Patrick McSweeney


Liberate Transportation!

The last thing Virginia needs is to crank up spending on a failed transportation system. It's time to turn entrepreneurs loose to devise innovative solutions.


Communication may be as important to economic development as transportation, but few openly argue that government itself should provide telecommunications infrastructure. No one has proposed raising taxes to provide “dedicated, sustainable revenues” for construction and maintenance of telecommunications facilities, as the road construction folks have proposed for transportation projects. We assume that the private sector can and will take on those challenges.


Transportation and telecommunications have had quite difference histories, particularly in their relations to government. And, yet, there is nothing inherent in either that would dictate that they should be owned, developed and maintained by government.


As a matter of fact, roads, canals and railroads in Virginia were initially developed in large part by private entrepreneurs. They didn’t wait for government to adopt master plans and legislate “dedicated, sustainable revenues” before developing the transportation system that helped to make our economy the envy of the world.


We also depend heavily on energy to keep our economy healthy and to heat our homes and workplaces, but we can be thankful that government hasn’t taken on the roles of energy explorer, developer and supplier. The private sector has been far more flexible, innovative and forward-thinking in these roles than the public sector could ever be.


The important thing to remember about government is that it tends to become rigid and bureaucratic once it undertakes a program. This tendency is heightened because government programs inevitably spawn a collection of powerful special interests that resist any change in those programs regardless of circumstances or the larger public interest.


The last thing we need at this point in our history is to guarantee “dedicated, sustainable revenues” for transportation. The consequence of this policy is a drastic loss of freedom for the larger public. Not only will the public be saddled with massive tax increases, but it will also see its range of choices and its ability to influence transportation policy decline dramatically.


We experienced a major shift in transportation policy in the 1970s when Congress deregulated the airline, trucking and railroad industries. There was broad agreement that government regulation had stifled innovation and had actually come to harm the interests of the consuming public.


Unfortunately, Congress and state legislatures didn’t go far enough in their privatization efforts. Bowing to political pressure, for example, Congress continues to prop up Amtrak, and it’s about to enact another mammoth, pork-barrel highway bill.


If we want to move forward on transportation, we should encourage true entrepreneurship, innovation and risk-taking. The subtle message from government that it will provide future subsidies, protection from competition and insulation from the changes certain to come in the form of demographic shifts, global economic adjustments and energy price and supply disruptions is precisely the wrong medicine.


Gov. Mark R. Warner and House Speaker William J. Howell have made the right noises by saying that Virginia must count on greater private investment in transportation. The legislature, however, took a half step. This is a time to be brash, not timid.


Our elected officials haven’t demonstrated that they really believe that the private sector is up to the task. This equivocation will doom the privatization initiative.


We don’t need to accept the assumption of most editorial pages that money for transportation must come from higher tax revenues. We need to abandon the myth that transportation projects can attract private investment only if government sweetens the pot.


The privatization route will be painful, but anything less is no long-term solution at all.


-- March 28, 2005










Contact Information


McSweeney & Crump

11 South Twelfth Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-6802
