Patrick McSweeney



Instead of the "structural budget deficit" cited to justify $750 million in higher taxes, the state is running a massive budget surplus. The failure of Virginia's political class is complete. 


Given Governor Mark Warner’s poor track record on predicting Virginia’s financial condition just months into the future, one would think he would be somewhat bashful about projecting several years into the future. Yet he showed no hint of embarrassment earlier this month when he announced a projected $252 million shortfall at the end of fiscal year 2007.


During the legislative sessions this year, Warner failed to anticipate the state budget surplus that would exist as of July 1. It obviously would not have helped his case for higher taxes if he had correctly projected during the session that an extra $677 million would carry over unspent to the current fiscal year.


The news that Virginia enjoyed such a large surplus had to be a bitter pill coming as it did so soon after Warner had pressured the General Assembly to raise taxes by approximately $750 million a year. His most recent projections of out-year shortfalls are clearly intended to counter the argument that the tax hike was unnecessary or overly large.


Warner’s call for fiscal restraint was welcome, but he should heed his own advice and begin cutting state spending as he has insisted he could and would.


House Speaker William J. Howell inexplicably joined Warner in pointing to rank-and-file legislators as profligate spenders who need to be kept in line.  According to Howell, the leaders — Warner, Senate Finance Chairman John Chichester, House Appropriations Chairman Vincent Callahan and himself — had “to convince these guys to stay true to their principles.”


The problem is not with the rank-and-file. The problem is with the state’s leaders.


The governor talks a good game, but has not followed through and has too often attempted to shift blame. Much of the increased spending pressure is directly attributable to his initiatives. He promised $1 billion in annual spending cuts almost two years ago, but refuses to answer a simple request from the House to explain what has come of that promise.


Chichester’s notion of leadership is to call for even higher taxes instead of exercising discipline over spending. 


Howell and Callahan need to be reminded that they issued a joint statement of guiding principles for tax and budget deliberations to their Republican colleagues in the House last January. One of those principles was that every reasonable option must be exhausted for balancing the budget without a tax increase. These two leaders must stick to that principle if they expect the rank-and-file to do so.


The Wilder Commission’s recommendations weren’t unreasonable. It also wasn’t unreasonable for Warner to promise to implement those recommendations.


Howell and Callahan should confront Warner on his refusal to provide information on the status of those recommendations. They should demand that the governor comply. If Warner doesn’t, they should schedule hearings until they receive what a coordinate branch of government is entitled to receive. 


It came as no surprise that 56 percent of those responding to a recent Richmond Times-Dispatch/NBC 12 poll said they thought the recent tax hike was necessary. Chichester was insisting that even higher taxes were needed, while the leadership in the House never held Warner to account for failing to cut spending as he promised.


Until the GOP leadership in the House decides to confront Warner and Chichester on budget issues instead of rank-and-file members of the House Republican Caucus, a majority of Virginians will continue to believe that the problem is one caused by House Republicans who tend to spend without restraint.


-- November 15, 2004















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