Creeping Totalitarianism: Now They’re Indoctrinating Kindergartners

“Confronting the Weaponization of Whiteness” — coming to a school near you. Image from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Teaching Tolerance” website

by James A. Bacon

Loudoun County Public Schools are adding “social justice” to the mission of teaching elementary school students. The County has teamed with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s education arm, Teaching Tolerance, to develop its new curriculum, reports the Washington Examiner.

“Sugarcoating or ignoring slavery until later grades makes students more upset by or even resistant to true stories about American history,” the curriculum reads. “Long before we teach algebra, we teach its component parts. We should structure history instruction the same way.”

Loudoun schools have always taught the ugly realities of slavery, typically beginning in the 4th grade in concert with the Standards of Learning.

One teacher quoted anonymously by the Examiner — gee, do you think she fears retribution if she spoke openly? — said that the focus to push politics on students who do not yet know how to read is motivated by politics rather than education. “I teach lower grades in elementary school,” she said. “Our standards were always to teach about famous Americans, George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., people like that. But, it was all very general and the bigger picture. We highlighted the accomplishments.”

What they’re really trying to do is divide people as early as they can, starting now with kindergarteners. They’re really going to be inciting hate. They’re pointing out that there’s ‘whiteness’ and ‘blackness’ and that’s crazy. We never taught about that in school…. We learn about how to get along with one another and be kind and respect others. But now, with this new curriculum that they’re adding, it’s going to do the total opposite.

Is that an exaggeration? The Examiner says the curriculum guide encourages educators to create opportunities for kindergartners, 1st graders and second graders to learn about “activism and action civics.”

Students should study examples of role models from the past and present, and ask themselves, ‘how can I make a difference?’” the guide says. “These conversations [about slavery] should lead into discussions about current injustices—particularly those that continue to disenfranchise and oppress the descendants of enslaved people—and possibilities for activism and reform.

Here’s more from the SPLC “Teaching Tolerance” program, which claims a reach to more than 500,000 educators:

The program emphasizes anti-bias and social justice. The anti-bias approach encourages children and young people to challenge prejudice and learn how to be agents of change in their own lives. Our Social Justice Standards show how anti-bias education works through the four domains of identity, diversity, justice and action.

One of the topics in the SPLC line-up: Discussing Whiteness. “Why does whiteness fly beneath the radar? Explore this question, and reflect on the role of white privilege and white racial identity formation in anti-racism work.”

Bacon’s bottom line: Initiatives like these are what I call “soft totalitarianism.” The Social Justice vanguard in America isn’t collectivizing farms and starving peasants. It isn’t herding undesirables into concentration camps. But it is totalitarian in the sense that it reaches into every corner of our social, economic and political being. It demands conformity and punishes transgressors. And now, as its power grows, it is indoctrinating our young.

It takes a village to raise a child. Unfortunately, the village is increasingly likely to be run by a Social Justice commissar.

The most extraordinary thing to me is how supine and passive the American people have been in the face of this creeping totalitarianism. Maybe we’re getting the country we deserve. I can only pray that at some point, people begin fighting back.

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204 responses to “Creeping Totalitarianism: Now They’re Indoctrinating Kindergartners”

  1. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    SBostian, here’s one.

    “Turn on. Tune in. Drop out.”
    Timothy Leary

    1. sbostian Avatar

      Ah! Thanks for the memories. Tried that one for a while. It didn’t work for me. Did it work for you? (:-)

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        “If you can remember the 1960s, you weren’t really there.” — Wish I could remember who said it. Abby Hoffman?

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    This snowball has rolled downhill into an avalanche. It all started here at Madison’s Trust Elementary.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      If my memory is correct the Underground RR lesson at Madison’s Trust came right out of the Teaching Tolerance curriculum. What really happened with the lesson and what was reported in the media are two very different stories.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    And then the Black Panther Party showed up. It was necessary for the superintendent to initiate dramatic change. Since LPCS is such a monolithic institution now it has taken a year and half for the reforms to take real shape.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      On paper, who could argue with the need to teach tolerance? I’d be interested in that curriculum. But who could argue with “Black Lives Matter?” It’s important to study the bullet points….

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    geeze… this is the same public education that are being told to open up now or else? which is it?

    Most folks don’t think telling kids the truth about our history as “indoctrination”. Not telling them the truth about it is indoctrination.

    When 3rd graders show up using the “N” word where do you think they got it?

    1. PackerFan Avatar

      I’m sorry Larry. Please qualify your last sentence. Is it the black children who are using that word or the white kids or other ethnicities? Are these the same third graders who tell their teachers to “f*ck off”. What kind of curriculum should LCPS utilize to address those other social issues instead of just focusing on “white guilt”.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        rural school – kids wearing camo… got the picture?

        1. VDOTyranny Avatar

          Stereotype much? I expect better from you Larry

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            truth…. actual incidents…. more than once… more than one class.
            Actual parental “training”.

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Bona fide hate group?

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    ….and we don’t teach kids about “nuanced” topics like slavery and racism, so they grow up to wonder what all this stuff about systemic racism is?

    sounds about right.

    1. sbostian Avatar

      At least teach them to read, do arithmetic and a bit of logic first. Trying to jam adult topics down the throats of 5 to 9 year olds seems to be a bit premature.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Oh I AGREE – but when that kid goes all the way through school and graduates without really knowing and understanding our history with slavery and racism – it’s no wonder as adults they say “who me?”

        They have no idea how racism has affected the country – they actually just deny it…..

    2. Atlas Rand Avatar
      Atlas Rand

      No Larry, a kindergartner lacks the critical reasoning and base knowledge to understand such things. Generally they’re learning basic reading, so abstract concepts are a bit beyond them. I didn’t say never teach it, just not at age 5.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I agree pre-k and K are probably too young. I just point out that we have trouble figuring out what grade and how much to teach and we know that but the number of adults who don’t really know much about the actual documented history of racism in this country.

        But I WILL point out to you that in the early grades some teachers have set up exercises that involve two different “kinds” of people and such.

        This is a touchy issue in the early grades… no question.

  7. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Yes, yes, it is totalitarian… wait, are the Feds pulling kindergarteners off the streets?

  8. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Yes, yes, it is totalitarian… wait, are the Feds pulling kindergarteners off the streets?

  9. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    I love Jim, Jim, and Steve. I really do.

    They remind me so much of Melville’s quote concerning the affluent view of poverty, “Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well- warmed, and well-fed.” They constantly show off how effluent they are.

  10. The trolls are missing a critical point. Teaching kids about the evils of slavery is just part of this initiative. Teaching about slavery is packaged with the concepts of white privilege, white guilt, and white fragility. That is ideology, not history.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Not teaching the truth about racism such that people graduate from high school and still don’t believe it…. and then they talk of the evils of “ideology”… was it “ideology” to not tell the truth about slavery and racism?

      All these years – there were no complaints about not teaching the truth about and – now it’s “ideology”?

      I dunno. who says so? the folks that didn’t have a problem with it not being taught to start with? Perhaps if you had stepped up earlier and advocated it be taught but not “ideologically”?

    2. Craig@EmbarkFund Avatar

      How about we just agree to teach them that we are still a racist country. Maybe, during ‘career day’/Bring-Mom-or-Dad-to-School-Day, say, in Chesterfield County, and ask each parent if they teach/say the n-word at home? Cuz I hear it all over the south from White Folk (I’m white). Look, we still have a problem in this country – lots actually. Let’s deal with them.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        No, we can’t be admitting we’re still a racist country. Totally unacceptable from some – they don’t believe it. They were never
        taught it in school and they don’t see it now….

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        “Let’s deal with them.”

        Ooooh, that sounds like a Solution, if not a Final one. We are, however, dealing with Southerners, so maybe.

    3. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      Might be hard to teach about slavery (and its aftermath… to this day) without talking about the role whites had in it and how they benefited as a group from it (as well as their role in improving the plight of blacks in America). Now you can argue that is a little heady for kindergarteners but not for 3-5 graders. (I am starting to think the kindergarten argument is something of an exaggerated strawman here).

    4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Privilege? If owning a slave isn’t privileged, what is?
      Guilt? Defending statues to those who defend owning a slave is not guilt, it’s pride.
      White fragility? I think you confuse fragility with whining.

    5. VDOTyranny Avatar

      Is there an objective measure of when we can all agree the country is no longer racist?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        uh… don’t ask black folks… is this a white guy only question?

    6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Are you bragging or complaining?

    7. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      The Teaching Tolerance curriculum has cleverly packed the SPLC ideology into their materials. The major weakness is not allowing students the ability to draw their own conclusions and defend their arguments. Defending arguments with facts and reasoning is a measurable outcome. Teaching Tolerance is not interested in this. If you have a discerning eye examine the documents and lessons for yourself.

  11. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    That’s a really broad use of the word totalitarianism. Yet another right wing dog whistle.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      How about replacing the term totalitarianism with the critical theory Western Marxism of Herbert Marcuse, cited below. Does that work for you, Peter? What is going on in the schools of Loudon County is exactly what Marcuse championed.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Why? Because we should teach saluting?

  12. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    That’s a really broad use of the word totalitarianism. Yet another right wing dog whistle.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      How about replacing the term totalitarianism with the critical theory Western Marxism of Herbert Marcuse, cited below. Does that work for you, Peter? What is going on in the schools of Loudon County is exactly what Marcuse championed.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Why? Because we should teach saluting?

