Kendi Blames Capitalism, Prescribes Discrimination

By Steve Haner

The book was one the local librarian chose to display on the new acquisitions shelf, my curiosity was high, and by all accounts some  leaders in Virginia’s educational establishment are taken with and listening to the author. So I read Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to Be an Antiracist.”

I will largely let the author, who graduated from Stonewall Jackson High School in Manassas, speak for himself below. It was possible the critics were exaggerating. His own words below indicate otherwise.

I recommend the book to anybody really interested in this ongoing debate. Is this being directly taught to K-12 school children?  I doubt it, but maybe. Is it being taught to the next generation of teachers and is it at the heart of much of current in-service teacher training? Apparently.

It and others with a similar message are clearly informing public “equity” policy from Washington, D.C. down to the county level. The central premise, often quoted elsewhere, is worth noting again:

If discrimination is creating equity, then it is anti-racist…The only remedy to racist discrimination is anti-racist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”  (p. 19)

Every unequal outcome – economic, educational, social — that can be measured must be the product of racism, he argues. Only when the outcomes are equal (equity) is the racism gone. With that assumption, then of course systemic racism remains pervasive. The assumption is key.

He recognizes and discusses arguments against the assumption but accepts none of them. He complains about black Americans who believe issues other than racism share the blame (but notes those numbers dropped with the recent police excessive force examples)

But of greater concern, to me at least, is the persistent theme that the whole notion of a color-blind society offering equal opportunity but no guarantees is not only unattainable (and we surely have not fully attained it, I agree), but not what we should even be striving for.

…the color-blind individual, by ostensibly failing to see race, fails to see racism and falls into racial passivity. The language of color-blindness—like the language of the “not racist”—is a mask to hide racism.  (p. 10)

This particular book is at least half autobiography, and a very revealing one.  Kendi in many ways had a comfortable upbringing, with parents who were both college graduates with professions. Most of it was spent in New York City, ending up in Northern Virginia just for the end of high school (that was a culture shock, which he describes.)  He went on to Florida A&M and then Temple University.

The parents were also activists, with their Christian philosophical roots (and thus his) in the liberation theology of James Cone, who taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Cone once told Kendi’s father, the book reports, “a Christian is one who is striving for liberation.” 

Like many who later end up with stellar academic credentials, young Kendi first struggled in school, “perhaps even caused by the additional struggles that racism added to my school life, from a history of disinterested, racist teachers, to overcrowded schools, to the daily racist attacks that fell on Black boys and girls.” (p.93)

The use of standardized tests to measure aptitude and intelligence is one of the most effective racist policies every devised to degrade Black minds and legally exclude Black bodies…The acceptance of an academic-achievement gap is just the latest method of reinforcing the oldest racist idea: Black intellectual inferiority.  (p. 101)

He is correct with his criticism of historical school funding disparities, which still demand attention. Kendi’s condemnation of racism as practiced in America, from its founding to the present day, is pointed.

What is debatable is his central premise (shared with the New York Times’ 1619 Project) that racism-based exploitation was the central driving impetus of Western Civilization for half a millennium, and of the United States in particular. A key foundation of his argument is claiming racism really only began in earnest when Africans became the slaves of Europeans. I think that is the other book, “Stamped From the Beginning.”

Earlier in life he was convinced white Americans were not just evil, but were from another planet, telling a college friend):

…This explains slavery and colonization. This explains why the Bush family is so evil.  This explains why Whites don’t give a damn. This explains why they hate us so damn much. They are aliens. (p. 134)

The notion apparently didn’t last long after his friend talked him down, but the distrust that outburst displayed seems to remain in full force. He even distrusted the motives of the many white allies pushing the civil right legislation in the 1960s, dismissing it as a public relations effort to stem international embarrassment.   

Racist power started civil-rights legislation out of self-interest… Racist power stopped (advancing legislation) out of self-interest when enough African and Asian and Latin nations were inside the American sphere of influence, and a re-branded Jim Crow no longer adversely affected American foreign policy.  (p. 207)

Former President Donald Trump’s complaints about a stolen election, even Hilary Clinton’s about 2016, are no more forceful or evidence-challenged than Kendi’s accusations about 2000 and 2004. “As Bush’s team transitioned that winter, I transitioned into hating White people.” (p. 125)   He later disavows that, too, and the best aspects of his book involve a general understanding that viewing and judging anybody based on race is wrong.

