DEI Presentation at Tomorrow’s UVa Board of Visitors Meeting Attempts to Deflect the Discussion

by James C. Sherlock

Tomorrow, June 2, there will be a meeting of the Board of Visitors at the University of Virginia.

The University has published a preview of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion presentation to the Board.

That presentation is designed quite clearly to deflect the conversation from the true issues.  It attempts to:

  • center the discussions on issues the university president wishes to defend; and
  • define terms in ways he wishes to defend them.

I offer some questions and observations.

Slide: Racial and gender diversity at UVA are relatively new – and our DEI work is even newer.  The presentation is off to a weak start. Setting the stage for the DEI discussion with race and gender is a deflection.

For example, white students have been underrepresented in the undergraduate and graduate school populations at UVa since at least 2010 as compared to whites in the population as a whole in both the United States and Virginia. Females outnumber males in the UVa student population by roughly 60% to 40%.

Those are facts.  They raise the question of the true reason for the recent expansion of DEI bureaucracy.

Let’s see if we can find it.

Slide: Defining DEI.  In this slide diversity includes diversity of:

  • Religious beliefs
  • Background and professional experience
  • Political ideology and point of view

That is the last heard of those bullet points in the presentation.  The rest is about race and ethnicity.

Yet lack of diversity of political ideology and points of view are the major concern of most critics.

Roles of the DEI bureaucracy.  Here is a definition internal to the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (A&S) of the role of its own internal DEI bureaucracy:

Working with the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Directors of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DDEIs) will assist in implementing best practices and serve as a point of contact in their department/program for issues relating to diversity, inclusion, and equity. Such issues include but are not limited to the following:

  • Hiring and retention of faculty (and, where applicable, postdoctoral scholars);
  • Graduate student recruitment, retention, and curriculum;
  • Undergraduate student recruitment, retention, and curriculum;
  • Staff hiring, treatment, and retention; and
  • Cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable departmental climate.

How does that square with the anodyne definitions and examples of DEI offered on the slide?  It does not.  Not even close.

Equity achievements include “Gender-specific uniforms for members of our facilities team”?  An example of Inclusion is “food in the dining halls”?


Slide: UVA has 55 dedicated DEI positions, with a total annual budget of $5.8M. Interesting, but dollar cost is irrelevant to the core issue of suppression of freedom of speech and points of view.

An important note is here:

+ Excludes salary cost for positions held by faculty on administrative appointment who are paid based on their faculty role and market value

The total positions do not include, as acknowledged by that note, the 29 Departmental DEI (DDEI) positions in A&S.

Those positions in turn show that political oversight of hiring, admissions and curricula descends to the departmental level, which is unmentioned in the brief.

Slide: Measuring Success: Diversity.  All of the displayed statistical progress concerns race.  It was made without the current DEI bureaucracy, so why impose it and what can it add?

The newly and greatly expanded DEI bureaucracy is a solution in search of a problem in an overwhelmingly progressive university.

But those progressives are so territorial and so unsure of the persuasiveness of their arguments that they want no remnant of anyone with whom they disagree politically.

That is the biggest concern of most.  Yet the slide shows only racial diversity, which already exists.

Freedom of speech and diversity of viewpoint cannot be had with day-to-day DEI political oversight at every level of the university.

“Inviting speakers with differing viewpoints” is a good idea but does not affect the university climate for diversity of viewpoint in recruiting, admissions, hiring and the day-to-day conduct of the school.

Inside the University, DEI expansion down to the department level reflects Maoist thought reform tactics.

The People’s Daily called for teachers and college staff to “arm oneself with the thought of Marxism–Leninism” and to “throw away the vulgar perspectives of individualism and liberalism, and the cultural thought of European-American reactionary bourgeoisie.”

TheCavalier Daily

, seizing on the historical parallel, considers the role of DEI to be combatting oppression. There can be no limits in that job.

After which the editorial offers that they are discouraged that DEI has been “politicized.”  The editors must not have taken a course on irony.

Racial diversity is clearly where the presentation wants the discussion to focus.

Statistical representation as seen here can only be considered a measure of “fair” or “equitable” enrollment or hiring if both words are defined to mean “equal” to raw percentages of the population.  So let’s go from there.

There are inconvenient statistics not presented.

