Biting the Hand that You Need

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

If you are a Virginia governor entering the last two years of your term with your party in the minority in both houses of the legislature and are depending on the other party to help you put in place a major project which would be part of your legacy, why would you publicly insult that party gratuitously?

In a speech this weekend at Washington and Lee University, Governor Youngkin had this to say: “Today’s progressive Democratic Party does not believe in — nor do they want — a strong America, an America with no rivals; they are content to concede, to compromise away, to abandon the very foundations that have made America exceptional.”

Senate Democrats promptly announced that the bill to create an authority to oversee the $2 billion development for a professional basketball and hockey arena would not be on the agenda for Monday’s meeting of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee. Sen Scott Surovell, (D-Fairfax), the Senate Majority Leader explained that the speech “pretty much destroyed any sense that there was “good faith” in discussions between the administration and Democrats. Monday is the last day each house can consider its own bills, with the exception of the budget bill.

I wonder if Youngkin was aware of his party leader’s attitude about America’s “foundations” — treaties are not to be honored; America’s support is for sale; he would encourage Russia to do ”whatever the hell it wanted to” if an ally were not putting up as much as he thought they should.

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145 responses to “Biting the Hand that You Need”

  1. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    Governor Youngkin is correct in his statements and assessment of the Democrat party. Is he supposed to state something otherwise, something misleading to the citizens of the Commonwealth in order to make Senate Dems feel good about themselves, all fuzzy like, so they will cooperate for the good of the people?

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      A lot of people, including me, feel that this project is more for the good of a fellow rich guy than “for the people.”

      Aa for the speech itself, politicians routinely say stuff that is not misleading, but is bland. Instead, he chose to toss red meat to the Republican base. Not a good approach when you are trying to get the other party to compromise. If he doesn’t want to compromise and not get his arena, that is another story. By the way, I disagree that his statement and assessment was correct.

      1. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        I tend to agree with your first statement and defer to your better judgement there; yet, continue to maintain position on assessment of the Democrat party. Have a fine evening, Sir.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Meanwhile, the Republic party continues its march toward its goal of a lawless nation reigned by a criminal and his cronies…

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            As opposed to the Democratic Party that marches toward another four years led by a senile, doddering fool who is mentally disintegrating before our very eyes.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            In one single speech, Trump confused Friday with Saturday, said that Pennsylvania will cease to exist because “they” will change the name, said he charged China hundreds of millions in dino-dollars, and claimed he saw someone shoplift a refrigerator. Yesterday he said the Towers fell in NYC on 7/11. Then just last night he said (in writing no less) that the Kansas City Chiefs “represented the Great State of Kansas” very well. Really, Joe can run circles around this buffoon.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            When Joe Biden knows it’s time to go – he will (and perhaps sooner than later) – but we know and expect he will leave the country with stable follow-on leadership and an intact governing Congress as we’d expect, instead the chaos and lawlessness that we know will come from Trump once in office and what, apparently, his supporters actually want, like a POTUS that orders Congress to do what he wants or telling NATO and Europe to get lost while he makes buddy-buddy with Putin and other dictators or fermenting insurrection so he can then declare martial law.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            Have you ever been to Kansas City? If you ever had been there, you’d ask, “Which Kansas City”? There is Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS. The good people who live on the Kansas side of the state line are very much Chiefs fans.

            As far as Pennsylvania ceasing to exist … Biden’s Park Service proposed a plan to remove a statue of William Penn and a model of Penn’s house from a park in Philadelphia. They wanted the park to be more “inclusive”. Given that, could there be a move to rename Pennsylvania?


            Shoplifting a refrigerator? Here’s an ad for a refrigerator that weighs 53 pounds. I could easily shoplift it.


          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Who will have the same advisors he has now and a VP in waiting as opposed to someone who openly declares he will be a dictator and ignore laws and the Constitution.

            Sure, that makes perfect sense to choose such a person to be POTUS – right?

            NO excuses here.

            We do make choices and they are conscious choices with real consequences.

            If you want the US to be run like a 3rd world dictatorship – do your thing and don’t be making excuses like you did not realize it. You DO KNOW NOW!