  13. sherlockj Avatar

    This is the instruction of kindergartners in Western-Marxist critical theory.

    One of the leaders of this school of philosophy was Herbert Marcuse, the so-called “father of the new left”, who inspired many of the radicals who demonstrated violently in the 60’s and 70’s and then took over much of academia.

    Marcuse thought western societies too comfortable and optimistic to support Marxism. He championed the use of minorities, outsiders, and radical academics, writers, teachers, media and artists to nourish oppositional thought and behavior.

    Mission accomplished. Now 5 year olds in Loudon County and many other places in the country will pay the price.

    Unless their parents and grandparents stop it by electing a new school board, it will continue. If school board candidates can run on this issue and get their messages out, I believe they will win and it will stop.

    If not, Americans and their children are doomed to the rot of their society from the Marxism being imposed from the heights of the culture.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      “Unless their parents and grandparents stop it by electing a new school board, it will continue. If school board candidates can run on this issue and get their messages out, I believe they will win and it will stop.”

      I wish that were true, but afraid that it is not. As I recall, this plague of indoctrination in Loudon County is the result of intimidation campaign, including a letter recently sent by certified mail by Virginia Attorney General’s office to Loudon County. The substance of the letter is dealt with here in a post and comments to that post.

      Most likely, this is a pilot program for the indoctrination of Virginia children from K-12, starting in Kindergarten for the entire state.

  14. sherlockj Avatar

    This is the instruction of kindergartners in Western-Marxist critical theory.

    One of the leaders of this school of philosophy was Herbert Marcuse, the so-called “father of the new left”, who inspired many of the radicals who demonstrated violently in the 60’s and 70’s and then took over much of academia.

    Marcuse thought western societies too comfortable and optimistic to support Marxism. He championed the use of minorities, outsiders, and radical academics, writers, teachers, media and artists to nourish oppositional thought and behavior.

    Mission accomplished. Now 5 year olds in Loudon County and many other places in the country will pay the price.

    Unless their parents and grandparents stop it by electing a new school board, it will continue. If school board candidates can run on this issue and get their messages out, I believe they will win and it will stop.

    If not, Americans and their children are doomed to the rot of their society from the Marxism being imposed from the heights of the culture.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      “Unless their parents and grandparents stop it by electing a new school board, it will continue. If school board candidates can run on this issue and get their messages out, I believe they will win and it will stop.”

      I wish that were true, but afraid that it is not. As I recall, this plague of indoctrination in Loudon County is the result of intimidation campaign, including a letter recently sent by certified mail by Virginia Attorney General’s office to Loudon County. The substance of the letter is dealt with here in a post and comments to that post.

      Most likely, this is a pilot program for the indoctrination of Virginia children from K-12, starting in Kindergarten for the entire state.

  15. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    “I demand my right to indoctrinate my own child with my racism with no interference from her educators!”

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      Excellent contribution to the conversation. A few questions:
      – Why is that statement in quotes? Did you hear it at the dinner table?
      – I note the favorite term of the Ed Schools – educator rather than teacher. Are you an Ed school grad?
      – Would you like your own daughter taught critical race theory in kindergarten?

      1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
        Eric the Half a Troll

        Thank you!

        To answer:

        – it is a posting technique to indicate a paraphrasing of author’s position. I thought that was clear given the context. Sorry if it confused you.
        – no, I am a geologist.
        – my daughter is 22 so I really don’t want her to be taught anything in kindergarten.

        1. sherlockj Avatar

          No rational human could be expected to recognize that statement as a “paraphrase “ of the author’s words for the simple reason that it is not.

          You certainly are free to support kindergartners, including your grandchildren, being taught critical race theory along with words and colors. I just choose to oppose you.

          1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
            Eric the Half a Troll

            Really? Bacon states that educators are “indoctrinating” (you ok with those quotes this time… still following…?) children by saying “Students should study examples of role models from the past and present, and ask themselves, ‘how can I make a difference?’” ” (Now, I am ACTUALLY quoting the article here in case you got confused again). Why the outrage? Why is discussing the truth of America “indoctrination”? I’ve heard this sort of argument over and over again when it comes to public school curriculum, “public schools are just Marxist re-education centers” (paraphrasing now…’kay?). The real reason CONservatives hate the public school system is that another adult may influence what and how their child thinks – besides themselves (this is clear by simply having a discussion with supporters of homeschooling – reason #1 for pulling their kids out of public schools – please note this is the same group who uses Texas law to push “creationism” into our science books and courses… but that sort of “indoctrination” is A-OK). That is the critique in a nutshell. In this case, the education is laying the groundwork to teach the truth of racism in America. Why do some here (including Bacon) find that concept so offensive? I think I’ve hit a sore spot in my answer above….

            And, no, I have no problem with any kindergartner related to me in any way being taught the truth about slavery in America and the fact that America has a racist history. (But you will be happy to hear that the curriculum is completely optional and not mandated). Feel better….

          2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            What will schools teach about Blaine Amendments to state constitutions that, motivated by prejudice against Italian- and Irish-Americans and their Catholic religion, prohibited any expenditure of public money to educate children in private schools?

            Is bigotry bigotry?

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I understood it as the commenter’s summary of what he took as your message.

        2. MAdams Avatar

          “– it is a posting technique to indicate a paraphrasing of author’s position. I thought that was clear given the context. Sorry if it confused you”

          That’s false, what you did was the definition of Trolling.

          “Trolling is defined as creating discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community. Basically, a social media troll is someone who purposely says something controversial in order to get a rise out of other users. If you’re an active social media user, chances are that you’ve experienced trolling in one way or another. Growing up as a teenager during the rise of social media usage, I’ve witnessed lots of trolling. The most prominent, in my opinion, is on YouTube. On every comment thread there are users who say something like “this video sucks,” “you don’t know what you’re talking about,” or the classic “five people need to get their brains checked!” referring to the number of people who have disliked that video.”

          Paraphrasing does not use quotations marks, they require citations. As you clearly cannot do so you, you were again just editorializing and showing more about yourself psychology than anything else.

          Furthermore, perhaps you should considering spelunking somewhere other than your 4th point of contact.

          1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
            Eric the Half a Troll

            Think of it more as “half-trolling”…

          2. MAdams Avatar

            Naw, it’s just trolling. I’m sorry the definition fits, maybe you should reflect on that fact, instead of commenting.

          3. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
            Eric the Half a Troll

            Hmmmmm… you seem to be very easily trolled… I’ll have to keep that in mind if you once again should go traipsing across my bridge…!!

          4. MAdams Avatar

            Not really, I just think trolls are pointless and other very little society.

  16. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    “I demand my right to indoctrinate my own child with my racism with no interference from her educators!”

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      Excellent contribution to the conversation. A few questions:
      – Why is that statement in quotes? Did you hear it at the dinner table?
      – I note the favorite term of the Ed Schools – educator rather than teacher. Are you an Ed school grad?
      – Would you like your own daughter taught critical race theory in kindergarten?

      1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
        Eric the Half a Troll

        Thank you!

        To answer:

        – it is a posting technique to indicate a paraphrasing of author’s position. I thought that was clear given the context. Sorry if it confused you.
        – no, I am a geologist.
        – my daughter is 22 so I really don’t want her to be taught anything in kindergarten.

        1. MAdams Avatar

          “– it is a posting technique to indicate a paraphrasing of author’s position. I thought that was clear given the context. Sorry if it confused you”

          That’s false, what you did was the definition of Trolling.

          “Trolling is defined as creating discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community. Basically, a social media troll is someone who purposely says something controversial in order to get a rise out of other users. If you’re an active social media user, chances are that you’ve experienced trolling in one way or another. Growing up as a teenager during the rise of social media usage, I’ve witnessed lots of trolling. The most prominent, in my opinion, is on YouTube. On every comment thread there are users who say something like “this video sucks,” “you don’t know what you’re talking about,” or the classic “five people need to get their brains checked!” referring to the number of people who have disliked that video.”

          Paraphrasing does not use quotations marks, they require citations. As you clearly cannot do so you, you were again just editorializing and showing more about yourself psychology than anything else.

          Furthermore, perhaps you should considering spelunking somewhere other than your 4th point of contact.

        2. sherlockj Avatar

          No rational human could be expected to recognize that statement as a “paraphrase ” of the author’s words for the simple reason that it is not.

          You certainly are free to support kindergartners, including your grandchildren, being taught critical race theory along with words and colors. I just choose to oppose you.

  17. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Gee I haven’t read Marcuse since high school. Why is he suddenly back in the news?

    1. sbostian Avatar

      “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back”

      ― John Maynard Keynes

      Although Keynes was speaking of economic ideas and actions, the principle holds in other fields. The influence of dead academics like Marcuse, John Dewey, and Eric Fromm is clearly visible in the educational, cultural and political drift of our times.

  18. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Gee I haven’t read Marcuse since high school. Why is he suddenly back in the news?

    1. sbostian Avatar

      “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back”

      ― John Maynard Keynes

      Although Keynes was speaking of economic ideas and actions, the principle holds in other fields. The influence of dead academics like Marcuse, John Dewey, and Eric Fromm is clearly visible in the educational, cultural and political drift of our times.

  19. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    “It isn’t herding undesirables into concentration camps…. ” Sure it will be, Jim, and you and I will be in the same bunkhouse with Nancy and his ilk as our re-education instructors. You and I will get the double waterboard treatment as climate deniers….

    On this one, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Quite a few of the private schools, especially those run by the liberal religious sects, are as deeply into this as any public system — more so, at this point.

