Imaginary Protection Against Imaginary Threats

Jason Miyares, Attorney General of Virginia

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

Attorney General Jason Miyares has taken another step to politicize his office and the enforcement of election laws. As reported by the Virginia Mercury, Miyares has announced the formation of a 20-member “Election Integrity Unit.” The purpose of the unit is to ensure the “legality and purity” of elections.

There has been no evidence, or even credible allegations, of serious fraud in Virginia elections. However, the Attorney General seems to feel that there is a need to have 20 members of his staff working on prosecuting election fraud.

In truth, this is just a political stunt. This “unit” will not have its own budget. The members of the “unit” will not be dedicated to investigating and prosecuting fraud. Rather, the unit will consist of staff members who work on other issues, in addition to election issues. In other words, election fraud will be an incidental part of their jobs.

Earlier this week, the Attorney General’s office announced the indictment of the former Prince William County registrar on several felony counts of corrupt conduct as an election official and making a false statement by an election official. Few details are available, although the current registrar told The Washington Post that he had noticed some “discrepancies” in the records after the former registrar had resigned, and reported them to the Attorney General’s office. Those discrepancies “potentially affected a small number of votes in the 2020 election.”

Miyares obviously seized upon this case to announce the formation of an “Election Integrity Unit” to do what his office is already empowered by law to do.

Even more troubling than Miyares’ actions is the statement by the Republican Party of Virginia. First, the party praises the establishment of the Election Integrity Unit as a way to “restore confidence in our democratic process.” This is rich since it has been the constant reiteration of the Big Lie by the titular head of the national Republican Party and countless other Republicans, including Virginians, that has done much to undermine that confidence.

Next, the party announcement says that the indictment of the former Prince William County official is evidence of “the need for stronger protections for our elections system.” Rather than the need for more laws, it would seem that the indictment demonstrates that the laws already on the books work.

The party statement goes on to claim, “Governor Youngkin, Attorney General Miyares, and Republicans in the state legislature have fought efforts to discredit the results of our 2021 statewide elections.” Who has sought to discredit the Republican statewide election victories?

Lastly, the statement declares, “Today’s announcement [regarding the Election Integrity Unit] is a continuation of Virginia Republicans’ commitment to secure elections.” What are the implications of this statement? That Democrats are not committed to secure elections? That the role of the Attorney General is to do the Republican Party’s bidding?

But, there is no need to worry. In accordance with Virginia law, in January, Republicans will assume the majority on local electoral boards. I assume that we then will be informed that the Attorney General has dismantled his “Election Integrity Unit,” seeing no further need for it.

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88 responses to “Imaginary Protection Against Imaginary Threats”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Sorry Dick, but you appear to be out of step with others. I was one of a # of folks who found the Fairfax cameras not work or not save the tapes on drop boxes. I’ve seen more than enough documentation, enough stalling and putting obstacles in the way of getting answers, people who ask questions getting retaliated against, enough lack of true care to really dot the i’s and cross the t’s, that leads me to question the authenticity of election results. Not just the 2020 one.

    Notice I allude to facts, not feelings.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      What facts?

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        There are no facts to support all of this BS. Until Republicans fight efforts to discredit all of these ridiculous political stunts – they will be the party of liars.

      2. Donald Smith Avatar
        Donald Smith

        Dick, face it: the Democrats have a reputation of being a party that’s willing to tolerate, and even encourage, voting shenanigans. You can’t insist on being trusted; you have to earn trust. And, on this issue, a critical mass of Virginians think that if you give the Democrats an inch, they’ll take a mile.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Are you saying that elections in Virginia have been lost by the GOP due to voting fraud?

        2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
          Virginia Gentleman

          What facts do you have to support this reputation that Democrats have? Tucker Carlson? Fox News? Quite the opposite actually, a critical mass of Virginians are starting to not trust a subset of Republicans (MAGA) on anything. If you can’t call out the election deniers, you have no business throwing shade on anyone.

      3. vicnicholls Avatar

        Something you wouldn’t recognize if it causes you cognitive dissonance.

  2. VaPragamtist Avatar

    I read Miyares’s statement. It looks like he’s reorganizing his office to have the capacity to handle issues that arise, like this cluster reported in the Virginia Mercury.

    He may already be empowered by law to handle these issues, but having authority and having the capacity to do so are two different matters.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Your Washington Post article link does not go to the correct site, Dick.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Thanks. I have fixed it.