          6. DJRippert Avatar

            Please provide the quote where Trump openly declared that he would be a dictator.

            What a conspiracy theory.

          7. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Do you really believe that Larry? I find it incredulous.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            believe what? The things that Trump has actually done, combined with how he talks and says what he will do?

            What’s incredulous to me is the folks that see this and still doubt it.

            In terms of Biden, no question. The man deeply cares about the country and it’s institutions and standing in the world and who will care for it and who won’t and when the time comes, he will gracefully do the right thing unlike this other guy who could care less about anything other than his own ego.

          9. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            I still do not plan to vote for Trump in the Primary (if Haley is still in), but I totally disagree with your assessments about him, and if the election were today, I would vote for him in the general election. I find Biden to be disrespectful and agenda driven, and I consider his continued presence as President to be a danger to our country. You can say what you want, but I and many others see it very differently.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            To me TRump is really a psychopath both in actual deed with what he did do in office and words he expresses at his rallies. It’s not a question of facts – they are there in abundance. He clearly demonstrated how he would govern n the first term and he’s made it clear, he intends to further
            corrupt the institutions whether they be DOD or FBI or even NOAA. He expects to directly order
            then to do what he wants or replace them – exactly what he did in the first term. More like a 3rd world tinpot dictator than an American POTUS.

            Biden “dangerous” compared to Trump? what a joke!

          11. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            FBI? Trump weaponized it? As Biden would say, “Common man”!

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s not just the FBI Randy. It’s most of the Federal Agencies and Cabinets like DOD, FDA or EPA where Trump appoints someone who does what he directs or he’s fires them and replaces them like the USA is a Corporate Entity and not a government with 3 branches. He governs like a dictator.

          13. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Cabinets ARE part of the executive Branch, all the senate can do is advise and consent on Agencies. Biden has fired agency heads too. Democrats have always fired heads and put in their own people.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            They are and the Senate confirms them and vetts them for qualification and fitness for that position.
            Trump was appointing folks who were not fit for the position and evading the vetting process because he knew they would not be confirmed. And when they would not do what he wanted, he
            just replaced them without the replacement being confirmed either. When Biden and other POTUS replace, they go through the vetting process as laid out in the Constitution and Law. Trump chose to not follow that process and we know he would not again. He appoints without regard to qualifications and solely if they will follow his orders explicitly no matter what the law says, more like a 3rd world country than a Democracy.

          15. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Says MSM who hates Trump.

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            Plain facts Randy. What’s MSM – wikipedia or court case testimony? It was pretty clear what he did at the end of his term with DOD and what he was telling the head of DOD to do. He was advocating martial law. Are you choosing to ignore what you don’t want to believe?

            ” Former national security adviser Michael Flynn says President Donald Trump has options to make sure the integrity of the 2020 election remains intact, including seizing voting machines around the country and using military capabilities to rerun elections in swing states.

            ”I don’t know if he’s going to take any of these options. The president has to plan for every eventuality because we cannot allow this election and the integrity of our election to go the way it is,” Flynn said Thursday during an appearance on Newsmax TV’s ”Greg Kelly Reports.”

            ”This is just totally unsatisfactory. There’s no way in the world we’re going to be able to move forward as a nation with this. …

            ”He could immediately on his order seize every single one of these machines around the country on his order. He could also order, within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states and basically rerun an election in each of those states. It’s not unprecedented,” Flynn added.”


          17. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Really? Your going to present someone’s opinion about the 2020 election, when Trump never did any such thing? No, I don’t like what he did and said leading up to January 6, but he did step away, didn’t he?

            Meanwhile, Democrats tried to nationalize the election laws, stack SCOTUS, and bring in DC as a state, but couldn’t get the Senate to overcome a filibuster. The Democrats have a far more significant track record of changing (or trying to) the rules, and you know it.
            We need to move on.

          18. LarrytheG Avatar

            Randy, have you read all that Trump was doing prior to “walking away” like the actual Court testimony from the folks on staff and directly involved? Does it not bother you that a significant number of his staff and appointed say he is a dire threat to the country and based on their personal experience with him?