Finally he settles on the economic explanation for slavery, and for the racist arguments made to justify its continuing in the Age of Enlightenment and political reform. The motivations have always been economic gain. “The source of racist ideas was not ignorance and hate, but self-interest.” (p. 230)

As previously explained (and the liberation theology upbringing was a hint), his analysis becomes Marxist and his solutions anti-capitalist. This really doesn’t emerge until about page 150. By page 159, racism and capitalism are “conjoined twins.”

Antiracist policies cannot eliminate class racism without anti-capitalist policies. Anticapitalism cannot eliminate class racism without antiracism. (p. 159)

What capitalism introduced into the mix was global theft, racially uneven playing fields, unidirectional wealth that rushes upward in unprecedented amounts. Since the dawn of racial capitalism, when were markets level playing fields? When could working people compete equally with capitalists? (p. 162)

To love capitalism is to end up loving racism.  To love racism is to end up loving capitalism. The conjoined twins are two sides of the same destructive body…capitalism is essentially racist; racism is essentially capitalist. (p. 163)

The quotations above were recorded by hand, and if there are transcription errors, they were unintentional. No meaning would change if you read them in context. The book is back with the library. I have not chosen to buy one. No one should be buying what he’s selling without reading him in full.

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47 responses to “Kendi Blames Capitalism, Prescribes Discrimination”

  1. Thanks for the book review, Steve. Your description tracks pretty closely with how conservative media have portrayed Kendi’s thinking. His words are not being distorted.

  2. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    “I recommend the book to anybody really interested in this ongoing debate. Is this being directly taught to K-12 school children? I doubt it, but maybe.”

    Implying stuff with no basis. You should have done some research before spitting out this comment.

    ” Is it being taught to the next generation of teachers and is it at the heart of much of current in-service teacher training? Apparently.”

    Nothing apparent about it to me. Why do you say it is apparent?

    “It and others with a similar message are clearly informing public “equity” policy from Washington, D.C. down to the county level. ”

    Clearly? Really? How do you know? It certainly is not in King George

    1. dick dyas Avatar
      dick dyas

      Is that your reply? Don’t you want to condemn ( or embrace) the thesis? Just questioning whether it is being taught is not much an argument. Save your breath.

      1. John Martin Avatar
        John Martin

        it is not being taught

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I didn’t link to all the Sherlock and Bader stories about how pervasive this is from before, but did provide a couple of the links which you ignored. Then there was “Anonymous” yesterday. I started reading thinking they might have been off base about Kendi. Nope….Anonymous got me off my lethargy to write today.

      Within the past ten minutes was getting an ice cream nearby and the rack by the door had a magazine with a story about “raising anti-racist children.” Well, this guy has set the definition of that and needs to be understood. If you agree with him, that’s your right. But to him, they would also have to be anti-capitalist children. I tried to raise anti-racists myself, think I did, but not by his definition, I guess.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “I didn’t link to all the Sherlock and Bader stories about how pervasive this is from before…”

        For good reason. Those guys mistook CRT, and so, were wrong.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          It’s always fun when liberals get caught doing something stupid. They thought Kendi could be the prophet of the racist pap liberals have been pushing for years. And, unlike the liberals, Kendi is no dummy. He’s only too happy to line his capitalist-hating pockets with money from the Fortune 100 companies and government bureaucracies he sees as being the foundation of racism.

          But then a funny thing happened …

          Non libtwits actually read his book.


          Now, Kendi doesn’t count, CRT is a Republican conspiracy theory, or a graduate level legal theory, schools are hiring Kendi and buying thousands of copies of his racist book …

          But, but, but ….

          This is just a big misunderstanding! CRT isn’t really Kendi.

          I call this “The Northam Plan” – when liberals get caught doing something fundamentally disgusting and stupid they counter with a litany of lies.

