Anti-Jewish Extremism at UVa — Next Steps

Courtesy of SJP at UVa

by James C. Sherlock

The University of Virginia has made quite a national name for itself over the responses of its campus anti-Jewish extremists to the slaughter of babies in Israel.

It is not a reputation it wants.

On October 8th, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UVa, an organization officially recognized by the Student Council and eligible for funding by the student activities fee, issued a statement “unequivocally support(ing) Palestinian liberation “by any means necessary.”

“Any means necessary.”

It was cosigned by:

  1. Afghan Student Association
  2. Arab Student Organization
  3. Asian Pacific American Leadership Training Institute (APALTI)
  4. Asians Revolutionizing Together at UVA
  5. Asian Student Union
  6. Bengali Student Association
  7. Black Student Alliance
  8. Black Muslims at UVA
  9. Central Americans For Empowerment (CAFÉ)
  10. Environmental Justice Collective at UVA
  11. Ethiopian Eritrean Student Association
  12. FeelGood at UVA
  13. Hindu Student Council
  14. Indian Student Association
  15. La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Inc.
  16. Lebanese Club
  17. Minority Rights Coalition
  18. Muslim Institute for Leadership and Empowerment (MILE)
  19. Muslim Student Association
  20. Muslims United
  21. National Pan-Hellenic Council
  22. National Society of Black Engineers
  23. Nepali Student Association
  24. Organization of African Students
  25. Pakistani Student Association
  26. Persian Cultural Society (PCS)
  27. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.
  28. Political Latinxs United for Movement & Action in Society (PLUMAS)
  29. She’s the First at UVA
  30. Sigma Omicron Rho (ΣOP)
  31. Sikh Students Association
  32. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
  33. The 13 Society
  34. Turkish Student Organization
  35. undocUVA
  36. UVA Beyond Policing
  37. UVA Survivors
  38. Young Democratic Socialists of America

In an October 11 message to University of Virginia students and parents, University President Jim Ryan condemned the terrorists. He did that part exactly right.

He went on, however, to express “great faith in this community to build bridges, listen generously, and act with compassion as we work toward a more just and peaceful world.”

I am sure he felt he needed to say that. I just hope he doesn’t act going forward like he believes it will happen.

Someone could get killed.

On September 7 of this year, a month before the horrors of October 7 in Israel, Mikayla Havison wrote in The Cavalier Daily

“As antisemitism rises, the University must avoid complacency in protecting its students and acknowledging its past. … Without institutional action, a legacy of antisemitism will persist in whatever environment it is allowed to — the University must not be that environment”

Well, on October 8, SJP and its list of co-signers proved that UVa is that environment.

On October 11, the same day as Ryan’s message, a group of Jewish students wrote an open letter in that same publication.

We, as Jewish students at the University, are profoundly disappointed, disturbed and scared. On the morning of Oct. 7, we woke up to devastating alerts and text messages sharing the news of attacks from Gaza into Israel.

It is incredibly disturbing to see the actions of a terrorist group praised by students and Contracted Independent Organizations. In praising Hamas, you are complicit in its goal of inflicting human suffering worldwide.

They had a right to be scared. UVa is a scary place for a Jew.

To punctuate that fear, two days later, two members of the Student Council repudiated Ryan’s message.

The author of The Wall Street Journal op-ed, “Why Hamas Atrocities Lead the Left to Hate Israel More,” has attempted to diagnose the syndrome of privileged students born in 2005 holding that world view. He finds these students, taught the oppressor/oppressed narrative and that Israel is an oppressor, when faced with a Palestinian massacre engage in “‘cognitive-dissonance reduction’ which requires vilifying the victim to uphold one’s prejudices.”

I personally agree. See “The Moral Deficiencies of a Liberal Education. It was written this past week by a famous liberal.

The University itself has failed to educate these students properly. But that does not matter with regards to the threat at hand.

