Hawaiian-shirt clad Boogaloo boy Mike Dunn addressing a crowd July 4th. “We don’t do that Nazi s***!” Source: Twitter.

by James A. Bacon

After a small riot last weekend that resulted in the torching of a dump truck, dumpster fires, shattered windows, and two dozen arrests, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney blamed… white supremacists.

“Last night shows that the real hate comes from the racism that is still very much alive in our commonwealth,” Stoney said in a press conference. “And some have used this moment to still express that hate.” Police Chief Gerald Smith confirmed that a few white men in Hawaiian shirts — an emblem of the so-called boogaloo movement, which incites violence to accelerate society’s plunge into civil war — were spotted in the crowd. Smith did allow for the fact that others among the rioters were involved with or influenced by the left-wing antifa movement.

Just one problem with Stoney’s narrative: He has no direct evidence showing that white supremacists organized the protest, encouraged violence, or participated in property damage. That’s the conclusion of Graham Moomaw with The Virginia Mercury, a left-leaning online publication. Moomaw and the Mercury deserve credit for publishing a well-researched article that runs counter to the liberal/progressive narrative. My esteem for the publication has increased a notch. Maybe two notches.

Saturday’s protest-turned-riot was promoted in an online flier of unknown origin that urged Richmonders to show solidarity with Portland, Ore., where predominantly white protesters have laid siege to the federal courthouse. “By sharing, attending and leading the March, the Mayor and Chief believe the boogaloos share responsibility for the violence that took place that evening,” Jim Noland, Stoney’s spokesman, told the Mercury.

However, Moomaw found that police have not connected any of the nearly two dozen people arrested last weekend to white supremacist groups.

Also, experts on political extremism quoted by the Mercury, say that, although there is some overlap between the boogaloo movement and white supremacists, not all boogaloos are white supremacists.

Indeed, Moomaw talked to Richmond boogaloo organizer Mike Dunn, who calls himself a centrist libertarian. Dunn insists he is not a white supremacist. He has appeared in solidarity with the BLM757 group in Richmond, chanting, “white supremacy sucks,” and he says his group left the protest before it turned violent.

JaPharii Jones, leader of BLM757, said he does not believe Dun is a white supremacist. Rather, said Jones, Stoney wanted to portray himself as standing up to white supremacy. “It’s all politics. He had to have somebody to put the blame on for that.”

Dunn may be a “centrist libertarian” in philosophy, but he was kicked off Facebook for a video in which he bore an AR-15 rifle while demanding Gov. Ralph Northam’s resignation. his words are anything but pacific. “If there had been white supremacists there we would’ve fought ’em,” Dunn said of Saturday night. “We fought ’em on July 4 when three of them ‘Heil Hitler’ed’ in our crowd.”

Bacon’s bottom line: The presence of boogaloo boys in the Saturday march highlights just how fractured the demonstrations are. There are militant black-rights groups such as Black Lives Matter, predominantly white anarchist groups such as Antifa, boogaloo boys, perhaps a sprinkling of actual white supremacists, and maybe even some genuinely peaceful protesters. Blaming white supremacists for the Saturday violence was a pathetic attempt by Stoney to shift the blame for his own inability to maintain public order.

Update: The original post contained a photograph taken from the Virginia Mercury website. However, I have been informed that the photo belongs to Getty Images, which the Mercury subscribes to. I do not subscribe to Getty. Having been nicked for $2,000 last month for posting a copyrighted photo  (grrrrr, what a racket!), I deemed it wise to replace the boogaloo boys photo.

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93 responses to “About those Boogaloo Boys…”

  1. WayneS Avatar


    I very often wear Hawaiian shirts in summertime when carrying concealed. I’ve been dressing this way for a couple of decades at this point. The shirts are comfortable and cool in hot weather, and they are worn untucked so they can cover a decent sized handgun in a belt holster.

    Now, because of the actions of some small group of morons, I have to be concerned about being attacked by a different group of morons for no other reason than my choice of clothing.

    Simply marvelous.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      That sucks Wayne. You might want to put those shirts in storage.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        not a problem.. Just don’t attend any riots wearing them… 😉

  2. djrippert Avatar

    Even by the incredibly low standards of Virginia politicians Stoney is coming across as a fool. The rioting was done by white supremacists but none of the people arrested were tied to white supremacist groups. Why did the police overlook the real criminals when making dozens of arrests? Meanwhile, the so-called Bugaloo Boys are proving very hard to surveil despite wearing Hawaiian shirts and carrying semi-automatic weapons (see picture with this article). The Keystone Cops could follow the two guys in the photo.