    The previous pollyanna BS being taught was destructive and evil, but I agree their goal now is to turn all children into their vision of social justice warriors who hate America. How about a curriculum based in truths, such as: Slavery is as old as civilization and was once universal, it was practiced by Native Americans before Europeans came, and then African slaves were introduced to the Americas (North and South) by Europeans, but as the rest of the world rejected it, so did most North and South American states. Everybody, even slave holders like Jefferson and Washington, knew it violated the very principles they espoused. But by the mid 1800s it had gotten so deeply entrenched in the southern agricultural economy and tangled up in regional politics that only a bloody war could wash it from the land. That war was fought, and it didn’t have to be — the Northerners could have let the South go. Lincoln did not, and for that his memory is also being tainted by these people. But is there any other place in the world where “as Christ died to make men holy, let us die to make men free?” was the rallying cry?

    That is not the curriculum they will accept, of course.

    1. sbostian Avatar

      Teachers who are trained in Schools of Education are steeped in Dewey and the Frankfurt School thinking. From that perspective, every stream of the woke agenda finds a receptive audience. The Dewey framework emphasizes education as an instrument of social change, not of equipping students to think for themselves. I’m not surprised that the private schools are on board. Several friends of mine are planning to take their children out of St Christopher’s and St Catherine’s because of the schools’ increasingly woke culture.

      I suspect that I will be joining you and Jim in the concentration camp. Hope it won’t be a death camp.

    2. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      “… that only a bloody war could wash it from the land.”

      Continue on…”and still it did not…”

      1. Craig@EmbarkFund Avatar

        Touche’ Sir Half-a-Troll!

        Bacon/Haner are just getting too old. They’re for sure not hanging around anyone in their early 20s. Climate Deniers?!!! Hahahaha. Believing in magic men in the sky and Creationism in schools? Trolling on brother…

    3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Really? Then, as expected, you failed.

      Ol’ Cap’n Sherlock is freaked by the expression “social justice” and he spent his career in a system with a dismal justice record…

      “May 30, 2014 · The case was dismissed, with the court ruling that rape was an “occupational hazard” for military personnel.”

      Oh well, they’re just women…

  20. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    “It isn’t herding undesirables into concentration camps…. ” Sure it will be, Jim, and you and I will be in the same bunkhouse with Nancy and his ilk as our re-education instructors. You and I will get the double waterboard treatment as climate deniers….

    On this one, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Quite a few of the private schools, especially those run by the liberal religious sects, are as deeply into this as any public system — more so, at this point.

    The previous pollyanna BS being taught was destructive and evil, but I agree their goal now is to turn all children into their vision of social justice warriors who hate America. How about a curriculum based in truths, such as: Slavery is as old as civilization and was once universal, it was practiced by Native Americans before Europeans came, and then African slaves were introduced to the Americas (North and South) by Europeans, but as the rest of the world rejected it, so did most North and South American states. Everybody, even slave holders like Jefferson and Washington, knew it violated the very principles they espoused. But by the mid 1800s it had gotten so deeply entrenched in the southern agricultural economy and tangled up in regional politics that only a bloody war could wash it from the land. That war was fought, and it didn’t have to be — the Northerners could have let the South go. Lincoln did not, and for that his memory is also being tainted by these people. But is there any other place in the world where “as Christ died to make men holy, let us die to make men free?” was the rallying cry?

    That is not the curriculum they will accept, of course.

    1. sbostian Avatar

      Teachers who are trained in Schools of Education are steeped in Dewey and the Frankfurt School thinking. From that perspective, every stream of the woke agenda finds a receptive audience. The Dewey framework emphasizes education as an instrument of social change, not of equipping students to think for themselves. I’m not surprised that the private schools are on board. Several friends of mine are planning to take their children out of St Christopher’s and St Catherine’s because of the schools’ increasingly woke culture.

      I suspect that I will be joining you and Jim in the concentration camp. Hope it won’t be a death camp.

    2. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      “… that only a bloody war could wash it from the land.”

      Continue on…”and still it did not…”

      1. Craig@EmbarkFund Avatar

        Touche’ Sir Half-a-Troll!

        Bacon/Haner are just getting too old. They’re for sure not hanging around anyone in their early 20s. Climate Deniers?!!! Hahahaha. Believing in magic men in the sky and Creationism in schools? Trolling on brother…

    3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Really? Then, as expected, you failed.

      Ol’ Cap’n Sherlock is freaked by the expression “social justice” and he spent his career in a system with a dismal justice record…

      “May 30, 2014 · The case was dismissed, with the court ruling that rape was an “occupational hazard” for military personnel.”

      Oh well, they’re just women…

  21. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    SBostian, here’s one.

    “Turn on. Tune in. Drop out.”
    Timothy Leary

    1. sbostian Avatar

      Ah! Thanks for the memories. Tried that one for a while. It didn’t work for me. Did it work for you? (:-)

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        “If you can remember the 1960s, you weren’t really there.” — Wish I could remember who said it. Abby Hoffman?

  22. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    This snowball has rolled downhill into an avalanche. It all started here at Madison’s Trust Elementary.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      If my memory is correct the Underground RR lesson at Madison’s Trust came right out of the Teaching Tolerance curriculum. What really happened with the lesson and what was reported in the media are two very different stories.

  23. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    And then the Black Panther Party showed up. It was necessary for the superintendent to initiate dramatic change. Since LPCS is such a monolithic institution now it has taken a year and half for the reforms to take real shape.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      On paper, who could argue with the need to teach tolerance? I’d be interested in that curriculum. But who could argue with “Black Lives Matter?” It’s important to study the bullet points….

  24. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Southern Poverty Law Center’s Lessons: Teaching Tolerance has been widely available for a long time now. I have examined their lessons and materials in the past and I know a number of high school teachers who routinely use these materials. I found the lessons to be long, drawn out, and difficult to measure if student’s actually learned anything. The AP US History curriculum and the US and Virginia SOLS are packed. There is no time for fooling around with Teaching Tolerance. If you do there is no way to complete the mandated curriculum by May for standardized testing. Adding another layer of curriculum is problematic.

    One of the chief reform goals of Teaching Tolerance is to rearrange the chronology of instruction. In other words lay down the origination of slavery, the hardships/cruelty of slavery, and the supporters of slavery first. Then move on to fight against slavery and the gradual movement of the end of slavery/Jim Crow. Currently VA SOLS teach the feel good side first and the ugly side in later grades.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      As a teacher, which approach do you think is best: feel good side first or later?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Feel good side first is my preference. K-3rd graders are not intellectually and emotionally developed enough to process the complex nature of the origination of slavery and the cruelties that came with it. Little kids are watching Barney, Telle Tubies, the Disney Channel, and Sesame Street. I just don’t see the benefit of introducing man’s inhumanity to man at such a young age. The focus on the heroes who overcame slavery, Jim Crow, etc is a more acceptable approach. In middle school and high school they will get the chronological sequence of slavery, it’s cruelties, the supporters of the institution, and the long road to triumph over slavery/Jim Crow. It absolutely dominates the 7th and 11th grade curriculum. At older ages I believe students have a better chance of processing this information and it actually sticking for the long run.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          I’m not going to say it’s a shame you retired from teaching – you have done your part to educate our youth – but it is a shame there are not more people like you teaching in our public schools.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      James Wyatt Whitehead V – thank you for your introduction to the state of elementary school education today in Loudoun County, Virginia, namely this official manifesto:

      21000 Education Court Ashburn, Virginia 20148(571) 252-1020

      Statement of Loudoun County Public Schools Superintendent Eric Williams In Partnership with The Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC), Loudoun County Chapter of the NAACP, and The Loudoun Freedom Center.

      Recently, a lesson on the Underground Railroad at Madison’s Trust Elementary School came to light as inappropriate and culturally insensitive. As a result, Madison’s Trust administrators and Division leaders have worked together, with support from the Loudoun Freedom Center, to specifically address the issue and reteach the intended learning outcomes.

      We acknowledge that this incident at Madison’s Trust is a symptom of a broader issue. The diversity in Loudoun County is one of our greatest strengths, but Loudoun County is also a place where equity has proven a challenge for many decades.

      We have struggled with inequities in student achievement gaps, discipline disproportionality, underrepresentation of minority students in advanced programs and courses, and the lack of a diversified teacher workforce.

      A systemic approach and community partnerships are critical in addressing racism, cultural insensitivity, and inequity throughout the school division.

      We are committed to working together to address these issues until they no longer exist in our schools or community. LCPS has started to implement some systemic changes in addressing these issues:

      ● A Diversity Recruiter was created in FY17 the Department of Human Resources and Talent Development to focus on diversifying our teacher workforce.

      ● Hiring managers have participated in unconscious bias training through the Department of Human Resources and Talent Development.

      ● The Department of Instruction continues to audit the curriculum to make certain that issues of inclusion and cultural awareness are explicitly incorporated. Teachers will continue to be provided professional development and support on implementation of the curriculum.

      ● LCPS has reduced discipline disproportionality between African Americans and White students, while also decreasing suspension rates for African American and Hispanic students.

      ● LCPS has created a new Equity and Cultural Competence Specialist position within the Department of Instruction for FY20. This person will organize cultural competence and implicit bias training for all teachers and administrators. Previously, this training had been optional for teachers and administrators, and it will now be required.

