Patrick McSweeney


Hide the Pea

Virginia has a sad history of politicians who tell voters they oppose taxes then break their promise once elected. Will November 2005 bring us more of the same? 


Here we go again. Another election cycle and another game of hide-the-pea by politicians.


In 2001, gubernatorial candidate Mark Warner repeatedly pledged on television spots that he would not raise taxes. He now has the audacity to claim as his signature achievement the $1.4 billion tax increase he arm-twisted the House of Delegates to accept in 2004 despite his no-tax pledge.


To make matters worse, Warner and pro-tax legislators were plotting even before the 2003 elections to raise state taxes, but withheld their plans until after Election Day. A number of legislators who clearly announced during their 2003 campaigns that they opposed a tax increase reversed themselves after the election and voted for the 2004 tax increase.


Now, some state senators (who aren’t up for election this year) are suggesting that there is broad agreement on raising taxes for transportation but candidates for election to the House of Delegates aren’t likely to proclaim their support for a tax hike before the 2005 elections are held. Is there any wonder that voters distrust politicians?


Perhaps, the voters should be insisting on more definitive answers from candidates about tax increases. They should demand to know from candidates who claim to oppose raising taxes if there is any circumstance that would cause them to reverse themselves and support a tax increase.


The practice of saying one thing during a campaign and doing the opposite once elected is not a new practice among Virginia politicians. Twenty years ago, candidate Jerry Baliles declared that he would not support a tax increase, but did just that less than a year after the 1985 gubernatorial election.


This game of deception that some politicians have played on taxes for several election cycles will have profound consequences if it continues. Citizens might begin to clamor for a constitutional amendment to allow for recall of elected officials or for voter-initiated referendums to invalidate actions of the General Assembly.


The contempt that some politicians have for their constituents is patently obvious. Voters are viewed as too stupid to be trusted with their own governance. The electoral process has become little more than an annoying obstacle course for the cynical politicians who are prepared to promise anything that might assure their election.


Liberal commentators are quick to criticize politicians who promise tax cuts and new government programs without showing how we can afford both. I happen to agree that this kind of campaigning is unacceptable.


Yet, these same commentators decline to condemn the far worse practice of telling flat lies to voters or violating a campaign pledge. Voters are not so foolish that they can’t see for themselves that a promise to cut taxes while expanding government programs is an empty one. That is a far cry from being lied to.


The two major party candidates for governor this year have emphatically declared their opposition to any tax increase for transportation, at least during the next General Assembly. This would appear to make the issue academic. Why then do some legislators continue to propose a tax increase? Have they received a signal that one or both of these candidates won’t actually veto a tax increase despite their pledges?


Every one of the candidates running in 2005 should be pressed on the issue of raising taxes for transportation.


If a permanent tax hike to raise billions a year for transportation, as some propose, is enacted by the next General Assembly, it should happen only if the voters provide a clear expression of approval. That can’t happen if politicians play hide-the-pea.


-- October 3, 2005










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Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-6802



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