  • In the 2010 census of America, “White Alone” were 72.4% of the population. In 2020, 61.6%.  (See here. )
  • In the 2010 census of Virginia, white alone was 68.6%, in 2020 60.3%. (See here and select Virginia and any county to bring up Virginia numbers).
  • White American representation in the UVa undergraduate population dropped from 60.6% of undergraduates in 2010 to 52.3% in 2022.  White American representation in the graduate school population dropped from 60.2% of the population in 2010 to 51.6% in 2020.

Category definition adjustments.

 Adjusting for the differences in category definitions between the Census and the UVa demographics would add 240 undergraduates to the 2022 White totals of 8,754, equaling 8993 of 16,793, or 53.6% of undergraduates who were white.  In the 2020 census, 60.3 % of the Virginia population was white alone.

After adding in the Hispanic whites, we still see white underrepresentation in the UVa undergraduate population. The adjustments had a smaller impact on the graduate student numbers because Hispanics are less represented there (5.29%) than in the undergraduate schools (7.06%).

Thus whites are underrepresented in the UVa undergraduate and graduate school populations and have been since at least 2010.

I don’t consider those data dispositive, but it is the University presentation that brings the numbers up.  They forgot to offer demographic context.

Bottom line.  This presentation represents a very weak try.

Race and gender are exposed by the data as excuses for enforcing political control.

The race issue is rapidly disappearing in the demographics of the country. That will soon leave only political views for the DEI to police.

The Visitors are far too experienced to let themselves be guided by this attempt to deflect the true issues or be insulted by it.

I wish we could be there.

Update, the category definition adjustments were added at 15:26 on June 1.

Update at 17:06 on June 1. The author is on distribution for Census Bureau postings. The one  that just arrived seems to provide good information for tomorrow’s DEI discussion, so it was included.

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145 responses to “DEI Presentation at Tomorrow’s UVa Board of Visitors Meeting Attempts to Deflect the Discussion”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Yes. All a smokescreen, like the so called free speech principles.
    If UVA really believed in “diversity,” the faculty wouldn’t be 95% to the Left, with the DEI statements designed to squeeze out the poor 5% not Leftist. If UVA really had free speech, you would have heard viewpoints opposing the Covid policies or the treatment of J6 prisoners, etc.
    The “Diversity Dashboard” essentially measures only race. The sex aspect is meaningless for two reasons – women are 60% of the student body, and our academic betters can’t acknowledge what a woman is.
    Here is a hidden cost –
    This page is WELL HIDDEN. But the ADDI (departmental heads of DEI in the College) get $2500 PER YEAR OF TENURE added to their research budget. Then, besides all the efforts involved in all the time of everyone else in the department…

  2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    I wonder if any single presentation has had so much analysis performed on it prior to being delivered. The countless number of posts on this issue is extraordinary. I don’t believe that I have ever witnessed any search for a non-existing problem like this. Can we save us all from future posts until you can actually define the problem? We get it … UVA has a bunch of DEI positions. The university appears to be affordable and attractive to high schoolers. The students appear to be ok with it. It appears that a few boomers are fearing something — what could it possibly be? Maybe that they are not perfect human beings? Perhaps they can do more related to DEI. My new favorite quote from Ted Lasso … “Human beings are never going to be perfect. The best we can do is to keep asking for help and accepting it when you can. And if you keep on doing that, you will always be moving towards better.”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The Climate Crisis is an equally non-existent problem beset by legions of expensive bad solutions.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Perhaps .. but at least those who are yelling about the Climate Crisis can point to data that suggests there may be a problem. All we get from the dozens of posts on this issue is that there is a lot of DEI administrators at UVA. Who cares?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          I can point to admissions data. Discrimination on the basis of race is occurring. Is it “equitable” for a better qualified white kid to be denied admission because of skin color? What if the black kid is from a wealthier family than the white kid? Which kid is “marginalized?”

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Are you suggesting that DEI at UVA is responsible for this? If so, present your evidence.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Are you denying that the sky is blue? Water is wet?
            DEI is ramped up, accelerated racial discrimination hiding behind nicey-nice Marxist euphemisms.

          3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Thank you for your opinion nicely packaged as a fact without evidence.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Quit wasting my time.
            Evidence is right there. Has been presented many times. And you and the rest of your Lefty friends will deny it is real.
            But RUSSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA is along with the experimental Covid jab jab jab was “safe and effective.”

