Patrick McSweeney


Boldness Succeeds in Politics

Virginia’s Republican Party doesn’t need unity or discipline – it needs leadership and vision. Without those traits, the GOP could go the way of the British Tories. 


Much comment has been devoted of late to the divisions within the Republican Party, both in Virginia and at the national level. In our two-party system, it would be hard to imagine either political party without divisions. It’s in the nature of having only a pair of major parties.


The key to success for the parties is effective management of those divisions. At the moment, Virginia Democrats appear to be managing that problem better than Republicans.


It is tempting for party leaders to handle internal conflict by trying to find the lowest common denominator that links all party factions. Seldom does that work.


Another approach is to have vigorous debate, followed by a decision between conflicting positions within the party so that bold leadership is possible. This can succeed only when all factions agree in advance on the rules that will prevail as they debate on a course for the party. That’s what the nomination process should be about.


When a party agonizes over its internal differences and cannot choose one position over another, it is doomed to decline. There is no better example of such a party than the British Conservative Party, also known as the Tories.


Earlier hits month, the Tories lost yet another general election after running a campaign that excited virtually no one in Britain. This allowed Prime Minister Tony Blair to win an unprecedented third term for his Labor Party.


What a comedown for the party that brought inspiring ideas to British politics and government a quarter century ago! The dramatic change the Tories accomplished under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher necessarily antagonized opponents of change and often produced bitter political struggles. Ultimately, weaker members of the Conservative Party tired of political confrontations and deposed Thatcher.


Since that point, the Conservative Party has become a pale reflection of the party of 1979 that overwhelmed its opponents and inspired a majority of Britons with bold ideas and decisive leadership. There is a lesson in that experience for Virginia Republicans.


Internal divisions cannot be patched over or left unresolved. The party cannot provide bolder leadership unless it chooses one position or the other. Voters don’t rally to a party because it is “unified.” They are drawn by powerful ideas presented with conviction.


There is a danger, of course, in getting too far ahead of the voters or embracing positions that are far too controversial to have a chance of gaining popular support. Yet the essence of leadership is pointing others to a destination or objective they may not see on their own.


A former Marine Commandant, who later received a presidential appointment to lead a troubled federal agency, told me years ago that conflicts are ever present in organizations. When they become a major distraction, there is an obvious failure of leadership. Not a failure of discipline, but a failure to submerge internal differences with the inspiration of a great common challenge and purpose.


This is especially the case for a political party that claims to favor limited government. Unlike big-government, high-tax liberals, who tend to bribe voters with their own money by promising more and more programs, Republicans must have a defining vision that is coherent and powerful. They must convey to voters a sense that individual initiative, market solutions and voluntary institutions can be more effective than government in solving problems.   If Republicans can’t meet that challenge, they will inevitably go the route of the British Tories.


-- May 23, 2005







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