    Finally, the “known white supremacists” in Hawaiian shirts stroll into a crowd of hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters and nobody says anything.

    Can you imagine the conversation?

    Known white supremacist in a Hawaiian shirt looking like a refugee from a Hawaiian Punch commercial: “Hi! We’re the Bugaloo Boys. We’re here for the riot. We’re hoping to start a second civil war. Are we in the right place?”

    BLM organizer: “Oh hey! Great to see you white supremacists here for our march. You must have seen our poster. You’re in the right place. Why don’t you and the other Bugaloo Boys march down the left side of the street breaking windows. Do you need any frozen water bottles or sharpened PVC pipe?”

    And this guy Stoney wants to be governor?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well – that’s funny as heck – seriously . 😉

      But do you remember what you and others were saying about the leaders in Charlottesville as well as Northam during the “Unite the Right” affair?

      All I’m trying to do is encourage some context…

      It seems sometimes that no matter the event – the sscream·ing meem·ies emerge like a metaphorical swarm of yellow jackets…

      then they go back and await the next event……..

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Northam was not governor during the “Unite the Right affair” so I doubt anyone said much of anything about him.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          No, Northam was just the then Virginia governors chief assistant, his lieutenant governor, and the then attorney general was Herring who remains today. Its same regime, but more radical now, given its earlier success.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      “Finally, the “known white supremacists” in Hawaiian shirts stroll into a crowd of hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters and nobody says anything.”

      Excellent point. White supremacist “boogaloo boys” trying “infiltrate” a BLM rally would be like a a giraffe trying to infiltrate a herd of elephants.

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Seems as though “Biden Brain” has spread to our local Democrats and some commenters.
    The BLM757 group and those same Bugaloo Boys are advertising a Black Rifles Matter protest at the Capital in August. Is Northam going to stockade the Capital grounds again?

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    well that was dumb… you are correct…. but criticisms were similar:


    Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Police Chief Al Thomas and other top officials have previously defended the law enforcement response, saying police had to show restraint because some people in the crowd were heavily armed.

    Rally organizers and counterprotesters, as well as some law enforcement experts, have questioned why authorities didn’t do more to separate opposing forces or step in once the violence began breaking out.

    City officials had tried to move the rally to a larger park about a mile (1.5 kilometers) from downtown Charlottesville, but their request was blocked by a federal judge after the American Civil Liberties Union sued on free-speech grounds.

    On Friday, City Manager Maurice Jones said in a statement that the city does not “agree with every aspect of the report’s findings” but that “we, and our law enforcement partner in the Virginia State Police, undoubtedly fell short of expectations, and for that we are profoundly sorry.”

    1. WayneS Avatar

      “…but criticisms were similar…”

      And they were well-earned.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and just saying… it happens.. and repeats…not unique to Richmond and Stoney. but the beat goes on………..

    2. djrippert Avatar

      So if criminals are “heavily armed” then the police can’t do anything? What a croc. Funny how the cops controlled the heavily armed crowd on Lobby Day just fine.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        lots of excuses. yes….. and yes, good point about “lobby” day but then that was the General Assembly, right? So if all those antifas and other miscreants showed up like Lobby Day – they’d be dealt with? By Capital Police and State Police , maybe? oh wait. the State police screwed up in Cville also and also had excuses.

  5. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    And a few of those arrested are active on Twitter. They also deny white supremacists caused the damage and have been calling out Stoney. They aren’t hard to find on Twitter.
    One of their names is used in the Mercury article. Look up the guy’s tweets. It’s very informative.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Look up their commentary on Twitter? Lol. Or follow the guys in Hawaiian shirts and see what they do? Wow. At this rate we’re both vying for consideration as Chief of Detectives in the RPD!

      1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
        Baconator with extra cheese

        Maybe they’ll let us get a dope red Gran Torino and I can slide across the hood! Cruzin’ Detroit-upon-the-James solving cases….

        1. djrippert Avatar

          I’ll bring the Emu.