  4. Given the indictment of the Prince William County Registrar on felony charges last week, perhaps not as imaginary as you think.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Eric Olsen, the registrar who succeeded White, said in an interview that he triggered the probe in April….

      Olsen declined to discuss what those “discrepancies” were, citing the ongoing criminal case, but he said they potentially affected a small number of votes in the 2020 election. He said the issues were not serious enough to change the outcome of any contests.”

      “Imaginary” is an apt description…

    2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      If there was an indictment, then isn’t that proof that the system already works?

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        Nobody’s luck is so bad that they first time they do something illegal is the first time they get caught.

        1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
          Virginia Gentleman

          There are people all over the country that do bad things. There is zero evidence that she did anything that impacted any election.

        2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
          Virginia Gentleman

          There are people all over the country that do bad things. There is zero evidence that she did anything that impacted any election.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            You know something about this case that hasn’t been released to the public?

          2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            No. There has been nothing reported that indicates any election was impacted.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            I would be interested to see what was actually done wrong before I make any conclusion either way.

          4. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Agree but it didn’t stop our AG from flaming the political fire and try to keep the MAGA Big Lie alive.

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            Why are you agreeing with me on that?

            You seemed to have already made up your mind: “There is zero evidence that she did anything that impacted any election.”

          6. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            I will always choose to wait until there is evidence. That is what I agree with you on. And right now there has been no suggestion or evidence that an election was impacted.

          7. how_it_works Avatar

            Once again…you’re talking about evidence you haven’t seen.

            You should stop doing that.

          8. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Eric Olsen, Director of Elections/General Registrar, Prince William County Office of Elections released this statement to 7News:

            “The former General Registrar for Prince William County, Michele White, has been charged with three criminal counts. She left her position in early 2021. Her conduct did not impact the outcome of any election contest.”

            Until someone produces evidence to the contrary, there is no evidence that an election was impacted. But apparently you want to keep the potential that there was an election impacted alive for some reason.

          9. how_it_works Avatar

            Until someone produces evidence to the contrary, there is no evidence THAT YOU HAVE SEEN that an election was impacted.

            Since you haven’t seen anything, you should avoid drawing conclusions about what the evidence may show.

            Lest you do what you accuse others of.

          10. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Ha. True. I guess she could also have colluded with Hunter Biden and developed the Covid virus and sold it to China. I have not seen the evidence.

          11. how_it_works Avatar

            Very often in criminal investigations evidence is not released to the public until at least the trial, and sometimes not even then.

            So you won’t see any evidence for a while, if ever.

          12. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            A perfect scenario for conspiracy theorists.

          13. how_it_works Avatar

            It does make one wonder what’s going on when someone from the FBI is telling the media about what they found during a recent raid.

          14. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            So are we not talking about election conspiracy theories anymore? Now we are moving to Trump’s behavior? Let me refill my coffee.

          15. how_it_works Avatar

            As I tell anyone who wants to start ranting about what Trump did or did not do:

            If he’s done something wrong, let him get indicted and have his day in court.

          16. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Again we agree. But likely for different reasons.

          17. how_it_works Avatar

            Trump is a Yankee from New York, but I don’t hold that against him 🙂

          18. LarrytheG Avatar

            and the attendant what-a-bout-ism

      2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        Amen to that!

  5. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Back in August 2013, we were in Norfolk moving my son into the dorm at Old Dominion University. There were many other students moving in as well. One interloper was there as well. He said he was representing the Democratic Party and urging students to register to vote. So far, so good.

    A couple of the students protested that they were registered to vote where they live. No problem said the recruiter. You can vote here and where you live (in or outside Virginia), said he. Clearly, registration and voting in this manner is illegal.

    Did some students follow the criminal advice? I cannot say for sure since we were too busy with the move-in. But the guy was persuasive and had voter registration materials. 10 t- 1, some students did register. Were the double registrations discovered? Did some students vote twice?

    This is voter fraud and, more importantly, an attempt to cause voter fraud. It’s a crime even though the MSM poo-poos it. How many times has this occurred since August 2013?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      TMT – are you saying that there is widespread voter fraud that has changed the outcome of elections?

      remember the word FRAUD. Is there a conspiracy to massively change votes as opposed to the individual that votes in the wrong state ?

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        Larry, this is misleading. Your argument effectively requires widespread voter fraud before the issue can be investigated and pursued. Each and every incident of voter fraud is a crime. Of course, it’s often ignored.

