Patrick McSweeney


High on the Hog

Flush with higher taxes and a growing economy, the Warner administration is expanding state government again. Does Virginia really need a secretary and a commissioner of agriculture?


At least one good thing happened as a result of the huge tax increase enacted at the 2004 special session of the Virginia General Assembly. Journalists no longer invariably refer to state government as “cash-



Of course, they still consider the Virginia Department of Transportation to be “cash-starved.” And it won’t take long for the new funding to be soaked up by the bureaucracy and special interests, who will soon be pointing to “funding gaps” and “structural deficits” requiring yet another transfusion of money from taxpayers’ pockets to the state treasury.


State government has never stopped spending enormous amounts of money on non-productive, wasteful and ill-advised undertakings. Despite Gov. Mark R. Warner’s insistence that spending has been cut to the bone, state government could stand considerable trimming.


Two recent events serve to illustrate how far from lean and mean the government really is. Warner announced on September 24 that he will appoint a person to fill the new position of Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry six months earlier than anticipated. A few days later, his Secretary of Technology, George C. Newstrom, announced that he would be leaving.


The two events served to remind us how much duplication there is in state government. At the rate Virginia is going, it will have a separate cabinet post for every discrete segment of the economy.


The functions these two new positions are assigned were once handled by the Secretary of Commerce and Trade. The administrative burden of the old position (which continues to exist) was hardly overwhelming, and the reason for splitting that position into three cabinet positions was not to lighten the management load of an overworked Secretary of Commerce and Trade.


The justification for the new positions — if indeed there is a justification — was that both the high technology industry and agriculture should have their own high-level advocates reporting directly to the governor and representing these sectors beyond Virginia. This is the very reasoning that has caused governments everywhere to grow out of control and into a patchwork arrangement that defied effective coordination.


Newstrom countered the criticism that the position of Secretary of Technology was redundant: “To me, it is a ludicrous proposition that we would take away one of the drivers of our economy.” What’s ludicrous is that Newstrom believes that the survival of Virginia’s high technology sector depends on the existence of a governmental officer in Richmond.


The real issue is whether the addition of new government positions, along with their new offices, staff support and travel budgets, provides any value to taxpayers (as opposed to special interests) exceeding their obvious and hidden costs. This calls for hard analysis, not glib rationalizations. Taxpayers have yet to see such hard analysis.


Virginia has had a Commissioner of Agriculture since 1877. The department the commissioner oversees is relatively small. The legislation sponsored by the Warner Administration and approved by the General Assembly didn’t eliminate that position. Instead, we now have that position and a cabinet-level position — the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry. Does Virginia really need both?


The establishment of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency in 2003 consolidated virtually all information technology responsibilities in the administrative head of VITA. This leaves the Secretary of Technology with little to do other than to promote research and Virginia’s “info-tech"



These are merely examples of the approach to managing taxpayers’ money that characterize state government at the moment. We can surely do better.


-- October 4, 2004















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McSweeney & Crump

11 South Twelfth Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-6802