      ● An equity audit will be conducted in spring of 2019 by an outside expert to gather multiple perspectives on racial and cultural insensitivity. Audit results will provide strategic direction for a long-term, equity plan.

      ● The FY20 School Board Adopted Budget funded a divisionwide position dedicated to equity in education. This individual will be responsible for aligning all the equity efforts throughout LCPS.

      ● The School Board is in the process of creating a group to address equity in education.

      ● LCPS and The Loudoun Freedom Center are updating their memorandum of understanding and continue to collaborate and engage in ongoing work related to equity.

      While these are all positive steps forward, our community partnerships are crucial to addressing and eradicating issues of inequity.

      LCPS embraces the work with its partners including the Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC), the Loudoun Chapter of the NAACP, and the Loudoun Freedom Center. MSAAC serves as an advisory group to the LCPS School Board regarding fair and equitable learning experiences for all students.

      The Loudoun County Chapter of the NAACP, under the leadership of Pastor Michelle Thomas, continues to be invaluable in guiding and advising school leaders on sensitive issues. The Loudoun Freedom Center (LFC) provides consulting services on curriculum related to African American History, offers field trips to students and teachers to historic slave cemeteries and preserved African American communities, and partners on the design and delivery of training related to equity.

      Loudoun County Public Schools is committed to dedicating the resources necessary to address issues of equity now and in the future. We pledge ongoing communication and transparency to our community as we make progress. Together, we can have a lasting impact on the lives of ALL our students and truly honor the diversity that defines us.” End Quote.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Coming next to a public school near you in Virginia:

        “For the first time since 1997, Texas education officials are reviewing — and potentially revising — health standards for all Texas public schools. While this should be an opportunity for strengthening the current factual, biological standards, leftist LGBT advocacy groups are calling this review process a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to attack Texas’s abstinence-focused approach and teach medically inaccurate, highly sexualized LGBT programming as early as kindergarten.

        In Texas, the State Board of Education recently took public testimony on recommendations for new sex-ed standards compiled by health and education experts. Thankfully, the current standards before the SBOE are abstinence-focused, so opponents face an uphill climb. But that didn’t stop radical organizations such as Texas Freedom Network and SIECUS, who recruited witnesses to bombard the SBOE members with more than 12 hours of radical, pro-LGBT propaganda.

        Witnesses urged SBOE members to include “sexual orientation and gender identity” or abortion rights in the Health portion of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills state standards with vague exhortations to “be on the right side of history.” Their testimony contained many outrageous claims that are worth exploring to show the general outrageousness of the subject matter being pushed.

        One teen pregnancy prevention coordinator claimed, “Youth who are taught abstinence-based or abstinence-only education are more likely to contract an STD, become a young parent, partake in other risky behaviors and even face incarceration.” A woman who wants LGBT sex to be taught in school proclaimed, “I was 15 when I wanted to have sex with my girlfriend but, we did not know how to because we were never taught.”

        A representative from the Texas Is Ready Campaign told the board to ignore the more than 4,000 emails from their constituents opposing “comprehensive” (i.e., far-left) sex education and instead consider a recent survey that polled only 600 Texans. On the topic of supporting teaching “gender identity” in sex education, a woman testified that students should not be worried about defining people as male or female. …” End Quote By Jonathan Covey and James Wesolek, July 22, 2020

        For more see:

    3. sbostian Avatar

      Since this topic started with an orientation toward the early years of education, I would like to ask a simplistic question. Should politically (perhaps ideological) oriented critical analysis of American history be deferred to high school? Why not devote the early years to assuring that the maximum number of students are performing at or above grade level in reading comprehension, mathematics and logic. I have spent the past ten years teaching the product of the Virginia public schools. Perhaps I had a 10 year biased sample, but the majority of the students had reading comprehension skills at a middle school level, struggled with mathematics at the Algebra 1 level, and were oblivious to “if A=B and B=C, then A=C” level logic. However, they had minds full of opinions which they considered to be existential truth needing no defense.

      I hope that we could all agree that mastery of basic skills should be a mandatory outcome of public education. Once that becomes a predictable and consistent result, then we can argue about political content in the social studies courses. To deal with “nuanced” readings of history, without the skills to deal with nuance doesn’t seem to serve students.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Short answer. No. It should be taught when kids are taught history starting in Middle School. If we are going to teach history – we need to teach history – not some sanitized version of it.

        I do not think it is “political” to teach actual history.

        1. sbostian Avatar

          So are you implying that mastery of basic skills is not the nonnegotiable requirement of public education. How will students properly appreciate your version of history (all historical accounts are biased) if they are incompetent at reading and logic? Or do you just expect them to accept it as delivered because the teacher told them?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            not buying the “all history is biased”. Facts are not biased.
            If you think so then why teach history at all – period?

            This is pretty convoluted. We don’t teach history because they are not competent enough to understand it and besides it’s all biased anyhow?

            So history by omission – neglecting to tell kids about slavery – is “bias” also?

        2. MAdams Avatar

          Serious question, what do you consider “actual history”? Do you think that the 1619 Project should be taught?

  25. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Southern Poverty Law Center’s Lessons: Teaching Tolerance has been widely available for a long time now. I have examined their lessons and materials in the past and I know a number of high school teachers who routinely use these materials. I found the lessons to be long, drawn out, and difficult to measure if student’s actually learned anything. The AP US History curriculum and the US and Virginia SOLS are packed. There is no time for fooling around with Teaching Tolerance. If you do there is no way to complete the mandated curriculum by May for standardized testing. Adding another layer of curriculum is problematic.

    One of the chief reform goals of Teaching Tolerance is to rearrange the chronology of instruction. In other words lay down the origination of slavery, the hardships/cruelty of slavery, and the supporters of slavery first. Then move on to fight against slavery and the gradual movement of the end of slavery/Jim Crow. Currently VA SOLS teach the feel good side first and the ugly side in later grades.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      As a teacher, which approach do you think is best: feel good side first or later?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Feel good side first is my preference. K-3rd graders are not intellectually and emotionally developed enough to process the complex nature of the origination of slavery and the cruelties that came with it. Little kids are watching Barney, Telle Tubies, the Disney Channel, and Sesame Street. I just don’t see the benefit of introducing man’s inhumanity to man at such a young age. The focus on the heroes who overcame slavery, Jim Crow, etc is a more acceptable approach. In middle school and high school they will get the chronological sequence of slavery, it’s cruelties, the supporters of the institution, and the long road to triumph over slavery/Jim Crow. It absolutely dominates the 7th and 11th grade curriculum. At older ages I believe students have a better chance of processing this information and it actually sticking for the long run.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          I’m not going to say it’s a shame you retired from teaching – you have done your part to educate our youth – but it is a shame there are not more people like you teaching in our public schools.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      James Wyatt Whitehead V – thank you for your introduction to the state of elementary school education today in Loudoun County, Virginia, namely this official manifesto:

      21000 Education Court Ashburn, Virginia 20148(571) 252-1020

      Statement of Loudoun County Public Schools Superintendent Eric Williams In Partnership with The Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC), Loudoun County Chapter of the NAACP, and The Loudoun Freedom Center.

      Recently, a lesson on the Underground Railroad at Madison’s Trust Elementary School came to light as inappropriate and culturally insensitive. As a result, Madison’s Trust administrators and Division leaders have worked together, with support from the Loudoun Freedom Center, to specifically address the issue and reteach the intended learning outcomes.

      We acknowledge that this incident at Madison’s Trust is a symptom of a broader issue. The diversity in Loudoun County is one of our greatest strengths, but Loudoun County is also a place where equity has proven a challenge for many decades.

      We have struggled with inequities in student achievement gaps, discipline disproportionality, underrepresentation of minority students in advanced programs and courses, and the lack of a diversified teacher workforce.

      A systemic approach and community partnerships are critical in addressing racism, cultural insensitivity, and inequity throughout the school division.

      We are committed to working together to address these issues until they no longer exist in our schools or community. LCPS has started to implement some systemic changes in addressing these issues:

      ● A Diversity Recruiter was created in FY17 the Department of Human Resources and Talent Development to focus on diversifying our teacher workforce.

      ● Hiring managers have participated in unconscious bias training through the Department of Human Resources and Talent Development.

      ● The Department of Instruction continues to audit the curriculum to make certain that issues of inclusion and cultural awareness are explicitly incorporated. Teachers will continue to be provided professional development and support on implementation of the curriculum.

      ● LCPS has reduced discipline disproportionality between African Americans and White students, while also decreasing suspension rates for African American and Hispanic students.

      ● LCPS has created a new Equity and Cultural Competence Specialist position within the Department of Instruction for FY20. This person will organize cultural competence and implicit bias training for all teachers and administrators. Previously, this training had been optional for teachers and administrators, and it will now be required.

      ● An equity audit will be conducted in spring of 2019 by an outside expert to gather multiple perspectives on racial and cultural insensitivity. Audit results will provide strategic direction for a long-term, equity plan.

      ● The FY20 School Board Adopted Budget funded a divisionwide position dedicated to equity in education. This individual will be responsible for aligning all the equity efforts throughout LCPS.

      ● The School Board is in the process of creating a group to address equity in education.

      ● LCPS and The Loudoun Freedom Center are updating their memorandum of understanding and continue to collaborate and engage in ongoing work related to equity.

      While these are all positive steps forward, our community partnerships are crucial to addressing and eradicating issues of inequity.

      LCPS embraces the work with its partners including the Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC), the Loudoun Chapter of the NAACP, and the Loudoun Freedom Center. MSAAC serves as an advisory group to the LCPS School Board regarding fair and equitable learning experiences for all students.