        A storeowner does not have to experience widespread armed robberies before he/she gets relief from the police. A person who is sexually assaulted need not experience multiple attacks before he/she can seek help from the police and prosecutor.

        Each citizen has a right not to see his/her voted diluted by a single fraudulent vote. And “no,” voter fraud doesn’t regularly decide elections. But there are close elections. Fraud by voters for any Party is a criminal offense and an assault on our system of democracy.

        As Steve wrote, there is significant distrust among many Americans that the voting system is fairly run. Restoring trust by investigating alleged violations of any type is important.

        I still wish I would have taken the time to record the fraudster in Norfolk. However, too many people in law enforcement think a little voter fraud is OK.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Oh I’m not at all opposed to going after any/all who vote illegally or fraudulently.

          or anyone who commits a crime.

          but the claim from the GOP of which Miares seems to be following is that there is a risk of widespread fraud that can change the outcome of elections that needs to be addressed.

          How many people have been arrested to date for fraudulently voting? Are you claiming there is a whole lot more doing it that have not been indicted?

          1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            How many colleges and universities in Virginia? How many students moving into dorms? No one should think that the 2013 incident in Norfolk was unique.

            Do others from all political persuasions do anything similar?

            To Fairfax County’s credit, my wife and I each received a letter indicating we have registered to vote in North Carolina and requested written confirmation or other explanation and indicated our Virginia voting registrations would be cancelled. Had we not registered to vote in NC, could we have voted in the 2022 election (cancelling out each other as we have done for decades)? We still have our Virginia drivers’ licenses.

            How widespread is voter fraud? How widespread is carjacking?

            How widespread is copyright infringement of MSM materials? But I bet each media outlet considers one violation to be worthy of prosecution. But a few instances of fraudulent voting?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re doing what-a-bout-ism. Where are your facts showing what you “suspect”?

            “widespread” as in, enough of it that the outcomes of elections are affected.

            The claim is that Trump did not lose because of election fraud.


            Do you believe that?

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      If the recruiter were a representative of the Democratic party, he could not register voters. He could give out materials and urge students to register, but only someone from the registrar’s office could actually register voters.

      Any student attempting to register with the Norfolk registrar would have been informed that he could not be registered to vote in two places.

      As for the recruiter, if he had known that the information that he was providing regarding college students being able register and vote “here and at home” was false, he could have, and should have, been charged with a Class 6 felony.

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        Dick, the National Education Association, as an example, posts the following.

        “ID LAWS
        “One of the last steps in the voting process, showing up to vote with everything you need, can be the most restrictive for college students. Voter ID laws vary widely from state to state. States like Maryland, California, and Minnesota require no documents to vote, while Wisconsin, Georgia, and Alabama all have requirements for acceptable forms of identification. A strict voter ID law was recently passed in North Carolina, requiring all voters to present photo identification when they vote. The out-of-state licenses many college students voting hold are only accepted if the voter registered within the past 90 days. In North Carolina, and other states with restrictive voting laws, getting a voter ID issued by the county election board is a simple solution. Make sure to check your state election website to ensure you have the proper form of identification before you head to your polling place.”

        Needless to say, the NEA makes it clear that an individual can legally vote only once in an election. Voting at school means no voting at home or vice versa.

        But what does “states like Maryland, California, and Minnesota require no documents to vote” suggest?

        As far as a Class 6 felony is concerned, I don’t believe for a moment that, had I recorded the entire episode and turned it into the Norfolk police and Commonwealth Attorney’s office, that nothing beyond a slap on the wrist would have occurred.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          TMT – you’re confusing/conflating an organized conspiracy to corrupt the general election process – to overturn elections – with individual illegal acts that won’t do that unless you think that all the individual illegal votes are all for one candidate – i.e. only Dems illegally vote, not GOP.

          1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            I’m not conflating anything. There are attempts at illegal voting. Those attempts can be done by anyone without regard to his/her political views.

            But I had and shared firsthand experience by an operative of the Democratic Party to induce boarding students at ODU to vote twice — once at home and once in Norfolk, VA. It could have been a GOP operative, but it wasn’t that day. I have no information as to whether this guy was a lone wolf or part of an organized effort. Ergo, I made no accusations.

            What angers me is the idea that only voter suppression is wrong with illegal voting acceptable. Neither is acceptable, and both are illegal. Yet, the garbage in the MSM only focus on the former? Why? Rhetorical question.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            TMT, yes individuals CAN and DO commit voter fraud but one individual committing fraud can’t usually change the outcome of a State or national election.