  6. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    In the picture I notice the guy with the AR standing right next to the Stoney-declared white supremecist… (to the Boogaloos’ left). He must be a white supremecist who went to the Northam-school of makeup and disguises… seriously he doesn’t quite fit the model judging by his complexion, unless this is a David Chappelle sketch (not safe for work if you Google that one!).

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Blind guy with a AR-15? How Virginian!

      1. WayneS Avatar

        It’d be a violation of the ADA to try to stop him…

  7. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Looks like the mobs have moved on from Catholic Kentucky high school kids wearing MAGA hats in front of US Capital building in DC, to white guys in Richmond wearing Hawaiian shirts. Richmond’s politicians, looking for scapegoats, anyone to charge but their base supporters, are fishing dry holes.

  8. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    This is replay of the lies by politicians and some UVa. officials regarding what actually happened in the Charlottesville riots of July 8, 2017 as those lies were later contradicted by an in depth independent report found at: https://www.huntonak.com/en/news/final-report-independent-review-of-the-2017-protest-events-in-charlottesville-virginia.html

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      I took a peek at this Mr. Reed. It was a long and thorough report. It seemed to have some good common sense recommendations for the next time. It looks like only a few of the report’s suggestions are implemented in the current Richmond crisis.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        James – here is a post I wrote on subject of July events: https://www.baconsrebellion.com/charlottesvilles-path-to-polarization-part-2/

  9. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    This is replay of the lies by politicians and some UVa. officials regarding what actually happened in the Charlottesville riots of July 8, 2017 as those lies were later contradicted by an in depth independent report found at: https://www.huntonak.com/en/news/final-report-independent-review-of-the-2017-protest-events-in-charlottesville-virginia.html

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      I took a peek at this Mr. Reed. It was a long and thorough report. It seemed to have some good common sense recommendations for the next time. It looks like only a few of the report’s suggestions are implemented in the current Richmond crisis.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        James – here is a post I wrote on subject of July events: https://www.baconsrebellion.com/charlottesvilles-path-to-polarization-part-2/

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    Still consulting that rancid left wing media for your facts? geeze!
    (I thought Graham Moomaw was RTD?)

    One day you condemn media and say never again, then the next day you’re slurping their kool aid again – apparently when it agrees better with you! 😉

    It’s been clear from the beginning that some want to discredit the BLM movement – they reject the premise of the group – and no coincidence that others have come on the streets simultaneously with other motives more aligned with disruption, vandalism, and disorder that will put pressure on the police to shut it all down – no matter who it is.

    In other words, when the peaceful protestors come out – here come the disrupters to taint any and all protest and get it shut down.

    That leaves the police in an untenable position of being accused of shutting down legitimate protest and standing by and doing nothing while violence and disorder ensues.

    I’m a little skeptical of the guy who claims to be Bugaloo… to be honest. I’m waiting for other shoes to drop with respect to him.

    1. PackerFan Avatar

      And yet we still wait for someone in authority in Richmond, Portland, Chicago, etc., (interestingly enough, they are all D’s) to call for an end to the “protesters” violence, or call for a state of emergency (like Northam felt was necessary for the 2A rall but not necessary this past weekend) while their communities burn. Don’t tell me for a second that their inaction is not driven by politics. They’re desperately hoping that one of those federal folks opens fire so they can have another Kent State heading into November.

      Would it really be that hard/unreasonable to ask the truly peaceful protesters to stand down for a brief period of time until the thugs are cleared out? If not, at what point are the peaceful folks going to get pissed and start aggressively pushing back on the punks who are taking the attention off of their legitimate issues and concerns?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” Would it really be that hard/unreasonable to ask the truly peaceful protesters to stand down for a brief period of time until the thugs are cleared out? If not, at what point are the peaceful folks going to get pissed and start aggressively pushing back on the punks who are taking the attention off of their legitimate issues and concerns?”

        Would not. But what do you do when they take a break and come back and the violence ensues again?

        1. PackerFan Avatar

          Hopefully the violent ones would have been given appropriate “incentives” to slither back to where they came from at that point and won’t come back for a while.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so part of all of this is probably due to folks not having jobs and having a lot of time on their hands.

            These folks are obviously not “essential”….

    2. WayneS Avatar

      “Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.”

      Do you accept the premise of the group?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do I accept what maybe one person wrote on a website?


        but then I don’t ignore what I’m hearing writ large from BLM folks.

        What you don’t do is focus on one thing from one person but look at the movement overall and what they are saying. Just like with media, you need to not seek out the one thing you like or dislike but try to understand with some perspective.