            I think you’re confused when you say “Democrats” as if it’s a single entity like TRump and it’s not, it’s an elected Congress , both houses GOP/DEMS who have to have a majority vote and the POTUS singing it before it’s law and carried out. Trump rejects that idea and wants to directly
            run the country on his own without Congress or even the Courts which he openly attacks.

            He wants to rule like a dictator. He says that all the time , about what he will do – like pardon
            everyone at J6 or jail the Joint Chiefs of Staff. On and on. Believe what he says, he means it.

            People that don’t see this or refuse to or living in denial and/or willfully ignorant and support
            a virtual dictator for POTUS.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Youngkin has shown himself to be just another right wing Trump sycophant prone to intentional falsehoods… no news there… what else would one expect from the Republic party these days?

    3. Governor Youngkin is correct in his statements and assessment of the Democrat party.


    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Do you think they even realize the irony?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Do you think they even realize that “can’t be held responsible for mishandling” is an exculpatory statement?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Exculpability based on senility. Congratulations! The Democratic candidate for president is mentally deficient and declining rapidly. Within two years he will be unable tio appear in public for any reason.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Read for effect there, DJ. How does one mishandle properly? Pretend it’s a gun.

            Some Democrat must have written about Trump:
            “A man who CAN even be held responsible for HANDLING classified information IMPROPERLY has absolutely no business occupying the Oval Office.”
            and a Republican stooge just thought that by negating certain words it would make sense and apply to Biden.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The important takeaway from Hur’s hatchet job…

      “We have concluded that there is not a prosecutable case against Biden. Although there was a basis to open the investigation based on the fact that classified documents were found in Biden’s homes and office space, that is insufficient to establish a crime was committed. The illegal retention or dissemination of national defense information requires that he knew of the existence of such documents and that he knew they contained national defense information. It is not a crime without those additional elements. Our investigation, after a thorough year-long review, concludes that there is an absence of such necessary proof. Indeed, we have found a number of innocent explanations as to which we found no contrary evidence to refute them and found affirmative evidence in support of them.”

      Especially that last line.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The important takeaway from Hur’s hatchet job…

      “We have concluded that there is not a prosecutable case against Biden. Although there was a basis to open the investigation based on the fact that classified documents were found in Biden’s homes and office space, that is insufficient to establish a crime was committed. The illegal retention or dissemination of national defense information requires that he knew of the existence of such documents and that he knew they contained national defense information. It is not a crime without those additional elements. Our investigation, after a thorough year-long review, concludes that there is an absence of such necessary proof. Indeed, we have found a number of innocent explanations as to which we found no contrary evidence to refute them and found affirmative evidence in support of them.”

      Especially that last line.

      1. Then there was this: “Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

        There is also title 18 section 793 f that criminalizes mishandling of classified information and/or failure to report mishandling regardless of intent.

        That applies to both Biden and Trump although curiously has not been charged for either of them.

      2. Then there was this: “Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

        There is also title 18 section 793 f that criminalizes mishandling of classified information and/or failure to report mishandling regardless of intent.

        That applies to both Biden and Trump although curiously has not been charged for either of them.

      3. Then there was this: “Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

        There is also title 18 section 793 f that criminalizes mishandling of classified information and/or failure to report mishandling regardless of intent.

        That applies to both Biden and Trump although curiously has not been charged for either of them.

      4. Then there was this: “Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

        There is also title 18 section 793 f that criminalizes mishandling of classified information and/or failure to report mishandling regardless of intent.

        That applies to both Biden and Trump although curiously has not been charged for either of them.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          That’s for little people.

          1. Seems like it.

            It is part of the law because long ago the IC had to prove in court that a spy intentionally handed over information rather than just negligently left it where it was picked up. Because of that section f was added that removed intent as a requirement for conviction.

            It is certainly plausible that demented Joe has no clue he mishandled TS/SCI information or that he was even VP for that matter. It is still a felony, but understandable that Hur would charitably choose not to charge it. It’s sorta like due to his Altzheimers letting Reagan finish out his term rather than impeaching him.

            The Dems need to lead Joe gently off to spend his days basking on the beach, anything less is elder abuse. But then they’d have to deal with the Kamala and Gavin problems. Those will be no fun either.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Therein lies the problem with classified information. Your brain doesn’t come with markings. So two years later you’re feverishly writing on your yellow pad, hand it to your secretary, she types it up, and while reviewing, you suddenly remember where that little tidbit on page 8 came from. Uh oh.

