Delta – 8 THC and the Government’s Marijuana Plans Go “Up in Smoke”

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Is cannabis legal in Virginia? Most followers of this blog are aware of the recent legislative efforts in Virginia to decriminalize and then legalize the possession of intoxicating marijuana by adults. Most followers of this blog believe that Virginia is presently in a twilight world where recreational possession of intoxicating marijuana is legal while the sale of such marijuana is illegal. Most followers of this blog are wrong.

The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the production and sale of hemp based products so long as those products contained almost no delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the compound in THC that (usually) gets people high.  Unfortunately for the federal legislation there is no prohibition on delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol. Delta-8 as it’s called has a mild intoxicating effect. The apparent assumption in the 2018 Farm Bill was that Delta-8 was not a problem in the quantities found in non-intoxicating hemp products. Then along came the free market. Legal hemp products are being used to extract Delta-8 in quantities and potencies easily sufficient to intoxicate a person consuming the substance. Intoxicating marijuana products based on Delta-8 are publicly and legally on sale across the country including in Virginia. So, the sale of intoxicating marijuana products is currently legal in Virginia.

Does Delta-8 THC get you high? In a word, yes. While Delta-8 THC isn’t as strong as Delta-9 THC, it will definitely get you high. But don’t take my word for it. Dante Jordan is a writer for Leafly, a marijuana based website. Mr. Jordan lives in Oregon where Delta-9 based marijuana products are legally sold for recreational use. It seems that Mr. Jordan freely partakes in Oregon’s legal marijuana products. In his own words, “The first thing to know before discussing the delta-8 experience is my tolerance. I chain-smoke joints all day, every day, with dabs tossed in the mix here and there.” Having established his bona fides as a marijuana user Jordan ventured to a local pot store to buy some Delta-8 gummies. For the uninitiated, gummies are small candy-like food that are often used as delivery vehicles for Delta-9 and Delta-8 THC.  You eat the gummies and you are supposed to get high. Did the Delta-8 gummies get experienced pot used Dante Jordan high? Again, in his own words, “Truthfully, I expected to feel absolutely nothing when I ate those two gummies. I was ready to hate. But the Smokiez delta-8 gummies experience had me blasting music, dancing around my Airbnb, and punching out sentences that writer’s block had been stifling for over a month.” Read the article here.

Is Delta-8 really legal? In a word, yes  Well, it’s legal in most states  This map shows Delta-8’s legal status across the United States  Each state falls into one of three categories – Illegal/restricted, pending or unaddressed. The map provides some interesting data. First, Delta-8 is as legal as a milkshake in Virginia and all the surrounding states except Kentucky (where it is illegal). Second, the majority of the states which have made Delta-8 illegal are states where Delta-9 is legal for recreational use. One can guess that people who went through the cost and effort to set up legal dispensaries were quick to visit their legislators in an effort to block out a low cost competitor. In turn, legislators who like the Delta-9 taxes that come from legal marijuana products didn’t want lightly taxed Delta-8 products cutting into their funds.

Can you legally buy intoxicating Delta-8 products in Virginia? Again, yes. This time you will have to take my word for it. I have personally been to two CBD shops in Virginia where Delta-8 products are openly on sale. I’ll refrain from providing more details since I have reservations about the safety of Delta-8 products. Anybody who wants to try Delta-8 will have to do their own research.

Is Delta-8 THC safe? Nobody knows. Refining intoxicating Delta-8 based products from legal hemp products is a very new development in the marijuana business. While people have been getting stoned on Delta-9 based THC for a very long time, the same cannot be said for Delta-8. The two compounds are very similar chemically. But water and hydrogen peroxide are both made from hydrogen and oxygen atoms and I’m pretty sure that drinking hydrogen peroxide would be a bad idea. There are no conclusive studies addressing the consumption of Delta-8 THC products by humans  Beyond that, I have been unable to find any material regarding the regulations pertaining to the manufacture of Delta-8 based products. I suspect the Delta-8 products are regulated more like hemp than food.