        Does the BLM have a legitimate cause? Yes, IMHO. Does BLS have a lot of individuals involved and perhaps some are more radical than the others? Yes. but go back to square one and ask yourself – do you want to find ways to discredit the movement as a whole or find the parts that have legitimacy? Do you reject the systemic racism claim from the get go?

        That’s where to start IMHO.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          For the record, I do not accept the premise that “Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise” in this country.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I do not either – but I’m not going to use that statement as a reason to oppose them… I do believe they have righteous issues and some more radical not accepted as THE premise of the group.

            You have to do this if you really do believe they have legitimacy in their cause… some will find something they can use as an excuse to oppose them… others will try to find a path forward past those who would blow it up.

      2. WayneS Avatar


        It’s not what one person wrote – it’s part of the group’s official web-site.

        It is one of the stated purposes for the group’s existence.


        So, I ask again, do YOU accept the premise of the group?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I need to know about who the folks are that run the website.

          More about how the group is governed and operates…

          Even the Smithsonian has folks who get on their website and post stuff that is not the official position.

          have you looked at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Lives_Matter

          I don’t see that statement as a premise as much as a statement of belief and more hyperbole than a mission.

          You’re looking at individual things here… not the movement writ large… I think you could go into just about any group and go down such a list and find something… but again – one person likely did write it as opposed to a governing board approving it.

          it’s a loosely organized group – without a whole lot of formal governance to wordsmith.

          the basic premise of Black Lives Matter to most people is that there exists systemic racism in our society.

          The fundamental legitimacy of the cause is clear to most folks.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            Rationalize, away, Larry.

            Same inability to concede a point you have lost, different week.

            And you trust a Wiki article more than a group’s own website? I will most definitely remember that for later.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Oh, and your willingness to trust a Wiki article over a group’s own web-site will be remembered and possibly used as ammunition in the future.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            You might check – Wiki articles are not opinion – they are footnoted extensively with factual references.

            The challenge on a lot of this is to get to the truth and not be fooled into confirming your own biases…

            Most “movements” have different players and they evolve – the key is understanding what they are really about – and BLM IMHO opinion is about a belief that blacks have been systematically discriminated against and you should not just believe what any of them say or assert but go forth to see if there is substance to their claims.

            For me – it’s no contest. It’s clear.

            And they are not the ONLY group – there are dozens of them that are on the same track.

            There is no rationalization here. The impetus behind BLM is legitimate IMHO. Have you looked at the polls? Do you think all those folks are wrong especially black folks?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            let me point out – THIS is WIKI , more than 400 references of fact. If you really want to understand – you have to be willing to look at more than one thing.

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          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            let me point out once more, WIKI is not one guys opinion.

            For BLM – there are more than 400 references from a wide variety of sources.

            If you really have an open mind and want to know, you have to be willing to look at more than one thing.

            That statement is hyperbole .. and it’s not a threat of violence or anything close to it – it’s more of a belief … and not shared by the majority of those who do support BLM – including hundreds of corporate supporters.

            You make your own choice here.

          6. WayneS Avatar

            The impetus behind working to eliminate systemic racism is absolutely legitimate.

            The impetus behind this specific group is not, in my opinion, and I have posted evidence to back up my opinion.

            Do you have anything other than generalized platitudes and pointed questions to those who disagree with you to back up your opinion that the group actually does have good intentions?

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            No. I’m not willing to draw firm conclusions based on one statement.

            I’m not going to use that one statement to discount BLM.

            So we’re at a point where we both have reached our bottom lines?

            BLM is real and legitimate – has some issues – but bottom line they have legitimacy in the view of system racism.

            I do think it’s interesting how some folks totally reject that group – AND do not instead cite other groups they do like better on the same issue and instead confirm the legitimacy of the basic issue – systemic racism and identify groups to support in dealing with it.

          8. WayneS Avatar


            Will you please stop copying and pasting 8775 word lists? There were only 611 words in the original article. That makes your “comment” about 14.4 times longer than the original posting.

            You’re causing a clog in the blog.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            that was terrible. My apologies to you and everyone else.

          10. MAdams Avatar


            Wikipedia is open source that is able to be edited by anyone at any given time. It’s only corrected when someone feels the need to do so, so you continued reliance on it is humorous.