          It wasn’t me in that picture.
          I don’t know how that picture got on my yearbook page.
          I don’t know who the person in klan robes is.
          I con’t know why they called me Coonman.

          And the latest lie …

          Conservatives have just misunderstood CRT.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What kinda coffee you drinking?

          2. John Martin Avatar
            John Martin

            “schools are hiring Kendi and buying thousands of copies of his racist book …” Yeah, sure

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Meh. But where is capitalism? Not here. Not since the 1930s.

    FWIW, literally…

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I accept many of Kendi’s basic premises. Racism has been pervasive in our society. It still exists. For evidence, two examples:

    1. A couple of days ago, the police were called when a neighbor saw three black men in a nearby house that was for sale. The men happened to be a Realtor who was showing the house to a man and his son. The cops rolled up to the house, with guns drawn, and put all three in handcuffs out on the lawn. I don’t blame the cops on this one. They were acting on what had been called in and apologized once they realized the mistake. But that is still the pervasive attitude among many: black men are not to be trusted.

    2. Years ago during the crack epidemic, when blacks were most likely to be using crack cocaine and whites seemed to favor powder cocaine, the penalties for the use of crack cocaine were much harsher and the answer for the problem was, in Nancy Reagan’s words: Just say no. Fast forward to the meth and opioid outbreaks of recent years with white folks being heavily involved and the response is: Addition is a disease and those inflicted should be provided treatment and not incarcerated. Put yourself in the shoes of a black crack addict who spent years in prison and see if you don’t detect a little hypocrisy and racism.

    I understand the argument that nondiscrimination does not go far enough, at least not yet. A guy whose grandparents and parents were not able to get good-paying jobs because they were black and thus were not able to buy nice houses in which they built up equity and otherwise build wealth is going to be starting behind a white individual whose parents and, perhaps, grandparents, were able to build up wealth to pass along to him. It is fine and dandy to say no discrimination when you start out ahead. That is where the concept of equity comes in. It is a legal term that does not mean equality, but embraces notions of fairness.

    Just because I agree with some of Kendi’s premises and arguments does not mean that I agree with his solutions. I think we can, and should strive to, attain a truly color-blind society. But we are not there yet.

    As for his antiracism and anticapitalist argument, I would disagree that there is an inherent connection between capitalism and racism. That might be true to the extent that colonialism was capitalist, but it was not always the case.

    One contribution Kendi has made is to bring these ideas to a very public table for discussion and debate.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Books like this have been written before. They lay out a point of view and a perspective that often is at odds with others, even entire groups of people.

    It goes off the rails when people say it has become a bible or movement and it smacks of McCarthyism in that regard.

    So if a teacher reads the book like Steve did – some will accuse that teacher of becoming a “believer”.

    It’s okay for Steve to read it of course, we know his mind won’t be affected by it but gawd knows a teacher better not read it – indicates a potential recruit to CRT! what foolishness!

    That’s exactly what this anti-CRT stuff is really about.

    Like… “well, maybe not taught to K-12… maybe…but surely “taught” to folks in college…and teachers”, yes.. like they read Mein Kampf or Quotations from Mao Tse Tung.

    I think Steve actually knows this – the tenor of his review is nothing like Sherlocks and others who are beating the conspiracy drums like there is no tomorrow.

    And yes, even school systems themselves may well offer or suggest “reading” so teachers themselves will know what the concept is and that some in society do think that way.

    But again – the idea that there is a secret cabal trying to embed this in public education is laughable but also scary for the number of folks who believe it.

    Public schools KNOW there is a problem with economically disadvantaged kids but even beyond that when higher level curriculum classes have dramatically different percentages of qualified students according to race – are we to accept that it’s actually a reflection of race , that black folks are really inferior academically and any thought that there may be systemic forces in play rather than inferior culture is verboten?

    Kensi wrote a book just like Hitler and Marx and a load of other authors that are in the public realm, available at the libraries and suggested reading in colleges and other institutions including Corporations and NGOs.

    It’s not a conspiracy. It’s a book that has caught the attention of the public, and whether any of it has merit or truth is up to readers of it to decide.

