My Advice to Glenn Youngkin – WAKE UP!!

Image by cmfg804 from Pixabay

May I call you Glenn? Glenn, we are neighbors. We’re roughly the same age. If you object to me calling you Glenn I suggest you stop reading this article now. It’s only going to go downhill from here. Dude, you need to wake up! Belay that  You need to wake the hell up. And I use “hell” only because Jim Bacon won’t let me use the word I really want to use on his blog. I was watching the Washington Football Team play last night from my usual perch at Mookie’s BBQ in Great Falls. I saw endless commercials from your campaign. Ineffective would be the polite term. Sucks out loud is my term. Seriously, buddy … you think small business is good? That’s your point? Really? I happen to own a small business in Virginia. I don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Small business is good? Now what? And I’m on your side. I voted for McAuliffe when he ran against Cuccinelli because the Cooch was too radical even for me. I won’t be voting for the Macker this fall. I saw his efforts as governor. Never again. You’ve got my vote unless some kind of Northam blackface incident comes up. Now, let’s talk about how you get more votes than just mine.

Focus. C’mon  man, you are the former CEO of The Carlyle Group. You have an engineering degree from one of the best colleges in America (Rice) and an MBA from Harvard! I know you are smart. It’s time to start acting smart. I’ll give you the perfect issue to shove down the Macker’s throat — Virginia’s unlimited campaign contributions. It’s a disgrace. Virginia is one of only four states that allows anybody to contribute any amount of money to any state political campaign. Dominion pours money into the pockets of the very politicians who are supposed to regulate that monopoly. Dear Lord, Glenn — how is that possibly a good idea? Even honest Democrats like Chap Petersen (D-Fairfax) know this is ridiculous. Yet Terry McAuliffe spent four years as governor without lifting a finger on this issue. What’s he going to do now? Support campaign contribution caps while simultaneously explaining why he did nothing about the matter while governor? Or, better yet, he’ll try to defend unlimited campaign contributions … even from regulated monopolies like Dominion. I’m guessing here, Glenn but I estimate that if Virginia voters were fully aware of the special interest corruption going on in Richmond 85% would want it to end. This is your big chance, man.

But what about my Republican friends? Yeah, yeah I know. Plenty of Republicans take the payola too. Who cares? Legislators like Tommy Norment are long overdue for replacement. What is that quote? Politicians and diapers need to be changed regularly and for the same reasons. Something like that. Let’s get rid of the pocket lining Republicans too. How about this — you’ll work to “primary” out any Republican who opposes caps on on Virginia’s unlimited campaign contributions. People will start comparing you to Abraham Lincoln if you do that! Meanwhile, wave Dick Saslaw’s Dominion addiction around like a bloody shirt. Track the Dominion dough he funnels into the pockets of fellow Dems and bust a cap on their asses too (metaphorically speaking, of course).

An honest politician in Virginia is as rare as a sunburn at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. This is what you private equity folks call a “no regrets decision.” Let’s talk man to man. Do you really think it’s OK for Dominion to stuff the pockets of the legislators who are supposed to regulate that company? Of course not. It’s ridiculous. It’s idiotic. Time to play “pin the tail on the donkey” with the Macker.

One issue. Remember “Bob’s for Jobs”? or “End the Car Tax”? Guess what? Those guys won. Keep it simple. You’ll cap campaign contributions. “Glenn verses the con men”? OK, maybe not the best marketing slogan. Let’s go to Mookie’s, draw a delicious Virginia IPA and talk it over.

— DJ Rippert

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77 responses to “My Advice to Glenn Youngkin – WAKE UP!!”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Background music for this article… allow me, Glenn.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      No kidding. I’m ready to start calling Younkin Mr. Ambien. McAuliffe is just pasting Youngkin with ads that link Youngkin to Trump. Unfair, negative ads. But guess what? They work. Meanwhile, Youngkin is babbling about how much he likes small businesses. Or, how much he likes his numerous dogs. Jesus, Joseph and Mary as my Dad would have said.

      McAuliffe is slipperier than any eel in the ocean and Youngkin is doing dog commerciaals? Who’s advising him? The Captain and Tenille?

