand these terms so it must be Marxism.” I’m sure there is much to criticize in this report but just because you don’t know if it’s legal to collect demographic data (it is) or what qualitative research methods consist of doesn’t mean it’s the thought police.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      “Develop a scorecard of institutional racial equity goals that are posted publicly, reviewed annually, and used in leadership performance evaluations. .. We recommend that UVA adopt an equity scorecard at an aggregate level that draws upon scorecards within each school and major operational/ administrative division, including the Medical Center.”

      “The Equity Scorecard would be coupled with regular assessments of processes and programs across all racial equity initiatives and across the life cycle of faculty, staff, and students in their relationships with the University. These qualitative and quantitative assessments would specifically engage in review on the basis of an analysis of equity impact.”

      That is thought police. And they mean it to be thought police.

      Note they said they were going to collect information on faculty and staff to use in each person’s evaluation, but did not address how they were going to collect that information or at what level.

      Most vertical human beings don’t want anyone to collect and store this level of information on them, especially the places they work and go to school.

      If you are comfortable with it, publish it on your social media accounts and be done with it.

      1. carson760 Avatar

        Saying something is thought police doesn’t make it so. You are just repeating the same thing- I don’t understand it so it’s bad.

        1. sherlockj Avatar

          Then embrace it.

        2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “You are just repeating the same thing- I don’t understand it so it’s bad.”

          This is typical leftist talk. I disagree with your opinion because you are not smart enough to understand and believe in mine.

          In fact, this also is the typical accusatory tactic of the true believer ideologue who, unable to defend his own argument, attacks the intelligence of his opponent who has overwhelmed the leftist’s argument. This is also classic tactic of the smug liberal generally. For example, recall the “amiable dunce” Ronald Reagan who’s accuser turned out to be the amiable dunce fixer Clark Clifford in the The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal.

          1. carson760 Avatar

            This is comical deflection.

          2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            There you go again, another ineffective insult in lieu of an intelligent response, the sure sign of someone flailing, unable to engage..

  14. carson760 Avatar

    This is a really intellectually lazy argument. The gist of which appears to come down to- “I don’t understand these terms so it must be Marxism.” I’m sure there is much to criticize in this report but just because you don’t know if it’s legal to collect demographic data (it is) or what qualitative research methods consist of doesn’t mean it’s the thought police.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      “Develop a scorecard of institutional racial equity goals that are posted publicly, reviewed annually, and used in leadership performance evaluations. .. We recommend that UVA adopt an equity scorecard at an aggregate level that draws upon scorecards within each school and major operational/ administrative division, including the Medical Center.”

      “The Equity Scorecard would be coupled with regular assessments of processes and programs across all racial equity initiatives and across the life cycle of faculty, staff, and students in their relationships with the University. These qualitative and quantitative assessments would specifically engage in review on the basis of an analysis of equity impact.”

      That is thought police. And they mean it to be thought police.

      Note they said they were going to collect information on faculty and staff to use in each person’s evaluation, but did not address how they were going to collect that information or at what level.

      Most vertical human beings don’t want anyone to collect and store this level of information on them, especially the places they work and go to school.

      If you are comfortable with it, publish it on your social media accounts and be done with it.

      1. carson760 Avatar

        Saying something is thought police doesn’t make it so. You are just repeating the same thing- I don’t understand it so it’s bad.

        1. sherlockj Avatar

          Then embrace it.

        2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “You are just repeating the same thing- I don’t understand it so it’s bad.”

          This is typical leftist talk. I disagree with your opinion because you are not smart enough to understand and believe in mine.

          In fact, this also is the typical accusatory tactic of the true believer ideologue who, unable to defend his own argument, attacks the intelligence of his opponent who has overwhelmed the leftist’s argument. This is also classic tactic of the smug liberal generally. For example, recall the “amiable dunce” Ronald Reagan who’s accuser turned out to be the amiable dunce fixer Clark Clifford in the The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal.

          1. carson760 Avatar

            This is comical deflection.

          2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            There you go again, another ineffective insult in lieu of an intelligent response, the sure sign of someone flailing, unable to engage..

  15. grillswith Avatar

    The Left’s Culture War at The University is ideological and based upon the Critical Theory developed by the neo-Marxist neo-Freudian “Frankfurt School” established by Marxist and German Communist Party members in the 1920s. Members of this research institute in Frankfurt, Germany fled to the US in the 1930s to avoid anti-Semitism and persecutions in Nazi Germany. They were given a building at Columbia University and linked to the Teachers College there. Thus their Critical Theory ideology was spread around the US. Curry School as another Teachers College and UVA as another platform? Take a look at the National Education Association website and think about it.

    Virginians for Good Government is on this explaining Critical Theory at their website http://www.libertasva.com

    1. grillswith Avatar

      Typo. Virginians for Good Government is at http://www.libertasva.org
      Apologies to them and readers here.

  16. grillswith Avatar

    The Left’s Culture War at The University is ideological and based upon the Critical Theory developed by the neo-Marxist neo-Freudian “Frankfurt School” established by Marxist and German Communist Party members in the 1920s. Members of this research institute in Frankfurt, Germany fled to the US in the 1930s to avoid anti-Semitism and persecutions in Nazi Germany. They were given a building at Columbia University and linked to the Teachers College there. Thus their Critical Theory ideology was spread around the US. Curry School as another Teachers College and UVA as another platform? Take a look at the National Education Association website and think about it.

    Virginians for Good Government is on this explaining Critical Theory at their website http://www.libertasva.com

    1. grillswith Avatar

      Typo. Virginians for Good Government is at http://www.libertasva.org
      Apologies to them and readers here.

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