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The Climate Crisis is an equally non-existent problem beset by legions of expensive bad solutions.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      If you believe that repression of freedom of expression on college campuses is a “non-existent problem” you must be living in a very sheltered information environment.

      If you believe the DEI expansion is not targeted at freedom of expression, you have truly suspended disbelief.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        I don’t recall every suggesting that freedom of expression on college campuses is a non-existent problem. But I have still not seen any proof that DEI is targeted at freedom of expression.

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      UVa is affordable? For whom? $20.,000 per year (in state) is affordable? That’s over 1/4 of Virginia’s median household income per year.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        Have you looked at the average cost of college?

        1. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          Yes, and it’s why our kids are both going out of state.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Good luck with that. My guess is you will pay double unless you are able to get in state tuition there.

          2. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Nope. We’re paying less than half but, thanks?

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          With a 17 year old still in high school, I’ve looked a lot.

          Being the tallest of Snow White’s dwarfs or the wittiest of the 3 Stooges makes you neither tall nor witty.

          Almost all colleges are shameful in their hopeless overspending.

          All the more reason not to pile on more expenses like 55 – 84 full time DIE people.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            It’s roughly $6K less in-state than the average college tuition, and you’re getting a top-25 education. This is why it’s considered a superb value. That said, no one says you have to go to UVa. There are many other colleges, public and private, to choose from. Complaining about the very reasonable tuition at UVa does zero good when you have a host of other options.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            And a Bentley might cost less than a Maserati.

            Who cares?

            Neither are affordable to the middle class.

            Where is the concern over affordability for these colleges and universities?

            Apparently nowhere in liberalland.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            No one says you have to drive a Bentley or a Maserati. UVa is priced like a Honda, which yes, is also an expensive car. Luckily VA also has ODU, Longwood, JMU, VCU which are about a third of the cost of UVA in-state.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            What don’t you get? It’s not priced like a Honda because a Honda is affordable to the middle class and UVa is not.

          5. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            I don’t get why you’re complaining about UVa being out of your price range when there are plenty of schools that are cheaper. And I especially don’t understand it when objectively UVa is an incredible value and much cheaper than the cost of the average college. If you want more state subsidies, you can even move to WIS or NC, or hell, France or Canada. It’s like you’re screaming that the car you want isn’t in your price range…well, there are plenty that are.

          6. DJRippert Avatar

            Because UVa is a state school which has as a big part of its mission to educate Virginians. Not just wealthy and upper middle class Virginians.

            Part of that mandate should be controlling costs. UVa seems to have no interest in that.

            The DEI bureaucracy is a classic example of ineffective spend. Despite having been in existence since 2005, the percentage of Black undergraduates enrolled at UVa has decreased.

            If the DEI program is ineffective it should be discontinued and the savings passed on as reduced tuition costs.

            Every aspect of UVa spend should be scrutinized for possible savings so that UVa can execute its mission of providing an education to all Virginians qualified to attend.

          7. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Part of DEI is bringing in more first-generation students and providing needs and merit-based scholarships to incoming kids. And if DEI is discontinued, I can guarantee you that UVa will fail in its other missions to educate the population of the Commonwealth and to maintain academic excellence. I got news for you…smart kids want to go to school in diverse environments, not at schools that reflect the values of the 1950s. You just want it all…cheap, prestigious, conservative, mostly white(?), and state-subsidized. No tradeoffs. So much for conservatism, eh?

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        It’s worse than that. Cville is ridiculously expensive. Sorority or fraternity? Food plan or no food plan? The kids have to find 2nd year housing while still early in the first semester

      3. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        It’s almost like they don’t have an understanding. The only school with a higher instate tuition ask than UVA is William and Mary.

        Heck it’s cheaper for someone from out of state to come to VA and go to W&M than it is for them to attend UVA.

        There were other Universities on the list, I excluded those for a number of factors.

        1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
          Virginia Gentleman

          Look closely — if you can’t afford the Honda .. buy a Ford. There are plenty of options. UVA doesn’t seem to have a demand issue. You know, supply and demand – that shouldn’t be a foreign concept to you.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            You do understand that UVa is owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the benefit of Virginians?

            It is not a private enterprise or even a private university.