      The Loudoun County Chapter of the NAACP, under the leadership of Pastor Michelle Thomas, continues to be invaluable in guiding and advising school leaders on sensitive issues. The Loudoun Freedom Center (LFC) provides consulting services on curriculum related to African American History, offers field trips to students and teachers to historic slave cemeteries and preserved African American communities, and partners on the design and delivery of training related to equity.

      Loudoun County Public Schools is committed to dedicating the resources necessary to address issues of equity now and in the future. We pledge ongoing communication and transparency to our community as we make progress. Together, we can have a lasting impact on the lives of ALL our students and truly honor the diversity that defines us.” End Quote.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Coming next to a public school near you in Virginia:

        “For the first time since 1997, Texas education officials are reviewing — and potentially revising — health standards for all Texas public schools. While this should be an opportunity for strengthening the current factual, biological standards, leftist LGBT advocacy groups are calling this review process a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to attack Texas’s abstinence-focused approach and teach medically inaccurate, highly sexualized LGBT programming as early as kindergarten.

        In Texas, the State Board of Education recently took public testimony on recommendations for new sex-ed standards compiled by health and education experts. Thankfully, the current standards before the SBOE are abstinence-focused, so opponents face an uphill climb. But that didn’t stop radical organizations such as Texas Freedom Network and SIECUS, who recruited witnesses to bombard the SBOE members with more than 12 hours of radical, pro-LGBT propaganda.

        Witnesses urged SBOE members to include “sexual orientation and gender identity” or abortion rights in the Health portion of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills state standards with vague exhortations to “be on the right side of history.” Their testimony contained many outrageous claims that are worth exploring to show the general outrageousness of the subject matter being pushed.

        One teen pregnancy prevention coordinator claimed, “Youth who are taught abstinence-based or abstinence-only education are more likely to contract an STD, become a young parent, partake in other risky behaviors and even face incarceration.” A woman who wants LGBT sex to be taught in school proclaimed, “I was 15 when I wanted to have sex with my girlfriend but, we did not know how to because we were never taught.”

        A representative from the Texas Is Ready Campaign told the board to ignore the more than 4,000 emails from their constituents opposing “comprehensive” (i.e., far-left) sex education and instead consider a recent survey that polled only 600 Texans. On the topic of supporting teaching “gender identity” in sex education, a woman testified that students should not be worried about defining people as male or female. …” End Quote By Jonathan Covey and James Wesolek, July 22, 2020

        For more see:

    3. sbostian Avatar

      Since this topic started with an orientation toward the early years of education, I would like to ask a simplistic question. Should politically (perhaps ideological) oriented critical analysis of American history be deferred to high school? Why not devote the early years to assuring that the maximum number of students are performing at or above grade level in reading comprehension, mathematics and logic. I have spent the past ten years teaching the product of the Virginia public schools. Perhaps I had a 10 year biased sample, but the majority of the students had reading comprehension skills at a middle school level, struggled with mathematics at the Algebra 1 level, and were oblivious to “if A=B and B=C, then A=C” level logic. However, they had minds full of opinions which they considered to be existential truth needing no defense.

      I hope that we could all agree that mastery of basic skills should be a mandatory outcome of public education. Once that becomes a predictable and consistent result, then we can argue about political content in the social studies courses. To deal with “nuanced” readings of history, without the skills to deal with nuance doesn’t seem to serve students.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Short answer. No. It should be taught when kids are taught history starting in Middle School. If we are going to teach history – we need to teach history – not some sanitized version of it.

        I do not think it is “political” to teach actual history.

        1. sbostian Avatar

          So are you implying that mastery of basic skills is not the nonnegotiable requirement of public education. How will students properly appreciate your version of history (all historical accounts are biased) if they are incompetent at reading and logic? Or do you just expect them to accept it as delivered because the teacher told them?

        2. MAdams Avatar

          Serious question, what do you consider “actual history”? Do you think that the 1619 Project should be taught?

  26. LarrytheG Avatar

    geeze… this is the same public education that are being told to open up now or else? which is it?

    Most folks don’t think telling kids the truth about our history as “indoctrination”. Not telling them the truth about it is indoctrination.

    When 3rd graders show up using the “N” word where do you think they got it?

    1. PackerFan Avatar

      I’m sorry Larry. Please qualify your last sentence. Is it the black children who are using that word or the white kids or other ethnicities? Are these the same third graders who tell their teachers to “f*ck off”. What kind of curriculum should LCPS utilize to address those other social issues instead of just focusing on “white guilt”.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        rural school – kids wearing camo… got the picture?

        1. VDOTyranny Avatar

          Stereotype much? I expect better from you Larry

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            truth…. actual incidents…. more than once… more than one class.
            Actual parental “training”.

  27. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    Can’t THEY just give KIDS a laptop WITH some social justice software a la Larry? He told me once kids CAN learn from SofTWares…
    Equity solved… we can all pitch in and get in on a “LarrryG Presents Wokeness” app and make millions. Plus we save on taxes because no more need to put teachers at risk and the “systems” have been smadhed.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      As a parent – in this environment , YOU can CHOOSE what you want your kid to learn and not – just buy the software you like and don’t use that nasty leftist public school social justice crap. See, you can actually KEEP public education from polluting your kid!

      You gotta like that, right? 😉

  28. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    Can’t THEY just give KIDS a laptop WITH some social justice software a la Larry? He told me once kids CAN learn from SofTWares…
    Equity solved… we can all pitch in and get in on a “LarrryG Presents Wokeness” app and make millions. Plus we save on taxes because no more need to put teachers at risk and the “systems” have been smadhed.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      As a parent – in this environment , YOU can CHOOSE what you want your kid to learn and not – just buy the software you like and don’t use that nasty leftist public school social justice crap. See, you can actually KEEP public education from polluting your kid!

      You gotta like that, right? 😉

  29. ksmith8953 Avatar

    Like all other initiatives, fortunately or unfortunately, this too shall pass. We put alot on schools, character education, tolerance…..

  30. ksmith8953 Avatar

    Like all other initiatives, fortunately or unfortunately, this too shall pass. We put alot on schools, character education, tolerance…..

  31. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Basically, if you read the Washington Examiner piece, you have a couple anonymous Loudoun parents complaining that this is creeping Marxism. I find that hard to buy and I also do not see the harm, in fact I see much good, in raising the issue of slavery for young children.
    It is crucial that curriculum at schools be honest. For example, I went to public and then parochial schools in West Virginia when my family moved there from the DC area in 1962. We got a very skewed version of state history. I never knew that socialist activist Mother Jones went on trial in the early 20th century in the city near where we lived. I never heard of the corruption brought on by coal operators or the destruction they caused. Years later, when I was researching a book about coal and West Virginia did I come face to face with the biased history I was taught. If interested see “Thunder on the Mountain,” the book or the documentary “Blood on the Mountain,” which is available on Amazon Prime.
    I never went to school in Virginia but until recently, state histories taught that slaves had great lives and some fought for the Confederacy. I don’t need to go there≥
    So, why is it “Marxist” to bring this up? I got a shock four summers ago at my community pool. A bunch of white kids who must have been sixth graders were chanting “Mexico Sucks!.” I asked them why they said that. They said, “That’s what Donald Trump says.”
    It reminds me of the line in the musical, “You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught.”

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Or… “it’s springtime for Donald in Florida…”

    2. PackerFan Avatar

      I was at a park and heard a bunch of kids say “Donald Trump sucks”. I asked them why and they said “That’s what CNN says.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well I keep hearing young folks say “who is this Biden guy? He talks like he’s from the 1950’s” Who does that?

        If the virus subsides and the economy starts to recover – get ready for the 2nd term!

  32. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Basically, if you read the Washington Examiner piece, you have a couple anonymous Loudoun parents complaining that this is creeping Marxism. I find that hard to buy and I also do not see the harm, in fact I see much good, in raising the issue of slavery for young children.
    It is crucial that curriculum at schools be honest. For example, I went to public and then parochial schools in West Virginia when my family moved there from the DC area in 1962. We got a very skewed version of state history. I never knew that socialist activist Mother Jones went on trial in the early 20th century in the city near where we lived. I never heard of the corruption brought on by coal operators or the destruction they caused. Years later, when I was researching a book about coal and West Virginia did I come face to face with the biased history I was taught. If interested see “Thunder on the Mountain,” the book or the documentary “Blood on the Mountain,” which is available on Amazon Prime.
    I never went to school in Virginia but until recently, state histories taught that slaves had great lives and some fought for the Confederacy. I don’t need to go there≥
    So, why is it “Marxist” to bring this up? I got a shock four summers ago at my community pool. A bunch of white kids who must have been sixth graders were chanting “Mexico Sucks!.” I asked them why they said that. They said, “That’s what Donald Trump says.”
    It reminds me of the line in the musical, “You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught.”

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Or… “it’s springtime for Donald in Florida…”

    2. PackerFan Avatar

      I was at a park and heard a bunch of kids say “Donald Trump sucks”. I asked them why and they said “That’s what CNN says.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well I keep hearing young folks say “who is this Biden guy? He talks like he’s from the 1950’s” Who does that?

        If the virus subsides and the economy starts to recover – get ready for the 2nd term!

  33. Atlas Rand Avatar
    Atlas Rand

    After all the complaints from Peter and Larry about any Koch funding, and explanations that anything tied to their money or influence is tainted, here we are allowing a bond fide hate group team up with the public schools? Where is the indignation and outrage?