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        Love the metaphor. Hillary buddies.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I’d give it more edge by putting Dominion in the frame with McAuliffe and focus on the 2015 giveaway to stockholders that froze the excessive rates and gutted the SCC — to protect us from the imagined cost of climate regs! Wedge issue for enviros. 🙂

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        If the guy really was smart enough to be governor, you wouldn’t have to write this article, or question his monosyllabic “vote for me” ads.

        There’s no such thing as a manufacturing job. They are being replaced by automation.

        Even service jobs that you would expect to require special training are disappearing.

        Let me give you an example. My boat refrigerator is a component system. Compressor, coldplate, and hosing. Normally, you’d think it would require special knowledge to install it.

        Wrong. Everything comes pre-charged, even the hoses, with special snap together connections. A chimp could install it — speaking highly of myself here. Same thing with the boat’s heat pump.

        The day is coming when even the highly vaulted HVAC serviceman will be replaced by “plug & play” throwaway components.

        1. Matt Hurt Avatar
          Matt Hurt

          Since when was intelligence a prerequisite for any office?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sometime in the 1970s. By 1981 acting was the prerequisite.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          People died in Charlottesville because McAuliffe couldn’t keep two groups separated. The problems had been going on for at least a day. The state police were on the scene. They had guns and armored personnel carriers. To this day I wonder if McAuliffe let the riot happen to help his pals at the national level.

          Read the Hunton & Williams Report about the riot. Complete incompetence by theCity of Charlottesville and the Virginia State Police.

          We can’t afford another term of Terry and his Keystone Cops.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            naw… the blame goes on the Unite the Right guys…

            Are you seriously looking for issues where Youngkin can actually take Independent and Dem votes as opposed to just rehashing the same old same old Conservative blame game?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            No, it doesn’t. When the crime rate rises it’s the police who need to apprehend the criminals and keep the peace. Trouble had been viewing in Charlottesville since May of 2017. There were well publicized troubles on August 11, a day ahead of the real riots. McAuliffe did nothing.

            Read the report.

            We don’t need another Charlottesville. There are about 3,000 people in the Virginia State Police. If they can’t keep two groups separated what’s the point?

            As far as your loony blame game comment – why shouldn’t McAuliffe be required to defend his record as governor?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well he should for legitimate issues. Charlottesville was not repeated in Richmond or other venues…right?

            If Youngkin would come out as a campaign issue and blame McAuliffe, non-GOP folks would not know what he was talking about… all they really remember is a bunch of white supremacy guys coming to town and raising hell.

            I still say this.

            Youngkin has to present an optimistic view of the future – how he wants to take Virginia.

            The blame-game is looking back on a partisan basis.. it’s bad strategy IMHO.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            McAuliffe needs to defend his record as governor if he wants to be governor again.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Q’ing BR there, buddy? Don’t worry, when AZ finds panda pooh on the ballots. People died, well one of them anyway, because a “tourrorist” (that’s the official Right description of a patriot) took a lesson from Al Qaeda and rammed an automobile into a crowd.

          6. DJRippert Avatar

            Read the independent report about what happened in Charlotesville. McAuliffe had plenty of notice. He had militarized state police on the scene. He failed to keep the peace.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            old news…

        3. DJRippert Avatar

          If you compare Youngkin’s IQ to McAuliffe’s the Macker would lose badly. Youngkin is a very smart guy. He’s just not running a very good campaign.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            a smart guy that does not know how to run a campaign – who wants to run Virginia? oh geeze.

            tsk tsk …

            Youngkin wins if McAllife blows up, otherwise…

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Once again, McAuliffe’s ads are worse. I am disappointed in Younkin’s campaign to date but McAuliffe’s campaign is horrible.

            The latest polls I saw (quoted by Chris Saxman) had the election too close to call.

  2. UltraModerate Avatar

    The establishment RINOs were unbelievably stupid to foist this weak twerp on us. Most of the people I know are writing in Amanda Chase. She’s the one we wanted anyway, and by this point it should be obvious that she’s the only one who has the spine to stand up to the Democrats.

    #WriteInToWin #Chase2021 The movement is getting stronger every day. Band together with us or perish.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yes! I’m writing in Amanda too. Let’s all do that! She’s the one Trump really wanted. We must give him a solid base for 2024!