            “widespread voter fraud” implies a conspiracy of election officials working together to massively change votes and the election.

            I’m not dismissing the idea that individuals commit voter fraud but I’m asking if individuals do that – would enough of them be doing it and all for the same candidate- enough to change a major election?

            Find a case where election officials actually did alter votes at a precinct.

            That’s what Trump’s folks and GOP folks are alleging and to this point there is not a single credible example of it.

            There is no credible evidence of election fraud on that scale.

            Again – you’re conflating individual acts of voter fraud with a conspiracy to change a lot of votes at a precinct.

      2. “…only someone from the registrar’s office could actually register voters.” Dick, anyone who completes training approved by the State Board of Elections can do a registration drive and turn the forms in to the registrar’s office.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          They can, but that’s NOT “registering” a voter. The registrar folks have to do that.

      3. “…only someone from the registrar’s office could actually register voters.” Dick, anyone who completes training approved by the State Board of Elections can do a registration drive and turn the forms in to the registrar’s office.

  6. Who has sought to discredit the Republican statewide election victories?

    Dick is asking the wrong question. He should be asking who has sought to discredit the 2020 election. And the answer would be… far-right Republicans. A big swath of the electorate believes (without substantive evidence) that there was widespread cheating in here Virginia. These people need to be reassured by Republicans in power that elections in our state have integrity. If Miyares’ largely nominal measures are what it takes to lower the fever, than Dick should welcome them.

    It’s a shame that distrust of the system runs so deep. But, as Haner observes elsewhere in this thread, there’s a good reason for that.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The Republican Party statement referred to ”
      efforts to discredit the results of our 2021 statewide elections.” That was the first I had heard of such efforts. I was just curious as to who was doing that.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      JAB , have you seen polls of how many in the GOP discredit the 2020 election? Is that what you call “far right”?

      Yes, there is distrust and who is sowing it?

      I would support real and warranted changes to ensure election integrity. Let’s see that list.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        No you won’t. I won’t waste my time responding.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          you just did…

          The GOP – your party – is sowing mistrust and damaging the election process.

    3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

      What about Biden’s new press secretary who publicly alleged the 2016 presidential election was stolen? The MSM is all over that one — NOT!

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        All I see are FOX News, Washington Examiner and National Review.

        usually when that happens, there is a problem with the claim.

        1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

          Here’s a link to the Hill’s story.

          Your comment proves my point. The MSM doesn’t report, much less investigate, this type of issue. I’d rather my kids would have become serial killers than work for the WaPo, NYT, CNN or any of the so-called “Big Three” TV networks. Journalism hasn’t been a profession in decades.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not true TMT. There is a LOT of reporting in the MSM as well as the WSJ – but when reporting is confined largely to the right wing media – we know it’s questionable.

            Here is what is actually in The Hill that you referenced:

            Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday if she believes the 2016 election was “stolen” following criticisms leveled by President Biden against the GOP.

            Doocy was referencing a number of tweets Jean-Pierre sent around the time of former President Trump’s election, during which she suggested the 2016 presidential contest and the 2018 Georgia governor’s race were not conducted fairly.

            “If we’re all in agreement that it is incorrect to say the 2020 election was stolen, what about the 2016 election?” Doocy asked Jean-Pierre during the White House daily briefing with reporters .

            “We’re gonna focus on the here and now. We’re going to focus on what’s happening today,” she replied.

            Jean-Pierre also criticized the Fox News reporter for his question.

            “Let’s be really clear that that comparison that you made is just ridiculous,” Jean-Pierre said. “I was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and what was danger of voting rights.”

            As Doocy was setting up his question, Jean-Pierre interjected “Oh, I knew this was coming.”

            “I was waiting, Peter, when you were going to ask me that question,” she joked. ”

            This is this Doocey fool from FOX. This idiot does stuff like this at Press conferences multiple times.

            This is your “proof”?

  7. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “There has been no evidence, or even credible allegations, of serious fraud in Virginia elections.”

    Perhaps…for now. But there’s plenty of solid evidence of election shenanigans, and some outright fraud, elsewhere in this country. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And fires can be devastating if they’re allowed to spread. A 20 member Electoral Integrity Unit sounds like a responsible ounce of prevention to me.