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Indignation? Outrage? I think he killed hisself after shooting Judge Salas’ son and husband.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      koch funding is easy. Donor’s Trust no so much.

      Soon, the Dems will play that same game and no one will know where the money is coming from.

    3. Craig@EmbarkFund Avatar

      Do you think there are still white racists in America Atlas?

      What have YOU taught YOUR children about slavery in America?

      1. Atlas Rand Avatar
        Atlas Rand

        Haven’t taught her a thing since she’s 1. But I won’t be addressing complicated and nuanced topics like that in kindergarten, and I most certainly won’t follow any teaching or resources from a political hate group like the SPLC.

    4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Southern Poverty Law Center is a “bond fide [sic] hate group”? In whose opinion other than this commenter?

      1. Atlas Rand Avatar
        Atlas Rand

        Dick, they’ve weaponized their “hate group” list against any conservative group that defends traditional values or Christian beliefs. They black listed Ben Carson for heaven’s sake! The man may be a lot of things but hateful bigot isn’t one. They’ve become exactly what they’re against, a hate group, but it’s ok because it’s against conservatives. They have no moral standing and need to be disbanded. Any government agency or group dealing with them has shown themselves to have no standing in discussing these issues.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          this is REALLY old news and they took him off but look at WHY they initially put him on:

          If you look at the vast majority of groups they list – they are very much legitimate hate question…and many are now new on it for anti-LGBT policies and statements.


          which sounds like a legitimate professional group but read their words on LGBT:

          ACPeds opposes adoption by LGBTQ couples, links homosexuality to pedophilia, endorses so-called reparative or sexual orientation conversion therapy for homosexual youth, believes transgender people have a mental illness and has called transgender health care for youth child abuse.

          In its own words
          “Your public library may have a drag queen story hour where books like I am Jazz are read to children by trans activists eager to groom the next generation of victims.”— Andre Van Mol, co-chair of ACPeds’ Committee on Adolescent Sexuality, “Reinforcing Children’s Sexual Identity: A Review of Ellie Klipp’s ‘I Don’t Have to Choose,’ Aug. 27, 2019

          “The transgender movement is an opening for a totalitarian government.” — Michelle Cretella, ACPeds executive director, speaking at Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference, Oct. 2019

          “Transgenderism is a belief system that increasingly looks like a cultish religion – a modern day Gnosticism denying physical reality for deceived perceptions – being forced on the public by the state in violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment.” — Andre Van Mol, co-chair of ACPeds’ Committee on Adolescent Sexuality, in “Transgenderism: A State-Sponsored Religion?” Jan. 24, 2018

          “Homosexual men and women are reported to be promiscuous, with serial sex partners, even within what are loosely-termed “committed relationships. Individuals who practice a homosexual lifestyle are more likely than heterosexuals to experience mental illness, substance abuse, suicidal tendencies and shortened life spans.”
          —“Homosexual Parenting: Is It Time for A Change?” updated July 2017, available on ACPeds website

      2. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Hate group? No. Partisan hacks? Very much so. Little credibility left, and not terribly interested in its original mission. Unfortunately the Virginia Poverty Law Center is tainted to some by the similar name.

        1. Atlas Rand Avatar
          Atlas Rand

          You are right, of course, Steve. I resorted to hyperbole when simple partisan malice sufficed.

  34. Atlas Rand Avatar
    Atlas Rand

    After all the complaints from Peter and Larry about any Koch funding, and explanations that anything tied to their money or influence is tainted, here we are allowing a bond fide hate group team up with the public schools? Where is the indignation and outrage?

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Indignation? Outrage? I think he killed hisself after shooting Judge Salas’ son and husband.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      koch funding is easy. Donor’s Trust no so much.

      Soon, the Dems will play that same game and no one will know where the money is coming from.

    3. Craig@EmbarkFund Avatar

      Do you think there are still white racists in America Atlas?

      What have YOU taught YOUR children about slavery in America?

      1. Atlas Rand Avatar
        Atlas Rand

        Haven’t taught her a thing since she’s 1. But I won’t be addressing complicated and nuanced topics like that in kindergarten, and I most certainly won’t follow any teaching or resources from a political hate group like the SPLC.

    4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Southern Poverty Law Center is a “bond fide [sic] hate group”? In whose opinion other than this commenter?

      1. Atlas Rand Avatar
        Atlas Rand

        Dick, they’ve weaponized their “hate group” list against any conservative group that defends traditional values or Christian beliefs. They black listed Ben Carson for heaven’s sake! The man may be a lot of things but hateful bigot isn’t one. They’ve become exactly what they’re against, a hate group, but it’s ok because it’s against conservatives. They have no moral standing and need to be disbanded. Any government agency or group dealing with them has shown themselves to have no standing in discussing these issues.

      2. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Hate group? No. Partisan hacks? Very much so. Little credibility left, and not terribly interested in its original mission. Unfortunately the Virginia Poverty Law Center is tainted to some by the similar name.

  35. Craig@EmbarkFund Avatar

    Do you think there are still white racists in America Atlas?

    1. MAdams Avatar

      Why do you require the adjective of “white”.

      The definition of racism doesn’t require any such adjectives.

      Definition of racism
      1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
      2a: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
      b: a political or social system founded on racism
      3: racial prejudice or discrimination

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Because if a black man is a racist, does it affect you as much as your racism affects him?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          interesting concept? black panther?

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Panthers racist? Don’t think so. Their motto was “Watch the cops” and carry a shotgun, “so we’ll have guns too”. Ironic, Huey Newton would be thrilled with cellphones.

        2. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Ask that out loud at 2 am in Gilpin Court. Walking by yourself.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            lots of places I’d not be at 2am in most cities… and in fact out in the countryside – parked and looking for Comet Neowise – totally vulnerable if some bad guy happens on you. Happens.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Might be safer than asking that question of your neighbors… even avoiding those with Confederate flags on display.

        3. MAdams Avatar

          “Nancy_Naive | July 21, 2020 at 3:57 pm | Reply
          Because if a black man is a racist, does it affect you as much as your racism affects him?”

          All racism is bad, and it’s practice is abhorrent.

          However, the fact that you didn’t know that slaves existed in the Union after the EP previously told me your opinion on the matter is woefully uninformed.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            I said that slavery had been abolished by 1804 in the North, and even pointed out that even then it had been “grandfathered” in NJ specifically. What I hadn’t considered, and you did indeed point out was that there were 15 slave states, of which two remained in the Union throughout the war, thusly there were slaves via the two conditions.
            “Yea you! Now, esad.”

          2. MAdams Avatar

            “I said that slavery had been abolished by 1804 in the North, and even pointed out that even then it had been “grandfathered” in NJ specifically. What I hadn’t considered, and you did indeed point out was that there were 15 slave states, of which two remained in the Union throughout the war, thusly there were slaves via the two conditions.
            “Yea you! Now, esad.””

            That’s some fun re-writing of what transpired, however I’m come to expect that from you. So here’s the conversation verbatim.

            “Nancy_Naive | June 12, 2020 at 11:40 am |
            Ah no, grasshopper, the North didn’t have slaves. Slavery was abolished state-by-state in the North long before the war.
            1804 New Jersey. Last one. The law freed slaves younger than a certain age and banned the sale. The age limit was a way to force slaveowners to provide for those deemed too old to live independently. Kinda like a backdoor retirement plan. Sucks but…

            Jeez, the stuff is on the internet. Look something up. I tire of correcting you.

            James, help this boy. He’s one of yours.

            Nancy_Naive | June 12, 2020 at 11:47 am |
            Let me help you with the interwebby thing. Forget Google. Go to eBay. Type “clue”. Click “Buy!””

            “MAdams | June 12, 2020 at 11:58 am |
            Umm oh well uneducated one, the north did in fact have slaves. Not to the scale of the south because they weren’t agrarian.


            Things you’d know if you spent more time reading, than you did pontificating incorrectly.

            The last slaves to be freed in NJ occurred in 1865.

            I know right, I mean we can’t all be like you and cite Wikipedia, at least unaccredited.

            Perhaps it is you who should be asking for help, given the amount of falsehoods and incorrect information you’re given to pontificating.

            PS: I have a relative buried at Gettysburg, they fought under the the same flag as my other relatives, grandfathers, uncles and myself. To keep you from getting lost, that was the US Flag. So my knowledge of the Military and my Minor in History kind of trumps your very limited understanding of the topic.

            Should you require any additional education on the matter, enroll in a college history class.

            Again, snark is only effective when you have an understanding of the topic you’re discussing. Should I wait for your apology or just assume you’ll never admit you were wrong?”

            Your second statement was where you ran away like the coward you are and didn’t acknowledge your error (shocked that a self-opinionated supercilious trollop such as yourself did such a thing).

            So tell me more about how only some versions of racism are bad, when I see your avatar I think of the the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. The only difference is that at least the Scarecrow knew he lacked intelligence, you not so much.

    2. Atlas Rand Avatar
      Atlas Rand

      Craig there are plenty of racists in America. We saw a bunch marching a few years ago with their tiki torches. I’ve seen a bunch more marching in streets the last few months with such slogans as F*** 12 etc etc. I think both are a poor representation of the average American who treats people with respect no matter their color.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        How many white folks know who put up the statues and why? How many know about lynchings? How about the Red Summer? or Massive Resistance? Redlining? USDA discrimination against black farmers? Jim Crow laws? Juneteenth?