Protect Jewish Students. While he ponders changing the curriculum and some of his faculty and staff, Dr. Ryan must take the proper precautions to protect his Jewish students.

He can read in National Review, A New Form of Antisemitism Surfaces in Charlottesville by another one of his Jewish students.

The author reminds readers of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. The chants then were “Jews will never replace us.” The chants now are “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — a call for the elimination of Israel and its Jewish inhabitants.

If there is a difference, I cannot find it.

Dr. Ryan surely remembers the killings almost exactly a year ago of the football players. That was after his Threat Assessment Team (TAT) failed utterly to act against the murderer before he committed his crimes. We will all be reminded when the Attorney General releases his findings on what went wrong there.

So, let us see what he is supposed to do.

The FBI in May of this year posted a statement,Antisemitism a Persistent Driver of Transnational Violent Extremist Narratives and Attacks.

“Violent extremists frequently promote anti-Semitic themes in their … messaging to spur supporters to conduct violence against Jewish individuals, communities, institutions, and houses of worship. Many .. extremists inspired by foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs), such as al-Qa‘ida or ISIS, demonize Jewish people as malevolent actors, and promote conspiracy theories about international Jewish control of government, finance, and media.”

The last paragraph started thus (bold print in original)

“Future violent extremist attacks on Jewish targets in the United States and abroad could inspire subsequent attacks against these or related entities, particularly if accompanied by a widely distributed and consumed manifesto or livestream.”

Hamas of course has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States. Consider these parts of the Hamas Covenant of 1988

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it” (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

Article Seven:
“The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

SJP at UVa and 38 cosigner organizations in their original message and at the October “teach in” publicly supported Hamas savagery against Jews.

Threat Assessment Team. So, that brings us back to what must be done. First, the Threat Assessment Team required under Virginia law must investigate and act.

UVa writes on its threat assessment pages

“warning signs may precede violent or threatening behavior. Warning behaviors include but are not limited to the following:

  • Having hostile and sustained grievances
  • Identifying with violent individuals, ideologies, or events
  • Statements that violence is justified because of one’s grievance
  • Increasing preoccupation with a person or a cause
  • Dehumanizing people of a differing identity group”

It defines “Violent or Threatening Behavior:

“Violent and/or threatening behavior includes … Intentionally engaging in verbal or physical behavior that subjects any individual to extreme emotional distress.”

I’m going out on a limb and opine that those tests have been met.

Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights. The Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights operates under federal law.

Definition of Harassment:
Unwelcome conduct directed against a person based on one or more of that person’s protected characteristics or statuses, which conduct is so severe or pervasive that it interferes with an individual’s employment, academic performance or participation in University programs or activities, and creates a working, learning, program or activity environment that a reasonable person would find intimidating, hostile or offensive.

Policy Statement:
The University will not tolerate discrimination or harassment in the workplace, academic setting, or in its programs or activities.

Compliance with Policy:
Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion in accordance with relevant University policies. (Emphasis added).

Unwelcome conduct based upon Jewish heritage? Check. Can a reasonable person find that conduct intimidating, hostile or offensive? Check. Disciplinary action? We’ll see.

Freedom of Speech. See Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969) for the controlling case.

The primary finding was that a state may not forbid speech advocating the use of force or unlawful conduct unless this advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.

The FBI has said that the speech like that offered by SJP at UVa and its co-signers is likely to produce lawless action.

There is no First Amendment protection here. Federal and State laws have been violated.

Bottom line. Dr. Ryan is far too smart to really expect those that cheer dead babies suddenly to “act with compassion and work toward a more just and peaceful world.”

He should immediately direct the Student Council to de-list SJP at UVa and its co-signers from the list of Contracted Independent Organizations (CIO) to deny it funding by student fees. Including Jewish student fees.

But this isn’t about anybody’s world view.

It is about credible threats to the safety of Jewish students. They are appropriately terrified. They are too smart and experienced in being targets of antisemitism not to be.

