Patrick McSweeney


Budget Wars: Phase 2

With tax revenues gushing -- even before tax hikes kick in -- the pressure to cut state spending will relent. The House of Delegates must keep the heat on the Warner administration.


To the chagrin of proponents of tax increases in Virginia, the state budget for 2004-2006 had not even been signed into law by Governor Mark Warner when headlines blared the news that revenues were coming in at 9.5 percent rather than the 6.7 percent Warner forecast just a few months ago. Warner and other tax proponents would be well advised to tone down the celebrations over their perceived victory in raising taxes at the recent special session.


Before Warner leaves office in January, 2006, two developments may have occurred. First, Virginia’s economic growth may generate enough new tax revenues to show that the massive tax hike just passed by the General Assembly was unnecessary.  Second, much of the $1 billion in annual reductions in state spending that Warner conceded could be realized through eliminating waste and streamlining government will be clearly identified, if not already implemented.


A number of opinion polls have been taken in recent months. The level of public support for a tax increase varied from poll to poll depending on the phrasing of the questions and when they were asked. What never varied is the public’s clear preference for the elimination of non-essential government spending over raising taxes.


Now that a massive tax increase is about to become law, the political pressure to cut spending will decline unless responsible legislators take immediate and firm action. The only effective way to realize the spending reductions Warner concedes are possible is through the appropriations process. The General Assembly should not wait until January, 2006, to begin forcing the issue. Work must begin now.


The Senate Finance Committee has shown no interest in eliminating waste or evaluating the programs already in place. If any action on non-essential spending is taken, it will have to come from the House of Delegates.


The House must find a way to augment its current staff of budget analysts to make any substantial headway. It simply hasn’t the present resources to discharge its budget responsibility as it should.

Legislators also must demand cooperation from the executive branch. Sadly, Warner ignored formal requests by the House this year for information about state agencies and opportunities for reducing spending. Failure by the House to insist that Warner respond fully and promptly to those requests would be a dereliction of legislative duty and a demonstration of weakness.


The longer legislators wait before getting serious about this undertaking, the longer Warner and executive branch bureaucrats will have to avoid accountability for the spending of the extra billions of dollars in state money during the next biennium. Once the funds work their way through the system without the establishment of a baseline, the easier it is for bureaucrats to confuse the process.


The House Appropriations Committee should commit immediately to developing adequate performance evaluation standards for every state-funded program.  The committee should review in detail every aspect of the January, 2003, report of the Commission on Efficiency and Effectiveness, chaired by former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder, and all actions taken or contemplated by the Warner administration to implement the recommendations of that commission.


The combination of economic growth and reductions in non-essential state spending will generate far more than the increase in revenues resulting from the recently approved tax increase. The General Assembly has an obligation to conduct its own review of the Commonwealth’s fiscal condition, the efficiency of state agencies and the very need to continue each state program. If the legislature doesn’t pursue that course, it will have failed the taxpayers of Virginia.


-- May 24, 2004




















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McSweeney & Crump

11 South Twelfth Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-6802