            Further onto WayneS point, you never accept or admit you don’t know what you’re talking about and never will.

          11. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            MAdams says:
            “Larry … Further onto WayneS point, you never accept or admit you don’t know what you’re talking about and never will.”

            MAdams, yet again, goes into the heart of the matter.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    Still consulting that rancid left wing media for your facts? geeze!
    (I thought Graham Moomaw was RTD?)

    One day you condemn media and say never again, then the next day you’re slurping their kool aid again – apparently when it agrees better with you! 😉

    It’s been clear from the beginning that some want to discredit the BLM movement – they reject the premise of the group – and no coincidence that others have come on the streets simultaneously with other motives more aligned with disruption, vandalism, and disorder that will put pressure on the police to shut it all down – no matter who it is.

    In other words, when the peaceful protestors come out – here come the disrupters to taint any and all protest and get it shut down.

    That leaves the police in an untenable position of being accused of shutting down legitimate protest and standing by and doing nothing while violence and disorder ensues.

    I’m a little skeptical of the guy who claims to be Bugaloo… to be honest. I’m waiting for other shoes to drop with respect to him.

    1. PackerFan Avatar

      And yet we still wait for someone in authority in Richmond, Portland, Chicago, etc., (interestingly enough, they are all D’s) to call for an end to the “protesters” violence, or call for a state of emergency (like Northam felt was necessary for the 2A rall but not necessary this past weekend) while their communities burn. Don’t tell me for a second that their inaction is not driven by politics. They’re desperately hoping that one of those federal folks opens fire so they can have another Kent State heading into November.

      Would it really be that hard/unreasonable to ask the truly peaceful protesters to stand down for a brief period of time until the thugs are cleared out? If not, at what point are the peaceful folks going to get pissed and start aggressively pushing back on the punks who are taking the attention off of their legitimate issues and concerns?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” Would it really be that hard/unreasonable to ask the truly peaceful protesters to stand down for a brief period of time until the thugs are cleared out? If not, at what point are the peaceful folks going to get pissed and start aggressively pushing back on the punks who are taking the attention off of their legitimate issues and concerns?”

        Would not. But what do you do when they take a break and come back and the violence ensues again?

        1. PackerFan Avatar

          Hopefully the violent ones would have been given appropriate “incentives” to slither back to where they came from at that point and won’t come back for a while.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so part of all of this is probably due to folks not having jobs and having a lot of time on their hands.

            These folks are obviously not “essential”….

    2. WayneS Avatar

      “Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.”

      Do you accept the premise of the group?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do I accept what maybe one person wrote on a website?


        but then I don’t ignore what I’m hearing writ large from BLM folks.

        What you don’t do is focus on one thing from one person but look at the movement overall and what they are saying. Just like with media, you need to not seek out the one thing you like or dislike but try to understand with some perspective.

        Does the BLM have a legitimate cause? Yes, IMHO. Does BLS have a lot of individuals involved and perhaps some are more radical than the others? Yes. but go back to square one and ask yourself – do you want to find ways to discredit the movement as a whole or find the parts that have legitimacy? Do you reject the systemic racism claim from the get go?

        That’s where to start IMHO.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          For the record, I do not accept the premise that “Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise” in this country.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I do not either – but I’m not going to use that statement as a reason to oppose them… I do believe they have righteous issues and some more radical not accepted as THE premise of the group.

            You have to do this if you really do believe they have legitimacy in their cause… some will find something they can use as an excuse to oppose them… others will try to find a path forward past those who would blow it up.

      2. WayneS Avatar


        It’s not what one person wrote – it’s part of the group’s official web-site.

        It is one of the stated purposes for the group’s existence.


        So, I ask again, do YOU accept the premise of the group?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I need to know about who the folks are that run the website.

          More about how the group is governed and operates…

          Even the Smithsonian has folks who get on their website and post stuff that is not the official position.

          have you looked at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Lives_Matter

          I don’t see that statement as a premise as much as a statement of belief and more hyperbole than a mission.

          You’re looking at individual things here… not the movement writ large… I think you could go into just about any group and go down such a list and find something… but again – one person likely did write it as opposed to a governing board approving it.

          it’s a loosely organized group – without a whole lot of formal governance to wordsmith.

          the basic premise of Black Lives Matter to most people is that there exists systemic racism in our society.

          The fundamental legitimacy of the cause is clear to most folks.