        Does what white folks know – or not – affect whether or not they believe that racism affected generations of blacks and the effects of it are still present?

        1. NorrhsideDude Avatar

          Is this the pitch for the open source “LarryG Teaches Wokeness” app – Chromebook edition?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            maybe! but how did we get from early learning on reading with software to this?

            I don’t know what “wokeness”’ll have to explain it.

  36. Craig@EmbarkFund Avatar

    Do you think there are still white racists in America Atlas?

    1. MAdams Avatar

      Why do you require the adjective of “white”.

      The definition of racism doesn’t require any such adjectives.

      Definition of racism
      1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
      2a: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
      b: a political or social system founded on racism
      3: racial prejudice or discrimination

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Because if a black man is a racist, does it affect you as much as your racism affects him?

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Ask that out loud at 2 am in Gilpin Court. Walking by yourself.

    2. Atlas Rand Avatar
      Atlas Rand

      Craig there are plenty of racists in America. We saw a bunch marching a few years ago with their tiki torches. I’ve seen a bunch more marching in streets the last few months with such slogans as F*** 12 etc etc. I think both are a poor representation of the average American who treats people with respect no matter their color.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        How many white folks know who put up the statues and why? How many know about lynchings? How about the Red Summer? or Massive Resistance? Redlining? USDA discrimination against black farmers? Jim Crow laws? Juneteenth?

        Does what white folks know – or not – affect whether or not they believe that racism affected generations of blacks and the effects of it are still present?

        1. NorrhsideDude Avatar

          Is this the pitch for the open source “LarryG Teaches Wokeness” app – Chromebook edition?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            maybe! but how did we get from early learning on reading with software to this?

            I don’t know what “wokeness”’ll have to explain it.

  37. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Bona fide hate group?

  38. LarrytheG Avatar

    ….and we don’t teach kids about “nuanced” topics like slavery and racism, so they grow up to wonder what all this stuff about systemic racism is?

    sounds about right.

    1. sbostian Avatar

      At least teach them to read, do arithmetic and a bit of logic first. Trying to jam adult topics down the throats of 5 to 9 year olds seems to be a bit premature.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Oh I AGREE – but when that kid goes all the way through school and graduates without really knowing and understanding our history with slavery and racism – it’s no wonder as adults they say “who me?”

        They have no idea how racism has affected the country – they actually just deny it…..

    2. Atlas Rand Avatar
      Atlas Rand

      No Larry, a kindergartner lacks the critical reasoning and base knowledge to understand such things. Generally they’re learning basic reading, so abstract concepts are a bit beyond them. I didn’t say never teach it, just not at age 5.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I agree pre-k and K are probably too young. I just point out that we have trouble figuring out what grade and how much to teach and we know that but the number of adults who don’t really know much about the actual documented history of racism in this country.

        But I WILL point out to you that in the early grades some teachers have set up exercises that involve two different “kinds” of people and such.

        This is a touchy issue in the early grades… no question.

  39. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    I love Jim, Jim, and Steve. I really do.

    They remind me so much of Melville’s quote concerning the affluent view of poverty, “Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well- warmed, and well-fed.” They constantly show off how effluent they are.

  40. The trolls are missing a critical point. Teaching kids about the evils of slavery is just part of this initiative. Teaching about slavery is packaged with the concepts of white privilege, white guilt, and white fragility. That is ideology, not history.

    1. Craig@EmbarkFund Avatar

      How about we just agree to teach them that we are still a racist country. Maybe, during ‘career day’/Bring-Mom-or-Dad-to-School-Day, say, in Chesterfield County, and ask each parent if they teach/say the n-word at home? Cuz I hear it all over the south from White Folk (I’m white). Look, we still have a problem in this country – lots actually. Let’s deal with them.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        No, we can’t be admitting we’re still a racist country. Totally unacceptable from some – they don’t believe it. They were never
        taught it in school and they don’t see it now….

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        “Let’s deal with them.”

        Ooooh, that sounds like a Solution, if not a Final one. We are, however, dealing with Southerners, so maybe.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            I suspect that the propensity to racism is inversely proportional to the belief that it doesn’t exist.

    2. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      Might be hard to teach about slavery (and its aftermath… to this day) without talking about the role whites had in it and how they benefited as a group from it (as well as their role in improving the plight of blacks in America). Now you can argue that is a little heady for kindergarteners but not for 3-5 graders. (I am starting to think the kindergarten argument is something of an exaggerated strawman here).

      1. MAdams Avatar

        Well if you want to teach about slavery and it’s aftermath, you should discuss it as an international topic. You should also address that it is still practiced abroad and it doesn’t require “racism” to be slavery, it merely requires bigotry.

        We can start with China.

        I can understand how that might be a little heady for someone such as yourself.

        1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
          Eric the Half a Troll

          I think they don’t get to World History until high school some time. But if you can get this added to the SOLs good for you!!

          1. MAdams Avatar

            “I think they don’t get to World History until high school some time. But if you can get this added to the SOLs good for you!!”

            Well you’d be wrong, it’s already part of the SOL and has been at least since this 2015 adoption.


            However, how can one discuss slavery without discussing it’s root. You know the Portuguese ships that were pirated by the White Lion and Treasurer and those slaves then traded in Jamestown. I’m going to go out on and limb and guess you weren’t aware of that fact. Given your “wokeness” would you like to discuss the glaring inaccuracies contained in the 1619 Project’s work and or the historians who were brought on to the project to fact check it, but ignored?

            Maybe you’d like to delve deeper into the fact that 1619 was not the year slaves were first brought to the shores of America, but that was rather the 1400’s.

            I have a feeling that all of this exceeds your very limited knowledge, seeing as you weren’t even aware what grade school SOL’s entail, even when it’s easily searchable.

          2. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
            Eric the Half a Troll

            I think you misunderstood. World History (the WORLD part – what you seek to teach) is a HS course. I merely suggested that you seek to get the SOL changed so it is now taught to kindergarteners. Heck, maybe you can even contribute to the Texan textbook!! Think of the minds you can reach!!

          3. MAdams Avatar

            It’s not as per the SOL you were provided and Virginia existed as of 1607. So tell me more about how you’re woefully uneducated.

            “Heck, maybe you can even contribute to the Texan textbook!! Think of the minds you can reach!!”

            Well I live in Virginia, the place who’s history you seem to know nothing about, and if you’re going to discuss slavery at the Kindergarten level as you suggested you might want to realize that concept is to complex for those minds.

            Your deflection is noted and it’s again noted you’re a troll, so anything you say should be disregarded as the writings of a juvenile fool.

    3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Privilege? If owning a slave isn’t privileged, what is?
      Guilt? Defending statues to those who defend owning a slave is not guilt, it’s pride.
      White fragility? I think you confuse fragility with whining.

    4. LarrytheG Avatar

      Not teaching the truth about racism such that people graduate from high school and still don’t believe it…. and then they talk of the evils of “ideology”… was it “ideology” to not tell the truth about slavery and racism?

      All these years – there were no complaints about not teaching the truth about and – now it’s “ideology”?

      I dunno. who says so? the folks that didn’t have a problem with it not being taught to start with? Perhaps if you had stepped up earlier and advocated it be taught but not “ideologically”?

    5. VDOTyranny Avatar

      Is there an objective measure of when we can all agree the country is no longer racist?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        uh… don’t ask black folks… is this a white guy only question?

    6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Are you bragging or complaining?

    7. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      The Teaching Tolerance curriculum has cleverly packed the SPLC ideology into their materials. The major weakness is not allowing students the ability to draw their own conclusions and defend their arguments. Defending arguments with facts and reasoning is a measurable outcome. Teaching Tolerance is not interested in this. If you have a discerning eye examine the documents and lessons for yourself.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I agree with James and Carol and others who say the early grade are too early to teach slavery and concepts like it.

        And I agree that the concept of “tolerance” can have some different connotations in terms of accepting others points of views and/or questioning/challenging them.

        We have a ton of problems right now today with bullying in the schools and on social media – we have kids comitting suicide over it.

        The people who do the bullying I suspect are probably not good listeners on slavery either…. and pretty sure schools DO teach kids that bullying is wrong – no debates on the right or wrong of it.

        In first grade – I’ve been told by several teachers – in first grade – there are kids who actually brazenly steal others lunch money sometimes by force and even when confronted with it – do it again – parents called in – ask “what’s the big deal, he’s really a good kid overall”, etc…

  41. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    JB you are the biggest troll of all the King Troll, Fearless Troll Leader (Am I at ad hominem yet?)

  42. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    JB you are the biggest troll of all the King Troll, Fearless Troll Leader (Am I at ad hominem yet?)

  43. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    The best part is the schools are failing to teach kids to read at grade level, so instead of fixing the failure of teaching the basics they instead create new content that they will fail to teach.
    Thank God I’m not a young parent.

  44. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    The best part is the schools are failing to teach kids to read at grade level, so instead of fixing the failure of teaching the basics they instead create new content that they will fail to teach.
    Thank God I’m not a young parent.

  45. Jim Loving Avatar
    Jim Loving

    This is a serious topic, worthy of serious analysis and discussion. I know that five years ago, I thought this criticism was unwarranted, but no longer.

    One person who has been a direct victim of this specific activism is Bret Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist by training, who was “Cancelled” three years ago at Evergreen College.