            If UVa wants to ignore its public university mission it should use its massive endowment to offer a buyout from the state. It can then forget its public mission of affordability. The state could then use the money to start a real public university that takes its mission of educating all qualified Virginians seriously.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Clearly the poster does not understand that concept, nor the fact that supply and demand have nothing to do with the price point of UVA.

          3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Oh suddenly, the public mission of government is important to you.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Virginia Gentleman 2 hours ago
            Look closely — if you can’t afford the Honda .. buy a Ford. There are plenty of options. UVA doesn’t seem to have a demand issue. You know, supply and demand – that shouldn’t be a foreign concept to you.”

            Supply and demand applies to applications and acceptance, not to tuition.

            I would suggest taking an economics class before making such comments.

          5. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            My comment was about applications and acceptance. UVA doesn’t appear to be having any challenges getting enough quality applications.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Virginia Gentleman 6 minutes ago
            My comment was about applications and acceptance. UVA doesn’t appear to be having any challenges getting enough quality applications.”

            That has nothing to do with it’s cost when compared to other public universities that are funded by the State.

            That also does not illustrate supply and demand.

            PS: Fords cost more than Hondas.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Interesting, but dollar cost is irrelevant to the core issue of suppression of freedom of speech and points of view.”

    A repeated statement from your last such article – you still have yet to provide any evidence of active suppression of freedom of speech at UVa.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      And you have no proof it is not being suppressed!

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        The onus is on the one making the claim here.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          aka “first lyre(sp) don’t stand a chance around this place.”

        2. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          No. You claim it doesn’t exist. I claim it does. I can point to the Cavalier Daily. UVA Today. Student stories. The “climate survey” UVA tried to keep buried. So you “prove” it doesn’t exist when it is right before your eyes!
          Besides the “disparate impact” analysis of political contributions.
          And the faculty know if they squeak, they get shot.
          Your turn

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Reading issue, Walt. I simply said he has provided no evidence to support his claim. I made no judgement on whether it is a valid claim or not. If you wish to validate Sherlock’s claim, provide an example and we will examine it to see if it is actually a freedom of speech suppression or just your mischaracterization as such.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. I just provided examples of years of one sided discourse. You prove why that doesn’t mean a climate of censorship exists. Remember, Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Ummm… you pointed to nothing. You said you “can” point and made three vague references. Are you now claiming censorship AND freedom of speech violations, btw, or just one or the other? What actual violations are you referring to, Walt?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Ummm… you pointed to nothing. You said you “can” point and made three vague references. Are you now claiming censorship AND freedom of speech violations, btw, or just one or the other? What actual violations are you referring to, Walt?

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Do your own homework Troll. Not wasting any more time with you. You seek only to waste time. Why not throw in a correlation does not equal causation disclaimer from your Covid misinformation days…

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So you’ve got nothing as well… got it!

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Doesn’t work any more Troll.
            Had too much experience with trolls during Covid and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA…

          8. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Taradiddle and Arya-bargus.

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            That’s right. Evidence in front of your eyes doesn’t exist. Antifa is a fiction. We don’t have 2 justice systems. The Covid clot shot was “safe and effective.”

      2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Are we really resorting to this? The absence of evidence to support a claim is followed by this? “Well in closing, your Honor, there is no evidence that a crime was committed. But there is no evidence that a crime was not committed either”.

      3. WayneS Avatar

        Eric is correct. It is impossible to prove a negative, and it is incumbent upon a claimant to make his case, not ask others to prove he is wrong.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Sqrt that bad boy and call it irrational!!!

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Smith has your answer as a double negative.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      That will get you lots of thumbs up from the left, but I have shown in the data that white male oppression is not reflected in either the racial demographics or gender demographics of the student body.

      Since the faculty is overwhelmingly progressive, and they pick new faculty, race and gender cannot be an issue there either.

      So, among the things to be policed by the very recently expanded DEI mob, we are left with diversity of opinion and expression.

      Else what else are they to do all day when they oversee admissions, hiring and curricula and “Cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable departmental climate”.

      “Climate” is an interesting word, don’t you think?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Your twisted logic is not evidence.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          “Twisted logic” is not an argument but a pejorative.