            Then, you wait until everyone has gone home, cut the paragraph out of the typed document, gather your originals and 10 blank pages down the pad, change the cartridge in the IBM Selectric, and feed the ribbon and everything else through the shredder.

            Go to Bennigan’s and have a beer.

            The “proper” thing is really not what you want to do.

          3. Nice riff on how it would go in days of yore.:)

            Or if you’re demented old Joe, after you’ve finished reading it to your ghost writer and he recorded it you just leave it in a cardboard box in your garage behind your ‘Vette. You know, where his drug addled kid had access to stuff marked TS/SCI and a history of selling everything he got his hands on to the highest bidder to get money for crack and hookers. Talk about a garage sale.

            Dems, please just lead Joe out to a chair under a beach umbrella. Tell him everything’s ok, he’s done a great job and now it’s time to rest on his Laurels and Hardys. “Here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten us into.”

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            Somebody tell Mark Warner to run for president. Or Manchin.

          5. My god NO! Warner is every bit as dumb as Biden was even when he had something that passed for a brain. It is amazing how slow Warner is on the uptake. We don’t need any more of those.

          6. My god NO! Warner is every bit as dumb as Biden ever was. It is scary how slow he is on the uptake.

          7. My god NO! Warner is every bit as dumb as Biden was even when he had something that passed for a brain. It is amazing how slow Warner is on the uptake. We don’t need any more of those.

          8. DJRippert Avatar

            The way “Dr. Jill” and the Dems put forth Senile Joe is elder abuse.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          You’d be hard pressed to charge the President with something like that given the office is origination of classification. However, POTUS Biden was a senator and a VP at the time his fingers were sticky, which he held no authorization to retain anything.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            But he’s too pathetic and senile for any jury to convict him.

            BTW – Nice press conference after the report was issued.

            Screaming at journalists … “You teenagers get off my lawn!”

            Confusing the president of Egypt with the president of Mexico.


          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            I found POTUS Biden’s response amusing (he insist his memory is like an iron trap, well if that’s the case you can and should be charged) and also the report that he sought to have the DOJ go after the SP for his statements.

            Clearly he doesn’t realize that they were giving him an out and raged against it.

      5. DJRippert Avatar

        “The illegal retention or dissemination of national defense information requires that he knew of the existence of such documents and that he knew they contained national defense information.”

        He didn’t know that those files with “Top Secret” or “Secret Compartmentalized Information” stamped on them should not be stored in his garage? Or his former office?

        Yes, he’s senile and it’s not nice to prosecute the mentally handicapped.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          You know the sad part is you’re responding to someone who allegedly held a security clearance.

          Neither a Senator nor a VP have the authority to remove classified materials from the SCIF. Unlike with SoS Clinton, intent isn’t required. Also, the notion it’s okay because he gave them back is again false. Before he became POTUS on January 6th 2021, he lacked the ability to retain that information (not even speaking to him sharing it with a Ghostwriter for a memoir).

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            The prosecutor wouldn’t press charges because Biden is too far mentally gone to convict.

            It’s that bad.

          2. Intent wasn’t required for Clinton either. Comey just made that up. 18.793.f makes mishandling criminal, no intent needed. The section they chose not to charge under was 18.793.e that requires intent and was why section f was enacted.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            Yep. The fact that people don’t seem to realize that she was given a free pass as now POTUS Biden has been given is unbelievable.

            I mean I would also argue that she intended to remove materials from SIPRNet and place them on her own net, but it’s futile at this point.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Do you suppose the author realizes that “can’t be held responsible for mishandling” is an exculpatory statement?

  2. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    You mean the peace treaty we signed with NVN and SVN in which we promised the SVN people air support or the air support which we promised the Afghan army?

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I am not sure what peace treaty you are talking about.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I think it was an agreement in the Eisenhower administration. It’s what sucked us into Vietnam. The Oriskany lost a plane bombing over the north in 1961. We walked in the day the French walked out.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Why? 2028 aspirations. Thou shalt look tough!