    But when we cross the Rubicon and say it’s the bible of a conspiracy, folks have gone off their flipping rockers IMHO of course.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      You compared this to Mein Kampf or Das Kaptial, I didn’t. The book is clearly being celebrated, emulated, and the author being paid to promote it in educational training settings. It does not reflect what I think the schools should be focusing on. Here I stand.

      Yes, history as taught in the old textbooks was a pure whitewash, with that being the correct word. But correcting the history does not require a move to the opposite extreme. The race-obsessed place we now find ourselves is not healthy. Unless an very unhealthy outcome is your goal. Frankly, I’m not sure Kendi understands the forces he is unleashing.

      Fine with the idea being out there. Now you put up with us pushing back and tearing into it. I’m not going to let the Democrats try to take advantage of this without being called out and answered.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I did compare it – on the same basis these other books get written and read.

        People who read them are not getting “trained”, they’re doing the same thing you did – to find out to see what he thinks and to fold that in to what else they have learned and understood – and not necessarily believed – to date.

        The public schools focus on equity has been ongoing for awhile as it has become clear that there are significant disparities between how far advanced some kids attain and others not.

        It’s hard to look at an advanced public school curriculum (or many college enrollments) and see that only 2% or other tiny percent of a given demographic achieves it without wondering how that happened, unless one just want to attribute it to a cultural inferiority.

        Is there a middle between systemic/structural issues and outright racism? People like Kendi have a view. It’s not the only one and the idea that Teachers – college educated teachers can be brain-washed if they are exposed to his book or worse – they become secret members of a cabal that will infest the school systems?

        Yeah, I know some think that way. I don’t think you do (nor your wife) – your view seems much more tempered and reasonable, though you still lean that way a bit as a loyal conservative.

        but it’s bogus to the bone – it’s modern day McCarthyism in my view.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      If Loudoun or Fairfax County Public Schools paid the leader of the American Nazi Party to train their teachers your head would explode. If Arlington County Public Schools shook down Amazon to send 600 copies of Mein Kampf for use in their schools you would melt into pancake butter.

      There are lots of bad books (The Bell Curve?). The difference is that those bad books do not become bibles to teachers.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Kendi’s assessment of the unattainable color blind society is a direct repudiation of MLK’s work. Has it really gone that far? Apparently so. Steve under estimates the de facto presence of CRT lessons even in little ole Fauquier County. CRT has much deeper roots than anticipated.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      King isn’t the only one, but the argument among black Americans over assimilation versus distinctiveness goes back to Douglass. Nor is unique to them as other cultures struggled with it. Kendi also makes a case (worth considering) that there are parts of MLK messaging that we tend to conveniently forget. I do recommend the book.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        We have never had a color-blind society and do not so now – so why is it wrong to admit that ? What MLK wanted is subject to interpretation as Steve points out and I do wonder if what blacks think today in the era of Gerorge Floyd and Unite the Right.

        A lot of our problems IMHO stem from the current practice of picking and choosing what one wants to believe and ignoring the other they do not so as to come up with a perspective that is different than what was actually said and intended.

        We “paint” issues the way we want to see them sometimes rather than how they actually are.

        I note once more that Steve’s view of the book seems different than JAB and Shelocks and other writers here.

        THe CRT thing is about votes. It’s the new “Southern Strategy”.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner


          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I agree. But what we get in BR is largely one-sided hyperbole on steroids…hard to keep up with it….sometimes with JAB, Sherlock, Bader and others blathering their tubas nonstop!

            Out in the public realm away from BR, it’s crystal clear CRT is a political strategy and it much reminds of similar ones the GOP engaged in rather than deal forthrightly with issues ….

            How the Gang MS-13 Became a Trumpian Campaign Issue in Virginia


            It’s the same old same old and I’m betting most folks are not more going to be fooled by the CRT thing than the MS-13 thing… but that’s what the GOP does.