          You are never going to agree, so you should come up with some emoji you can type in to save you the trouble.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You made a “logic” jump from “I have shown these two things to not be a DEI concern” (they are still, btw) to “there is nothing left but diversity of opinion and expression”. That is just plain silly. Further a supposed lack of diversity and expression is a far cry from violations of freedom of speech which is what you have claimed and for which you still provide no evidence. But here is a nice emoji for you… 🦦

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The slide show claims the DEI has existed at UVA since 2005. Was it named something else and rebranded in recent years? I just don’t remember DEI prominently on the radar 18 years ago. The other thing I noticed was the racial makeup of the faculty and staff. “Other” category has grown tremendously. “Other” meaning alien resident or unknown. Could this mean UVA’s employees are starting to not identify themselves by race?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, the darling of the Right has been in the game for quite awhile…

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Sunday is buy none get none day.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Uh yep, applies to all regardless of race, creed, color, and/or religion. See, DE&I.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            DE&I. Is that next to the the A & P or the 7-11?

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      “Other” meaning alien resident

      Whod’a guessed it, aliens coming from all over the universe to be at UVa. UFOs over Charlottesville must be “off grounds” housing.:)

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As should we all….

      Matt Adams added some useful information, but again, those are the EEOC “categories of humans” as opposed to the Census Bureau’s, which Sherlock is torturing to save his premise that UVA discriminates against “white” people. Which is false and raises all kinds of concerns that he thinks so in the first place.

      Fact: A smaller percentage of young African Americans are getting into our colleges than their percentage of the total population. Likewise children of Hispanic heritage (which can be and are either race.) The outcome is usually determined by third grade, and certainly by the end of elementary school. If you want to up the college success, go back to where the problem starts. (And this is something I do think Sherlock gets.) The DEI Establishment won’t touch that problem but like all bureaucracies, is here to stay.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Absolutely! We must teach ALL our kids to read and write. Until we do that the outcomes are pre determined.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        DEI is just another level of bureaucracy that ever inflates the prices to attended something. They like the bureaucrats before them will find ways to justify their jobs and the ball will keep rolling.

        You’re correct with your assessment as well as Lefty that it’s elementary where you can tell if that child is going to succeed.

      3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Amazing isn’t it? Everyone here really wants the same thing. But we will spend another generation of time chasing our own tails over how to get there.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          You’re getting the inherent woke conservative conundrum.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Okay your team takes the front end. As usual, my team takes the back end. The one with heavy lifting. Readiness is the key. We shall soldier on. Care to chip in?

      4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        It is completely disingenuous to claim that I have said that UVa discriminates agains white people.

        That is preposterous and you know it Haner. And I resent it.

        I used the numbers to show that DEI is not credibly targeted at “white oppression”.

        Find something more useful to do with your time.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Oh, I agree with that. I come here to procrastinate now….So here is what you wrote:

          “Thus whites are underrepresented in the UVa undergraduate and graduate school populations and have been since at least 2010.”

          You didn’t claim that was the outcome of discrimination. But you didn’t spend anytime at all looking at the underrepresentation of any other of these arbitrary categories.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            That path would return us to the “too many Asians” trope of the McAuliffe administration and the Fairfax County School Board.

            18% of UVa undergrads are Asian American compared to 7% of Virginia’s population.

            You certainly don’t mean your comment that way, but that is where that vector would lead. I refuse to participate.

            Asian Americans more than earn what they get, and more power to them. The rest of us are extremely lucky they are part of our population.

            They make outsized contributions through an extraordinary culture of excellence.

            I honestly know you agree, but that is why I did not pursue it further.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “I come here to procrastinate now….”

            Lol… Aren’t you retired? What do you have to procrastinate…?

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    It just doesn’t seem to get through. DE&I is an accepted practice in the government, industry, the military, etc., etc.

    You’re spitting to windward and your efforts will, if successful, make Virginia graduates less competitive.

    As Dad used to say, “Drive like Hell. You’ll get there.” Yeah, it’s applicable by analogy.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Well, if it is an accepted practice, then there you are.

      BTW, you may not want to use the U.S. military as an example of DEI success.

      Recruiting is very difficult and we have not fought anyone since the senior generals and admirals rolled over to the political pressure to do so. The CNO recommending Ibram Kendi as a must read to the fleet may not have been his best moment. For a transcript of the Congressional hearing on that matter, see

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Be sure to read the bottom line — the footer.

        OBTW, I wouldn’t trust an off-the-wire weather report from Breitbart.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          First, I watched that hearing. It went exactly as reported. The CNO embarrassed himself.