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I suspect Youngkin figured out he was going to have to give away the farm, the plow, and the team of horses to get SB 718 passed.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    What he spoke was true. And I’ll be happy to see the deal for the sports teams to fail.
    Meanwhile, all you TDS sufferers, deal with this – all those Ukrainians dead? Joe Biden. The Hamas attack and the result8ng war in Gaza? Joe Biden. Inflation? Joe Biden. Invasion? Joe Biden.
    No longer energy independent? Joe Biden. Cartels in control of border? Joe Biden. Drugs and sex trafficking at the border? Joe Biden. Dual justice system? Joe Biden. Crime out of control? Joe Biden. Downtowns ruined? Joe Biden.
    I could go on, but you Lefties have caused a lot of hurt, and a good deal of it is your TDS…the rest is your st*p!d policies, which don’t work, and maybe for some just pure evil.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Joe Biden killed the Ukranians? Damn, I thought the Russians did it.

      No longer energy independent? The U.S. exports more energy than it imports.

      Joe Biden is responsible for drug cartels in Mexico? I thought Mexico was a sovereign state and the U.S. had no police power there.

      Inflation. In December, inflation was at 3.2% and wage growth at 5.2%. I think Biden will accept credit for that.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        There would be no Ukrainian war. Putin knew the weakness and fecklessness under the brain dead puppet (and you know that is true too). Afghanistan withdrawal a sign of strength or competence? Same for Hamas and Gaza.

        Yes we export more because the Greens won’t let us sell it here and we import from places like Venezuela and prices are higher.

        Cartels? Yes. His open border has incentivized human trafficking and drug trafficking. You good with kids as sex slaves? How about the 10 million illegals. If 1/10th of 1% are bad actors (likely), that is 100,000 terrorists.
        And all the rest taking low wage jobs as AI approaches to kill jobs, who gets hurt?

        Do you do the grocery shopping? Is it possible – just asking here – that the Govt numbers are cooked? You know, like the dual justice system, is it possible? Like the BLS jobs reports down sized nearly 500,000 over a 12 month period from what is reported.

        I expect better from you than Larry posted Team D drivel.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          In the end, reliance on conspiracy theories for one’s “info” and a would-be dictator for running the country.

          No surprises here.

          And for all the talk about what Biden has not done “right” and he has not performed flawlessly, no question, bu thinking someone who has clearly indicated a preference for dictator style governance and clear disregard for laws and Constitution, i.e. basically fitness for the job, it’s laughable and sad.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You are seriously demented. Did Trump jail his political opponents? Prosecute them? Show where he had disregard for the Constitution. How come the UniParty Blob can’t convict him of any real crime? They have to make stuff up.
            Meanwhile, Biden has committed crimes – including bribery – and it sure looks like treason, and you hallucinate about Trump.

            Oh, Biden got some stuff “wrong” says Larry…but he’s not a dictator!
            Embrace the power of AND
            He has gotten everything wrong AND he is a dictator. (Actually, it’s the Lefty Messiah, BHO, the real Manchurian candidate)
            Projecting like an IMax

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Biden is senile, Larry. He is in rapid mental decline. This will not stop. It will not reverse.

            The Democrats are so power hungry that they will run a man who is clearly and observably unable to be president.

            They know his condition will only decline.

            By 2028 he will be be incapable of any public appearance or utterance.

            The Democratic Party is a disgrace.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            could well be true, so you choose someone who promises to run the country like a dictatorship regardless of laws and Constitution instead of relying on a VP in waiting to step in when/if Biden falters? We did this with Ronald Reagan if not mistaken, right. There are no good excuses for choices that turns the US into a dictatorship – none.

            Calling the Dems “power-hungry” after watching the GOP kill immigration reform and aid to allies in dire straights and instead trying to impeach any/all they can grab… is living in denial big time IMO.

            Choosing TRump and the GOP to lead the country is a mental issue IMO.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            Your man is senile, Larry. He is on that slippery slope to memory care. It’s a shame. He is unqualified to work the “to go” window of a fast food restaurant and he’s getting worse by the day.