    Since that experience, he has been like Paul Revere attempting to warn Americans to this creeping influence into the Academy and K-12, and how it is going to arrive into most institutions, and is now arriving in full force at this very moment. A similar experience happened to Jordan Peterson and he is probably better known since his incident for his writings and teachings on the topic.

    Weinstein is a liberal but also happens to believe that the political system is broken and has also initiated a 3rd party movement to “Save the Republic.”

    For all interested in this topic, with a serious inquiry and critique of this – from the left, I encourage you to explore his writing and podcasts with an open mind.

    The bad news, Weinstein does not know how to stop this or how to counter it. That is the serious question to consider – how to engage in a real intellectual set of questions about this theory (Critical Theory of postmodernism, along with all its tenants), when most older Americans have not heard of it, do not understand it, and are suddenly being confronted with it.

    I encourage my fellow liberal BR readers from the left to inquire into this with an open mind and see if you come away completely unconcerned.

    See links.

  46. Jim Loving Avatar
    Jim Loving

    This is a serious topic, worthy of serious analysis and discussion. I know that five years ago, I thought this criticism was unwarranted, but no longer.

    One person who has been a direct victim of this specific activism is Bret Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist by training, who was “Cancelled” three years ago at Evergreen College.

    Since that experience, he has been like Paul Revere attempting to warn Americans to this creeping influence into the Academy and K-12, and how it is going to arrive into most institutions, and is now arriving in full force at this very moment. A similar experience happened to Jordan Peterson and he is probably better known since his incident for his writings and teachings on the topic.

    Weinstein is a liberal but also happens to believe that the political system is broken and has also initiated a 3rd party movement to “Save the Republic.”

    For all interested in this topic, with a serious inquiry and critique of this – from the left, I encourage you to explore his writing and podcasts with an open mind.

    The bad news, Weinstein does not know how to stop this or how to counter it. That is the serious question to consider – how to engage in a real intellectual set of questions about this theory (Critical Theory of postmodernism, along with all its tenants), when most older Americans have not heard of it, do not understand it, and are suddenly being confronted with it.

    I encourage my fellow liberal BR readers from the left to inquire into this with an open mind and see if you come away completely unconcerned.

    See links.

  47. We’re talking about 5 & 6 year olds! How will this program impact the development of these children’s attitudes toward themselves and their parents? If they’re white, are they supposed to feel guilty and dislike their parents? If the family’s biracial (white/black), one parent’s privileged and the other’s oppressed? If they’re black, does it prepare them to co-exist and work together with others of different races or does it set them up to be black separatists? After all, it’s racist to say all lives matter.

    The program wants them to learn to take social actions. How about if you let them grow up and learn to respect themselves and each other and work together before teaching them to assign negative associations with skin color. Isn’t that what racism is all about?

  48. We’re talking about 5 & 6 year olds! How will this program impact the development of these children’s attitudes toward themselves and their parents? If they’re white, are they supposed to feel guilty and dislike their parents? If the family’s biracial (white/black), one parent’s privileged and the other’s oppressed? If they’re black, does it prepare them to co-exist and work together with others of different races or does it set them up to be black separatists? After all, it’s racist to say all lives matter.

    The program wants them to learn to take social actions. How about if you let them grow up and learn to respect themselves and each other and work together before teaching them to assign negative associations with skin color. Isn’t that what racism is all about?

  49. sbostian Avatar

    Larry’s comment:
    “not buying the “all history is biased”. Facts are not biased.
    If you think so then why teach history at all – period?”

    The choice of which facts to present, which to exclude and the interpretation of selectively presented “facts” is inescapably biased. However, I suspect that you believe that Howard Zinns’ “Story of America” and the 1619 Project present “all the facts in an unbiased way”. If that is the case we, probably cannot have a profitable exchange of ideas.

    You avoided my more important question: Should mastery of basic skills be the mandatory foundation of public education? Apparently, you don’t consider it an important question. How will children think independently about our “nuanced history” is they lack critical skills in reading and logic?

    One might argue that the appalling neglect of basic skills in our public school system (which is even more appalling in schools serving poor children) is a cleverly devised form of systemic racism. However, that would probably be better developed with a different article to start the discussion.

  50. sbostian Avatar

    Larry’s comment:
    “not buying the “all history is biased”. Facts are not biased.
    If you think so then why teach history at all – period?”

    The choice of which facts to present, which to exclude and the interpretation of selectively presented “facts” is inescapably biased. However, I suspect that you believe that Howard Zinns’ “Story of America” and the 1619 Project present “all the facts in an unbiased way”. If that is the case we, probably cannot have a profitable exchange of ideas.

    You avoided my more important question: Should mastery of basic skills be the mandatory foundation of public education? Apparently, you don’t consider it an important question. How will children think independently about our “nuanced history” is they lack critical skills in reading and logic?

    One might argue that the appalling neglect of basic skills in our public school system (which is even more appalling in schools serving poor children) is a cleverly devised form of systemic racism. However, that would probably be better developed with a different article to start the discussion.

  51. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” “all the facts in an unbiased way”. ” – okay – I can see how some will say this can be biased also… no?

    re: ” Should mastery of basic skills be the mandatory foundation of public education?”

    so we teach nothing else until that mastery is achieved?

    I get where you are coming from. 80% of black kids graduate without being proficient in reading. And a lack of critical thinking skills for all kids is also problem.

    But for me – the critical point for this is not high school – it’s elementary school – by 6th grade they need to be proficient enough to be able to master middle/high school level material but I’m not sure I agree that even a 6th grader not fully proficient would not understand fact-based history.

    I’d not oppose any non-partisan approach to reviewing history books in schools for fact-based standards and remove any questionable bias. But that leads directly into what to include and what to not. That’s exactly how slavery got left out to start with.

    Besides that, there are thousands and thousands of historical accounts and while there are differences – there is a lot that is agreed to as facts and part of school is to teach you to go find history and facts on your own to want to go find the truth and not be misled by ideologues on either side. Unfortunately conspiracy theories are rampant on social media these days – all kinds of bizarre stuff that is easily fact-checked but not.

    I suspect James W might have some agreement with you on “if not ready, keep at it until you are”.

    1. sbostian Avatar

      I am not opposed to teaching comprehensive history of the US and the world. For instance, I was perplexed that I had to find out about George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglas on my own, rather than in a public school textbook. However, I would prefer that it be taught by teachers who understand the dangers of “presentism’ in its presentation. I would also prefer that students have at least the minimal skills to arrive at their own judgement about the interpretations presented to them, rather than the passive “my teacher told me so” approach.

      My final question is this, “Why do we suppose that schools systems which are failing abysmally at the basic skills (which by the way public schools once did an excellent job of) can do a good job of teaching more “nuanced” material?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You make a valid point – but teaching reading is not affected by “bias”, right? It’s pure mechanics.

        History, not so much but as you know – the teaching of history in public schools has a long, long history of it’s own and as you point out – you (and I) were denied being educated about some history – and that has nothing to do with a lack of competence in teaching….

        I think a related issue for history is an accurate and complete context so that history is a complete timeline of events and not just a collection of independent facts.

        Just take something totally non political like the history of flight – there is a lot more to it than the Wright Brothers so what do you include and what not – and when you abbreviate you’ve lost important context IMHO.

  52. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” “all the facts in an unbiased way”. ” – okay – I can see how some will say this can be biased also… no?

    re: ” Should mastery of basic skills be the mandatory foundation of public education?”

    so we teach nothing else until that mastery is achieved?

    I get where you are coming from. 80% of black kids graduate without being proficient in reading. And a lack of critical thinking skills for all kids is also problem.

    But for me – the critical point for this is not high school – it’s elementary school – by 6th grade they need to be proficient enough to be able to master middle/high school level material but I’m not sure I agree that even a 6th grader not fully proficient would not understand fact-based history.

    I’d not oppose any non-partisan approach to reviewing history books in schools for fact-based standards and remove any questionable bias. But that leads directly into what to include and what to not. That’s exactly how slavery got left out to start with.

    Besides that, there are thousands and thousands of historical accounts and while there are differences – there is a lot that is agreed to as facts and part of school is to teach you to go find history and facts on your own to want to go find the truth and not be misled by ideologues on either side. Unfortunately conspiracy theories are rampant on social media these days – all kinds of bizarre stuff that is easily fact-checked but not.

    I suspect James W might have some agreement with you on “if not ready, keep at it until you are”.

    1. sbostian Avatar

      I am not opposed to teaching comprehensive history of the US and the world. For instance, I was perplexed that I had to find out about George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglas on my own, rather than in a public school textbook. However, I would prefer that it be taught by teachers who understand the dangers of “presentism’ in its presentation. I would also prefer that students have at least the minimal skills to arrive at their own judgement about the interpretations presented to them, rather than the passive “my teacher told me so” approach.

      My final question is this, “Why do we suppose that schools systems which are failing abysmally at the basic skills (which by the way public schools once did an excellent job of) can do a good job of teaching more “nuanced” material?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You make a valid point – but teaching reading is not affected by “bias”, right? It’s pure mechanics.

        History, not so much but as you know – the teaching of history in public schools has a long, long history of it’s own and as you point out – you (and I) were denied being educated about some history – and that has nothing to do with a lack of competence in teaching….

        I think a related issue for history is an accurate and complete context so that history is a complete timeline of events and not just a collection of independent facts.

        Just take something totally non political like the history of flight – there is a lot more to it than the Wright Brothers so what do you include and what not – and when you abbreviate you’ve lost important context IMHO.

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