          Second, West Point whose Class of 2023 stats you have offered, is a great school, as are the other Academies.

          The Class of 2023 arrived at West Point in 2019, before the generals rolled over to DEI..

          Nonetheless, I suspect that the USMA will not experience a recruiting problem. It is too good a deal.

          It is the enlisted recruitment that has fallen well below replacement requirements.

          It is the fathers and grandfathers who are military veterans who are not as motivated to encourage their kids to join the military.

          I wish it were not true, but it is.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            “The Class of 2023 arrived at West Point in 2019, before the generals rolled over to DEI.” Diversity training has been around for much longer than 2019, and the office of DEI at West Point dates back to 2014.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Chuck Grassley on Fox News: “We are not interested in whether the allegations against Vice President Biden are accurate or not.”

            Runs deep.

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock


          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You must’ve missed the 1 out of 12 were what other colleges call “legacies”.

            In order,
            “D” began in 1861.
            “I” was ordered in 1948.
            “E” is the struggle.
            2020 the military joined “the real world”.

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            And look how that is going for the military.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The statement proves that attrition is their best friend.

          7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You should pass that on to the Chinese PLA.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Breitbart and Jared Taylor as sources of credibility. Some folks have substituted Google searches for original research and reading. The DEI debate I has become skits by Abbott & Costello or a feature short of the Three Stooges. Is BR below the waterline?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Breitbart and Jared Taylor as sources of credibility. Some folks have substituted Google searches for original research and reading. The DEI debate I has become skits by Abbott & Costello or a feature short of the Three Stooges. Is BR below the waterline?”

            I’ll take ad hom attack for $1000, Alex

            Guess we are beneath you, maybe you should just leave since you’re incapable of substantial commentary that doesn’t involve attacking authors and posters.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, at least they’ve reduced reliance upon Faux. Wonder why?

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      DIE excesses are starting to be pushed back against, UVa being a minor example.

      State law in Florida and upcoming in Texas are examples. Sec Def and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs have just banned a drag show on post at Nellis AFB. Bud Light and Target demonstrate push back in the marketplace.

      The pendulum is swinging the other way. Hopefully it will take a lesson from the woke overreach and not enact excesses of its own. Live and let live.

  6. WayneS Avatar

    “Gender-specific uniforms for members of our facilities team”

    For all 107 genders? That’s going to be expensive.

  7. Not Today Avatar
    Not Today

    I’m trying to figure out how people who’re so generally salty about everything can’t manage to use a lick of that seasoning or any other on their actual food.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Okay, I’m just a poor backwoods mathematician trying to make it in a cold, cruel world, but huh?

      BTW, I like it w/wo explanation.

  8. UVAPast Avatar

    Does anyone know the racial make up on the 55 DEI administrators or the 29 DDEI personnel at UVA or at any other university in Virginia? Is their racial make up consistent with the racial make up of UVA, Virginia or the USA or is it overrepresented in some areas?

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      From UVAs DIE web site. The staff is 3/4 black, 1/12 white and 0/12 hispanic.

      There is a good argument that UVAs DIE staff should heal itself before it goes after the faculty, staff and student body.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      From UVAs DIE web site. The staff is 3/4 black, 1/12 white and 0/12 hispanic.

      There is a good argument that UVAs DIE staff should heal itself before it goes after the faculty, staff and student body.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        It’s been a while since I worked with fractions but that only accounts for 10/12 of the DIE headcount.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Looks like 1/12 perhaps asian and 1/12 other, perhaps identifying as native american, but not exactly saying that. That fills out the 12/12 of identified DIE staff. I apologize for shorting them in my initial comment. No disrespect intended, and I appreciate your numeracy.

          Dunno how to classify the other 50-75 DIE related staffers (depends on who’s counting) who are not identified on the web site. Do they resemble the identified DIE staff?

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I looked at them all. A significant majority fit your description. The bulk of the few white people appear perhaps gender expansive.

            Many appear to classic diversity hires and many senior ones have by their resumes made a living on the race/gender industries.

            But I don’t care about their race or pronouns as much as their political rigidity and span of control.

  9. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The UVA demographic you linked breaks out “Hispanic” as a separate category. The Census data you link to do not. Thus somewhat apples and oranges, since the Census would consider most Hispanics of European origin. Add them back in and UVA might look a bit more like the Census than you indicated.