          1. WayneS Avatar


            Will you please stop copying and pasting 8775 word lists? There were only 611 words in the original article. That makes your “comment” about 14.4 times longer than the original posting.

            You’re causing a clog in the blog.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            that was terrible. My apologies to you and everyone else.

          3. WayneS Avatar

            Rationalize, away, Larry.

            Same inability to concede a point you have lost, different week.

            And you trust a Wiki article more than a group’s own website? I will most definitely remember that for later.

          4. WayneS Avatar

            Oh, and your willingness to trust a Wiki article over a group’s own web-site will be remembered and possibly used as ammunition in the future.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            You might check – Wiki articles are not opinion – they are footnoted extensively with factual references.

            The challenge on a lot of this is to get to the truth and not be fooled into confirming your own biases…

            Most “movements” have different players and they evolve – the key is understanding what they are really about – and BLM IMHO opinion is about a belief that blacks have been systematically discriminated against and you should not just believe what any of them say or assert but go forth to see if there is substance to their claims.

            For me – it’s no contest. It’s clear.

            And they are not the ONLY group – there are dozens of them that are on the same track.

            There is no rationalization here. The impetus behind BLM is legitimate IMHO. Have you looked at the polls? Do you think all those folks are wrong especially black folks?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            let me point out once more, WIKI is not one guys opinion.

            For BLM – there are more than 400 references from a wide variety of sources.

            If you really have an open mind and want to know, you have to be willing to look at more than one thing.

            That statement is hyperbole .. and it’s not a threat of violence or anything close to it – it’s more of a belief … and not shared by the majority of those who do support BLM – including hundreds of corporate supporters.

            You make your own choice here.

          7. WayneS Avatar

            The impetus behind working to eliminate systemic racism is absolutely legitimate.

            The impetus behind this specific group is not, in my opinion, and I have posted evidence to back up my opinion.

            Do you have anything other than generalized platitudes and pointed questions to those who disagree with you to back up your opinion that the group actually does have good intentions?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            No. I’m not willing to draw firm conclusions based on one statement.

            I’m not going to use that one statement to discount BLM.

            So we’re at a point where we both have reached our bottom lines?

            BLM is real and legitimate – has some issues – but bottom line they have legitimacy in the view of system racism.

            I do think it’s interesting how some folks totally reject that group – AND do not instead cite other groups they do like better on the same issue and instead confirm the legitimacy of the basic issue – systemic racism and identify groups to support in dealing with it.

          9. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
            Reed Fawell 3rd

            MAdams says:
            “Larry … Further onto WayneS point, you never accept or admit you don’t know what you’re talking about and never will.”

            MAdams, yet again, goes into the heart of the matter.

          10. MAdams Avatar


            Wikipedia is open source that is able to be edited by anyone at any given time. It’s only corrected when someone feels the need to do so, so you continued reliance on it is humorous.

            Further onto WayneS point, you never accept or admit you don’t know what you’re talking about and never will.

  12. WayneS Avatar


    I very often wear Hawaiian shirts in summertime when carrying concealed. I’ve been dressing this way for a couple of decades at this point. The shirts are comfortable and cool in hot weather, and they are worn untucked so they can cover a decent sized handgun in a belt holster.

    Now, because of the actions of some small group of morons, I have to be concerned about being attacked by a different group of morons for no other reason than my choice of clothing.

    Simply marvelous.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      That sucks Wayne. You might want to put those shirts in storage.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        not a problem.. Just don’t attend any riots wearing them… 😉

  13. djrippert Avatar

    Even by the incredibly low standards of Virginia politicians Stoney is coming across as a fool. The rioting was done by white supremacists but none of the people arrested were tied to white supremacist groups. Why did the police overlook the real criminals when making dozens of arrests? Meanwhile, the so-called Bugaloo Boys are proving very hard to surveil despite wearing Hawaiian shirts and carrying semi-automatic weapons (see picture with this article). The Keystone Cops could follow the two guys in the photo.

    Finally, the “known white supremacists” in Hawaiian shirts stroll into a crowd of hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters and nobody says anything.

    Can you imagine the conversation?

    Known white supremacist in a Hawaiian shirt looking like a refugee from a Hawaiian Punch commercial: “Hi! We’re the Bugaloo Boys. We’re here for the riot. We’re hoping to start a second civil war. Are we in the right place?”