            Trump is too old too. He’s a buffoon. But he’s not senile. And your combination of charging Republicans with being conspiracy theorists while claiming that Trump, ” …promises to run the country like a dictatorship regardless of laws and Constitution …” is beyond ironic.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            My man has good advisors like Reagan did AND he listens to them and follows the law , UNLIKE a dictator would. I’ll take a guy who is senile with competent advisors he listens to , any day, over a psychopath who intends to be a dictator by his own words and prior deeds.

            AND yes, a GOP that clearly traffics in conspiracy theories and does what a dictator-in-waiting
            tells them to do.

            No contest. No excuses for those that pick Trump. You KNOW what he is and what he will do.

          6. DJRippert Avatar

            Trump will somehow become a dictator?

            That’s your reason for wanting to re-elect an observably senile man.

            Spell it out for me, Larry. How does Trump become a dictator?

            Does he send Congress home? Does he disband the US Supreme Court? Does he lead a military coup?

            How does that happen, Larry?

          7. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Yes, yes we do know. Make America Great Again!

          8. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Yes, yes we do know. Make America Great Again!

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Aw yes.. MAGA it is.

          10. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            VP…? That oblivious kackling electric school bus driver (AKA Dr. Bunsen Honeydew du DC) ….waiting to step in….as President of these United States!?!? Oh, my….

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Way better than the alternative – a would-be tinpot dictator.. I’d take her any day .. no contest.

          12. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Yes indeed, I agree that Biden has clearly indicated a preference for dictator style governance…not just a preference, but a proven, hard paved track record of Marxist dictatorship. This Nation will pay a very dear price for his deeds – most yet to be seen.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            This is how he negotiated with the GOP over the border and Ukraine and other compromise bills? Pretty laughable Chip.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            This is how he negotiated with the GOP over the border and Ukraine and other compromise bills? Pretty laughable Chip.

        2. Chip Gibson Avatar
          Chip Gibson

          Ah, the warm embrace of truth. Thanks.

      2. It’s Biden’s war. He left the Russians no choice. Then after it started and Z had negotiated a peace treaty Biden had his toady Johnson go to Kiev and kill the deal. The blood of half a million Ukrainian causalities is on Biden’s hands.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Not to mention the Obama / Biden coup against the democratically elected president of Ukraine which led to this fiasco.

          The blood of Ukrainians is on Obama and Biden’s hands.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            and we KNOW that Trump would do it better by abandoning Europe and NATO ? where is the logic here?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Trump thinks our NATO “allies” should spend the same percentage of their GDP on defense as we do. I agree.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            Much like FPOTUS Obama.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s not the same as abandoning them which he has already shown he will do. Clearly
            Europe KNOWS this and is now making plans to not have USA support – that’s the kind of
            thing that Trump does and is doing even now. He also wants t go after China AGAIN. We
            don’t want ONE GUY who essentially runs America according to his own wants. We not only
            don’t need it, it’s a dire threat to American Democracy and those that are willfully blind to this can’t be thinking what is best for America IMO. He will damage and destroy the basic tenets of the
            way this country is governed to something that is more akin to a dictatorship. Not a theory. We have clear existing evidence of it , word AND DEEDS!

          5. and the fing neocons are still driving. Nuland was in Kiev again last week. Will we ever learn?

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            On 22 February 2014, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (about 73% of the parliament’s 450 members). That is not a “coup”. You have been reading too much Russian propaganda.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            but par for the course for the folks that prefer conspiracy theories to reality to justify their bad choices….

            Blame Biden, not Putin who is a “Powerful Leader” and can have the rest of Europe if he wants, according to Orange-Man…

    2. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      I find your response lacking, Sir. There are at least 300 more heinous disasters that Joe has inflicted upon this Nation (that we know about) – clearly not unintentional – pure evil, as suggested.

  6. Theron Keller Avatar
    Theron Keller

    I’m extremely grateful that it appears Governor Youngkin realizes that his pet projects are not worth the price the Democrats will demand. As we have seen over and over and over again from their actions this session, facilitated by the smallest possible mathematical majorities of both houses, they have no interest in compromise, nor in fact, do they have any interest in what is best for the Commonwealth as a whole.