    The paragraph above wonderfully illustrates how stupid the whole business of sorting people into categories is to begin with….

    The effort to diversify the student populations has been high priority for several decades. To the extent it has failed with African Americans, adding DEI Thought Cops won’t change anything. Serious Question: Is DEI a major expense now at HBCUs? Is this going on at Norfolk State and Virginia State and Hampton (private)?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Notice he does not cite black student figures… can’t imagine why…

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        The Cavalier Daily argues that DEI is a reaction to white oppression. So have you in this space.

        So I looked to see this oppression reflected in the demographics of the university student body.

        But Blacks are underrepresented and Whites are underrepresented, so who are the dastardly people who are overrepresented at UVa?

        Whoever they are, they must now be the oppressors.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        The Cavalier Daily argues that DEI is a reaction to white oppression. So have you in this space.

        So I looked to see this oppression reflected in the demographics of the university student body.

        But Blacks are underrepresented and Whites are underrepresented, so who are the dastardly people who are overrepresented at UVa?

        Whoever they are, they must now be the oppressors.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “The Cavalier Daily argues that DEI is a reaction to white oppression. So have you in this space”

          I have argued that it is a reaction to systemic racism. I don’t believe I have ever contended that there were any white oppressors at UVA.

          “Whoever they are, they must now be the oppressors.”

          Blacks bring underrepresented in the UVa student population does not require an “oppressor”, you know…

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “The Cavalier Daily argues that DEI is a reaction to white oppression. So have you in this space”

          I have argued that it is a reaction to systemic racism. I don’t believe I have ever contended that there were any white oppressors at UVA.

          “Whoever they are, they must now be the oppressors.”

          Blacks being underrepresented in the UVa student population does not require an “oppressor”, you know…

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Tell that to the editorial staff of the Cavalier Daily. Let me know how it goes.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Why? Did they also wrongly claim I said something I didn’t…?

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Incisive response. Nice.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            At best his is a zero sum game argument and should be rejected.

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            The zero sum game argument is offered in the presentation upon which I reported.

            What else do charts of statistical representation offer? Take a minute.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Ummm… this chart shows it is not damaging to the “White” population to increase minority population. It doesn’t even talk about the percentages you presented in your “analysis”. This is actually the “not a zero sum game” argument yours is the “zero sum game” argument.

      3. WayneS Avatar

        Black students are a smaller percentage of UVA’s overall undergraduate population now than they were in 2009.

        Their own “Dashboard” says so.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Agreed, they are and they are actually underrepresented…

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          And 2009 was year 4 of the 18 year DEI initiative at UVa. So, after the last 14 years of effort (at least) the percentage enrollment of Black students has decreased. I guess that’s why the specifics of “minorities” is left unclassified in the so-called report being presented to management.

          The report is a whitewashing of failure and apparent incompetence by the 18 year old DEI initiative.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Good catch, so I ran the numbers.

      The Hispanic or Latino population in the U.S. population) in 2020 census was 62.1 million (18.7%).

      The number of Hispanic or Latinos reporting white only in the 2020 census were 12.6 million. So 20% of Hispanics were white only.

      At UVa, that would add 240 undergraduates to the 2022 White totals of 8,754, equalling 8993 of 16,793, or 53.6% of undergraduates were white.

      In the 2020 census, 60.3 % of the Virginia population was white alone.

      After adding in the Hispanic whites, we still see white underrepresentation in the undergraduate population.

      The changes had a smaller impact on graduate students because Hispanics are less represented there than in the undergraduate schools.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        “The number of Hispanic or Latinos reporting white only in the 2020 census were 12.6 million. So 20% of Hispanics were white only.” So 80% of “Hispanics” are African American or Asian or Pacific Islander? I don’t think so…

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        “The number of Hispanic or Latinos reporting white only in the 2020 census were 12.6 million. So 20% of Hispanics were white only.” So 80% of “Hispanics” are African American or Asian or Pacific Islander? I don’t think so…wait, the % with some indigenous American ancestry would be high. Those who consider themselves Spanish or Portuguese might be just 20%.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          20% of Hispanics self-reporting as “White Only” and 80% reporting as “Mixed race” makes sense to me.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Those are the Bureau of the Census numbers. Give them a call.

          1. Acbar Avatar

            Exactly — both the category definitions and the response numbers come from Census.

