Patrick McSweeney


Followship or Leadership?

Virginia has plenty of risk-averse leaders willing to peddle more-of-the-same solutions, but very few courageous enough to articulate the hard truths or push for innovative solutions.


The next election cycle will tell us who among Virginia’s politicians are practitioners of Followship or who are capable of genuine Leadership. We need a whole lot less of the former and more of the latter if we are to have real progress.


We should define our terms very carefully, beginning with the meaning of “progress.” It’s hard to miss the pattern of late among liberals. They seldom refer to themselves nowadays as “liberals,” but rather as “progressives.” Who can be against progress?


“Progress,” however, does not convey a complete thought. Progress toward what?


Recent public opinion surveys indicate that most Virginians want to see substantial advancement toward solving longstanding problems, particularly in transportation, education and local government finances. That’s what they consider progress.


This does not mean that most of us support significant increases in taxes and government programs as a way to solve those problems. We just want the problem fixed in the most efficient and effective way possible.


“Followship” is the pervasive condition in Virginia politics at the moment. It connotes dependence on polling and focus groups, an aversion to political risk and a staleness in political discourse.


Practitioners of Followship are like bandleaders who insist on walking backwards in a parade lest they lose sight of the people they should be leading. We aren’t likely to get any bold solutions from this kind of politician.


“Leadership” is a term we all think we know and understand — until we’re asked to define it. For more than 200 years, biographers have tried to capture in words what made George Washington a great leader. It’s a tough assignment.


We often find it easier to describe what “leadership” is not. It certainly isn’t telling voters one thing during an election campaign, then doing something quite different after being elected. We’ve had too much of that in recent years.


True leaders always have a remarkable measure of confidence about where they want to lead people.  They aren’t hog-tied by fear of failing or offending.  Their values are internalized; their cues don’t come from consultants or surveys.


Virginia needs to break away from tired approaches and hackneyed political talk. Too many of our politicians assume that any new thinking will somehow bubble up from the general populace and, unless and until it does, they aren’t about to risk supporting anything truly innovative. A single courageous politician could shame all the rest in 2005 by demonstrating Leadership.


More of the same in education and transportation policies will not solve Virginia’s problems. Continuing along settled paths will mean inevitable tax increases.  In the long run, it will not produce better communities, overall educational improvement or greater mobility.


Times like this call for the political gumption to throw out traditional ways of doing things. We should be reexamining our objectives and searching for the best way to achieve newly articulated goals.


Voters want and expect Leadership. They don’t always reward it or appreciate it, but they understand that progress is virtually impossible without Leadership.


What we need is at least one candidate who will tell us that the change we need will be painful, but necessary and worthwhile. He or she won’t sugarcoat the message or wilt in the heated opposition from threatened special interests.


Virginia once had such leaders by the dozen. Can’t we find just one in 2005?


-- November 29, 2004
















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