Loudoun's Metro Marriage

This guest column was contributed by David LaRock, a Loudoun County resident and member of the Loudoun Opt Out Group.

Spring is here, romance is in the air, and the arranged marriage between Loudoun County and D.C. Metro seems destined to take place. Although the courtship has spanned decades, the moment draws near when Loudoun must choose whether to whisper the final words of acceptance.

The people of Loudoun know a little about their persistent suitor, but do they know enough? Metro appears to have serious character and money problems.

Around 2004, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) initiated a fund-raising campaign to address an unfunded $1.5-billion, six-year capital program. Today, according to WMATA's 2012 budget, the Capital Needs Inventory -- the stuff that needs to be replaced as it wears out -- has soared to $13.3 billion projected through 2020. That is a total increase of $11.8 billion over 8 years -- an addition of $1.5 billion per year. Where will these funds come from?

Beyond 2020, where will the $1.5 billion per year come from to keep the 35-year-old, 106-mile Metro system in good repair? If there is a schedule or plan showing how WMATA will address the ongoing physical depreciation of equipment and facilities, it is nowhere to be found.

For all of its life, Metro has struggled with a lack of dedicated funding sources, relying heavily upon annually appropriated support from state and local governments. That dependence makes the agency vulnerable to recurring financial crises. What if anything, is being done to change that? Loudoun needs to know before tying the knot.

Metro has been hounded for many years by a series of setbacks: lethal accidents, mechanical problems and breakdowns on buses and trains, overcrowding, communications troubles, and ongoing elevator and escalator hassles. Is there any evidence to support the idea that this is changing? Loudoun is listening.

With much of the system reaching the end of its useful life, the rail operation in particular is showing its age as one of the oldest in the country. Should Loudoun begin paying for decades of deferred maintenance and neglect, or for Metro’s unfunded obligations for health insurance and pensions that have been lavished on its union employees? 

Let’s put finances aside for a moment and look at Metro’s character to gauge what kind of treatment Loudoun could expect when the honeymoon was over.

A recent series of articles from the Washington Times show a side of the Metro organization that is hard to believe exists in a civilized society. The March 26 headline, first in a 3-part series reads, “Metro derailed by culture of complacence, incompetence, lack of diversity, Inept get promoted, capable get buried."

"In typical examples, a man who spent eight years in prison for dealing PCP was promoted to a high-level management position soon after his release. A senior supervisor, Orlando Terrell King, was charged with reckless endangerment and fraudulently attempting to obtain a driver’s license, according to Maryland state records. Mr. King, who is paid $62,536, was promoted by Metro to oversee those who drive trains carrying thousands of passengers daily. Also rising rapidly to senior supervisor was Robbie O. McGee, who spent eight years in federal prison for felony distribution of PCP while on probation for another crime. He received five pay increases at Metro in two years."

Just last Friday Loudoun County received a study from the RCLCO consulting firm that contradicted previous claims trumpeting Metro's economic development benefits. County Administrator Tim Hemstreet told the Board of Supervisors that RCLCO "has not found any credible evidence to indicate that the extension of rail transit brings new development to an entire region.”

Soon, Loudoun Supervisors will decide whether to bet the bank on Metro. Joining with Metro will mean inheriting Metro’s financial needs which would in all likelihood trigger tax increases in Loudoun.

Opting out would not prevent Metro from coming to the Dulles Airport. Opting out would allow Loudoun to thoroughly analyze the proposal and renegotiate the many TBD items that simply cannot be answered in the short time that remains.

Metro, the would-be partner, has some serious explaining to do. Make no mistake, if our fair county blushes, says yes and joins into this arranged marriage...divorce is not a legal option, it will last forever.


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