    I hope and pray that the Governor’s resolve remains firm. Nothing is worth yielding to that radical agenda, especially not a hockey rink.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      What? The “big blue wall”?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Similar to the GOP refusing to approve Medicaid until they were losing? that kind of wall?

  7. vicnicholls Avatar

    So Youngkin spoke the truth and the other side acts like a bunch of crybaby whiners and you think that’s appropriate?

    The reaction they have is why NO ONE TRUSTS the current party to work together with the other side. They never have. It is assimilate or die.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      A large number of people do not agree that he spoke the “truth”. Regardless of who believes what, why should the Democrats, or anyone for that matter, try to accommodate someone who publicly insults them?

      As for your other comment, they had indicated a willingness to work with the governor. Democrats even agreed to be patrons of his bill.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Kinda like the border bill?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Won’t take “yes” for an answer…

      2. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        Your current President has insulted many millions of loyal American Patriots….those who have dedicated and risked their lives to the protection of this Country…repeatedly threatened and insulted those who display courage and honor and resolve…on the record. Not acceptable, ever.

      3. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        Your current President has insulted many millions of loyal American Patriots….those who have dedicated and risked their lives to the protection of this Country…repeatedly threatened and insulted those who display courage and honor and resolve…on the record. Not acceptable, ever.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          suckers and losers?

          1. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Apparently so.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Never heard Biden say that.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    The thing that is the take-away for me is that Youngkin chose to make his statement in the first place, irregardless of the Arena or GA. I think he’s essentially making it clear, he would take a role in a Trump WH or perhaps even VP.

    It’s pure political ambition.

    And he’s signing on with a guy who has made clear that laws and
    the constitution mean nothing to him, they are mere speed bumps to how he would govern and, oh by the way, picking fights and dissing other countries and institutions is promised behavior also.

    Youngkin signed on to this.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      That is no new position for Youngkin…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, for a while, he was pretending he wasn’t interested and now he has come out of that closet, big time and apparently does not care how that affects his relationship with the GA or voters in a Blue State. He’ made it “official”.

  9. Walter Hadlock Avatar
    Walter Hadlock

    I am not sorry about the Senate’s pique over the governor’s comment. I just wrote my member of the House of Delegates to vote NO on any, and all, arena legislation.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Here’s why I’m wondering if the Arena really is a bad deal:

      ” Aubrey Layne
      Virginia made transportation history this June when the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) voted to fully fund the first wave of infrastructure projects that were scored and selected based on an objective, data-driven process.

      The CTB approved $1.7 billion to build 163 projects, including roads, bridges and public transportation that will benefit every region of the state.

      The vote is historic because never before has the state had a way to select the right transportation projects that generate the most benefit for the money.”

      The guy that wrote and led the VDOT reform is Aubrey Layne who went on to become Finance lead for both Northam and Youngkin.

      He writes this:

      Could be he’s gone over to the dark side but he has a reputation as a straight shooter even way back to VDOT reforms and SmartScale.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        The government in DC sure is unhappy about the Caps and Wizards leaving The District. If it were such a bad deal, one would think they would be saying, “Good riddance.”

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          DC is desperate probably. But again, unless Aubrey Lane has become “senile” as you seem to pay attention to or he’s gone over to the dark side… the idea this is a totally bad deal – makes me want to hear rebuttals to Mr. Layne’s thoughts.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            It’s a good deal. Maybe not for the residents of Delray but for the state? Good deal.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I see it as perceived as a good deal for NoVa, which in turn means a good deal for the state – as opposed to it being a good deal for the state and oh-by-the-way, it “helps” NoVa too!

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            The biggest problem has remained unspoken.

            As Jim Bacon correctly points out – Metro is a financial shambles.

            And much of the “densification” of NoVa is premised upon a vigorous and fully functional Metro.

            If Metro fails, or even contracts, the whole house of cards comes falling down.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            You can’t name an urban “metro” that is not having similar issues. The problem is the
            idea that it should “pay for itself” as opposed to not seeing police and EMS as “subsidized”.
            It’s a required service that needs to be explicitly funded as such, not an “optional” subsidized service. Even Youngkin recognizes that.