    BLM organizer: “Oh hey! Great to see you white supremacists here for our march. You must have seen our poster. You’re in the right place. Why don’t you and the other Bugaloo Boys march down the left side of the street breaking windows. Do you need any frozen water bottles or sharpened PVC pipe?”

    And this guy Stoney wants to be governor?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well – that’s funny as heck – seriously . 😉

      But do you remember what you and others were saying about the leaders in Charlottesville as well as Northam during the “Unite the Right” affair?

      All I’m trying to do is encourage some context…

      It seems sometimes that no matter the event – the sscream·ing meem·ies emerge like a metaphorical swarm of yellow jackets…

      then they go back and await the next event……..

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Northam was not governor during the “Unite the Right affair” so I doubt anyone said much of anything about him.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          No, Northam was just the then Virginia governors chief assistant, his lieutenant governor, and the then attorney general was Herring who remains today. Its same regime, but more radical now, given its earlier success.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      “Finally, the “known white supremacists” in Hawaiian shirts stroll into a crowd of hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters and nobody says anything.”

      Excellent point. White supremacist “boogaloo boys” trying “infiltrate” a BLM rally would be like a a giraffe trying to infiltrate a herd of elephants.

  14. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Seems as though “Biden Brain” has spread to our local Democrats and some commenters.
    The BLM757 group and those same Bugaloo Boys are advertising a Black Rifles Matter protest at the Capital in August. Is Northam going to stockade the Capital grounds again?

  15. LarrytheG Avatar

    well that was dumb… you are correct…. but criticisms were similar:


    Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Police Chief Al Thomas and other top officials have previously defended the law enforcement response, saying police had to show restraint because some people in the crowd were heavily armed.

    Rally organizers and counterprotesters, as well as some law enforcement experts, have questioned why authorities didn’t do more to separate opposing forces or step in once the violence began breaking out.

    City officials had tried to move the rally to a larger park about a mile (1.5 kilometers) from downtown Charlottesville, but their request was blocked by a federal judge after the American Civil Liberties Union sued on free-speech grounds.

    On Friday, City Manager Maurice Jones said in a statement that the city does not “agree with every aspect of the report’s findings” but that “we, and our law enforcement partner in the Virginia State Police, undoubtedly fell short of expectations, and for that we are profoundly sorry.”

    1. WayneS Avatar

      “…but criticisms were similar…”

      And they were well-earned.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and just saying… it happens.. and repeats…not unique to Richmond and Stoney. but the beat goes on………..

    2. djrippert Avatar

      So if criminals are “heavily armed” then the police can’t do anything? What a croc. Funny how the cops controlled the heavily armed crowd on Lobby Day just fine.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        lots of excuses. yes….. and yes, good point about “lobby” day but then that was the General Assembly, right? So if all those antifas and other miscreants showed up like Lobby Day – they’d be dealt with? By Capital Police and State Police , maybe? oh wait. the State police screwed up in Cville also and also had excuses.

  16. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    And a few of those arrested are active on Twitter. They also deny white supremacists caused the damage and have been calling out Stoney. They aren’t hard to find on Twitter.
    One of their names is used in the Mercury article. Look up the guy’s tweets. It’s very informative.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Look up their commentary on Twitter? Lol. Or follow the guys in Hawaiian shirts and see what they do? Wow. At this rate we’re both vying for consideration as Chief of Detectives in the RPD!

      1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
        Baconator with extra cheese

        Maybe they’ll let us get a dope red Gran Torino and I can slide across the hood! Cruzin’ Detroit-upon-the-James solving cases….

        1. djrippert Avatar

          I’ll bring the Emu.

  17. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    In the picture I notice the guy with the AR standing right next to the Stoney-declared white supremecist… (to the Boogaloos’ left). He must be a white supremecist who went to the Northam-school of makeup and disguises… seriously he doesn’t quite fit the model judging by his complexion, unless this is a David Chappelle sketch (not safe for work if you Google that one!).

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Blind guy with a AR-15? How Virginian!

      1. WayneS Avatar

        It’d be a violation of the ADA to try to stop him…

  18. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Looks like the mobs have moved on from Catholic Kentucky high school kids wearing MAGA hats in front of US Capital building in DC, to white guys in Richmond wearing Hawaiian shirts. Richmond’s politicians, looking for scapegoats, anyone to charge but their base supporters, are fishing dry holes.

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