      1. Writing in Amanda Chase’s name will only further divide the Party and spell sure defeat for the GOP.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Wow. I didn’t think about that.

          1. UltraModerate Avatar

            That’s why we need EVERY true conservative to band together behind Chase! She was the one we wanted, and she’s the only one who’s going to unite the party. Youngkin can’t do it. We know this.

          2. Sarcasm will get you everywhere…

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, but not anytime.

            People refusing the vaccine for fear that it will alter their genetic makeup should welcome the opportunity won’t cut it in Florida.

        2. UltraModerate Avatar

          Voting for Glenn Youngkin will only further divide the Party and spell sure defeat for the GOP. The voters didn’t nominate Youngkin; the Richmond elites did. Chase was the one voters wanted. Chase unites, Youngkin divides.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wow! If you believe these guys Youngkin is toast and not from Dem votes!

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      uh oh…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Oh boy! Bacon gonna be a happy man… mo’ clicks, mo’ clicks, mo’ clicks…

        But, he’s gonna hafta buy a moderator.

    3. A write-in spells sure defeat for the GOP.

      1. UltraModerate Avatar

        Denying us voters a primary to pick our own candidate spells sure defeat for the GOP. Chase is the only one who can save us now.

    4. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar


      1. UltraModerate Avatar

        You don’t even know what gaslighting is.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Youngkin is keeping his powder dry and I think internal discussions about whether he should “come out” about Trump and get involved in the culture war issues.

    He’s got plenty of time to ramp it up and he needs to time his “peak”.

    McAuliffe OTOH has to bring more to the table than “Youngkin likes Trump”.

    Big question – what will it take to win votes in NoVa?

    CRT ? the Asian TJ controversy? Vaccine and mask mandates? corrupt campaign finance?

    What issues grab NoVa (and suburban Va) voters and make them push the GOP button?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      If Youngkin is trying to keep his “powder dry” he shouldn’t be airing TV commercials. It’s less than six weeks away from early voting. Not sure what good the powder will do him if he doesn’t fire.

  4. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    I hope he reads this. He is getting bad advice. Instead of spending a boatload of bucks saying nothing, be like Reagan focus on issues, speak clearly and let the chips fall where they may.

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      Me too!

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I don’t think he knows them. Where is his platform, his plan? He has said nothing.

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        Like many of today’s pols, he is an empty suit. We’ll have to choose between the evil of two lessers in November.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Better the devil you know then.

  5. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Great advice. Dems are ramping it up a notch because campaign funding was down.

  6. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    McAuliffe destroyed education. Lame state superintendent of public instruction from York and lame bestie of Hillary Sec of Ed. Young kin can do better. Needs to point to things that matter!

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’m watching his ADs and one does sorta wonder who his intended audience is? Who is he appealing to? It ain’t people like DJ and DJ already to vote for him so maybe he DOES KNOW what he is doing… no need to appeal to folks like DJ! 😉

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The closest he came to appealing to me was the ad where he said he’d reduce regulations. It would have been a lot more appealing if he said what regulations.

      “End the car tax” was a brilliant campaign slogan.

      Youngkin needs something like that.

      1. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

        When has a pol ever said anything other than glittering generalities?

  8. ghostofteddalton Avatar

    Good post.