The University must put a stop to it.

Both the UVa Threat Assessment Team and its Office of Civil Rights must investigate and deal with SJP and fellow extremists at the University.

The University’s Chief of Police will help. He and the University’s Counsel are members of the TAT. Both will support the Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights if asked.

I suggest the Chief, if he has not already done so, ask for support from the FBI’s Field Intelligence Groups and Fusion Centers and the regional Joint Terrorism Task Force.

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11 responses to “Anti-Jewish Extremism at UVa — Next Steps”

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Mr. Sherlock’s Bottom Line recommendations are a good start. The University’s leadership should undertake a serious investigation of anti-semitism at UVA and develop a serious plan to eradicate it. Faculty members who address the long conflict between Israel and the Arab world should be teaching it in a way that causes students to think about the on-going conflict in objective and serious terms. There are no innocent parties.
    Students who have used the Hamas terrorist attack to advocate for Palestinian justice are being disingenuous and are an embarrassment to the university. Whataboutism is about avoidance of thoughtfully and seriously addressing issues.

  2. I was a DEI director — DEI drives campus antisemitism

    The blatant antisemitism on college campuses has shocked millions of Americans over the past week and a half.

    But not me.

    I saw antisemitism on a weekly basis in my two years as a faculty “diversity, equity and inclusion” director.

    In fact, I can safely say that toxic DEI ideology deliberately stokes hatred toward Israel and the Jewish people.

    I was hired to head the DEI department at Silicon Valley’s De Anza College in 2021.

    As a black woman, I was the perfect person for the job — on paper.

    Yet I made the mistake of trying to create an authentically inclusive learning environment for everyone, including Jewish students.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Bill Maher has the best solution. Don’t go to college. And if you must, don’t go to an elite college.

    1. VaPragamtist Avatar

      Good video. When Bill Maher is a voice of reason, you know there’s a problem with the far left.

      He does lose me, however, at around the 5:30 mark. He goes from denouncing ultra left-wing ideas to calling out specific graduates: all conservative. I don’t quite get the logic.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and that’s why I don’t watch him! He gets tangled up in his narratives sometimes and I feel like I’ve invested time listening to his “ideas” that turned out to be …um… maybe not… after all!

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “If ignorance is a disease, then Harvard Yard is The Wuhan Wet Market.” Brilliant!

  4. VaPragamtist Avatar

    It’s not just UVA with. . .misguided. . .students. The graduate student organization at Virginia Tech is passing around a letter for signature (text below), condemning VT President Sands’s condemnation of the terrorist attacks.

    This is the same graduate student organization that passed a BDS resolution a couple of years ago, and whose president at the time was shocked that he was getting negative feedback on his resolution, claiming the attacks on him were anti-semitic (try to figure that one out. . .)

    The mental gymnastics some of these people go through to try to win the moral high ground. . .

    Text of letter:

    An open letter to President Sands,

    On Oct. 11, you released a university-wide statement addressing the ongoing violence in Palestine and Israel in which you failed to use the name Palestine. While you mourned for the lost Israeli lives and openly voiced your concern for Virginia Tech community members either in the region or with family members, your silence for Palestinian lives was, and continues to be, deafening. What is so frightening about saying Palestine? Why did you, not once, express concern or sympathy for the lost lives of innocent Palestinians or regard for the Palestinian students on this campus? What would it have cost for you to acknowledge the much longer, much more complex history of Israeli occupation of Palestine in your statement?

    Last week Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant dismissed the humanity of all Palestinians. “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”

    There are over 2 million people in Gaza, about half of whom are children. 2 million people are now deprived of food, water, and fuel. And now all 2 million of them are “human animals.” Their lives have been relegated to a state of non-existence. As of writing, Friday Oct. 20, at least 4,079 Gazans have been killed by the ongoing genocide since Saturday Oct. 7 alone. Not to mention the countless others who have been injured and/or displaced. Gaza is an open-air prison. Palestinians in Gaza live under the constant threat of violence. Israel is an apartheid state. None of that started last weekend.

