Patrick McSweeney


A Bad Idea that Just Won't Die

Once again we're hearing that Virginia needs two-term governors to carry out long-term reforms. But sound ideas don't require a cult of personality to be put into effect.


Like a bad penny, the idea of eliminating Virginia’s constitutional prohibition against consecutive terms for governors keeps turning up. It’s December again and time to see that this ill-considered proposal is taken out of circulation one more time.


The principal argument for eliminating the prohibition is, as before, that Virginia needs to “get with it.” After all, proponents say, no other state has such a prohibition. And yet no other state enjoys the record of sound financial management that Virginia has.


Gov. Mark R. Warner, the proposal’s most prominent advocate, argues that four years is not enough time to complete a program that improves government performance. This underscores the fundamental flaw in the proponents’ thinking about the role of the governor in particular and about government in general.


Personality and celebrity have become far too important in our politics and governance. The notion that we are incapable of responsible self government and that government can’t operate properly without a particular individual in power is at odds with republican values. We are in very deep trouble if our capacity to make needed changes in state government depends on having Warner or any other individual in office for eight instead of four years.


When Linwood Holton was elected governor in 1969, he immediately set out to make the changes in state government that he promised during his campaign. But the sweeping recommendations of his management study were impossible to implement during a single term.


Reform wasn’t stymied because Holton was not able to serve another term. The power of his proposal had enough force of its own that the General Assembly followed through and worked with Holton’s successor to implement the needed changes. Legislators came to realize that government reorganization was good politics.


The private sector has learned the folly of personalizing a business enterprise. This leads to a fragile organization that is so dependent on the presence of a particular person—rather than on sound ideas, objectives and processes—that it can’t function effectively without that leader.


Decades ago, management guru Peter Drucker warned against this focus on personality rather than on the ideas, the objectives and the management processes that best serve the enterprise. Too often, Drucker argued, the cult of personality prevents the institutionalization of new approaches so that the enterprise won’t revert to its former condition when the “great leader” leaves the scene.


Changes of significance in state government should never be left to either the governor or the legislature alone. It requires the approval and active participation of both political branches.


One has to wonder if Warner is using the idea of eliminating the prohibition against gubernatorial succession as an excuse for not trying soon enough and aggressively enough to implement the changes he says are needed. Some of his targets, for example, procurement, information technology and property management, require constant attention from both a governor and the legislature, not a one-time fix.


The real motivation of the proponents of removing the 175-year-old prohibition is simply to enhance the political power of the governor so that  ambitious programs favored by certain interest groups will stand a better chance of being approved. The constitutional balance in Virginia is not perfect, but it has produced the best managed state in the Union. Do we really want to change direction and follow New York, California and other states that have experienced massive growth during a governor’s second term?


-- December 13, 2004











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