What should Virginia do? Ban Delta-8 based THC products at least until the Delta-9 laws, rules and regulations are rolled out. Delta-8 products are intoxicating. I’m sure that if you consume enough Delta-8 you will get very high. There are no special taxes associated with Delta-8 sales. No extra money (beyond the normal sales tax) going to the government. There are no reliable studies of the effects of Delta-8 on human health. I have no idea whether the shops in Virginia selling Delta-8 products would require proof of adulthood before making a sale. There are just too many open questions. I support the legalization of marijuana for adult recreational use. I also support extra taxation of marijuana products and strict regulations on the sale of those products — especially in regard to prohibiting the sale to minors. None of those rules appear to be in effect regarding Delta-8.

By Don Rippert

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16 responses to “Delta – 8 THC and the Government’s Marijuana Plans Go “Up in Smoke””

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    So what power of Government gives them the right to decide what mind-altering substances are you allowed to use or not?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Good question but my point about Delta-8 is more about its novelty than the power of government to restrict mind altering substances. It is clearly a legitimate role of government to put in place regulations making sure that food is safe to consume. Delta-8 gummies are food. They should at least be regulated as such.

      The part of this story I find funny is the government’s naive approach to hemp regulation. If they wanted legal hemp without accidentally legalizing intoxicating marijuana made from hemp they had to look at all the THC compounds. They didn’t.

      Kind of make me wonder how closely they really looked at those COVID-19 vaccines.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I saw that part also but that’s what led to my question because they looked at the hemp stuff and decided (apparently) it was “okay” – per their usual review but then that just brings up the whole issue of someone, using some arcane criteria to decide what is “fit” for mind-altering or not . I don’t really buy the ‘safe food” concept. for mind-altering substances as the primary thing.

        Yeah, you don’t want any substance consumed to have dangerous, harmful ingredients, but that’s separate and apart from the mind-altering thing – i.e. – some mind-altering is “okay” but others not.

        There are a LOT of mind-alterating substances in this world – way beyond the mundane ones like THC, Delta-8, etc – yet the govt decides which ones are “okay” and which are not and will jail you if you disagree!

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Some mind altering is OK and some is not. I think that’s right. Start with mind altering substances that can be overdosed and kill you. Jim Morrison didn’t die because he smoked too much pot.

          I think it’s reasonable for the government to draw a line when it comes to mind altering substances. I just think that marijuana belongs in the same place over the line as alcohol.

  2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Presumably there is some political support for hemp as far as making it a valid farm cash crop. The legalization of pot, lately justified by Northeast states for reasons of racial fairness, could presumably have a negative impact on hemp as a desirable crop. Not sure.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      after we have jailed how many thousands of people over other substances ? And the reason for doing that – is……… what?

      1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        I am just saying we were going the road to allow hemp farming, but then all of a sudden we decided to change course and legalize regular marijuana right away.

  3. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    De-criminalize and move on.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    It all just gets more and more complicated….pass the cabernet.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Merlot pour moi.

      No pot for me, thanks. I’ll just get drunk like the good Lord intended.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I don’t disagree entirely. Much as I hate the idea of banning anything related to marijuana, it is important that there are some safe food/drug standards put in place prior to retail sales. Having these reliable health standards is what will help to undermine the illegal drug market with all its associated negatives. That these have been slipped in through a loophole in the Farm Bill shows that things are not as they intended. Consumer safety needs to override the drive to de-regulate pot. Too little is known about this particular drug, imo.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I agree. I should have added that spending 3 years to go from legalization to open dispensaries is pretty ridiculous. Today, it’s Delta-8 in CBD shops. Tomorrow it will be Virginians going into DC to buy legal pot there.

      Virginia’s goal for open dispensaries should be Jan 1, 2023.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive


        I doubt the toxicity of D8 is anything to worry, since people have smoked rope for centuries, even if the buzz ain’t the same. Hell, in the 60s, they proved that smoking tea, banana peels, oregano, and 100s of other things found around the kitchen is safe, if buzz free.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          In order to make a Delta-8 joint or gummy the Delta-8 THC has to be extracted from the hemp product with acid. Done properly, no problem. Done improperly, big problem.

          The health issues associated with “street vapes” caused a lot of problems.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    As long as the CIA doesn’t spray it with paraquat…

  7. Helton Brandot Avatar
    Helton Brandot

    I am sure you will find a good way to heal with Weedborn CBD.

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