    Your statement claims “to honor the lives lost” but whose lives are you counting? Whose deaths are worth grieving? And to be clear, your statement has already answered these questions. When Burruss Hall is lit up in the colors of an apartheid state’s flag it is clear whose lives you value and whose do not even exist.

    The truth is it would have cost you something dear to say all of this. Colleagues at institutions across the United States who have spoken out showed you what you risk. They remind us of the historical context that is being ignored and have shared a far more complex, but far more real understanding of the situation at hand. And they are receiving death threats. They may be fired from their institutions for their statements. For their solidarity, they may lose their livelihoods.

    But if we say nothing, then we accept and endorse the state of non-existence that is being forced upon the Palestinian people. And that will cost us all something dear.

    We have signed to make our voices heard; will you continue to be silent

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Sands has a record as a campus radical himself, and a typically uninformed one. In 2016, Charles Murray was scheduled to give a talk at Tech.

      Before the date of that presentation, Sands wrote a letter to the Tech community that alleged:

      “Dr. Murray is well known for his controversial and largely discredited work linking measures of intelligence to heredity, and specifically to race and ethnicity — a flawed socioeconomic theory that has been used by some to justify fascism, racism and eugenics.”

      That statement is at best ignorant but meant to play well to the masses.

      Read Dr. Murray’s response at

      In it he proved his contention at the end that Sands was engaged in “intellectual McCarthyism”.

      1. VaPragamtist Avatar

        Unfortunately playing to the masses is part of the role of a president at a major university. I think Sands tries to do his best in focusing on the actual business of a university, but when the masses (faculty, students, etc.), get themselves riled up, sometimes a statement is necessary to let the masses know they’re heard.

        Of the speaker, Sands also said

        “There is room in the intellectual life of the university for perspectives that sharpen our critical-thinking skills and evoke thought and discussion on topics such as ethics, morality, logic and the scientific method. This will not be the last time that a student group, a faculty member or the administration invites a speaker whose views will be regarded by some in our community as repugnant, offensive or even fraudulent. The dichotomies of free speech vs. censorship and civil discourse vs. hostile discourse intersect but are not equivalent. While we cannot prevent others from finding their place on each of these axes, let us set an example for free speech and civil discourse.”

        So he didn’t give in to the masses, the speaker was still invited, and the speaker spoke.

        In the current situation, Sands made a statement in support of Israel. A small contingency of far-left students were upset with his statement. But he doesn’t appear to be giving into them. Another example of Sands’s resolve.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Both the UVa Threat Assessment Team and its Office of Civil Rights must investigate and deal with SJP and fellow extremists at the University.

    The University’s Chief of Police will help. He and the University’s Counsel are members of the TAT. Both will support the Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights if asked.

    I suggest the Chief, if he has not already done so, ask for support from the FBI’s Field Intelligence Groups and Fusion Centers and the regional Joint Terrorism Task Force.”

    From the very first footnote of the FBI piece you referenced… so much for tolerance of opinions at Sherlock’s UVa….

    “a Per the Attorney General’s Guidelines, the FBI does not and may not base any investigative activity solely on the exercise of rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. In addition, the FBI cannot collect, maintain, or disseminate information on how a US person exercises his or her First Amendment rights unless pertinent to and within the scope of an authorized law enforcement activity. Some forms of speech are not protected, for example true threats. However, statements that may be considered offensive, distasteful, or repugnant may be legal and protected by the First Amendment. Absent some indication of potential violent and/or criminal activity, the FBI cannot investigate solely on the basis of such statements.”

    1. VaPragamtist Avatar

      I think the students signing the statement are terribly misguided and ignorant.

      But the purpose of a Threat Assessment Team is not to investigate terribly misguided and ignorant viewpoints.

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