    Let’s also not forget that the wave that swept Virginia Democrats out of the state house and the majority in the House of Delegates was powered in part by perceptions that Democrats were a tad too eager to make it easier for votes to be cast illegally.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      widespread fraud that has changed the outcome of elections?

      if it were made easier to vote illegally in Va, how did the GOP win again?

    2. john harvie Avatar
      john harvie

      DeSantis’ EFU unit has supposedly uncovered four cases. As I recall there are about 50 employees in FL’s unt.

      Maybe not good optics for spending as much money as he got from our legislature.

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Dicik, Maybe Miyares could toss in Critical Race Theory and then we could REALLY rock and roll, Republican style!

  9. Warmac9999 Avatar

    Stop, drop and roll happened in a number of states including Virginia.

  10. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Democrats call it The Big Lie but of course American politics is about one big lie after another, and the one right before this was the Russia Collusion Big Lie, with just as many Democrats whining in 2016 that the election must have been rigged. That year they were the lying sacks of ….. They live in a gigantic glass house. Dick may live in the same glass house (I’m sure Eric the Troll does.) You did read in the story that Democrat Jay Jones had the same idea, right?

    A plague on both their glass houses.

    Millions of voters have lost trust. What Miyares is trying to do is restore some of that trust. Works for me. On WRVA a few days ago, Doc O’Bannon was on talking about the security of the upcoming vote in Virginia. The R’s now have control of the Electoral Board and he’s vice chair. The very next day Senator Amanda Chase demanded extra time to spread more nonsense, contradicting her own former legislative colleague. Sadly WRVA gave her the microphone.

    I have seen elections stolen in Virginia in my tenure. It is usually done with absentee ballot fraud. I’m also aware of cash changing hands for votes. If the vote is close, watch out. But the vote in 2020 for president was not close and to have stolen that would have left quite a trail of real evidence, none of which I’ve seen.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      As Haner, no doubt knows, as a precinct worker, this is a political “solution” in search of a problem.

      I’d like to see some credible evidence on the claim of absentee ballot fraud in Va or money changing hands for votes.

      At least you admit what too many GOP won’t about the 2020 election.

      I’m ALL FOR “secure” elections and if someone has a list of things to make them more secure, let’s consider those items but the idea that the GOP lost because too many folks voted – that normally do not AND perhaps we need to tamp that back down and suppress it like before is a mindset that needs to be recognized and denied.

  11. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    With the Dem receiving 7 million more popular votes than the Rep in 2016, the election cannot be described as close based upon margins in a number of states that may have turned the Electoral College. Polls consistently indicate voters favor employing the popular vote as the measure of Presidential elections. Keep in mind that the “big steal” attempted to corrupt the EC vote count. Time to replace the EC.

    1. Wrong. 5 million votes of the margin were in California, 2 million more were your former New York. The other 48 states split down the middle.

      The 3 states that made the Electoral College difference in ’20 were decided by an aggregate of less than 50k votes.

      So yes, the vote was very close, closer than our system is designed to resolve (just as it was in ’16).

      The compromise that gave us our bicameral legislature and the Electoral College allocated like the legislature are why we have a county instead of Europe. The design to keep large/populous states (New York in the 18th century) from dominating the country is why smaller/less populous states were willing to ratify the Constitution.

      So NO it is not time to replace the Electoral College. If you want to destroy the country, go ahead and try to change the way we are governed to fit your partisan derangement. Your wish was rejected by our founders for cause. That cause is every bit as valid today as it was then.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      A big difference in 2016 was that even though some Dems thought the election had been “stolen”, they did NOT start promoting lies and conspiracy theories about voter fraud like we see now.

      Big difference.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        No, not at all…they just used the FBI to make up a story, plant it in the willing media, then use Jeff Sessions’ honor against him to get an “independent” counsel who appointed all Democrats on known lies to ruin people’s lives and flip the House, but other than that…
        Seriously Larry – you are such a partisan hack.
        Look kids! The Talking Larry the G doll! Just pull the string.
        “Math is hard!” (Oops, sorry – that was talking Barbie)
        Here…”Trump is an authoritarian.”
        “Republicans are science-deniers.”
        “I trust the government”
        “Love is love.”
        Not one original thought…ever!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          as far as I know, no Hillary/Dem conspiracy theories about election workers changing votes –

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yeah…just Russian and bot farms in some God-forsaken country – Moldavia? Fakebook ads?
            Oh, that’s right – Russian hookers peeing on the bed and Trump was a security risk, but Hunter’s and his Dad’s actual compromised acts have all the earmarkings of Russian disinfo said the 50 liars on Government payroll.
            Why do you think the claims of fraud are limited to election workers changing votes? It’s much more elaborate and far-ranging. If you weren’t cheating, you’d have no problem with an open investigation.