            The Dems, bless their hearts, at least most of them are smart enough to NOT run on “Defund the Police” or other idiocy.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Nobody stops you from reading Blue Virginia to balance us out. 🙂 There you found plenty of “defund the police” until the polls came back.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I won’t read Blue Virginia typically but I will say they are not near as far left as BR is far right IMHO of course.

            Steve is old school Conservative – as much fiscal conservative as other and way more socially moderate that some of those running amok on BR! I even hear you wince at times!

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I read it at school. Very popular with a number of teachers so I took a look. The last three years of King’s life you can see Kendi like thinking. I talked to a few parents over the weekend. They can’t wait to send their kids back to school. The in thing now is for teenies to call out privelige and so on. Mom and Dad are at their wits end.

  7. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    Since the Democrats and Liberals became bankrupt of any constructive diagnoses or solutions for 21st Century problems and issues, they have worked to create a new catechism based on the oldest demagogic tactic in the world — distract from your true failings or purpose by convincing the masses of an enemy, real or imagined, from which they will presumably save them.

    Kendi, increasingly in demand, is the Democrat’s and Liberal’s George Wallace preaching virulent racism. Since his fees have grown for $5000 to $30,000 or more and often include a requirement to purchase large quantities of his books, racist capitalism seems to be working well for him.

    That he is wrong about virtually everything is of course irrelevant and, as the flat-earth society or holocaust deniers and their ilk prove, not much of an impediment to proselytizing large groups.

    As mankind has seen throughout history — perhaps most famously with Galileo who was spared to only house arrest for the rest of his life for views contrary to that day’s prevailing religion — if the facts don’t fit, suppress the facts and punish those who would argue them. What is essential is supporting or confirming the catechism. And this Kendi does.

    Liberals and Democrats have warmed over Marx to seize on whites and “Western Society” as the new enemy around which to unite the masses and extract votes. Thus, their current “catechism”, now loosely known as CRT, insists on an evil country and racist society. Their problem is that the societal structure underpinning Marx’s theories no longer exists; the US is among the least racist countries in the world, if it is not the least racist; and, before Obama, the US was, inconveniently, on a course of ever-increasing racial equity throughout its society.

    So, Liberals and Democrats need CRT and Kendi and will trumpet his destructive and misguided notions in direct correlation with the intensity of their partisanship. Expect our Universities’ Liberal lemmings to scramble to endorse or outdo him in the coming years and watch this play out in BR’s microcosm here.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’d be curious to know how Gillespie feels about MLK and other issues that had “liberals” involved – perhaps Massive Resistance in Virginia that was implemented by Conservatives and overturned by Liberals working on behalf of those who were being denied an education.

      I remember no Conservatives leading the charge.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sure they led the charge… on the Capitol Police.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And January 6th was going fix this, Right?

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    In 25 words or less, what then is the relationship between Kendi’s anti-racism and CRT? Nothing. There is none.

    This is just an idea on racism. No different than the pontifications penned by William F. Buckley, except possibly an easier read and more Baldwinish.

    Well, at least you didn’t mischaracterize, the way Hans did, some of the passages out of “Stamped”, but nevertheless, the Conservative position always comes to “Why can’t you Black people just be more White?” The colorblind, refectling all colors equally, is still just white.

    Nonetheless, I remain convinced that the issues and problems of racism will be resolved, equitably, long, long, long before those of sexism, for there, there are real biological differences. I am certain that if you donned a hardhat, squeezed into the smallest, deepest passages of the caves in southern France, and studied the glyphs, you would come to realization that, translated to modern languages, they all say, “Take my wife. Please.”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I agree, CRT per se is a legal doctrine growing out of law schools. He calls this antiracism, an attractive label that masks some very big differences from what most of us would think that means. Dems can say with a straight face that CRT is not being taught (Larry), but this version of antiracism is. And when the Biden administration starts parceling out COVID aid on the basis of race, or Northam does so with vaccines, it is being put into practice.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Reading the book is not teaching it though. And having a college course on it is no different than a college course on Marxism or Stalin

        The vaccine thing – this is the problem.

        If you have a segment of the population that is less vaccinated – it is what, Racist to target that population if it is black? What is it if that population is rural whites – also racist?

