Month: June 2010

  • How Not to Treat a Bleeding Patient

    Let’s say you are in an emergency room and you have a patient being wheeled in from the ambulance who is bloody and critically injured. The man is in his middle age, he is overweight and has high blood pressure and cholesterol and has diabetes. He’s been in a bad traffic accident and has lost…

  • EMR’s Worst Nightmare

    Yes… the flying car. Air cruising speed of 115 mph, range of 450 miles. The retail price of 130 quid will give it limited market appeal. Yet… according to this UK news report, 70 people have already forked over a hefty down payment for an advance order. I am a great enthusiast for cool technology…

  • Obama’s looming “Profile in Courage”?

    In 1955, then-Senator John F. Kennedy wrote the book “Profiles in Courage”. The book documents eight US senators who took tremendous political risks by supporting unpopular causes. President Kennedy’s book won the Pulitzer Prize. Despite being published 55 years ago I know of no effort to publish a new edition of the book updated with…

  • Et tu, Krugman?

    Everybody in America should be quite concerned about Paul Krugman’s most recent Op – Ed piece in the New York Times. Mr. Krugman is a staunch and loyal supporter of Barack Obama. However, Krugman is now saying that the current recovery may very well collapse leaving the economy in what he is calling The Third…

  • Obama’s Big Fat Nothing

    Hoo-ah! My first column in the online op-ed section of the Washington Times: The financial media put a positive spin on a joint statement Sunday by the wealthiest members of the Group of 20 countries that they would halve their deficits by 2013 and stabilize their debt burdens by 2016. In the words of the…

  • Where Are the Oil Skimmers?

    How inept has the Obama administration been in responding to the Deepwater Horizon oil gusher? Reports from the field suggest that, nearly 70 days into the crisis, the federal response to the oil clean-up is still in disarray. For evidence, we Virginians need look no farther than the port of Norfolk, where the world’s largest…

  • Corey Stewart’s Bad Idea

    Three years ago, Prince William County achieved notoriety by adopting legislation that was supposedly designed to stem illegal immigration but in reality harassed Latinos, many of whom are hard-working and law-abiding. What goes around comes around. Corey A. Stewart, chairman of the PWC board of supervisors, is beating the drum for Virginia to adopt a…

  • The Hard Reality of Richmond Passenger Trains

    Richmonders are no different than many people in the new urbanist world. They like the idea of moving back downtown where it is easy and efficient to travel to their offices without cars walk to restaurants and entertainment and have quick access to inner city depots for transportation out of town. For Richmond, that ideal…

  • Never Leave Home Without Your Teleprompter

    I recently subjected myself to a full dose of the trilogy of tripe – Matthews, Olbermann and Maddow. They were each desperately trying to excuse Obama’s incompetent management of the Deepwater Horizon fiasco. As always, they quickly got to the “blame Bush” defense. The liberals’ song has been sung so often I know it by…


    Bacon’s Rebellers seem to have tired of commenting on DeGrowth for now. Much more on that topic later – first EMR considers what comes AFTER the Autonomobile and why small REALLY IS beautiful but before that… A short item on important reading and viewing: Bill Lucy (Prof. William H. to his friends) at UVA has…

  • DeGrowth v. 2.0

    DEGROWTH – SHRINKING TO SURVIVE THEN PROSPER (Ed Note: Thanks to a number of constructive comments here is a better version.) DeGrowth is a resurgent survival strategy for contemporary civilization: Step One: The footprint of human consumption must shrink so that most humans — and ALL other species — do not have to perish just…


    DeGrowth – Shrinking to Survive THEN Prosper DeGrowth is a resurgent survival strategy for contemporary civilization. First, the consumption footprint must shrink so that most do not have to perish for a few to survive. THEN DeGrowth advocates movement to a Steady State Economy where consumption matches sustainable and renewable resources so that ALL have…

  • Cantor’s Curious Contradictions

    House Minority Whip Eric Cantor is a curious blend of contradictions. Aiming at the anti-government populism stirring about, he wants to be seen as an anti-tax and anti-spending guy. He’s also a Main Street Republican who is very comfortable with the captains of Virginia business at country club luncheons. Plus, he is an excellent fund-raiser.…

  • Virginia’s 11th – Precursor to November?

    The Republican primary for Virginia’s 11th Congressional District is being held today. I believe that the results of today’s primary will say a lot about the elections in November. There are two candidates in today’s Republican primary – Pat Herrity and Keith Fimian. The winner will go to the general election against freshman Congressman Gerry…


    Here is a must read for those who have ANY lingering doubts about the negative impact of Large, Private Vehicles on humans obtaining a sustainable trajectory for civilization. “Sustainable Transport and Liveable Community Planning” Todd Litman lays out in two short pages — with a nice graphic and lots of links for followup reading…