      2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        well, I sense NoVA elected officials are afraid local taxes, in some scenarios, could have to increase substantially given demographic trends and spending commitments. Right now inflation is giving an automatic tax windfall to NoVA. But what happens if inflation moderates or we have a recession? Suddenly imminent recession seems off the table, but when projects such as the arena and gambling and SMR nukes were hatched, may have looked like a stroke of genius. Now it just looks like greedy politics.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          and Youngkins reason for supporting it is to help NoVa instead of holding their feet to the fire on taxes and spending? something’s not right with that narrative.

          1. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            …you make a good point.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            good lord!

          3. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson


  10. If Youngkin’s comments about American foreign policy were sufficient to trigger the Senate Majority Leader of the state legislature, the Senate Majority Leader was looking for an excuse to engage in his own partisanship. I mean, really, Republicans and Democrats saying bad things about one another? Horrors! What else is new?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      But usually they don’t say bad stuff when they’re depending on the other side for support of what they want.

      That doesn’t sound like the smartest politics unless of course one clearly wants to make a break and to heck with what they said they wanted.

      More than just words and bad-mouthing in play.

      1. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        Sweet talk the Dems to get what you want….sounds more like prostitution. Governor Youngkin has shown here that he is a better man.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          oh I think it works both ways. If you want something and need the other side to support, do you call them names and impugn them before the agreement is done? How smart is that no matter if you are GOP or DEM? What’s the purpose in that?

          1. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            That’s what I would do, but I’ve never been real good at politics.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            but you are at supporting Trump? no politics there?

          3. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Nope. Just pure hope for the recovery of a broken Nation.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            like this? MAGA? talk about delusions…


  11. Tess Ailshire Avatar
    Tess Ailshire

    Gotta love the tit for tat attitudes so present in our legislatures.

    These legislators are proving themselves immature and petty, while the governor is at best tone deaf and at worst Trumpian.

  12. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    After spending more time then I can admit to listening to many, many Democrats insult, belittle, disrespect, mock, vilify, and (fill in the blank) Republicans, and not just Trump, I find the Democratic response to what Youngkin said unbelievably two faced. In the article you link, it also was clearly noted that his comments were directed at the upcoming Presidential election, so it was not even directed at Virginia Democrats in particular. So their reaction is “over the top”.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      What’s the point of Youngkins remark? What was he trying to accomplish with it?

      Trump has a clear record of actions, as well as clear speech as to what he wants to do.

      The GOP is no longer. It basically is whatever Trump wants it to be and if you disagree, you’re no longer a GOP. Again, crystal clear as to facts and realities.

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Nope, you have your right to your opinion but totally disagree.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          then give a reason why Youngkin did what he did. What was his purpose? With regard to Trump, it’s not like we don’t know how he would govern. It’s crystal clear. There was total chaos from one day to the next. He had cabinet secretaries not confirmed, but “acting”. He replaced them with others, also not confirmed when he wished. He went through how many DOD? He put incompetent people in charge that he did care if they were because he expected them to do what he ordered or resign.
          That’s not a POTUS should govern unless one expects a 3rd world tinpot dictator.

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            I read the article Dick provided, that’s it, and it was not what he said that caught my eye, it was the reaction that is curious.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            how so? I just wondered by Youngkins purpose was in saying such a thing in the first place. What was he trying to accomplish if anything other than essentially announce his allegiance to Trump?

          3. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Governor Youngkin was simply stating the truth. Surovell should stop pouting and man up.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes. BUt what was his purpose in saying that at the time he was negotiating with the GA on something he wanted. Was that his way of saying he changed his mind on the arena or what?

          5. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Governor Youngkin was perhaps saying that he cannot be bought.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I thought it was HIS idea and something HE wanted but I am starting to understand youse guys and MAGA “logic”… for sure.

  13. Let’s face the obvious: Youngkin is not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. His wealth does not mean he’s smart, it means he worked hard and got lucky. Carlyle fired him with a huge tax-free parachute..

    He’s just not real bright. He takes whatever his speechwriters hand him and parrots it.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Not experienced in governance nor GA politics but he does have advisors… unfortunately not all are bright bulbs either on abortion nor GA politics. Truly a “man of the people”! 😉

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