        This is how silly and pernicious this is. Once this kind of talk gets into the discussion, where do you go from there?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It’s the Woke Olympic Men’s Basketball Team’s and the Women’s Soccer Team’s fault Let’s all cheer America’s losses! Oh, and January 6 never happened.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Teaching is more than presenting solved problems and solutions found; it involves presenting unsolved problems, failed attempts, and untried ideas as well. It is this last part these old white men have forgotten.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Half glass perspectives. We’re half full and still have work to do.

            No, we’re half empty and headed for hell.

          2. Or the glass is oversized for the amount of liquid it needs to hold…

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Over engineering.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        So, technically, all that “No CRT in our schools” articles by Sausage and Sherwin, et al, were clearly ignorant rantings by people who didn’t understand that the two were different things, then?

        Well, when are they going to start? Because, quite frankly, Blacks WILL take the vaccines at least…

        “And the August 9th, 6 AM, Darwin Award goes to… Dick Farrel. C’mon down.”

        18 hours ago — Dick Farrel, a former right-wing radio host in Florida and anchor on Newsmax TV, died Wednesday of complications from Covid-19, …

    1. Read the caveats at the bottom of that graph and you will know that its “Enough to Give..” numbers are complete horsesh!t.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        So… ignore that column.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        But if a 50-50 partnership includes a black partner, or there is one in a three-way deal, not counted. If 15-20-30 percent of common stock in a public company is black owned, not counted. Just too complicated. And games get played to qualify as minority owned, too. But yes, Kendi would point to that.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Three words: Alaskan Native Owned. Ask Capt Sherlock how that group reaped the 8(a) contracts.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy. According to Dan Patrick “lots of grandparents” are willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause.

    But 600,000?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Always a sign your brains are exhausted and you resort to cliche’s ….

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      That’s some mixed up thinking. The geezers POWER the economy with healthcare.

      Ask Steve! 😉 (and I can attest also!)

      Healthcare is 18% of the economy!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        When they tally in the cost of 7-800,000 20-day stays on a ventilator, followed by a shiny new $10K casket, it’ll be 80% of the economy.

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    Great the see the Liberal Lululemon League out in force on this.

    “Is this being taught to K-12 school children?”

    “Oh no snivel the liberals. It’s not affecting the schools.” No lesser of a truth-teller than Terry McAuliffe claimed this is all a conservative conspiracy theory.

    Meanwhile, Loudoun County and Fairfax County school boards have paid for Kendi and/or his material to be taught to the teachers.

    “It’s just a graduate level legal theory”, sniff the leftists.

    Of course, there is no explanation why taxpayer money is used to teach graduate level legal theories to middle school teachers.

    Meanwhile, the director of diversity and inclusion at Arlington County Schools shook down Amazon into sending 500-800 free copies of Kendi’s book to the school system.

    Amazing how fascinated teachers have suddenly become in graduate level legal theory.

    Now the Lululemon League wants us to believe that a racist, Marxist author is neither racist nor Marxist. These same members of the Lululemon League would be eating garbage from dumpsters in real Marxist countries like Cuba or Venezuela.

    But here in America the Lululemons are protected from their own stupidity.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    This stuff is not new. At least some of the commenters and blog writers here in BR surely remember:

    ” The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of activists in the Western world who campaigned for a broad range of social issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, abortion-rights, gender roles and drug policy reforms.[1] Some see the New Left as an oppositional reaction to earlier Marxist and labor union movements for social justice that focused on dialectical materialism and social class, while others who used the term see the movement as a continuation and revitalization of traditional leftist goals.[2][3][4]

    Some who self-identified as “New Left”[5] rejected involvement with the labor movement and Marxism’s historical theory of class struggle,[6] although others gravitated to their own takes on established forms of Marxism and Marxism-Leninism, such as the New Communist movement (which drew from Maoism) in the United States or the K-Gruppen[7] in the German-speaking world. In the United States, the movement was associated with the anti-war college-campus protest movements, including the Free Speech Movement.”

    My bet is that some of the current Alumni of Universities were these guys!,ret_img/×788.jpg

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