    There have been some poor campaigns in modern Virginia (Bill Dolan, John Chichester, Gillespie, E.J. Jackson, Mary Sue Terry for Governor), and Youngkin seems like he’s going to join them. It’s getting too late to change the game. The old “it all starts on Labor Day” adage is dead and gone. Campaigns are now 24/7 from the nomination to Election Day. Each day matters. Even in late July.
    McAuliffe isn’t as weak as some like to portray him (he is charismatic, he did lead the D’s out of the wilderness in 2013, etc.). But he’s got plenty of vulnerabilities. Plus, Biden is now under 50% approval in poll aggregators…so there’s a decent environment for an R to run in…
    But the GOP has only itself to blame for setting up such an assinine nominating process that it basically allowed someone to buy its gubernatorial nomination.
    And make no mistake (ask Steve Haner), part of Youngkin’s “appeal” to the GOP pre-nomination was his money and his willingness to spend it. The state party was broke. There really is no big $ source for the GOP. So…along comes a guy willing to drop 50-75 mil on the 2021 election and he looks like the best house on a really decrepit block.
    Right now, there look to be 2 debates set for this Fall instead of 5. I’m not going to be surprised if Youngkin only ends up participating in one. This seems like a campaign going nowhere.
    If we had the election today: I’d say McAuliffe 55 Youngkin 43 Blanding 2. He’s basically going to get Republicans and almost no one else.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I know Terry McAuliffe. I have been in substantial non-political discussions with him. He is charismatic. In his last campaign he focused on jobs and economic development while Cuccinelli focused on rather extreme social issues. However, McAuliffe didn’t deliver … anything. He botched the Virginia State Police effort at the Charlottesville riots, he let Dominion get away with anything they wanted. His crowning achievement was signing his name thousands of time so that convicted felons who served their time can vote. Beyond that, he absolutely bilked the GreenTech investors and the taxpayers of Mississippi along with his partner Hugh Rodham (Hillary’s brother).

      His record as governor was horrible.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar
        LarrytheG you gonna win Independent and Dem votes with right-wing talking points?

        Ya’ll wanna lose, right?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          When a person has a long history of shady dealings – Global Crossing, the Lincoln bedroom, GreenTech – it is completely fair to call him out on those shady dealings.

          Now, reread the article. Youngkin’s opening is the unlimited campaign donations. An overwhelming majority of all voters know that the Imperial Clown Show in Richmond has no business taking money from Dominion and then claiming they regulate that monopoly. All Youngkin has to do is come out and say that.

          McAuliffe made his living with shady deals like the Dominion money. Dishonesty and corruption are perfectly reasonable campaign issues whther you like it or not.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I agree and don’t rule out those issues being used later closer to Nov but I think they’ll sound desperate and Youngkin has to win on his ideas for Virginia.

      2. ghostofteddalton Avatar

        I won’t be voting for McAuliffe.

        But Youngkin doesn’t pass what I would call The Bacon’s Rebellion test.

        Someone running for Governor should be able to have at least as much knowledge as an average reader of this blog has about state affairs. You should be able to have some knowledge about higher ed, utility regulation, the law around the Governor’s emergency powers, some of what’s going on at the Department of Education beyond right wing talking points.

        Youngkin? I haven’t seen anything that indicates that to me…yet. Maybe the debates will change my mind, but if every answer turns into “more jobs” “cut taxes” with a dash of critical race theory and anti-masking….well, that doesn’t indicate you could pass the Bacon’s Rebellion test. And I really don’t think Youngkin will pass that test. Maybe he will surprise me.

  9. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Last time, I probably voted for TMac too.
    TMac was opposed to taxes on Hybrid cars, and he stopped it his first day.

    Now we have the extra taxes back on all high MPG cars and Hybrids, and I do not think he will stop it. Add that to my energy policy Steve

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Happy Reinstatement Day, y’all.

  11. SudleySpr Avatar

    If Glenn Younkin does not run one negative ad, that will prove to me he is NOT the typical politician.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      But, that still doesn’t make him a good one. In fact, it only proves that he didn’t read the instructions.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        No one on Youngkins team ever thinks in such terms and would advocate at some point if push comes to shove?

        Oh my.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Trust me – McAuliffe’s ads are worse. Nothing but negative ads trying to link Youngkin to Trump. No content. No policy. Just divisive politics. In other words, typical work from a Clinton devotee.

      2. SudleySpr Avatar

        Hi NN, Did you catch any of the Cyber Symposium? There is plenty there to review on Telegram and other places. 3 Nov is not going away.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Nov 3 is not going your way, either — ever.

          1. SudleySpr Avatar

            NN, I will translate your cute reply as “No, I saw nothing, sought nothing and will never learn.”

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’ll take Ben Crenshaw’s word for it.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      He’s not a typical politician. He doesn’t need negative ads. But he does need to say something sensible.

  12. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Youngkins commercials are so lame. Shooting hoops. Walking 6 dogs at one time. Nice guys always finish last. 5 weeks until early voting.