            Tell you what. Give me Mueller’s $40 million and the FBI (the ones who aren’t Deep State hacks), a forum not in the corrupt DC system, 500 depositions and 3500 subpoenas and I’ll convict real people on things other than manufactured process crimes…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            more conspiracy theories Walter?

            It seems like more and more of folks on the right live and breath on conspiracy theories across the board from climate to vaccines to elections, DOJ/FBI and more.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I’m sorry Larry – it was Macedonian content farms. No, it was Comey! I mean Putin! Wait, Jill Stein… No, sexism! I didn’t say that. Hillary did.
            Larry, I know this will stop your ability to post, but quit lying. When someone like me says 2+2 = 4, rather than your usual deflection, just admit it.
            So let’s try
            Should we tolerate any cheating in elections?
            Should we have processes that minimize the ability to cheat??
            Should those processes be transparent and equally applied?
            Now here comes your lying deflection. Because you are a racist who doesn’T think blacks can take care of themselves, you will claim that the neutral process aims to suppress votes of minorities because they can’T have IDs or some other stupid reason. And I will say that is ridiculous and racist and that I want every citizen to be able to vote for each spot on the ballot. See how easy it is to find agreement if you are committed to not lying?

    3. Wrong. 5 million votes of the margin were in California, 2 million more were your former New York. The other 48 states split down the middle.

      The 3 states that made the Electoral College difference in ’20 were decided by an aggregate of less than 50k votes.

      So yes, the vote was very close, closer than our system is designed to resolve (just as it was in ’16).

      The compromise that gave us our bicameral legislature and the Electoral College allocated like the legislature are why we have a county instead of Europe. The design to keep large/populous states (New York in the 18th century) from dominating the country is why smaller/less populous states were willing to ratify the Constitution.

      So NO it is not time to replace the Electoral College. If you want to destroy the country, go ahead and try to change the way we are governed to being governed by polls. Your wish was rejected by our founders for cause. That cause is every bit as valid today as it was then.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        There isn’t much forethought by people who advocate for the NPV (it’s Unconstitutional to begin with), it’s like when the Senate invoked the Nuclear Option. They often seem to forget that they won’t always be in power.

        1. Yeah we were grumbling in ’13 when they went nuke that it was stupidly short sighted. Nobody’s majority lasts forever.

  12. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    This is such a waste of time. Cheating occurs. How much?
    If it is so non-existent as the Lefties love to say (currently, since they are in power, but see 2000, 2004, RUSSIA, etc), then you should have no problem letting people check and verify. In fact, in the real world, when a fiduciary resists opening his books, he is stealing. When a public company won’t cooperate with the auditors, there is fraud. This isn’t rocket science.
    Let me ask some questions
    Is cheating bad?
    Should we fight cheating?
    Should we have an accurate, transparent process?
    Should voting rolls be accurate?
    OK… with that, how come all the Democrat proposed “reforms” make cheating easier? How does France use only paper ballot voting and is done within hours?
    As to no evidence of fraud, I’m sorry – there is way too much evidence of fraud. We have joked for years about the dead voting. We know it happened in 1960 and 1948…coincidentally both won by Democrats…
    In 2020, there were way too many anomalous patterns. Like the mysterious incredibly high turnout in certain districts, targeted with an extra billion dollars. “It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes.” Was that only first said in 2020? And then the uncertainty over the machines. You know Dems complained about them prior to 2020?
    And while I am not accusing Henrico of anything, the Spanberger votes were on a loose thumb drive? Why? How does that make any sense? We think of the old optical scanners that checked where the circle was, but the voting machines take a picture of the entire ballot and “count” the scanned images. Why? We should open up the machines, count the number of ballots by hand, tally the votes and check the totals against the scanned totals. Why is that offensive? How many governmental units test gas pumps and truck weighing stations, etc? Shouldn’t voting machines be accurate? How come Michigan blocked people from observing the count, putting pizza boxes over the windows? Nothing to see here…
    And I am sure none of you watched 2000 Mules. No evidence. No ballot harvesting. No trafficking. Some left wing rag published the excuse du jour and Larry et al mindlessly repeat it…like the DMED database had an error so ignore all of it and let our service members be forced to get the shot that is more dangerous than the disease…cuz you love people and care so much! I think you are liars. You know cheating benefits your team. So no one can look. Prove me wrong.
    Why does Fairfax always turn in its votes last? There is no good reason – unless you intend to reserve the right to cheat and to know by how much…