        3. Lefty665 Avatar

          USG has limited and rigid racial classifications to facilitate comparisons between collection modes. They have been criticized for that, and many European descended Hispanics consider themselves, well, European and therefore white.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Marco Rubio, for example.

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      In looking at the issue recently in regard to a BR post I found that neither Virginia State or Virginia Union have DIE bureaucracies. I did not do a comprehensive search of HBCUs, but those two Virginia schools web sites did not feature DIE. The only mention of DIE was in a footnote in a comment at one of the sites. As you would expect the difference between these HBCUs with their 80%-90% black enrollment and UVa regarding DIE was dramatic.

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    That is one of the worst presentations I’ve ever seen.

    1. Most importantly, there are no measurable goals presented for the DEI organization. This is especially bad since the claim is made that the DEI work has been ongoing for 18 years. Has nobody ever asked for a plan?

    2. The facts are intentionally misleading. The exclusion of the costs of 29 DIE executives from the total costs is willful deception.

    3. The use of “minority” as the category for statistical comparison is an apparent attempt to hide reality. If “minority” undergraduate enrollment really increased by 74% from 2009 to 2022 then why is a bloated DIE organization needed?

    4. The use of 2009 and 2022 as two apparently random points of comparison is never explained. Given that the DEI effort has been ongoing since 2005, why not use that year as the starting point?

    5. The lack of comparative demographic data for the 2009/2022 statistical slide is either lazy or another attempt to obfuscate.

    6. There is no cost comparison of the DEI program from its inception in 2005 until today. Why not?

    Whoever prepared this presentation is either …

    a) practicing “mushroom management” of the BoV by keeping the board in the dark and feeding it manure or …

    b) simply incompetent.

    Either way, the people who put this together should be (metaphorically) thrown out of the meeting on their keisters.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Well said.

    2. Acbar Avatar

      I would like to believe that if the presentation actually were rewritten to address its manifold deficiencies, it would provoke a far better debate by the BOV. But the Board is a political creature; its recent history does not engender confidence in the BOV’s desire to exercise independent judgment. On the contrary, a board member who wants to avoid making hard decisions probably prefers to receive a bland and obfuscate presentation over one which exposes the unpleasant facts undermining the popular (with many faculty and most students) status quo. Do you really think a rewrite would really make a difference?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        I did not suggest a rewrite because the current one tells the board, especially the new members, what they really need to know: that the administration will, with forethought if clumsiness, deflect the true issues on important subjects.

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      They have had 18 years. How much time do they need to move the needle? It’s going backwards. 4 and half cohorts have passed through the doors of the Rotunda.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Exactly the question the BoV should be asking.

  11. Tom Blau Avatar
    Tom Blau

    Jim Sherlock has done a “dispositive” job on the UVa brief on DEI to the Board of Visitors. Are its pretty pictures and fatuous text worth the time of an audience of busy and knowledgeable people? The Board should send it back and ask for a serious product in two or three weeks.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    No better way to demonstrate to an institution what it is like to be a member of an hated, excluded, and unfairly treated group than to attack its policies at ending exclusion, hate, and inequity.

    Keep it up.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The policies are fine, the execution of those policies is not. Given that the percentage of enrolled Black undergraduates has decreased during the 18 year tenure of the DEI bureaucracy I would think that true liberals would be pounding the table demanding action. But they are not. Those liberals only care for the virtue signaling of having a large DEI bureaucracy, not whether that organization is effective.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        This is disingenuous. The stats show mixed results and strong results in increasing Hispanic and mixed-race enrollment. You’ve taken one criterion, declared DEI a failure because of the result, and your solution is to get rid of DEI, which I’m SURE will increase minority enrollment. Brilliant!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        How does the execution compare with successful schools? They’ll learn.

        This is the fun time. This is the time where serendipity plays a role in discovery.

  13. VaPragamtist Avatar

    An example of Inclusion is “food in the dining halls”?

    I applaud any effort to make dining options inclusive, especially if on-campus dining plans are mandatory. More kosher options for Jewish students. Halal for Muslim students. Fish on Fridays during Lent for Catholics. Extended hours during Ramadan. Alternatives for students with health issues.

    1. Nathan Avatar

      And you need a massive multi million dollar DEI bureaucracy for that?

      Give me a break. Ryan could have just issued your paragraph and been done with it.

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