    1. Yep. And, no doubt, Terry’s acolytes already have padded the voter rolls. With no photo ID, no signature matching requirements on absentee ballot return envelopes, and a Friday deadline for mail-in ballots (when the Dems will know how many more votes they’ll need to secure victory), what could possibly go wrong?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “no signature matching requirements on absentee ballot return envelopes”

        Really? Think you best check that again.

        What changed was there is no need for a worthless witness signature. Your signature on the envelope is still matched to your registration by 3 separate election officers.

        There’s a law in Virginia governing absentee voting just for you called “Absentee Ballots for Uninformed and Overseas Voters”. Oh wait, no, it says UNIFORMED Never mind.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Youngkin’s lameness could provoke a large number of write in’s for Amanda Chase.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          which if what cwtrau is saying is true, could be even more GOP votes?

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      geeze, Conservative support of Youngkin in BR is tepid!

      Polls do show him running neck n neck with McAulfee, I think the Ads are going to get tougher.

  13. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    What percentage of voters change their vote based on campaign ads?

    Liberalism is now a secular religion with its adherents OK with any form of annihilation of apostates. None of them are going to risk the possible loss of their communion and the shame, punishment, and social isolation which would follow if they broke ranks.

    If anyone does break ranks, it will be Republicans like those who, while stating they like most of the policies and successes of his administration, idiotically voted for a Democrat administration because they didn’t like Trump personally.

    In other words do you really think a campaign of which you would approve (not that your ideas are not good ones) would increase Youngkin’s likelihood of success?

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So, a quick question, DJ. Youngkin made himself attractive as a candidate by saying, if necessary, he’d self-finance. Has he? Is he spending his own bucks?

    He’s said that Trump inspired him. What about Trump inspired him? Enriching himself?

    Now Trump is being investigated, sued for campaign finance and spending irregularities. Having to return money he charged donors with nefarious techniques. And Youngkin goes to sleep. Lost the stomach for it, maybe?

    Here’s why he’s gone to sleep. He loaned his campaign $12M. He wants to make sure the campaign can pay it back before election day. He pivoted to coddling the Trump crowd because they donate.

    You can bet your sweet bippy that when election day occurs, his campaign will have enough to repay him, even if he has to stop spending in September.

  15. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

    The only reason Youngkin likes small business, is so Carlyle and its ilk can use the force of government to require a discounted sale. A bit a regulation here, some estate tax there… bam! We got ourselves a value investment

  16. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

    Wait! I thought the purpose of running for office in Virginia was funneling that sweet campaign cash into your personal pockets?

    Doesn’t really matter if you win or lose

  17. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Do the math… Youngkin loaned his campaign $12M. Terry out raised him 2:1 in the next month ($7M to $3+M). If Glenn tries to spend 1:1 with Terry, that’ll be $3 or $4M the campaign won’t have to repay the loan. Nighty night, Glenn.

  18. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    After reading these comments, I am even gladder that I don’t watch network TV and have to sit through the campaign ads.

  19. George Walton Avatar
    George Walton

    Any conservative who thought Cuccinelli was “too ratical” had been watching too much MSNBC at Mookie’s BBQ

  20. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
    Charlie Potatoe

    Really bad advice! Younkin needs to focus on cutting issues that directly impact peoples daily lives and elicit strong reactions -Crime, Taxes, Jobs, Education(the lowering of standards, mandatory Vacs & masks), not on an issue, whatever its merits, is peripheral to peoples lives and does not move them to vote.

  21. .
    To all the pundits, Internet Intelligentsia, and wiseguys who advised this virtually uncoachable Glenn Youngkin bumpkin on how to run his campaign and win the election — the old boy did fine.

    The thing in greatest oversupply in politics today is BAD ADVICE.

    I guess a guy with an engineering degree from Rice and an MBA from some cook book business school (Harvard), who rises to run some weak kneed mortgage company (or is Carlyle a car warranty outfit?) is teachable.

    Glad he didn’t follow any of y’all’s advice or we would have had that other fella — the carpet bagger from who knows where?

    Have a great day and stop mixing your meds with your bourbon.

    Sometimes you just have to accept victory and say, “Well played. Nice volley at net.” and move on.


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