    Until there is transparency, there will never be acceptance. Fighting it only confirms the suspicion. That is reality.
    Paper ballots. Day of voting only with very strict exceptions. Transparent, open counting. Each precinct MUST report as soon as voting closes how many ballots were given out and then the tallies better be perfect in nearly all precincts. Wouldn’t be that hard to have certainty…unless you want to be able to cheat…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      individual cheating does happen but it’s way different than claiming election officials across the country were corrupting vote counts.

      Conspiracy theories and wacadoodles on parade.

      Not a single occurrence of election officials changing votes yet conspiracy theories out the wazoo

  13. America’s elections are so poorly regulated that it is hard to argue against anything that could make them more trustworthy.

    There is no way to know who really won in either 2016 or 2020. ’16 was decided by fewer than 100k votes spread over 5 states. ’20 was decided by fewer than 50k votes in 3 states. Our election systems are not designed to resolve that level of granularity.

    I was involved in the automated voting machine process for the ’04 election. Security on those machines was terrible, and local election systems were profoundly variable. There are no indications that the current generation of machines and systems are significantly more secure or reliable.

    Here’s some examples from ’20 (just because it is most current, not a partisan argument. I want no part of the election was stolen brouhaha – there’s variances on both sides).

    In Georgia after voting machines were certified and distributed there were 2 over the air software updates installed. Was anything bad done? Dunno, but there is no process control if software is changed after certification. Also in Georgia last week Cobb county reported 38k more votes than voters counted. What was wrong? Dunno because the voting data was discarded in violation of retention requirements in the 1960 Voting Rights act.

    In Michigan one county reported more than 140k votes for Biden and fewer than 5k votes for Trump. I live in a county that routinely votes 70% or more Repub, and it’s honest. But 97% to 3%? That seems highly unlikely.

    Pennsylvania started widespread absentee voting in 2018. There were about 3% disqualified for filing errors. In 2020 there were about 5x as many absentee votes, by definition 4/5 of them were first time absentee voters. The disqualification rate reduced to about .3% an order of magnitude reduction. Election law was not changed by the legislature, so the tremendous improvement in absentee voting process by many 1st time absentee voters is very curious.

    Seems to me that there are plenty of reasons to welcome state efforts to improve our election processes.

  14. DJRippert Avatar

    I find it fascinating that the same liberal Democrats who excoriate Republicans for claiming election fraud suddenly go mute when Democrat Stacey Abrams makes the same claim.

    When both parties claim election fraud it is incumbent upon government to go “above and beyond” normal process to ensure that not only that the elections fair but that the voters believe they are fair.

    It seems to me that Jason Miyares is doing just that.

  15. DJRippert Avatar

    I find it fascinating that the same liberal Democrats who excoriate Republicans for claiming election fraud suddenly go mute when Democrat Stacey Abrams makes the same claim.

    When both parties claim election fraud it is incumbent upon government to go “above and beyond” normal process to ensure that not only that the elections fair but that the voters believe they are fair.

    It seems to me that Jason Miyares is doing just that.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      No, ya’ll are messed up on this. Individuals on both sides have made various claims but the Dems – as a party with some of it’s leaders have not spouted conspiracy theories about election officials changing votes to “steal” the election.

      And the more moderate GOP that does not traffic in those conspiracy theories have pretty much not publicly come out against the conspiracy theory wackos… in fact, polls show
      a large number of GOP do believe the conspiracy theories.

      Very little if any behaviors like that on the Dems part.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        “Very little if any behaviors like that on the Dems part.”

        What part of the Stacey Abrams situation can’t you understand?

  16. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I don’t get it, the knee jerk reaction by Dick and a lot of commentators posted below. Was it political? Perhaps a little, but I don’t recall anything Mark Herring did that was not political.

    Miyares made the following statement in his release, I don’t understand why this isn’t just viewed as common sense:

    “I pledged during the 2021 campaign to work to increase transparency and strengthen confidence in our state elections. It should be easy to vote, and hard to cheat…”. Amen.

  17. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive


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